Reiki Level 1 Manual

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Table of Contents
“Reiki” (Pronounced ray-key)................................................................................................................... 2
A Brief History ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Your Lineage............................................................................................................................................ 4
Usui Memorial ......................................................................................................................................... 4
The Three Levels of Reiki ......................................................................................................................... 7
The Importance of an Energy Exchange for Reiki ..................................................................................... 9
The Seven Chakras ................................................................................................................................ 10
Endocrine System and the Chakras ........................................................................................................ 11
Pineal (Crown Chakra) ....................................................................................................................... 12
Pituitary (Brow Chakra)...................................................................................................................... 13
Thyroid (Throat Chakra) ..................................................................................................................... 13
Parathyroids (Throat Chakra) ............................................................................................................. 13
Thymus (Heart Chakra) ...................................................................................................................... 13
Pancreas (Solar Plexus) ...................................................................................................................... 13
Ovaries (Sacral Chakra) ...................................................................................................................... 14
Testes (Sacral Chakra) ........................................................................................................................ 14
Adrenal Glands (Root Chakra) ............................................................................................................ 14
Grounding ............................................................................................................................................. 14
Auras..................................................................................................................................................... 16
Sensation, Interpretation and Reiki Solution .......................................................................................... 17
Treatments: Hand Position (Guidelines only) ......................................................................................... 19
The Importance of Intention .................................................................................................................. 25
What to Expect ...................................................................................................................................... 25
Sample Client Information Form ............................................................................................................ 27
Legal Information .................................................................................................................................. 28

“Reiki” (Pronounced ray-key)
One of the most accepted translations of the Japanese word Reiki is “Universal Life Force
Energy”. “Rei” is the guiding spirit, while “Ki” is the vital life force energy itself. Ki is what
flows through us all, and separates us from an identical combination of molecules, by mass
mostly oxygen, carbon and hydrogen.

A Brief History

Mikao Usui was born in Japan in 1865 (some sources say 1864)
and died in 1926. Though it has been claimed that he was a
Christian at one point in his life, there has been no evidence of
this in Japan. He had a wide variety of interests throughout his
life, both in spirituality and in business. As he was highly
influenced by Buddhism, it has been said he was seeking
something that cannot be achieved with worldly possessions.
Later in his life, when he was believed to be 56 years old, he
traveled to Mount Kurama and went into a deep meditation. On
the 21st day of this retreat which is said to have included fasting,
he experienced a powerful awakening which included the ability
to channel Reiki energy. Though forms of energetic healing
were used in different cultures prior to this, the frequency of Reiki was said to be
discovered on that day.

Through oral tradition Mikao Usui (Usui Sensei) was said to have stubbed his toe on the
way down the mountain after his enlightenment, and immediately healed the wound with
his newly acquired gift of Reiki. It has also been said that he stopped for a meal before
continuing on, and was able to consume the whole thing, which is miraculous after fasting
for 21 days. Finally, the oral tradition suggests he then placed his hands upon a young girl’s
jaw who was suffering from a toothache and the pain and swelling desisted. After these
instances he was inspired to help others and share this gift.

Mikao Usui became well-known after taking his healing abilities to the streets of Japan in
the wake of The Great Kanto earthquake of 1923, which took the lives of an estimated
142,000 people.

Usui’s personal teaching notes were translated and published in the book The Original Reiki
Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui, though it is believed a former naval physician by the name of
Chujiro Hayashi helped develop the three level structure typically used for teaching Reiki.

It is said that Dr. Chujiro Hayashi introduced Reiki to Hawayo Takatom, who is ultimately
responsible for bringing Reiki to North America.

The story goes like this:


