EI2203 EDC 2marks
EI2203 EDC 2marks
EI2203 EDC 2marks
T1 = 300 K
T2 = 400 K
∆T = T2 – T2 = 460 – 300
∆T = 160 K
(∆T/10) (160/10)
I02 = 2 * I01 = 2 * 7.5 * 10-6
I02 = 0.49152 A
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I=Io[eV/ηVT – 1]
I = diode current
Io = reverse saturation current in amperes
V = applied voltage
η = 1 for germanium diode, 2 for silicon diode
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18. Will a transistor result if two diodes are connected back to back?
A transistor has two p-n junctions. One junction is between the emitter and
the base and is called emitter base junction and the other junction is between the
base and the collector and is called collector base junction. Thus transistor is like
two pn junction diodes connected back to back.
21. Draw the hybrid small signal model of common base configuration.
22. Draw the output characteristics of n-p-n transistor in common emitter
configuration and mark the important region of operation in it.
23. Draw the input characteristics of n-p-n transistor in common emitter
configuration and mark the important region of operation in it.
24. What are hybrid parameters?
The parameters h11, h12, h21, h22 are the hybrid parameters. These four
parameters are not same. They have different units. In other words, they are
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mixture of different units and hence referred to as hybrid parameters. They are
commonly known as h-parameters.
25. Draw the low frequency hybrid model of BJT in common emitter
26. Define the delay time and rise time in the switching characteristics of
In the transistor switching characteristics the deley time is the time that
elapses the application of the input pulse and current to rise to 10 percent of its
maximum value.
The time required for Ic to reach 90% of its maximum level from 10% level is
called the rise time.
27. Define the hie and hfe for a common emitter transistor configuration.
hie = ∆VBE
∆IB VCE constant
hfe = ∆Ic
∆IB VCE constant
β= IC
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31. In a bipolar transistor which region is wider and which region is thinner?
The middle region of bipolar junction transistor is called as the base of the
transistor. Input signal of small amplitude is applied to the base. This region is
thin and lightly doped
The magnified output signal is obtained at the collector. This region is thick and
heavily doped.
32. Draw the hybrid model of CE transistor.
33. State the advantages of optocoupler.
• It is compact and has less weight
• Much faster than isolation transformers and relays
• Noise transients, contact bounce etc, are completely eliminated
• Has wide band signal transmission capability
• Easy to interface with logic devices.
• Response time is small
34. What are the tools used for small signal analysis of BJT?
Vi = hi Ii + hr Vo
Io = hf Ii + ho Vo
hi : input resistance
Ii : input current
hr : reverse voltage transfer ratio
ho : output admittance
Vi : input voltage
Vo : output voltage
The above parameters are required for drawing the equivalent circuit
which is necessary for the small signal analysis of BJT.
35. Give the current gain expression for a common emitter transistor
Ai= IC = -hfe
IB 1+hoeRL’
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from 10 Ω to 100 Ω. This makes the configuration an ideal for coupling between
various transistor stages
38. For a npn transistor IE = 12ma and β = 140. Determine the value of IB and Ic.
Ans: IE = (1+ β) IB
IB = IE / (1+ β)
= 12mA / (1+140)
= 85.1 mA
IE = IB + Ic = 50 A + 3.6 mA = 3.65 mA
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= ∆VDS
∆VGS ID constant
48. What are the parameters that control the Pinch off voltage?
Electron charge, donor or acceptor concentration, permittivity of channel
material and half width of channel bar.
ID = IDSS (1 – VGS )2
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ID = drain current
IDSS = saturation drain current
VGS = gate source voltage
VP = pinch-off voltage
52. Why MOSFET is called IGFET?
MOSFET is constructed with gete terminal insulated from the channel. So
it is also called as insulated gate FET or IGFET.
Gate is not insulated from channel Gate is insulated from channel by a thin layer
of SiO2
There are two types – N-channel and Four types - P-channel enhancement, P-
P-channel channel depletion, N-channel enhancement,
N-channel depletion
Cannot be operated in depletion and Can be operated in depletion and
enhancement modes enhancement modes
There is a continuous channel There is a continuous channel only in
depletion type, but not in enhancement type
CMRR = ρ = Ad
The significance of CMRR is that larger the value of CMRR, better the
differential amplifier
If the input signal and output signal are not in phase, the feedback is
called negative feed back
63. List the advantages of negative feedback
• Less noise
• Less frequency distortion
• Less amplitude distortion
• Less phase distortion
• Less harmonic distortion
• Band width is increased
-Aβ = 1
Aβ =1
The above to conditions are required to work a circuit as an oscillator. This is called
Barkhausen criterion for oscillation.
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• The total phase shift around a loop, as the signal proceeds from a input
through amplifier, feedback network back to input again, copeting a loop,
is precisely 0° or 360°, or of course an integral multiple of 2п radians.
• The magnitude of the product of the open loop gain of the amplifier (A)
67. Mention the expression for frequency of oscillations for colpitts oscillator and
Hartley oscillator.
Hartley oscillator:
2п C (L1 + L2)
Colpitts oscillator:
2п L Ceq
Ceq = C1 C2
C1 + C2
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72. Draw the typical wave form at base and collector coupled astable multivibrator
73. Draw the circuit diagram of a collector coupled astable multivibrator using
complementry transistors.
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