PMC Maintenance - 3xi & 0id v2

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PMC Ladder Maintenance

FANUC America Corporation 2013
PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Table of Contents
1. Introduction to PMC Ladder....................................................................................................... 1
1.1. The PMC function ............................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1. Ladder Output Coils ..................................................................................................... 2
1.1.2. Ladder Input Contacts .................................................................................................. 3
1.1.3. PMC Specifications ...................................................................................................... 4
1.1.4. Address Table .............................................................................................................. 5
1.2. The CNC function ............................................................................................................... 7
1.3. The Machine function.......................................................................................................... 7
2. Basic Ladder Items.................................................................................................................... 8
2.1. Normally Open Input Contacts ............................................................................................ 8
2.2. Normally Closed Input Contacts.......................................................................................... 8
2.3. Output Coils ........................................................................................................................ 9
2.4. Inverted Output Coil ............................................................................................................ 9
2.5. SET Output Coil ................................................................................................................ 10
2.6. RESET Output Coil ........................................................................................................... 10
2.7. Logical AND Circuit ........................................................................................................... 11
2.8. Logical OR Circuit ............................................................................................................. 11
2.9. Latch and Hold Circuit....................................................................................................... 12
2.10. Momentary Switches to Latching Switches ..................................................................... 13
3. PMC Screen Review ............................................................................................................... 14
3.1. PMC LADDER Display...................................................................................................... 14
3.1.1. LIST Display ............................................................................................................... 14
3.1.2. LADDER Display ........................................................................................................ 15 SEARCH Menu .............................................................................................................................. 16
3.1.3. COLLECTive Monitor Function ................................................................................... 18
3.1.4. SCREEN SETTING Display ....................................................................................... 20
3.2. PMC MAINTE Display....................................................................................................... 22
3.2.1. STATUS Display ........................................................................................................ 22
3.2.2. I/O LINK Display ......................................................................................................... 26
3.2.3. PMC ALARM Display ................................................................................................. 27
3.2.4. I/O Display.................................................................................................................. 28 PMC Ladder Backup ...................................................................................................................... 28 PMC Parameter Backup................................................................................................................. 30 Exercise 1 – PMC Data Backup...................................................................................................... 31
3.2.5. PMC Parameter Display ............................................................................................. 32 TIMER Setting Display ................................................................................................................... 32 COUNTER Setting Display ............................................................................................................. 35 KEEP RELAY Setting Display......................................................................................................... 36 DATA Table Display ....................................................................................................................... 37
3.2.6. TRACE Display .......................................................................................................... 39
3.2.7. I/O DGN Display ......................................................................................................... 45
3.3. PMC CONFIG Display ...................................................................................................... 46
3.3.1. Title Display................................................................................................................ 46
3.3.2. Configuration Parameters (3xi Only) .......................................................................... 47 CNC-PMC Interface ....................................................................................................................... 48 Machine Interface .......................................................................................................................... 49 Ladder Execution ........................................................................................................................... 50 PMC Memory................................................................................................................................. 51
3.3.3. Setting (General) Display ........................................................................................... 52
3.3.4. PMC Status ................................................................................................................ 56
3.3.5. System Parameter...................................................................................................... 57
3.3.6. Online Monitor ............................................................................................................ 58
4. Exercise 2 – PMC Screen Review ........................................................................................... 59

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PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Table of Contents
5. Input/Output Connection .......................................................................................................... 60
5.1. Input/Output Configuration ................................................................................................ 60
5.2. I/O Model A ....................................................................................................................... 63
5.2.1. Communication Module .............................................................................................. 63
5.2.2. Input Module ............................................................................................................... 64
5.2.3. Output Module ............................................................................................................ 64
5.2.4. I/O Module List ........................................................................................................... 65
5.3. Type 1 Distributed I/O ....................................................................................................... 66
5.3.1. Basic Module – A03B-0815-C001 ............................................................................... 66
5.3.2. Input Connection ........................................................................................................ 67
5.3.3. Output Connection...................................................................................................... 67
5.3.4. Basic Module DO Alarm Status................................................................................... 67
5.3.5. Expansion Modules .................................................................................................... 68
5.4. Type 2 Distributed I/O ....................................................................................................... 69
5.4.1. Type 2 Basic Module – A03B-0815-C041 ................................................................... 69
5.4.2. Type 2 Expansion Module – A03B-0815-C042 ........................................................... 69
6. Exercise 3 – Physical Input/Output .......................................................................................... 70
7. PMC Interface Signals ............................................................................................................. 71
7.1. Dedicated X Addresses ..................................................................................................... 71
7.1.1. *ESP - Emergency Stop.............................................................................................. 72
7.1.2. *DEC - Deceleration Switch ........................................................................................ 73
7.1.3. SKIP Input .................................................................................................................. 73
7.1.4. XAE1, XAE2, XAE3 - Measuring Point Reached......................................................... 73
7.1.5. +MIT1, –MIT1 - Manual Feed Interlock ....................................................................... 73
7.2. Dedicated G & F Addresses .............................................................................................. 74
7.2.1. List by Function .......................................................................................................... 76
7.2.2. List by Symbol ............................................................................................................ 98
7.2.3. List by Address ......................................................................................................... 116
7.2.4. Active Low Signals.................................................................................................... 135 *+L1~*+L8 - G114/G116 - Hard Over travel................................................................................... 135 *ESP X8.4/G8.4 - Emergency Stop............................................................................................... 136 *ESPA G71.1 - Spindle Emergency Stop ...................................................................................... 136 *FV0~FV7 G12 - Feedrate Override.............................................................................................. 136 *IT G8.0 - All Axes Interlock.......................................................................................................... 137 *IT1~*IT8 G130 - Specified Axis Interlock ..................................................................................... 137 *JV0~*JV15 G10~G11 - Manual Feedrate Override ...................................................................... 137 *SP/SPL G8.5/F0.4 - Feed Hold/Cycle Stop .................................................................................. 138
7.2.5. Axis Specific Signals + - ........................................................................................... 139 +J1/-J1 G100/G102 - Feed Axis Direction ..................................................................................... 139 +MIT/-MIT G132/G134 - Interlock Each Axis Direction................................................................... 139
7.2.6. Commonly Used G and F Addresses........................................................................ 140 AFL/MAFL G5.6/F4.4 - Auxiliary Function Lock ............................................................................. 140 AL F1.0 - Alarm In-Progress ......................................................................................................... 140 ALMA F45.0 - Spindle Alarm ........................................................................................................ 141 ARSTA G71.0 - Spindle Alarm Reset ............................................................................................ 141 BAL F1.2 - CNC Battery Alarm ..................................................................................................... 141 DRN/MDRN G46.7/F2.7 - Dry Run ............................................................................................... 142 DTCH1/MDTCH1 G124/F110 - Controlled Axis Detach ................................................................. 143 ENB F1.4 - Spindle Enabled ......................................................................................................... 143 ERS/RST G8.7/F1.1 - External Reset ........................................................................................... 143 HROV G96.7 - Rapid Override 1% Select ................................................................................... 144 HS1A~HS1D G18.0~G18.3 - Manual Handle Feed Axis .............................................................. 144 MP1~MP2 G19.4~G19.5 - Manual Handle Multiplier ................................................................... 144 IGNVRY G66.0 - Ignore VRDY OFF Alarm All Axes .................................................................... 145 IGNVRY1~8 G192 - Ignore V READY OFF Alarm ....................................................................... 145 INCH F2.0 - Inch Input ............................................................................................................... 145
PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Table of Contents INP1~INP8 F104 - In-Position Signal .......................................................................................... 145 KEY1~KEY4 G46.3~G46.6 - Memory Protect Key ....................................................................... 146 MD1~MD4 G43.0~G43.2 - CNC Mode Selection ........................................................................ 146 MA F1.7 - CNC Ready Signal ..................................................................................................... 147 SA F0.6 - Servo Ready Signal .................................................................................................... 147 MI1~MI8 G106/F108 - Mirror Image Control ................................................................................ 148 MLK/MMLK G44.1/F4.1 - Machine Lock All Axes ........................................................................ 150 MLK1~MLK8 G108 - Machine Lock Individual Axis ...................................................................... 150 MV1~MV8 F102 - Axis Movement In-progress ............................................................................ 150 MVD1~MVD8 F106 - Axis Movement Direction ........................................................................... 150 OVC G6.4 - Override Cancel ...................................................................................................... 151 ROV1~ROV2 G14.0~G14.1 - Rapid Override.............................................................................. 151 SBK/MSBK G46.1/F4.3 - Single Block ........................................................................................ 151 ST/STL G7.2/F0.5 - Cycle Start .................................................................................................. 152 STLK G7.1 - Start Lock .............................................................................................................. 152 SVF1~SVF8 G126 - Servo OFF.................................................................................................. 152 UI00~UI15 G54~G55 - User Input Custom Macro........................................................................ 153 UO00~UO15 F54~F55 - User Output Custom Macro................................................................... 154
(1) UI/UO G54/F54 - Using Macro Inputs and Outputs........................................................................... 155 ZP1~ZP8 F94 - Zero Return Complete........................................................................................ 157 ZP21~ZP28 F96 - Second Reference Point Return Complete ...................................................... 157 ZP31~ZP38 F98 - Third Reference Point Return Complete.......................................................... 157 ZP41~ZP48 F100 - Fourth Reference Point Return Complete...................................................... 157
8. Exercise 4 – Dedicated Addresses ........................................................................................ 158
9. Software Operator Panel ....................................................................................................... 159
9.1. Mode Selection MDO1~MDO4 – F73.0~F73.2................................................................ 160
9.2. Manual Handle Feed Axis HSAO~HSDO – F77.0~F77.3 ................................................ 160
9.3. Manual Handle Multiplier MP1O~MP2O – F76.0~F76.1 ................................................. 160
9.4. Rapid Override ROV1O~ROV2O – F76.4~F76.5 ............................................................ 161
9.5. Jog Feedrate Override *JV0O~*JV15O - F79~F80 ......................................................... 161
9.6. Feedrate Override *FV0O~*FV7O – F78......................................................................... 161
9.7. Software Operator Panel Function Switches ................................................................... 161
9.8. General Purpose Switches.............................................................................................. 162
9.9. ASCII Code Chart ........................................................................................................... 163
9.10. Software Operator Jog Buttons ..................................................................................... 163
10. Number Systems ................................................................................................................. 164
10.1. Binary ........................................................................................................................... 164
10.2. Hexadecimal (Hex) ....................................................................................................... 165
10.3. Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) ....................................................................................... 166
11. Functional Instructions......................................................................................................... 167
11.1. SUB1 – END1 Ladder 1st Level End.............................................................................. 169
11.2. SUB2 – END2 Ladder 2nd Level End ............................................................................. 170
11.3. SUB48 – END3 Ladder 3rd Level End ........................................................................... 170
11.4. SUB3 – TMR User Adjustable Timer ............................................................................. 171
11.5. SUB24 - TMRB Fixed Timer ......................................................................................... 172
11.6. SUB54 - TMRC Timer ................................................................................................... 173
11.7. SUB 77 – TMRBF Instant-On, Delay-Off Timer ............................................................. 174
11.8. SUB 4 – DEC Decode ................................................................................................... 175
11.9. SUB – 25 DECB Binary Decoding................................................................................. 176
11.10. SUB 5 – CTR Counter................................................................................................. 178
11.11. SUB 56 – CTRB Fixed Counter................................................................................... 179
11.12. SUB 55 - CTRC Counter C ......................................................................................... 180
11.13. SUB 32 – CMPB Comparison Between Binary Data ................................................... 182
11.14. SUB 6 – ROT Rotation Control ................................................................................... 183
11.15. SUB 26 – ROTB Rotation Control Binary .................................................................... 185
11.16. SUB 8 – MOVE Logical Product Transfer.................................................................... 187

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PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Table of Contents
11.17. SUB 28 – MOVOR Data Transfer After Logical Sum ................................................... 188
11.18. SUB 14 – DCNV Data Conversion .............................................................................. 189
11.19. SUB 31 – DCNVB Extended Data Conversion ............................................................ 190
11.20. SUB 16 – COIN Coincidence Check ........................................................................... 191
11.21. SUB 40 – NUMEB Definition of Binary Constants ....................................................... 192
11.22. SUB 36 – ADDB Binary Addition ................................................................................. 193
11.23. SUB 38 – MULB Binary Multiplication ......................................................................... 194
11.24. SUB 39 – DIVB Binary Division ................................................................................... 195
11.25. SUB 59 – EOR Logical Exclusive OR.......................................................................... 196
11.26. SUB 61 – OR .............................................................................................................. 198
11.27. SUB 60 – AND ............................................................................................................ 199
11.28. SUB 62 – NOT ............................................................................................................ 200
11.29. Ladder Subroutines ..................................................................................................... 201
12. Machine Alarms ................................................................................................................... 202
12.1. A Address Alarm Coils .................................................................................................. 203
12.2. PMC Message Data Viewer .......................................................................................... 204
12.3. SUB 41 - DISPB Display Alarm Message ...................................................................... 205
12.4. Master Alarm Circuit...................................................................................................... 206
13. Exercise 5 – PMC Functional Instructions............................................................................ 207
14. Auxiliary Functions – M, S, T & B Codes ............................................................................. 208
14.1. Determining why ‘FIN’ is on the screen ......................................................................... 208
14.2. M-Codes ....................................................................................................................... 210
14.3. S-Codes ........................................................................................................................ 211
14.4. T-Codes ........................................................................................................................ 212
14.5. B-Codes ........................................................................................................................ 212
15. PMC Controlled Axis............................................................................................................ 213
15.1. CNC Controlled Axis ..................................................................................................... 213
15.2. PMC Controlled Axis ..................................................................................................... 213
15.2.1. I/O Link PMC Axis................................................................................................... 213
15.2.2. Power Mate Controlled Axis.................................................................................... 214
15.3. PMC Controlled Axis Operations ................................................................................... 214
15.4. PMC Axis Control Parameter ........................................................................................ 214
15.5. Set Up Signals .............................................................................................................. 215
15.6. Operation Signals.......................................................................................................... 215
15.6.1. Axis control selection signal – EXA1 to EXA8 ......................................................... 216
15.6.2. Axis control command signal – EC0g to EC6g ........................................................ 216
15.6.3. Axis control feedrate signals – EIF0g to EIF15g...................................................... 216
15.6.4. Axis control data signals - EID0g to EID31g............................................................ 216
15.7. Handshaking Signals..................................................................................................... 216
15.8. PMC Sequences ........................................................................................................... 216
16. PMC Window Function ........................................................................................................ 220
16.1. D Register Stack ........................................................................................................... 220
16.1.1. Function Code ........................................................................................................ 220
16.1.2. Completion Code .................................................................................................... 221
16.1.3. Data Length ............................................................................................................ 221
16.1.4. Data Number .......................................................................................................... 221
16.1.5. Data Attribute.......................................................................................................... 221
16.1.6. Write Data............................................................................................................... 221
16.2. WINDW Example .......................................................................................................... 222
17. CNC Screen Review ............................................................................................................ 223
17.1. Wave Diagnostic Function ............................................................................................. 223
PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Table of Contents
17.1.1. Wave Diagnostic Parameters ................................................................................. 223
17.1.2. Waveform Diagnostic Capture Program ................................................................. 226
17.1.3. Capture Waveform Data ......................................................................................... 227
17.2. CNC Diagnostic Screen ................................................................................................ 229
18. Ladder Editing ..................................................................................................................... 230
18.1. Settings......................................................................................................................... 230
18.2. Altering Existing Ladder Logic....................................................................................... 231
18.3. Adding New Ladder Logic ............................................................................................. 234
18.3.1. Adding a New Functional Instruction ...................................................................... 235
18.4. Deleting Ladder Logic ................................................................................................... 236
18.5. Deleting a Single Contact.............................................................................................. 237
18.6. CUT and COPY Functions ............................................................................................ 237
18.7. Symbols and Comments ............................................................................................... 238
18.7.1. Altering Existing Addresses .................................................................................... 239
18.7.2. Adding New Addresses .......................................................................................... 240
18.8. Machine Alarm Messages ............................................................................................. 242
18.9. Adding I/O Link Modules ............................................................................................... 244
18.10. Saving Ladder Changes to FROM .............................................................................. 245
19. Exercise 6 – Ladder Editing ................................................................................................. 246
20. Revision History of FFA-091012 .......................................................................................... 247
21. Operator Panel Layout ........................................................................................................ 248

FFA-091012/02 V
PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Introduction to PMC Ladder
1. Introduction to PMC Ladder
Control of the Machine Tool is performed in three key areas, with the FANUC System Software
regulating the entire system. The three areas of control are the CNC, PMC, and Machine.
The Programmable Machine Control, or PMC, contains two individual software components:
the FANUC PMC system software (example 4067-13) which controls overall operation such as
cycle time, G and F address allocation, and I/O module recognition, and the Ladder Diagram
(example PMC-RB) which establishes the exact conditions or logic for a process to occur. The
machine tool builder writes the ladder diagram per individual machine requirements.
The FANUC CNC System Software is responsible for many aspects of control including the
power on sequence (or BOOT system), the control of Servo Motors, the display of information to
the LCD, and the operation of G-Codes within the part program.
The electronic portion of the Machine Tool includes physical switches, pushbuttons, LED’s, and
mechanical contactors. Many of these devices are located on the machine’s operator panel,
along the axis or tool change device, or in the electronics cabinet.
The PMC serves as the interface between the CNC and the Machine Tool.



1.1. The PMC function

The PMC uses G addresses to COMMAND the CNC, SERVO, and SPINDLE systems, and F
addresses are returned to the PMC, to CONFIRM the CNC, SERVO, and SPINDLE has done
what it was commanded to do. The G and F addresses are fixed software addresses and exist
only in the memory of the PMC.

The physical world is connected to the PMC through the I/O modules, using X and Y addresses.
The X addresses are inputs to the PMC; the Y addresses are outputs from the PMC. The I/O
board simply converts the signal from +24VDC to digital signals.

Introduction to PMC Ladder PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

1.1.1. Ladder Output Coils

The outputs from the PMC ladder are called coils. These coils output to the MACHINE, CNC,
SERVO, or SPINDLE systems to command actions. In the ladder diagram, the coils are
represented by circles.

M3 M5 G70.5


Each coil has an ADDRESS assigned to it. Here is the coil for address G70 bit 5. The address
determines where the signal output will go. G70.5 is a dedicated address for the PMC to
command the SPINDLE to go clockwise (M3). When the coil becomes active in the ladder, the
command is sent to the spindle drive.

Here are some of the ladder ADDRESSES that can be assigned to PMC COILS.

Y = Physical Outputs to the machine that activate relays, solenoids, etc.

G = PMC Outputs that command the CNC, servos, or spindle systems.

R = Internal Relays, relays that exist within the ladder software, used for purposes
determined by the ladder developer.

D = Data Register Bits, data registers are used for internal ladder data storage.

K = Keep Relays, relays that are used to set ladder options, controlled by a
parameter screen.

A = Alarm/Operator Message display, used to display custom machine builder

alarms on the CNC message display screen

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Introduction to PMC Ladder
1.1.2. Ladder Input Contacts

The inputs to the PMC ladder are called contacts. These contacts are input from the MACHINE,
CNC, SERVO, SPINDLE, or INTERNAL PMC signals, to tell the PMC the status of those signals.
In the ladder diagram, the contacts can be either normally closed or normally open.

M3 M5 G70.5



The NORMALLY OPEN contact conducts when the signal is ACTIVE.

The NORMALLY CLOSED contact conducts when the signal is NOT ACTIVE.

When the signal X2.1 is ACTIVE, and signal M5 is NOT ACTIVE, the net conducts and the coil
G70.5 is turned ON. If M5 becomes active, or X2.1 becomes not active, the coil G70.5 is turned

Here are some of the ladder ADDRESSES that can be assigned to INPUTS.

X = Physical Inputs, from the machine I/O, such as limit switches, proximity
switches, or other relay contacts.

Y = Physical Outputs, to the machine that activate relays, solenoids, etc.

F = System Inputs, that confirm the CNC, servos, or spindle system status to the

K = Keep Relays, relays that are used to set ladder options, controlled by a
parameter screen.

R = Internal Relays, relays that exist within the ladder software, used for the
purpose determined by the ladder developer.

D = Data Register Bits, data registers are used for internal ladder data storage.

A = Alarm/Operator Message Display, used to display custom machine builder

alarms on the CNC message display screen.

Introduction to PMC Ladder PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
1.1.3. PMC Specifications

The performance of the PMC varies with the type and model of the control used. The 3xi series
has more processing power than the 0i-D so it processes ladder instructions faster.

Furthermore, the 3xi series can operate multiple ladders (referred to as paths) – the 30i-A can
control up to three paths and the 30i-B can control up to five paths. The 0i-D only controls a
single ladder. In addition to the path(s) that the CNCs can control, there is an optional feature
called Dual Check Safety (DCS) that has its own ladder as well.

Function 0i Model D 3xi Model A 3xi Model B DCS

1 PMC – B & C st
PMC Memory Type nd 1 PMC – B, C, or D
Standard & PMC/L 2 PMC – A & B nd th -
(see Note 1) rd 2 – 5 PMC – A, B, or C
3 PMC - A
Programming Ladder, st Ladder,
Step Sequence (only available on the 1 PMC),
Language Function Block (option) Func. Blk. (op.)
Function Block (op.)
# of ladder levels 3; 2 on PMC/L 3 2
Ladder scan time 8 msec 4 or 8 msec (see Note 2) 8 msec
25 nsec/step
Processing speed 25 nsec/step 9.1 nsec/step 1 µsec/step
1 µsec/step (PMC/L)
32,000 steps
Program capacity 100,000 steps 300,000 steps 3,000 steps
8,000 steps (PMC/L)
2,048 inputs (X)
4,096 outputs (Y) 4,096 inputs (X) 64 inputs
Possible I/O points
1,024 inputs (PMC/L) 4,096 outputs (Y) 64 outputs
1,024 outputs (PMC/L)
384 KB 2 MB (PMC1)
Max. ladder size 5 MB (All paths combined) 128 KB
128 KB (PMC/L) 768 KB (PMC 2 & 3)

Note 1 (does not apply to 0i-D): The ladder memory type to be used is set by CNC parameter.
PRM 11940 – 11944 sets the memory type of PMCs 1-5 respectively (the 3xi-A only uses PRMs
A setting of: 1 = PMC Memory A, 2 = PMC Memory B, 3 = PMC Memory C, 4 = PMC Memory D, -
1 = uses the same memory as the 1st PMC.

Note 2: CNC parameter 11930 specifies the ladder scan time – set to 4 for 4 msec or to 8 for 8

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Introduction to PMC Ladder
1.1.4. Address Table

Like ladder performance, the address table varies between CNC Series and Model as well as the
ladder memory type. The 3xi-A control can use PMC memory types A, B, or C, the 3xi-B utilizes
PMC memory types A, B, C, or D, and the 0i-D can use its standard ladder or the ladder that the
0iMate-D uses (PMC/L).

Table of addresses available to the user for the 0i-D series:

0i Model D
Address Description 0i Model D 0iMate Model D DCS
PMC Input from physical machine X0 ~ X127
X side (limit switches)
X0 ~ X127 X0 ~ X127
X200 ~ X327

PMC Output to physical machine Y0 ~ Y127

Y side (relays/solenoids)
Y0 ~ Y127 Y0 ~ Y127
Y200 ~ Y327

PMC Input from CNC, Servo, or F0 ~ F767

F Spindle system (confirmation)
F0 ~ F767 F0 ~ F767
F1000 ~ F1767

PMC Output to CNC, Servo, or G0 ~ G767

G Spindle system (command)
G0 ~ G767 G0 ~ G767
G1000 ~ G1767

PMC Internal Relays – contacts

R and coils found only within the R0 ~ R7999 R0 ~ R1499 R0 ~ R1499

Extra relays – similar in use to R

addresses but can be sent to
E different machines (via Profibus,
E0 ~ E9999 E0 ~ E9999 -
DeviceNet, etc.)

