Skyjack SJ3014
Skyjack SJ3014
Skyjack SJ3014
SJ3013 & SJ3014 micro
December 2020
This manual is for MEWPs with serial numbers:
SJ3013 & SJ3014 micro: 09281002 to 09999999
DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, will result in death
or serious injury.
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, could result in death
or serious injury.
CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor
or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert
against unsafe practices.
IMPORTANT indicates a procedure essential for
safe operation and which, if not followed, may
result in a malfunction or damage to the MEWP.
Section 5 – Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.1-1 Safety and Workmanship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.2 *.PGT Setting File Upload Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.3 TS200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.3-1 TS200 Pin Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.3-2 Display Messages and Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.3-3 TS200 Menu Table with EZcal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.3-4 Calibrate Level Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5.3-5 Calibrate Load Procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5.3-6 Callibration Fault Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
1.2-4 Hydraulic System & Component 7. All hydraulic components must be disassembled
Maintenance and Repair in spotlessly clean surroundings. During
disassembly, pay particular attention to
The following points should be kept in mind when the identification of parts to assure proper
working on the hydraulic system or any component: reassembly. Clean all metal parts in a clean
mineral oil solvent. Be sure to thoroughly clean
WARNING all internal passages. After the parts have been
Escaping fluid from a hydraulic pressure leak can dried thoroughly, lay them on a clean, lint-free
damage your eyes, penetrate the skin and cause surface for inspection.
serious injury. Use proper personal protection at 8. Replace all O-rings and seals when overhauling
all times. any component. Lubricate all parts with clean
hydraulic oil before reassembly. Use small
1. Any structure has limits of strength and amounts of petroleum jelly to hold O-rings in
durability. To prevent failure of structural parts of place during assembly.
hydraulic components, relief valves which limit 9. Be sure to replace any lost hydraulic oil when
pressure to safe operating values are included in completing the installation of the repaired
the hydraulic circuits. component, and bleed any air from the system
2. Tolerance of working parts in the hydraulic when required.
system is very close. Even small amounts of dirt 10. All hydraulic connections must be kept tight. A
or foreign materials in the system can cause loose connection in a pressure line will permit
wear or damage to components, as well as the oil to leak out or air to be drawn into the
general faulty operation of the hydraulic system. system. Air in the system can cause damage
Every precaution must be taken to assure to the components and noisy or erratic system
absolute cleanliness of the hydraulic oil. operation.
3. Whenever there is a hydraulic system failure
which gives reason to believe that there are
metal particles or foreign materials in the system,
drain and flush the entire system and replace the
filter cartridges. A complete change of oil must
be performed under these circumstances.
4. Whenever the hydraulic system is drained,
check the magnets in the hydraulic reservoir for
metal particles. If metal particles are present,
flush the entire system and add a new change
of oil. The presence of metal particles also may
indicate the possibility of imminent component
failure. A very small amount of fine particles is
5. All containers and funnels used in handling
hydraulic oil must be absolutely clean. Use a
funnel when necessary for filling the hydraulic
oil reservoir, and fill the reservoir only through
the filter opening. The use of cloth to strain the
oil should be avoided to prevent lint from getting
into the system.
6. When removing any hydraulic component,
be sure to cap and tag all hydraulic lines
involved. Also, plug the ports of the removed
Do not use the MEWP if there is no inspection
recorded in the last 13 months. If you do not obey,
there is a risk of death or serious injury.
The owner’s annual inspection record is located on
the scissor assembly. It must be filled out after an
annual inspection has been completed. Do not use
the MEWP if an inspection has not been recorded
in the last 13 months.
Hourmeter Reading: Inspection Type (Choose one): Pre-delivery Frequent Periodic Annual
Use this table for pre-delivery inspections (PDI) before each rental, lease or sale and as an instruction for all frequent inspections and annual inspections.
Refer to the operation and service manuals for inspection instructions (for example, visual inspection and function tests, torque specs, engine oil, chain
inspection intervals, and more).
B - Do the pre-delivery inspection before the machine is sent out or during the frequent inspections at 200 days or 200 hour P - Pass
Inspection Type Schedule
intervals. For more instructions, refer to the operation and service manuals. N/A - Not Applicable
PDI/Frequent/Periodic B
C - Do the scheduled maintenance Inspections each year. For more instructions, refer to the operation and service manuals.
Annual B+C
Put a check mark on the “Pass” column as you meet the requirements of the inspection of each item. Add a comment if the item does not pass inspection.
Service Bulletins. Make sure there are no open service bulletins. B Manifolds. Tight fittings and hoses & no damage or leaks. Tight wire
connections, no missing components & correctly working valves.
Annual Inspection. Make sure you complete it within 13 months. B
Main Power Disconnect Switch. Cables tight & in working order. B
Labels. In place, correctly attached & you can read them. B
Base Controls. Operate switches and make sure they all operate correctly. No
Limit Switches. Correctly installed & no obstructions or damage. B damage or missing components.
