Productivity Improvement by Work Study Technique A
Productivity Improvement by Work Study Technique A
Productivity Improvement by Work Study Technique A
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ISSN: 2169-0316
In Bangladesh, leather and leather products sector plays a vital role for economy development. Productivity
improvement can be helped to enrich profit of a leather products industry by minimizing excess work and developing
new method for particular operation. Now a day, productivity improvement is a popular topic for any kinds of industry. So
that improving productivity is one of the main concerns of leather products industries. Work study is most important tools
that can help to increase productivity in leather products industry. Hence, this study helps to identify the bottleneck and
suggest appropriate system to improve productivity. For this purpose, method study has been carried out by applying
questioning techniques concept where recording and critical analysis of all related information has been performed in
particular production line. As a result considerable amount of work content is reduced in the new improved method. Then
time study has been taken by stopwatch and determined the basic time for all operation sequences and the capacity
of each workstation per day has been calculated. By applying method study and work measurement in the industry at
production line-Surma for ladies bag, productivity has been improved by 12.71%.
Keywords: Production; Productivity improvement; Work study; Productivity improvement can be done by sorting of elimination,
Method study; Work measurement; Leather products; Application in repairing of ineffective process, simplifying the method, optimizing
assembly line the system, reducing variation, maximizing turnout up quality or
responsiveness and reducing set-up time. Productivity can be also
Introduction achieved by increasing the value-added content of products [8], or
In Bangladesh, Leather and leather products sector plays a by decreasing the unit cost of production or decreasing the work
significant role for the economic development of the country. The content of the production, or line balancing of the production line
industry has contributed to export earnings, foreign exchange earnings, or by a combination of all [3,9,10]. Productivity improvement is the
employment creation, poverty alleviation and the empowerment of continuous improvement process of any types of activities [3,11]. In
women. Bangladesh earned $1.16 billion from the leather sector in the
this study, productivity improvement gained through reducing work
year of 2015-16, which was the second highest contributor to national
content by implementing new methods in assembly line of a specific
exports after RMG. To sustain the positive growth, it is necessary to
ensure the proper utilization of resources. Financial growth of any leather product (i.e. leather ladies Bag).
industry largely depends on minimizing excess work and productivity To the best of our knowledge there are no studies on how to apply
improvement. To minimize excess work and improving productivity at work study technique in leather products industry for productivity
first we should realize the production term. Production is any process improvement although one study fund in shoe manufacturing industry
or procedure developed to transfer a set of input into a specified set of
[12]. Productivity improvement through work study technique is
output in proper quality and quantity thus achieving the objectives of
an industry. Production helps to create products by the transformation necessary for increasing profit as well as proper utilization of labor
of raw materials [1]. The production system of leather products of an industry [6]. Leather products industry is one of the most
industry can be shown by the following diagram (Figure 1). significant exports earning industry of Bangladesh. This paper helps
to implementing work study technique in assembly line of leather
Productivity is the ratio between output of wealth and the input
products industry for increasing productivity. The novel contribution
of resources used in the process of production [2]. Productivity
of this paper is to find out the method for improvement of productivity
measurement turns a comparison of outputs to inputs normally by
calculation of a productivity index [2,3]. in leather products industry.
Productivity =
INPUT *Corresponding author: Md. Moktadir MA, Department of Leather Products
Productivity can be used to measure the extent to which a Engineering, Institute of Leather Engineering and Technology, University of
Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh, Tel: 8801821719283; E-mail: [email protected]
certain output can be extracted from a given input [4]. Productivity
measurement is the important for any kinds of industry. Increasing Received February 01, 2017; Accepted March 03, 2017; Published March 06,
productivity is one of the major issues for enhancing more profit 2017
from same kinds of resources. Productivity improvement helps to Citation: Moktadir MA, Ahmed S, Fatema-Tuj-Zohra, Sultana R (2017) Productivity
satisfy customer and reduce time and cost to develop, produce and Improvement by Work Study Technique: A Case on Leather Products Industry of
Bangladesh. Ind Eng Manage 6: 207. doi:10.4172/2169-0316.1000207
deliver products [5]. Productivity includes effective relationship to
performance measure for method utilization, method output, product Copyright: © 2017 Moktadir MA, et al. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
prices, and work in process inventory levels and on time delivery [6].
