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Environmental Issues

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Environmental Issues (b) Carbon monoxide

(c) Sulphur dioxide

(d) Ozone
1. Acid rains are produced by
9. Atmosphere of big/metropolitan cities
(a) excess emissions of NO2 and SO2 from
is polluted most by
burning fossil fuels
(a) automobile exhausts
(b) excess production of NH3 by industry
(b) pesticide residue
and coal gas
(c) household waste
(c) excess release of carbon monoxide by
(d) radio-active fall-out
incomplete combustion
(d) excess formation of CO2 by combustion
10. Highest DDT deposition shall occur
and animal respiration
(a) Phytoplankton
2. Which one is not a pollutant
(b) Sea Gull/Birds
(c) Crab
(a) Hydrocarbons
(d) Eel
(b) Carbon dioxide
(c) Carbon monoxide
11. Which gas contributes most to green
(d) Sulphur dioxide
house effect?
(a) CFC
3. Green house effect is warming due to
(b) Freon
(a) Infra-red rays reaching earth
(c) CO2
(b) Moisture layer in atmosphere
(d) CH4
(c) Increase in temperature due to increase
in carbon dioxide concentration of
atmosphere 12. Disease caused by eating fish found
(d) Ozone layer of atmosphere in water contaminated with industrial
waste having mercury is
4. Major aerosol pollutant in jet plane (a) Minamata disease
emission is (b) Bright's disease
(a) Sulphur dioxide (c) Hashimoto's disease
(b) Carbon monoxide (d) Osteosclerosis
(c) Methane
(d) Fluorocarbon 13. Drawback of DDT as pesticide is
(a) It becomes ineffective after sometime
5. Gas released during Bhopal tragedy (b) It is less effective than others
was (c) It is not easily/rapidly degraded in
(a) Methyl isocyanate nature
(b) Potassium isothiocyanate (d) Its high cost
(c) Sodium isothiocyanate
(d) Ethyl isothiocyanate 14. Sound becomes hazardous noise
pollution at level
6. Domestic waste constitutes (a) Above 30 dB
(a) Nonbiodegradablepollution (b) Above 80 dB
(b) Biodegradable pollution (c) Above 100 dB
(c) Effluents (d) Above 120 dB
(d) Air pollution
15. Fish die in water bodies polluted by
7. Most hazardous metal pollutant of sewage due to
automobile exhausts is (a) pathogens
(a) Mercury (b) clogging of gills by silt
(b) Cadmium (c) reduction in oxygen
(c) Lead (d) foul smell
(d) Copper
16. The Taj Mahal is threatened due to
8. Ultraviolet radiations from sunlight the effect of
causes a reaction that produces (a) oxygen
(a) Fluorides (b) hydrogen
(c) chlorine
(d) sulphur dioxide (c) water pollution
(d) depletion of ozone layer
17. When huge amount of sewage is 25. Formation of ozone hole is
dumped into a river, its B.O.D, will maximum over
(a) increase (a) India
(b) decrease (b) Europe
(c) sharply decrease (c) Antarctica
(d) remain unchanged (d) Africa

18. In Minamata Bay Japan, the animals 26. The most common indicator
which remained free from Minamata organism that represents polluted water
disease, are is
(a) pigs (a) E. coli
(b) rabbits (b) P. typhi
(c) dogs (c) C. vibrio
(d) cats (d) Entamoeba

19. Sewage drained into water bodies kill 27. How does carbon monoxide, a
fishes because poisonous gas emitted by automobiles,
(a) excessive carbon dioxide is added to prevent transport of oxygen into the
water body tissues?
(b) it gives off a bad smell (a) By destroying the haemoglobin
(c) it removes the food eaten by fish (b) By forming a stable compound with
(d) it increases competition with fishes for haemoglobin
dissolved oxygen (c) By obstructing the reaction of oxygen
with haemoglobin
20. The worst environmental hazards (d) By changing oxygen into carbon dioxide.
were created by accidents in nuclear
power plant and MIC gas tragedy 28. Which one of the following
respectively in organisms is used as indicator of water
(a) Russia in 1990 & Bhopal in 1986 quality?
(b) Ukraine in 1988 & USA in 1984 (a) Chlorella
(c) Bhopal in 1984 & Russia in 1990 (b) Azospirillum
(d) Ukraine in 1986 and Bhopal in 1984 (c) Escherichia
(d) Biggiatoa
21. The major contributor of Green
House gases to the atmosphere is 29. Which important green house gas
(a) Russia other than methane is being produced
(b) U.S.A. from the agricultural fields?
(c) Germany (a) Sulphur dioxide
(d) Brazil. (b) Ammonia
(c) Nitrous oxide
22. Phosphate pollution is caused by (d) Arsine
(a) phosphate rocks only
(b) agricultural fertilizers only 30. DDT causes egg shell thinning in
(c) sewage and phosphate rocks birds because it inhibits
(d) sewage and agricultural fertilizers (a) Calmodulin
(b) Calcium ATPase
23. The CO2 content in the atmospheric (c) Magnesium ATPase
air is about (d) Carbonic anhydrase
(a) 0.034%
(b) 0.34% 31. Which of these is a pollution related
(c) 3.34% to occupational health hazard?
(d) 6.5% (a) Pneumoconiosis
(b) Asthma
24. In coming years, skin related (c) Flurosis
disorders will be more common due to (d) Silicosis
(a) pollutants in air
(b) use of detergents
32. Maximum bioconcentration of (b) Methane
pesticide residues is usually found in (c) Ethane
birds that exclusively feed on (d) Butane
(a) fish
(b) seeds 41. In 1984, Bhopal gas tragedy took
(c) worms place because methyl isocyanate
(d) meat (a) reacted with DDT
(b) reacted with ammonia
33. Which of the following is the use of (c) reacted with CO2
lichens in case of pollution? (d) reacted with water
(a) They treat the polluted water
(b) They act as bioindicators of pollution 42. Lead concentration in blood is
(c) They promote pollution considered alarming if it is
(d) Lichens are not related with pollution (a) 20 mg/100 ml
(b) 30 mg/100 ml
34. Green house effect refers to (c) 4–6 mg/100 ml
(a) cooling of earth (d) 10 mg/100 ml
(b) trapping of UV rays
(c) production of cereals 43. Recently Govt. of India has allowed
(d) warming of earth mixing of alcohol in petrol. What is the
amount of alcohol permitted for mixing
35. Which of the following organism is in petrol?
likely to have more concentration of (a) 2.5%
D.D.T. in its body? (b) 10 – 15%
(a) Herbivores (c) 10%
(b) Carnivores (d) 5%
(c) Top carnivores
(d) Primary producers 44. Prolonged liberal irrigation of
agricultural fields is likely to create the
36. Which of the following is a secondary problem of
pollutant? (a) Acidity
(a) CO (b) Aridity
(b) CO2 (c) Salinity
(c) PAN (d) Metal toxicity
(d) Aerosol
45. Which of the following is not used
37. D.D.T. is for disinfection of drinking water?
(a) a non –degradable pollutant (a) Chlorine
(b) A bio-degradable pollutant (b) Ozone
(c) not a pollutant (c) Chloramine
(d) an antibiotic (d) Phenyl

