Herbs 7

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f you are just getting started non the Dr.

Sebi Diet
lifestyle, and don’t know how to begin, please check
out my other books. Or if you have any disease such as
vdiabetes or high blood pressure, you can learn how I
PRESSURE in my book”. Ds
Furthermore, if you are completely new to the Diet, and
would want to learn more on the Dr. Sebis healing
methodology and the African Bio- mineral Balance, you
have a dvsdvhandy guide in several resources I have
documented. You can dsvlounge.com .
Thank you once again for getting here. It is my sincere
hope that you gain true healing and knowledge of that
which you seek.

Over the millennia, many different healing traditions
emerged around the world and all of them were based
on herbalism. The major herbal systems were often
drastically different from what most of us know as
“Western herbalism” and it has taks,dmc en us a very
long time to “decipher” the meaning and understand the
concept of some of the ancient holistic systems such as
Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shamanic
healing, etc. Today, we know that one of the ways to
prevent a disease or recover from one, is through a diet
and the alkaline diet is probably one of the healthiest
diets there is. However, there is not a single alkaline
diet and what made Dr. Sebi Alkaline Diet stand out, is
that his methodology was based on both alkaline foods
and medicinal herbs.
Dr. Sebi studied herbs from Africa, North and South
America, and Europe and focused his research and
healing methodology on acid/alkaline balance within a
human body. However, he did not base his therapies
only on alkaline foods. He went a step further. He was
adamant that all hybridized herbs (and sd) should be
excluded from a healthy diet. Dr. Sebi insisted that
alkaline herbs are essential for health and vitality and
was very

passionate about which herbs support one's health and

which ones don't. His approach to herbalism was based
on a belief that only that which is natural, can be
trulsdvy healing. Most of the foods available today (ie
fruits, vegetables, herbs, spicessmd, dsgrains, etc) were
at some stage cross-bread to improve the yield. The list
of all hybridized plants is too long to mention but the
problem with this approach is that some of the herbs
and foods not approved by Dr. Sebi have amazing
health benefits, eg Aloe Vera, Echinacea, ginseng,
turmeric, ginger, garlic, beans, whole grains, etc. Still,
Dr. Sebi was adamant they should be excluded from his
alkaline diet.
Dr. Sebi based his approach on dvthe simple premise
that wild plants were created in God's laboratory, while
hybridized plants were created in medical laboratories
through cross-pollination and genetic modification. As
a result, they have an incomplete molecular structure.
They are acid-based and should not be consumed for
the simple reason that they are unnatural. According to
Dr. Sebi, hybridized herbs and foods are acid-forming
and negatively affect the brain (eg mint), destroy cells
by weakening their membranes (eg garlic). If you are
trying to heal using Dr. Sebi methodology, you should
stay away from them.
So, although Dr. Sebi Alkaline Diet is very restrictive,
he made up for the very limited choice of frdsvuits,
vegetables, herbs, and grains by including some highly
nutritious herbal remedies and supplements. We are
witnessing a steadily growing interest in holistic
medicine. This is partly because, being better informed,
people are now aware of the negative side effects that
prescribed drugs come with. On top of that, the long-
term use of antibiotics hsdvas led to the development of
antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Besides, both painkillers
and antidepressants are addictive and you will gradually
have to increase the dosage if you want them to “work.”
For these, and many other reasons, more and more
people are hoping to find a cure for their health
problems in natural remedies. The technological
innovations enabled us to have a glimpse into the
amazing world of plants and to begin to understand how
they interact with the environment and with the human
body. They work both internally and externally and heal
on all levels – physical, mental, and spiritual. They can
destroy microbes, bacteria, and fungi. Some, such as
garlic, destroy all three. They reduce inflammation, dull
the pain, help you relax, or boost your mental clarity.
Some can induce vivid dreams or an alternate state of
mind. And, the most
amazing thing of all is that many of these medicinal
herbs with almost magical properties grow all
sdvaround us and we often refer to them, and treat
them, as “weeds”.