Engine and Components. Do a check on engine and components for any Brakes. Do a check on disc wear and replace if necessary. C
loose, missing, damaged, or failed items. Make sure you do not exceed the B
recommended fluid, oil and coolant change intervals. Base Weldment. No deformation or cracks. B
Engine and Components. Replace the engine oil and filter. C Grease Points. No obstructions, dirt, or damage. Add grease if necessary. B
Engine Intake Air Filter. No damage or missing component. Remove dirt & dust. B Ladder. Correctly attached & no damage. B
Engine Intake Air Filter. Replace the air filter if necessary. C Tilt Sensor. Correctly attached & no damage. B
Engine Oil. Oil level between “L” and “H”. Make sure you do not exceed the oil LIFTING MECHANISM - MAST/SCISSORS
change interval.
Maintenance Support(s). Correctly attached & no damage. B
Radiator. Correctly attached & no damage or missing components. Do a check
B Scissor Assembly & Bumpers. Correctly attached, no deformation/damage.
of coolant level. B
Cables & wires installed with no damage.
Radiator. Do a check of coolant level & condition & replace if necessary. C
Sliders & Rollers. Correctly attached & no obstructions, dirt, or damage/wear. B
Fuel Tank & Lines. Filler cap, tank, fittings and hoses are tightly closed & no
B Lift Cylinder(s). No damage or missing components. Tight fittings and hoses &
damage or leaks. B
no leaks. Correctly installed.
Propane Tank & Lines. Straps are correctly installed to brackets &
B Angle Transducer. Correctly attached & no damage. B
couplers are tight. Make sure there are no damage or leaks.
Outriggers. No damage or missing components. B Scissor Pins. Correctly attached & no damage. B
Pothole Protection. Both sides have no obstructions, dirt or damage. B Mast Assembly. No damage, cracks or deformation. B
Battery/Hydraulic Tray. Trays are latched tightly & no missing components. B Mast Assembly. Lubricate the mast as recommended. C
Batteries. No damage, tight connections & sufficient fluid levels. Clean terminals Chains, Rollers & Control Cables. No damage or missing components. B
and cable ends.
Wear Pads. No damage/wear or missing components. Fasteners tight. B
Battery Charger. Correctly attached & no damage. B
Steer Assembly. Correctly attached & no damage leaks or missing components. B
Railings and Gate. Correctly attached & no damage or missing
Wheel/Tire Assembly. Do a check of all tires for damage, missing parts, wear & components.
correctly aligned.
Fall-Protection Anchorage. Attachment rings correctly attached & no damage. B
Wheel/Tire Assembly. Wheel nuts torqued as recommended. C
AC Power Socket. No obstructions, dirt, or damage. B
Axles. Correctly attached & no missing components. Tight fittings and hoses &
B Platform Control Console. Operate the switches and make sure they all
no leaks. B
operate correctly. No damage or missing components.
Axles. Do a check and replace oil if necessary. C
Manual Storage Box. Manuals and documents are in the storage the box, in
Hydraulic Tank, Pump, Motor & Lines. Filler cap, hoses, and other hydraulic good condition, and you can read them.
components are closed tightly & no damage or leaks.
Powered Extension Control Console. Operate switches and make sure they
Hydraulic Oil. Level at, or slightly above top mark. B all operate correctly. No damage or missing components.
Hydraulic Oil. Do a check and replace oil and filters if necessary. C Extension Platform. Correctly attached & no damage or missing components. B
Electrical Components. Do a check on all electrical components such as the Function Tests. Refer to the operation manual for your serial number for PASS
motor controller if necessary. Correctly attached & no damage. Tight wire con- B information on how to run these tests. FAIL
nections and fasteners.
The undersigned has made sure that all areas in the list have received an inspection.
The undersigned has told the machine owner of all inconsistencies in the inspection and corrected them before machine operation.
2 7 5
1 Wheel/tire assembly (B, C) ▪ Make sure the wheel nuts are tight.
▪ B - Frequent/periodic/pre-delivery inspection 4 Base weldment (B)
▪ Do a check on all the tire treads and sidewalls ▪ Make sure that the base shows no signs of
for cuts, cracks, and unusual wear. visible damage, deformation, or cracks in the
▪ Do a check on each wheel for damage, and
cracked welds. 5 Ladder (B)
▪ Make sure the wheels are correctly aligned ▪ Make sure the ladder is correctly attached.
vertically and horizontally. ▪ Make sure there are no loose or missing parts.
▪ Make sure the wheel motors 2 have no ▪ Make sure there is no visible damage.
loose or missing parts and there is no visible
damage 6 Pothole protection device
▪ Make sure there are no loose or missing parts.
WARNING ▪ Make sure there is no visible damage.
Do not use tires other than the tires that Skyjack ▪ Make sure there is no dirt and blockages.
specifies for this MEWP. Do not mix different types 7 Tilt Switch (B)
of tires or use tires that are not in good condition.
Only replace the tires with the same types that are ▪ Make sure that the angle transducer is
approved by Skyjack. The use of other tires can correctly attached.
make the MEWP less stable. If you do not obey,
there is a risk of death or serious injury.
10 8 9
8 3
10 9
8 3
10 9
1. Raise the platform and deploy the maintenance ▪ Make sure that the bumpers are correctly
attached and have no visible damage.
5 Lift cylinder and pressure transducer (B)
1 Maintenance support (B)
▪ Make sure that the maintenance supports ▪ Make sure that the lift cylinder is correctly
are correctly attached and show no visible
damage. ▪ Make sure the pressure transducer is correctly
2 Sliders (B) ▪ Make sure there is no visible damage.
▪ Make sure that the sliders on the left and right ▪ Make sure there are no loose or missing
side of the MEWP are correctly attached. fasteners.