38. Which of the following is absent in 46. Identify the correctly matched pair.
polluted water? (a) Basal Convention - Biodiversity
(a) Hydrilla Conservation
(b) Water hyacinth (b) Kyoto Protocol - Climatic change
(c) Larva of stone fly (c) Montreal Protocol - Global warming
(d) Blue green algae (d) Ramsar - Ground water Convention
39. Escherichia coli is used as an
indicator organism to determine 47. Which one of the following pairs is
pollution of water with mismatched?
(a) pollen of aquatic plants (a) Fossil fuel burning - release of CO2
(b) heavy metals (b) Nuclear power - radioactive wastes
(c) faecal matter (c) Solar energy - green house effect
(d) industrial effluents (d) Biomass burning - release of CO2

40. A major component of gobar gas is 48. Limit of BOD prescribed by Central
(a) Ammonia Pollution Control Board for the
discharge of industrial and municipal (d) 5.2-2.5
waste waters into natural surface waters,
is 55. Which one of the following is being
(a) < 10 ppm tried in India as a biofuel substitute for
(b) < 100 ppm fossil fuels?
(c) < 30 ppm (a) Jatropha
(d) < 3.0 ppm (b) Azadirachta
(c) Musa
49. Photochemical smog pollution does (d) Aegilops
not contain
(a) Nitrogen dioxide 56. Which one of the following is the
(b) Carbon dioxide correct percentag of the two (out of the
(c) PAN (peroxy acyl nitrate) total of 4) green house gases that
(d) Ozone contribute to the total global warming?
(a) CFCs 14%, Methane 20%
50. Montreal protocol which calls for (b) CO2, 40%, CFCs 30%
appropriate action to protect the ozone (c) N2 O 6%, CO2 86%
layer from human activities was passed (d) Methane 20%, N2 O 18%
in the year
(a) 1987 57. World Summit on Sustainable
(b) 1988 Development was held in
(c) 1985 (a) Brazil
(d) 1986 (b) Sweden
(c) Argentina
51. In which one of the following the (d) South Africa
BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) of
sewage (s), distillery effluent (DE), paper 58. Global agreement in specific control
mill effluent (PE) and sugar mill effluent strategies to reduce the release of ozone
(SE) have been arranged in ascending depleting substances, was adopted by
order? (a) The Montreal Protocol
(a) SE < PE < S <DE (b) The Koyoto Protocol
(b) PE < S < SE < DE (c) The Vienna Convention
(c) S < DE < PE < SE (d) Rio de Janeiro Conference
(d) SE < S < PE < DE.
59. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOP)
52. In a coal fired power plant electrostatic in a river water
precipitators are installed to control emission (a) has no relationship with concentration
of of oxygen in the water.
(a) NOx (b) gives a measure of Salmonella in the
(b) SPM water.
(c) CO (c) increases when sewage gets mixed with
(d) SO2 river water.
(d) remains unchanged when algal bloom
53. Which one of the following is not a occurs.
bioindicator of water pollution?
(a) Blood-worms 60. Which of the following plant species
(b) Stone flies you would select for the production of
(c) Sewage fungus bioethanol?
(d) Sludge-worms. (a) Zeamays
(b) Pongamia
54. According to Central Pollution (c) Jatropha
Control Board (CPCB), which particulate (d) Brassica
size in diameter (in micrometers) of the
air pollutants is responsible for greatest 61. Steps taken by the Government of
harm to human health? India to control air pollution include
(a) 2.5 or less (a) compulsory PUC (Pollution Under
(b) 1.5 or less Control) certification of petrol driven
(c) 1.0 or less vehicles which tests for carbon monoxide
and hydrocarbons.
(b) permission to use only pure diesel with 69. Stirred tank bioreactors have been
a maximum of 500 ppm sulphur as fuel for designed for
vehicles. (a) addition of preservatives to the product
(c) use of non-polluting Compressed (b) purification of the product
Natural Gas (CNG) only as fuel by all buses (c) ensuring anaerobic conditions in the
and trucks. culture vessel
(d) compulsory mixing of 20% ethyl alcohol (d) availability of oxygen throughout the
with petrol and 20% biodiesel with diesel. process
62. Montreal protocol aims at
(a) Biodiversity conservation 70. Which one of the following expanded
(b) Control of water pollution forms of the following acronyms is
(c) Control of CO2 emission correct?
(d) Reduction of ozone de pleting substances (a) IPCC = International Panel for Climate
63. DDT residues are rapidly passed (b) UNEP = United Nations Environmental
through food chain causing Policy
biomagnification because DDT is (c) EPA = Environmental Pollution Agency
(a) moderately toxic (d) IUCN = International Union for
(b) non-toxic to aquatic animals Conservation of Nature and Natural
(c) water soluble Resources
(d) lipo soluble
71. Which one of following pairs of gases
64. Chipko movement was launched for are the major cause of ―Greenhouse
the protection of effect‖?
(a) forests (a) CO2 and O3
(b) livestock (b) CO2 and CO
(c) wet lands (c) CFCs and SO2
(d) grasslands (d) CO2 and N2 O

