Summary and Fiscal Note
Summary and Fiscal Note
Summary and Fiscal Note
* Note that the Summary and Fiscal Note describes the version of the bill or resolution as introduced; final legislation including
amendments may not be fully described.
a. Legislation Title:
AN ORDINANCE relating to land use and zoning, amending Sections 7.24.020,
7.24.030, 23.42.040, 23.44.030, 23.45.504, 23.45.506, 23.45.508, 23.45.536, 23.45.570,
23.46.002, 23.46.004, 23.46.022, 23.47A.004, 23.47A.006, 23.47A.013, 23.47A.032,
23.48.020, 23.48.085, 23.48.205, 23.48.280, 23.48.605, 23.48.705, 23.49.019, 23.49.042,
23.49.044, 23.49.045, 23.49.046, 23.49.090, 23.49.094, 23.49.096, 23.49.142, 23.49.146,
23.49.148, 23.49.180, 23.49.322, 23.49.324, 23.49.338, 23.50.012, 23.50.028,
23.51A.004, 23.54.015, 23.54.016, 23.54.020, 23.54.025, 23.54.030, 23.61.008,
23.66.122, 23.66.124, 23.66.320, 23.66.324, 23.66.342, 23.71.014, 23.74.008, 23.76.004,
23.76.006, 23.76.032, 23.84A.030, 23.84A.038, and 25.05.675 of the Seattle Municipal
Code (SMC); repealing Section 23.71.016 of the SMC; and adding new Sections
23.42.070, 23.54.026, and 23.54.027 to the SMC; in order to promote transportation
options, update the definition of “frequent transit service,” update bicycle parking
requirements, update parking space standards, update SEPA environmental review
parking policies, and make clarifications.
The proposed legislation would enact several key parking policy recommendations of
HALA designed to improve housing affordability and neighborhood livability. It would
allow building owners to make parking available for public use when the facilities have
excess capacity, which will improve the efficiency, access, and affordability of off-street
parking. It would also revise regulations to provide projects flexibility in deciding how
much parking to include in development projects in areas with frequent transit (Urban
Centers/Villages, light rail station areas), and enact other policies to reduce the impact of
parking costs on housing.
Template last revised: December 1, 2016
Gordon Clowers/Lish Whitson / Ketil Freeman
SDCI Neighborhood Parking Reform SUM
Update bicycle parking requirements and performance standards, and consolidate the
Downtown bicycle parking requirements with requirements for the rest of the city.
Template last revised: December 1, 2016
Gordon Clowers/Lish Whitson / Ketil Freeman
SDCI Neighborhood Parking Reform SUM
a. Does this legislation create, fund, or amend a CIP Project? ___ Yes _X_ No
a. Does this legislation amend the Adopted Budget? ___ Yes _X_ No
b. Does the legislation have other financial impacts to the City of Seattle that are not
reflected in the above, including direct or indirect, short-term or long-term costs?
The proposal would amend the Land Use Code to: add a new “flexible parking” category
to replace the existing category of “principal use parking”; amend development
standards, and environmental review policies related to parking. In addition, the
amendments would simplify existing regulations related to calculation of parking
requirements in areas with frequent transit service (FTS). For example, permit-applicants
would no longer have to submit bus transit service data for their proposals, and SDCI
reviewers would not need to validate such data. Rather, a map of FTS areas would
document where reduced parking requirements would apply.
Template last revised: December 1, 2016
Gordon Clowers/Lish Whitson / Ketil Freeman
SDCI Neighborhood Parking Reform SUM
a. Does this legislation affect any departments besides the originating department?
The proposal would help reinforce City current growth management, housing and
transportation policies in ways that support the Seattle Department of Transportation
(SDOT), Office of Housing (OH), and Office of Planning and Community Development
(OPCD). These departments/offices were consulted in the preparation of the legislation.
d. Is publication of notice with The Daily Journal of Commerce and/or The Seattle
Times required for this legislation?
Yes. A notice of the SEPA Determination of Non-Significance was published in the
Daily Journal of Commerce on September 14, 2017.
f. Please describe any perceived implication for the principles of the Race and Social
Justice Initiative. Does this legislation impact vulnerable or historically
disadvantaged communities?
An RSJI Racial Equity Toolkit analysis indicates the proposal will promote equity by
supporting the development of affordable housing in areas with better transit accessibility
and a lower transportation cost burden. Because parking is being provided in 75 percent
of residential developments in areas where parking is not required, and flexible use
parking will increase off-street supply available to the public, the needs of people who
are dependent on driving due to income, physical abilities or other characteristics are
anticipated to be met.
Template last revised: December 1, 2016
Gordon Clowers/Lish Whitson / Ketil Freeman
SDCI Neighborhood Parking Reform SUM
h. Other Issues:
Template last revised: December 1, 2016