▪ Make sure there is no visible damage. ▪ Make sure there is no indication of leaks or
▪ Make sure there is no dirt or blockages in the damage.
slider paths. ▪ Make sure there are no loose or missing wires.
3 Scissor assembly (B) 2. Retract the maintenance support into the
▪ Make sure that the scissor assembly shows storage bracket.
no signs of visible damage, deformation, or 3. Fully lower the platform.
cracks in the weldments.
▪ Make sure all the pins and fasteners are
correctly installed.
▪ Make sure that the cables and wires have the
correct routing, and show no signs of wear
and/or physical damage.
Upper cylinder
mount area
Lower cylinder
mount area
Thrust washer
6 4
Do not operate a MEWP that does not function
correctly. Lock and tag the MEWP, and remove it
for servicing. Only a qualified service technician
must repair the MEWP. If you do not obey, there is
a risk of death or serious injury.
(in-lb) (12) (9) (18) (13) (25) (19) ft-lb 110 85 180 130 240 180
6-40 5/8-18
Nm 1.4 1.0 2.0 1.5 2.8 2.1 Nm 149 115 244 176 325 244
(in-lb) (19) (14) (30) (22) (41) (31) ft-lb 175 130 260 200 380 280
8-32 3/4-10
Nm 2.1 1.6 3.4 2.5 4.6 3.5 Nm 237 176 353 271 515 380
(in-lb) (20) (15) (31) (23) (43) (32) ft-lb 200 150 300 220 420 320
8-36 3/4-16
Nm 2.3 1.7 3.5 2.6 4.9 3.6 Nm 271 203 407 298 569 434
ft-lb 170 125 430 320 600 460
(in-lb) (27) (21) (43) (32) (60) (45) 7/8-9
10-24 Nm 230 169 583 434 813 624
Nm 3.1 2.4 4.9 3.6 6.8 5.1
ft-lb 180 140 470 360 660 500
(in-lb) (31) (23) (49) (36) (68) (51) 7/8-14
10-32 Nm 244 190 637 488 895 678
Nm 3.5 2.6 5.5 4.1 7.7 5.8
ft-lb 250 190 640 480 900 680
(in-lb) ft-lb (66) (50) 8 (75) 12 9 1-8
1/4-20 Nm 339 258 868 651 1220 922
Nm 7.5 5.6 11 8.5 16 12
ft-lb 270 210 710 530 1000 740
(in-lb) ft-lb (76) (56) 10 (86) 14 10 1-12
1/4-28 Nm 366 285 963 719 1356 1003
Nm 8.6 6.3 14 9.7 19 14
ft-lb 280 210 730 540 1020 760
ft-lb 11 8 17 13 25 18 1-14
5/16-18 Nm 380 285 990 732 1383 1030
Nm 15 11 23 18 34 24
ft-lb 350 270 800 600 1280 960
ft-lb 12 9 19 14 25 20 1 1/8-7
5/16-24 Nm 475 366 1085 813 1735 1302
Nm 16 12 26 19 34 27
ft-lb 400 300 880 660 1440 1080
ft-lb 20 15 30 23 45 35 1 1/8-12
3/8-16 Nm 542 407 1193 895 1952 1464
Nm 27 20 41 31 61 47
ft-lb 500 380 1120 840 1820 1360
ft-lb 23 17 35 25 50 35 1 1/4-7
3/8-24 Nm 678 515 1519 1139 2468 1844
Nm 31 23 47 34 68 47
ft-lb 550 420 1240 920 2000 1500
ft-lb 32 24 50 35 70 55 1 1/4-12
7/16-14 Nm 746 569 1681 1247 2712 2034
Nm 43 33 68 47 95 75
ft-lb 670 490 1460 1100 2380 1780
ft-lb 36 27 55 40 80 60 1 3/8-6
7/16-20 Nm 908 664 1979 1491 3227 2413
Nm 49 37 75 54 108 81 ft-lb 750 560 1680 1260 2720 2040
ft-lb 50 35 75 55 110 80 1 3/8-12
1/2-13 Nm 1017 759 2278 1708 3688 2766
Nm 68 47 102 75 149 108 ft-lb 870 650 1940 1460 3160 2360
1 1/2-6
ft-lb 55 40 90 65 120 90 Nm 1180 881 2630 1979 4284 3200
Nm 75 54 122 88 163 122 ft-lb 980 730 2200 1640 3560 2660
1 1/2-12
Nm 1329 990 2983 2224 4827 3606
NOTE: Lubed includes lubricants such as lubrizing, oil, grease, or uncured Loctite.
Tilt cutout
Extension platform Manual side
Model Wind rating Total platform capacity force
setting (side-to-side x
capacity front-to-back)
0 m/s 240 kg 100 kg 400 N
& SJ3014 2 Persons 1 Person 1.5˚ × 2.5˚
[0 mph] (529 lb) (220 lb) 90 lbf
Occupants and materials are not to exceed the rated load. Refer to the capacity label at the entrance of the
platform and the front kick plate for more information and models equipped with options.