65. The bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis 72. Secondary sewage treatment is

is widely used in contemporary biology mainly a
as (a) physical process
(a) insecticide (b) mechanical process
(b) agent for production of dairy products (c) chemical process
(c) source of industrial enzyme (d) biological process
(d) indicator of water pollution
73. Which of the following is mainly
66. A renewable exhaustible natural produced by the activity of anaerobic
resource is: bacteria on sewage?
(a) coal (a) Laughing gas
(b) petroleum (b) Propane
(c) minerals (c) Mustard gas
(d) forest (d) Marsh gas

67. dB is a standard abbreviation used 74. Which one of the following

for the quantitative expression of statements is wrong in case of Bhopal
(a) the density of bacteria in a medium tragedy?
(b) a particular pollutant (a) Methyl lsocyanate gas leakage took
(c) the dominant Bacillus in a culture place
(d) a certain pesticide (b) Thousands of human beings died
(c) Radioactive fall out engulfed Bhopal
68. The two gases making highest (d) It took place in the night of December
relative contribution to the greenhouse 2/3 1984.
gases are
(a) CO2 and CH4 75. "Good ozone " is found in the
(b) CH4 and N2 O (a) mesosphere
(c) CFC5 and N2 O (b) troposphere
(d) CO2 and N2 O (c) stratosphere
(d) ionosphere (a) Cancun
(b) Durban
76. In an area where DDT had been used (c) Bali
extensively, the population of birds (d) Doha
declined significantly because:
(a) birds stopped laying eggs 83. Climate of the world is threatened by
(b) earthworms in the area got eradicated (a) Increasing concentration of atmospheric
(c) cobras were feeding exclusively on birds oxygen
(d) many of the birds laid, did not hatch (b) Decreasing amount of atmospheric
77. Which one of the following is a (c) Increasing amount of atmospheric
wrong statement? carbondioxide
(a) Most of the forests have been lost in (d) Decreasing amount of atmospheric
tropical areas. carbondioxide
(b) Ozone in upper part of atmosphere is
harmful to animals. 84. Which one of the following is not
(c) Greenhouse effect is a natural correct as regards the harmful effects of
phenomenon particulate matter of the size 2.5 micro
(d) Eutrophication is a natural phenomenon meters or less?
in fresh water. (a) It can be inhaled into the lungs
(b) It can cause respiratory problems
78. Measuring Biochemical Oxygen (c) It can directly enter into our circulatory
Demand (BOD) is a method used for: system
(a) estimating the amount of organic matter (d) It can cause inflammation and damage
in sewage water. to the lungs
(b) working out the efficiency of oil driven
automobile engines. 85.Photochemical smog pollution does not
(c) measuring the activity of Saccharomyces contain
cerevisae in producing curd on a (a) ozone
commercial scale. (b) nitrogen dioxide
(d) working out the efficiency of RBCs about (c) carbon dioxide
their capacity to carry oxygen. (d) PAN (Peroxy Acyl Nitrate)

79. The Air Prevention and Control of 86. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) may
Pollution Act came into force in: not be a good index for pollution for water
(a) 1981 bodies receiving effluents from
(b) 1985 (a) petroleum industry
(c) 1990 (b) sugar industry
(d) 1975 (c) domestic sewage
(d) dairy industry
80. Kyoto Protocol was endorsed at:
(a) CoP - 5 87. Drinking of mineral water with very low
(b) CoP - 6 level of pesticides (about 0.02 ppm) for long
(c) CoP - 4 periods may
(d) CoP - 3 (a) produce immunity against mosquito
(b) lead to accumulation of pesticide residues
81. Global warming can be controlled by: in body fat
(a) Reducing reforestation, increasing the (c) cause leukemia (blood cancer) in most
use of fossil fuel. people
(b) Increasing deforestation, slowing down (d) cause cancer of the intestine
the growth of human population.
(c) Increasing deforestation, reducing 88. The highest DDT concentration in
efficiency of energy usage. aquatic food chain shall occur in
(d) Reducing deforestation, cutting down (a) phytoplankton
use of fossil fuel. (b) crab
(c) seagull
82. The second commitment period for (d) eel
Kyoto Protocol was decided at
89. According to the Central Pollution particulate matter of the size 2.5 micrometer
Control Board, particles that are responsible or less?
for causing great harm to human health are (a) It can cause respiratory problems.
of diameter: (b) It can cause inflammation and damage to
(a) 2.50 micrometers the lungs.
(b) 5.00 micrometers (c) It can directly enter into our circulatory
(c) 10.00 micrometers system
(d) 7.5 micrometers (d) It can be inhaled into the lungs

