Healthcare Management MSC
Healthcare Management MSC
Healthcare Management MSC
100089 80%
100476 20%
2. Awarding body or institution University of Leicester
3. a) Mode of study
b) Type of study Campus-based
4. Registration periods
The normal period of registration for the MSc in Healthcare Management is 12 months.
The maximum period of registration for the MSc in Healthcare Management is 24 months.
9. Programme Outcomes
Unless otherwise stated, programme outcomes apply to all awards specified in 1. Programme title(s).
Discipline specific knowledge and competencies
i) Knowledge
Intended Learning Teaching and Learning Methods How Demonstrated?
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Certificate Lectures, group discussion, Essays (individual), group
directed reading and exercises, discussions, examinations, case
Knowledge of a core of
private study, assignment study exercises.
management subjects
including the business feedback: formative and
environment, accounting, summative
finance, economics,
organisational behaviour,
strategy. Knowledge of the
NHS and healthcare
management specific topics.
ii) Concepts
Intended Learning Teaching and Learning Methods How Demonstrated?
Certificate and Diploma Lectures, group discussion, Essays (individual), group
directed reading, assignment discussions, examinations, case
Ability to explain the core
feedback, private study. study exercises.
concepts of healthcare
management as they relate
to organisations, the
business context, and
iii) Techniques
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Intended Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Methods How Demonstrated?
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Masters In addition to the above the In addition to the above, the
In addition to the above, presentation of a substantial dissertation
demonstrate understanding piece of research culminating in
of different cultural, the dissertation document
environmental and
organizational contexts and
to appreciate theory and
practice appropriate to these
v) Presentation
Intended Learning Teaching and Learning Methods How Demonstrated?
Certificate and Diploma Lectures, group discussion, Essays (individual), group
directed reading and exercises discussions, computer based
Ability to differentiate
exercises, examinations, case
between relevant and
study exercises.
nonrelevant material; to
write up and deliver written
work to a professional
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Intended Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Methods How Demonstrated?
Certificate and Diploma Research methodology module, Essay assignments (formative and
supervision, independent summative), examinations
Ability to demonstrate
research and group work.
intellectual independence,
through identifying a credible
research project, drawing up
a realistic timetable,
reflecting on and ‘writing up’
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Ability to demonstrate Lectures, group discussions/ Group exercises, contributions to
clarity, fluency and problem solving exercises. discussions, and assignments.
coherence in written Group work, lectures and
expression of management through addressing the
issues and debates in a requirements of progressive
manner appropriate to the modes of assessment.
Masters In addition to the above: the In addition to the above the
In addition to the above, dissertation supervision process research proposal, dissertation
ability to produce a (group and 1-to-1), independent
dissertation that is logically research
structured and written with
clarity and precision.
Certificate and Diploma Synchronous and asynchronous Assignments, case study exercises
lectures, case study exercises,
Ability to locate, organise and
self-directed private study.
marshal evidence, and
articulate it accurately in a
written or spoken format, in
a manner appropriate for the
required audience.
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Masters In addition to the above: the In addition to the above the
In addition to the above, dissertation supervision process research proposal and
ability to use, if necessary, (group and 1-to-1), independent dissertation
data analysis software that is research, lectures and seminars
relevant to a dissertation designed to support the
(e.g. SPSS) preparation of the research
v) Problem solving
Intended Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Methods How Demonstrated?
Ability to use material to Research methods classes and Essays and examinations
address problem and come independent research
up with answers or solutions.
Ability to identify and locate In addition to the above: the In addition to the above,
relevant data and source dissertation supervision process independent research, particularly
material. (group and 1 to 1) that leading to dissertation.
Ability to use material to In addition to the above: the In addition to the above,
address problem and come dissertation supervision process independent research, particularly
up with answers or solutions. (group and 1 to 1) that leading to dissertation.
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Masters In addition to the above: the In addition to the above; the
establishment of a working dissertation
In addition to the above,
relationship with the dissertation
knowing how and when to
supervisor (or the resolution of
draw on the knowledge and
any problems through
expertise of others; ability to
consultation with the Personal
contribute & comment on
ideas in group discussions. Tutor and the Programme
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Masters In addition to the above; the Dissertation
In addition to the above, if dissertation supervision process
appropriate, ability to
research an area which may
be relevant to the student’s
career preferences.
10. Special features
This programme is designed specifically with intercalating medical students in mind. The programme
is intended to be studied between the third and fourth year of a medical degree. As such, the
timetable for this course will be slightly compressed. In order to allow intercalating medical students
to return to the fourth year of their medical degrees it is anticipated that dissertations will be handed
in in mid August. To allow for this no second term modules have examinations and three of the four
modules including research methods for healthcare managers will be taught in block formats. This
will mean that students can start working on their dissertations relatively early (late in the second
term) and not have to participate in the exam period meaning they should have adequate time to
complete the dissertation.
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Programme Specification (Postgraduate) FOR ENTRY YEAR: 2022/23
Date created: 16/11/2020 Last amended: 26/07/22 Version no. 2
Semester 2 MD7459 Leading, Managing and Organising Quality and Safety in Healthcare 15 credits