Mis 021
Mis 021
Mis 021
Why is safety
audit important.
Complex Workplaces
Sometimes workplaces are complex in nature, that means
several people doing several different activities at the same time
and in the same place. In this case, it might be difficult to
maintain good health and safety standards for every person or
Complex Issues
Sometimes we encounter complicated or complex health and
safety issues or problems. Finding solutions to those problems
might be difficult and require extensive background knowledge
and experience.
Some solutions are straightforward, and for some issues, several
courses of action are available with different good and bad
outcomes. So lack of competence might become another barrier
to promoting good health and safety standards, and the wrong
selection of solutions might result in an increased number of
Conflicting Demands
Employer sometimes places conflicting and competing demands
on workers. A common conflict of interest is like‘demand to
increase the supply of a product or service by speeding up the
process to make a profit or ‘to do so safely
Obviously, this conflict will compromise safety in the real
world. So the conflict of demand becomes a barrier to
maintaining good standards of health and safety and may cause
accident rates to increase.
Conflict Of Standards
This conflict may be created when there is a need to comply
with different types of standards at the same time and same
place like ‘Health and Safety Laws’ as well as ‘ Environmental
protection Laws'(it is obvious that the theme for both is totally
conflicting as health and safety standards demand the prompt
removal of hazardous waste material from the workplace while
environment protection standards refrain from throwing it in an
environment so some standards can be compromised).
This type of conflict of standards becomes the barrier to
maintaining or promoting good standards of health and safety.
Budget Issues
Unfortunately, several employers, due to lack of awareness,
consider it an extra financial burden to improve health and
safety standards in the workplace, and some want to improve,
but due to lack of resources, their desires fail to be
accomplished. So budget issues become a barrier to promoting
good health and safety standards.
Behavioural Issues
It is a fact that human behaviour is the most challenging barrier
to maintaining and promoting health and safety standards. All
hardware and procedural improvements go in vain if workers do
not behave ideally. Poor morale and low motivation toward
safety goals may deteriorate the safety culture.
Class-B Fires:
This class of fire generally takes into account fire caused due to
flammable and combustible liquids or gases which may include
propane, gasoline, oil,tar, paint and natural gas. Various types of
fire extinguishing agents are
available to suppress the fire of this class type making use of all
the theories of fire extinguishment. The type of agent to be
utilized depends upon the circumstances involved. Usually these
flammable liquids do not ignite by themselves but the vapors
generating from these liquids ignites and leads to fire. The
combustion process starts in this case once the ignition source
interacts with the mixture of oxygen and vapors
Class-C Fires:
This class of fire generally takes into account fire caused due to
live electrical equipment. Therefore this class of fire could be
suppressed by making use of extinguishing agent which does not
conduct electricity back to the fire extinguishing personal.
Electricity here acts as a source of energy or source
of ignition, but it will not burn on its own. Instead, these
electrical equipments act as a source of ignition for Class-A type
fire or for Class-B fire.
Class-D Fires:
This class of fire generally takes into account fire caused due to
combustion of exotic metals like sodium, magnesium, titanium,
and zirconium. These fires are suppressed by using special
agents like dry powder etc. The
extinguishers which are utilized for suppressing class A, B, or C
fires cannot be utilized here for this class of fire. Suppose
firefighter tries to suppress the fire with water, he may help the
fire to expand by reacting with burning metals and increase the
intensity of fire.
Class-K Fires:
This class of fire generally takes into account the fire that is
causedduetocooking appliances that involve combustible
cooking media like animal oils,vegetable, and fats. Special
agents like wet chemical extinguishers andextinguisher which is
alkaline in nature and possesses cooling capabilitiesareused to
suppress fires of this class
Fire Class and Type of Fire and Type of Extinguishing
Class-A Fires Includes ordinary combustible:
rubber, pulp, paper, wood,
cloth, and plastics
Extinguishing Agent are
Dry Powder
Waiting – Time and resources are wasted when waiting for parts,
supplies or information. One should try to ensure a steady
supplyoftherequired material in order to avoid wastage.
Transportation – Excessive travel or movement of materials is
Proper planning and process layout can help reduce or
eliminateexcesstransportation. The use of value stream mapping
can help the team
visualize exactly how much of the material is travelling. (Let us
understand what Value Stream Mapping (VSM) means. Also
known as
‘material and information flow mapping,’ it is a lean
method/tool that helps in visualizing the steps needed from
creation to devlivering to the customer. VSM helps in better
understanding of one’s organization and analysis thereby
bringing about
improvement in processes of an organistion.)
There are many definitions for hazard but the most common
definition when talking about workplace health and safety is:
This theory was updated by Bird and Loftus and they included
twonewconcepts which are as below:
1. Management influence like visible commitment, visual
2. Other losses in addition to injuries like workplace
interruptionresult intoproductivity loss and property loss
Causes of Accidents
Direct Causes
a. Unsafe act
i) Operating without authority
ii) Bypassing safety devices
iii) Operating at unsafe speed
iv) Using wrong tool/equipment
v) Unsafe placing
vi) Unsafe loading
vii) Taking unsafe position or posture
viii) Working on dangerous or moving equipment
ix) Not using PPE
x) Horse playing at work place etc.
b. Unsafe condition
i) Unguarded or inadequately guarded machines
ii) Defective conditions of machines
iii) Unsafe methods of storing, piling etc.