* Min: Minimum MEWP weight (Unloaded platform, no options/attachments)
Max: Maximum MEWP weight (Platform loaded to capacity with options/attachments)
** LCP: Local Concentrated Pressure is a measure of how hard the MEWP presses on the area in direct contact with the floor/tire.
OFL: Overall Floor Load (Pressure) is a measure of the average load the MEWP imparts on the whole surface directly underneath the
chassis. This has been calculated by dividing the MEWP weight by the overall floor area occupied by the MEWP (on wheels).
Note: The floor covering (e.g., tile, carpet, etc.) or the structure (e.g., beams) of the operating surface must
be able to withstand more than the values indicated above.
Note: The LCP or OFL that an individual surface can withstand varies from structure to structure and is
generally determined by the engineer or architect for that particular structure.
Buzzer HA1
diode Left motor brake
Lift val e Manual brake release W
diode Right motor brake
Flashing light
Lower val e
Flashing light
Power relay
Angle sensor
Lower Lift/Lower switch
Platform mode
Contactor Y
Pump motor Battery
Functions may be disabled by the machine control
system. Check for any codes displayed and refer the
code chart in Section 5
4.2-12 No drive
1. Defective platform control box wiring, select Check wiring and switches. Repair/Replace as
switches and/or Joystick reuired.
2. Loose or broken wire from TS200 machine
Check continuity. Replace if defective.
controller pin P9-3 to diode D1
3. Defective diode D1 Check diode Replace if defective.
4. Loose or broken wire from diode D1 to connector
Check continuity. Replace if defective.
12P01 pin 2
The illustrations in this manual are for instructional WARNING
purposes only. The models and components DO NOT operate any control on the platform
shown may appear somewhat different from control console without proper fall protection
those on your actual MEWP. secured to the designated location in the platform.
Failure to avoid this hazard could result in death or
5.1-1 Safety and Workmanship serious injury!
Your safety, and that of others, is the first
consideration when engaging in the maintenance of
equipment. Always be conscious of weight. Never
attempt to move heavy parts without the aid of a WARNING
mechanical device. Do not allow heavy objects to Make sure there are no people or obstructions in
rest in an unstable position. When raising a portion of the test area, and there is sufficient space for the
the equipment, make sure that adequate support is scissor and drive functions required for the given
provided. procedures.
5.2 *.PGT Setting File Upload 7. On each machine that needs the settings
uploaded from the *.pgt file, plug the EZCal Pro
Process into the control board. The location of the EZCal
connector is at the bottom right of the control
1. An EZCal Pro with a USB port is required to
board, circled in the following image. An EZCal
enable the external *.pgt file to be transported
cable will be required.
from a laptop/PC to the EZCal Pro
Hit Enter
5.3 TS200
P9 1 Output to YV3 lift valve
P9 2 Output to YV4 lower valve and hour meter P1 through diode D3
P9 3 Output to brake release
P9 4 Not Used
P9 5 Output to KM1 contactor and hour meter P1 through diode D4
P9 6 Not Used
P9 7 Output to YV2 steer right valve
P9 8 Input from pothole switches SQ1 and SQ2
P9 9 Output to YV1 steer left valve
P12 1 Input from Off/Platform/Base keyswitch SA1: Base mode
P12 2 Not Used
P12 3 Not Used
P12 4 Input from lift/lower switch SA2: Lift
P12 5 Input from lift/lower switch SA2: Lower
P12 6 Switched ground output to buzzer HA1
P12 7 Input from scisso angle (height) sensor AS1 (PP1-2)
P12 8 Not Used
P12 9 Not Used
P12 10 Input from lift cylinder prssure sensor PS1
P12 11 Not Used
P12 12 Input from scissor angle (height) sensor AS1 (PP2-2)
1-1 Height based functions are required (for example MAX DRIVE
HEIGHT NOT CALIBRATED is configured), but height has not been calibrated.
Calibrate height (see SETUPS/HEIGHT SETUPS).
EZcal Display Message Description
The platform and ground EMS inputs indicate the mode in
which the TS200 must operate. If neither input is active, or
if both are active together, the TS200 does not know how to
function Check EMS switch wiring to P15-1 and P12-1.
FUNCTIONS LOCKED - TOO HIGH The platform is raised too high to allow some functions.
The platform joystick was selected for too long without trigger
FAULT: MOTOR CONNECTIONS The TS200 has detected multiple power wiring faults on mo-
SHORTED tors A and/or B.
EZcal Display Message Description
There is a problem with the drive contactor or valve wiring, or with the motor power wiring; disconnect
connector P9 to see if the problem is caused by drive contactor or valve wiring (if the fault clears, check
for an illegal B+ supply in to P9).
Also check motor power wiring; with the drive contactor open the B+ power terminals should be at
10V-15V (significantly lower than B+).
If the LED is steady at power-on, and the fault (3/5) occurs after a delay when attempting to drive or
lift, the motor may be stalled and causing an overload of the TS200 or there is a power wiring error like
connecting the B+ cable to a motor stud.
WIRING! There is a voltage on one or more valve outputs, when all
FAULT: VALVE FEEDBACK HIGH - CHECK outputs should be off Check wiring to each valve coil.
The voltage on the B+ stud of the controller (connected to an
3-3 internal voltage stabilization capacitor bank) is close to B+
when the drive contactor is off.