90.A lake with an inflow of domestic sewage 97. Pollution from animal excreta and
rich in organic waste may result in organic waste from kitchen can be most
(a) death of fish due to lack of oxygen profitably minimized by
(b) increased population of aquatic food web (a) vermiculture
organisms (b) using them directly as biofertilizers
(c) drying of the lake very soon due to algal (c) storing them in underground storage
bloom tanks
(d) an increased production of fish due to lot (d) using them for producing biogas
of nutrients
98. Increase in concentration of the toxicant
91. Acid rain is caused by increase in the at successive trophic levels is known as
atmospheric concentration of (a) biotransformation
(a) O3 and dust (b) biogeochemical cycling
(b) CO2 and CO (c) biomagnification
(c) SO2 and NO2 (d) biodeterioration.
(d) SO3 and CO.
99.Which one of the following pairs is
92. Photochemical smog formed in congested mismatched?
metropolitan cities mainly consists of (a) Fossil fuel burning - release of CO2
(a) ozone, peroxyacetyl nitrate and NOx (b) Biomass burning - release of CO2
(b) hydrocarbons, ozone and Sox (c) Nuclear power - radioactive wastes
(c) smoke, peroxyacetyl nitrate and SO2 (d) Solar energy - green house effect
(d) hydrocarbons, SO2 and CO2
100. Which one of the following is correct
93. Which of the following are most suitable expanded form of the acronym?
indicators of SO2 pollution in the (a) IPCC = International Panel for Climate
environment? Change
(a) Lichens (b) UNEP = United Nations Environmental
(b) Algae Policy
(c) Fungi (c) EPA = Environmental Pollution Agency
(d) Conifers (d) IUCN = International Union for
Conservation of Nature and Natural
94.Rachel Carson’s famous book “Silent Resources
Spring” is related to
(a) pesticide pollution 101. When domestic sewage mixes with river
(b) noise pollution water
(c) population explosion (a) the increased microbial activity releases
(d) ecosystem management micronutrients such as iron
(b) small animals like rats will die after
95. A dental disease characterized by drinking river water
mottling of teeth is due to the presence of (c) the increased microbial activity uses up
certain chemical element in drinking water. dissolved oxygen
Which of the following is that element? (d) the river water is still suitable for
(a) Boron drinking as impurities are only about 0.1%
(b) Fluorine
(c) Mercury 102. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) in a
(d) Chlorine river water
(a) increases when sewage gets mixed with
96. Which one of the following is not correct river water
with regard to the harmful effects of
(b) has no relationship with concentration of (4) SO2
oxygen in the water
(c) gives a measure of Salmonella in the 109. World Ozone Day is celebrated on
water (1) 5th June
(d) remains unchanged when algal bloom (2) 21st April
occurs (3) 22nd April
(4) 16th September
103. DDT residues are rapidly passed
through food chain causing biomagnification 110. Which of the following pairs of gases is
because DDT is mainly responsible for green house effect?
(a) moderately toxic (1) Ozone and Ammonia
(b) lipo soluble (2) Oxygen and Nitrogen
(c) nontoxic to aquatic animals (3) Nitrogen and Sulphur dioxide
(d) water soluble (4) Carbon dioxide and Methane
111. Which of the following protocols did aim
104. Which of the following is biodegradable for reducing emission of chlorofluorocarbons
pollutant? into the atmosphere?
(a) Sewage (1) Montreal Protocol
(b) Plastic (2) Kyto Protocol
(c) Asbestos (3) Gothenburg Protocol
(d) Polythene (4) Geneva Protocol
112. Polyblend, a fine powder of recycled
105. Which one of the following statements modified plastic, has proved to be a good
is not valid for aerosols ? material for
(1) They alter rainfall and monsoon patterns (1) Making plastic sacks
(2) They cause increased agricultural (2) Use as a fertilizer
productivity (3) Construction of roads
(3) They have negative impact on agricultural (4) Making tubes and pipes
(4) They are harmful to human health 113. Which of these following methods is the
106. Match the items given in Column I with most suitable for disposal of nuclear waste?
those in Column II and select the correct (1) Shoot the waste into space
option given below : (2) Bury the waste under Antarctic ice-cover
(3) Dump the waste within rocks under deep
Column-I Column-II ocean
a. Eutrophication i. UV-B radiation (4) Bury the waste within rocks deep below
b. Sanitary landfill ii. Deforestation the Earth's surface
c. Snow blindness iii. Nutrient
114 Which of the following statements is not
d. Jhum cultivation iv. Waste disposal
(1) Pyramid of numbers in a grassland
(1) ii i iii iv
ecosystem is upright.
(2) i iii iv ii
(2) Pyramid of biomass in sea is generally
(3) i ii iv iii
(4) iii iv i ii
(3) Pyramid of biomass in sea is generally
107. In stratosphere, which of the following (4) Pyramid of energy is always upright.
elements acts as a catalyst in degradation of
ozone and release of molecular oxygen?
115. Dobson units are used to measure
(1) Carbon
thickness of:
(2) Cl
(1) Troposphere
(3) Oxygen
(2) CFCs
(4) Fe
(3) Stratosphere
(4) Ozone
108. Which of the following is a secondary
(1) CO
Solutions :
(2) CO2
(3) O3
1. concentration. This increase in
Solution: (a) accumulation of toxic substances in the
NO2 and SO2 after reacting with water in food pyramids is called "Biological
atmosphere produce HNO3 & H2 SO4 which magnification."
fall down as acid rain. 11.
2. Solution: (c)
Solution: (b) CO2 is the major green house gas causing
CO2 in its normal fraction in air (about green house effect which is released in the
0.03%) is actually not a pollutant but above atmosphere by burning fossil (combustion)
this it is considered as a pollutant. At the or by activities like animal respiration.
elevated level it becomes a cause for global Deforestation adds to the increase in CO2
waring. in atmosphere because trees are cut down
3. which are the big absorber of CO2.
Solution: (c) 12.
Increase in the concentration of CO2 do Solution: (a)
not allow the earth's radiations to go out of Minamata disease.
earth‘s atmosphere and contributes in 13.
increasing temperature of earth. Solution: (c)
4. In 1962, American biologist Rachel Carson
Solution: (d) published the book Silent Spring, which
Fluorides of carbon is the major pollutant alleged that DDT caused cancer and
from jet plane emission. harmed bird reproduction by thinning egg
5. shells. This followed the principles of
Solution: (a) biological magnification, killing higher level
MIC → (Methyl Isocyanate) was the deadly organisms like the birds. DDT is a
gas leaked from the fertilizer plant of Union persistent organic pollutant with a reported
Carbide company in Bhopal. half life of between 2-15 years, and is
6. immobile in most soils.
Solution: (b) 14.
Domestic waste includes peels of fruits, Solution: (b)
vegetables and food parts which comes Above 80 dB sound becomes
under biodegradable pollution. hazardous.
7. 15.
Solution: (c) Solution: (c)
Lead (Pb) is the most hazardous metal Sewage kills plant life and also use oxygen
pollutant present in automobile exhaust. for degradation, so oxygen content of water
8. is lowered and hence animal life in water
Solution: (d) body start decreasing.
Ultraiolet radiations cause 16.
photochemical splitting of oxygen Solution: (d)
molecules in the stratosphere. The nascent The Taj Mahal is threatened by
oxygen combines with molecular oxygen to environmental pollution, especially by acid
form ozone. In troposphere nascent oxygen rain due to sulphur dioxide emitted from
comes from nitrogen dioxide. Mathura refinery.
9. 17.
Solution: (a) Solution: (a)
Automobile exhaust is the main cause of By dumping of huge amount of sewage,
air pollution in metro cities. the oxygen levels are depleted, which are
10. reflected in terms of BOD values of water.
Solution: (b) The number of microbes also increases
DDT is not soluble in water but soluble in tremendously and these also consume
fats. Aquatic micro-organisms absorb them most of the oxygen. Thus BOD of the river
in fats where they accumulate to form water will increase.
concentration many times greater than in 18.
water. Zooplankton accumulate more Solution: (b)
concentrations, fishes feeding on Release of mercury in water causes
zooplanktons also accumulate more pollution. Mercury enters the food chain
concentration and finally birds feeding on killing fishes. Human beings feeding on
fishes contain these compounds in more such fishes will suffer from minamata
disease. Similarly all carnivores feeding on are present in water it indicates that the
fishes will develop this disease except water is polluted. E.coli coliform count test
rabbit because it is herbivore. is done.
19. 27.
Solution: (d) Solution: (b)
Organic pollutants brought in by the Carbon monoxide, when inhaled, combines
sewage drained into water bodies provides with blood haemoglobin to form
nutrients for stimulating growth of algae. carboxyhaemoglobin at a rate 210 times
Algal bloom reduces availability of light to faster than the rate at which oxygen forms
the submerged plants which get killed. oxthaemoglobin. Thus respiration is
Dead algae and dead submerged plants impaired.
consume oxygen during decomposition, 28.
causing oxygen depletion and increases Solution: (c)
competition for oxygen. 29.
20. Solution: (c)
Solution: (d) Some of the important green house gases
The MIC gas tragedy occurred in Bhopal in are CO2, CFCs, Nitrous oxide, Ozone,
1984 and the Chernobyl tragedy (nuclear Methane etc. Nitrous oxide is produced by
power plant) occurred in Ukraine in 1986. denitrifying bacteria acting on artificial
21. fertilisers applied to poorly aerated soil.
Solution: (b) 30.
The major contributor of Green House Solution: (b)
gases to the atmosphere is U.S.A., which DDT causes egg shell thinning in birds
itself releases around 37% of the because it inhibits Calcium ATPase.
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). 31.
22. Solution: (d)
Solution: (d) Silicosis is caused by exposure to dust
Part of fertilizers containing phosphates containing silica.
are passed down into water bodies as 32.
surface run off. Sewage contamination also Solution: (a)