PMC Output to CNC message

A display (Alarms)
A0 ~ A249 A0 ~ A249 -

C0 ~ C399 C0 ~ C79 C0 ~ C79

C PMC Counters
C5000 ~ C5199 C5000 ~ C5039 C5000 ~ C5039

PMC Keep relays – can be used

K like an R address but maintains K0 ~ K99 K0 ~ K19 K0 ~ K19
state through a power cycle unlike R

T PMC Timers T0 ~ T499 T0 ~ T79 T0 ~ T79

D PMC Data register D0 ~ D9999 D0 ~ D2999 D0 ~ D2999

L PMC Labels L1 ~ L9999 L1 ~ L9999 L1 ~ L9999

P PMC Subprograms P1 ~ P5000 P1 ~ P512 P1 ~ P512

Introduction to PMC Ladder PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

Table of addresses available to the user for 3xi Series:

Address Description 3xi Model A & B DCS
PMC Input from physical machine X0 ~ X127, X200 ~ X327, X400 ~ X527, X600 ~
X side (limit switches) X727
X0 ~ X127

PMC Output to physical machine Y0 ~ Y127, Y200 ~ Y327, Y400 ~ Y527, Y600 ~
Y side (relays/solenoids) Y727
Y0 ~ Y127

F0 ~ F767, F1000 ~ F1767, F2000 ~ F2767,

PMC Input from CNC, Servo, or F3000 ~ F3767, F4000 ~ F4767, F5000 ~ F5767,
F Spindle system (confirmation) F6000 ~ F6767, F7000 ~ F7767, F8000 ~ F8767,
F0 ~ F767
F9000 ~ F9767

G0 ~ G767, G1000 ~ G1767, G2000 ~ G2767,

PMC Output to CNC, Servo, or G3000 ~ G3767, G4000 ~ G4767, G5000 ~ G5767
G Spindle system (command)
G0 ~ G767
G6000 ~ G6767, G7000 ~ G7767, G8000 ~ G8767
G9000 ~ G9767

R0 ~ R1499 (Memory Type A)

PMC Internal Relays – contacts R0 ~R7999 (Memory Type B)
R and coils found only within the R0 ~ R1499
ladder R0 ~ R15999 (Memory Type C)
R0 ~ R59999 (Memory Type D)

Extra relays – similar in use to R

addresses but can be sent to
E different ladders or machines (via
E0 ~ E9999 -
Profibus, DeviceNet, etc.)

A0 ~ A249 (Memory Type A & B)

PMC Output to CNC message
A display (Alarms)
A0 ~ A499 (Memory Type C) -
A0 ~ A749 (Memory Type D)

C0 ~ C79, C5000 ~ C5039 (Memory Type A)

C0 ~ C399, C5000 ~ C5199 (Memory Type B) C0 ~ C79
C PMC Counters
C0 ~ C799, C5000 ~ C5399 (Memory Type C) C5000 ~ C5039
C0 ~ C1199, C5000 ~ C5599 (Memory Type D)

K0 ~ K19 (Memory Type A)

PMC Keep relays – can be used K0 ~ K99 (Memory Type B)
K like an R address but maintains K0 ~ K19
state through a power cycle unlike R K0 ~ K199 (Memory Type C)
K0 ~ K299 (Memory Type D)

T0 ~ T79 (Memory Type A)

T PMC Timers T0 ~ T499 (Memory Type B) T0 ~ T79
T0 ~ T999 (Memory Type C & D)

D0 ~ D2999 (Memory Type A)

D0 ~ D9999 (Memory Type B)
D PMC Data register D0 ~ D2999
D0 ~ D19999 (Memory Type C)
D0 ~ D59999 (Memory Type D)

L PMC Labels L1 ~ L9999 L1 ~ L9999

P1 ~ P512 (3xi-A Memory Type A)

P PMC Subprograms P1 ~ P5000 (3xi-A Memory Type B & C) P1 ~ P512
P1 ~ P5000 (3xi-B Memory Type A-D)

M Input signals form another PMC M0 ~ M767 -

N Output signals to another PMC N0 ~ N767 -

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Introduction to PMC Ladder

1.2. The CNC function

G-Code - The primary function of the CNC is to read the G-Code programs which move the servo
axis accordingly. Any miscellaneous codes (M, S, or T) read in the program are passed to the
PMC (F addresses), and it is up to the PMC to process and confirm that they are executed. When
the PMC confirms the M, S, or T code has been processed, it returns the FIN signal to the
CNC (G4.3). The FIN signal allows the CNC to continue on to the next line of the G-Code

Parameters - The parameters are settings in the CNC memory. These settings tell the CNC what
the machine is capable of, for example one parameter setting tells the CNC the travel distance for
the X servo axis, in the + and - directions. FANUC makes controllers that will work on any size
machine. The parameters describe the machine capabilities to the CNC controller.

1.3. The Machine function

The MACHINE side has PMC inputs and outputs. The PMC inputs (X addresses) are physical
switches, contacts, or sensors. The PMC outputs (Y addresses) are physical relay coils,
solenoids, or contactors.
A typical scenario for interaction is the use of the CYCLE START button.

1. The physical Cycle Start button is pressed on the machine operator panel.
2. This causes +24VDC to be sent to an I/O module.
3. The I/O module inputs this signal to the PMC Ladder at address X12.1.
4. The ladder uses X12.1 to activate the G7.2 coil
5. This commands the CNC to Cycle Start.
6. The CNC starts processing the current G-Code program.
7. Address F0.5 confirms to the PMC that it is in Cycle Start.
8. The ladder uses the F0.5 contact to activate the Y12.1 coil.
9. The Y12.1 coil address is recognized by the I/O module.
10. The I/O module outputs +24VDC at the wire connected to the Y12.1 address.
11. The lamp in the Cycle Start push button is turned on.

A similar interaction of command and confirmation occurs with every PMC operation.

Basic Ladder Items PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

2. Basic Ladder Items

The basic building blocks of a ladder are normally open and normally closed contacts as well as
output, inverted output, and set/reset coils.

1) Press the button on the MDI panel.

2) Press the soft key on the CNC menu until you see the 3 main PMC choices:

, , and

3) Press the soft key, then press the soft key on the LCD menu.

2.1. Normally Open Input Contacts

Contacts are inputs to the PMC; they can be duplicated in the ladder. The normally open contact
conducts when the input is activated (status=1) and is highlighted on the display; it does not
conduct when the input is inactive (status=0) and is not highlighted.

Non-conducting Conducting Normally

Normally Open Contact Open Contact

4) Push in the Emergency Stop button to control the logic.

2.2. Normally Closed Input Contacts

Contacts are inputs to the PMC; they can be duplicated in the ladder. The normally closed
contact conducts when the input is not activated (status=0) and is highlighted on the display;
it does not conduct when the input is active (status=1).

Conducting Normally Closed Contact

Non-Conducting Normally Closed Contact

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Basic Ladder Items
2.3. Output Coils
Coils are outputs from the PMC; they cannot be duplicated in the ladder. If the contacts before
the output coil conduct, the output coil is activated (status=1). If there is not a complete path
of conducting contacts from the left side of the screen to the coil, the output coil is inactive
(status=0). The coil has a highlighted appearance when active.

Conducting Output Coil

Non - Conducting Output Coil

2.4. Inverted Output Coil

Coils are outputs from the PMC; they cannot be duplicated in the ladder. The inverted coil’s
behavior is the inverse of an output coil. If there is not a complete path of conducting contacts in
front of the coil, this output coil is active (status=1). If the contacts before the output coil
conduct, the output coil is de-activated (status=0).

1) Press the soft key.

2) Press the soft key.

3) Enter and press the soft key.

Conducting Inverted Output Coil

Non - Conducting Inverted Output Coil

4) Press the button on the operator panel to control the logic.

Basic Ladder Items PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
2.5. SET Output Coil
The SET coils are outputs from the PMC; unlike other coils they can have a duplicate, the RESET
coil. If the contacts before this coil conduct, even momentarily, the coil is LATCHED ON
(status=1). The only way to turn it OFF is to use the RESET coil with the same address.

1) The R210.1 coil should be visible on the screen, if not just press the
button to see it.

2) Press the button on the Operator Panel to SET the coil (it’s already set
because of the previous section).

Note that when the coil is set, both the SET and RESET coils are highlighted.

2.6. RESET Output Coil

The RESET coil works with a SET coil of the same address. If the contacts before this coil
conduct, even momentarily, the coil is LATCHED OFF (status=0). The only way to turn it ON is
to use the SET coil with the same address.

3) Press the button on the Operator Panel to RESET the coil.

Note that when the coil is not set, neither the SET nor RESET coils are highlighted.

4) While holding down the button, press the button – notice that the
coil will not SET.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Basic Ladder Items
2.7. Logical AND Circuit

When contacts are arranged in series with each other, this is called ANDing.

In the next example, both the AUX1 AND AUX 2 contacts must conduct before the output R210.2
turns ON.

5) Enter and press the soft key.

6) Press and hold the and buttons on the Operator Panel to see the
coil conduct.

2.8. Logical OR Circuit

When contacts are arranged in parallel with each other, this is called ORing.

Either AUX1 OR AUX2 must conduct before the output R210.3 turns ON

7) Enter and press the soft key.

8) Press and hold either the or the button on the Operator Panel to see
the coil conduct.

Basic Ladder Items PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
2.9. Latch and Hold Circuit

A latch and hold circuit uses a contact of the same address as the coil to latch the coil ON even if
the input only turns ON momentarily.

9) Enter and press the soft key.

Same address

In this example, when turned ON, the coil R210.5 was turned ON.

When the coil R210.5 turns ON, the contact R210.5 then conducts, causing the coil to LATCH
and HOLD the output ON, even if AUX5 stops conducting.

The only way the circuit can turn OFF is for F1.1 to stop conducting.

Address F1.1 is the button on the MDI key pad.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Basic Ladder Items
2.10. Momentary Switches to Latching Switches
The circuit below converts the input from a momentary switch and causes it to latch within the
ladder logic. This is very common today for operator panel and other switch inputs. The circuit
uses a Sub 57 DIFU rising edge detection function block to hold the coil on for one ladder scan.
The logic acts like a basic flip-flop circuit.

1) Enter and press the soft key. Cursor down

four times to see the complete circuit.

In the example below, even a very brief input from X14.5 will cause the Sub 57 function block to
turn on coil R16.5. This will cause the contacts R16.5 to conduct and activate the SET coil R17.5
if the output coil, Y14.5, is in the off state. Coil R17.5 will cause the output coil Y14.5 to latch on
as seen below.

If the output is in the on/set state, when the input X14.5 is activated again, the Reset coil, R17.5
will be activated and coil output will be turned off, turning off the output coil Y14.5.

2) Press the button on the operator panel to control the circuit.

PMC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

3. PMC Screen Review

These three soft keys - - offer access to nearly all the information that

pertains to the PMC side of the system. This section will cover what is available from each soft

3.1. PMC LADDER Display

The PMC LADDER display allows you to see the ladder logic written by the machine builder. You
also have the ability to search for specific addresses or comments, view the current status of a
signal, or trace signal status.
3.1.1. LIST Display

1) Press the button on the MDI key pad.

2) Press the soft key on the CNC menu until you see the three main PMC choices.

3) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

The PMC LIST VIEW will appear …

In the LIST view there are several choices available:

COLLECT = Collective Monitor (Tool to create a personalized view)

GLOBAL = View all ladder logic (Displays everything listed below)
LEVEL1 = View high priority ladder logic only (Machine safety circuits)
LEVEL2 = View general machine ladder logic only (General Machine operation)
P0010 = Sub program (Part load/unload processing)
P0020 = Sub Program (Changes a CNC Parameter)
P0021 = Sub Program (Changes a CNC Parameter)
P0022 = Sub Program (Changes a CNC Parameter)
P0200 = Sub program (Spindle S-Code processing)
P0300 = Sub program (Tool T-Code processing)
P0400 = Sub program (Index table B-Code processing)

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Screen Review
The first time you look at the LADDER display it automatically shows the LIST view; you can

bring up this screen at any time by pressing the soft key.

4) Press the or buttons on the MDI keypad to choose GLOBAL.

5) There are two ways to focus the display on one of the LIST choices.

You can: Press the and then soft keys, or press the soft key.

3.1.2. LADDER Display

6) Press the soft key on the CNC menu to view the GLOBAL ladder.

The ladder DIAGRAM MONITOR screen appears.

By default, the ladder elements that are conducting appear highlighted in BLUE or GREEN (Blue
= 3xi, Green = 0iD). The colors can be customized as we’ll see later.

The ladder NET numbers are displayed at the top of the page

The cursor
is yellow,
and can be
moved by
the arrow
The status
of the
is shown
on the
status line.

PMC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D SEARCH Menu

By pressing the soft key, the search menu is displayed. When searching, the signals
address or symbol name (comment) may be entered.

1) Press the soft key, and then the soft key on the CNC menu.

Several new soft key choices are displayed:

- This soft key moves the display to the top or the bottom of the ladder each time it
is pressed.

- This soft key searches for the next instance of whatever the cursor is on top of, or
whatever you type in – such as NET numbers or addresses of contacts, coils, registers, etc.

- This soft key searches for coils ONLY. From a maintenance perspective, this is
the primary search button – usually when searching the ladder you are looking for the address
of a coil. SET and RESET coils are the only coils that can be duplicated in the ladder – if your
cursor is on one of these and you press this soft key again, it will switch you between the two.

- This soft key searches for functional instructions ONLY. Each type of functional
instruction is assigned a SUBroutine number – such as 3 for a timer; you type in the SUB
number and press the soft key to search for that functional instruction. If the cursor is
highlighting SUB # inside a functional instruction, you will be taken to the next instance of that
type of functional instruction.

- This soft key selects the rung pointed to by the cursor. The selected net will appear
on the COLLECTIVE display.

- This soft key functions precisely like the soft key with the exception that it
searches in the opposite direction.

- This soft key functions precisely like the soft key.

- This soft key closes the .

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Screen Review

2) Enter address , and then press the soft key.

The coil for R0.1 appears on the display, and the status is shown below.


3) Once the cursor selects an address, you can press the soft key again to find
the related contacts. Press it a few times.

4) Press to return to the coil.

5) Press to return to the top of the ladder.

6) Enter then press to search NET number 223.

7) Enter then press to search for function block SUB 54.

PMC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
3.1.3. COLLECTive Monitor Function
The collective display is a screen that allows you to choose the ladder rungs you want to display.
This allows you to choose rungs from multiple sections or levels of the ladder and view them in
one central location.

If coming from the previous section, steps 1-3 are not necessary:

1) From the LADDER display screen, press the soft key.

2) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

3) Enter then press the soft key.

4) Press the soft key, notice the looking glass appears on the left edge.

Note: The ladder cursor must be enabled for the pickup key to appear.

5) Enter then press to search for function block SUB 3.

6) Press the soft key, notice the looking glass appears on the left edge.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Screen Review

7) Press the soft key to change the soft key menu.

8) Press the soft key to change to the COLLECTIVE display view.

9) Press the soft key again to return to the GLOBAL display view.

10) Press the soft key to change to the COLLECTIVE display view.

11) Move the cursor down to the line with the SUB 54 block. Press the soft key.
Notice that this soft key takes you to that particular spot in the LADDERL view.

12) Press the soft key to change to the COLLECTIVE display view.

13) Press the soft key. Notice that the rung that the cursor was on is no longer in the
collective display.

14) Press the soft key. Notice that the CNC asks you if you really want to do that (in
its own way).

15) Press the soft key to remove all rungs on the collective display.

PMC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
3.1.4. SCREEN SETTING Display
The SCREEN SETTING page allows you to change the appearance of the ladder display.

From the previous section, press the soft key to close the search menu.

1) From the LADDER display, press the soft key on the CNC menu.
The DIAGRAM MONITOR (SETTING) screen appears …





PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Screen Review






This applies to when you are viewing a PMC subprogram.

When set to LOCAL the NET numbers do not refer to where the subprogram is in the global
ladder but strictly to that subprogram alone – so the first net in the subprogram is number 1.

When set to GLOBAL, the NET numbers conform to the numbering of the global ladder – so
unless the subprogram is at the very top of the ladder its NET numbering will not start at 1.


This setting affects how the soft key works.

When set to YES, if you reach the bottom of the ladder while searching and press the
soft key again, then the system will go back to the top of the ladder and continue looking for the
next result.
When set to NO, once you reach the result closest to the bottom of the ladder you will get the
message THE ADDRESS IS NOT FOUND if you continue to press the soft key.

Press the and soft keys to return to the Ladder list.

PMC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
3.2. PMC MAINTE Display
3.2.1. STATUS Display
The status display is where you can quickly see the status of any PMC address. This is useful
when checking to see if an input address is working or to check if an output has been turned on.
The status screen always updates, even if the PMC is not running.

1) Press the button on the MDI key pad.

2) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

3) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

4) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

5) Enter X14 on the MDI key pad.

6) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

The status of the physical inputs (X addresses) appears on the display.
Up and down the left side are the addresses, across the top are the bit numbers.

Address X14 bit 0 is wired to the AUX1 button.

7) Activate the AUX1 button on the operator panel, and see the bit change.

8) Enter Y14 on the MDI key pad.

9) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Screen Review

10) Press the button on the MDI key pad to highlight bit 0.

11) Press the soft key on the CNC menu. (The soft key does not exist unless RAM


12) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

Notice the LED on the operator panel flashes ON/OFF each time it’s pressed, or may
appear to have done nothing at all.

The FORCE function can force any output address, but it will only stay forced when the

13) Press the soft key to exit the FORCE menu.

14) Press the soft key 2 times to change the soft key menu.

15) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

16) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

17) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

18) Press the soft key, to stop the ladder execution.

PMC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
The message ‘DO YOU WANT TO STOP (ALL PMC) PROGRAM(S)?’ appears…

19) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

20) Press the soft key 2 times to change the soft key menu.

21) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

22) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

23) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

24) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

25) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

Notice the AUX1 led turns ON…and stays on.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Screen Review

26) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

Notice the AUX1 led turns OFF…

27) Press the soft key on the CNC menu again.

28) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

29) Press the soft key 2 times to change the soft key menu.

30) Press the soft key to change the soft key menu.

31) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

32) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

33) Press the soft key to start the ladder execution again.
The message ‘DO YOU WANT TO RUN (ALL PMC) PROGRAM(S)?’ appears…

34) Press the soft key to change the soft key menu.

Notice the AUX1 led turns OFF when the ladder takes control.
If the ladder coil you force does not exist within the ladder logic
the coil will force on and off even with the ladder in RUN mode.

PMC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
3.2.2. I/O LINK Display
All of the Input/Output devices for the machine are connected through the I/O link. The link is a
serial connection (electrical cable) that starts at CNC connector JD51A and then daisy chains
from device to device. There are a maximum number of devices (16) that can be daisy chained
together on the I/O link but this amount can be multiplied by using multiple I/O link chains – called

The 3xi series can operate up to four I/O link channels and the 0i-D can operate two.

Each I/O device on the link has an address which is set by the order in which it is connected to
the cable.

Starting from the CNC, the first

device is Group 0, the next is
Group 1, etc. up to Group 15.

The address of the device can be

further refined as we will discuss
later in the course.

The soft key brings up a

display that list all the I/O devices
connected to the CNC.

1) Press the button on the MDI key pad.

2) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

3) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

4) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Screen Review
3.2.3. PMC ALARM Display
The alarm display indicates faults that occur during ladder processing. In most cases you will
never see an alarm on this screen. If the PMC’s configuration is incorrect, or the I/O link should
fail, a message may appear here.

1) Press the button on the MDI key pad.

2) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

3) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

4) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

The PMC ALARM screen appears…

If all is good on the PMC side of the control, the message NO ALARM will appear.

If a PMC alarm does occur, no alarm is present on the CNC MESSAGE display. The only
indication you may see is the CNC will be stuck in an EMG-STOP condition. This is a good time
to check the PMCDGN ALARM screen.

Disconnect the I/O Link cable, then power on the CNC to see this condition.

PMC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
3.2.4. I/O Display

The screen is used for saving and loading PMC data. This data includes the PMC
parameters, PMC ladders, message (alarm) data, and trace settings. PMC Ladder Backup

The PMC ladder is stored in FROM memory. The FROM memory typically does not get lost,
however it is a good idea to have a backup of the ladder program. Follow this procedure…

1) Select mode on the operator panel.

2) Press the button 2 times on the MDI key panel.

3) Press the soft key.

4) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

5) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

The PMC DATA I/O screen appears…

Using the keys:



PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Screen Review

9) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

10) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

The CNC will automatically file in the FILE NAME field.

11) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

The PMC will begin outputting the ladder program to the memory device. At the bottom of the
screen the byte count increments as the data is sent out and EXECUTING appears. When the
ladder has been saved the status message on the screen says COMPLETED.

PMC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Parameter Backup

The PMC has its own parameter settings; unlike the ladder, these are stored in SRAM. SRAM is
kept alive by a battery mounted on the control, if the battery dies then the PMC parameters will be
lost. The battery should be replaced annually. The parameters are defined by the machine
builder, so it is a good idea to have a backup of them.

13) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

The CNC will automatically change the FILE NAME field.

14) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

At the bottom of the screen the byte count increments as the data is sent out and EXECUTING
appears. When all parameters have been output the status message on the screen says

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Screen Review Exercise 1 – PMC Data Backup

1) Where is the SRAM memory battery located?

2) If the battery runs down, what information may be lost?

3) In what type of memory is the LADDER stored? Can it be lost if the battery is low?

4) After downloading the ladder to your laptop, how can you confirm the file is correct?

5) How often should you make a backup of the LADDER?

6) How often should you make a backup of the PMC PARAMETERS?

PMC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
3.2.5. PMC Parameter Display
The PMC parameters provide the PMC with data values. Their purpose is determined by the
machine builder at the time the ladder is written. They set time intervals for timers, keep track of
current counts in counters, turn on machine side options, and store data to remember machine
conditions like which tools are in which magazine pots. TIMER Setting Display

The timers are used to delay a coil output. The timer function blocks labeled SUB3 can be
adjusted on this page. Contact the machine builder to determine the timer’s purpose.

1) Press the button on the MDI panel.

2) Press the soft key to change the CNC menu.

3) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

4) Press the soft key to change the CNC menu.

5) Press the soft key on CNC menu.

The TIMER setting screen appears…
There are 4 columns on this screen, NO., ADDRESS, PRESET, and ACC.

The NO. column refers to the number in the SUB3 function block.
TIMER number 15 is associated with address T28 on the PMC diagnostic screen.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Screen Review

6) Press the button on the MDI key pad, to select timer No. 15.

7) Press the soft key.

8) Press the soft key then press again.

This button allows you to see any comments that the ladder programmer may have entered to
describe the timer purpose

9) Press the soft key on CNC menu.

This allows you to set the update interval of each individual timer.
(Note: to see the ACCRCY soft key on the 0iD control, PWE=1 and MDI mode must be

The accuracy changes the increment that the timer actually counts time by.

10) Enter 4000 then press (4000=4.000sec).

11) Press the left menu 3 times to return to the original menu.

12) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

PMC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

13) Press the soft key on the CNC menu to view the ladder selection.

14) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

15) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

16) Enter then press the soft key.

This is a timer FUNCTION BLOCK. When the input is activated, the timer counts.
When the preset value is reached, the coil R200.0 turns ON.

17) Hold the button and watch the timer run.

18) Press the soft key to change the soft key menu.

19) Press the soft key 2 times to return to the original menu.

20) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Screen Review COUNTER Setting Display
The counters can be used by the machine builder to count any occurrence they choose. A
common use for a counter would be to count tool pots on the tool magazine. The counter
function blocks SUB5 can be adjusted on this screen.

1) Press the soft key on CNC menu.

The COUNTER setting screen appears.
There are 4 columns on this screen, NO., ADDRESS, PRESET and CURRENT

COUNTER number 5 is associated with PMC diagnostic address C0016.

2) Press the button on the MDI key pad, to select counter No. 5.

3) Enter then press .

4) Return to the ladder display and watch the counter count.

The ACT input (X14.0) is the action that will be counted. When the current count reaches
the preset value (5), the output coil (R200.5) becomes active.

PMC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D KEEP RELAY Setting Display
The KEEP RELAYS are used to enable/disable machine side functions in the ladder. For
example, the machine builder may include 4th axis control in the ladder, even though the machine
does not have the axis. If the end user decides to add a 4th axis later, a keep relay will enable that
portion of the ladder. This allows the machine builder to add all machine functions, so they don’t
need to re-write the ladder if the user decides to upgrade the machine.

1) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

The KEEP RELAY setting screen appears.

Keep relays K00 through K299 (depending on PMC memory type) are user defined, and may be
used by the machine builder for any purpose they choose. It is possible to have ladder coils with
K addresses, or they may be manually controlled on this parameter screen.

2) Turn OFF/ON K8.0, and see the status of the contact change in the ladder.

