FSM Based LIFT Controller
FSM Based LIFT Controller
FSM Based LIFT Controller
8) (2018) 92-96
Research Paper
In this cutting edge period, lifts have turned into a basic piece of any business or open complex. It encourages the quicker development of
individuals and gear between floors. The lift control framework is a standout amongst the most critical perspectives in hardware control
module that are utilized as a part of car application. Normally lifts are intended for a particular building considering the fundamental
factors, for example, the tallness of the building, the quantity of individuals venturing out to each floor and the normal times of high uti-
lization. The lift framework is composed with various control procedures. This usage depends on FPGA, which can be utilized for a
working with any number of floors, with the predetermined sources of info and yields. This controller can be executed for a lift with the
required number of floors by just changing a control variable in the HDL code. This approach depends on a calculation which decreases
the measure of calculation required, by concentrating just on the pertinent guidelines that enhances the execution of the gathering of lift
Keywords: Elevator Control System; Verilog HDL; FPGA; Xilinx ISE Design Suite.
In our project elevator control system is a Mealy Finite state ma- 3. Designs and Implementation
chine and the type of state encoding used is Binary encoding tech-
nique. Each floor is assigned with a state variable. Based on the
In the design section the most significant was to outline the algo-
control inputs elevator switches between floors. We implemented
rithm. Simplest possible algorithm was adopted fig.1. State Dia-
our project for three floors using Verilog which is implemented on
gram for Elevator control where the elevator start working
Xilinx ISE Design suite 14.2. Verilog is a hardware description
.According to the mealy state table EIDENTIFY – Control varia-
language which is used in the modelling of electronic systems. It
ble used to represent whether lift is present in floor or upwards or
is used to design and verify the digital circuit at Register Transfer
downwardsB1, B2, B3-Control variables used to represent the
Level of abstraction and it is a case sensitive language whose syn-
direction of the movement of the lift.S1, S2, S3-Control variables
tax is similar to that of C Programming. It contains hierarchy of
used to represent the direction of the movement of the lift.
modules and the communication between the modules is done
Design rules are the following
based on the inputs, outputs and bidirectional ports. We have vari-
• The following are the obtained results from the state table
ous control variables to determine the movement of lift i.e. wheth-
so that we can determine movement of elevator.
er lift is moving upwards or downwards or in the same floor.
When there is no input applied lift remains in the ground floor. • In case of figure 1 it indicates that lift is present at Floor 1
This can be helpful at time of emergencies or power failures be- as B1 is”1”.
cause lift resumes to ground floor when there is no control input. • In case of figure 2 it indicates that elevator is moving from
Floor 1 to Floor 2 as B2 is”1”,S2 is”1”, EIDENTIFY is”01”
• In case of figure 3 it indicates that elevator is moving from
2. Algorithms Floor 1 to Floor 3 as B3 is”1”,S3 is”1”, EIDENTIFY is”01”
• In case of figure 4 it indicates that elevator is at Floor 2 as
We have divided the proposed ECSS into different modules B2 is”1”.
a) Elevator Starting Module • In case of figure 5 it indicates that elevator is moving from
In Elevator starting module , as the elevator start , ”,EIDENTIY is Floor 2 to Floor 3 as B3 is”1”,S3 is”1”, ”,EIDENTIFY
a control signal which is used to determine whether lift is moving is”01”.
upward or downward or lift is present in the floor their we use the • In case of figure 6 it indicates that elevator is moving from
concept of Mealy State Machine. Each state is assigned a value Floor 2 to Floor 1 as B1 is”1”,S1 is”1”, ”,EIDENTIFY
based on binary state encoding technique. We have one input, one is”10”
output and six control signals. These signals are Floor as input, • In case of figure 7 it indicates that elevator is at Floor 3 as
Next floor as output, B1, B2, B3, S1, S2, S3 are control signals B3 is”1.
which are used to indicate the movement of elevator. If”, EI- • In case of figure 8 it indicates that elevator is moving from
DENTIFY =’00’ lift is present in the floor, if”, EIDENTFIY Floor 3 to Floor 2 as B2 is”1”,S2 is”1”, EIDENTIFY
=”01” elevator moves upwards, if”, EIDENTIFY =”10” lift moves is”10”.
downwards. Based on these signals elevator moves between vari-
ous floors.
b) Elevator working module
In the IECFSM work in main work on the melay state machine.
The following state table will show the working of Elevator Con-
4. Practical realization
Fig. 1: State Table.
If Floor is “0000001” and control signal B1 is ”1” lift is present in a) Design statistics and cell usage
floor 1.If Floor is “0000001” and control signal B2 is ”1”,S2 is
”1”, ”,EIDENTIFY is “01” lift is moving from floor 1 to floor 2.If
Floor is “0000001” and control signal B3 is ”1”,S3 is ”1”,
”,EIDENTIFY is “01” lift is moving from floor 1 to floor 3.If
Floor is “0000010” and control signal B2 is”1” lift is present in
floor 2.If Floor is “0000010” and control signal B3 is ”1”,S3 is
”1”,EIDENTIFY is “01” lift is moving from floor 2 to floor 3.If
Floor is “0000010” and control signal B1 is ”1”,S1 is ”1”,
”,EIDENTIFY is “10” lift is moving from floor 2 to floor 1.If
Floor is “0000011” and control signal B3 is”1” lift is present in
floor 3.If Floor is “0000011” and control signal B2 is ”1”,S2 is
”1”, ”,EIDENTIFY is “10” lift is moving from floor 3 to floor 2.
94 International Journal of Engineering & Technology
c) Macro statistics
5. Results
Elevator control is implemented using Verilog. We used the con-
cept of Mealy state machine and Binary Encoding technique to
encode various floors as states. We assigned some input variables,
output variables and control variables. Based on the control varia-
bles elevator switches between the floors. This type of implemen-
tation is very flexible to implement because FPGA can be config-
ured easily. We can simply change the number of floors or func-
d) Timing Detail tionality of elevator simply by making minor changes in the pro-
gram. This type of implementation requires less space for the
hardware which is used to control the elevator system with a very
less power consumption.
e) RTL Schematic
Fig. 5: Elevator Moving From Floor 1 to Floor 3. Fig. 8: Elevator Moving from Floor 2 to Floor 1.
6. Conclusions
The FPGA based lift control framework gives greater adaptability,
good than Microcontroller PLC based control system in which
written by hand writing computer programs is utilized. Thus em-
bedded system designer can plan a control system after a ton of
process and mistakes that are comes in manually written HDL
programming. The planned lift control system is executed utilizing
finite state machine implementation utilizing Xilinx State CAD
tools that enables designer to change system without content situ-
ated and blunders inclined principles in an efficient way. Simula-
96 International Journal of Engineering & Technology
tions have demonstrated that this strategy is very encouraging. Vol.112, No.2, pp.237-245, ISSN: 1450-216x135/ 1450-202x, Oc-
Reconfiguration capability of FPGA based control system by pro- tober 2013.
gramming is very fast because of parallel processing and this en-
hances productivity and reduces system development cost.
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