results in algal bloom (eutrophication) due Biological magnification is the increase in
to increased availability of nitrate and concentration of persistent pollutant per
phosphate. unit weight of the organism with the rise in
23. trophic level.
Solution: (a) 33.
The content of CO2 in atmospheric air is Solution: (b)
0.034%. The main contributors to air are Lichens are sensitive to sulphur dioxide
N2 and O2. pollution, hence they serve as bioindicators
24. of pollution.
Solution: (d) 34.
Increase in air pollution has resulted in Solution: (d)
gradual depletion of the ozone layer. This Green house effect is the rise in
has exposed the earth's surface to the atmospheric temperature due to increase in
harmful ultraviolet radiations of the sun. concentration of green house gases. The
Exposure to UV rays increases the risk of greenhouse effect, discovered by Joseph
skin cancer and other skin related Fourier in 1824 and first investigated
disorders. quantitatively by Svante Arrhenius in 1896,
25. is the process in which the emission of
Solution: (c) infrared radiation by an atmosphere warms
Ozone hole is an area with extreme a planet‘s surface. In the case of the Earth,
reduction in the ozone concentration. It without these greenhouse gases its surface
was discovered over Halley Bay in would be up to 30°C cooler. The name
Antarctica by Farman et. al (1985), comes from an incorrect analogy with the
members of British Antarctic Survey Team. way in which greenhouses are heated by
Image of the largest Antarctic ozone hole the sun in order to facilitate plant growth.
ever recorded in September 2006. In addition to the Earth, Mars and
26. especially Venus have greenhouse effects.
Solution: (a) The maximum green house gases are
E. coli lives in the human intestine. If they emitted by USA.
35. This also leads to waterlogging.
Solution: (c) 45.
Organisms found in the higher trophic Solution: (d)
level show greater accumulation of Chlorine, ozone, chloramine are used for
pesticides due to the phenomenon of disinfection of drinking water.
biomagnification - which is defined as the 46.
gradual increase in concentration of Solution: (b)
harmful pesticides in the food chain, with Kyoto Protocol (1997): International
increase in trophic level. conference held in Kyoto, Japan obtained
36. commitments from different countries for
Solution: (c) reducing overall greenhouse gas emissions
Primary pollutant is that which persists in at a level 9% below 1990 level by 2008-
the form in which it is released in the 2012. Montreal Protocol (1987):
environment eg. CO. A secondary pollutant Industrialized countries agreed to limit
is one which is formed from another production of chloroflourocarbons to half
pollutant due to change or reaction eg. PAN the level of 1986.
(Peroxyacytyl nitrate). 47.
37. Solution: (c)
Solution: (a) Solar energy coming to the earth is not
DDT cannot be broken down or converted responsible for green house effect. It is the
to harmless state by natural processes of increase in green house gases in
oxidation or biological decomposition. atmosphere like CO2 which is released by
Hence it is non biodegradable. complete combustion of fossil fuels or
38. biomass in industries or transportation
Solution: (a) vehicles that prevent the reradiation of
Hydrilla is a fresh water plant. infrared radiation from the earth and result
39. in increase in temperature of the earth.
Solution: (c) 48.
E. coli grows in water polluted by sewage Solution: (a)
and domestic waste. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is the
40. amount of oxygen required to destroy the
Solution: (b) organic waste by the bacteria. The more
Methane forms a major part of gobar-gas. oxygen required for bacteria that means
Ammonia is toxic. Ethane and butane are there is more organic waste. For pure
not major components of gobar gas. drinking water it is decided less than 1
41. ppm and for industrial & municipal waste
Solution: (d) it is less than 10 ppm. In Yamuna water in
In Bhopal gas tragedy methyl isocyanate Delhi it is about 1000 ppm.
(MIC) reacted with water to produce a large 49.
amount of heat, as it was an exothermic Solution: (b)
reaction. Due to this increase in pressure Photochemical smog is made by the
the safety valve of the tank bursted and the deposition of dust & carbon particles on
gas came out. the pollutant gases and water vapours. The
42. gases found in photochemical smog are
Solution: (b) NO2, PAN, O3 etc.
The concentration level of lead in blood is 50.
about 25 µg/100 ml. So any value above Solution: (a)
this is considered alarming. Montreal protocol which calls for
43. appropriate action (like less production of
Solution: (d) ozone depleting substances called ODS
Alcohol to the tune of 5% is allowed to be such as CFCs) to protect the ozone layer
mix in petrol as per the Govt. of India was passed by a forum of 27 industralized
decision. countries on 16 September 1987. Till now
44. 175 countries have joined this.
Solution: (c) 51.
Since all surface and ground water Solution: (b)
contains salts to varying degrees. Therefore More value of BOD means the water
excessive irrigation followed by evaporation sample is polluted by organic matter. BOD
of the unabsorbed water leads to salinity. of distillary effluent is 40000 mg/L and
that of paper mill effluent and sewage is biofuel substitute for fossil fuels. Biofuels
190 mg/L and 30 mg/L respectively. are the fuels of biological origin. They
52. constitute renewable form of energy.
Solution: (b) Energy problems can be solved upto a great
In recent years, the increases in toxic extent by efficient and proper used of these
substances of NOx and/or SPM (Suspended biofuels.
Particulate Matter) from vehicles come to be 56.
serious problem. About the correlation Solution: (a)
between the traffic volume in our model CFC 14%, Methane 20% is the correct
and the real volume, we obtained the percentage of the two (out of the total of 4)
correlation coefficient of 0.74. green house gases that contribute to the
Simultaneously, we got the result that the total global warming. A regular assessment
concentration of NOx was approximately 70 of abundance of green house gases and
to 230 ppm. That of SPM was their impact on global environment is being
approximately 40 to 100 µg/m3. made by IPCC (Inter-Governmental Panel
53. on Climate Change). The various green
Solution: (b) house gases are CO2 (warming effect 60%),
Stone flies are not bio indicators. CH4 (effect 20%), chlorofluorocarbons or
Bioindicators provide a range of techniques CFCS (14%) and nitrous oxide (N2 O), 6%).
to assess the impcts of air pollution from Others of minor significance are water
reactive nitrogen (N) compounds on vapours and ozone.
statutory nature conservation sites. They 57.
complement physical monitoring of Solution: (d)
atmospheric concentrations and deposition World Summit on sustainable development
and risk assessment based on the critical (2002) was held in Johannesburg, South
loads approach by providing sitebased Africa, 190 countries pledged their
information on atmospheric N commitment to achieve by 2010, a
concentrations, N deposition and/or significant in reduction the current rate of
ecological impacts. biodiversity loss at global, regional and
54. local levels.
Solution: (a) 58.
The central pollution control board (CPCB), Solution: (a)
statutory organisation, was constituted in Global agreement in specific control
September, 1974 under the water strategies to reduce the release of ozone
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act depleting substances was adopted by the
1974. Further, CPCB was entrusted with Montreal protocol. The treaty was originally
the powers and functions under Air signed in 1987 and substantially amended
(prevention and control of pollution) Act, in 1990 and 1992. The Montreal protocol
1981. It serves as a field formation and also stipulates that the production and
provides technical services to the Ministry consumption of compounds that deplete
of Environment and Forest, of the ozone in the stratosphere-
provisions of the Environments (protection) chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), halogens,
Act, 1986. Principal functions of the CPCB, carbontetrachloride, and methyl chloroform–
as spelt out in the water (prevention and areto be phased out by 2000 (2005 for
control of pollution) act, 1974, and the Air methylchloroform).
(prevention and control of pollution) Act, 59.
1981. (i) to promote cleanliness of streams Solution: (c)
and wells in different areas of the states by Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) in a
prevention, control and abatement of water river water increases when sewage gets
pollution. (ii) to improve the quality of air mixed with river water. Biochemical oxygen
and to prevent, control or abate air demand or biological oxygen demand (BOD)
pollution in the country. According to is a chemical procedure for determining
CPCB, 2.5 or less particulate size in how fast biological organisms use up
diameter (in micrometers) of the air oxygen in a body of water. It is used in
pollutants is responsible for greatest harm water quality management and
to human health. assessment, ecology and environmental
55. science. BOD considered as an indication
Solution: (a) of the quality of a water source.
Azadirachta is being tried in India as a
60. years, the movement spread to several hill
Solution: (c) districts in Uttar Pradesh. In 1980, Chipko
Jatropha is useful for production of activists won a fifteen-year ban on green
bioethanol. Jatropha is a genus of felling in the himalayan forests.
approximately 175 succlent plants. Shurbs 65.
and trees (some are deciduous like Jatropha Solution: (a)
curcas from family Euphorbiaceace. The The bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis is
hardy Jatropha is resistant to drought and widely used in contemporary biology as
pests, andproduces seeds containing 27-40% insecticide. Bacillus thuringiensis (also
oil. known as Bt) is a Gram-positive, soil
Currently the oil from Jatropha curcas dwelling bacterium of the genus Bacillus.
seeds is used for making biodiesel fuel in Bacillus thuringiensis produces a