K900 through K999 are system relays used to control the PMC screens.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Screen Review DATA Table Display
The data table store data values to be used by the ladder logic. The values can be used for any
purpose the PMC developer wants. They could be used to store tool numbers in a random tool
changer, to keep track of which tool is in which pocket, or they may be used to vary the data in a

1) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

The DATA TABLE CONTROL screen appears…

2) Press the button on the MDI key pad, to select the GROUP.

3) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

4) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

5) Press the button on the MDI key pad, to view the other GROUPS.

6) Press the soft key on the CNC menu, to return to the CONTROL table.

PMC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
The DATA registers are separated into GROUPS. At the top of the screen shows there are 7
groups in this PMC. Group1 starts at address D0000.

ADDRESS D0000 is the start address of the GROUP.
TYPE is set to 1 (16bits), so each register takes up 2 addresses.
DATA is set to 5 (5 registers), so from address D0000~D0009 are used.
ADDRESS D0010 is the start address of the GROUP.
TYPE is set to 3 (8bits), so each register takes up 1 address.
DATA is set to 30 (30 registers), so from address D0010~D0039 are used.

ADDRESS – Sets the D start address for the GROUP.

PARAMETER – Determines how the data is displayed, and if it is protected.

Bit 0 – 0=Data is BINARY, 1=Data is BCD

Bit 1 – 0=Data is not protected, 1=Data is protected
Bit 2 – 0=Data is BCD, 1=Data is HEX
Bit 3 – 0=Data has a sign, 1=Data is unsigned

TYPE – Determines how many bytes are used for each register.

0 = 1 byte (unsigned -0~255, signed -128~+128)

1 = 2 bytes (unsigned - 0~65536, signed -32767~+32767
2 = 4 bytes (unsigned 0~4,294,967,295, signed +/-2,147,483,647)
3 = 8 bits

DATA – Number of data registers assigned to the GROUP.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Screen Review
3.2.6. TRACE Display
The trace display allows you to monitor changes in status of any PMC address.
Up to 32 different addresses may be monitored at the same time.

1) Press the button on the MDI key pad.

2) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

3) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

4) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

5) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

Set the screen up as follows:

PMC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

6) Press the button on the MDI key pad.

The SAMPLING ADDRESS screen appears …

Set the screen up as follows:

7) Enter the address then press .

Notice that the screen displays:

8) Press the soft key on the CNC menu to display addresses. (It changes to )

9) Also enter the addresses G7.2, F0.5, Y12.1, X14.4, X14.5.

10) Press the soft key to return to the previous menu.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Screen Review

11) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

12) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

13) Press the soft key on the CNC menu. The TRACE begins.

14) Press the button on the operator panel to put the CNC into memory mode.

15) Press the button on the operator panel.

16) Press the button a few times on the operator panel

17) Press the button a few times on the operator panel

The screen is only updated when a watched signal turns either on or off – the state of all watched signals is shown at that time.

PMC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

18) Press the soft key to stop tracing the signals.

19) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

20) Press the button on the MDI key pad.

The PARAMETER SETTING page 1/2 appears …

21) Change the MODE to [TIME CYCLE]

22) Change the STOP CONDITION to [TRIGGER]
23) Change the ADDRESS to X14.5 (AUX6)
24) Change the POSITION to 100%

25) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

27) Press the soft key on the CNC menu. The TRACE begins.

29) Press the button on the operator panel.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Screen Review

30) Press the button a few times on the operator panel.

31) Press the button to stop the trace.

Notice the cursor is at the stop condition.

32) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

The TRACE PARAMETER setting screen appears.
33) Change the POSITION to 98%

34) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

35) Press the soft key on the CNC menu. The TRACE begins.

36) Press the button on the operator panel.

37) Press the button a few times on the operator panel

PMC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

38) Press the button to stop the trace.

39) Press the button a few times on the operator panel

Notice the trace continues for 2% of the TIME value after the stop condition (2% of 349 = ~7 sec.)

40) Press the soft key several times to view the entire trace.

41) Move the yellow cursor with the and buttons on the MDI keypad.
For 3xi: Notice the dark green line left at where the trace stop trigger occurred.
For 0i-D: Notice the light green line left at where the trace stop trigger occurred.

42) Move the cursor to the right of the trigger line. Press the soft key.

43) Press the button on the MDI key pad a few times.
For 3xi: Notice the blue line left at where the mark was left.
For 0i-D: Notice the semi-dark green line left at where the mark was left.

Trigger Mark Cursor

Only 1 MARK can be left on the signal trace.

CURSOR POSITION is distance from cursor to trigger point.
MARK POSITION is distance from trigger point to the mark.
RANGE is distance from the mark to the cursor.

/ performs at the cursor position.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Screen Review
3.2.7. I/O DGN Display

The screen functions similar to the PMC diagnostic screen , but where it
differs is in how it displays the status and the fact that the only PMC signals listed are those that
have had a SYMBOL assigned to them.

1) Press the button on the MDI key pad.

2) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

3) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

4) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

5) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

6) There are soft keys under the soft key that change how the information is
presented on the screen.

PMC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
3.3. PMC CONFIG Display
3.3.1. Title Display
The title screen displays information about the ladder file.

1) Press the button on the MDI panel.

2) Press the soft key to change the CNC menu.

3) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

4) Press the soft key.

The top half of the screen is information that is entered in by the person creating the ladder
program (such as the MTB’s ladder version). The bottom half of the screen is filled in
automatically by the CNC system.

The top portion can be edited by pressing the and soft keys.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Screen Review
3.3.2. Configuration Parameters (3xi Only)
The configuration parameters allow you to modify how the multiple PMCs operate – both on an
individual basis and with the other PMCs.

1) Press the button on the MDI panel.

2) Press the soft key to change the CNC menu.

3) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

4) Press the soft key.

The screen opens with a menu offering four choices:

5) Press the soft key.

6) Use the buttons to move the cursor to the desired selection.

7) Press the soft key.

PMC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D CNC-PMC Interface
The CNC-PMC Interface screen allows you to assign groups of G and F addresses to particular

Use caution when on this screen, most of the soft keys will make a change without confirmation
that requires a restart and afterward the PMC might not function correctly any more.

G/F0000 group includes addresses G/F 0-999, G/F1000 includes 1000-1999, etc.

- The and soft keys are used to cycle through the available choices for PMC
and address groups.

- The soft key will clear out the values on a particular line.

- The soft key sets all the values back to their default setting.

- The soft key allows you to exit the screen.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Screen Review Machine Interface
The Machine Interface screen allows you to assign both PMCs and X/Y address groups to
particular I/O Link channels.

Use caution when on this screen, most of the soft keys will make a change without confirmation
that requires a restart and afterward the PMC might not function correctly any more.

X/Y0000 group includes addresses X/Y 0-199, X/Y200 includes 200-399, etc.

- The and soft keys are used to cycle through the available choices for PMC
and address groups.

- The soft key allows you to set additional PMCs and/or address groups to an I/O

- The , , and soft keys function just as in the previous section.

PMC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Ladder Execution
The Ladder Execution screen allows you to customize the execution priority and scan time
percentages that each PMC is allotted.

Use caution when on this screen, most of the soft keys will make a change without confirmation
that requires a restart and afterward the PMC might not function correctly any more.

- The and soft keys juggle the PMCs among the Exec Priority column.

- The soft key automatically determines the scan time percentage to assign to each

- To change the Exec Time Ratio, place the cursor on the line you want to modify, type in the

value you desire, and press .

- The and soft keys function as in the previous sections.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Screen Review PMC Memory
The PMC Memory screen is where the PMC Memory type is defined for each ladder. PMC
Memory A offers the least amount of available addresses, B offers more, C even more, etc.

Use caution when on this screen, most of the soft keys will make a change without confirmation
that requires a restart and afterward the PMC might not function correctly any more.

- The , , and soft keys are used to define the memory type.

Memory A uses R0-1499, D0-2999, B uses R0-7999 and D0-9999, C utilizes R0-15999
and D0-19999.

- The soft key sets that PMC to use the same memory type as another PMC.

- The and soft keys function as in the previous sections.

PMC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
3.3.3. Setting (General) Display
The setting display has settings that determine how the ladder special functions will work. These
are related to the K900~K930 keep relays and the functions are described below.

1) Press the button on the MDI panel.

2) Press the soft key to change the CNC menu.

3) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

4) Press the soft key.

The PMC SETTING (GENERAL) screen appears…

TRACE START: decides if the TRACE automatically starts at CNC power ON.

MANUAL = Start the TRACE by the soft key

AUTO = Start the TRACE at CNC power on.

EDIT ENABLE: determines if the EDIT soft key is available on various PMC screens.

NO = soft key is NOT displayed.

YES = the soft key IS displayed.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Screen Review
WRITE TO FROM (EDIT): the message “WRITE TO FROM?” appears after ladder editing.

NO = message does not appear after editing ladder in DRAM.

YES = message automatically appears after editing ladder in DRAM.

RAM WRITE ENABLE: enable the soft key as well as ability to change PMC params.

NO = forcing function and PMC parameter writing is disabled.

YES = PMC addresses can be forced and parameters can be changed.

DATA TBL CNTL SCREEN: determines if the DATA TABLE CONTROL screen ….

YES = is displayed when the soft key is pressed.

NO = is NOT displayed when that soft key is pressed.

HIDE PMC PARAM: determines if the PMC parameters are visible.

NO = PMC parameters are visible under soft key.

YES = PMC parameters are NOT visible.

PROTECT PMC PARAM: determines if the PMC parameters can be changed.

NO = PMC parameters are visible, and can be edited.

YES = PMC parameters are visible, but cannot be edited.

HIDE PMC PROGRAM: determines if the PMC ladder diagram can be viewed.

NO = PMC ladder is visible under the soft key.

YES = PMC ladder is NOT visible.

IO GROUP SELECTION: if the IO Link assignment screen is visible.

NO = the IO Link assignment screen is not visible.

YES = the IO Link assignment screen is visible.

PMC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
KEEP RELAY (SYSTEM) determines if the K900-K999 KEEP RELAYS can be viewed.

SHOW = K900-K999 are visible.

HIDE = K900-K999 are NOT visible.

LADDER START: determines if the ladder is in the RUN or STOP state at power-on.

AUTO = ladder execution is running at power-on.

MANUAL = ladder execution is stopped at power-on.

ALLOW PMC STOP: determines if the RUN/STOP button is displayed on the soft menu.

NO = / soft key is hidden.

YES = These soft keys are visible.
It is possible to stop the ladder at power on by holding CANCEL + Z.

PROGRAMMER ENABLE: acts as an override for all of the above settings.

NO = the above individual settings for editing, writing, etc. are used
YES = editing, writing, etc. is possible regardless of above settings.

5) Press the button.

The message shift settings enable the ladder programmer to set up alarms for multiple languages
and then depending on what language the end-user understands, the system can display them.
First you set up a consistent repeating pattern of how the alarms are set up:
IE, A0.0 is Alarm 1 in English, A0.1 is Alarm 1 in Japanese, A0.2 is Alarm 1 in Italian;
A1.0 is Alarm 2 in English, A1.1 is Alarm 2 in Japanese, A1.2 in Alarm 2 in Italian, etc.
If the shift value is set to 1 and A0.0 activates in the ladder, the message attached to A0.1 will be
displayed, if set to 2 then the message address is shifted by 2 bits. So in the above example, a
shift value of 0 means English, 1 means Japanese, and 2 means Italian.
The start address sets up where this shifting actually begins at – if the start address is A100.0
then A0.0-A99.7 will display normally but everything else will be shifted.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Screen Review
***The following ominous warning only appears if the Selectable I/O Link Assignment
Function has been enabled on the PMC Config – System Param screen.***

6) Press the button.

To modify the settings, you press the and soft keys.

At this point you can assign PMC addresses to work only with certain IO group numbers:

Press either the or soft key to exit this screen.

PMC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

7) Press the button.

The Override screen is only available if Programmer Enable is set to YES

and changes to this setting only take effect after cycling power.

Override enable expands the ability of the FORCE function in the PMC Signal Status screen.

If override enable is turned on, it is possible to force an X address with the ladder running
overriding the actual physical input and causing the PMC logic to act accordingly.

It is possible to force a Y address and have it stay on while the ladder is running regardless of the
actual PMC logic.

Override does not work on A, G, F, or PMC parameter addresses (T,C,K,D).

3.3.4. PMC Status

This screen displays the operational status of the ladder(s). This is the place to go to stop or start
the ladder. It’s a good idea to stop the ladder execution when manually controlling switches on
the machine.

1) Press the button on the MDI panel.

2) Press the soft key to change the CNC menu.

3) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

4) Press the soft key.

5) Press the soft key.

6) Press the soft key and then the soft key.

7) Now the ladder is stopped. Restart it.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Screen Review
3.3.5. System Parameter
The system parameter screen allows you to control how PMC counters count, setup the system to
work with an operator’s panel from a Fanuc Series 0 control, and control selectable IO Link group

1) Press the button on the MDI panel.

2) Press the soft key to change the CNC menu.

3) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

4) Press the soft key to change the CNC menu.

5) Press the soft key.

Each counter has a C address associated with it in the PMC. By default this address uses the
binary number system. This screen allows you to switch to BCD if desired.

6) Press the button.

This screen controls setup of a Fanuc Series 0 operator panel. Detailed information can be found
in the appropriate PMC Ladder Language Programming manual for your particular control.

PMC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

7) Press the button.

This screen allows you to control whether certain X/Y address groups can be assigned to
individual IO groups. The actual assignment of these addresses to IO groups is accomplished on
the PMC Config – Setting screen.
3.3.6. Online Monitor
The online monitor function is used with Fanuc Ladder III software on your PC to allow the
computer to make a live connection with the ladder. You can watch ladder execution remotely on
your computer, make changes, and update the control’s ladder.

1) Press the button on the MDI panel.

2) Press the soft key to change the CNC menu.

3) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

4) Press the soft key to change the CNC menu.

5) Press the soft key.

Note that when RS-232 is set to USE, RS-232 on the CNC side doesn’t work.
High-speed refers to the Ethernet connection.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Exercise 2
4. Exercise 2 – PMC Screen Review
1) Search the ladder for R0.1, how many contacts are in the ladder?
how many coils are in the ladder?

2) What is the purpose of the TRACE function?

3) What is the soft key used for?

4) Search the ladder for SUB 5, what is the current count of counter 5?

5) What is the current ladder edition in your simulator?

6) Using the PMC Signal Status screen, what is the status of address R0.1?

7) Setup the TRACE screen to monitor F7.0 (M-code Flag), then run program O0001.
From the trace screen view, how many M-codes were processed in that program?

8) What mode must the CNC be in to change PMC parameters?

9) On the PMC CONFIG SETTING screen, what is the purpose of the PROGRAMMER ENABLE

10) When troubleshooting machine side switches, what should you do to the ladder before
toggling the switches?

Input/Output Connection PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

5. Input/Output Connection
Fanuc offers several different types of I/O connections. They are all connected to the CNC by an
electrical serial communication link which is referred to as the I/O Link.

I/O Link

All the types of I/O are available with SINKING or SOURCING connections. Sinking (also called
NPN) connections provide a path to ground; sourcing (also called PNP) connections provide a
path to 24VDC. More detail about these connections is shown in the following sections, but
generally the I/O style is determined by the area where the machine was manufactured.


Japanese Made = SINKING INPUTS (Ground)

European Made = SOURCING INPUTS (Ground)


5.1. Input/Output Configuration

The I/O modules must be connected on the I/O LINK serial communications daisy chain. The
connection starts at the CNC JD51A where there are 2 I/O link channels. Each connection on the
serial link is called a GROUP. There can be up to 16 groups on each I/O LINK channel. The I/O
addressing is assigned by the machine builder, set by GROUP, BASE, and SLOT.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Input/Output Connection

To view the I/O configuration, do the following:

1) Press the button on the MDI panel.

2) Press the soft key to change the CNC menu.

3) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

4) Press the soft key to change the CNC menu.

5) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

Input/Output Connection PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
The PMC I/O MODULE screen appears…

6) Notice X0006 and Y0010 is set to GROUP00, BASE00, SLOT1.

This is an operator panel interface board with 128 inputs and 256 outputs so it uses addresses
X0006-X0021 and Y0010-Y0041 (the person that set up the I/O system specified the starting

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Input/Output Connection
5.2. I/O Model A
The I/O Model A is the PLC rack style I/O modules. There are 5 slot racks and 10 slot racks.
Many different I/O modules are available for each slot. In slot 0 of the rack is the communication

5.2.1. Communication Module

The communication module is located in slot 0 of the rack. It sends the X input data back to the
PMC, and receives the Y output data from the PMC, through the JD1B connector. It also passes
the data to the next GROUP device through the JD1A connector, and/or passes data to the next
BASE through the JD2 connector.

PWR = indicates +24VDC is input on connector CP32

LINK = indicates the serial communication to the CNC is active. (JD1B)
BA0 = indicates communication to BASE 0 is active.
BA1 = indicates communication to BASE 1 is active. (JD2)

Input/Output Connection PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
5.2.2. Input Module
The AID16D TERMINAL BLOCK connection input module is shown here.
The rated current per input is 7.5mA and these inputs are wired sourcing (GND is switched).
The start address is dependent on the configuration settings
which are setup by the machine builder.

5.2.3. Output Module

The TERMINAL BLOCK style output module AOD16D is shown here.
The external +24V supply is switched out the outputs when they are activated.
The maximum output current is 500mA per output.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Input/Output Connection
5.2.4. I/O Module List
Below is a list of all the I/O modules available for Model A I/O. More details and connection
information for each module can be found in the manual B-61813EN, FANUC I/O MODEL A


DC Input AID32A1 24VDC 7.5mA Both 20mSec 32 Honda N
AID32B1 24VDC 7.5mA Both 2mSec 32 Honda N
AID08H1 24VDC 7.5mA Both 2mSec 8 Honda N
AID16C 24VDC 7.5mA Source 20mSec 16 TB Y
DC Opto- AID16K 24VDC 7.5mA Source 2mSec 16 TB Y
isolated Input AID16D 24VDC 7.5mA Sink 20mSec 16 TB Y
AID16L 24VDC 7.5mA Sink 2mSec 16 TB Y
AID32E1 24VDC 7.5mA Both 20mSec 32 Honda N
AID32E2 24VDC 7.5mA Both 20mSec 32 Ribbon N
AID32F1 24VDC 7.5mA Both 2mSec 32 Honda N
AID32F2 24VDC 7.5mA Both 2mSec 32 Ribbon N
AC Input AIA16G 100V~ 10.5mA AC 45mSec 16 TB Y
120V 120AC
DC Output AOD32A1 5~24VDC 300mA Sink 2mSec 32 Honda N
AOD08C 2.0A Sink 8 TB Y
AOD08D 2.0A Source 8 TB Y
DC Opto- AOD16C 500mA Sink 16 TB N
isolated AOD16D 12~24VDC 500mA Source 2mSec 16 TB N
Output AOD32C1 300mA Sink 32 Honda N
AOD32C2 300mA Sink 32 Ribbon N
AOD32D1 300mA Source 32 Honda N
AOD32D2 300mA Source 32 Ribbon N
AC Output AOA05E 100~ 2.0A - 1mSec 5 TB Y
AOA08E 240VAC 1.0A - 1mSec 8 TB Y
AOA12F 100~120 500mA - 1mSec 12 TB Y
Relay Output AOR08G 250VAC / 4A - 15mSec 8 TB Y
AOR16G 30VDC 2A - 15mSec 16 TB Y
AOR16H2 30VDC 2A - 15mSec 16 Ribbon Y

Input/Output Connection PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
5.3. Type 1 Distributed I/O
The Type 1 Distributed I/O may be DIN rail or PCB mounted.
These modules are connected on the I/O Link serial
daisy chain by the BASIC MODULE, and can be
mounted anywhere on the machine.

The ribbon cable across the top of the units

allows communication between the modules.

The blue Honda connections on the face are

the connection points for the discrete I/O.

5.3.1. Basic Module – A03B-0815-C001

The basic module communicates to the PMC through the I/O Link and also serves 24 input points
and 16 output points. Up to 3 expansion modules may be connected to each basic module, for a
maximum of 96 inputs and 64 outputs.
This module is powered by +24VDC, which is input on the blue Honda connector, on the front of
the unit. (pins 18 and 50=+24V, pins 19,20,21,22,23=GND)

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Input/Output Connection
5.3.2. Input Connection
For the basic module inputs, SINKING or SOURCING may be selected by the wiring to the
DICOM0 signal on pin 24. Each input uses approximately 15mA.

The SOURCING style connection

is shown here. DICOM0 is wired
to ground, and GND is being
switched to the inputs.

5.3.3. Output Connection

For the basic module outputs are fixed as SOURCING. The external +24V power supply is fed
into the basic module through the DOCOM0 pin, then when the output is activated it is switched
through the output circuit. Each output has a maximum rating of 200mA. It is possible to parallel
two outputs to realize 400mA output.

When Y0.7 activates, the +24V from DCOM is

passed out pin 9 to turn ON the relay coil.

5.3.4. Basic Module DO Alarm Status

At the BASIC module start address +15, in this example Y15, there are bits to indicate if
overcurrent or overheat of an output occurs.
Y7 Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0

Input/Output Connection PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
5.3.5. Expansion Modules
The expansion modules are available in different models - one with a manual handle interface,
another with analog inputs, and standard units with discrete I/O points.

A rotary switch is provided near the ribbon cable connection, which allows the builder to skip
address ranges. Typically the switches are all set to ‘0’, which means the module addresses are
consecutive. When replacing these units, confirm the switch setting of the old unit.
Module Name Part Number Description
Expansion Module A A03B-0815-C002 24inputs/16outputs with handle I/F (JA3)
Expansion Module B A03B-0815-C003 24inputs/16outputs
Expansion Module C A03B-0815-C004 16outputs (2A outputs, 12A max overall)
Expansion Module D A03B-0815-C005 Analog inputs (0~10V or 4~20mA selectable)
Ribbon cable A660-2040-T045#34B0020 Connection between modules - 20mm length

When expansion module A is used, it must be placed in expansion module 1 position.

The handle count may be

seen at the start X address
+12, so in this example
where the basic module is
mapped to begin at X0,
address X12 shows the handle
count in binary.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Input/Output Connection

5.4. Type 2 Distributed I/O

The Type 2 Distributed I/O can be mounted BASIC
directly onto the machines relay PCB board. MODULE
The BASIC module connects on the I/O LINK
serial bus, and may have one EXPANSION
unit connected to it by ribbon cable.

This allows for up to 96 inputs and 64 outputs

total, each unit having 48 inputs and 32 outputs.

5.4.1. Type 2 Basic Module – A03B-0815-C041

The BASIC module communicates to the PMC
through the I/O Link. Connection JD1B is the input
and JD1A is the output to the next GROUP.
This module is powered by +24VDC,
which is input on the blue Honda connector
on the back of the unit (CB151). This connector CB151
also serves 48 input points and 32 output points. JD1B

Two BASIC modules are available, one with a

manual handle interface JA3, and one without. JD1A
Both have a DI/DO of 48inputs/32outputs.

Module Name Part Number Description

Basic Module - B1 A03B-0815-C040 48in/32out with handle I/F (JA3)
Basic Module - B2 A03B-0815-C041 48in/32out without handle I/F
FUSE A60L-0001-0172#DM10 1 Amp

5.4.2. Type 2 Expansion Module – A03B-0815-C042

Only one expansion module is available in the
Type 2 configuration. It has a DI/DO of
Only one EXPANSION module may be CB152
connected to the BASIC module.
The blue Honda connector on the back
of the unit (CB152) serves 48 input points
and 32 output points.
Module Name Part Number Description
Expansion Module - E1 A03B-0815-C042 48 inputs/32 outputs

Exercise 3 PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

6. Exercise 3 – Physical Input/Output

1) Is a sinking input activated by GROUND or +24V?

2) On the PMC Signal Status screen, search for address X8.4. Is the status 1 or 0?

3) How is it decided whether an input will be SINKING or SOURCING?

4) Using I/O Model A, where is the +24V supply for the X inputs?

5) Using I/O Model A, if a new Sinking DC output connection requires 750mA of current, which
output module should be used?

6) How is the module address specified?

7) If you swap I/O modules between slots does the starting addressing change?

8) Using Type 1 I/O, which expansion module needs to be used to accept an analog input?

