Compresor - Power - and - Air - Discharge - Temperature

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Rev. cjc. 30.01.

Compressor´s power

Q= 480 Nm3/h Mass flowrate

t= 10 °C m= Q*r
Patm = 73.4 kPa Q= 480 Nm3/h
Pin_g= 0 kPa(g) rn = 1.29 kg/Nm3
Pout_g = 860 kPa(g) m= 621 kg/h
m= 0.1724 kg/s
hc = 0.6 - Specifice heat
Cp = AirSpecificHeat_t
g: isentropic exponent Cp = #VALUE! kJ/kg
g= 1.4

Compression ratio
Inlet absolute pressure r= Pout / Pin
Pin = Pin_g + Patm Pin= 73.4 kPa
Pin_g= 0 kPa(g) Pout= 933.4 kPa
Patm = 73.4 kPa r= 12.72 -
Pin = 73.4 kPa
Compressor's power
Outlet absolute pressure W= m * Cp * T1 / hc * ( r^( (g-1) / (g) ) - 1 )
Pout = Pout_g + Patm m= 0.1724 kg/s
Pout_g= 860 kPa(g) Cp = #VALUE! kJ/kg
Patm = 73.4 kPa T1 = 283.15 K
Pout = 933.4 kPa hc = 0.6 -
r= 12.72 -
Inlet temperature g= 1.4 -
t1 = 10 °C W= #VALUE! kW
T1 = 283.15 K

Normal density
rn = p / ( R * T)
p= 101,325 Pa
R= 286.9 J/(kg*K)
T= 273 K
rn = 1.29 kg/Nm3
Rev. cjc. 30.01.2014

Compression For isentropic compression


( )
Specific heat ratio k= 1.4 P
T desc =T in⋅ desc k
Local atmospheric pressure Patm_loc = 73.4 kPa Pin
Average ambient temperature tin = 10 °C
Compressor´s efficiency hcomp = 0.6 Compressión efficiency
Discharge manometric pressure Pdisch = 860 kPa(g)
hdesc −hin
ηc = s

Inlet temperature Tin = 283.15 K h desc −hin

Intake pressure Pin = Patm_loc
Pin = 73.4 kPa Assuming a constant Cp
Discharge pressure Pout = Patm_loc + Pdisch
Patm_loc = 73.4 kPa
c p⋅t desc −c p⋅t in
ηc = s

Pdisch = 860.0 kPa(g) c p⋅t desc −c p⋅t in

Pout = 933.4 kPa
T descs −T in
Discharge temperature Tdisch_s = Tin * (Pout/Pin)^((k-1)/k) ηc =
T desc −T in
of isentropic compresión Tin = 283.15 K
Pin = 73.4 kPa Thus
Pout = 933.4 kPa T desc −T in
k= 1.4 ( T desc −T in ) = s

Tdisch_s = 586 K

Discharge temperature Tdesc = Tin + (Tdesc_s - Tin) / hc

T desc −T in
real compresión Tin = 283.15 K T desc =T in + s

Tdisch_s = 586 K ηc
hcomp = 0.6 -

[ ]
Tdisch = 787 K k −1
Pdesc k
Otherwise Tdisch = Tin * ( 1 + ( ((Pdesc/Pin)^((k-1)/k) -1) / hc ) ) T desc s=T in⋅
Tin = 283.15 K
P in

[ ]
Pout = 933.4 kPa k−1
P desc k
Pin = 73.4 kPa T in⋅
k= 1.4 - Pin
hc = 0.6 - T desc =T in +
Tdisch = 787 K
[ ]
For isentropic compression

( ) [ ]
k−1 k−1
T desc =T in⋅ desc k Pdesc k
Pin −1
Compressión efficiency T desc =T in +T in
hdesc −hin
ηc = s

{ [ ]}
h desc −hin

[ ]
P desc k
Assuming a constant Cp Pin
c p⋅t desc −c p⋅t in T desc =T in 1 +
ηc = s

c p⋅t desc −c p⋅t in

T descs −T in Tdisch = Tin * ( 1 + ( ((Pdesc/Pin)^((k-1)/k) -1) / hc ) )
ηc =
T desc −T in

T desc −T in
( T desc −T in ) = s


T desc −T in
T desc =T in + s


[ ]
k −1
Pdesc k
T desc s =T in⋅
P in

[ ]
P desc k
T in⋅ −T in
T desc =T in +

Specific heat ratio k= 1.4
Local atmospheric pressure Patm_loc = 100.0 kPa
Average ambient temperature tin = 26.85 °C
Compressor´s efficiency hcomp = 80 %
Discharge manometric pressure Pdisch = 500 kPa(g)

Inlet temperature Tin = 300 K

Intake pressure Pin = Patm_loc
Pin = 100.0 kPa

Discharge pressure Pout = Patm_loc + Pdisch

Patm_loc = 100.0 kPa
Pdisch = 500.0 kPa(g)
Pout = 600.0 kPa

Discharge temperature Tdisch_s = Tin * (Pout/Pin)^((k-1)/k)

of isentropic compresión Tin = 300 K
Pin = 100.0 kPa
Pout = 600.0 kPa
hcomp = 0.8
k= 1.4
Tdisch_s = 500.55 K

Discharge temperature Tdesc = Tin + (Tdesc_s - Tin) / hc

real compresión Tin = 300 K
Tdisch_s = 501 K
hcomp = 0.8 -
Tdisch = 550.69 K

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