Pharma vs Farmer?
In the world we live in today, chronic diseases are on
the rise, effectively making both conventional and
alternative medicine a big business. And just when you
realize that Americans spend more than $250 billion
eaccvdh year on drugs and supplements, then it is easier
to understand how much of a problem the chronic
disease pandemic has become. It’s only human to want
the best and safvdfest, so we are naturally attracted to
choose the most effective remedy – and worry about the
side effects later. Be it food, drugs, herbs or
supplement, we simply want the best – for health and
healing. But the fact that what we see or hope to get
isn’t the reality is worrissdome. Asides the benefits of
synthetic drugs and pills, many Americans often go
with supplements because they believe its healthier,
costssdv less, and has little side effects. We have often
been tfold herbal medicine is unregulated, and hence
may be potentially more dangerous, but what about
prescription drugs? Notwithstanding the side effects of
drugs, we are made to believe that the curdve is in the

However, recent prescriptionsdv drug recalls, have left

much to be desired. Zantac, a popular H2 receptor
blocker that treats extreme cases of acid reflux and
heartburn, was recently pulled off the shelf. Zantac was
linked to Stomach cancer and many other drugs with
similar mechanism of action were also implicated.
Other drugs such as Accutane and Vioxx were not
spared – in fact, Vioxx in particular resulted in nearly
30,aths and was used by more than 20 million people in
a little over a 4-year span. These recalls and many
others have further cast a doubt on not just conventional
medicine, but the regulatory agencies including the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA). But when you
realize that the majority of Americans perceive the
FDA’s approval of drugs and food as a guarantee of
safety and that all approval is based on “high degrees of
certainty and clarity about a drugs benefits and risks”,
then you realize we may have a much bigger problem
than we ever imagined.
So, when we look at all these, it begs the pertinent
question – Can we really trust the conventional medical
industry to getting true holistic health and healing? Can
we continue to put our health on the line for silly errors
or slippages? How long can we continue to swallow
every pill and hope our health get betterdon’t know. But
what I do know is that soon, soon enough, a major
paradigm shift sdvwill occur. We will realize all these
and I hope it’s not too late by then. I hope it is not too
late to go back to mother nature and use her medicine
that is bequeathed us by nature.

Chapter 1
Why Electric Herbs?
Electric Herbs are medicinal plants which helps the
human body to heal, rebuild and nourish itslf. They are
alkaline and found in nature. They are not hybrid,
irradiated, dsvor genetically-modified.
Electric herbs improve the electrical activity in the
nerves and helps with better cognitive function. It
boosts your mental clarity and use of one’s senses.
Electricity is tfhe reason thsdvsdve human body can
move - crawl, walk, climb or run. Without electrcity,
there would be no movement and no life.
If the body is electric, then you should feed it electric
(alkaline) nutrition. Electric herbsds are herbs made
sdvin nature, non-hybridized and non-GMO. Electric
herbs are wildcafted, grown without the use of chemical
fertilizers and pesticides.

Proving That Alkaline Electric

There are countless people taking herbs that swear by
their efficacy. Although many supplements and herbs
are effective and safe, health science has been sglow to
confidsvrm health claims. While pharmaceutical
companies spent billions of dollars on drug research and
discovery, herbs and other natural nutritional
supplements often don't command big cash for research
because they cannot be optimized to get a fiscal payoff
the same way pharmaceuticdsvdals would. That
notwithstanding, many adherents prefer and stick to
natural herbs because of its natural healing properties
and far less side effects.
Many herbs work pharmacoogically as well as by
action, providing a strong rationale for their use in
healing especially where we have no alternatives in
synthetic drugs. Note that many of the conventional
synthetic drugs treat symps and hot heal. In other
words, alternative medicine from nature’s herbs will
have true holistic healing compared to drugs. Picking
between drugs and herbs is tough for so many people
because the advice they will need to make these
conclusions is mostly inaccessible. To date, there are
only few clinical trials where the closest herbal
medicationsdv was contrasted to a pharmaceutical drug
and a placebo control.
With this, the I formation out there is limited and often
confused. Aside healing uses and benefits, confusions
oftensdvdsvsd arise form:
Dosage - How much should I use?
Usage/Application – How should I use it?
Safety- How safe is this for me?cdvdsv
Sourcing – Where can I buy wildcrafted herbs
Contraindications – I am pregnant, would thsafe