“Takata's introduction to Reiki was due to a medical crisis. Soon after her breakdown, one
of her sisters died. Takata journeyed to Japan via steamship, with her sister-in-law, for the
dual-purpose of informing her parents and also seeking medical care. After visiting her
parents, she went to a Tokyo hospital and was diagnosed with several life-threatening
conditions including gallstones and a tumor. She was given some weeks to recuperate
from emphysema, before being admitted for surgery for appendicitis and her other
gastrointestinal problems.
 On the operating table, just before the surgery was to begin, Hawayo heard a voice.
The voice said, "The operation is not necessary. The operation is not necessary." She
had never heard a voice speak to her like this before. She wondered what it meant.
The voice repeated the message a third time even louder. She knew she was wide
awake and had not imagined the voice. It was so unusual, yet so compelling that she
decided to ask the doctor. She got off the operating table, wrapped a sheet around
herself and asked to speak to the doctor.
Takata asked the chief surgeon about non-surgical alternatives and was given the address
of the clinic run by Chujiro Hayashi, later described by Takata as Reiki's "Grand Master".
Under Hayashi's care:
 Mrs. Takata received daily treatments and got progressively better. In four months,
she was completely healed. Impressed with the results, she wanted to learn Reiki.
However, it was explained that Reiki was Japanese and that it was intended to stay
in Japan. It could not be taught to an outsider. Mrs. Takata talked to the surgeon at
the hospital and convinced him to ask Dr. Hayashi to allow her to learn Reiki. Since
Dr. Hayashi wanted to teach Reiki to another woman besides his wife, and since Mrs.
Takata was so persistent, he decided that she should be the one. In the Spring of
1936, Mrs. Takata received First Degree Reiki. She worked with Dr. Hayashi for one
year and then received Second Degree Reiki.
In 1937, Takata returned to Hawaii in good health to set up what soon became a very
successful Reiki practice. Hayashi and his daughter visited her there when Hayashi went on
a tour to promote his art. In 1938, Takata became the thirteenth and last Reiki Master
initiated by Hayashi.”
Takata ultimately taught the Reiki Masters level to 22 students. Ever since, Reiki has
continued to grow exponentially.

Your Lineage
Dr. Mikao Usui  Dr. Churjiro  Mrs. Hawayo Takata  Phyllis Lei Furumoto 

Arthur Robertson  Rick & Emma Ferguson  Reverend Faye Smith  Judy Preston 

Audrey Ann Lowrie  Karen Belshaw  Ryan Oickle  You

Usui Memorial
The following is a translation of the inscription on the Usui Memorial from 1927. It was
written by Juzaburo Ushida, who was trained by Mikao Usui himself (Usui Sensei):

“What you can naturally realize through commander between the end of Heian
cultivation and training is called “VIRTUE” Period and the beginning of Kamakura
and it is called “MERIT” to spread a Period (1180-1230). His father’s real
method of leadership and relief and name is Taneuji and his popular name is
practice it. It is people of many merits and Uzaemon. His mother came and got
a good deal of virtue that can be married from the family named Kawai.
eventually called a great founder. People
Usui-Sensei was born on 15th August,
who started a new learning and founded a
1865. Having learned under difficulties in
fresh sect among sages, philosophers,
his childhood, he studied hard with
geniuses etc., named from the ancient
efforts and he was by far superior in
times, were all those as mentioned above.
ability to his friends.
We can say that Usui-Sensei is also one of
those people.
After growing up, he went over to Europe
and America, and also studied in China. In
He started newly a method to improve
spite of his real ability, however, he was
body and spirit based on Reiki in the
not always successful in life. Although he
universe. Hearing of the rumor, people
was compelled to lead an unfortunate and
who would like to learn the treatment and
poor life so often, he strove much more
undergo the cure gathered from all
than before to harden his body and mind
quarters all at once. Really, it was very
without flinching from the difficulties.
busy indeed.

One day, Usui-Sensei climbed Mt. Kurama,

Usui-Sensei, whose popular name is
where he began to do penance while
Mikao and whose pen name is Gyohan,
fasting. Suddenly on the twenty first day
came from Taniai-village, Yamagata-
from the start, he felt a great Reiki over
district, Cifu Prefecture, and had his head, and at the same time as he was
forefathers named Tsunetane Chiba who spiritually awakened he acquired the
had played an active part as a military Reiki cure. When he tried it on his own