Philippines and in Brazil, where it grows parasporal insecticidal crystal protein.
naturally and in plantations in the 66.
southeast, and the north/northeast Brazil. Solution: (d)
Likewise, Jatropha oil is being promoted as Exhaustible resources are those natural
an easily grown biofuel crop in hundreds of resources that are likely to be exhausted
projects throughout India and other due to their continuous use. Forest is a
developing countries. renewable exhaustible resource that can be
61. again and again produced. Coal, petroleum
Solution: (a) and minerals are nonrenewable exhaustible
The step taken by Government of India to natural resources that cannot be again
control air pollution include compulsory produced.
PUC (pollution under control) certification 67.
of petrol driven vehicles which tests for Solution: (b)
carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons. dB is a standard abbreviation for the
62. quantitative expression of noise. Unwanted
Solution : (d) sound is called noise. Generally sound
The aim of Monteral protocol was to protect above 80 dB is noise.
the ozone layer in the stratosphereby 68.
decreasing and eventually eliminating Solution: (a)
the use of of ozone depleting substances The gases that makes highest relative
like CFCS. contribution to the green house gases are
63. carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4).
Solution: (d) 69.
DDT residues are rapidly passed through Solution: (d)
food chain causing biomagnification A stirred-tank bioreactor is a cylindrical or
because DDT is lipo soluble. curved base to facilitate the mixing of the
Biomagnification, also known as reaction content. It has been designed for
bioamplification or biological magnification, availability of oxygen throughout the
is the increase in concentration of a process.
substance, such as the pesticide DDT, that 70.
occurs in a food chain as a consequence of: Solution (d)
. Persistence (slow to be broken down by The correct acronym is IUCN, International
environmental processes) . Food chain Union for Conservation of Nature and
energetics . Low (or non-existent) rate of Natural resources.
internal degradation/excretion of the 71.
substance (often due to water-insolubility) Solution: (d)
64. CO2 and N2 O are major green house
Solution: (a) gases.
Chipko movement was launched for the 72.
protection of forests. The Chipko movement Solution: (d)
refers to the unique form of protest adopted In secondary treatment mainly settled
by the rural people in the himalayan region sewage flows to an aerobic biological
of India in the 1970s and 80s, against the treatment stage where it comes into contact
indiscriminate logging and felling of trees with micro-organisms which remove and
that spelt the destruction of their oxidise most of the remaining organic
environment. The first Chipko action pollutants.
occurred in April 1973. Over the next five 73.
Solution: (d) In first three options CO2 concentration
Marsh gas is another term for methane, increases but it is decreases in option (d) .
produced by plants decomposing under Global warming is increase of earth‘s
water. average temperature. Global warming is
74. due to green house effect which is naturally
Solution: (c) occurring phenomenon that is responsible
The Bhopal gas tragedy was occured on for heating of Earth‘s surface and
the night of December 2-3, 1984 at the atmosphere. The main green house gas is
Union carbide India Limited pesticide plant carbon-di-acid (contribute 60%).
in Bhopal, M.P. A leak of methyl isocyanate 82.
gas and other chemicals from the plant Solution: (d)
resulted in the exposure of hundreds of The kyoto Protocol is an international
thousands of people. agreement linked to the united nations
75. Framework Convention on climate change
Solution: (c) which commits its parties by setting
Good ozone occurs naturally in the earth‘s internationally binding emissions reduction
upper atmosphere 10 to 30 miles above targets. In Doha, Qatar on 8 December
earth‘s surface (stratosphere) where it 2012, the ―Doha Amendment to the kyoto
forms a protective layer that shield us from protocol‖ was adopted. The second
the sun‘s harmful ultraviolet rays. commitment period was from 1st Jan. 2013
76. to 31st Dec. 2020.
Solution: (d) 83.
High concentration of DDT disturbs Solution: (c)
calcium metabolism in birds which caused The increase in the level of green house
thinning of eggshell and their premature gases (e.g., CO2, CH4, CFC, N2 O etc.) has
breaking. led to the considerable heating of earth
77. surface leading to global warming. The
Solution : (d) relative contributions of various green
Ozone present in upper part of the house gases to global warming is CO2 (60%)
atmosphere ie. stratosphere is benefical for > CH4 (20%) > CFC (14%) > N2 O (6%)
living beings. As it functions as a shield 84.
against harmful UV-radiation. Solution: (c)
78. According to Centrol Pollution Control
Solution: (a) Board (CPCB) particulate size 2.5
BOD is a measure of organic matter micrometers or less in diameter are
present in water. It refers to amount of O2 responsible for causing various breathing
consumed by microbes to decompose all and respiratory problems. They can also
the organic matter in 1 L of water at 20°C cause irritation, inflammations, damage to
for 5 days. The greater the BOD of waste the lungs and premature deaths. .
water, more is its polluting potential. 85
79. (c) Photochemical smog is a brownish-gray
Solution: (a) haze caused by the action of solar ultraviolet
In India, the Air (Prevention and control of radiation on atmosphere polluted with
pollution) Act came into force in 1981 but hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen.
was amended in 1987 to include noise as It contains anthropogenic air pollutants,
an air pollutant. Environmental Issues 399 mainly ozone, nitric acid, and organic
80. compounds, which are trapped near the
Solution: (d) ground by temperature inversion.
In year 1997, at the conference of parties 86.
III (COP - 3), Kyoto, Japan the Kyoto (a) Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is not
conference on climate change took place. In a good index for checking the pollution levels
that conference developed countries agreed of water bodies receiving effluents from
to specific targets for cutting their petroleum industry, This is because such
emissions of green house gases. A general effluents contain waste which rs non-
framework has defined for this with biodegradable.
specifics to be detailed in next few years. 87.
This become known as the kyoto protocol. (b) Drinking of mineral water with very low
81. level of pesticides (about 0.02 ppm) for long
Solution: (d)
periods may lead to accumulation of Silent spring is an environmental science
pesticide residues in body fat book written by Rachel Carson. The book
documents the detrimental effects on
88. environment, particularly on birds, of the
(c) Seagull is a fish eating bird which is a indiscriminate use of pesticides.
tertiary consumer in given all options so
have highest conc. of DDT 95
(b)Fluorides are given out during refining of
Phytoplankton → Crab → Eel → Seagull materials. Fluorides cause flourosis. It is a
disease which is defined by mottling of teeth,
89. abnormal bones that "are liable to fracture
(a) 2.50 micrometers because flourine replaces Ca2+ and" makes
the bones brittle. Fluoride pollution is a
90. serious problem in many districts of
(a) Domestic sewage rich in organic waste Rajasthan, where excess of fluoride in water
will exert a very high demand of oxygen in adversely affects the health of man. Many
order to get biodegraded. Thus depleting the villagers have aged prematurely or became
dissolved oxygen below critical level hunch backs.
necessary to support aquatic life. Especially
fish, which is very sensitive to the dissolved 96
oxygen available in water, starts dying if the (c)
level goes below 4 mg/L. Particulate matter consists of soot, fly ash,
dust, spores, pollen grains etc. Particulate
91. matter is differentiated into settleable (larger
(c) Acid rain, or acid deposition, is a broad than 10 pm and remaining in air for less
term that includes any form than one day) and suspended (less than 10
of precipitation with acidic components, pm and remaining in air for more than one
such as sulfuric or nitric acid that fall to the day to several weeks). Particles of 2.5 pm
ground from the atmosphere in wet or dry and lesser diameter (PM 2.5) are the most
forms. This can include rain, snow, fog, hail harmful to human health (as per Central
or even dust that is acidic. These mix with Pollution Control Board or CPCB). They pass
water vapor to form sulphuric acid (H2SO4 ) deep into the lungs causing breathing and
and nitric acid (HNO3) respectively which respiratory problems, irritation,
falls on the earth in the form of acid rain. inflammation and damage to lungs resulting
in pre-mature death. It cannot directly enter
92. circulatory system but indirectly through
(a) respiratory system.
Photochemical smog or oxidizing type of
pollution is characterized by the presence of 97
large concentration of ozone, oxides of (d)
nitrogen and various hydrocarbons. It occurs Pollution from animal excreta and organic
in Los Angeles. Nitrogen dioxide splits into wastes from kitchen can be most profitable
nitric oxide and nascent oxygen. Nascent minimised using them in the generation of
oxygen combines with molecular oxygen to biogas. Biogas is a mixture of methane and
form ozone. Ozone reacts with carbohydrates carbon dioxide resulting from the anaerobic
(unsaturated hydrocarbons) to aldehyde and decomposition of such waste materials as
ketone. Nitrogen oxides, oxygen and ketone domestic. industrial and agricultural sewage.
combine to form Peroxy Acetyl Nitrates
(PAN). 98
93. Biomagnification is the sequence of
(a) processes in an ecosystem by which higher
Lichens are useful bioindicators for air concentrations of a particular toxicant, such
pollution, especially sulphur dioxide as the pesticide or heavy metal are reached
pollution since they derive their water and in higher organisms of the food chain,
essential nutrients mainly from the generally through a series of prey-predator
atmosphere rather than from soil. relationships.