Herbal/Drug Interactions
Many herbs have been used to treat certain ailments for
centuries. But simply because a product is organic or
has been in existence for quite a while, that does not
mean that you should assume that it is safer than
pharmaceuticals. The same as isdvnteractions involving
drugs, many herbs
may cause adverse reactions when combined with
medication or other nutritional supplements. A recent
study published in the Journal of the American Medical
Association demonstrated that one of prescription drug
consumers, one in six adults chooses one herbal
nutritional supplement together with a prescription
medication, and many are unaware of the effect one
could have on another.
This lack of information could have serious
consequences. By way of instance, the popular memory
booster sweeteners taken with aspirin can lead to
bleeding, and St. John's wort, a popular remedy for
depression, may negate the efficacy of oal
contraceptives sdvin addition to protease inhibitors used
in the treatment of HIV. People who have existing
health conditions, and pregnant women or people
intending to conceive, have to be particularly cscious of
drug/herb interactions, and talk with their doctors prior
to making supplements part of the wellness plans, as
they want prior to taking a prescription medication.
It is essential to be mindful of ssdvome interactions
between herbs and pharmaceuticals. Also talk to your
Physician before adding supplements to your health
regimen, just as you would for a prescription medicine.

Chapter 3 Medicinal Plants

and Herbs
Herbs are not ordinary plants. They carry fragrance and
aroma. They can be medicinal or sacreddv. They can
flavor your food and environment. They can lift you up
when you are down or calm you when you are anxious.
And most importantly, they can heal.

What aresdv Herbs?

Herbs are usually only the green orsdvs leafy sdvpart of
a plant (ie leaf, stem, and fower). On the other hand
medicinal plants (including those approved by Dr. Sebi)
often use other parts of a plant, eg root, bark, berry,
fruit, etc. dev
Besides, there is a differencxce between herbnd spice
although many spices are often called herbs, edsvg
turmeric, cinnamon, etc. These two words are often
used interchangeably and many plants that are actually
spices, eg ginger, cumin, and tamarind, dscsare often
listed under medicinal herbs.
Common spices include:
1. Cinnamon

2. Paprika

3. Cayenne pepper

4. Peppercorn g

5. Ginger

6. Turmeric

7. Nutmeg

8. Cumin

9. Cardamom sdv

10. Cloves
11.Fennel see

However, regardless of how you call them and classify

them, plants are essential for our survival. Not only do
they provide food, housing, and building material, they
also absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen so we
can breathe. Plants also help keep our waters clean. On
top of all that, they nurture and heal.
The healing qualities of plants can be found in almost
all their parts:
– Seeds

– Flower

– Gum/resin

– Leaves/sprouts/buds dvddv

– Bark

– Root

– Fruit

– Whole plant

– Sap

– Bean oil
– Rhizomes
When we speak of herbs, the first thing that comes
to mind is the flavor they add to our food, however,
they have many other uses, eg:

– Domestic uses
There are many ways you can use a herb around the
house, eg basil keeps dev

flies away, rosemary sprays deter mosquitos, a mixture

of crushed cloves and lavender will protect your books
and clothes from fish moths. Fresh herbs can freshen
your houe or you can make a potpourri with dried ones.
– Cosmetic uses
Herbs can resolve almost all your cosmetic problems,
eg thin hair, discolored teeth, sagging skin, etc. They
can infuse bath or massage oils or be used to make
– Medicinal uses
Herbal remedies are usually taken as a tea, tincture,
balm, infused oil, ointment, cream, essential oil, or
Bach remedy. They are an effective alternative to many
over-the-counter drugs.
– Culinary uses
You can add fresh or dried herbs to your meals or
cocktails, or make an infused oil, vinegar, or butter. The
possibilities are endless.
So, if you disregadvrd the plant/herb/spice division and
treat the plants that can be used for healing, cooking,
and cosmetics as herbs, you end up with a list of about
30 herbs, most of which have significant healing
30 most common herbs:
1. Angelica

