SCI-8-Quarter 2 DLL Week 2
SCI-8-Quarter 2 DLL Week 2
SCI-8-Quarter 2 DLL Week 2
C. Learning Competencies/ Investigate the relationship Infer that when a body Demonstrate how a body responds
Objectives (Write the LC Code for between the amount of force exerts a force on another, to changes in motion.
each) applied and the mass of the an equal amount of force is
object to the amount of change exerted back on it.
in the object’s motion.
A. ELICIT Present the following statement in What are the forces acting on an Differentiating balanced and
Reviewing previous lesson or class and ask the students if they object at rest? What are examples of unbalanced forces
presenting new lessons agree or disagree with them. balanced forces?
Select two to three students per
group to justify or explain their
F. EXPLAIN Presentation of the output per Discuss the answers in the activity Questions:
Developing mastery (Leads to group/ Processing:
formative assessment 3) PART A.
1. What happens when you slowly
Situation 1 pulled the cardboard? Explain.
1. Is the pen at rest or in motion?
2. Are there forces acting on the 2. What happens when you flipped
pen? If yes, draw the forces. You the cardboard? Explain.
may use arrows to represent
these forces. PART B.
3. What happens to the pen?
What could have caused the 1. What happen to the
pen’s motion? remaining books after one
book was pulled? Why is this
Situation 2 so?
1. Is the book at rest or in motion?
2. Are there forces Relate your observation to the concept
acting on the book? of inertia.
If yes, draw the
forces acting on the
Did the book move? How will you
make the book move?
G. ELABORATE Since friction is a resistance force Study the given pictures below
Finding practical applications of that slows down or prevent motion, and describe the forces involved. Use the following examples to
concepts and skills in daily living. there are advantages and explain how Newton's first law
disadvantages that friction may do. occurs in everyday events:
How is friction important in:
a. walking a) car suddenly stops and you
b. writing strain against the seat belt.
running vehicles
b) when riding a horse, the
horse suddenly stops and
you fly over its head.