Check the line contactor tips are not welded; check the
power wiring for errors.
FAULT: BAD INTERNAL SECONDARY The internal “secondary control” is not operating correctly; if
4-2 CONTROL! the fault remains, the controller may have to be replaced.
The battery supply is too high – check that the correct battery
4-4 and charger are installed.
EZcal Display Message Description
There is a problem with load measurement – the height and/or pressure sensor measurements are out of
range, or the elevation switch disagrees with the height sensor
Check that the output from height and pressure sensors (P12-10, P12-12) is in range (between 0.5V and
FAULT: CHECK HEIGHT1 SENSOR A height sensor is giving an out-of-range voltage (below 0.5V
or above 4.5V) Check for open- or short-circuit wiring; replace
FAULT: CHECK HEIGHT2 SENSOR height sensor if necessary.
6-1 Both height should read the same height at all times; this
message indicates that the sensors are reading different
Check for loose sensors; re-calibrate height if necessary.
FAULT: MOTOR CONNECTIONS The TS200 has detected multiple power wiring faults on mo-
SHORTED tors A and/or B.
Selection Description
DIAGNOSTICS Select this menu to see switch & sensor input status & logged data
ACCESS LEVEL Select this menu & enter correct code to enable adjustments and calibrations
RUN SYSTEM TEST Select this menu to enter system test mode
SETUPS Select this menu to carry out initial set-up of the TS200
CALIBRATIONS This menu is intended for use by TS200 design engineers only!
SERIAL NUMBER Select this menu to view the serial number of the controller
A message displays current TS200 status, indicating if everything is OK or if there is a reason for restricted
(help message)
Press ENTER when viewing the current HELP message to see a log of recent HELP messages; press è to see
older messages, and ç to see newer ones; press ESC to return to the current HELP message
Select this menu to see ground input status (during calibration, separate measurements are collected during
lifting and lowering)
MODE / When current operating mode shows INTERLOCKED, press ENTER to see the reason for the interlock; press
INTERLOCK ESC to return to the current operating mode
Indicates when battery is “low” (see SETUPS / BATTERY)
Indicates when battery is “low” (see SETUPS / BATTERY)
MtrV Displays motor voltage of both motors (will be equal, unless steering)
TILTED Displays whether system is in tilted mode (measured tilt ex-ceeds tilt trip points)
Displays platform height, calculated from height sensor(s) and data stored during calibration. Press ENTER
when viewing the HEIGHT (which is the average of the two sensors), to see the individual measurements of the
two sensors, named HEIGHT1 and HEIGHT2 (press è and ç to see both); press ESC to return to the average
Displays platform load, esti-mated from lift cylinder pres-sure measurement, platform height, and height/pres-
sure curves stored during calibration
OVERLOADED Displays whether system is in overload mode (platform load exceeds load trip point, at/above overload height)
Displays whether the most re-cent platform movement was UP or DOWN; this is important if the lift cylinder
pressure is affected by the direction of movement
JOY F/R Displays joystick position in the forward/reverse (or up/down) direction (%)
JOY L/R Displays joystick position in the steer left/right direction (%)
Press é or ê to turn on test mode, which allows each output in this menu to be manually turned on / off using
é and ê
Displays total work time (TS200 records work time during all movement) NOTE: work time is also displayed
on the op-tional Display Module
Press ENTER, and ENTER again, to confirm clearing WORKTIME to zero
When the EZcal hand-held device is connected to the 232 port of the TS200 control module, the initial “ACCESS
LEVEL” is 3 – no adjustments can be altered or calibrations carried out. Before adjustments or calibrations can
be made, the “ACCESS LEVEL” must be changed to 2 using the correct access code (2222). ACCESS LEVEL 2
allows calibrations and may allow some adjustments to be changed,
To set “ACCESS LEVEL” 2, carry out the following procedure using EZcal:
1) Find the “ACCESS LEVEL” menu (using and ) and select it (using ENTER)
2) The display will show the initial code 0000 with the first 0 flashing
CODE xxxx
3) Set the first digit of the code to 2 (using and )
4) Press to move to the next digit (the first digit will stop flashing, the second will start flashing)
5) Set the second digit of the code to 2
6) Repeat steps 4 and 5 for all the code digits – ensure that the code is correctly entered (if a digit is wrong, press
and to select it again, and and to correct it)
7) Press ENTER to confirm the code; the “ACCESS LEVEL” will change if the correct code is entered
MIN Determines the slowest drive speed in all directions (when the joystick is at 0% demand)
Determines the fastest drive speed in the forward direction (when the joystick is at 100% demand in forward
Determines the fastest drive speed in the reverse direction (when the joystick is at 100% demand in reverse
SPIN MAX Determines the fastest drive speed when “spinning” (when the joystick is fully left or right)
ACCEL Determines the rate of increase of drive speed when higher speeds are demanded
DECEL Determines the rate of decrease of drive speed when lower speeds (or stop) are demanded
STEER ACCEL Determines the rate of increase of drive speed when higher “spin” speeds are demanded
STEER DECEL Determines the rate of decrease of drive speed when lower “spin” speeds (or stop) are demanded
BRAKE DELAY Determines the delay when drive ends, before brakes are applied
Determines the slowest drive speed in all directions (when the joystick is at 0% demand), when platform is
Determines the fastest drive speed in the forward direction (when the joystick is at 100% demand in forward
direction), when platform is elevated
Determines the fastest drive speed in the reverse direction (when the joystick is at 100% demand in reverse
direction), when platform is elevated
Determines the fastest drive speed when “spinning” (when the joystick is fully left or right), when platform is
ACCEL Determines the rate of increase of drive speed when higher speeds are demanded, when platform is elevated
Determines the rate of decrease of drive speed when lower speeds (or stop) are demanded, when platform is
Determines the rate of increase of drive speed when higher “spin” speeds are demanded, when platform is
Determines the rate of decrease of drive speed when lower “spin” speeds (or stop) are demanded, when
platform is elevated
UP MIN(*) Determines the slowest lifting speed (when the joystick is at 0% demand)
UP MAX(*) Determines the fastest lifting speed (when the joystick is at 100% demand)
DOWN MIN(*) Determines the slowest lowering speed (when the joystick is at 0% demand)
DOWN MAX(*) Determines the fastest lowering speed (when the joystick is at 100% demand)
ACCEL Determines the rate of increase of lift/lower speed when higher speeds are demanded
DECEL Determines the rate of decrease of lift/lower speed when lower speeds are demanded
Determines the height above which lifting is prevented. Set to prevent lift above the set height. Ensure to set
MAX LIFT MAX LIFT so that the lift cylinder does not go to end of stroke and over pressurizes (it will be interpreted as an
overloaded platform!)