2. Anise

3. Basil

4. Bay leaf

5. Bergamot

6. Borage f

7. Caraway

8. Chamomile cx
9. Chervil

10. Chives


12. Dandelion

13. Dill

14. Elder

15. Lavender

16. Lemon balm sdv

17. Lemon verbena

18. Lovage

19. Marjoram

20. Mint
21. Nasturtium

22. Oregano

23. Parsley

24. Celery

25. Rosemary

26. Sage

27. Sorrel

28. Tarragon

29. Thyme

30. Yarrow

This is certainly not a complete list odsvf medicinal

herbs as there are hundreds of herbs thvdfvat are
dsdvifficult or impossible to grow commercially (eg
those coming from the Amazon or from the semi-desert
regions of Africa) or that are availasdvble only locally
(eg most Ayurveda herbs, Traditional Chinese
Medicine, South American herbs, etc). Not to mention
the little-known herbs used by isolated communities in
Australia, Siberia, et
This may sound unbelievable, but new species of plants
and animals are still being discovered. They are usually
found in remote places that had only recently been
studied. Besidcxvvces, new technologies make it
possible to understand the biology of plants in a way
that was not possible ten years ago.

The Plant Parts ddvv

There are over 300,000 species of plants and regardless
of how different their size, shape, and color may be,
most of them have some things in common:
– Root
The root is the part of a plant that's located underground
(or underwater). It
is through the root that the plant draws ater and
minerals from the soil. Root also serves as an anchor
that keeps the plant steady and in one place. There are
diffferent types of roots but the common plants usually
have primary, secondary, and tertiary roots which
represent the taproot system.
– Leaves
Leaves are organs of the stem. Their main function is
photosynthesis, ie the conversion of carbon dioxide,
water, and UV light into sugar (eg glucose). These
simple sugars are processed into various
macromolecules that are essential for the survival of the
plant. The leaves transport these sugars to the roots and
shoots and in that way support their growth. As sun and
ligdsvht are essential for photosynthesis, the leaves are
shaped and located in such a way to ensure maximum
exposure to sunlight.
Leaves are usually located above ground although some
species have leaves underground (eg bulb scales) or
underwater (eg aquatic plants).
– Flowers
The main function of flowers is to look and smell
irresistible. Unless they can attract insects, birds, or
animals, there'll be no one to pollinate them and ensure
their survival.
This is why plants have bright codsglors, stong scents,
and sweet nectar. Combined, these attract pollinator
who, by visiting many flowers, help move pollen
frocvm one plant to another. After pollination occurs,
the flower develops seeds,
– Stemdsv
The main function of a stem is to carry water and
nutrients from the root to all other parts of the plant.
With some plants, stems store the food, provide
support, and enable vegetative propagation. Some
plants have underground stems (eg ginger, turmeric,
potato, etc). Other plants develop stems with thorns that
protect them from predators. Underground stems of
some sdvplants (eg strawberry or grass) spread and
produce new plants when the old plants die.
– Bark
The bark is the outer covering of woody plants. Its main
function is to preserve water and protect the plant from
extreme temperatures as well as
disease and predators. Some trtees have such a thick
bark that it can protect them from forest fires. Severe
bark damage will kill the tree.

Sacred Herbs
Another important fsdvunction herbs play in our life is
that many of them are used in religions. For
– Hellenistic religion used myrrh and frankincense

– Anglo-Saxon pre-Christian religion used nine-

herb charm

– In Hinduism, the sacred herbs are neem, holy

basil (tulsi), turmeric
(Haldi), and cannabis

– In Wicca (New Age), white sage is used for

ritual cleansing both of cx
one's aura as well as one's environment

– Some Native American tribes used white sage

for spiritual cleansing

– Cannabis is the holy plant of Rastafarians

– Siberian shamans and Native Americangs used

herbs and
hallucinogenic mushrooms to induce spiritual
What's interesting is that all of these herbs have
powerful medicinal properties and today, many are
used for healing, eg cannabis, sage, tulsi, etc.
Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicines are medicines made from plants
that contain active ingredients. They may seem
very gentle compared to conventional medicines
but they still affect your body. This means that
although they are natural, they should be used and
prepared correctly or under guidance. Eight things
to bear in mind before you attempt healing yourself
(or others) with herbal medicines:
1. Some herbal medicines may interfere with the
prescribed medication (eg they may reduce or
enhance the effects of conventional medicine). So,
if you are on chronic medication, it's best not to
take herbal medicinesdvds
2. If you have a serious health condition, eg liver or
kidney disease, you are probabldsvy on chroic
medication and should not take any herbal
medicine without discusfsing it with your doctor
first. Besides, some herbal medicines may interfere
with anesthesia or other medicines. For example,
certain herbs may affect blood pressure or blood
clottingxc which may increase the risk of bleeding
during or after surgery

3. You may experience some adverse side effects, eg

if you have an oversensitive digestive or nervous
system, kidneys, skin, etc.

