High Performance Epoxy Coating
maximum adhesion. Carry out surface griding or should be thoroughly stirred before the two are
light grit blasting on concrete floors. Oil and grease mixed together. The entire contents of the hardener
penetration should be removed by hot compressed container should be poured into the base container
air treatment. Dust other debris should then be and he two materials mixed thoroughly for at least 3
removed by vacuum brush. minutes. The use of a heavy-duty slow speed,
flameproof or air driven drill fitted with a mixing
Dilute 1 portion of PENTENS T-007 permeable paddle is desirable.
primer with 3 portion of clean water and then brush
on to the surface at approximate rate of 0.2kg/m² to Coating
the substrate in order to improve the bonding. Allow
it to become tacky before applying the topping. The mixed PENTENS E-603 should be applied to
the prepared surface using a brush or lambswool
roller. Ensure that the area is completely coated and
Pentens T-888 that ponding of the material does not occur.
Add 5-6 litre of clean cool water to 25kg of
The second coat may be applied as soon as the first
PENTENS T-888 and mix with electric drill fitted
coat has initially dried (typically 12-18 hours). The
with a spiral mixer to obtain a uniform and lump-
time will be dependent on the type of surface and the
free consistency.
ambient conditions.
Pour the mixed material over the area and spread to
desired thickness using a notched trowel or spiked Cleaning
roller. Material coverage approximately 2kg/m2/mm PENTENS E-603 should be removed from tools and
thickness. The maximum thickness per layer equipment with PENTENS solvent immediately
recommended for this material is 6 mm. after use. Hardened material can only be removed
To obtain a thickness in excess of 6 mm, it is
possible to apply two coats successively. In this case,
the second coat must be applied as soon as the first
layer is suitable for walking. Leave to cure.
Tel: +603 8060 4396 Fax: +603 8060 4394 URL: E-mail: [email protected]