body and members’ of his family also, it requests he traveled to Kure and
brought an immediate result on them. Hiroshima, then entered Saga and
reached Fukuyama. It was at the inn at
Having said “It is much better to give this which he stayed on his way that he caught
power widely to a lot of people in the a disease abruptly, and he passed away at
world and enjoy it among them than to the age of sixty-two.
keep it exclusively by his family
members.” Usui-Sensei moved his His wife got married, coming from the
dwelling to Aoyama Harajuku, Tokyo in Suzuki family, and she is named Sadako
April, 1922 and established an institute, and has a son and a daughter. The son’s
where the Reiki cure was instructed name is Fuji, and he succeeds to the Usui
openly to the public and the treatment family.
was given, too. People came there from
far and near to ask for his guidance and Usui-Sensei’s natural character was gentle
cure, and they over-flowed outside, and prudent, and he did not keep up
making a long line. appearances. His body was big and
sturdy, and his face was always beaming
Tokyo had a very big fire caused by a with a smile. But when he faced the
great earthquake in Kanto district in difficulties he went ahead with a definite
September, 1923, when the injured and will and yet persevered well, keeping
sick persons suffered from pains extremely careful. He was a man of
everywhere. Usui-sensei felt a deep versatile talents and also a book lover,
anxiety about that, and he was engaged in knowing well in the wide range from
a cure, going around inside the city every history, biography, medical science,
day. We can hardly calculate how many canons of Christianity and Buddhism and
persons were saved from death with his psychology up to magic of fairyland, art of
devotion. His activities of relief, in which curse, science of divination and
he extended his hands of love over to physiognomy.
those suffering people against this
emergent situation, can be outlined as In my opinion, it is evident to everybody
noted above. that Usui-Sensei’s cultivation & training
were based on his career of art and
Thereafter, his training center became too science, and the cultivation & training
small to receive the visitors, so he built a became a clue to create the Reiki cure.
new house in Nakano outside the city in
February 1925 and transferred there. As Reviewing the fact, I understand what the
his reputation got higher and higher, it Reiki cure is aiming at is not only to heal
was so often when he received an offer of the diseases but also to correct the mind
engagement from everywhere throughout by virtue of a God-sent spiritual ability,
the nation. In accordance with these keep the body healthy and enjoy a welfare

of life. In teaching the persons, therefore, moral sense. It never extends people
we are supposed to first let them realize nothing but the benefits of healing long
the last instructions of the Emperor Meiji, term illness, chronic disease and bad
and chant the 5 admonitions morning and habit.
evening to keep them in mind.
The number of pupils who learned from
The 5 admonitions in question are: Usui-sensei amounts to more than 2000
persons. Some leading pupils living in
1. Don’t get angry today. Tokyo among them gather at the training
2. Don’t be grievous. center and take over his work, while
3. Express your thanks.
other pupils in the country also do
4. Be diligent in your business.
5. Be kind to others. everything to popularize the Reiki cure.
Although our teacher already passed
These are really the important precepts away, we have to do the very best to hand
for a cultivation, just the same as those by the Reiki cure down to the public forever
which the ancient sages admonished and spread it much more. Ah! What a
themselves. Usui-Sensei emphasized that great thing he did; to have unsparingly
‘This is surely a secret process to bring a given people what he had felt and realized
good fortune and also a miraculous by himself!
medicine to remedy all kinds of diseases.’
by which he made his purpose of teaching As a result of our pupils’ recent meeting
clear and accurate. Furthermore, he tried and discussion, we decided to erect a
to aim at making his way of guidance as stone monument at the graveyard in his
easy and simple as possible, so nothing is family temple so that we may bring his
difficult to understand therein. Every time virtuous deed to light and transmit it to
when you sit quietly and join your hands posterity; so, I was requested to arrange
to pray and chant morning and evening, an epitaph for the monument. As I was
you can develop a pure and sound mind, much impressed by his great meritorious
and there is just an essence in making the deed and also struck by our pupils’ warm
most of that for your daily life. This is the hearts of making much of the bond
reason why the Reiki cure can very easily between master and pupil, I dared not
spread over anybody. refuse the request, but described the
The phase of life is very changeable in
these days, and people’s thoughts are apt Therefore, I do expect heartily that people
to change, too. Could we fortunately in the future generations would not forget
succeed in spreading the Reiki cure to look up at the monument in open-eyed
everywhere, we feel sure that it would wonder.”
have to be very helpful in order to
prevent people from disordering their

— Usuida, in February, 1927. Edited by Masayuki Okada, The Junior 3rd Rank, the 3rd
Order of Merit, Doctor of Literature. Written by Juzaburo Usuhida, The Junior 4th Class of
Services, Rear Admiral.