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
Productivity is considered to be a growth of profit [7]. original author and source are credited.
Page 2 of 11
To simplify the job and develop more To determine how long it should take to
economical method to do it
carry out.
Figure 2: The diagram shows how work study helps in increasing productivity (Jain and Aggarwal, [1]).
Materials and Methods the automobile industry both before and after the improvement had
been made, by using an operation process chart. In this research, we
Literature review of work study use the work study method for productivity improvement in particular
Work study is the investigation process, by means of a consistent assembly line by selecting a products in leather products industry
system of the work done in a industry, in order to attain the best with the help of management personnel. We try to balancing line and
possible use of the men, machines, materials, available in the building reduction of work content by critical analysis and time study [27]. For
at present [13]. research work, the particular assembly line is selected for observing
each operation with time study for productivity improvement.
Method study [14] and Work Measurement is the two major
segment of work study [1]. Figure 2 helps to understand the two basic The basic steps of work study are exposed by Figure 3. We use this
parts of work study method. Work study then aims at examining the conceptual chart for analysis particular production line with selecting
method associate activity is being disbursed, simplifying or modifying particular products. For this research purpose, we select a Leather ladies
the tactic of operation to unnecessary work or the wasteful use of bag for critical analysis and time study. After collecting observes time
resources and fixing a time commonplace for plying the activity [15]. of each operation, we compute the standard time for each operation
The relation between productivity and work study so evident. To including rating and two types of allowance.
appriciate how work study helps to reduce costs and reduce the time Research methodology
of certain activity, it is necessary to examin more closely what the time
consists of [4,16]. It is used to systematically study and improve human Step by step procedure is the most important for improving
working condition by considering all factors that affect the working productivity through work study method to reduce work content to
efficiency and conditions. Work study helps to systematically reduce particular products .Here is given key steps of this case study. We try
the work content in an assembly line. to develop a conceptual framework for our work. This frame helped to
accomplish our research work in systematic way.
This method is subdivided into two categories which are method
study; used to modify method or develop new method and work In this study, at first we selected a leather products industry with
measurement which is basically time study of each operation with the specific products. After that we selected a specific production line for
help of stopwatch [17]. accomplishing our study. We observed all the particular operations with
the help of stopwatch. After observing all the operations, identified the
The application of method study and work measurement is widely
existing problem by critical questioning technique. After identifying
used tools in manufacturing industry as well as different fields [18-22].
problems, we developed new method or process [28] for particular
Literature reveals that in different sector like health sector this method
products. When our proposed method applied to this particular
is also used [23,24] shows the improvement of the bottleneck process
assembly line, the productivity has been improved. Our contributed
in a lamp assembly line by applying the work study method, ECLS,
research objectives are:
and line balancing. The result shows the improvement for both product
and operator. The reduction in production time resulted in better 1. Analyze the production system with the help of work study
productivity in system [25,26] studied the manufacturing process in technique for productivity improvement.
Page 3 of 11
Best method under prevailing circumstance Time study synthesis analytical estimating
Define & measured method
Target time fo r defined method
Figure 3: Co-ordination Procedure for Work Study for Higher Productivity (Jain and Aggarwal, [1]).
Page 4 of 11
2. Identify the existing problem in a particular production line be included in a standard time for time study. In this study, we consider
and develop new system with the help of critical analysis. 3% contingency allowance of basic time to calculate standard time [30].
Minutes Output (4)
Solution Methodology Efficiency =
Minutes Input
In this research, we used some terminology for research purpose.