TIME Determines the time delay when armguard triggers during lowering, before lowering is allowed to continue.
Determines the height at which “soft armguard” occurs when lowering. Set to zero to trigger “soft armguard”
@HEIGHT T at the ELEVATION@ height, or nonzero to trigger at the set height IMPORTANT: If armguard function is not
needed, choose 101% to disable.
Determines when to sound the alarm – set to “NO” to not sound while driving, to “FWD” or “REV” to sound
while driving in that direction, or to “BOTH” to sound for driving in either direction.
Determines when to sound the alarm – set to “NO” to not sound while lifting/lowering, to “UP” or “DOWN” to
sound while lifting or lowering, or to “BOTH” to sound for lifting and lowering.
Determines when to sound the alarm – set to “NO” to not sound depending on tilt, to “ELEVATED” to sound if
tilted and elevated, or to “ALWAYS” to sound when tilted irrespective of platform height.
CHANGE Select this menu to check correct customer / vehicle model configuration, and/or select new vehicle model
DEFAULTS defaults
TILT SETUPS Select this menu to calibrate tilt (on level ground) and configure tilt shutdown
Select the menu to calibrate height measurement
LOAD SETUPS Select this menu to calibrate overload and to configure certain overload related options
If the calibration procedure is interrupted, completed
phases need not be repeated. A “REDO” prompt will
appear – answer “NO” if there is no reason to repeat
the phase, or “YES” if the phase must be repeated (for
example, a significant mechanical or hydraulic change
has been made).
1. Ensure machine parked on level ground, and C. When the UP switch is released, the TS200
TS200 leveled. records the maximum height of the platform
2. Ensure machine both platform and base e-stop 10. The display now shows “PLEASE LOWER …”
switches are pulled out. Operate the machine as A. Close the DOWN switch and KEEP IT
required in BASE MODE CLOSED until the platform is fully lowered
3. Enter the “ACCESS LEVEL” 2 code (2222) using IMPORTANT: If the DOWN switch is released
EZcal to enable adjustments and calibrations early, the calibration will have to be aborted
4. Select the “LOAD SETUPS” menu (available and repeated from the beginning!
from the “SETUPS” menu) and select the 11. When the system detects the DOWN switch
“CALIBRATE LOAD” option closed, the display will show “LOWERING”
5. The display will show “REDO DYNAMIC? YES” A. i) The system will wait for the DOWN switch
– for the first time calibration only “YES” can be to be released once the platform is fully
selected lowered
A. Press the ENTER button to confirm that 12. The load calibration “DYNAMIC” phase is now
dynamic calibration is needed complete
6. The display will show “PLATFORM DOWN?”, 13. The display will show “REDO LOADED? YES”
asking for confirmation that the platform is fully – for the first time calibration only “YES” can be
lowered selected
A. Check that the platform is fully lowered then A. i) Press the ENTER button to confirm that
press the ENTER button to confirm loaded calibration is needed
7. The display will show “PLATFORM LOADED?”, 14. The display will show “PLATFORM LOADED?”,
asking for confirmation that the platform is asking for confirmation that the platform is
loaded loaded
A. Load the platform with the calibration load A. Press the ENTER button to confirm
then press the ENTER button to confirm 15. The display will show “PLEASE LIFT …”, waiting
8. The display will show “PLEASE LIFT …”, waiting for the UP switch to be activated to begin raising
for the UP switch to be activated to begin raising the platform
the platform A. Close the UP switch and keep it closed until
A. Close the UP switch and KEEP IT CLOSED the platform has reached full height
until the platform has reached full height 16. When the system detects the UP switch closed,
the display will show “LIFT LOADED” with the
current height (from 0% to 100%)
If the UP switch is released early, the calibration
will have to be aborted and repeated from the 17. After a delay, the system will stop the platform lift
beginning! and take height & pressure measurements; the
display will show “MEASURING #xx”
9. When the system detects the UP switch A. When the measurements have been taken,
closed, the display will show “LIFTING” with an the platform will resume lifting
increasing count
18. The lifting … stopping … measuring … lifting
A. The system will monitor changing height as process will continue until the platform reaches
the platform is lifted, until the UP switch is full height
19. When the platform reaches full height (and
B. A counter shows the number of height 100% is displayed), release the UP switch
measurements taken during the lift; a
20. The display shows “TOTAL DATA: xx” to indicate
maximum of 500 measurements can be
the number of measurements taken, then shows
recorded – if the machine lifts too slowly, a
fault can occur when 500 is reached! If so,
adjust SETUPS/HEIGHT A. Close the DOWN switch and keep it closed