The Three Levels of Reiki

Level 1 – For many, this is their first experience with Reiki. Others may have received
Reiki, another form of energetic work, or may have even tried self-healing. Either way,
they’ve accepted that they’re ready to open their heart and accept a higher vibration.

The main purpose of this level is to begin cleansing our own energetic bodies so that we’re
able to effectively channel Reiki to others. Self-healing will be very important in moving
forward. By feeling this power and its effects, the Level 1 Reiki practitioner gains
confidence in their abilities.

Level 1 is the first attunement, which is performed by a Reiki Master to open the student to
the particular Reiki vibration.

Level 2 – The consciousness of a Level 2 Reiki student feels the deep connectedness to
everything and everyone. It is in that state that the student is commonly aware of their
emotional state, and is able to stay grounded in situations where they have not in the past.
They may have even begun to use Reiki to affect their outer world in the moment by
sending energy to their surroundings. Level 2 is where one starts focusing attention on
healing their surroundings on a larger scale, as well as sending Reiki to distant recipients.
They’ll soon be able to feel the energy of the person they’re focusing on, and ask their
subconscious if they are open to this healing energy. They’ll intuitively know their
response. More and more the Level 2 Reiki practitioner realizes their true power and
influence in this world.

Level 3 – Reiki Master Tina M. Zion said it best: “We learn together that we are no longer in
charge of the treatment. We never really were in charge.” This may have been accepted
early on, but the Reiki Master begins to feel more and more like a conduit. They start
noticing their hands “turn on” more frequently, and they see this is influenced by their
strong compassion and empathy for others. If they choose to, they may now teach Reiki to
others with the sincere intention of spreading they’ve experienced through their journey
with Reiki. The Reiki Master uses their left-brain conceptualization of their new “identity”
to hold themselves accountable for their actions. Their sole purpose is to love.

Finally, the Reiki Master is designated to teach Reiki to others.

1 - "The Reiki Teacher's Manual", Tina M. Zion

The Importance of an Energy Exchange for Reiki

The following is an excerpt from the story of Mikao Usui’s lesson on why there should be
some form of exchange when giving Reiki:

“…For the next seven years Dr. Usui him and said, "Oh, Dr. Usui, yes! And I did
worked on healing the sick in beggar just what you told me! I went out to the
kingdom. He worked from daylight to temple to receive a new name. I went into
dark, healing the young and old alike, and society and began dealing with my Karma,
saw many beautiful results take place! He doing just what you told me to do. I even
began to understand how Reiki flowed got a job and soon married! But, it was too
through him into the healer, and how the much responsibility. So, I decided that I
body became well. would rather be a beggar. That way I
wouldn't even have to be responsible for
One afternoon Dr. Usui took a walk to the myself."
edge of the beggar kingdom. He saw a
young beggar who looked familiar. Dr. Dr, Usui was greatly upset, and thought
Usui asked if the beggar knew him, and "What a terrible thing I have done!
the beggar said, "Of course, Dr. Usui! I Perhaps the churches were right…the
know you! Do you not remember me? I physical is not enough…the Spiritual has
am one of the first beggars that you to also be healed! Never again will Reiki
healed!" be given away! Always there will have to
be an exchange of energy!" He decided to
Dr. Usui said, "I healed you and you are immediately leave the beggar kingdom.”
still a beggar?" The beggar looked back at

To summarize, it’s important that this ability not be taken for granted, and that Reiki
recipients value what has taken place.

Remember, some may not be open to receiving Reiki. This may seem illogical to
someone who has experienced its power, but it is important to respect the wishes
of others. It is not your job to convince those who do not believe in Reiki or energy
work. The people that will come to you will intuitively know it works, whether
they accept it intellectually yet or not.

The Seven Chakras
There are seven commonely known chakras. Though there are many other energy centres
in the body, these are what the Reiki practitioner generally spends most of a session
working with. The word chakra derives from the Sanskrit word for “wheel” or “turning”,
but in yogic context a better translation is “vortex” or “whirlpool”.

2 - Relationship between chakras and their respective organs (

The chakras are commonly known as follows:


1. Root Chakra - Represents our foundation and feeling of being grounded.

 Location: Base of spine in tailbone area.

 Emotional issues: Survival issues such as financial independence, money, and food.

