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4 - Steady Flow in Rivers Pp. 79-121

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River Mechanics

Pierre Y. Julien

Book DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139164016

Online ISBN: 9781139164016

Hardback ISBN: 9780521562843

Paperback ISBN: 9780521529709


4 - Steady flow in rivers pp. 79-121

Chapter DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139164016.006

Cambridge University Press

Steady flow in rivers

Steady flow refers to flow conditions that do not change with time. Steady flows
can be either uniform when the conditions do not change with space or nonuni-
form when flow conditions change with space. Steady flow in rivers (Section 4.1)
includes description of at-a-station hydraulic geometry, followed by a descrip-
tion of steady-uniform flow and resistance to flow. Steady-nonuniform flows
(Section 4.2) include an analysis of the momentum equations followed by
rapidly varied flow and gradually varied flow. Sediment transport in rivers
(Section 4.3) includes a simple description for sediment transport in steady-
uniform flow followed with calculations of aggradation and degradation in
river reaches.

4.1 Steady river flow

Drainage networks have been studied by geomorphologists and topologists. In
general, topologists search mathematical ranking and order among subwater-
sheds without specific reference to physical entities. The results of several years
of experimental studies from the Rainfall Erosion Facility at Colorado State
University by Schumm et al. (1987) attempted to relate basin morphology and
sediment yield. Although considerable sediment-yield variability is assumed
to result from climatic fluctuations and land-use changes, the experiments
show that sediment yield is highly variable under steady rainfall conditions.
The complex response of channel network evolution seems to be character-
ized by an exponential decrease in sediment yield as the channel network
Rivers follow the low points along the watershed topographic profiles. With
very few exceptions in arid areas, the lowest point of a watershed is located at the
river outlet. A watershed map usually shows the hydrographic area and drainage
network with lakes, reservoirs, and perhaps also gauging stations, counties,
states, and/or countries. The drainage network of a watershed implies a dis-
continuous increase in drainage area and discharge at river confluences. Except


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80 Steady flow in rivers

Figure 4.1. Longitudinal profile of the Mississippi River.

for river captures and artificial changes like transmountain water diversions,
the drainage network of natural channels does not change significantly with
The river length is usually measured in the downstream direction from the
uppermost river elevation. Left and right banks are usually referenced to a
downstream-looking direction. A longitudinal profile is quite useful to detect
bedrock controls, headcuts, nickpoints, and alluvial reaches. The approximate
slope of alluvial reaches can be estimated from gradual changes in elevation
over long distances. The valley slope corresponds to the floodplain elevation
drop over the valley length. The channel slope corresponds to the water-surface
elevation drop over the channel length. Channel and valley slopes are defined as
positive although the elevation decreases in the positive-downstream direction.
The river sinuosity is then defined as the ratio of the channel length to the valley
length between two points located on the river. Examples of river reaches and
longitudinal profiles are shown in Fig. 4.1 for an alluvial river, and Figs. 4.2 and
4.3 for semialluvial rivers. The longitudinal profile of an alluvial river reach is
gradual. Bedrock control in semialluvial river reaches causes discontinuities in
longitudinal profiles, bed-material sizes, and flow conditions.
At engineering time scales, it can be considered that the channel character-
istics can change significantly during extreme flood events or after active
tectonic and volcanic periods. River reaches can be examined one by one to
determine their physical characteristics, such as length, sinuosity, width, depth,
cross-sectional geometry, surface roughness, and hydraulic-resistance factor.
The straightening of river reaches through meander cutoffs can change the

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Steady river flow 81

Figure 4.2. Longitudinal profile of the Matamek River (after Frenette and
Julien, 1980).

length of rivers and their corresponding sinuosity and slope. River mileage is
often measured downstream from a major river confluence or upstream from the
mouth of a river. It is important to consider that the exact location of these ref-
erence points usually changes over the years. The following discussion focuses
on at-a-station hydraulic geometry (Subsection 4.1.1) and on steady-uniform
flow in rivers (Subsection 4.1.2).