94(a) 99
(d) Due to heavy industrilization and Aerosols cause air pollution. Air pollution
transportation (modernization), CO2, can never cause increase in agricultural
concentration is increasing day by day in the productivity
atmosphere. CO2, has capacity for absorbing
heat radiations and thus increases 106
temperature. This increase in global (3)
temperature (global warming) is mainly due Eutrophication, the gradual increase in the
to CO2, concentration is called green house concentration of phosphorus, nitrogen, and
effect. 1 Complete combustion of fossil fuels other plant nutrients in an aging aquatic
and biomass releases : carbondioxide. ecosystem such as a lake. The productivity
Nuclear power plants releases radioactive or fertility of such an ecosystem naturally
wastes. increases as the amount of organic material
that can be broken down into nutrients
100. increases.
(d) IUCN = International Union for
Conservation of Nature and Natural Sanitary landfills are sites where waste is
Resources isolated from the environment until it is safe.
It is considered when it has completely
101 degraded biologically, chemically and
(c) When sewage mixes with water body, physically.
micro- organisms present in it biodegrade
organic matter of sewage using oxygen. This Snow blindness, also called arc eye or
results into a sharp decline in dissolved photokeratitis, is a painful eye condition
oxygen which may cause mortality of aquatic caused by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV)
creatures. Gradually, however, dissolved light. When too much UV light hits the
oxygen increases in concentration with the transparent outer layer of your eyes, called
completion of biodegradation of sewage the cornea, it essentially gives your cornea a
matter. sunburn.