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Interface Signals
7. PMC Interface Signals
The manuals 0i-D Connection Manual (FUNCTION) B-64303EN-1, 30i-A Connection Manual
(FUNCTION) B-63943EN-1, and 30i-B Connection Manual (FUNCTION) B-64483EN-1 detail
these signals. This section contains the X, G and F address lists for the 0i-D controls; the 3xi
series do have a few more signals, refer to their respective manuals if necessary.

7.1. Dedicated X Addresses

There are dedicated X addresses assigned to time critical signals. Emergency stop, the tool setter
switches, and home return deceleration switches are mapped here. These signals will function
even if they are not included in the ladder logic.


X tool measurement point reached (automatic) XAE1 X4.0

Z tool measurement point reached (automatic) XAE2 X4.1
X+ tool measurement point reached (manual), path 1 +MIT1#1 X4.2
X- tool measurement point reached (manual), path 1 -MIT1#1 X4.3
Z+ tool measurement point reached (manual), path 1 +MIT2#1 X4.4
Z- tool measurement point reached (manual), path 1 -MIT2#1 X4.5
X+ tool measurement point reached (manual), path 2 +MIT1#2 X13.2
X- tool measurement point reached (manual), path 2 -MIT1#2 X13.3
Z+ tool measurement point reached (manual), path 2 +MIT2#2 X13.4
Z- tool measurement point reached (manual), path 2 -MIT2#2 X13.5
X tool measurement point reached (automatic) XAE1 X4.0
M Y tool measurement point reached (automatic) XAE2 X4.1
(MILL) Z tool measurement point reached (automatic) XAE3 X4.2
Multi-step Skip signal for probe, path 1 SKIPn#1 X4.0 - 4.7
1st axis home return deceleration switch, path 2 DEC1#2 X7.0
2nd axis home return deceleration switch, path 2 DEC2#2 X7.1
3rd axis home return deceleration switch, path 2 DEC3#2 X7.2
4th axis home return deceleration switch, path 2 DEC4#2 X7.3
COMMON 5th axis home return deceleration switch, path 2 DEC5#2 X7.4
to Emergency Stop signal ESP X8.4
LATHE 1st axis home return deceleration switch, path 1 DEC1#1 X9.0
and 2nd axis home return deceleration switch, path 1 DEC2#1 X9.1
MILL 3rd axis home return deceleration switch, path 1 DEC3#1 X9.2
4th axis home return deceleration switch, path 1 DEC4#1 X9.3
5th axis home return deceleration switch, path 1 DEC5#1 X9.4
Multi-step Skip signal for probe, path 2 SKIPn#2 X13.0 - 13.7

Normally the X addresses are determined by the machine builder, because they decide how the
machine will be wired to the I/O module. There are a few X addresses that are fixed by Fanuc.
These addresses are for time critical signals like emergency stop. The following material explains
the function of the dedicated addresses.

Dedicated X Addresses PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

7.1.1. *ESP - Emergency Stop

The emergency stop signal is used to stop the machine immediately. Address X8.4 is used for
the MACHINE to tell the CNC there is an emergency. Address G8.4 is used for the PMC to tell
the CNC there is an emergency. Address X8.4 may appear in the PMC, but whether it is or not,
the CNC will still monitor the address.

The asterisk * in the signal name indicates the emergency stop signal is active low. This means
that when the signal is 1 on the status screen, there is no emergency. When the signal changes
from 1 to 0, emergency stop becomes active.

Some machine builders choose to tie all of the hard over-travel switches in series with the
emergency stop switch. If the machine hits a hard over-travel or someone presses the EMG-
STOP button, the CNC displays EMG.

In this case, the switches enable the

EMG relay coil in the electrical cabinet.

The normally closed contacts of the EMG

relay are tied to the dedicated input address
of the CNC, and servo power supply.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Dedicated X Addresses
7.1.2. *DEC - Deceleration Switch
The deceleration switches are used for home return. They are commonly referred to as DOG
switches, they tell the CNC when the servo axis is near home. These switches are wired normally
closed as indicated by the * asterisk. When the CNC sees the switch status change from 1 -> 0 ->
1 it stops at the next Z pulse, which is home position.

There is a separate address for each axis, as well as each path. The first PMC uses address X9.
Address X9.0 is used for the 1st axis (X axis), X9.1 is used for the 2nd axis (Y on mill or Z on lathe),
X9.2 is used for the 3rd axis (Z on mill, C on lathe), X9.3 is used for the 4th axis, and X9.4 is for the
5th axis. The second PMC uses address X7, with the same bit assignments.

7.1.3. SKIP Input

The skip input function is used when the machining end point is not programmed; instead the part
dimension is probed by a fixed dimension measuring instrument during cutting. The skip input is
wired to the measuring instrument. When the correct part dimension is sensed, the skip input
activates, and the remaining G-code command (G31) is skipped. The program moves to the next
Multiple SKIP addresses are available which allows for multiple dimension measuring
instruments: for the first PMC, X4.0 – X4.7 is used, and X13.0 – X13.7 are used for the second

7.1.4. XAE1, XAE2, XAE3 - Measuring Point Reached

The measuring point signals are used for Automatic Tool Length Measurement (mill) and
Automatic Tool Offset (lathe) option functions. These signals are wired to the tool setter arm
switches to sense the tool tip. The G37 command is issued by the macro program to move the
tool tip toward the tool setter arm. When the switch activates, the difference between the current
coordinates and the setter arm position is used to measure and adjust the active tool offset.

7.1.5. +MIT1, –MIT1 - Manual Feed Interlock

These signals are used when manual tool length measurement is performed. These signals are
wired to the tool setter arm switches. The tool is manually moved to touch the setter arm switches.
When activated, the axis cannot continue moving in the same direction. The signal +MIT1 is the
+X direction, -MIT1 = -X, +MIT2 = +Z, and –MIT2 = -Z direction. The dedicated X addresses are
used on LATHE controls only. X4.2 - .5 is for the first PMC, the second PMC uses X13.2 - .5.
The MILL control has the same function; however it uses addresses G132/G134.
The addresses for MIT are the same addresses used for the SKIP function. Use caution when
both functions are enabled. When parameter 3003 bit 3 (DIT) is set to 1, the manual interlock
addresses are disabled.

Dedicated G&F Addresses PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
7.2. Dedicated G & F Addresses
All of the G and F addresses are set by Fanuc. The machine builder interfaces to them with X and
Y (physical inputs/outputs) addresses in the PMC ladder. The G and F addresses interface
between the PMC and CNC, SERVO system, and SPINDLE system (if Fanuc spindle is used)

The dedicated addresses are listed in the tables that follow. This information is typically given in
the Maintenance manual for the control, in addition to the Connection (Function) Manual. The
following examples are from the 0i-D Connection Manual (FUNCTION) B-64303EN-1.

The information is given in more than one way. There are 3 lists of the G & F addresses, the first
is a LIST (organized) by FUNCTION, the second is a LIST (organized) by SYMBOL, and the
third is a LIST (organized) by ADDRESS. The same information is given in each of the 3 lists;
they are just organized differently to make it easier to find what you are looking for. These lists
also point out whether the signal is used on a lathe, a mill, or both. The two columns labeled T
and M refer to Turning Center (Lathe) and Mill, these symbols indicate the signals usage.

The list organized by function is arranged alphabetically and details what signals are used for a
particular function. For example, the auxiliary function lock has two addresses that work with it,
G5.6 and F4.4. As long as you know a particular function of interest, you can use this list to be
aware of all the signals that work with it.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Dedicated G&F Addresses
Each of the G and F addresses has an assigned mnemonic called the symbol. The list organized
by symbol is arranged alphabetically by the first letter of these assigned mnemonics. If you know
the SYMBOL for a signal, this is a good place to find its description.

The first group of signals has an asterisk in front of the symbol name. The asterisk means the
signal is active when status is 0 on the PMCDGN status screen. A status of 1 is its’ normal
state. These are called ACTIVE LOW signals. For example, the emergency stop signals are
addresses X8.4 and G8.4.

The next two groups are axis direction specific – positive and negative direction. +LM1 is the first
axis positive stroke limit and –LM1 is the first axis negative stroke limit.

Following the active low and direction-specific signals come all the symbols that start with an
actual letter. As you can see below, ABTSP2 is the 2nd spindle unexpected disturbance torque
detection signal and is assigned address F90.2.

The final list is organized by G and F address. These pages give you addresses in sequential
order, so if you only know the address this is the better place to look. This is especially helpful
when you are looking at the ladder, see a G or F address, and are curious what it does.

List by Function PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

For multi-path controls, add 1000 to the PMC address for path 2, add 2000 for path 3, etc.
For example, G058.1 is the External read start signal for Path 1, G1058.1 is the External
read start signal for Path 2, G2058.1 is for Path 3, and so on.

The following information comes from the Connection (Function) manual, the ‘reference item’
column is referring to chapters in that manual.
7.2.1. List by Function
This table lists the PMC addresses by what FUNCTION they are involved with.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Function

List by Function PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Function

List by Function PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Function

List by Function PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Function

List by Function PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Function

List by Function PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Function

List by Function PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Function

List by Function PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Function

List by Function PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Function

List by Function PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Function

List by Function PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Function

List by Symbol PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
7.2.2. List by Symbol
This table lists the PMC G and F addresses by SYMBOL name in alphabetical order.
The first part of the table has the asterisk signals, which are all active low signals. The next part of
the table is the plus/minus signals, which all are related to servo function.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Symbol

List by Symbol PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Symbol

List by Symbol PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Symbol

List by Symbol PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Symbol

List by Symbol PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Symbol

List by Symbol PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Symbol

List by Symbol PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Symbol

List by Symbol PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Symbol

List by Symbol PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Symbol

List by Address PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
7.2.3. List by Address

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Address

List by Address PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Address

List by Address PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Address

List by Address PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Address

List by Address PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Address

List by Address PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Address

List by Address PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Address

List by Address PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Address

List by Address PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D List by Address

List by Address PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Dedicated G&F Addresses
7.2.4. Active Low Signals
As shown in the previous pages, the signals with asterisks in their SYMBOL name are active low
signals. These signals are considered to be operation critical signals and are designed active low to
provide enhanced machine safety. The EMG-STOP signal X8.4 is an active low signal. It is this way so
that in case the wiring from the switch should become open it will cause the machine to stop and
present an emergency stop alarm. If the signal was not active low, you would not realize the wiring was
open until you pressed the EMG button in and found it didn’t work. This may be the worst time to find
out the wiring is broken. This section reviews the commonly used active low signals. *+L1~*+L8 - G114/G116 - Hard Over travel
The hard over travel limits are physical switches at the end of travel for each axis. The switches are
wired to X inputs on the I/O module. The machine builder decides which X address will be used. The
switches are usually wired normally closed for safety, so the input is active (1) until the switch is
pressed (0).

+L1 + X AXIS - -L1

+24V +24V
X5.6 X5.7

The ladder logic for this physical wiring may look like this …

X5.6 G114.0

X5.7 G116.0

Because the physical switches are wired normally closed, as long as the switch is not pressed, the X5.6
input is active (1) and the coil G114.0 is ON. When the machine table moves over and touches the
switch, the X5.6 input becomes inactive (0) and the coil G114.0 goes OFF, causing alarm 506 / 507 on
the message screen.

NOTE1 : On machines with ABSOLUTE type motor pulse coders, the overtravel signals may not be
used. Software overtravel limits are employed.

NOTE2 : The hard over travel function is ignored if parameter 3004 bit 5 (OTH) is 1.

Dedicated G&F Addresses PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D *ESP X8.4/G8.4 - Emergency Stop
The emergency stop signal stops the machine immediately. Address X8.4 is used for the MACHINE to
tell the CNC there is an emergency. Address G8.4 is used for the PMC to tell the CNC there is an
emergency. Address X8.4 may appear in the PMC, but whether it is or not, the CNC will still monitor the
address. More information about emergency stop can be found in the previous chapter. *ESPA G71.1 - Spindle Emergency Stop

The spindle emergency stop signal commands the spindle to stop immediately. The CNC emergency
stop (X8.4) will also cause this. This signal is from PMC to SPINDLE. The other signals *ESPB
(G75.1) and *ESPC (G205.1) are used for the second and third spindle. *FV0~FV7 G12 - Feedrate Override

The feedrate override signal overrides the feedrate commanded by the G-code program (F command).
This signal uses all of the bits in address G12 to create a binary pattern of the override amount. The
override amount can be from 0% to 254%. Because this is an active low signal, the bits that have a
status of 0 are the binary override amount.

1) On the PMC STATUS screen, search for address G12.

2) Turn the FEEDRATE rotary switch to 0, on the machine operator panel.

The status of all the bits in address G12 should be 1.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Dedicated G&F Addresses
3) Turn the FEEDRATE rotary switch to 10%, on the machine operator panel.
The status of G12 bits should change.

The bit value of bit 1 = 2 and the bit value of bit 3 = 8: 2+8=10%

Address G13 is a secondary feedrate override and does not necessarily change with changes in
G12. It only changes on this simulator because it is written into the ladder this way.

4) What will the status of the G12 bits be when 50% is commanded?

NOTE: The feedrate override switch may be disabled by an M-Code, check the M-code list
provided by the machine builder to see if your machine has this function. *IT G8.0 - All Axes Interlock

If the interlock signal is active (0), it will lock ALL servo axes so they cannot move, in any mode.
This is done when the machine is in a condition where it would be dangerous for it to move, for
example during tool change. If parameter 3003 bit 0 (ITL) is set to 1, this signal is disabled.

Notice that the system

puts a highlighted ‘I’
next to any axis that
has an interlock
condition. *IT1~*IT8 G130 - Specified Axis Interlock

If the interlock signal is active (0), it will lock the specified servo axis so it cannot move, in any
mode. The PMC recognizes 1st, 2nd, 3rd, axis so if this is a mill the *IT1 signal (G130.0) is used for X
axis, *IT2 (G130.1) is for Y axis, and *IT3 (G130.2) is for the Z axis. This is done when the machine is
in a condition where it would be dangerous for it to move, for example during tool change you may want
to lock the Z axis. If parameter 3003 bit 2 (ITX) is set to 1, these signals are disabled. *JV0~*JV15 G10~G11 - Manual Feedrate Override

These signals override the manual feedrate when in JOG mode, and using the jog buttons on the
operator panel (+X,-X,+Y,-Y,+Z,-Z). Normally the manual feedrate is set by parameter 1423 MANUAL
CONTINUOUS FEEDRATE. These addresses override the parameter setting.
This is a 16bit command, the low bits are address G10 and the high bits are address G11, 8 bits
each. The binary pattern sets the override amount in increments of 0.01%.
These signals also serve as the automatic feedrate override when a program is run with DRYRUN
Dedicated G&F Addresses PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

1) Select mode on the machine operator panel.

2) On the PMC STATUS screen, search for address G10.
3) Turn the FEEDRATE rotary switch to 100% on the machine operator panel.
What is the binary value of G10~G11 addresses?

4) Press the button, on the MDI keypad to view the POSITION screen.

5) Press the and then buttons on the machine operator panel.

Notice the actual feedrate changes as you rotate the FEEDRATE switch. *SP/SPL G8.5/F0.4 - Feed Hold/Cycle Stop
The feed hold signal will stop the G-code program temporarily. It may stop immediately or at the end of
the current command block, depending on the current G-code it is processing. The physical switch is
typically wired normally closed. G8.5 must be in its normal state (1) for the CYCLE START button to

The signal F0.4 (SPL) is the feed hold confirmation from CNC to PMC.

1) On the PMC STATUS screen, search for address G8.5.

Is the status 1 or 0?
2) Find the FEEDHOLD circuit in the PMC Ladder and watch it change when the switch is

What X address is assigned to this button?

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Dedicated G&F Addresses
7.2.5. Axis Specific Signals + -
The next group of addresses on the List of PMC Addresses is the + - group. These signals are related
to the servo axis directions + and - +J1/-J1 G100/G102 - Feed Axis Direction

These signals are used to JOG the axis in the + or – direction. The address G100 is used for the +
direction of each axis. The PMC does not know X Y Z axis names, it does know 1st axis, 2nd axis, 3rd
axis. The signal +J1 (G100.0) is used to jog the 1st axis in the + direction, and –J1 (G102.0) is used to
jog the axis in the – direction. Likewise +J2/-J2 (G100.1/G102.1) jogs the 2nd axis, and +J3/-J3
(G100.2/G102.2) jogs the 3rd axis. Address F102 (MV1~MV8) is the confirmation signals that the axis
are moving and address F106 (MVD1~MVD8) indicates the direction of the movement.

1) On the PMC STATUS screen, search for address G100.

2) Select mode on the machine operator panel.

3) Using the , , , , , and , buttons on the

operator panel, jog the axes and view the behavior of G100 and G102.

4) Find the G100.0 coil in the PMC LADDER.

Which X address is wired to the +X jog button? +MIT/-MIT G132/G134 - Interlock Each Axis Direction

These signals are used when manual tool length measurement is performed. These signals are
wired to the tool setter arm switches. The tool is manually moved to touch the setter arm switches.
When the signal is activated, the axis cannot continue moving in the same direction. The signal +MIT1
is the +X direction (G132.0), -MIT1 = -X (G134.0), +MIT2 = +Y (G132.1), and –MIT2 = -Y (G134.1)
direction. The signals are used on MILL controls. Dedicated X addresses are used on LATHE controls

NOTE: When parameter 3003 bit 3 (DIT) is set to 1, the manual interlock addresses are disabled.

Dedicated G&F Addresses PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
7.2.6. Commonly Used G and F Addresses
As you can see in the table of signals, there is a command (G) and confirmation (F) for almost every
function the CNC can perform. Many of them are not used by the average machine. This section
reviews the more commonly used G and F addresses.

The CONNECTION (FUNCTION) manual has details on all of the CNC functions and how the
dedicated signals operate. AFL/MAFL G5.6/F4.4 - Auxiliary Function Lock

The M-Codes, S-Codes, and T-Codes found in the G-code program are referred to as auxiliary
functions. M-codes control machine side functions, such as coolant pumps (M8) or spindle commands
(M3,M4,M5,M19). S-codes are used to control spindle speed or on a lathe control they may be used to
specify part surface speed at the tool tip. T-codes are used for tool magazine or turret control.
If you would like to run a G-code program without activating the M, S, or T codes, this can be done by
turning ON address G5.6 This may be desirable if you want to perform a test run of the program
without actually cutting a part. The address F4.4 is a confirmation signal from CNC to PMC, to let the
PMC know that the CNC is performing this action. AL F1.0 - Alarm In-Progress

This is a signal from CNC to PMC. The signal is set to 1 by the CNC any time it has an alarm present

on the screen. This bit does not turn on for an Operator Message, only when ALM is flashing
in the status display at the bottom of the screen.

1) On the PMC STATUS screen, search for address F1.

Notice that F1.0 is probably OFF on your screen, because there is no alarm present.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Dedicated G&F Addresses ALMA F45.0 - Spindle Alarm
The spindle is a stand-alone controller. It processes the commands (G) received from the PMC and
returns confirmation (F). It also has internal alarm detection circuits. Any time the SPINDLE detects
an alarm condition, it turns ON the ALMA signal (F45.0), to tell the PMC something is wrong. The
spindle then displays the alarm code on the 7 segment display, located on the front of the spindle
There are separate alarm addresses for the second (ALMB-F49.0) and third (ALMC-F168.0) spindles, if
the machine is equipped with more than one spindle. ARSTA G71.0 - Spindle Alarm Reset

Once the spindle detects an alarm condition, the PMC can command it to reset. This may clear the
alarm; however some alarms require 3 phase power to be cycled OFF/ON.
The second and third spindles have separate reset addresses also. The second is (ARSTB-G75.0) and
the third is (ARSTC-G205.0) BAL F1.2 - CNC Battery Alarm

The CNC has a voltage detection circuit on the main PCB. The normal voltage of the battery is 3.0VDC.
If the battery voltage drops below 2.6V, the message BAT will flash on the status line of the display.
The CNC will turn ON F1.2 to tell the PMC the battery is low. The machine builder may use this
address to force the CNC into a FEEDHOLD condition so the machine cannot be run until the battery is

1) On the PMC STATUS screen search for address F1.

Notice that F1.2 is now OFF, because there is no alarm present.

2) Leave the power on; locate the BATTERY on the CNC control and unplug it.

Dedicated G&F Addresses PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
No alarm message appears but the word BAT flashes on the CNC status line.

The CNC uses a lithium battery that does not recharge. The 3xi controls use a SANYO battery, the
Fanuc part number is A98L-0031-0012. The 0i-D uses a battery cartridge, part number A98L-0031-

3) Plug the BATTERY back into the CNC, then press to clear the alarm. DRN/MDRN G46.7/F2.7 - Dry Run

Dry run allows you to check the G-code program movement, without actually cutting a part. This
confirms the program has no errors; also the tool path can be viewed on the graphic screen. When
G46.7 is active (1), the tool is moved at the manual jog feedrate override speed, instead of the
programmed feedrate from the G-code program (F command). The PMC commands the CNC to
perform dry run operation with G46.7, and then the CNC sends confirmation back to the PMC using
F2.7, to tell the PMC it is using dry run.

1) Which X address is wired to the button?

Find it on the PMC LADDER screen.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Dedicated G&F Addresses DTCH1/MDTCH1 G124/F110 - Controlled Axis Detach
This signal allows removal of a servo axis without causing alarm on the CNC. The most common use is
for a removable rotary table on a mill, or in the case of C-axis/spindle control on a lathe. In address
G124, bit 0 corresponds to the 1st axis, bit 1 = 2nd axis, and so on. The address F110 is the CNC
confirmation telling the PMC it knows an axis is detached. ENB F1.4 - Spindle Enabled

This address is a confirmation from SPINDLE to PMC, to let the PMC know the spindle is operating.
The spindle turns this signal ON after receiving the M3/M4/M19 command. There are similar signals for
the second (ENB2-F38.2) and third (ENB3-F38.3) spindles, if the machine is equipped. ERS/RST G8.7/F1.1 - External Reset

This signal allows the PMC to activate the CNC reset. It functions the same as if you had physically
pressed the RESET button on the MDI keypad. Address F1.1 is a confirmation that the CNC is in a
reset state, and is only active as long as the command (G8.7)

1) On the PMC STATUS screen search for address F1.

Notice that F1.1 is now OFF, because there is no RESET present.

2) Press the button, on the MDI keypad.

Notice the status of F1.1 changes.

Dedicated G&F Addresses PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D HROV G96.7 - Rapid Override 1% Select
The rapid override command is typically controlled by address G14 bit 0 and 1. Using the G14 address
the only choices for override are F0%, 25%, 50%, or 100%. If this address (G96.7) is turned ON (1)
then G96 bit 0 through bit 6 can be used to command a rapid override in 1% increments, from 1% to
100%. HS1A~HS1D G18.0~G18.3 - Manual Handle Feed Axis

These addresses select which axis will be moved when the manual handle is turned, when the CNC is
in handle mode (MPG). The bits count up in binary to select the axis.

The CNC has 3 handle inputs, these addresses are for the first, the second input uses HS2A~HS2D
(G18.4~G18.7), and the third uses HS3A~HS3D (G19.0~G19.3)

1) On the PMC STATUS screen search for address G18.

2) Select mode on the operator panel.

3) Select , , , , , on the operator panel.

Watch the bits in address G18 change with each selection.

G18.3 G18.2 G18.1 G18.0 FEED AXIS

0 0 0 0 No axis moves
0 0 0 1 1st axis
0 0 1 0 2nd axis
0 0 1 1 3rd axis
0 1 0 0 4th axis
0 1 0 1 5th axis
0 1 1 0 6th axis
0 1 1 1 7th axis
1 0 0 0 8th axis MP1~MP2 G19.4~G19.5 - Manual Handle Multiplier

These addresses determine how far the axis will move when the manual handle is turned 1 click. The
bits count in binary to select the multiplier.

G19.5 G19.4 FEED AXIS

0 0 x1 = 0.001 per click
0 1 x10 = 0.010 per click
1 0 x100 = 0.100 per click (set by parameter 7113 )
1 1 X1000 = 1.000 per click (set by parameter 7114 )

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Dedicated G&F Addresses IGNVRY G66.0 - Ignore VRDY OFF Alarm All Axes
This signal ignores the servo alarm SV0401 V READY OFF. This occurs whenever an alarm condition
is detected by the servo drive unit.



In normal operation, when the CNC boots up, it sends a signal called MCON to the servo drive. The
servo drive then checks itself internally and if no alarm conditions exist, it returns a signal called
VRDY. This tells the CNC that the drive (velocity unit) is ready.