4.1.1 At-a-station hydraulic geometry

At a given station along the river, a cross-section profile can be drawn in the
direction perpendicular to the main flow direction. Cross sections that are not
measured perpendicular to the flow direction will appear wider than reality.
The cross-section profile shows the flow-depth distribution across the river
as well as the elevation of the banks including the floodplain. It is important
to reference the elevation to a benchmark that provides an exact horizontal-
reference-plane elevation such as the mean sea level. Elevation scales are usually
linked to the geodetic reference elevation [above mean sea level (ASL)] or the
National Geodetic Vertical Distance (NGVD), which are both absolute vertical
elevations. In some cases, the elevation is given with respect to a low-water

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82 Steady flow in rivers

(a) (b)


2 ft/s





0 50 100 200 ft

Figure 4.3. Morphology and bed material of the Matamek River (after Frenette
and Julien, 1980).

reference plane (LWRP), which is the water-surface elevation in the river that
is exceeded 97% of the time. Note that the LWRP is not horizontal, but slopes
with the river. An example of a cross-sectional profile is given in Fig. 4.4. In this
particular case, the downstream bedrock control retains water in the channel
when the discharge reduces to zero.
Indications of the substrate material are given and the cross-sectional geo-
metry extends onto the floodplain, where sketchy information on vegetation in
terms of deciduous and coniferous trees, bushes and grasses is provided. These
attributes provide basic information on aquatic habitat and expected floodplain
roughness for runoff simulations during floods.
From this cross-sectional profile, the following geometrical parameters can be
determined as functions of stage: (1) top-channel width W, (2) wetted perimeter
P, (3) cross-sectional area A, (4) mean flow depth h̄ = A/W , and (5) hydraulic
radius Rh = A/P. These parameters describe the geometry of a cross section.
It is important to consider that the mean flow depth is different from the stage.
An increase/decrease in mean flow depth does not necessarily correspond to
the same increase/decrease in stage.

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Steady river flow 83

Figure 4.4. Cross section of the Matamek River (after Frenette and Julien,

Figure 4.5. Matamek River: (a) vertical velocity profile and (b) transversal
velocity profile (after Frenette and Julien, 1980).

The concept of at-a-station hydraulic geometry stems from velocity mea-

surements along a cross section. An example of a velocity profile along one
vertical of a cross section at a given stage provides sufficient measurements
for the determination of the depth-averaged flow velocity v̄ [Fig. 4.5(a)].

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84 Steady flow in rivers

The depth-averaged velocity is normally obtained from a measured velocity

Total discharge measurements are obtained from evenly spaced depth h i
and depth-averaged velocity v̄ i measurements along the cross section. The

total cross-sectional area A is the sum of incremental areas ai , A = i ai =

i Wi h i , where W is the
spacing between verticals of a cross section.
The total discharge is Q = i ai v̄ i , where v̄ i is the depth-averaged flow ve-
locity normal to the incremental area. The cross-sectional average velocity is
V = Q/A. Figure 4.5(b) shows a cross-sectional velocity profile with evenly
spaced depth-averaged flow velocities along the cross-sectional profiles. At this
cross section, the following hydraulic geometry is found: top width W = 280 ft,
wetted perimeter P = 280.5 ft, cross-sectional area A = 684 ft2 , mean flow
depth h̄ = 2.44 ft, and hydraulic radius Rh = A/P = 2.43 ft. The discharge is
Q = 210 ft3 /s, and the cross-sectional average velocity V = 0.31 ft/s = 9.4 cm/s.
Note that it is common to find that the wetted perimeter is close to the top width,
P∼ = W , and that the hydraulic radius is close to the mean flow depth, Rh ∼ = h̄.
A flow-rating curve, or stage–discharge relationship, displays the change in
stage with discharge. In channels with bedrock control, the stage–discharge
relationship is unique and well defined, as shown in Fig. 4.6(a). In large al-
luvial rivers, the stage–discharge relationship may shift over time because
of a combination of processes including (1) bed aggradation or degradation,
(2) changes in bedform configuration, or (3) loop-rating effects that are due
to dynamic flood routing. The example of the Mississippi River is shown in
Fig. 4.6(b).
Specific-gauge records indicate the water level at a given flow discharge.
The analysis of specific-gauge records can determine long-term aggradation or
degradation trends of a river. For instance, Fig. 4.7(a) shows the specific-gauge
records of the Atchafalaya River between Simmesport and Morgan City from
1950 to 1997. It clearly shows that the river has been gradually degrading bet-
ween Simmesport and Chicot Pass and aggrading downstream of Chicot Pass.
In some alluvial rivers, water temperature can affect the specific-gauge
records. For the example of the Mississippi River, in Fig. 4.7(b), the water
temperature at a fixed discharge of 106 ft3 /s can alter the stage by as much as
5 ft. Higher stages correspond to warm water temperature.
The analysis of hydraulic-geometry relationships becomes simple once the
flow-rating curve is known. At a given discharge, the mean flow depth is ob-
tained from the flow-rating curve and the corresponding width, hydraulic radius,
and cross-sectional area are obtained from the cross-sectional profiles.
This process can be repeated at various stages or discharges to define
the at-a-station hydraulic-geometry relationships. The rate at which the