( The efficiency of proposed line − Present efficiency )
Here is given that terminology for analyzing data. Increasing efficiency = *100 (5)
Present efficiency
Observe time
% of work content reduction per piece =
The time taken to perform an operation or combination of
( Present work content / piece − proposed content / piece ) (6)
operations obtained by means of direct measurement [29]. *100
Present work content / piece
Selected time
Increasing productivity ( at 100% capacity ) =
The time chosen as being representative of a group of times for an
operations or group of work by calculating mean, median or mode. ( Proposed std output − Existing output )
Existing output
Rating is the assessment of the worker’s performance rate of A Real Case Study
working relative to the observer’s concept of the rate corresponding Data collection and calculations
to standard pace. The commonly used rating scale in use is shown in
Table 1 [16]. For practical implementation of our research framework, we select
Picard Bangladesh Ltd for real life implementation. Picard Bangladesh
Basic time Ltd. is a Bangladesh-Germany joint venture leather products industry
Basic time is the irreducible minimum time theoretically required which produces quality products. Picard Bangladesh Ltd. is a one of
to produce one unit of output. The time for carrying out an element of the big leather products industry of Bangladesh which produces lots
work at standard rating [16]. of small and large leather goods like wallet, card case, ladies bag, ladies
purse, travel bag, and verities types of products. For this research work
Observed Time × Observed Rating we select a ladies bag for observing each operation along with time
Basic Time = (2)
Standard Rating study. After observing all the operations along with time study, we fund
60 operations for manufacturing of selected ladies bag. There are about
Standard time
60 operations for our research products. We compute observe time for
Standard time is the total time in which a job should be completed all of these existing operations. The existing sequential operations are
at standard performance [16]. shown in Table 2 and Picture 1.
= Time BasicTime + Allowances (3) We observe five times for each operation for taking time for
particular operations. After taking observe time, it converted to basic
For allowances, we consider 15% relaxation allowances and 3%
time with particular rating for each worker by using equation (2). After
contingency allowances.
that we transferred this basic time with adding allowance to standard
Relaxation allowances time by using equation (3). We consider two types of allowance
for calculating standard time which is relaxation allowances and
Relaxation allowance is an addition to the basic time intended contingency allowances. We consider the 8 h working time for each
to improve the worker with the opportunity to recover from the worker.
physiological and psychological effects of carrying out a specified
operation and to allow attention to personal needs. The amount of The graphical representation of capacity of each station is shown
allowance depends on the nature of the work. Generally Relaxation in Figures 3-5.
allowance is 15% of basic time, has been added to calculate standard
Proposed line
time from basic time [30].
After studying all of those operations, we fund some problem which
Contingency allowances is improved during proposed method implication to our research work.
A contingency allowance is a very small amount of time that may We have done some critical operations for productivity improvement
Page 5 of 11
Sl No. Name of the operations Observed times in centiminutes Selected Rating Basic Standard Manual or Man Capacity/
1 2 3 4 5 Time Time Time m/c power Day@
1 Cutting all leather 566 560 490 545 550 542 80 434 513 M/c 1 94
2 Cutting all PVC, lining, Reinforcement 273 262 279 269 275 271 80 217 256 M/c 3 563