If at any time during the servo operation, an alarm is detected by the servo drive, it turns off the VRDY
signal to the CNC. This indicates to the CNC that there is a problem with the drive and the CNC stops,
and alarm SV0401 V READY OFF is presented. IGNVRY1~8 G192 - Ignore V READY OFF Alarm

These addresses ignore the servo alarm SV0401 V READY OFF. This address (G192) provides
individual bits per axis, so that you can choose which axis you want to ignore this alarm from. The
previous section (G66.0) ignores 401 alarms from all of the axes. This alarm occurs whenever an alarm
condition is detected by the servo drive unit
If G192.0 is 1 (ON) then the 401 alarm is ignored from the 1st axis. The individual axis can also be
ignored by entering –128 in parameter 1023. If a dual or triple axis drive is used, a single axis cannot
be ignored; all axes controlled by the drive must be ignored. INCH F2.0 - Inch Input

This bit indicates the current increment selection. The CNC can run in millimeter or inch. The selection
can be made by G-code (G20=INCH, G21=mm) or by a setting on the SETTING screen. INP1~INP8 F104 - In-Position Signal

These are confirmation bits that the CNC turns on when the servo axes reach the position commanded
in the G-code program. The allowable tolerance is set by parameter 1826 IN-POSITION WIDTH FOR

Dedicated G&F Addresses PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D KEY1~KEY4 G46.3~G46.6 - Memory Protect Key
The KEY addresses protect data stored in the CNC memory. They are typically all wired to the same
physical input, which is connected to the key switch on the operator panel. When the bit is 1 (ON), the
memory area is not protected.


KEY1 G46.3 Tool offset compensation and work offsets
KEY2 G46.4 Setting data and macro variables
KEY3 G46.5 G-code program loading and editing
KEY4 G46.6 PMC data

Parameter 3290 also affects the operation of these signals. If 3290 bit 7 is 0, they are all valid. If 3290
bit 7 is 1, only KEY1 (G46.3) is valid, the other memory areas are not protected. MD1~MD4 G43.0~G43.2 - CNC Mode Selection

These signals select the CNC operation mode. The mode confirmation is displayed on the status line
on the CNC screen.

The mode selections sometimes go by different names on the operator’s panel; this is dependent on
the machine builder. For example, the FANUC panel has AUTO on the Memory mode switch; on the
status line it will say MEM.

1) On the PMC STATUS screen search for address G43.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Dedicated G&F Addresses

2) Using the , , , , , , , and buttons, fill in

the bit patterns on the chart below.

Note: For RAPID mode, put the control into mode and press the button.

G19.7 G43.7 G43.5 G43.2 G43.1 G43.0 MODE SELECTED

MEMORY OR AUTO (Auto operation)
MDI (Manual Data Input)
(Zero Return)
JOG (Manual jog)
INC (Incremental mode)
RAPID OR TRVRS (Rapid manual jog)

Note2: Handle mode is an option – it has the same bit pattern as Incremental mode; if
the option is present, the screen displays HND, if not it displays INC.

The mode confirmations can be found in address F3.

MINC F3.0 Incremental Feed selection (INC)
MH F3.1 Manual Handle selection (HND)
MJ F3.2 Manual Jog Feed selection (JOG)
MMDI F3.3 Manual Data Input selection (MDI)
MRMT F3.4 Direct Numeric Control (RMT)
MMEM F3.5 Automatic Operation (MEM)
MEDT F3.6 Memory Edit mode (EDIT)
MTCH F3.7 Teach-in selection (THND)
MREF F4.5 Manual Reference Return (REF) MA F1.7 - CNC Ready Signal

When the CNC is turned on it performs a self-check. If no system alarms are generated, the CNC turns
ON (1) address F1.7 to tell the PMC that it is ready for operation. This signal remains a 1 even if there
is a CNC alarm on the MESSAGE screen or EMG-STOP is activated. Only system alarms (black
screen alarms) will cause this bit to change status. SA F0.6 - Servo Ready Signal

When the CNC is ready, it sends MCON to the servo drive units to tell them to get ready. The servo
drives perform an internal self-check to see if any alarm conditions are present. If no alarms are present
on the drives, the servos send back the VRDY signal to the CNC. The SA (F0.6) bit is a collective
status of all the servo drives. If they are all ready, SA turns ON (1). Anytime a servo drive alarm occurs
F0.6 turns OFF.

Dedicated G&F Addresses PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D MI1~MI8 G106/F108 - Mirror Image Control
This function will cause the programmed positions in the specified axis to be inverted. If the program
line is G01 X10.0 F2000 and X axis mirror image is ON, the axis will move to position X-10.0. This is
especially useful when symmetrical parts must be machined, as in the automotive industry where a left
and right part must be created for each side of the car. Mirror image control can be enabled in 3 ways.

By PMC address G106.

By manual entry on the [OFFSET SETTING] <SETTING> screen
By G-Code command G51.1/G68 (programmable mirror image)

When mirror image is enabled by the PMC (G106) or by manual entry on the SETTING screen,
address F108 reflects the status. If it is turned on by G-Code (G51.1/G68) then F108 does not reflect
this status. In address G106, bit 0 corresponds to the 1st axis, bit 1 = 2nd axis, and so on.

1) On the PMC STATUS screen, search for address G106. Notice the bit status.

2) Select mode on the operator panel.

3) Press the button on the MDI panel.

4) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

5) Press the button twice on the MDI key pad.

The mirror image screen should appear.

6) Press then press the key on the MDI panel.

The X axis mirror image bit should change to 1.

7) Press the button on the MDI keypad.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Dedicated G&F Addresses

8) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

9) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

10) Enter , then

press .

Notice that the system

puts a highlighted ‘M’
next to any axis that
has mirror image
turned on.

11) Press the button.

The G92 command
sets the absolute
coordinate system to
The G53 command X, Y, and Z0.
sends the machine to
X, Y, and Z0 in the
machine coordinate

Dedicated G&F Addresses PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

12) Enter then press .

The ABSOLUTE position display will change to X10.000; however the MACHINE position display will
display X-10.000. This is because the actual machine movement was negative. MLK/MMLK G44.1/F4.1 - Machine Lock All Axes

The machine lock function stops all servo axes from movement. This allows you to check the G-code
program movement on the graphic screen, without actually moving the machine. On the screen, the
position display changes even though the axes are not moving.

Notice that the system

You should zero return the machine puts a highlighted ‘L’
in manual zero return mode, after next to any axis that
using this function. has machine lock
turned on. MLK1~MLK8 G108 - Machine Lock Individual Axis

This works the same as Machine Lock All Axes, except you can choose the axis you want to lock
instead of locking all axes. In address G108, bit 0 corresponds to the 1st axis (X), bit 1 = 2nd axis (Y), bit
2 = 3rd axis (Z) and so on. MV1~MV8 F102 - Axis Movement In-progress

This signal indicates that the servo axis is in motion. The signal becomes active (1) during motion. This
signal operates the same in manual jog or automatic operation. In address F102, bit 0 corresponds to
the 1st axis (X), bit 1 = 2nd axis (Y), bit 2 = 3rd axis (Z) and so on. MVD1~MVD8 F106 - Axis Movement Direction

This signal indicates which direction the servo axis is moving. The signal turns OFF (0) when the axis is
moving in the + direction, and ON (1) when moving in the – direction. The bit retains the value of the
last movement when the axis stops. The signal operates the same in manual jog or automatic
operation. In address F106, bit 0 corresponds to the 1st axis (X), bit 1 = 2nd axis (Y), bit 2 = 3rd axis (Z)
and so on.

1) On the PMC STATUS screen, search for address F102.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Dedicated G&F Addresses

2) Select mode on the machine operator panel.

3) Press the , , or and , buttons on the machine operator panel.

Watch the status of F102 and F106 bits.

4) Select mode on the machine operator panel.

5) Press the button on the machine operator panel.

Watch the status of F102 and F106 bits as the program runs. OVC G6.4 - Override Cancel

This signal causes the FEED OVERRIDE signal to be ignored, which forces the G-code program to run
at the programmed feed rate. This ensures a known chip load at the cutting tool. Often the machine
builder will provide an M-Code to turn ON (1) this address. ROV1~ROV2 G14.0~G14.1 - Rapid Override

The rapid override signal will allow the operator to slow the rapid traverse feed rate. These two
addresses count in a binary pattern from 0 to 3, to select one of the four settings F0, 25%, 50%, or
100%. The F0 setting amount is determined by parameter number 1421, which is in
millimeters/inches/degrees per minute. These signal addresses are only used if address G96.7 (HROV)
is OFF (0). SBK/MSBK G46.1/F4.3 - Single Block

The single block signal is used to step through the G-Code program line by line. Each line of the
program is called a block; the END OF BLOCK symbol is the semi-colon (;). This feature is
recommended to use when running a new program for the first time.

1) Select mode on the machine operator panel.

2) Press the button and then the soft key.

3) Press the button, on the operator panel

Dedicated G&F Addresses PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

4) Press the button on the machine operator panel.

The CNC will execute 1 line of the program each time you press CYCLE START.

The line that is highlighted is executed when

is pressed. The next few lines that are displayed in a
different color are being pre-read (called look-ahead)
by the CNC to prepare for their execution. ST/STL G7.2/F0.5 - Cycle Start

The cycle start signal ST (G7.2) is used for the PMC to command the CNC to execute the currently
selected G-code program. When the CNC begins the program execution, it returns the confirmation
signal STL (F0.5) to the PMC. The confirmation address is typically used to turn on the lamp inside the
cycle start switch.

The cycle start function will not work unless the FEED HOLD signal G8.5 is ON (1).

1) Find G7.2 and F0.5, in the LADDER diagram.

Which X and Y addresses are assigned to the switch and lamp?
Does the G address stay active while the program is running? STLK G7.1 - Start Lock

When this signal is turned ON (1) the axis movement in the G-code program is not performed, the
machine stops. If the signal is activated during other blocks, such as reading M, S, or T codes, those
commands are executed normally. Only axis movement blocks cause the machine to stop program
execution. When the signal turns OFF (0) the program execution is resumed. SVF1~SVF8 G126 - Servo OFF

These signals turn OFF the servo amplifier output power to the motor windings. The status of the drive
will change from 0 (ready) to – (not ready). If the amplifier is a multi-axis amp, all of the axes controlled
by that amplifier will be turned OFF.

In address G126, bit 0 corresponds to the 1st axis (X), bit 1 = 2nd axis (Y), bit 2 = 3rd axis (Z) and so on.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Dedicated G&F Addresses UI00~UI15 G54~G55 - User Input Custom Macro
The macro user inputs are used to make decisions in G-Code programs. The status of these addresses
is read through macro variables #1000~#1015.

These variables are used to read PHYSICAL INPUTS from the machine side. For example, a small
proximity switch may be wired to the physical input, to sense if a part is loaded on a tombstone. The
status of that switch can then be READ through a system variable. Because they use physical inputs,
these signals are processed through the PMC ladder logic. The machine builder writes the ladder logic
program, and decides which X addresses in the PMC will be used to activate these signals.

Each of these system variables are assigned to specific G addresses by Fanuc. In the ladder logic,
these G addresses are activated by physical inputs (X address) - generally whatever the machine
builder wants.


Variable# PMC Address PMC Symbol Variable# PMC Address PMC Symbol

#1000= G54 bit 0 UI000 #1008= G55 bit 0 UI008

#1001= G54 bit 1 UI001 #1009= G55 bit 1 UI009
#1002= G54 bit 2 UI002 #1010= G55 bit 2 UI010
#1003= G54 bit 3 UI003 #1011= G55 bit 3 UI011
#1004= G54 bit 4 UI004 #1012= G55 bit 4 UI012
#1005= G54 bit 5 UI005 #1013= G55 bit 5 UI013
#1006= G54 bit 6 UI006 #1014= G55 bit 6 UI014
#1007= G54 bit 7 UI007 #1015= G55 bit 7 UI015

A simplified example of the ladder logic the machine builder may write is shown below.

In the FIRST ladder rung …

When the limit switch AUX1 is activated, the coil G54.0 will turn ON.
When G54.0 turns ON, the status of system variable #1000 changes from 0 to 1.

In the SECOND ladder rung …

When the limit switch AUX2 is activated, the coil G54.1 will turn ON.
When G54.1 turns ON, the status of system variable #1001 changes from 0 to 1.

The system variable #1032 reads 16 bits together as a word, #1000~#1015.

Dedicated G&F Addresses PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D UO00~UO15 F54~F55 - User Output Custom Macro
These variables are used to write PHYSICAL OUPUTS to the machine side. For example, during tool
change, a door may need to be opened to allow the spindle access to the tool magazine. The system
variable can be WRITTEN to 1, which activates the output to the door motor. Because they use
physical outputs, these signals are processed through the PMC ladder logic. The machine builder
writes the ladder logic program, and decides which Y addresses in the PMC will be activated by these

Each of these system variables are assigned to a specific F addresses by Fanuc.

In the ladder logic, these F addresses are activated by whatever the machine builder wants.


Variable# PMC Address PMC Symbol Variable# PMC Address PMC Symbol
#1100= F54 bit 0 UO000 #1108= F55 bit 0 UO008
#1101= F54 bit 1 UO001 #1109= F55 bit 1 UO009
#1102= F54 bit 2 UO002 #1110= F55 bit 2 UO010
#1103= F54 bit 3 UO003 #1111= F55 bit 3 UO011
#1104= F54 bit 4 UO004 #1112= F55 bit 4 UO012
#1105= F54 bit 5 UO005 #1113= F55 bit 5 UO013
#1106= F54 bit 6 UO006 #1114= F55 bit 6 UO014
#1107= F54 bit 7 UO007 #1115= F55 bit 7 UO015

In the macro program, the following statement would cause #1100 to be set to 1: #1100 = 1;

When #1100 changes from 0 to 1, this change is reflected in PMC address F54.0.
A simplified example of the ladder logic the machine builder writes is shown below.

When F54.0 activates, it conducts to the coil Y14.0 (the light for the Aux1 button on the simulator);
causing it to send +24VDC from the physical output to the machine side, which would typically activate
a relay or solenoid.

#1100 = 0; - This command will cause the output Y14.0 to turn OFF.

The system variable #1132 writes 16 bits together as a word, #1100~#1115.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Dedicated G&F Addresses
(1) UI/UO G54/F54 - Using Macro Inputs and Outputs
In this example we will write a small program that will use a macro input and output. This will
demonstrate how decisions can be made in a G-code program.

Turn on Keep Relay 3.6: (we will do it in a way we haven’t previously shown you)

1) Press the button two times.

2) Press the soft key.

3) Press the soft key.

4) Press the soft key.

5) Enter in and then press the soft key.

6) Press the soft key and then press the soft key.

Now create a part program:

7) Select mode on the operator panel.

8) Press the button, and then press the soft key.

9) Enter in and then press .

The program is now created; the program number should appear highlighted on the top left corner of
the program window …

Dedicated G&F Addresses PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

10) Press the and then buttons on the MDI key pad; now the program can be
11) Enter the rest of the program, as shown below:

12) Press the button and confirm the cursor is located at the top of the program.

13) Select mode on the operator panel.

14) Press the button, the program will execute.

The program will loop between lines N20 and N70 as long as #1002 is equal to 0. #1002 is assigned to
G54.2, which is tied to a physical input in the ladder program. When #1002 changes to 1, the program
will jump to line N80.

In this scenario #1102 could be an output from the CNC to tell the robot to load a part, and the input
#1002 could be a robot loader output to tell the CNC the part has been loaded.

What button do you need to press on the operator panel to get the program to stop looping?

15) Turn off Keep Relay 3.6.

Why did you have to turn on KR 3.6?

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Dedicated G&F Addresses ZP1~ZP8 F94 - Zero Return Complete

When manual zero return is performed, or zero return by G28 in a G-code program, when the CNC
realizes the axes are at home it turns on this address to tell the PMC that the zero return has been
completed. In address F94, bit 0 corresponds to the 1st axis (X), bit 1 = 2nd axis (Y), bit 2 = 3rd axis (Z)
and so on. Often these signals are used to turn ON the home position indicators on the operator panel. ZP21~ZP28 F96 - Second Reference Point Return Complete

Second reference position return is performed by G30 in a G-code program, when the CNC realizes the
axes are at the second home position, it turns on this address to tell the PMC that the zero return has
been completed. In address F96, bit 0 corresponds to the 1st axis (X), bit 1 = 2 nd axis (Y), bit 2 = 3rd axis
(Z) and so on.

The second home position is often used as the tool change position. Parameter 1241 determines
where this position is located. The parameter is set in the measurement system of the particular axis
(mm, inch, degrees) and assumes 3 or 4 decimal places. For example a setting of 234567 would be
234.567 millimeters or degrees from the G28 reference point, or 23.4567 inches. ZP31~ZP38 F98 - Third Reference Point Return Complete

Third reference position return is performed by G30 P3 in a G-code program, when the CNC realizes
the axes are at the third home position, it turns on this address to tell the PMC that the zero return has
been completed. In address F98, bit 0 corresponds to the 1st axis (X), bit 1 = 2 nd axis (Y), bit 2 = 3rd axis
(Z) and so on. Parameter 1242 determines where this position is located. The parameter is set in the
measurement system of the particular axis (mm, inch, degrees) and assumes 3 or 4 decimal places.
For example a setting of 234567 would be 234.567 millimeters or degrees from the G28 reference
point, or 23.4567 inches. ZP41~ZP48 F100 - Fourth Reference Point Return Complete

Fourth reference position return is performed by G30 P4 in a G-code program, when the CNC realizes
the axes are at the third home position, it turns on this address to tell the PMC that the zero return has
been completed. In address F100, bit 0 corresponds to the 1st axis (X), bit 1 = 2nd axis (Y), bit 2 = 3rd
axis (Z) and so on. Parameter 1243 determines where this position is located. The parameter is set in
the measurement system of the particular axis (mm, inch, degrees) and assumes 3 or 4 decimal
places. For example a setting of 234567 would be 234.567 millimeters or degrees from the G28
reference point, or 23.4567 inches.

Dedicated G&F Addresses PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
8. Exercise 4 – Dedicated Addresses
1) There are 2 dedicated addresses for EMG-STOP, X8.4 and G8.4.
What is the difference between the two?

2) What is the meaning of the asterisk * in the symbol name?

3) Which PMC signal will prohibit axis movement, but the absolute position display will still

4) Which PMC signal will prohibit axis movement, and the position displays will not change?

5) Which PMC signal will cause the machine to move to X-10.0 when the program command
reads G0 X10.?

Press and hold the button for 5 seconds.

(You will have to start all over again if you power off during the exercise.)

All of the following problems occur, solve them in any order you wish:

6) The control is in Emergency Stop. Fix it.

7) mode cannot be selected. Fix it.

8) While in or mode, and cannot be selected. Fix it.

9) X axis mirror image is turned on. Turn it off.

10) Single Block is turned on. Turn it off.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Software Operator Panel
9. Software Operator Panel
The software operator panel is displayed on the CNC screen. Typically it is used by Fanuc for control
testing and verification. There are two pages of mode selection, feed override and other functions, and
two pages of general purpose switches that may be labeled and used by machine builder to add
functions that are not on the physical operator panel. A machine builder could use this feature as the
only operator panel to lower costs but there is a trade-off of less functionality than a physical panel.

1) Press the button on the MDI key pad.

2) Press the soft key on the LCD.

3) Press the soft key on the LCD.

The software operator panel appears. Each of the functions on this screen has a dedicated F address.

4) Use the buttons to navigate the screen and to make selections.

Software Operator Panel PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
9.1. Mode Selection MDO1~MDO4 – F73.0~F73.2
The mode is the first selection displayed at the top of the window. Obviously it wouldn’t be good
practice to have this mode select and the physical operator panel mode select work at the same time;
the ladder is usually written to use one or the other. These F addresses will be used to activate the
standard mode select G addresses in G43. Notice the lack of a couple modes.

Use the buttons on the MDI

key pad to select each mode.

9.2. Manual Handle Feed Axis HSAO~HSDO – F77.0~F77.3

These addresses select which axis will be moved when the manual handle is turned when the CNC is
in handle mode (MPG). The bits count up in binary to select the axis. These F addresses will be used to
activate the handle feed select G addresses in G18. Notice only four axes are selectable.
F77.3 F77.2 F77.1 F77.0 FEED AXIS
0 0 0 1 1st axis
0 0 1 0 2nd axis
0 0 1 1 3rd axis
0 1 0 0 4th axis

9.3. Manual Handle Multiplier MP1O~MP2O – F76.0~F76.1

These addresses determine how far the axis will move when the manual handle is turned 1 click. The
bits count in binary to select the multiplier. These F addresses will be used to activate the handle
multiplier G addresses in G19. Notice the lack of X1000.
F76.1 F76.0 FEED AXIS
0 0 x1 = 0.001 per click
0 1 x10 = 0.010 per click
1 0 x100 = 0.100 per click (set by parameter 7113 )

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Software Operator Panel
9.4. Rapid Override ROV1O~ROV2O – F76.4~F76.5
The rapid override signal will allow the operator to slow the rapid traverse feed rate. These two
addresses count in a binary pattern from 0 to 3, to select one of the four settings F0, 25%, 50%, or
100%. The F0 setting amount is determined by parameter number 1421, which is in
millimeters/inches/degrees per minute. These signal addresses are only used if address G96.7 (HROV)
is OFF (0). These F addresses will be used to activate the standard rapid override G addresses

9.5. Jog Feedrate Override *JV0O~*JV15O - F79~F80

These signals override the manual feedrate when in JOG mode, and using the jog buttons on the
operator panel (+X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z). Normally the manual feedrate is set by parameter 1423
MANUAL CONTINUOUS FEEDRATE. These addresses override the parameter setting.
This is a 16bit command, the low bits are address F79 and the high bits are address F80, 8 bits each.
The binary pattern sets the override amount in increments of 0.01%. These signals also serve as the
automatic feedrate override when a program is run with DRYRUN activated.

These F addresses will be used to activate the standard jog override G addresses G10~G11.

9.6. Feedrate Override *FV0O~*FV7O – F78

The feedrate override signal overrides the feedrate commanded by the G-code program (F command).
This signal uses all of the bits in address F78 to create a binary pattern of the override amount. The
override amount can be from 0% to 254%. Because this is an active low signal, the bits that have a
status of 0 are the binary override amount. This F address will be used to activate the standard feedrate
override G address G12.

9.7. Software Operator Panel Function Switches

1) Press the button on the MDI key pad.

The function switch screen appears …

F75.2 (BDTO)
F75.3 (SBKO)
These addresses would be tied into
F75.4 (MLKO)
the corresponding G addresses for
F75.5 (DRNO)
the listed functions.
F75.6 (KEYO)
F75.7 (SPO)

Software Operator Panel PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
9.8. General Purpose Switches
There are 16 general purpose switches that can be labeled anything you want. This is where the
machine builder may add functions not normally found on the physical operator panel.

1) Press the button on the MDI key pad.

The first eight general purpose switches appear…

F72.0 (OUT0)
F72.1 (OUT1)
F72.2 (OUT2)
F72.3 (OUT3)
F72.4 (OUT4)
F72.5 (OUT5)
F72.6 (OUT6)
F72.7 (OUT7)

The label names are set in parameters 7220–7299 (switches 1-10) and 7352–7399 (switches 11-16).
Each of these parameters sets one letter of the label name; a number that corresponds with a letter is
entered in the parameter. This number is an ASCII character code.

Search for parameter 7260 then set the parameters as shown below…

The ASCII value of the letters you want to display are set in the parameter.

Turn on the software

operator panel with
this switch.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Software Operator Panel
9.9. ASCII Code Chart


A 65 Q 81 6 54 , 44
B 66 R 82 7 55 - 45
C 67 S 83 8 56 . 46
D 68 T 84 9 57 / 47
E 69 U 85 32 : 58
F 70 V 86 ! 33 ; 59
G 71 W 87 “ 34 < 60
H 72 X 88 # 35 = 61
I 73 Y 89 $ 36 > 62
J 74 Z 90 % 37 ? 63
K 75 0 48 & 38 @ 64
L 76 1 49 ‘ 39 [ 91
M 77 2 50 ( 40 92
N 78 3 51 ) 41 ] 93
O 79 4 52 * 42 ^ 94
P 80 5 53 + 43 _ 95

9.10. Software Operator Jog Buttons

There are jog buttons on the MDI keypad number keys. Each key has a parameter assigned to it
as shown on this diagram. Then a code is set in the parameter to tell the CNC which axis to move
and in which direction. The codes are also shown here.
0 No movement
1 1st axis, positive direction
2 1st axis, negative direction
3 2nd axis, positive direction
4 2nd axis, negative direction
5 3rd axis , positive direction
6 3rd axis, negative direction
7 4th axis, positive direction
8 4th axis, negative direction

1) Select mode on the software operator panel.