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Steady river flow 85

Figure 4.6. Stage–discharge relationship: (a) Matamek River and (b)

Atchafalaya River.

hydraulic-geometry parameters change with discharge is quite important in

defining at-a-station hydraulic geometry relationships. The example of the
Matamek River is illustrated in Figs. 4.8. The analysis of 10 cross sections
over a 1.4-km reach displays the local variability in hydraulic-geometry rela-
tionships of a nearly straight river. The wetted perimeter, or river width, varies
by a factor of 2 within this reach; the rate of increase with discharge is fairly
constant. When the hydraulic-geometry parameters are plotted vs. discharge on
a log–log scale, the gradient of the profiles gives the exponent b of the rela-
tionship P = a Q b .
For instance, the wetted perimeter in Fig. 4.8(a) can be approximated by
P∼ = 126 Q 0.1 , with Q in cubic feet per second and P in feet. Note that the

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86 Steady flow in rivers

Figure 4.7. Specific-gauge records: (a) Atchafalaya River and (b) temperature
effect (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1999).

exponent is very small, which means that both the wetted perimeter and the
river-surface width do not vary significantly with discharge. In fact, for many
practical applications, the use of a rectangular cross section is a fairly good
approximation. Beyond bankfull flows, the channel width suddenly increases,
which alters calculations of mean flow depth and hydraulic radius.
Figure 4.8(b) shows the cross-section average flow depth vs. discharge at
several cross sections of the same reach. Except at very low flows, the slope of the
lines on this diagram indicates that the mean flow depth increases approximately
as h̄ = 0.35 Q 0.36 with Q in cubic feet per second and h̄ in feet.

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Figure 4.8. At-a-station hydraulic geometry of the Matamek River (after
Frenette and Julien, 1980).


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88 Steady flow in rivers

Figure 4.8. (cont.)

The cross-sectional averaged velocity can be plotted against discharge on

a log–log plot, as shown in Fig. 4.8(c) for the same reach. At a station, the
velocity varies largely with discharge, in this case, V ∼ = 0.022 Q 0.54 .
The definition of volumetric flux requires that the product of width, depth,
and velocity be equal to the discharge. Hence the relationships must satisfy
Q = W h̄V ∼ = 126 Q 0.1 × 0.36 Q 0.36 × 0.022 Q 0.54 ; thus the product of coef-
ficients is 126 × 0.36 × 0.022 = 1 and the sum of exponents is 0.1 + 0.36 +
0.54 = 1.
Typical at-a-station hydraulic-geometry relationships show that changes in
discharge affect primarily the flow velocity and, to a lesser extent, the flow
depth. Unless the discharge exceeds bankfull conditions, the river surface width
is fairly constant except at very low discharges. In some cases, the water-
surface slope of a river may also change with discharge. The example shown
in Fig. 4.8(d) illustrates a slight increase in slope with discharge.

4.1.2 Steady-uniform river flow

Steady-uniform flow implies no change in hydraulic conditions with either
space or time. We easily obtain that ∂ Q/∂ x = 0, or Q = AV = constant and
∂ A/∂t = 0, or A is constant in space and time. Equation of motion (2.27)
reduces to S f = S0 = tan θ ∼
= sin θ because of steady flow [(∂ V /∂t) = 0] and
uniform flow [(∂h/∂ x) = 0 and (∂ V /∂ x) = 0]. The shear-stress relationship τ0
for uniform flow reduces to

τ0 = γ Rh S0 . (4.1)

For steady-uniform flow, shear-stress and resistance relationships can be di-

rectly written as a function of bed slope. With reference to Fig. 4.9, with iden-
tical pressure distributions at the upstream and the downstream cross sections,
the weight component in the downstream x direction is balanced by only the