4. Many herbal medicines acvre not regulated, ie you

are using them at your own risk

5. Don't start taking herbal medicines if you are about

to have surgery. Or, if you are already taking herbal
medicine, don't forget to mention this to your

6. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not take

herbal medicine, nor shouldv the elderly or
children unless a qualified herbalist or your doctor
were consulted first.

People relied on herbs for as long as they existed. Just

like many animals look for certain herbs to eat if not
feeling well, so people accidentally or through a trial-
and-error method developed herbal medicine. There are
written records that as early as 5000 years ago,
Sumerians prescribed herbal remedisdves for many
What makes herbs healing, is the phytochemicals and
phytonutrients they contain. These are compounds
produced by all plants (some more than others).
However, although herbs are natural, that doesn't mean
they are harmless.
For example, St. John's wort and kava tinctures are
well-known home remedies for depression and stress.
However, if taken in large amounts or taken alongside
prescribed medications, these herbs become toxic.
Besides, certain herbs contain psychoactive properties
that have been used both for religious and recreationdal
purposes, eg cannabis and coca plants. Archaeological
and historical documents confirm that leaves of coca
plants ds
have been continuously used by the peoples of Peru for
over 8000 years and that cannabis was regularly used in
China and northern Africa as early as the first century
Chapter 4
Sourcing and/or
Hardsvsdvsdvvesting Herbs
Before you can use herbs for healing, cosmetics, or
food, you need to source them, dry them, andcv
storxcve them. As the awareness of the amazing
therapeutic properties of herbs is growing, so is the
demand for herbal remedies. To satisfy the needs of the
growing population, herbs are now grown forrofit. To
increase the yield and protect their crops from pests,
herb farmers use pesticides and herbicides that often
contain harmful chemicals.
The problem with this is that these chemicals not only
decrease a plant's nutritional value, they also negatively
affect its medicinal properties. That means that,
comparedds to wildcrafted herbs, farmed herbs give
herbal remedies of inferior quality. In other words,
instead of healing you, chemically-treated herbs add
toxins to your already compromised body.

Sourcing Herbs
You can obtain herbs in three ways:
– You can purchase them from a retail outlet
This is usually not a good idea because retailers rarely
have facilities for storing plant materials properly. In a
retail outlet, herbs are usually kept in plastic containers,
in open containers or sacs, and are not protected from
light. Besides, as retailers deal with huge quantities, by
the time they are sold, most of the herbs have lost their
active ingredients.
It's safer to purchase herbs from small stores that order
small quantities of herbs more frequently. How to know
if a herb is fresh? If it has lost its natural color and has
no fragrance, it probably no longer has any healing
properties. Vddv
– Order online
Online orders are fine, provided you know who you're
placing your order with. It's best to order from specialty
companies as they usually store their herbs properly. Be
careful when ordering from random sellers on Amazon.
– Grow your own
Many herbs can easily be grown in a garden or in
containers eg calendula, nettle, lemon balm, valerian,
basil, etc. If your space is limited and you would like to
grow your own herbs, it's best to choose herbs that grow
vigocvrously and do not require a lot of space.
– Buy from a local herb farmer
If you happen to know a farmer who grows herbs, you
will always have freshly-picked herbs. Dev

Storing Herbs
The main reason herbs need to be stdsvsdvhichsdfborne
pollutants, household air fresheners, cooking odors,
smoke, etc whichg is why they should be stored in
tightly closed dark-glass containers in clean and odor-
free rooms. Cvv
However, before putting them away, you need to be
sure they are dry otherwise they'll go moldy. If you
have to store a herb that is still not completely dry, put
it in a paper bag. Herbsdcss usually retain their active
ingredients for about a year (not more than 18 months)
after which they should be discarded.

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