2) Press the button on the MDI key pad.

3) Then press the button on the MDI key pad to jog the X axis.

Number Systems PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
10. Number Systems
There are several different types of numbers, from different number systems, used in the PMC.
The decimal number system is what we humans learn as children – 1, 2, 3, etc. Computers can
use binary, hexadecimal, even binary coded decimal (BCD) numbers. Binary consists of 1s and
0s, hexadecimal uses a combination of digits 0-9 as well as letters A-F, and BCD uses 1s and 0s
like binary but in a different manner. We discuss each in this section.

10.1. Binary
In most instances in the Fanuc control, we are only working with an 8-bit binary number –
10110101 for example. To convert a binary number to decimal, we have to assign a value, or
weight, to each bit. Starting with the right-most bit (bit zero) and continuing to the left-most bit (bit
seven), each bit has a higher and higher value. This illustrates what the value is:

Decimal Value 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

Bit # 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

When we are converting a binary number to a decimal number, we add up the decimal values of
only the bits that are set to 1.

VALUE 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
BIT# 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

128 + 32 + 16 + 4 + 1 = 181

10110101 binary = 181 decimal

Convert the following binary numbers to decimal:

00000000 = ________ 11111111 = ________ 11000101 = ________

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Number Systems
10.2. Hexadecimal (Hex)
Hexadecimal looks very similar to our decimal number system but it adds some letters to the mix.
Decimal is considered a base 10 system, binary is a base 2 system – decimal uses 10 digits,
binary uses two. Hexadecimal is a base 15 system – it uses 15 digits; they are 0-9 and the letters
The conversion of decimal to hexadecimal is as follows:
Dec Hex Dec Hex Dec Hex
0 0 6 6 12 C
1 1 7 7 13 D
2 2 8 8 14 E
3 3 9 9 15 F
4 4 10 A
5 5 11 B

Ordinarily, we have to convert an 8-bit binary number to a hexadecimal number. The conversion
is accomplished by splitting the 8-bit number into two 4-bit numbers and first converting to
decimal and then finally to hex.

1) Split your 8-bit binary number into two 4-bit binary numbers:

1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1

1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1

2) Convert the two 4-bit binary numbers into two decimal numbers:

VALUE 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1

1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
8 + 2 + 1 = 11 4+1=5

3) Lastly, convert the two decimal numbers into hexadecimal digits.

11 decimal 5 decimal
= =
B hexadecimal 5 hexadecimal

Number Systems PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

4) So our binary to hexadecimal conversion is:

1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1

Convert the following binary numbers to hexadecimal:

00111110 = ________ 11111111 = ________ 11000101 = ________

10.3. Binary Coded Decimal (BCD)

BCD is just like decimal except that all the digits are in 4-bit binary form. There is a ones place, a
tens place, even a hundreds and thousands place. To convert binary or hexadecimal to BCD, or
vice-versa, you first need to convert to decimal.

1) Convert binary to decimal:

VALUE 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
BIT# 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

00110101 binary = 53 decimal

2) Convert the decimal digits to four-bit binary numbers:

VALUE 8 4 2 1 8 4 2 1
0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1
4+1=5 2+1=3

Therefore, 00110101 in binary is 01010011 in BCD. As you can see, it’s very important to know
what number system is being used when looking at a number.

Convert the following numbers to BCD:

00111110 = ________ 72 = ________ 18 = ________

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Functional Instructions
11. Functional Instructions
The functional instructions perform complex operations. Each functional instruction is a
subroutine; therefore each one is assigned a SUB number. The more advanced the PMC is, the
more functional instructions that are available.

Functional Instruction List

Functional Instructions PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

The above list of functional instructions is not the complete list, there are a couple-hundred more;
refer to the following PMC PROGRAMMING MANUALs to find complete information on the
subroutines available for your specific PMC type:

3xi-A 3xi-B 0i-D

B-63983EN B-64513EN B-64393EN

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Functional Instructions
11.1. SUB1 – END1 Ladder 1 Level End
The 1st level is the high priority processing section. This section of ladder is guaranteed to be
completely processed every 8 milliseconds (or 4, depending on the control being a 3xi Series and
PRM 11930=4). Signals that are time critical are typically inserted in this section - things like
emergency stop and hard over travel, signals that may have a negative affect if their processing is
delayed. From NET00001, the ladder beginning, to this function block SUB1 is the 1st ladder level

The remaining time, after the 1st level is processed, is used to process the second level.
Therefore it is desirable to make the 1st level as small as possible. If it takes 2ms to process level
1 that leaves 6ms to process level 2; at the end of the total 8ms the program must return to level 1
to process it again.

Functional Instructions PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
11.2. SUB2 – END2 Ladder 2 Level End
The 2 level is the medium processing section. This section of ladder is processed during the
time remaining after level 1 processing has completed. Signals that are NOT time critical are
typically inserted in this section, things like operator panel buttons and signal tower outputs. From
the SUB1 END1 function block to the SUB2 END2 function block is all level 2 processing.

In this example, Level 2 is one rung.

The time to process level 2 is not guaranteed. For example let’s say it takes 10 ms to process all
of level 2. Level 1 gets processed first, this takes 2ms, leaving 6ms until level 1 must be
processed again. Level 2 begins processing, and uses the remaining 6ms of time. At this point
there is still 4ms of level 2 that has not been processed.

The system returns to level 1 to process it again completely. When level 1 is completed this time,
the system returns to where it left off in level 2 and processes the remaining 4ms of ladder logic.
At the end of level 2, there is 2ms remaining. If the ladder has a 3rd level, the remaining 2ms is
used to process it. If not the system idles for 2ms then returns to level 1.

Because of this processing priority, a contact address in level 1 may display a different status
than the same contact address in level 2, simply because during the processing delay of level
2 the contact had changed status.

11.3. SUB48 – END3 Ladder 3rd Level End

The third processing level of ladder logic is only processed with the remaining time after level 2
processing has completed. This section of the ladder contains logic with the lowest priority of
processing. This level of processing is not available on the 0i Model D.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Functional Instructions
11.4. SUB3 – TMR User Adjustable Timer
Timers are used as a delay in the ladder. When the contacts before the timer function block
conduct, the timer begins timing. When the timer reaches its’ preset value it turns on the output
coil to the right. If the contact before the timer stops conducting, the timer resets back to zero.

Timer number from Current timer Setting value on

“NO.” column on count parameter
parameter screen. screen.

1) From the LADDER screen, press the soft key on the LCD menu.

2) Enter on the MDI keypad, then press the

soft key.

3) Press the button on the operator panel, and watch

the timer count.
When the count reaches 4.000, the R200.0 coil will turn ON.

4) Press the soft key to get out of the search menu.

5) Press the soft key TWICE to return to the PMC

selection soft keys.

6) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

7) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

The TIMER setting screen appears.

By default, timers 1-8 are set in increments of 48ms and timers 9 and up are set in increments of
8ms. If you enter a value into timers 1-8 that is not equally divisible by 48, the number you
entered will be rounded down to a value that is; for timers 9 and up it will round down to
something divisible by 8.

Notice the ACC column – this indicates the ACCuracy of the timer; the timers can be modified
to accept increments of 1ms, 10ms, 100ms, 1 second, or 1 minute.

Functional Instructions PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

8) Press the soft key.

9) Press the soft key.

10) With timer 15 highlighted, press the various accuracy soft keys to see how the value in TMR
15 is affected.

11) Change the value of timer 15, return to the LADDER display and see the change.

Timer type (and number) Max. setting time PMC type # of SUB3 timers
48ms (1 to 8) (initial value) 1572.8 seconds 3xi Memory A 40
8ms (9 & up) (initial value) 262.1 seconds 3xi Memory B 250
1ms (1 & up) 32.7 seconds 3xi Memory C 500
10ms (1 & up) 327.7 seconds 3xi Memory D 500
100ms (1 & up) 54.6 minutes 0i Model D 250
1 sec (1 & up) 546 minutes 0i PMC/L 40
1 min (1 & up) 546 hours Dual Check Safety 40

11.5. SUB24 - TMRB Fixed Timer

Timers are used as a delay in the ladder. When the contacts before the timer function block
conduct, the timer begins timing. The delay time of TMRB is fixed in the ladder function block.
When the timer reaches this fixed value it turns on the output coil to the right. If the contact before
the timer stops conducting, the timer resets back to zero.
PMC type # of SUB 24 tmrs

A 100

B 500

C 1000

D 1500

Timer number 1 ~ Fixed setting value Current timer 0i-D 500

depends on PMC type in milliseconds count PMC/L 100

DCS 100

1) From the LADDER screen, press the soft key.

2) Enter on the MDI keypad, and then press the soft key.

3) Press the button on the operator panel, and watch the timer count.
When the count reaches 1.000, the R200.1 coil will turn ON.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Functional Instructions
11.6. SUB54 - TMRC Timer
Timers are used as a delay in the ladder. When the contacts before the timer function block
conduct, the timer begins timing. When the timer reaches its preset value it turns on the output
coil to the right. If the contact before the timer stops conducting, the timer resets back to zero.
Timer C is defined by the ladder developer. They may make it fixed or variable depending on its
use. The place where the timer will count is also decided by the developer. This means the
quantity of these timers is limited only by the number of registers that can be used to count.

Timer increments
0 = 8 millisecond
1 = 48 millisecond Register used to Register to hold
2 = 1 second perform the count preset value
3 = 10 second
4 = 1 minute In this example, data register D8 holds the value to count up
to. Register R46 is the place where the timer will actually
5 = 1 millisecond
keep track of the time. The timer increment of 2 means this
6 = 10 millisecond
timer is using seconds. Since D8 is set to a value of 10, 10
7 = 100 millisecond
seconds after X14.2 conducts the coil R200.3 will turn ON.

1) Press the soft key.

2) Press the soft key.

The DATA TABLE CONTROL screen appears.

3) Press the soft key.

4) With Group No. 1 highlighted, press the soft key.

The DATA TABLE screen appears.

5) Change the value in D0008 then return to the

LADDER screen and view the timer change.

Functional Instructions PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
11.7. SUB 77 – TMRBF Instant-On, Delay-Off Timer
The SUB 77 works in reverse of the SUB 24. When the contact(s) before the function block
conduct, the coil turns on. If a contact before the timer stops conducting, the timer begins timing.
When the timer reaches its preset value it turns off the output coil to the right. If the contact(s)
before the timer start conducting again, the timer resets and the coil stays/turns on. The delay
time of TMRBF is set in the functional instruction.

PMC type # of SUB 77 tmrs

A 100
Timer number 1 ~ Fixed setting value
depends on PMC type in milliseconds B 500

C 1000

D 1500
0i-D 500

PMC/L 100

DCS 100

1) From the LADDER screen, press the soft key.

2) Enter on the MDI keypad, and then press the soft key.

3) Press and release the button on the operator panel, and watch the timer count.

When the count reaches 1.000, the R287.2 coil will turn OFF.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Functional Instructions
11.8. SUB 4 – DEC Decode
The decode function turns ON its output when the decode address value and the two digit BCD
value are equal. This instruction is mainly used to decode M-code or T-code values read in the G-
code program.

Code to Mask digits Address to

check for Decode

In the example above, the ADDRESS TO DECODE is F10. This happens to be where the CNC
puts M-codes when it reads them in a G-code program. The value shown in blue is the
hexadecimal equivalent of the value in the address to decode.
The BCD CODE TO CHECK FOR is 07, when F10 = 07 the output R200.4 turns ON. Notice the
block is only displaying a 7, not 07 – leading zeros are not displayed.
The Mask digits decide which digits to look at when checking F10. Since the mask digits are
11, the data at address F10 must be 07 for the output to turn ON. If the mask digits were 01, the
output would turn on if the data at address F10 was 07, 17, 27, 37 etc. If the mask digits were 10,
the output would turn on if the data at address F10 was 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, etc. The mask digits
decide which digit positions must match in the address to decode and the code to check for.

1) Select mode on the operator panel.

2) Press the button on the MDI key pad.

3) Press the soft key ( on the 0i-D) on the LCD menu.

4) Enter then press , then press .

5) Return to the LADDER screen.

6) Press the button on the operator panel, and watch the decoder operate.

Notice the coil R200.4 turns ON. Try M17, then notice the coil is not ON.

Functional Instructions PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
11.9. SUB – 25 DECB Binary Decoding
The purpose of the SUB25 DECB function block is to output a single bit, based on the binary
value that is input. When the M-codes are passed from the CNC to the PMC, the CNC puts the
code into address F10, then turns on the M-code flag F7.0. The PMC then has to decode F10 to
determine which M-code it needs to process. This is usually performed using the SUB25
DECODE-B function block.

1) From the LADDER screen, press the soft key.

2) Enter on the MDI keypad, and then press the soft key.

3) If the SUB25 that you found does not have address F0010 displayed in it, continue to

press the soft key until it does.

Typically the addresses in the ladder are 8 bits, each group of 8 bits is called a byte.




4=NUMBER OF INPUT ADDRESSES 4 addresses are used

F10, F11, F12, and F13.

Together they form a 32 bit


This number ‘0’ determines which

M-Code will turn on bit 0 of R300.

M00 will turn ON bit 0 of R300.

M01 will turn on bit 1 of R300.

M08 will turn on bit 0 of R301.
6 addresses are used R300, R301,
R302, R303, R304, and R305.

The number of output addresses used, determines how many M-codes this function block
can decode. R300 has 8 bits, 6 output addresses are assigned, 6x8=48.
This function block decodes 48 M-Codes, from M00 to M47.
M00 will turn ON bit 0 of address R300
The remaining consecutive M-codes will turn on the next bits of R300.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Functional Instructions
1) Setup the TRACE function, to trace all bits in PMC Addresses R300, R301, and R302.
(You can just enter R300 on Address line 1 and it will fill in all 8 bits, same for the other

2) the trace.

3) Select mode on the operator panel.

4) Press the button on the MDI key pad.

5) Press the soft key ( on the 0i-D) on the LCD menu.

6) Enter then press .

7) Enter then press .

8) Enter then press .

9) Enter then press .

10) Enter then press , then press .

11) Return to the PMC TRACE screen, the trace, then use to view
the result.

Functional Instructions PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

11.10. SUB 5 – CTR Counter

The counter function block is used to count events. The counter acts as a ring counter, when the
counter reaches its maximum count the output coil R200.5 turns ON. The next count action
(X14.0) will change the count back to the start count and turn OFF the coil.

Counter number from Current Count Maximum Count from

“NO.” column on “PRESET” column on
parameter screen parameter screen.

The inputs to the counter function block are described below…

CNO = counter start number PMC type # of SUB5 counters
0 = Start with 0
3xi Memory A 20
1 = Start with 1 3xi Memory B 100
UPD = the counter counts up or down 3xi Memory C 200
0 = count UP 3xi Memory D 300
1 = count DOWN
0i Model D 100
RST = counter RESET
0 = normal operation 0i PMC/L 20
1 = RESET to 0 or 1 depending on CN0 Dual Check Safety 20
ACT = counter ACTION causes the counter to increment
0 = no change
1 = increment current count

1) From the LADDER screen, press the soft key.

2) Enter on the MDI keypad, and then press the soft key.

3) Press the button on the operator panel, and watch the timer count.

Watch the count change each time you press the button.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Functional Instructions

4) Press the soft key TWICE.

5) Press the soft key.

6) Press the soft key.

The PRESET value is what the counter counts to.

The CURRENT value is just that.

You can change the values in both columns.

Notice that the counter counts when you press the button.

7) Change the value in the PRESET column, return to the LADDER display to see the change.

11.11. SUB 56 – CTRB Fixed Counter

The fixed counter function block is used to count events. The maximum count of this counter is
fixed in the function block. The machine builder will use this type of counter when they know the
count should not be changed. These counters also act as a ring counter, when the counter
reaches its maximum count the output coil R201.3 turns ON. The next count action will change
the count back to the start count and turn OFF the output coil.

The current count is stored at address C5000 as a 2 byte word. Counter 1 corresponds to C5000;
counter 2 corresponds to C5002, etc.

Counter number
PMC type # of cntrs
A 20
B 100
C 200
D 300
0i-D 100

Current count PMC/L 20

DCS 20
Maximum Count
preset value

CNO = Counter start number 0 = normal operation

0 = Start with 0 1 = RESET to 0 or 1 depending on CN0
1 = Start with 1
ACT = counter ACTION causes the counter to
UPD = The counter counts up or down increment
0 = count UP 0 = no change
1 = count DOWN 1 = increment current count
RST = counter RESET

Functional Instructions PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
11.12. SUB 55 - CTRC Counter C
Counter C is a developer defined counter; this means the ladder developer decides where the
preset and current count values will be stored. Otherwise it acts as a regular SUB 5 counter and
is used to count events. The counter acts as a ring counter, when the counter reaches its
maximum count the output coil R200.6 turns ON. The next count action will change the count
back to the start count and turn OFF the output coil.
PMC type # of cntrs
A 20
B 100

Register where PRESET value C 200

is stored (max count) D 300
0i-D 100
Register where CURRENT PMC/L 20
value is stored
DCS 20

CNO = Counter start number RST = counter RESET

0 = Start with 0 0 = normal operation
1 = Start with 1 1 = RESET to 0 or 1 depending on CN0
UPD = The counter counts up or down ACT = counter ACTION causes the counter to
0 = count UP increment
1 = count DOWN 0 = no change
1 = increment current count

The PRESET register is a 16 bit register. In the example above D0000 is used. Since D
registers are 8 bits, 2 registers will be used by the counter D0000 and D0001.
The CURRENT register is a 32 bit register. In the example above R0220 is used. Since R
registers are 8 bits, 4 registers will be used by the counter R0220~R0223. If an R register is
used the value is cleared to 0 at power on. If a D register is used, it will retain its value at
power off.

1) From the LADDER screen, press the soft key.

2) Enter on the MDI keypad, and then press the soft key.

3) Press the button on the operator panel, and watch the timer count.

Watch the count change each time you press the button.

4) Press the soft key to get out of the search menu.

5) Press the soft key TWICE to return to the PMC selection soft keys.

6) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Functional Instructions

7) Press the soft key.

The DATA TABLE CONTROL screen appears.

8) Press the soft key.

9) With Group No. 1 highlighted, press the soft key.

The DATA TABLE screen appears.

10) Adjust register D0000 then return to the

LADDER screen to view the change.

11) View address R220 to see the CURRENT count:

Press the soft key.

Press the soft key.

Type in .

Press the soft key.

12) Press the button to see how R220 changes.

Functional Instructions PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
11.13. SUB 32 – CMPB Comparison Between Binary Data
The CMPB function compares binary data. When the input activated (X14.0), the result of the
comparison is output to address R9000. The values displayed in this block are shown in decimal.

Format Specification

0 = Constant 1 = 8bit
1 = Address 2 = 16 bit
4 = 32 bit

Address where data

compared is FROM

Data to be compared TO

This function block outputs its results to R9000, as do many other function blocks.

In order to ensure that the data that is contained in R9000 actually pertains to this particular
function block, R9000 must appear next in the ladder before any other function block that might
use the same address and overwrite it.

Notice the next rung in the ladder.

BIT# 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R9000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Bit 5 = Overflow, the
result of the comparison is
Bit 1 = Negative, the input
date is less than the
compared data.
Bit 0 = Equal, the result of
the comparison is equal.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Functional Instructions
11.14. SUB 6 – ROT Rotation Control
The rotation control function block is typically used to control a tool changer or turret but could
also be used for a PMC controlled rotary axis. This function just performs the calculation; other
ladder functions will be used to actually rotate the control axis. It can perform 3 functions …
To select rotation direction for shortest path
Calculate the number of steps between current position and the goal position.
Calculate either the position or number of steps to one position before the goal.
The data processed by this function is in BCD format. The ROTB instruction is binary.

Number of Current
positions position



The inputs to the ROT function block are described below…

RN0 = Rotary Axis beginning position DIR = Calculate shortest direction to goal position
0 = First position is 0 0 = No, always rotate forward
1 = First position is 1 1 = Yes, output shortest direction
BYT = The number of BCD digits to process POS = Position calculation is …
0 = Two BCD digits 0 = Calculates the goal position
1 = Four BCD digits 1 = Calculates the position one position
before the goal position

INC = Calculate goal position or number of steps to goal position

0 = Calculate the number of the position. If the position one position before the goal position is to be
calculated, specify INC=0 and POS=1
1 = Calculate number of steps. If the difference between the current position and the goal position is
to be calculated, specify INC=1 and (POS=0)
ACT = Activate command, causes calculation to perform
0 = No calculation is done
1 = Perform calculation
OUTPUT COIL = If DIR=1 then the output coil will determine rotation direction.
0 = Rotate CW
1 = Rotate CCW

Functional Instructions PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

1) From the LADDER screen, press the soft key.

2) Enter on the MDI keypad, and then press the soft key.

3) Rotate the feedrate override switch.

Notice the R190 value changes. In this example,

this switch will serve as the turret feedback.

Turn the switch to 10%

4) Select mode on the operator panel.

5) Press the button on the MDI key pad.

6) Press the soft key ( on the 0i-D) on the LCD menu.

7) M: Enter , press , then press .

T: Enter , press , then .

8) Return to the LADDER screen, notice F26 holds the T-code you entered.

9) Press the button on the operator panel, and watch calculation occur.

The result - number of steps to goal - will be placed into R194.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Functional Instructions
11.15. SUB 26 – ROTB Rotation Control Binary
The rotate binary function block used the same as the ROT function block. The primary difference
is that the NUMBER OF POSITIONS can be specified in an address, instead of being fixed in
the function block. Also the calculation addresses are treated as BINARY instead of BCD.

This function block is typically used to control a tool changer or turret but could also be used for a
PMC controlled rotary axis. This function just performs the calculation; other ladder functions will
be used to actually rotate the control axis. It can perform 3 functions …

To select rotation direction for shortest path

Calculate the number of steps between current position and the goal position.
Calculate either the position or number of steps to one position before the goal.

1 – 8 bits Number of
2- 16 bits positions
4 – 32 bits Current



The inputs to the ROT function block are described below…

RN0 = Rotary Axis beginning position DIR = Calculate shortest direction to goal position
0 = First position is 0 0 = No, always rotate forward
1 = First position is 1 1 = Yes, output shortest direction
POS = Position calculation is …
0 = Calculates the goal position
1 = Calculates the position one position
before the goal position

INC = Calculate goal position or number of steps to goal position

0 = Calculate the number of the position. If the position one position before the goal position is to be
calculated, specify INC=0 and POS=1
1 = Calculate number of steps. If the difference between the current position and the goal position is
to be calculated, specify INC=1 and (POS=0)
ACT = Activate command, causes calculation to perform
0 = No calculation is done
1 = Perform calculation
OUTPUT COIL = If DIR=1 then the output coil will determine rotation direction.
0 = Rotate CW
1 = Rotate CCW

Functional Instructions PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

1) From the LADDER screen, press the soft key.

2) Enter on the MDI keypad, and then press the soft key.

3) Select mode on the operator panel.

4) Press the button on the MDI key pad.

5) Press the ( on the 0i-D) soft key on the LCD menu.

6) Enter , press , DO NOT press .

T: Enter , press .

7) Return to the LADDER screen.

8) Press the button on the operator panel.

Watch the rotate command function.

SUB26 Usage example:

12 position rotor; rotates by
shortest path; stops 1
position before the goal:
The goal position is
specified by address
F26 to F29.
The current position
comes from the
machine tool by
address X41.
The result of
calculating the position
one position before the
goal is output to
address R230.
Operation starts with
the output TF (address
F7.3) from the NC.
The binary compare
instruction (COMPB) is
used to detect the
deceleration and stop

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Functional Instructions
11.16. SUB 8 – MOVE Logical Product Transfer
The MOVE command allows you to COPY data bits from one address to another. This allows
you to check to see if specific bits are turned ON. A bit mask is provided so you can select the
bits you want to check. The name implies that the data will be moved, but it is actually copied, and
remains in the original address after the command executes.

Bit mask, Bit mask,

bits 7~4 bits 3~0

Address bits will

transfer from

Address bits will

transfer to

This function block doesn’t display the leading zeros in the bit mask – so for the bit 7 ~ 4 mask, it
looks like 1 but it’s really 0001.