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Steady river flow 89

Figure 4.9. Equilibrium sketch for a river reach.

bed shear force Fw sin θ = τ0 W d x, which, for wide-rectangular channels with

Fw = γ W hd x, and sin θ ∼ = tan θ = S0 at small angles, simply reduces to
τ0 = γ h S0 because S f = S0 .
Shear velocity u ∗ defines a kinematic substitute for the dynamic bed shear
stress τ0 . The identity stems from τ0 = ρu 2∗ or

u∗ = = g Rh S f . (4.2) 
The shear velocity is not a measurable quantity but serves as a scaling pa-
rameter for kinematic-velocity profiles in turbulent boundary layers. The shear
velocity is also often used in sediment-transport studies.
Resistance to flow is evaluated from steady-uniform flow conditions, S f =
S0 . Because no shear exists under hydrostatic conditions, the shear stress τ0
is assumed to vary with fluid velocity and, after dimensional considerations, a
dimensionless friction factor f has been defined after the work of Darcy and
Weisbach as
8τ0 8g Rh S f
f = = . (4.3) 
ρV 2 V2
Resistance to flow can thus be described from the Darcy–Weisbach friction
factor f. For wide-rectangular channels, Rh = h, we also easily demonstrate

that S f = f Fr2 /8. We may also consider that 8/ f = V /u ∗ . The depth-
averaged flow velocity is then simply obtained as

8g 1/2 1/2 1/ 1/
V = Rh S f = C Rh S f , (4.4) 
2 2

where C is the Chézy coefficient. The identity C 2 = 8g/ f is always valid, and
it is important to note that f describes flow resistance whereas C describes flow
conveyance. The Chézy coefficient C is a constant as long as f is a constant.

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90 Steady flow in rivers

It has been observed over the years that the Chézy coefficient C or the Darcy–
Weisbach factor f varies with relative submergence and the Manning equation
is a convenient approximation. Total resistance to flow can be described in terms
of the Chézy coefficient C, the Darcy–Weisbach friction factor f, or the Manning
coefficient n. The following identity among these factors has been established:
√ 1/6 1/6
C ≡ (8g/ f ) ≡ (Rh /n) (in S.I. units) ≡ (1.49/n) Rh (in English units).
For steady-uniform flow, S f = S0 , in a wide-rectangular channel, Rh = h,
the normal depth h n is obtained after q = V h is substituted into Eq. (4.3):
f q2
hn = (4.5a) 
nq 3/5
hn = 1/2
in S.I. (4.5b) 
The normal depth thus increases with discharge and friction factor but decreases
with increasing slope.
Evaluation of the Darcy–Weisbach friction factor for pipe flows yields three
flow regimes clearly shown in Fig. 4.10. The flow is laminar on smooth sur-
faces when the Reynolds number Re < 2000 and the Darcy–Weisbach friction
factor is inversely proportional to the Reynolds number, f = (kt /Re). The flow
becomes turbulent when Re > 2000 and the surface boundary roughness exerts

Figure 4.10. Resistance-to-flow diagram.

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Steady river flow 91

an influence on resistance to flow. When the flow is hydraulically smooth,

the Darcy–Weisbach friction factor f gradually decreases with the Reynolds
number. When the flow is hydraulically rough, resistance to flow depends on
only the ratio of pipe diameter to surface roughness. For turbulent flows in
rough pipes, the Darcy–Weisbach friction factor f and the Chézy coefficient C
remain constant at any value of the Reynolds number.
The evaluation of the Darcy–Weisbach friction factor in rivers is a complex
matter. The friction factor f varies with fluid viscosity, flow depth, grain size,
bedform configuration, and vegetation. Exact values can be obtained experi-
mentally for field conditions or laboratory conditions representative thereof.
River flows are turbulent, and we essentially need to differentiate between
hydraulically rough versus hydraulically smooth boundaries. We can do this by
comparing the bed-material grain size d50 with the laminar sublayer thickness
δ = 11.6 ν/u ∗ , where ν is the kinematic viscosity of water and u ∗ is the shear
velocity from Eq. (4.2). The order of magnitude for δ corresponds to tenths of
millimeters, that corresponds to sand sizes. When δ > 3 ds , the flow is hydrau-
lically smooth; the flow is hydraulically rough when δ < ds /6.
Resistance to flow in plane bed rivers with bed material finer than sand is
said to be hydraulically smooth:
V 8 C 3.67u ∗ h
= = √ = 5.75 log , (4.6)
u∗ f g ν