until the platform is fully lowered
SETUPS/SAMPLES@ to a bigger time, to increase the
delay between each measurement
21. When the system detects the DOWN switch B. Similar to the “LOWER LOADED” phase
closed, the display will show “LOWER LOADED” the lowering … stopping … measuring …
with the current height (from 100% to 0%) lowering process will continue until the
22. Again after a delay, the system will stop the platform is fully lowered, then the DOWN
platform lower and take height & pressure switch can be released
measurements; the display will show C. The display shows “TOTAL DATA: xx” to
“MEASURING #xx” indicate the number of measurements taken
A. i) When the measurements have been taken, 30. The load calibration “EMPTY” phase is now
the platform will resume lowering complete
23. The lowering … stopping … measuring … 31. The collected data is checked to ensure that
lowering process will continue until the platform there were no problems with the recorded
is fully lowered. pressure; checks include making sure that the
24. When the platform is fully lowered (and height loaded pressures are higher than the empty
0% is displayed), release the DOWN switch; the pressures, with sufficient difference to enable
display shows “TOTAL DATA: xx” to indicate the load estimates to be calculated
number of measurements taken 32. The display will show “CALDATE: mm/dd/yy”
25. The load calibration “LOADED” phase is now with the “mm” value flashing
complete A. It is recommended that the current date
26. The display will show “REDO EMPTY? YES” – be entered here to provide easy tracking
for the first time calibration only “YES” can be of the date of last calibration (the date can
selected be seen in the “LOG” menu available in the
A. Press the ENTER button to confirm that
empty calibration is needed B. Use and to set the month, then press
to move to the date; set the date and
27. The display will show “PLATFORM EMPTY?”,
then the year in the same way
asking for confirmation that the platform is
empty C. Press ENTER to complete date entry (the
system will store it)
A. Remove all load from the platform then press
the ENTER button to confirm 33. The display will show “FINISHED!”
28. The display will show “PLEASE LIFT …”, waiting IMPORTANT
for the UP switch to be activated to begin raising Press the ESC button to exit the “CALIBRATE
the platform LOAD” option (it’s not possible to use the machine
A. Close the UP switch and keep it closed until if you don’t do this)
the platform has reached full height
34. The TS200 is now fully calibrated
B. When the system detects the UP switch
closed, the display will show “LIFT EMPTY”
with the current height (from 0% to 100%)
C. Similar to the “LIFT LOADED” phase the
lifting … stopping … measuring … lifting
process will continue until the platform
reaches full height, then the UP switch can be
D. The display shows “TOTAL DATA: xx” to
indicate the number of measurements taken
29. The display will show “PLEASE LOWER …”
A. Close the DOWN switch and keep it closed
until the platform is fully lowered
Most calibration error messages have an “Fxx” number as well as a description, to aid in trouble-shooting:
Something is wrong, preventing the TS200 from running – check the HELP message (causes
include line contactor, valve, or motor wiring errors)
Calibration can only be carried out from BASE control!
F03:NOT STOPPED The machine must not already be moving when calibration is begun.
F05:BAD HEIGHT1 At the start of calibration, the EZfit height sensor is out of range (output must be between 0.9V and
F05:BAD HEIGHT2 4.1V with platform fully lowered)
F06:CHECK ELEV At the start of calibration, the ELEVATION switch (P4-6) is open with platform fully lowered
F07:BAD HEIGHTS During calibration, the two height sensors disagreed too much
The ELEVATION switch (P4-6) is closed with platform fully raised – or the switch changed state
more than once (it should go from closed to open just once, as the platform is raised)
F09:BAD HEIGHT1 The EZfit height sensor is out of range when fully lowered (0%) calibration is recorded (output must
F09:BAD HEIGHT2 be between 0.9V and 4.1V with platform fully lowered)
F10:BAD HEIGHT1 The EZfit height sensor is out of range when fully raised (100%) calibration is recorded (output must
F10:BAD HEIGHT2 be between 0.6V and 4.4V with platform fully raised)
F11:NOT UP When instructed to go up (raise the platform) the DOWN switch was activated, or vice-versa (check
F11:NOT DOWN switch wiring)
More than 500 samples were recorded during dynamic lifting – the machine lifts too slowly Increase
F12: TOO MANY the value of SETUPS/HEIGHT SETUPS/SAMPLE@ to delay longer between each sample (do not
increase too much, as this will cause inaccurate dynamic load estimates
There is not enough difference between the EZfit height sensor output when fully lowered, and fully
F13:LOW HEIGHT raised (minimum allowed difference is 1V)
Ensure the UP switch is not released before the platform is fully raised.