102 Jhum cultivation, also known as the slash

(a) Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is the and burn agriculture, is the process of
amount of oxygen taken up by growing crops by first clearing the land of
microorganisms that decompose organic trees and vegetation and burning them
waste matter in water. It is therefore used as thereafter. The burnt soil contains potash
a measure of the amount of certain types of which increases the nutrient content of the
organic pollutant in water. soil.

103 107
(b) Many of the pesticides, such as DDT, (2)
aldrin, and dieldrin are accumulated in the UV rays act on CFCs, releasing Cl atoms,
environment. They are fat soluble and chlorine reacts with ozone in sequential
generally non-biodegradable. They get method converting into oxygen Carbon,
incorporated into the food chain and oxygen and Fe are not related to ozone layer
ultimately deposited in the fatty tissues of depletion
animals and humans. In the food chain,
because of their build up, they get magnified 108
in the higher trophic levels called biological (3)
magnification. The phenomenon of biological The term secondary pollutants is applied
magnification is also reported for certain to pollutants which are formed as a result of
other pollutants such as heavy metals, e.g. chemical reactions of primary
mercury, copper, and radioactive substances gaseous pollutants within the
as strontium-90. atmosphere. Secondary pollutants may be
either gaseous, or particulate aerosols.
104  Ozone (O3)
(a)  Sulfuric acid and nitric acid (component
Sewage is a biodegradable pollutant. of acid rain)
 Particulate matter.
105.  Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
(2) Peroxyacyl nitrates (PANs)
109 115
(4) (4) ozone
World Ozone day is celebrated on 16 th
5th June - World Environment Day
21st April - National Yellow Bat Day
22nd April - National Earth Day
The greenhouse effect is the process by
which radiation from a planet's atmosphere
warms the planet's surface to a temperature
above what it would be without this
contribution of various greenhouse gases to
total global warming is
CO2 =60%
The Montreal Protocol, finalized in 1987, is a
global agreement to protect the stratospheric
ozone layer by phasing out the production
and consumption of ozone-depleting
The Montreal Protocol sets binding
progressive phase out obligations for
developed and developing countries for all
the major ozone depleting substances,
including chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), halons
and less damaging
transitional chemicals such as
hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)
Polyblend is a fine powder of recycled modified
plastic. It was produced by plastic
manufacturers in order to recycle plastic
waste. When blended with bitumen, polyblend
can be used to lay roads which have increased
road life.
Storage of nuclear waste should be done in
suitably shielded containers and buried
within rocks deep below the earth's surface.
The pyramid of biomass in sea is generally
inverted because the biomass of fishes far
exceeds that of phytoplankton

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