where u ∗ = τ0 /ρ is the shear velocity and ν is the kinematic viscosity of the
For hydraulically rough boundaries without bedforms, resistance to flow in
rivers with bed material coarser than sand can be approximated by
V C 8 12.2Rh
=√ = = 5.75 log , (4.7) 
u∗ g f ks
where ks ∼
= 3 d90 or ks ∼
= 6.8 d50 can serve as first approximations.
Three equivalent flow-resistance formulations remain commonly used in
river engineering practice: (1) the Chézy coefficient C, (2) the Manning coeffi-
cient n, and (3) the Darcy–Weisbach friction factor f. Both Chézy and Manning
coefficients are dimensional, and the equivalence among the three is simply
stated as

1/6 1/6
8g R 1.49 Rh
C≡ ≡ h (S.I. units) ≡ (English units). (4.8) 
f n n
Typical values for grain resistance are shown in Table 4.1. Both f and n increase
with surface roughness. The Chézy coefficient describes flow conveyance and
decreases with surface roughness.

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92 Steady flow in rivers

Table 4.1. Grain resistance and velocity formulations for turbulent flow over
hydraulically rough plane boundaries (C = C  and f = f  )

Formulation Range Resistance parameter Velocitya

8g 1/2 1/2
Chézy h/ds → ∞ C= constant V = C Rh S f
 1/6 1/6
C Rh Rh 1 2/3 1/2
Manning h/ds > 100 √ ∼=a ∼
= (S.I.) V = Rh S f (S.I.)
g ds n n
= 0.062 d50 (d50 in meters)
= 0.046 d75 (d75 in meters)
= 0.038 d90 (d90 in meters)
C 8 12.2 Rh 12.2 Rh 
Logarithmic √ = = 5.75 log V = 5.75 log g Rh S f
g f ks ks
ks = 3 d90
∼ 3.5 d84
ks =
∼ 5.2 d65
ks =
∼ 6.8 d50
ks =

aThe hydraulic radius Rh = A/P is used, where A is the cross-sectional area, and P is the wetted
perimeter; the friction slope S f is the slope of the energy grade line.

For practical purposes, it is clear from Fig. 4.11 that the logarithmic equation
applies over a wide range of h/d50 . As a first approximation, the following can
be used:

8g 2h
= 5.75 log . (4.9)
f d50

Manning’s equation is also found to be applicable. For instance, the rela-

tionship in which n = 0.064 d50 , with d50 in meters, should be in reasonable
agreement with the field measurement when h/ds >100 and h/ds < 10,000. It
is concluded that Manning’s equation may not applicable in shallow mountain
streams (h < 10 ds ) and in very deep sand-bed rivers (h > 10,000 ds ).
The logarithmic form of grain resistance in Eq. (4.9) can be transformed
into an equivalent-power form in which the exponent m varies with relative
submergence h/ds :
V 8 h b̂h
= a ≡ â ln (4.10) 
u∗ f ds ds

under the transformation that imposes the constraint that the value and the first

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Steady river flow 93

Table 4.2. Typical values of resistance coefficients

Darcy-Weisbach Manning Chézy

Boundary type f n C (m1/2 /s)

Smooth 0.0056 0.01 118

Plane sand bed 0.0046–0.0078 0.010–0.013 100–130
Sand antidunes 0.0078–0.015 0.013–0.018 72–100
Ripples 0.015–0.042 0.018–0.030 43–72
Sand dunes 0.018–0.076 0.020–0.040 32–65
Gravel bed 0.011–0.042 0.015–0.030 43–86
Cobble bed 0.018–0.057 0.020–0.035 37–65
Boulder bed 0.029–0.076 0.025–0.04 32–52
Vegetation 0.042–0.24 0.03–0.07 18–43

Figure 4.11. Resistance to flow for hydraulically rough rivers.

derivative be identical:
â ds m
a= , (4.11a)
m h
m= . (4.11b)
ln(b̂h/ds )
Vegetation increases resistance to flow, and only crude empirical resistance
coefficients can be obtained. Tables 4.2 provides typical values of resistance
coefficients for various conditions.
Ranges of values for the Manning coefficient n are summarized in Tables 4.2
and 4.3. In the case of hydraulically smooth channels, values of 0.01< n < 0.02