3. Inspection and Numbering 108 118 120 111 115 114 80 91 107 Manual 2 897
4 Spitting leather 33 37 34 29 35 34 80 27 32 M/c 1 1500
5 Skiving leather, rabus and PVC 240 250 235 246 238 242 85 206 243 M/c 3 592
6 Sewing back part Face to face 40 37 32 42 35 37 80 30 35 M/c 1 1371
7 Double way tap attaching to back joining 105 110 100 120 118 111 85 94 110 Manual 2 873
and hammering
8 Double stitching to back part 22 23 27 19 25 23 80 18 21 M/c 1 2286
9 Gluing on back leather and foam and back 230 221 225 235 218 225 80 180 212 Manual 2 453
top folding 8 mm from the edge by both
way tape
10 Gluing on back trim part and back part rabus 208 230 220 227 223 223 80 178 210 Manual 2 457
and folding top and below 8 mm from edge
11 Setting back and back trim part by Both way 188 192 180 178 185 185 85 157 185 Manual 2 519
tape attach on back zipper#5 part leather
and attach zipper
12 Back zipper #5 lining attach with back and 45 40 42 44 39 42 80 34 40 Manual 1 1200
back trim part by both way tape
13 Back zipper #5 lining stiching by flat bed 112 101 99 114 108 107 85 91 107 M/c 1 449
sewing m/c
14 Marking Logo position and Logo fitting on 129 126 123 139 138 131 85 111 131 Manual 2 733
Front leather and tape attach
15 Gluing on front Leather and rabus and foam 259 275 250 265 269 263 85 224 264 Manual 4 727
and folding top 8 mm from edge
16 Marking magnet position on inner front 58 65 60 67 60 62 85 53 63 Manual 2 1524
trimming part and fixing
17 Gluing On front inner trimming part and PVC 177 170 167 188 185 177 80 142 168 Manual 3 857
and folding 8 mm from edge
18 Both way tape attach on front inner trimming 67 52 57 64 61 60 85 51 60 Manual 2 1600
part and lining attaching
19 front inner trimming part and lining stiching 21 18 23 26 20 22 85 19 22 M/c 1 2182
20 Setting front and inner trimming part by both 122 115 120 119 117 119 85 101 119 Manual 2 807
way tape
21 Front and inner trimming part sewing 2.5 89 93 97 85 95 92 80 74 87 M/c 1 552
mm from top edge
22 Marking magnet position on inner Back 65 69 67 70 61 67 85 57 67 Manual 2 1433
trimming part and fixing
23 Gluing on back inner trim part and PVC and 167 156 163 160 159 161 80 129 152 Manual 1 315
folding 8 mm from edge
24 Both way tape attach on Back inner 73 67 69 71 77 72 85 61 72 Manual 2 1333
trimming part and lining attaching
25 Back inner trimming part and lining sewing 18 21 19 24 20 21 80 17 20 M/c 1 2400
26 Setting back and inner trimming part by both 132 135 137 129 142 135 85 115 135 Manual 2 711
way tape
27 Back and inner trimming part sewing 2.5 76 82 87 79 84 82 80 66 77 M/c 1 623
mm from edge
28 Gluing on gusset and EVA and top folding 211 201 209 200 204 205 75 154 182 Manual 2 527
29 Gluing on loop and gusset and zipper with 240 257 249 253 263 252 80 202 238 Manual 3 605
help of mark and attach loop and zipper on
gusset and attach lining
30 loop and gusset and zipper stiching 45 53 41 56 49 49 75 37 44 M/c 1 1091
31 Preparation of piping 240 244 256 252 260 250 80 200 236 M/c 2 407
32 Both way tape attach on middle-1 and lining 69 52 57 64 54 59 85 50 59 Manual 2 1627
33 middle-1 and lining stiching 23 20 26 25 27 24 85 20 24 M/c 1 2000
34 Marking magnet position on front middle-1 95 87 92 89 91 91 85 77 91 Manual 2 1055
and fitting magnet
35 Both way tape attach on middle-2 leather 76 67 79 72 78 74 80 59 70 Manual 1 686
and lining attaching
36 middle-2 leather and lining stiching 24 21 27 19 22 23 85 20 24 M/c 1 2000
37 Marking magnet position and fitting magnet 100 93 91 87 94 93 85 79 93 Manual 2 1032
38 Piping stiching with front part with middle-1 320 322 329 334 337 329 75 247 291 M/c 1 165
and back part with middle-2
39 Handy pocket attaching with middle-1 by 120 112 109 117 125 117 75 88 104 Manual 2 923
adhesive with help of marking
40 Handy pocket stiching with middle-1 89 79 75 82 71 79 80 63 74 M/c 1 649
Page 6 of 11
41 Middle zipper attaching with middle with 257 247 243 251 254 250 80 200 236 Manual 2 407
middle-2 lining