2. Sacral Chakra - Our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences.

 Location: Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel and 2 inches in.
 Emotional issues: Sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, sexuality.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra - Our ability to be confident and in-control of our lives.

 Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area.
 Emotional issues: Self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem.

4. Heart Chakra - Our ability to love.

 Location: Center of chest just above heart.

 Emotional issues: Love, joy, inner peace.

5. Throat Chakra - Our ability to communicate.

 Location: Throat.
 Emotional issues: Communication, self-expression of feelings, the truth.

6. Third Eye Chakra - Our ability to focus on and see the big picture.

 Location: Forehead between the eyes. (Also called the Brow Chakra)
 Emotional issues: Intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make decisions.

7. Crown Chakra - The highest Chakra represents our ability to be fully connected

 Location: The very top of the head.

 Emotional issues: Inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, pure bliss.

Endocrine System and the Chakras

There is a direct correlation between the endocrine system of the body and the respective
chakra. Below is a description with the associated chakra:

Pineal (Crown Chakra)
“The pineal body, also called the pineal gland, is located in the middle of the brain. It
secretes melatonin, a hormone that may help regulate when you sleep at night and when
you wake in the morning.”

Pituitary (Brow Chakra)
“Although it is no bigger than a pea, the pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain just
beneath the hypothalamus, is considered the most important part of the endocrine system.
It's often called the "master gland" because it makes hormones that control several other
endocrine glands.

The production and secretion of pituitary hormones can be influenced by factors such as
emotions and changes in the seasons. To accomplish this, the hypothalamus provides
information sensed by the brain (such as environmental temperature, light exposure
patterns, and feelings) to the pituitary.”

Thyroid (Throat Chakra)

“The thyroid, located in the front part of the lower neck, is shaped like a bow tie or
butterfly and produces the thyroid hormones thyroxin and triiodothyronine. These
hormones control the rate at which cells burn fuels from food to produce energy.

The production and release of thyroid hormones is controlled by thyrotropin, which is

secreted by the pituitary gland. The more thyroid hormone there is in a person's
bloodstream, the faster chemical reactions occur in the body.”

Parathyroids (Throat Chakra)

“Attached to the thyroid are four tiny glands that function together called the parathyroids.
They release parathyroid hormone, which regulates the level of calcium in the blood with
the help of calcitonin, which is produced in the thyroid.”

Thymus (Heart Chakra)

“A glandular structure of largely lymphoid tissue that functions especially in the
development of the body's immune system, is present in the young of most vertebrates
typically in the upper anterior chest or at the base of the neck, and tends to atrophy in the

Pancreas (Solar Plexus)

“The pancreas is a long, flat gland that lies in the abdomen behind the stomach. It produces
enzymes that are released into the small intestine to help with digestion. It also contains
clusters of cells called islets. The cells in these islets produce hormones such as insulin and
glucagon, which help control the level of glucose (a type of sugar) in the blood.”

Ovaries (Sacral Chakra)
“The female gonad, one of a pair of reproductive glands in women. The ovaries are located
in the pelvis, one on each side of the uterus. Each ovary is about the size and shape of an
almond. The ovaries produce eggs (ova) and female hormones. During each monthly
menstrual cycle, an egg is released from one ovary. The egg travels from the ovary through
a fallopian tube to the uterus. The ovaries are the main source of female hormones, which
control the development of female body characteristics.”

Testes (Sacral Chakra)

The male sex gland, located behind the penis in a pouch of skin called the scrotum. The
testes produce and store sperm and are also the body's main source of male hormones,
such as testosterone. These hormones control the development of the reproductive organs
and other male characteristics.”

Adrenal Glands (Root Chakra)

The body also has two triangular adrenal glands, one on top of each kidney.

The adrenal glands have two parts, each of which produces a set of hormones and has a
different function:

1. The outer part, the adrenal cortex, produces hormones called corticosteroids that
influence or regulate salt and water balance in the body, the body's response to stress,
metabolism, the immune system, and sexual development and function.
2. The inner part, the adrenal medulla, produces catecholamines, such as epinephrine. Also
called adrenaline, epinephrine increases blood pressure and heart rate when the body
experiences stress.


“Here is a quick meditation to use to ground yourself. The best results are found when you
are able to fully relax and integrate into the meditation. You may want to record yourself
reading this meditation aloud so you can listen along while you meditate rather than trying
to remember the whole passage.