The EZfit height sensor output is bad during dynamic lifting (must be between 0.6V and 4.4V
The EZfit height sensor output is bad during dynamic lifting (must be between 0.6V and 4.4V
The ELEVATION switch (P4-6) is open with platform fully lowered at the end of the dynamic
raising / lowering cycle – or the switch changed state more than once (it should go from closed
to open just once, as the platform is raised, and from open to closed just once, as the platform is
The point at which the ELEVATION switch (P4-6) open while the platform was lifting, is too low
F16: LOW ELEV.OPEN (it should open between 5% and 20% height) The actual height where the switch opened can be
The point at which the ELEVATION switch (P4-6) open while the platform was lifting, is too high
F17: HIGH ELEV.OPEN (it should open between 5% and 20% height) The actual height where the switch opened can be
The point at which the ELEVATION switch (P4-6) closed while the platform was lowering, is too
F18: LOW ELEV.CLOSE low (it should open between 5% and 20% height) The actual height where the switch opened can
be seen in CALIBRATIONS/ElevDown
F19: HIGH ELEV.CLOSE At the start of calibration, the ELEVATION switch (P4-6) is open with platform fully lowered
F20: HEIGHT1<>0% After fully raising and fully lowering the platform, during dynamic or static calibration, we should
F20:HEIGHT2<>0% always be back at 0% height!
F22: HEIGHT1<>100%
After fully raising the platform, during static calibration, we should always lift to 100% height
During static (loaded or empty) calibration, no more than 20 measurement points can be
F24: TOO MANY recorded! A properly working machine with lift cylinder pressure reliably indicating platform load,
should not require more than 10 measurement points.)
During static (loaded or empty) calibration, the platform height is out of range (below 0% or
above 100%, or below 0.4V or above 4.6V)
At the end of static (loaded or empty) calibration, the sequence of recorded height
measurements is invalid! During the lifting calibration, height measurements should be increasing
from 0% to 100%; during the lowering calibration, height measurements should be decreasing
from 100% to 0%
At the end of dynamic calibration, the recorded height/pressure curve is checked – the expected
curve has a high pressure peak near the bottom (due to maximum lift needed when the scissor
arms are nearly horizontal), a low pressure trough near the middle, and a higher peak near the
top. The difference between the highest pressure and lowest pressure is too small (it should be
at least 0.25V). This could be due to using the wrong range pressure transducer, or due to a
problem with the lift cylinder hydraulics
F40: REJECT DELTA At the end of all static calibrations, the loaded and empty height/pressure curves are compared –
DOWN @ the loaded curve should be higher than the empty curve, due to the additional platform load. This
error indicates there is less than 0.2V difference between the loaded and empty curves (or that
the loaded curve is below the empty curve), at the indicated height
Ensure that loaded calibration is done with rated
load in the platform, and empty calibration is done
with no load in the platform! Also ensure that the
F40:REJECT DELTA UP correct range pressure transducer is used)
Only the first problem height is reported, use the
GetCurveW program to review the curves and
determine if the problem is at a particular part of the
curve, or across the complete curve
F42: LOW PRESSURE When the platform is fully lowered, the lift cylinder pressure cannot be checked – therefore
soon after lifting begins during static (loaded and empty) calibration, the lift cylinder pressure
is checked; this ensures that a hydraulic problem is discovered early, instead of waiting till
F43: HIGH PRESSURE calibration has been completed but with bad data! The lift cylinder pressure transducer output
must be between 0.4V and 4.6V at all times
F44: LOW PRESSURE During static (loaded or empty) calibration, the lift cylinder pressure is out of range (below 0.4V or
F45: HIGH PRESSURE above 4.6V)
F46: CHECK ELEV During dynamic calibration, the elevation switch changed state (closed to open, or open to
F47: CHECK ELEV closed) more than once!!
At the start of calibration, the pressure sensor is out of range (output must be between 0.3V and
4.8V at all times)
At the end of static (loaded or empty) lifting or lowering calibration, too few measurements were
taken (a minimum of 4 measurements is required). Check that SETUPS/HEIGHT SETUPS/MIN
LIFT is not set too high; recommended values are between 1s for fast lifting machines, and 3s for
slow lifting machines
Something happened to cause calibration to fail – it is recommended to check all sensor wiring
for loose connections, then repeat calibration
This display occurs when all calibrations (dynamic, loaded up, loaded down, empty up, empty
FINISHED! down) have been completed, and the CALDATE has been entered. Be sure to press <ESC> on
the EZcal to exit calibration, before attempting to use the machine
GO UP MORE! During calibration, the operator needs to close the UP or DOWN switch as required to lift or lower
the platform – if the switch is closed in the wrong direction, no fault occurs but the machine does
GO DOWN MORE! not move! This display clarifies the error
During static (loaded or empty) calibration, it may happen that a second measurement is taken
IGNORING very close to the previous measurement (for example if the operator lets go the UP/DOWN switch
– no fault occurs, and this display indicates that the new measurement is being ignored
During calibration, the TS200 sometimes delays while waiting for sensor values to stabilize – this
display indicates why nothing appears to be happening