iv) Inadequate or incorrect illumination
v) Inadequate ventilation
vi) Improper housekeeping – things not at their proper places
vii) Unsafe design or construction of machines and equipment
Indirect Causes
c. Physiological unsuitability
i) Poor eye sight
ii) Hard to hearing
iii) Intoxicated
iv) Physiological disabled
d. Psychological unsuitability’s
i) Negative attitude towards safety
ii) Ignorance of safety rules and procedures
iii) Frustration & conflict
iv) Morale
v) Individual difference
vi) Acclimatization
vii) Motivation and aspiration
viii) Boredom & monotony
e. Lack of knowledge and skill
i) Untrained Workers
ii) Illiterate workers
Qno9.Describe the management approach toward SMS
Safety management system (SMS) is a comprehensive approach
which is designed to control the safety aspects in a work area. It
includes diverse
elements such as responsibilities, policies, objectives,
procedures, plans and other measures. The SMS is widely used
in industries to control hazard and to manage safety risks. SMS
provide exemplary system framework that guides the top
management to control potential loss areas and to set standards.
The SMS will provide the management with the capability to
address and anticipate the safety matters before an accident or
incident occurs
Management approach towards SMS:
The success of SMS not only depends on what is done, but also
depends onthe way that it is to be done. The following are some
of the factors whichareto be considered from management
concern towards SMS.
i) Leadership
ii) Management style
iii) Employee participation
iv) Cooperation
v) Communication
Effective leadership in the backdrop of safety provides clear
guidelinestoevery employee that the organization management is
worth engagingwith. Asupportive environment within a work
area for good leadership includes,
mentoring, commitment and provision of responsibilities. There
maybeachance to embed these leadership qualities by other
employees sothat theymay become leaders on some day.
Authoritative is a significant characteristicof a leader. An
authoritative leader defines a vision to work
andbuildscollaborative environment.
Management Style
Different management styles may have different effects on the
abilityofSafety Management System to have a positive impact.
Two commonstyles
SafetyOrganization241used are command & control style and
systems thinking style. The approach
of command and control style creates an effect where the liberty
of an
individual reduces as much as possible. The possible reason
behind this is
either to enhance the control over their actions or to be able to
claims for the reduction in cost for the individual’s work. On the
other hand,
systems’ thinking is another management style which relies on
two major
themes. First it understands the work environment as a system
and second, it
works with employees on the system. It considers that a
continuous flow of
work should be undertaken; otherwise competing factors may
minimize its effectiveness.
Employee Participation
Employee participation drives the safety and acts as a key
element for a good
safety culture. Ground level employees are closer to the risks
and hazards and
therefore they play a prominent role in how they are addressed.
To create a
culture of employee participation, top management is
encouraged and
allowed to take actions that build the right environment for the
safety culture
to grow.
Cooperation both within an organization and between
organizations will have
an impact on the overall success of an SMS in practice.
Cooperation is
essential for the system to perform well. The performance and
conduct of the
overall system depends on each of its individual parts knowing
what it should
be doing in partnership with the other parts. One part of the
sacrificing an expedient position to help another part of
organization with the
motive to benefit the organization as a whole is the ultimate
level of
cooperation. Cooperation also helps in exchanging ideas related
to safety and
awareness of risks. It improves confidence and builds support
between the
organizations in the light of safety actions.
The SMS has a decisive role within the organization in assisting
with the
formulation and application of safety communications. Trust and
environment and responsive behaviors can be built within the
with good communication. Among all forms of communication,
an open
communication is majorly adopted because it is more easily
understood by all
people. Informal communications are also used in organizations,
but they are
carried out in unorganized way. Informal communications
always preferred
and adopted in groups where positive behaviors can be
encouraged and
extended with good safety principles.
Group discussions
Question and answer sessions
Case studies
Role playing
Brain storming
It is always advisable to begin the training session with an
icebreaker. Anicebreaker is an event used to welcome the
participants and warmupthetraining session. Icebreaker makes
the participants to knoweachother andprepare them ready for the
Lecture is a technique of presenting ideas and facts to the
trainees. It isimportant to note that the facilitator should make
the lecture short (15-20min)to make it easy and understand. It is
beneficial to make the lectures livelybyadopting practical
Group discussions:
Group discussions are the exchange of knowledge and thoughts
amongtheparticipants in a group. In safety training, group
discussions are usedtoexchange experiences and information, to
solve the problems andtobuildunderstanding. For an effective
group discussion, teameffort is important
It is very important to follow the rules during group discussion.
Someofthem are
Only one person have to talk at a time
Others have to listen
Look at the person who is talking
Try to understand their view
Discuss your thoughts
Discuss one subject at a time
Question and Answer:
The duty of a facilitator is to make the participants to talk more.
Thiscanbeachieved by question and answer method. This
method helps the facilitatortobegin a discussion and know
whether the participants are interestedor not. Italso helps in
determining the participants knowledge and understanding.
Bythis method, every participant will get actively involved in
the training session.
Role Playing:
This is an effective learning technique where participants
perform an action
of a situation under the supervision of a trainer. It is an on-spot
because no script will be given for the participants. Facilitator
explains the
situation to a group of members, who then performs an action.
This technique
helps in practicing skills and procedures what they have been
taught. This
also fills the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical
Brainstorming is technique in which the participants are
encouraged to offer
ideas on a problem or an issue. Brainstorming involves all
participants to
generate ideas to address a situation or to solve a problem. It
helps in
stimulation the creating thinking capability of participants