In this example bits 4~0 are masked, so only those bits that are 1 in the mask data transfer to
address R90.

BIT# 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

X006 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 =E8
MASK 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 =1F

R090 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 =08

X6 bits 0 ~ 4 are the FEEDRATE OVERRIDE switch on the operator panel, and bits 6 & 7 are
part of the SPINDLE SPEED OVERRIDE switch.

Rotate each of the switches and watch the data change.

Only information from the FEEDRATE OVERRIDE switch will be moved into R090.

This process is called LOGICAL ANDING with a move…


OUTPUT 0 0 0
1 0 0
0 1 0
FFA-091012/02 1 1 1
Functional Instructions PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
11.17. SUB 28 – MOVOR Data Transfer After Logical Sum
The MOVOR command allows you to SET selected data bits ON in a specific address. As the
name implies the data will be OR’ed, then the result will be moved (copied) to the output address.

Address data is
transferred FROM

Data bits to OR

Address data will

transfer TO

In this example, address R90 is OR’ed with a hexadecimal 18 and the result is transferred to
address Y16. Notice the bits that are ON in the result address are those that are ON in address
R90, or D30, or both. (Y16 controls lights on the operator panel.)

BIT# 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R90 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 =0D
OR 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 =18

Y16 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 =1D

Also notice the data set in register D30 is in decimal on the PMCPAR screen, even though it is
treated as hexadecimal in the function block.

1) While holding down , ,& rotate the FEEDRATE OVERRIDE


This process is called LOGICAL OR’ing with a move…


OUTPUT 0 0 0
1 0 1
0 1 1
1 1 1
PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Functional Instructions
11.18. SUB 14 – DCNV Data Conversion
This function block converts BINARY into BCD, or BCD into BINARY depending on the status
of the CNV input. Typically BCD is used for human interface, where seven segment displays or
thumbwheels are used. The PMC processes everything in binary, humans use binary coded

Address where data to be

converted is FROM

Address where converted

data will transfer TO

The inputs to the DCNV function block are described below…

BYT = Data size specification
0 = 8 bits (byte)
1 = 16 bits (word)
CNV = Conversion type
0 = Binary to BCD (write to Seven Segment Display)
1 = BCD to Binary (read from thumbwheel)
RST = Reset input
0 = Not reset, normal operation
1 = Reset, resets error output coil
ACT = Activate command, causes calculation to perform
0 = No conversion is done
1 = Perform conversion
OUTPUT COIL = If an error occurs during the conversion process
0 = Conversion was normal
1 = Error occurred during conversion (an error occurs if the converted data will not fit
into the commanded byte/word size (BYT input))

Functional Instructions PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
11.19. SUB 31 – DCNVB Extended Data Conversion
This function works the same way as the DCNV except this command allows you to convert 1, 2,
or 4 byte (8, 16, or 32 bit) information and also signed + BCD to binary.
This function block converts BINARY into BCD, or BCD into BINARY depending on the status
of the CNV input. Typically BCD is used for human interface, where seven segment displays or
thumbwheels are used. The PMC processes everything in binary, humans use binary coded

Format Specification
1 = 8 bits (byte)
2 = 16 bits (word)
4 = 32 bits (long)

Address where data to be

converted is FROM

Address where converted

data will transfer TO

The inputs to the DCNVB function block are described below…

SIN = Sign of the data to be converted, only used when converting BCD to BINARY
0 = BCD input data is positive
1 = BCD input data is negative

CNV = Conversion type

0 = Binary to BCD
1 = BCD to Binary
RST = Reset input
0 = Not reset, normal operation
1 = Reset error output coil
ACT = Activate command, causes calculation to perform
0 = No conversion is done
1 = Perform conversion
OUTPUT COIL = If an error occurs during the conversion process
0 = Conversion was normal
1 = Error occurred during conversion (an error occurs if the converted data will not fit
into the commanded byte/word/long data size (format specification))

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Functional Instructions
11.20. SUB 16 – COIN Coincidence Check
The COIN function compares the input address with the comparison address; if they are equal
(coincide) the output latches ON until the next comparison, which has a not equal result.
Format Specification
0 = input data is a constant Input data to be
1 = input data is address compared

Data to be compared TO

The inputs to the COIN function block are described below…

BYT = Data size specification ACT = Activate command, causes calculation to perform
0 = 8 bits (byte), two BCD digits 0 = No coincidence check is done
1 = 16 bits (word), four BCD digits 1 = Perform coincidence check

OUTPUT COIL = The result of the coincidence check is reflected in the coil status
0 = Comparison was not equal
1 = Comparison was equal

NOTE : In the example above the comparison data is different. The coil is active because it is an
inverted coil. If the comparison data is equal the inverted coil will turn OFF. This operation would
be opposite with a standard relay coil.

1) From the LADDER screen, press the soft key.

2) Enter on the MDI keypad, and then press the soft key.

3) Select mode on the operator panel.

4) Press the button on the MDI key pad.

5) Press the soft key ( on the 0i-D) on the LCD menu.

6) Enter , press , DO NOT press

T: Enter , press .

7) Return to the LADDER screen.

8) Press the button on the operator panel. Watch the COIN command function.

Functional Instructions PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
11.21. SUB 40 – NUMEB Definition of Binary Constants
The SUB 40 function writes a stored binary value to an address or set of addresses. There are
two ways to implement the NUMEB referred to as Basic and Extended. The Basic functionality of
the NUMEB is to write a value to a single 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit area. The Extended functionality
allows for writing a value to a series of 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit areas.

The Basic functionality is as follows:

Format Specification
1 = 8 bits (byte) Decimal number that will
2 = 16 bits (word) be written as binary
4 = 32 bits (long)
Address to write to

To use the Extended functionality, the format specification is modified slightly from Basic. By
placing up to two digits in front of the previously described Format Specification of 1, 2, or 4 you
can define a series of addresses that will be written to. 02 through 99 is allowable; if 00 or 01 is
used then the SUB 40 will function as above.

For example, if the Format Specification is 321, 32 consecutive 8-bit addresses will be set to the
value stored on the second line beginning at the address defined in the functional instruction. A
Format Spec. of 994 would write to 99 consecutive 32-bit addresses.

In the example below, the binary equivalent of 2147483647 will be written into (2) 32-bit
addresses starting at Y10 (Y10-13 and Y14-Y17).

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Functional Instructions
11.22. SUB 36 – ADDB Binary Addition
Binary addition simply adds the first address to the second address and puts the result into the
third address in the function block. The second address may be a constant value or an address,
as specified in the format specification. If an error occurs in the addition process, the output coil
will turn ON, in these examples R15.0 and R15.1.

Notice with the second SUB 36 block that the format specification appears to be 1 but it is not
displaying the leading 0’s – it is 0001.
Format Specification

Data to be added
together 0 = Constant 1 = 8bit
1 = Address 2 = 16 bit
4 = 32 bit
Address where
result will be stored

In the example above, F1.1 is not conducting. There is no coil for F1.1. When will this addition

Change the value in D15 or D16 and watch the result address data change.
What happens if you change D18?

RST = Reset input

0 = Not reset, normal operation
1 = Resets error output coil
ACT = Activate command, causes calculation to perform
0 = No addition is performed
1 = Perform addition
OUTPUT COIL = If an error occurs during the addition of the addresses
0 = Addition was normal
1 = Error occurred during addition (An error occurs if the addition result data will not fit
into the commanded byte/word/long data size (format specification))

Address R9000 will also indicate if an error occurs during the addition process.

BIT# 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R9000 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Bit 5 = Overflow, the result Negative Zero
will not fit into result address

Functional Instructions PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
11.23. SUB 38 – MULB Binary Multiplication
Binary multiplication simply multiplies the first address by the second address and puts the result
into the third address in the function block. The second address may be a constant value or an
address, as specified in the format specification. If an error occurs in the multiplication process,
the output coil will turn ON, in this example A0.6
Format Specification

0 = Constant 1 = 8bit
1 = Address 2 = 16 bit
4 = 32 bit

Data to be
multiplied together

Address where
result will be stored

In the example above, R190 will be multiplied by the constant 10, and then the result will be
stored in R191. If the result is too large to fit into R191, alarm A0.6 will occur.

RST = Reset input

0 = Not reset, normal operation
1 = Resets error output coil
ACT = Activate command, causes calculation to perform
0 = No multiplication is performed
1 = Perform multiplication
OUTPUT COIL = If an error occurs during the multiplication of the data
0 = Multiplication was normal
1 = Error occurred during multiplication (an error occurs if the multiplication result data
will not fit into the commanded byte/word/long data size (format specification))

Address R9000 will also indicate if an error occurs during the multiplication process.

BIT# 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R9000 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Bit 5 = Overflow, the result Negative Zero
will not fit into result address

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Functional Instructions
11.24. SUB 39 – DIVB Binary Division
Binary division simply divides the first address by the second address and puts the result into the
third address in the function block. The second address may be a constant value or an address,
as specified in the format specification. If an error occurs in the division process, the output coil
will turn ON, in this example A0.6.
Format Specification

0 = Constant 1 = 8bit
1 = Address 2 = 16 bit
4 = 32 bit

Data to be divided

Address where
result will be stored

In the example above, R190 will be divided by the constant 2, and then the result will be stored in

RST = Reset input

0 = Not reset, normal operation
1 = Reset, resets error output coil
ACT = Activate command, causes calculation to perform
0 = No division is performed
1 = Perform division
OUTPUT COIL = If an error occurs during the division of the data
0 = division was normal
1 = Error occurred during division (an error occurs if the division result data will not fit
into the commanded byte/word/long data size (format specification))

Address R9000 will also indicate if an error occurs during the division process.

BIT# 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R9000 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Bit 5 = Overflow, the result Negative Zero
will not fit into result address

Functional Instructions PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
11.25. SUB 59 – EOR Logical Exclusive OR
The EOR function can be used to toggle a bit or invert bits. It works like a digital logic gate; if a
SINGLE input is ON between the two inputs, the output is ON, if BOTH inputs are ON or OFF
between the two inputs, then the output is OFF.


Format Specification

OUTPUT 0 0 0 1001
1 0 1
0 1 1 0 = Constant 1 = 8bit
1 1 0 1 = Address 2 = 16 bit
4 = 32 bit

Data to be EOR’ed

Address where
result will be stored
ACT = Activate command, causes exclusive OR to perform
0 = No process is performed
1 = Perform exclusive OR process

The bits from the first address are EXCLUSIVE OR’ed with the bits of the second address and the
result is stored into the third address in the function block. The second address may be a constant
value or an address, as specified in the format specification.

In this example, address R90 is exclusive-OR’ed with decimal 255 and the result is transferred to
address R91. Notice the bits that are EXCLUSIVE to each of the input operators are turned ON in
the result address. The bits that are ON in both the first and second addresses are ignored.

BIT# 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

R90 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 =0F
255 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 =FF

R91 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 =F0

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Functional Instructions
The result of this operation is the inverse of the value in R90. This is a valuable function
when you are dealing with the *asterisk signals that are active low. The above action shows we
can take an active high signal (R90) and convert it to active low (R91).

1) From the LADDER screen, press the soft key.

2) Enter on the MDI keypad, and then press the soft key.

3) Rotate the feedrate override switch.

Notice the values change.

4) Press the soft key to get out of the search menu.

5) Press the soft key TWICE to return to the PMC selection soft keys.

6) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

7) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

8) Enter on the MDI keypad, and then press the soft key.

Rotate the feedrate override switch and notice that the bits in R91 are the direct inverse of R90.

Functional Instructions PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
11.26. SUB 61 – OR
The OR operator can be used to turn ON a bit. It works like a digital logic gate. If either input OR
both inputs are ON the output is ON.

INPUT A INPUT B OUTPUT Format Specification

OUTPUT 0 0 0
1 0 1
0 1 1
1 1 1
0 = Constant 1 = 8bit
1 = Address 2 = 16 bit
4 = 32 bit

Data to be OR’ed

Address where
result will be stored
ACT = Activate command, causes OR operation to perform
0 = No process is performed
1 = Perform OR process

BIT# 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
In this example address R90 is
OR’ed with decimal 40 (in hex) R90 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 =19
and the result is transferred into
address D34.
40 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 =28
Notice the bits that are ON in both
the first OR second address are
turned ON in the result address. D34 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 =39
The second address ensures at
least that bit will be turned ON.

The result of this operation is to ensure a minimum value is moved to the result address. If no bits
are on in the first address, the minimum value of 40 will be transferred to D34. This is a useful
function when you want to be sure a minimum value is used.

1) From the LADDER screen, press the soft key.

2) Enter on the MDI keypad, and then press the soft key.

3) Rotate the feedrate override switch.

Notice the R90 values change instantly.

What must you do to make the OR function?

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Functional Instructions
11.27. SUB 60 – AND
The AND function can be used to check the status of a bit or turn a bit OFF. It works like a
digital logic gate. If both input bits are ON, the output is ON. The same theory is applied to binary
data on a bit by bit basis.

INPUT A INPUT B OUTPUT Format Specification

OUTPUT 0 0 0
1 0 0
0 1 0
1 1 1
0 = Constant 1 = 8bit
1 = Address 2 = 16 bit
4 = 32 bit

Data to be AND’ed

Address where
result will be stored
ACT = Activate command, causes AND operation to perform
0 = No process is performed
1 = Perform AND process

The bits from the first address are AND’ed with the bits of the second address and the result is
stored into the third address in the function block. The second address may be either a constant
or address, as specified in the format specification.

In this example address D34 is BIT# 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

AND’ed with decimal 15 (in hex)
and the result is transferred to D34 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 =39
address D36.

Notice only the bits that are ON in

15 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 =0F
both the first AND second address
are turned ON in the result address.
The second address acts as a bit D36 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 =09
mask to filter the result.

The result of this operation allows you to select the bits you want to transfer. This is a valuable
function when you want to act upon a specific group of bits while ignoring other bits in the same

Notice bits 4~7 of D34 are filtered out of the result in D36.

What changes the data in the D34 address?

Functional Instructions PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
11.28. SUB 62 – NOT
The NOT function is used to invert all of the bits in an address or addresses.
Format Specification

1 = 8bit
2 = 16 bit
4 = 32 bit

Source Address

Inverted Output

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Functional Instructions
11.29. Ladder Subroutines
A sub-routine is a machine function that is performed outside of the typical machine operation.
Sub-routines can only be called from the second ladder level. The sub-routine is located after the
END2 function block, then starts at the designated function block SP SUB71, and ends with the
SPE SUB72 function block. A SUB64 END function block is used at the end of the subroutines.

Operations like loading a pallet, loading a workpiece, or performing tool changes are good
candidates to be separated into a sub-routine. Placing this logic in a subroutine reduces the
amount of logic the PMC has to process during its regular scan cycle.

In LEVEL 2 of the ladder a SUB65 CALL function block is what makes the ladder processing
jump to the sub-routine.

Call sub-routine
When the ACT input turns OFF in level2, the sub-routine stops processing. For this reason the
input must stay active until the sub-routine logic has been satisfied.

Machine Alarms PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
12. Machine Alarms
The machine builder can create custom alarm messages for their machine. The custom alarms
are generated from the PMC and appear on the MESSAGE display the same as the Fanuc
alarms. The PMC alarms can be distinguished by the alarm number.

0000~7999 FANUC alarms, stop machine operation and can be cleared by RESET on
the CNC MDI key pad or by power OFF/ON. The descriptions can be found
in the yellow FANUC manuals.
EX1000~EX1999 Machine builder alarms, generated in the PMC. They cause the machine
to stop operation and can be cleared by RESET on the CNC MDI key pad.
The descriptions for these faults are in the machine builders OPERATOR
No.2000~No.2999 Machine builder messages. These do not stop machine operation when
they occur. The message appears and the machine continues to run. The
descriptions for these faults are found in the machine builders OPERATOR
manual. Messages numbered 2100~2999 display without a number.

MC3000~MC3124 G-Code programs generated alarms.

Typically contained inside of macro programs, which can be written by the
machine builder or the end user.

To view the alarm screen press the button on the MDI key pad.
Parameter 3111 bit 7 determines if the CNC will change to this screen automatically when an
alarm is present.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Machine Alarms
12.1. A Address Alarm Coils
The A coils in the ladder are tied to alarm conditions. When the coil turns ON (1), an alarm
message is sent to the CNC message screen through the use of the SUB 41 explained shortly.

1) Press the and buttons at the same time. DO NOT press .

2) Press the button.

3) Press the soft key.

4) Press the soft key.

5) Press and release and then press , press the soft key.

6) Find the ‘A’ bit that is ON then go to the ladder and find the coil of that ‘A’ bit.
If you make it to A9000, you missed it – go back and look again. A9000 and up is for
system purposes, you will not find these bits in the ladder.

Typically the alarm circuit is a latch and hold type circuit that will latch itself ON. In this example,

the button (F1.1) or the button (X15.2) will unlatch the circuit – clearing the alarm.

7) Press the button and then track down and clear alarm 1142.

Machine Alarms PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
12.2. PMC Message Data Viewer
In the PMC memory exists a table where the actual message that appears on the CNC screen for
each A coil is entered. If an A bit turns on and there is no corresponding message in this table,
no alarm will appear on the screen.

1) Press the and buttons at the same time. DO NOT press .

2) Press the button.

3) Press the soft key.

4) Press the soft key.

The alarm number itself determines if the message appears on the ALARM screen or on the
MESSAGE screen. 1000~1999=ALARM, 2000~2999=MESSAGE.

5) Press the button. Find alarm 1142 in the list; don’t clear the alarm yet.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Machine Alarms

12.3. SUB 41 - DISPB Display Alarm Message

The DISPB function block it what actually causes the alarm messages to appear on the CNC
screen. Even if an A coil is activated, even if there is a corresponding alarm in the PMC message
list, the alarm doesn’t appear unless the DISPB function block is activated.

1) From the LADDER screen, press the soft key.

2) Enter on the MDI keypad, and then press the soft key.

This value used to signify the maximum amount of

messages the block would allow to be displayed; it’s no
longer used.

If an older ladder is converted to this newer style of

ladder, the number will be retained but it does nothing.

The total number of messages possible to display is determined by the PMC type.

PMC type Maximum # of messages available

3xi Memory A 2000
3xi Memory B 2000
3xi Memory C 4000
3xi Memory D 6000
0i Model D 2000
0i PMC/L 2000
Dual Check Safety 0

Machine Alarms PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
12.4. Master Alarm Circuit
Most machine builders include a master alarm circuit in their ladder. This circuit turns ON a
common coil when any of the alarm coils (A) are activated. The common coil address can be
used as a contact in any circuit that may be affected by alarms.

1) Highlight the R240.0 contact with the cursor. Press the soft key.

2) Find the contact that is activating the R240.0 coil.

3) Highlight the A114.2 contact with the cursor. Press the soft key.

4) Trace the logic back until you find logic that will allow you to break the

You have three different ways to troubleshoot machine alarms:

Find the A bit in the PMC diagnostics.
Find the A bit in the PMC Message list.
Find what logic is activating the SUB 41.

Auxiliary Functions PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

13. Exercise 5 – PMC Functional Instructions

1) Which timer(s) can be adjusted on the screen?


2) If you input 2100 for Timer 001, the value changes to 2064.
Why doesn’t the system accept 2100 as a valid input?

3) On your simulator….
How many M-codes are decoded by the SUB4 DEC function block?

How many M-codes are decoded by the SUB25 DECB function block?

4) Search for the SUB8 MOVE function block, what is the purpose of the Mask Bits?

5) The CNC will not allow you to enter a new value into data address D36 on the PMC parameter
screen. Why not?

Press and hold the button for 5 seconds.

(You will have to start all over again if you power off during the exercise.)

6) Alarm EX1095 PROX. SWITCH ERROR occurs. Fix the alarm.

7) Alarm EX1033 TURRET UNCLAMPED occurs. Fix the alarm.

8) Alarm EX1997 SERVSTND SETTING ERROR occurs. Fix the alarm.

9) The operator panel appears to have an issue. Use the ladder logic to make it act normal again.

PMC Controlled Axis PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

14. Auxiliary Functions – M, S, T & B Codes

The M, S, T, and B codes are often referred to as MISCELLANOUS or AUXILIARY functions, which
control machine side functions. These codes are read in the Part Program by the CNC, the CNC
passes them to the PMC through some F addresses, and it is the PMC’s job to process them. When
the PMC has confirmed that the auxiliary function was completed, it sends the “FIN” signal back to the
CNC to tell the CNC it has finished processing the M, S, T, or B code. Then the CNC processes the
next line in the Part Program.

14.1. Determining why ‘FIN’ is on the screen

Whenever an auxiliary function is called for in a G-code program, there are a couple things that happen
immediately after the code is read by the CNC: the CNC puts the word ‘FIN’ on the bottom middle of
the screen to indicate it is waiting for the FINish signal from the PMC and will not run any more G-code
until it gets it and it turns on a flag bit to let the PMC know that it has an auxiliary function to deal with.

The flag bits are located at PMC address F0007.

B-code Flag T-code Flag S-code Flag M-code Flag

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Controlled Axis

Sometimes when you look at a G-code

program to figure out what it is waiting
on, it is not very obvious!

When the CNC receives the finish signal from the PMC - indicating whatever auxiliary function it was
told to perform has been completed - the CNC will turn off the flag bit, removing the word ‘FIN’ from the

Even though there are many things that can cause FIN to appear on the screen, in the vast majority of
all cases there is only one thing the CNC is waiting for – PMC address G4.3 to change to a 1.

The next sections will discuss how to troubleshoot the cause of FIN on the screen.

PMC Controlled Axis PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
14.2. M-Codes
M-Codes are called MISCELLANEOUS or AUXILIARY functions and are used to control machine side
actions. The M-Codes are processed by the PMC ladder and are specific to each machine. Depending
on the functionality of the machine, the M-Codes can vary widely. There are several M codes which are
common that are listed below.

M00 = Program STOP M08 = Coolant ON

M01 = Option STOP M09 = Coolant OFF
M02 = Program RESET M19 = Spindle Orient
M03 = Spindle CW M30 = Program RESET and REWIND
M04 = Spindle CCW M98 = Call a sub-program
M05 = Spindle Stop M99 = Return to the calling program
M06 = Tool Change

When troubleshooting an M-Code problem, it is often most efficient to follow the processing backward
to find the cause of a failure. This section details the procedure.

1) Press the button on the MDI key pad.

2) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

3) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

4) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

5) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

6) Enter G4.3 on the MDI key pad.

7) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

The MASTER FIN circuit appears…





PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Controlled Axis
From this net you can see that contact F7.0 is ON, and you can also see which address the MTB has
chosen for the confirmation, in this example R395.0. Search for the confirmation address coil.

8) Highlight the R395.0 contact with the cursor.

9) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

10) Investigate this rung to determine which contact needs to energize the confirmation coil.


14.3. S-Codes
S-Codes are used to command the spindle drive to a certain speed. The CNC passes the S-code to the
PMC and the PMC sends it to the spindle drive. Whenever an S-code needs to be processed, the CNC
will turn on the S-code flag F7.2; use the following to determine why an S-code is not being processed.

1) Press the button on the MDI key pad.

2) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

3) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

4) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

5) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

6) Enter G4.3 on the MDI key pad.

PMC Controlled Axis PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

7) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

The MASTER FIN circuit appears…





From this net you can see that contact F7.2 is ON, and you can also see which address the MTB has
chosen for the confirmation, in this example R395.1. Search for the confirmation address coil and
then troubleshoot the logic that would cause it to activate.

14.4. T-Codes
T-codes are used to call up a tool. The code is sent to the PMC and the ladder logic then uses that
code to determine what tool to get from the magazine or what tool to turn the turret to. Whenever a T-
code needs to be processed, the CNC will turn on the T-code flag F7.3.

As in the previous sections for M-codes and S-codes, search for address G4.3 in the ladder and
troubleshoot the logic to find what is keeping that coil from turning on. Refer to sections 10.2 or 10.3 for
examples of what to do.