 Sit down in a chair, keeping your legs uncrossed and feet planted firmly on the

 Close your eyes and take a few deep, slow breaths. Feel the breath go through your
body and imagine each area of your body relaxing as the breath reaches it.
 When you feel relaxed, begin to imagine that you have a light energy root coming off
the base of your spine (your root chakra).
 Imagine this root going down into the earth and deeper, to the center. It feels much
like a tree with roots into the earth.
 Take a deep breath and feel the calming and nurturing earth energy rise within
you. Release any negative tension or energy down your "grounding cord" and into
the earth where it can dissipate naturally.
 For shielding as well, imagine yourself engulfed in pure white light, surrounding you
and protecting you from any negative outside forces.
 When you feel ready, come back to the room.

This simple meditation can help you stay grounded and keep from taking on someone's
energy during a Reiki session or otherwise.”


3 - Density of the Aura ("The Reiki Teacher's Manual", Tina M. Zion)

Sensation, Interpretation and Reiki Solution


The following chart is a guideline to determine cause and effect of sensations experienced
by you or your client during treatment. It is important to remain receptive and aware so
that you can allow your guides and your intuition to direct you through your
healings. Continued Reiki treatment will induce healing, plus create balance in all levels –
mental, physical, emotional and spiritual.

Sensation Felt/Sensed Possible Interpretation Reiki Solution

Either your spirit team or the client’s is Remain receptive to their
Another presence
helping guidance
Let your intuition guide you for what this Apply Reiki energy as you are
might mean guided to do so
Indicates an old blockage of energy to a
Apply Reiki energy to the whole
particular area of the body or an organ or
Coolness body and give more Reiki
congestion. Client may need to address and
energy to the colder spots
release old pain or deep forgotten memories
A good sign. Encourage client
to continue emotional release,
Crying An emotional blockage has been released
while offering comfort and
An old build-up still in pre-conscious state, Apply more Reiki energy to this
Dull pain
but ready to release area
If client is ready to release, use
Energy resistance
Indicates an old, deeply rooted blockage mental/emotional symbol (Sei-
(energy pushing you
(perhaps Karmic) He-Ki) and affirmations to allow
client to open up
Apply Reiki energy to increase
Indicates that life-force energy is flowing
Flowing client’s system to a higher
vibrational frequency
Gas released (through Energy is re-shifting and re-balancing Ignore and continue normal
mouth or rectum) throughout the body; this is a natural process Reiki treatment
Indicates that vitality is needed somewhere
Apply Reiki energy to the whole
in the body. May also indicate inflammation,
body – the energy will
Heat, warmth/hot spot over-energized area or physical imbalance
automatically flow to where it is
caused from stress, a chronic problem or a
most needed
recent acute problem
Apply more Reiki energy to this
Little electric shocks Imbalance/irregularity in aura
Apply more Reiki energy to this
Movement of pain Released energy blockage area; pain will keep moving ,
but will eventually dissipate
Indicates old build-up, still in pre-conscious Apply more Reiki energy to this
Pain - dull
state, ready for release area

Indicates an energy build-up that’s in the Treat the whole body with Reiki
process of dissolving. Released energy rises energy, be supportive and help
Pain - sharp
into consciousness and is integrated by client integrate the released
surrounding energy system energy
An energy build-up ready for release, but not Apply additional Reiki energy to
Pain twinges
yet integrated by surrounding energy system whole body
Either your spirit team or the client’s is Remain receptive to their
Phantom hands
helping guidance
Apply more Reiki energy to this
Pulsations Imbalance/irregularity in aura
An energy build-up in the process of Continue normal Reiki
Sharp pain
dissolving treatment
Apply more Reiki energy to this
Slight stickiness Imbalance/irregularity in aura
Apply more Reiki energy to this
Strong magnetic pull on
Energy is urgently required in this area area, then observe if you
your hand
receive another sensation.
Thickness/heaviness in Blockage of energy to an organ or area or can Apply more Reiki energy to this
pressure be a sensitive area area
Presence of inflammation and intensity of Apply more Reiki energy to this
tingling will indicate whether it is chronic or area. If the tingling is too
Tingling acute. Intense tingling extending up the arms severe, advise client to visit
and shoulders indicates acute, severe his/her family physician for a
inflammation in client check-up

Treatments: Hand Position (Guidelines only)
(Source: “The Reiki Teacher’s Manual”, Tina M. Zion)

The Importance of Intention
It is understood that the flow of Reiki energy comes from a higher, spiritual source, but this
does not negate the importance of intention by the practitioner. Presence while giving
Reiki cannot be overstated. The flow of Reiki is the flow of love, so the Reiki practitioner
must take pride in giving a session by having the conscious intention for the recipient to
benefit as much as possible.