42 Middle zipper and middle-2 lining stiching 105 98 108 112 102 105 75 79 93 M/c 1 516
43 Middle-2 lining attaching with middle-2 93 91 87 86 83 88 80 70 83 M/c 1 578
leather by false stich
44 Middle-2 lining and middle-2 leather stiching 78 71 82 74 79 77 85 65 77 M/c 1 623
45 Gluing on bottom part and PVC and lining 149 156 148 158 150 152 85 129 152 manual 2 632
attaching on bottom part
46 Piping stiching with bottom part leather 107 113 99 114 100 107 75 80 94 M/c 1 511
47 Gusset stiching with front and back part 425 437 439 420 423 429 80 343 405 M/c 1 119
48 Bottom stiching with upper 200 192 188 194 199 195 80 156 184 M/c 1 261
49 Belt joining by stiching 90 87 82 86 89 87 85 74 87 M/c 1 552
50 Adhesive apply on leather and hamaring 128 123 131 139 129 130 85 111 131 Manual 2 733
51 Gluing on full belt and stiching by die fixed 211 199 204 212 209 207 85 176 208 M/c 2 462
sewing m/c
52 Belt attaching on bag by sewing 80 84 77 83 79 81 80 65 77 M/c 1 623
53 Binding on the leather joining edge by die 104 112 107 102 99 105 85 89 105 M/c 1 457
fitting sewing m/c
54 Gluing on full pullar and stiching by cnc m/c 110 119 124 115 120 118 85 100 118 M/c 3 1220
and embossing
55 Puller attaching on bag 120 117 115 123 119 119 80 95 112 Manual 1 429
56 Edge coloring 59 54 51 49 57 54 75 41 48 Manual 1 1000
57 Thread burning and cleaning and polishing 389 361 379 357 385 374 80 299 353 Manual 3 408
58 Staffing 79 73 69 81 82 77 75 58 68 Manual 1 706
59 Final checking 120 127 118 131 128 125 80 100 118 Manual 1 407
60 Price tag attaching and packaging 233 227 220 229 240 230 80 184 217 Manual 1 221
Total 6787 8004 97
Gathering idea
Productivity improvement
Page 7 of 11
Existing Line
Handy pocket stiching with middle-1
Handy pocket attaching with middle-1 by adhesive with help of marking
Piping stiching with front part with middle-1& back part with middle-2
Marking magnet position and fitting magnet
middle-2 leather and lining stiching
Both way tape attach on middle-2 leather and lining attaching
Marking magnet position on front middle-1 and fitting magnet
middle-1 and lining stiching
Both way tape attach on middle-1 and lining attaching
Preparation of piping
loop & gusset & zipper stiching
Gluing on loop & gusset & zipper with help of mark &attach loop &zipper on gusset and attach lining
Gluing on gusset &EVA &top folding
Back & inner trimming part sewing 2.5mm from edge
Setting back & inner trimming part by both way tape
Back inner trimming part & lining sewing
Both way tape attach on Back inner trimming part & lining attaching
Gluing on back inner trim part & pvc & folding 8mm from edge
Marking magnet position on inner Back trimming part and fixing
Front & inner trimming part sewing 2.5mm from top edge
Setting front & inner trimming part by both way tape
front inner trimming part & lining stiching
Both way tape attach on front inner trimming part & lining attaching
Gluing On front inner trimming part & pvc & folding 8mm from edge
Marking magnet position on inner front trimming part and fixing
Gluing on front Leather & rabus & foam & folding top 8mm from edge
Marking Logo position & Logo fitting on Front leather & tape attach
Back zipper #5 lining stiching by flat bed sewing m/c
Back zipper #5 lining attach with back & back trim part by both way tape
Setting back & back trim part by Both way tape attach on back zipper#5 part leather and attach zipper
Gluing on back trim part & back part rabus &folding top & below 8mm from edge
Gluing on back leather and foam &back top folding 8mm from the edge by both way tape
Double stitching to back part
Double way tap attaching to back joining & hammering
Sewing back part Face to face
Skiving leather,rabus and pvc
Spitting leather
Inspection and Nubering
Cutting all pvc, lining, Reinforcement
Cutting all leather
Figure 5: This graphical representation is computed by using Table 2. From this graph we observe the capacity of each operation very easily.
