Medical Examination Form For Police Applicants

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Police Medical Examination Form

for Police Applicants
Police Department: ___________________________________________________________________________
Examined by: _______________________________________ Date: _________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________
Surname: __________________________________________ Christian Names: _______________________
Address: ________________________________________________ DOB: ________________ Sex: _______
(City or Town) (Province) (Postal Code)
Name of Family Physician: __________________________________ Phone: ___________________________

Health History
Have you ever had or are you suffering from
Yes No Yes No Yes No
1. Illness or injuries 12. Lung disease or 23. Back injuries and/or
since previous exam ❒ ❒ chronic cough ❒ ❒ back problems ❒ ❒
2. Eye trouble ❒ ❒ 13. Shortness of breath ❒ ❒ 24. Broken bones ❒ ❒
3. Ear trouble or deafness ❒ ❒ 14. Indigestion ❒ ❒ 25. Foot troubles ❒ ❒
4. Nose or throat trouble ❒ ❒ 15. Jaundice ❒ ❒ 26. Rheumatism or
16. Rupture ❒ ❒ joint trouble ❒ ❒
5. Hay fever – Asthma –
Sinusitis ❒ ❒ 17. Hemorrhoids ❒ ❒ 27. Bleeding disorders ❒ ❒
6. Headaches ❒ ❒ 18. Kidney and/or 28. Nervous disorders ❒ ❒
7. Head injuries ❒ ❒ bladder trouble ❒ ❒ 29. Used alcoholic beverages

8. Fainting spells – 19. Veneral disease ❒ ❒ to excess ❒ ❒

Convulsions ❒ ❒ 20. Varicose veins ❒ ❒ 30. Operations ❒ ❒
9. Heart disease ❒ ❒ 21. Tropical diseases ❒ ❒ 31. Allergies ❒ ❒
10. Rheumatic Fever ❒ ❒ 22. Skin disease ❒ ❒ 32. Drug allergies ❒ ❒
11. Palpitations ❒ ❒ 33. On any medication ❒ ❒
34. Other: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Details of Positive Health History

Height Weight Physique
Complexion Skin disease(degree) Hair colour Eye colour
Chest measurements (male only)
(a) Full inspiration In. (b) Forced expiration In.
Vision without aids Vision with aids
Glasses Yes _____ If “Yes” are present Yes ____ Colour vision (City University or
Required? No ______ ones satisfactory? No _____ Farnsworth D15 test)
Physical Examination
Blood Pressure Pulse
Systolic Diastolic Irregular ❒ Regular ❒

Normal Abnormal
1. Lymphatic System ❒ ❒
2. Hearing (cv)
R L ❒ ❒
3. Ear (drums)
R L ❒ ❒
4. Head ❒ ❒
5. Nose (passages) ❒ ❒
6. Mouth (teeth) ❒ ❒
7. Throat (tonsils) ❒ ❒
8. Chest ❒ ❒
9. Lungs ❒ ❒
10. Heart ❒ ❒
11. Spine ❒ ❒
12. Abdomen ❒ ❒
13.Hernia ❒ ❒
14. Genito-urinary ❒ ❒
15. Varicocele ❒ ❒
16. Hemorrhoids ❒ ❒
17. Extremities ¨ ¨
15. (a) Hands ❒ ❒
15. (b) Feet ❒ ❒
15. (c) Varicose veins ❒ ❒
18. Reflexes ❒ ❒

Females Only
Breast Examination — to determine presence of nodules or tumors.
Gynaecological History — with pelvic examination including pap smear.

Laboratory Examination

Blood Wassermann Haemoglobin E.S.R. Blood group Rh.

Albumen Sugar Microscopic
Chest X-Ray (if necessary in physician’s opinion)
Film No. Where taken
ECG — after age 39 years
Other studies as deemed necessary
Is applicant physically fit for employment as a Police Officer? Yes ❒ No ❒ Temporary Rejection ❒

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