14.5. B-Codes
The technical name for a B-code is ‘Second Auxiliary Function’. They can be used like additional M-
codes. In fact, depending on how parameter 3460 is set, they might not be called up with the letter B
but with A, C, U, V, or W; for instance if you have an actual B axis on your machine you cannot use the
letter B to also call up this function so you’d use a different letter. Only a small percentage of machines
use this feature. Whenever a B-code needs to be processed, the CNC will turn on the B-code flag

As in the previous sections for M-codes and S-codes, search for address G4.3 in the ladder and
troubleshoot the logic to find what is keeping that coil from turning on. Refer to sections 10.2 or 10.3 for
examples of what to do.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Controlled Axis
15. PMC Controlled Axis
A CNC controlled axis is a motor that is commanded using G-code programming or the operator panel.
These axes can be simultaneous controlled and are mainly used for cutting. Parameter settings for the
axis; feedrate, acc/dec, axis and motor type, tuning, etc., are the standard 1000s,1400s,1600s,1800-

A PMC controlled axis is typically used for positioning only and are commanded by M or T codes in the
G-code program. They can also be commanded from the operator panel, such as in manual turret
indexing. These are not simultaneous controlled and are not typically displayed on the position screen.
Parameter settings for the axis; feedrate, acc/dec, axis and motor type, tuning, etc., can be the
standard 1000s,1400s,1600s,1800-2200s, or set by use of the PMM (Power Motion Manager) screens
for I/O link Beta Amplifiers or Power Mates.

15.1. CNC Controlled Axis

Program CNC Software CNC Hardware

G0,G1,G2 converts to converts
Feedrate Positioning Pulses in
Position Positioning Pulses
16mSec blocks into PWM
based on CNC command based
parameters, i.e., on Servo
Direction Acc/Dec, Feedrate, parameters,
Feedrate Gridshift, Backlash, 2000s and sends
etc. to Servo Amplifier.

15.2. PMC Controlled Axis

CNC Software CNC Hardware

converts to converts
PMC Ladder
Program Positioning Pulses in Positioning Pulses
M or T decodes M or T 16mSec blocks into PWM
Code code and converts to based on CNC command based
Axis Selection, parameters, i.e., on Servo
Position and Acc/Dec, Feedrate, parameters,
Feedrate data. Gridshift, Backlash, 2000s and sends
etc. to Servo Amplifier.

15.2.1. I/O Link PMC Axis

The Beta Servo

PMC Ladder decodes Amplifier converts
M or T M or T code and the I/O data into
Code converts to Axis PWM signals based
Selection, Position and on Power Motion
Feedrate data and Monitor parameter
sends to the I/O link. settings.
PMC Controlled Axis PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

15.2.2. Power Mate Controlled Axis

Program PMC Ladder The Power Mate

M or T code decodes M or T converts the I/O
code and converts to data into PWM
Axis Selection, signals based on
Position and Power Motion
Feedrate data and Monitor parameter
Switch or sends to the I/O link. settings. Or the
other input. Or the PMC Ladder Power Mate runs
selects a program the program called
for the Power Mate up the by the Host
to run. PMC ladder.

15.3. PMC Controlled Axis Operations

The PMC can directly control any given axis, independent of the CNC. In other words, moving the tool
along axes that are not controlled by the CNC is possible by entering commands, such as those
specifying move distance and feedrate from the PMC. This enables control of turrets, tool magazines,
part catchers, live tooling motors, sub spindle motors, etc.

Whether the CNC or PMC controls an axis is determined by the input signal provided by the PMC for
that particular axis.

The PMC can directly control the following operations.

1. Rapid traverse with move distance specified

2. Cutting feed – feed/minute with move distance specified
3. Cutting feed – feed/revolution with move distance specified
4. Skip – feed/minute with move distance specified
5. Dwell
6. Continuous feed – jog or spindle operation
7. 1st thru 4th reference return
8. External pulse synchronization - Main Spindle
9. External pulse synchronization – 1st thru 3rd Handle
10. Feedrate control
11. Selection of machine coordinates
12. Torque control

15.4. PMC Axis Control Parameter

The PMC provides multiple paths to control these operations using input (F addresses) and output
signals (G addresses). By issuing commands through these paths, the PMC can simultaneously
control multiple separate axes.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Controlled Axis
Parameter 8010 is used to determine which path controls which axis. The 0i-D M-series can control up
to 4 paths while the T-series can control up to 8 if it is setup as a 2-path control. The 3xi series can
control up to 40.

Refer to the 30-series Parameter Manual for address details on groups 9-40 if needed.

Input/Output signals from the four paths are called group A (path 1), group B (path 2), group C (path 3)
and group D (path 4).

15.5. Set Up Signals

The name of an input/output signal used for PMC axis control always contains a lowercase “g” for
group, as in EBUFg, where the actual signal name is EBUFA, EBUFB, etc.

The same group of signals can be used to control more than one axis, however parameter settings
related to feedrate, acc/dec, linear/rotational axis, etc., must be the identical for each axis to be

To enable direct PMC axis control the PMC controlled axis selection signal (EAX1 to EAX8) must be
set to a one.

15.6. Operation Signals

Three groups of operations signals need to be provided by the PMC to the appropriate group
addresses. These signals, along with the block stop prohibition signal EMSBKg, determine one
complete operation, which is the same as the CNC executing one block of program code in automatic
PMC Controlled Axis PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

15.6.1. Axis control selection signal – EXA1 to EXA8

This signal is used to select which axis, as designate in parameter 1023, to receive the PMC

15.6.2. Axis control command signal – EC0g to EC6g

These signals specify the type of operation

15.6.3. Axis control feedrate signals – EIF0g to EIF15g

This 16 bit group signals are provided by the PMC to set the feedrate for the selected axis.

15.6.4. Axis control data signals - EID0g to EID31g

This 32 bit group of signals provided by the PMC specifies the moving distance and other data.

15.7. Handshaking Signals

Axis control block data signal (Read Signal) – EBUFg

When the operation signals have been set for that particular command event, this signal must reverse
its logical state(i.e., from 0 to 1 or vice versa). This signal transition stores the operation data into the
Input Buffer on the CNC side.

Axis control command read completion signal (Completion Signal) EBSYg

This signal is transferred from the CNC to the PMC when the CNC has read a command data for PMC
axis control and stored it in the Input Buffer.

15.8. PMC Sequences

The following sequence example show the steps required to command a rotary axis for a turret on a
lathe machine.

1. T code transferred from CNC to PMC on F-address.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Controlled Axis
2. PMC decodes T code, transfers desired tool station address to comparison function
3. PMC performs comparison check to determine if turret is at tool station already.
4. If turret is not at desired tool station, PMC activates Axis CNTL by PMC function block
(AXCTL) for appropriate tool station and axis select signal EAXg.
5. When AXCTL is activated, the command data set in 8 consecutive Input registers are
transfer to the appropriate G address group.

PMC Controlled Axis PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Controlled Axis

PMC Window Function PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

16. PMC Window Function

The PMC WINDOW function allows the PMC to access information displayed on the CNC
screens. A data register stack is setup initially, then the SUB51 WNDR/SUB52 WINDW function
block points to the D register stack, when it’s activated.

16.1. D Register Stack

The D register stack contains the function code, completion code, data length, data number, data
attribute, and writing data. The stack begins at a register determined by the programmer. In this
example code D20 is the head of the stack.

Stack Head +0 Function Code

+2 Completion Code

+4 Data Length

+6 Data Number

+8 Data Attribute

+10 Writing Data

16.1.1. Function Code

The function code tells the SUB52 WNDW function what to do. A function code of 14 tells it to
WRITE a TOOL OFFSET, while function code 18 tells it to WRITE a CNC PARAMETER. The
complete list of function codes can be located in the PMC Programming Manual for your particular
control, below is a small sampling.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D PMC Window Function
16.1.2. Completion Code
The completion code is a status returned by the SUB52 WNDW function block, to tell if the
function was completed or if an error occurred.

0 Function completed
1 Error-invalid function code
2 Error-data length
3 Error-invalid data number
4 Error-invalid data attribute
5 Error-invalid writing data
6 Error-option missing
7 Error-write protected

16.1.3. Data Length

This tells the WINDW function the size of the data to write/read. Each of the CNC parameters or
data have a specific size. Parameters are either BYTE(8 bits), WORD(16bits) or DWORD(32bits).
The size of each parameter is stated in the parameter manual.

16.1.4. Data Number

This tells the WNDW function the parameter number or data number that is to be written/read. For
example, if you want to change parameter 6711, the data number is set to 6711.

16.1.5. Data Attribute

This sets the column of the data to be set. For example, parameter 1005 has a setting for each
axis XYZ. If you want to set 1005 for X axis, the DATA NUMBER will be 1005 and the
ATTRIBUTE will be 0. If you want to change the Y axis setting the attribute is 1, and for Z it will
be 2.

For a tool offset, when the 4 column offset screen is used (LENGTH/WEAR/RADIUS/WEAR), if
you want to change offset 002 in the radius column, the DATA NUMBER will be 0002, and the
ATTRIBUTE will be 1. The attribute is incremented right to left, RADIUS WEAR=0, RADIUS=1,

16.1.6. Write Data

This is the actual data you want to write to the parameter or CNC data setting. If you wanted to
set 5 into the parts counter, DATA NUMBER=6711, ATTRIBUTE=0, and WRITE DATA=0005.

PMC Window Function PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
16.2. WINDW Example
This example writes 0 to the parts counter. The first five function blocks set the data in the stack,
the DIFU function outputs a 50ms pulse when the input activates, and the SUB52 WINDW
function block commands the PMC to execute the command at D20.


18=Write CNC parameter


4=4 bytes (32bits)


6711=CNC parameter
number 6711

0=parameter column 0

(6711 only has 1 column)


0= Parameter 6711 will be
set to 0.

When X5.2 is activated

R600.1 will pulse ON/OFF
for 50ms.

When R600.1 pulses, the

system will go to D20 and
execute the FUNCTION

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D CNC Screen Review
17. CNC Screen Review
While the three PMC soft keys offer most of the information that pertains to the PMC section,
there are two functions on the CNC side of the control system that are useful in troubleshooting
issues related to PMC signals.

17.1. Wave Diagnostic Function

The waveform diagnostic function has the capability to graph signals within the control system,
similar to a 4 channel digital oscilloscope. Servo, spindle, and PMC signals can be monitored.
This function is standard on 3xi and 0i Model D controls.

17.1.1. Wave Diagnostic Parameters

The parameter settings determine the type of data that will be captured, how long the sample will
be, and what will trigger the data capture. To view the wave diagnostic parameter settings, press
the following key sequence.

1) Press the button.

2) Press the soft key.

3) Press the soft key.

4) Press the soft key.

This is the WAVE DIAGNOSIS (PARAMETER) screen. It sets the timing of the sample. Set your
screen as shown above. Each of the settings are described below…

TRACE CONDITION determines when the sample will begin.

1:JUST starts sampling when the TRACE soft key is pressed.
2:AFTER samples after the TRACE soft key, and the TRIGGER event.
3:BEFORE samples after the TRACE soft key is pressed, and stops sampling when
the TRIGGER event occurs.

CYCLE WAVE determines how often the signal is checked during the TRACE TIME

TRACE TIME determines how long the sample will collect data.

DELAY TIME will delay the end of the sample beyond the trigger event, only used
when TRACE CONDITION 3:BEFORE is selected.

HORIZONTAL GRID selects the time graduations on the GRAPH display.

CNC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

5) Press the button, on the MDI key pad.

The TRIGGER SETTING screen appears…

6) Set the TRIGGER KIND and SIGNAL ADDRESS as shown above.

7) Press the button, on the MDI key pad.

The TRACE WAVE SETTING screen appears…

8) The trace wave settings allow you to graph servo and spindle signals. As we are only watching
PMC signals, set the TRACE WAVE SETTINGS as shown above.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D CNC Screen Review

9) Press the button, on the MDI key pad.

The TRACE WAVE SETTING screen page 2 appears…

10) Set the TRACE WAVE SETTINGS as shown above.

11) Position the cursor on the TRACE DATA KIND or COLOR field.

12) Press the soft key, on the CNC menu.

A HELP window appears to explain the possible settings.


13) Press the soft key, to exit the help window screen.

CNC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

14) Press the button, on the MDI key pad.

The SIGNAL screen appears; we will set up the trace to count the number of M, S,
& T codes that appear within a program. The results of the trace will allow us to
see exactly how long it takes to process each auxiliary function.

15) Set the screen up as shown above.

17.1.2. Waveform Diagnostic Capture Program

After the parameters are set, the system is ready to capture the data specified. The trace
condition set in the previous section determines when the data capture begins. In our usage, the
trace will run for 60 seconds after the Cycle Start (G7.2) signal turns off.

1) Select mode on the operator panel.

2) Press the button on the MDI key panel.

3) Enter then press the soft key.

4) Set the FEEDRATE OVERRIDE to 100%.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D CNC Screen Review
17.1.3. Capture Waveform Data
The capture data begins sampling based on the TRIGGER KIND parameter setting. In this

example the trigger kind is set to 2, which means that after the soft key is pressed and
after the trigger condition occurs the tracing starts; when the trace time has elapsed the software
stops sampling.

1) Press the button, on the MDI key pad.

2) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

3) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

4) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

The WAVE DIAGNOSTIC (GRAPHIC) screen appears…

5) Press the soft key, on the CNC menu.

6) Press the soft key, on the CNC menu.

The message Now Sampling… flashes on the display.
The system is waiting for the trigger event.

7) Press the button on the operator panel.

After the part program has completed, the graph will be displayed.

CNC Screen Review PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
The full 60 seconds of capture is displayed on the screen.

8) Press the soft key three times to zoom in on the sample.

Looking horizontally, each block represents 500 milliseconds; it took 2.5 seconds to process the first M and
T codes in the above example.

9) Press the soft keys to shift along the sample. will zoom out.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D CNC Screen Review
17.2. CNC Diagnostic Screen
The CNC diagnostic screen shows the status of several operating factors. If the machine will not
run, but there are no alarms, this screen will help diagnose the problem.

1) Press the button.

2) Press the soft key.

To the right of the diagnostic is a status bit. If anything is causing the CNC to stop there will be a
‘1’ next to the item.

Several of these diagnostics are based on the status of PMC addresses:

G10, G11
G8.0, G130, G132, G134, G7.1

3) Select mode.

4) Press the button and the cycle begins.

5) Set the FEED OVERRIDE to 0%. Notice the diagnostic bit turns ON.

6) Turn the FEED OVERRIDE back up and notice the bit turns OFF.

Ladder Editing PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

18. Ladder Editing

For the 16/18/21 iB-series, 0 iC & D-series, and 30/31/32 iA & B series, ladder editing can be
done on the control’s PMC screens and either on or off line using FANUC Ladder III software.
The editing functions are usually password protected; if so, the password can be obtained from
the Machine builder.

18.1. Settings

1) Press the button on the MDI panel.

2) Press the soft key to change the CNC menu.

3) Press the soft key on the CNC menu.

4) Press the soft key.

The PMC SETTING (GENERAL) screen appears…

5) Make sure PROGRAMMER ENABLE is turned on, this will force all the settings
needed for editing to be on.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Ladder Editing
18.2. Altering Existing Ladder Logic
Once the ladder edit settings are on, ladder changes can be made directly on the control.

1) Press the button on the MDI panel.

2) Press the soft key to change the CNC menu.

3) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

4) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

5) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

6) The EDIT key is available on the Ladder main soft key menu because of the EDIT

ENABLE setting under the soft key. Press the soft key to start

Ladder Editing PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

7) With the cursor highlighting the first rung press the soft key.

8) With the cursor on the X0008.4 contact press the soft key.

9) Press the soft key and then the soft key.

10) Press the soft key and then the soft key.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Ladder Editing
11) The message “PMC RUNNING. DO YOU UPDATE PROGRAM?” appears. Press

the soft key.

12) The changes you made now take effect.

Because WRITE TO FROM (EDIT) is set to YES, the system will now ask “DO
YOU WRITE PROGRAM INTO FLASH ROM?” to make the changes permanent.

13) Press the soft key.

Do NOT turn off CNC power. The changes made are

not saved until the ladder program is written to FLASH ROM.
See the section about saving changes to Flash Rom.

14) Now check the change you made:

Notice that you are in Emergency Stop without the E-Stop button pushed in: E-
Stop is active low – both the X8.4 address and the G8.4 address must have a
status of 1 or the control goes into E-Stop. The G8.4 coil is off causing E-Stop.

Press in the E-Stop button. Now the G8.4 coil is on but you’re still in Emergency
Stop because X8.4 now has a status of 0.

15) Fix the E-stop circuit (change it back).

Ladder Editing PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
18.3. Adding New Ladder Logic

The soft key allows you to add new lines of ladder logic. You can insert multiple line of
logic on the CREATE screen.

1) Using the buttons on the MDI panel, position the cursor on the
line below where you would like to add a new ladder line.

2) Press the soft key on the ladder edit menu.

3) Type in an X address. (X14.2, for example)

4) Press the soft key.

5) Type in .

6) Press the soft key.

7) Press the soft key and then the soft key.

8) Press the soft key and then the soft key.

Update the PMC Program but don’t save it to the Flash ROM.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Ladder Editing
18.3.1. Adding a New Functional Instruction

1) Using the buttons on the MDI panel, position the cursor on the
line below where you would like to add a new ladder line.

2) Press the and soft keys on the ladder edit menu.

3) Type in an X address. (X14.0, for example)

4) Press the soft key.

The functional instruction can be added now. If you know the SUB number, just enter it then

press the soft key. If you do not know the SUB number then press the soft
key and a list of all the sub functions will appear.

5) Enter then press the soft key. The functional instruction appears.

6) Enter then press to assign the timer number.

7) Press and to position the cursor just to the right of your new functional

8) Enter then press the soft key.

Ladder Editing PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

9) Press the soft key and then the soft key.

10) Press the soft key and then the soft key.
Update the PMC Program but don’t save it to the Flash ROM.

If you test the logic, the coil turns on instantly because we have not put a value into timer 20 in the
PMC parameters.

18.4. Deleting Ladder Logic

The soft key allows you to delete ladder nets. A single line or multiple lines can be
deleted at one time.

1) Using the buttons on the MDI panel, position the cursor

on the line you would like to delete. We will delete the first line we added.

2) Press the and soft keys on the ladder edit menu.

3) Use extreme caution, as there is NO confirmation message for this function. If you

make a mistake and want to undo it, press the soft key.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Ladder Editing
18.5. Deleting a Single Contact
It is possible to delete a single contact or function block without deleting the entire ladder net.

1) Using the buttons on the MDI panel, position the cursor on

the line you would like to modify.

2) Press the and soft keys on the ladder edit menu.

3) Use the cursor buttons to highlight the contact and then press the soft key.

18.6. CUT and COPY Functions

The COPY function allows you to copy ladder rungs then paste them to a different part of the
ladder. This is useful when similar logic is used for parallel functions.

The CUT function allows you to move ladder rungs. This is useful for rearranging the ladder to
have a logical flow.

1) Using the buttons on the MDI panel, position the cursor on

the line where you want to start copying/moving.

2) Press the and soft keys on the ladder edit menu.

3) Use the buttons to highlight your selection.

4) Press the or soft key.

5) Move the cursor to where you want it to go. Press .

Ladder Editing PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
18.7. Symbols and Comments
Ladder contact and coil comments can be added to simplify ladder troubleshooting. Symbols are
short names and comments can be descriptive. The machine builder may or may not add these
comments, they are not required.

1) Press the button on the MDI panel.

2) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

3) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

4) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

5) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

6) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

7) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

The system asks, “DO YOU WANT TO STOP PROGRAM?” - the ladder execution has to be
stopped to edit the symbols and comments.

8) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Ladder Editing
18.7.1. Altering Existing Addresses
Even if they are in the ladder logic, address must be manually entered on this screen for them to
be listed.

To change address A0.1 to have a symbol of UHOH, and a comment of ALARM:

1) Position the cursor on the address to change and press the soft key.

2) Press the key and enter UHOH

3) Press the key and key in ALARM

4) Press the soft key.

Ladder Editing PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

5) Press the soft key.

6) The system asks “DO YOU WRITE PROGRAM INTO FLASH ROM?” Press .

7) The system asks “DO YOU WANT TO RUN PROGRAM?” Press .

18.7.2. Adding New Addresses

If you have added new logic to the ladder and want to assign a symbol/comment to it, use this

1) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

The system asks, “DO YOU WANT TO STOP PROGRAM?” - the ladder execution has to be
stopped to edit the symbols and comments.

2) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

3) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Ladder Editing
Address – R212.0 Symbol – BTIME Comment – BREAK TIME

4) Enter then press , the contact

ADDRESS is added.

5) Press the key.

6) Enter BTIME then press , the contact

SYMBOL is added.

7) Press the key.

8) Enter BREAK TIME then press , the contact COMMENT is added.

8) Press the soft key to add the new entry to the list.

9) Press the soft key when finished.

10) The system asks “DO YOU WRITE PROGRAM INTO FLASH ROM?” Press .

11) The system asks “DO YOU WANT TO RUN PROGRAM?” Press .

12) Go to the Ladder display and see the change you made:

Ladder Editing PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
18.8. Machine Alarm Messages
In order to have a machine alarm display on the CNC’s alarm screen, three things must be set up.
First, the ladder has to contain logic that controls an A-address coil. Second, the A address for
the alarm has to be tied into the SUB41 functional instruction. Lastly, the number and text you
want displayed has to be defined.

1) Press the button on the MDI panel.

2) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

3) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

4) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

5) Move the cursor to highlight A002.5.

6) Press the soft key.

7) Press the soft key.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Ladder Editing
The system asks, “DO YOU WANT TO STOP PROGRAM?” - the ladder execution has to be
stopped to edit the alarm messages.

8) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

9) Press the soft key.

10) Enter then press .

11) Enter BIG TROUBLE .

12) Press the soft key.

13) Press the soft key.

14) Don’t write the changes into FROM but do start the ladder up again.

Now when the coil A2.5 is active in the ladder, and the DISPB function is activated, then the
message will be displayed.

Ladder Editing PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D
18.9. Adding I/O Link Modules

1) Press the button on the MDI panel.

2) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

3) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

4) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

The I/O module configuration screen will appear …

5) Press the soft key.

6) Press the and buttons on the MDI panel, to highlight address Y0005.

7) Enter

8) Press the soft key.

You have just added an I/O module. The control now believes there is an AOR16G module
installed at GROUP1, BASE0, in SLOT5.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Ladder Editing
18.10. Saving Ladder Changes to FROM
When ladder editing is completed and proper operation has been proven the changes should be
saved to FLASH ROM for permanent storage. Each time the control powers ON, it transfers the
ladder from FROM to DRAM memory where it runs from. Follow the steps below to save your

1) Press the button on the MDI panel.

2) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

3) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

4) Press the soft key.

The PMC I/O screen appears:

5) Using the keys, set DEVICE, FUNCTION, and KIND OF

DATA as shown above. If your control has multiple PMCs, set the PMC to the proper

6) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

7) Press the soft key on the LCD menu.

Revision History PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

19. Exercise 6 – Ladder Editing

1) What is the purpose of M-CODES?

2) What addresses does the CNC use to tell the PMC a M-Code needs to be processed?

3) What does “FIN” mean when it appears on the CNC status line of the display?

4) Where can you purchase ladder edit software from?

5) When editing ladder logic, what is the most important consideration?

6) Add a machine alarm, 1016 HYDRAULIC PRESSURE LOW. It should become active when
pressing the AUX 1 button. Make sure it latches ON, and can only be cleared by the RESET

7) Add symbols in the ladder diagram to LABEL the alarm coil created above.

8) Add logic to check the feed rate override switch in AUTO and JOG mode. If it is set to any
position other than 100 %, generate an operator message (not alarm) SET FEEDRATE TO 100.

9) The message above will not cause the CNC to stop. Add logic to activate the FEED HOLD
signal when the message occurs.

10) Add an M-Code to the ladder, M63. This m-code will be used to control a conveyor system.

A. When M63 is read, it will cause (4) outputs to turn on in sequence (2) seconds apart from
each other.

B. Y14.0 turns ON, 2 seconds later Y14.1 turns ON, 2 seconds later Y14.2 turns ON, 2
seconds later Y14.3 turns ON.

C. After 5 seconds the conveyors turn OFF in reverse order with a 2 second delay between
each action.

(The Y addresses may already exist in the ladder. Add a parallel circuit to these addresses to
avoid conflict)

Exercise 6 PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D

20. Revision History of FFA-091012


09/10/12 Work on new course started.

1.0 All
12/17/12 Version 1 complete.
1.1 1/7/13 Removed extraneous material 14

1.2 3/6/13 Made all the pictures consistently All

Added Sub 40, 62, 77; incorporated minor

2.0 5/24/13 differences between 0i and 3xi; new
Exercise 4&5; new cover page.

PMC Maintenance – 3xi & 0i-D Revision History
21. Operator Panel Layout


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