Page 8 of 11
Station capacity@85%
Price tag attaching and packaging
Thread burning and cleaning and final checking
Edge coloring
Puller attaching on bag
Gluing on full puller and stiching by CNC m/c and embossing
Binding on the leather joining edge by die fitting sewing m/c
Belt attaching on bag by sewing
Gluing on full belt and stiching by die fixed sewing m/c
Adhesive apply on leather and joining and hamaring
Belt joining by stiching
Gusset stiching with front and back part & Bottom stiching with upper
Piping stiching with bottom part leather & with front part with middle-1& back part with middle-2
Gluing on bottom part and lining attaching on bottom part
Middle-2 lining and middle-2 leather stiching
Middle-2 lining attaching with middle-2 leather by false stich
Middle zipper and middle-2 lining stiching
Middle zipper attaching with middle with middle-2 lining
Handy pocket stiching with middle-1
Handy pocket attaching with middle-1 by adhesive with help of marking
Marking magnet position and fitting magnet
middle-2 leather and lining stiching
Both way tape attach on middle-2 leather and lining attaching
P ropos ed Line
Marking magnet position and fitting magnet
middle-1and lining stiching
Both way tape attach on middle-1and lining attaching
Preparation of piping
loop & gusset & zipper stiching
Gluing on loop & gusset & zipper with help of mark &attach loop &zipper on gusset & attaching lining
Gluing on gusset &eva &top folding
back & inner trimming part sewing 2.5mm from edge
Setting back & inner trimming part by both way tape
back inner trimming part & lining sewing
Both way tape attach on Back inner trimming part & lining attaching
Gluing on back inner trim part & pvc & folding 8mm from edge
front & inner trimming part sewing 2.5mm from edge
Setting front & inner trimming part by both way tape
front inner trimming part & lining stiching
Both way tape attach on front inner trimming part & lining attaching
Gluing On front inner trimming part & pvc & folding 8mm from edge
Marking magnet position on inner front trimming part and fixing & Marking magnet position on…
Gluing on Leather & rabus & foam & folding top 8mm from edge
Marking Logo position & Logo fitting on Front leather & tape attach
Back zipper #5 lining stiching by flat bed sewing m/c
Back zipper #5 lining attach with back & back trim part by both way tape
Setting back & back trim part by Both way tape attach on back zipper#5 part leather and attach zipper
Gluing on back trim part & back part rabus &folding top & below 8mm from edge
Gluing on back leather and foam &back top folding 8mm from the edge
Sewing back part Face to face & Double stitching to back part
Double way tap attaching to back joining & hammering
Splitting &Skiving leather,rabus and pvc
Cutting all pvc, lining, Reinforcement
Cutting all leather
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Figure 6: Graphical representation of proposed balanced line: This graph is computed by using Table 4.
Page 9 of 11
to these specific products. Table 3 shows the critical operations which to 9.01 minutes after line balancing and critical method work. In this
is done during implementation our research framework. proposed line the standard output at 100% efficiency was 656 pieces
bag per day. Input of this proposed line was 582 pieces bag per day. By
After line balancing of this product, we get higher productivity
using equation (6) the productivity improved to 12.71%.
[31,32]. The calculation of proposed line balancing is shown in Table 4.
Our proposed method helps to increase productivity to 12.71%
The graphical representation of proposed balanced line is also
with reduction of work content and line balancing.
shown in Figures 5 and 6.