While giving a session the practitioner may feel as if they are connected to the recipient on
a subconscious level. The practitioner may repeat the client’s name in their head to
connect with their energy. It may be beneficial to suggest that the client set an intention
prior to the session, such as seeking relief from a physical ailment or overcoming a specific
hurdle in a relationship.

What to Expect
There are many considerations for new Reiki practitioners that are not always discussed in
training. It will take time before you’re completely comfortable giving a Reiki session.
Here are some tips that will help in the beginning:

 Write out how your ideal Reiki session would go, and review it until it is second
nature to you.
 Remember to print out a Client Information Form for them to fill out if they are a
new client.
 Maintain a clean and positive workspace. Be careful when using scented candles or
incense, as some clients may not appreciate scents. Ask them when they arrive if it
would enhance their experience.
 Pay attention to any white noise or disrupting sounds that may occur in your
workspace. If you’re working out of your home, sounds like a ticking clock or a
running fridge may disrupt your Reiki session. (If you turn off a fridge make sure to
set a reminder to turn it back on after the session!)
 Mentally prepare for each session so that you are in the proper mindset. This could
be meditation, or even expressing of gratitude for your new client.
 Initiate the Reiki energy flow before you meet with the client. Even if you don’t
know them or what they look like, visualize them receiving the Reiki energy, and set
the intention that the session will bring them relief and relaxation.
 Ensure you’ve memorized the hand positions that you prefer to use.
 Experiment with different music and ambient sounds. It may be beneficial to give
the client an option for what they’d want to hear. Making sure they feel comfortable
and in control is the highest priority.

 DO NOT second guess yourself during a session. It may take time before you can feel
the Reiki flowing, and even longer before you can pick up on the recipient’s energy.
Continue to give the client your full attention, sending love to their deepest self. Fill
yourself up with love, let the Reiki flow in, and you will be overflowing with Reiki
energy to give.
 Write out exactly what you’re going to say to your client. If they’re new to Reiki, tell
them what they might feel. Remind them that they do not have any responsibilities.
As long as they are in a positive state (i.e. not thinking negatively) the Reiki will
flow. Remind them to tell you if they become too hot or cold, and that the ultimate
goal is for their comfort. Remind them they can fall asleep if they’d like.
 Having a light sheet over the client makes the experience less personal, which is
especially important for new clients.
 It’s important to put a unique “spin” on the experience. People will remember you
better because of it. Some draw cards, or give a small gift or the end of the session.
 Ensure that you give them a business card (offer as many as they’d like) and remind
them of your referral policy.
 Always be conscious of your hand positions, avoid sensitive areas.
 Make mental notes of sensations throughout.
 Always have the intention of emitting Reiki energy, and never receive energy from a
client while performing a Reiki session.
 Make notes after giving Reiki about what you did right and what you’d like to
improve on. It may help to have an “everything Reiki” journal handy at all times, not
only to write reminders about the spiritual aspect but also the business aspect.
 Practice feeling the gentle “push” from the aura.
 Practice giving Reiki as much as possible. Seek out Reiki shares, and do self-healing
whenever possible. Self-healing doesn’t have to be “official”. It can be done in
public by subtly placing your hands on your lap, for example.
 Remember, some may not be open to receiving Reiki. This may seem illogical to
someone who has experienced its power, but it is important to respect the wishes of
others. It is not your job to convince those who do not believe in Reiki or energy work.
The people that will come to you will intuitively know it works, whether they accept it
intellectually yet or not.

Sample Client Information Form

Legal Information

The Reiki Practitioner cannot:

 Diagnose
 Contradict a previous diagnosis
 Practice medicine in any way

The Reiki Practitioner can:

 Describe what the area feels like
 Describe how Reiki energy was being pulled to a certain area
 Recommend professional medical help


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