Computer Network Transmission Mode - Network Help
Computer Network Transmission Mode - Network Help
Computer Network Transmission Mode - Network Help
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Transmission Mode or Duplex means transferring of data between two devices. It is also known as
Communication Mode.
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Simplex Mode: –
• It is a Unidirectional Communication; the data transmits in one direction only from one device to
another device.
• The sender device that sends data can only but cannot received the data. Other hand the receiver
device that receive only the data but cannot send the data.
• Example: – T.V. and Keyboard.
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• The main advantages of Simplex mode are that the full capacity of the transmission medium is
utilized during the transmission, there are no any traffic issues.
Half-duplex Mode:
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• The main advantages of the Half-duplex mode are that they can utilize the entire bandwidth
during the transmission.
• In Half-duplex mode, when one device sending the data, then another device receiving the data,
then another device waits, they can be some delay at the time.
Full-duplex Mode: –
• It is a Bio-directional communication.
• Both devices sending and receiving data at the same time.
• Example: – Telephone network.
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• No delay in communications both devices can send and receive data at the same time.
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It is a Bi-directional It is Bio-directional
It is a Unidirectional
communication but one at a communication both at a
time. time.
The sender can only send the The sender can only send and The sender can send and
data. receive data, but one at a time. receive data both at a time.
Also Read: –
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