Page 10 of 11
Sl. No Name o the Operation Sleeted Rating Basic Standard M/c/Manual Man Capacity/Day @ Capacity/
Time Time Time Power 100% efficiency Day @ 85%
1 Cutting all leather 542 80 434 513 M/c 3 281 239
2 Cutting all PVC, lining, Reinforcement 271 80 217 256 M/c 3 563 479
3 Splitting and Skiving leather, rabus and PVC 276 85 253 275 M/c 4 698 593
4 Double way tap attaching to back joining and hammering 111 85 94 110 Manual 2 873 742
5 Sewing back part Face to face and Double stitching to back 60 80 48 56 M/C 1 857 728
6 Gluing on back leather and foam and back top folding 8 mm 180 80 144 170 Manual 2 564 480
from the edge
7 Gluing on back trim part and back part rabus and folding top 190 80 152 179 Manual 2 536 456
and below 8 mm from edge
8 Setting back and back trim part by Both way tape attach on 120 85 102 120 Manual 2 800 680
back zipper#5 part leather and attach zipper
9 Back zipper #5 lining attach with back and back trim part by 42 80 34 40 Manual 1 1200 1020
both way tape
10 Back zipper #5 lining stiching by flat bed sewing m/c 107 85 91 107 M/c 1 449 382
11 Marking Logo position and Logo fitting on Front leather and 67 85 57 67 Manual 1 716 609
tape attach
12 Gluing on Leather and rabus and foam and folding top 8 mm 210 85 179 211 Manual 4 910 774
from edge
13 Marking magnet position on inner front trimming part and fixing 129 85 110 130 Manual 2 738 627
and Marking magnet position on inner Back trimming part and
14 Gluing On front inner trimming part and PVC and folding 8 mm 130 80 104 123 Manual 3 1171 935
from edge
15 Both way tape attach on front inner trimming part and lining 60 85 51 60 Manual 2 1600 1882
16 front inner trimming part and lining stiching 22 85 19 22 M/c 1 2182 1855
17 Setting front and inner trimming part by both way tape 119 85 101 119 Manual 3 1210 1029
18 front and inner trimming part sewing 2.5 mm from edge 46 80 37 44 M/c 1 1091 927
19 Gluing on back inner trim part and PVC and folding 8 mm from 120 80 96 113 Manual 2 850 723
20 Both way tape attach on Back inner trimming part and lining 72 85 61 72 Manual 2 1333 1133
21 back inner trimming part and lining sewing 21 80 17 20 M/c 1 2400 2040
22 Setting back and inner trimming part by both way tape 135 85 115 135 Manual 2 711 604
23 back and inner trimming part sewing 2.5 mm from edge 46 80 37 44 M/c 1 1091 927
24 Gluing on gusset and eva and top folding 170 75 128 151 Manual 2 636 541
25 Gluing on loop and gusset and zipper with help of mark and 200 80 160 189 Manual 3 762 648
attach loop and zipper on gusset and attaching lining
26 loop and gusset and zipper stiching 49 75 37 44 M/c 1 1091 927
27 Preparation of piping 240 80 192 227 M/c 3 634 539
28 Both way tape attach on middle-1 and lining attaching 59 85 50 59 Manual 1 814 692
29 middle-1 and lining stiching 24 85 20 24 M/c 1 2000 1700
30 Marking magnet position and fitting magnet 67 85 57 67 Manual 2 1433 1218
31 Both way tape attach on middle-2 leather and lining attaching 74 80 59 70 Manual 1 686 583
32 middle-2 leather and lining stiching 23 85 20 24 M/c 1 2000 1700
33 Marking magnet position and fitting magnet 67 85 57 67 Manual 2 1433 1218
34 Handy pocket attaching with middle-1 by adhesive with help 117 75 88 104 Manual 2 923 785
of marking
35 Handy pocket stiching with middle-1 79 80 63 74 M/c 1 649 552
36 Middle zipper attaching with middle with middle-2 lining 210 80 168 198 Manual 2 485 412
37 Middle zipper and middle-2 lining stiching 105 75 79 93 M/c 1 516 439
38 Middle-2 lining attaching with middle-2 leather by false stich 88 80 70 83 M/c 1 578 491
39 Middle-2 lining and middle-2 leather stiching 77 85 65 77 M/c 1 623 530
40 Gluing on bottom part and lining attaching on bottom part 121 85 103 122 Manual 2 787 669
41 Piping stiching with bottom part leather and with front part with 427 75 321 378 M/c 3 381 324
middle-1 and back part with middle-2
42 Gusset stiching with front and back part and Bottom stiching 560 80 448 528 M/c 3 273 232
with upper
43 Belt joining by stiching 87 85 74 87 M/c 1 552 469
44 Adhesive apply on leather and joining and hamaring 130 85 111 131 Manual 2 733 623
45 Gluing on full belt and stiching by die fixed sewing m/c 207 85 176 208 M/c 2 462 393
Page 11 of 11
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