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Table 4.3. Typical bedform characteristics

Sediment Dominant
concentration type of Bedform surface
Bedform Manning n (mg/l) roughness profiles

Lower flow regime

Plane bed 0.014 0 Grain —
Ripples 0.018–0.028 10–200 Form —
Dunes 0.020–0.040 200–3000 Form Out of phase
Washed-out dunes 0.014–0.025 1000–4000 Variable Out of phase
Upper flow regime
Plane bed 0.010–0.013 2000–4000 Grain —
Antidunes 0.010–0.020 2000–5000 Grain In phase
Chutes and pools 0.018–0.035 5000–50000 Variable In phase

are appropriate. In sand-bed channels, the presence of bedforms increases resis-

tance and values of the Manning coefficient n can be as high as 0.05. In gravel-
bed and cobble-bed streams, grain resistance is predominant, with n ∼ ds ,
as given in Tables 4.1 and 4.2. Other values of the Manning coefficient n are
given in Table 4.3. Example 4.1 explains how to calculate the normal depth
and shear stress in a river. Example 4.2 illustrates how to determine the main
characteristics of channel flows, including shear stress, resistance parameters,
and friction slope, from field measurements of a velocity profile.

Example 4.1 Application to smooth plane bed. Consider a steady-uniform

flow in a 10-m-wide smooth rectangular channel; if the discharge is 10 m3 /s and
the slope is 26 cm/km, estimate the friction factor in terms of f and equivalent
C and n and calculate the normal flow depth and the corresponding applied bed
shear stress.
For a very smooth surface, we can consider f ∼ = 0.01 from Table 4.1, the
calculated normal flow depth given the unit discharge

Q 10 m3 1 m2
q= = =
W s 10 m s
0.01 × 1 m4 s2
hn = = 0.788 m.
s2 × 8 × 9.81 m × 26 × 10−5

The equivalent resistance parameters C and n are calculated, with the hydraulic

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radius given in S.I. units, as

A W hn 10 m × 0.788 m
Rh = = = = 0.681 m,
P W + 2h n 10 m + 2 × 0.788 m

8 × 9.81 m
C= = 88 m1/2 /s,
s 2 × 0.01
Rh (0.681 m)1/6
n= = = 0.01 s/m1/3 .
C 88 m1/2 s
The applied bed shear stress for steady-uniform flow S f = S0 is obtained from
Eq. (4.1):
9810 N
τ0 = γ Rh S f = γ Rh S0 = × 0.681 m × 26 × 10−5
1.73 N
= = 1.73 Pa.

Example 4.2 Application to a turbulent-velocity profile. Consider the given

measured velocity profile in a 200-ft-wide river in Fig. 4.5(a).
Consider two points, 1 and 2, near the bed,
u∗ z1
v1 = ln  ,
κ ks
u∗ z2
v2 = ln  ,
κ ks
and estimate the following parameters:
(a) shear velocity:

κ (v 2 − v 1 ) 0.4(0.85 − 0.55)ft
u∗ =   =   = 0.11 ft/s = 0.0335 m/s.
z2 1.5
ln ln s
z1 0.5

(b) boundary shear stress:

1.92 slug 2 ft lb
τ0 = ρ u 2∗ = 3
(0.11) 2
= 0.023 2 = 1.1 Pa.
ft s ft
(c) depth-averaged flow velocity:
V ∼
= 0.85 ft/s = 0.26 m/s.
(d) unit discharge:
q = V h = 0.85 ft/s × 3.7 ft = 3.1 ft2 /s = 0.292 m2 /s.

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(e) hydraulic radius:

A Wh 200 × 3.7 ft2

Rh = = = = 3.56 ft = 1.09 m;
P W + 2h 200 + 2 × 3.7 ft

the hydraulic radius Rh = 3.56 ft is close to flow depth 3.7 ft.

(f) Froude number:
V ∼ V 0.85 ft/s
Fr = √ =√ = = 0.078.
g Rh gh 2
32.2 × 3.7 fts2

(g) friction slope from Eq. 4.1:

τ0 ∼ τ0 0.023 lb ft3 10 cm
Sf = = = 2 = 9.96 × 10−5 ∼
= .
γ Rh γh ft 62.4 lb × 3.7 ft km
(h) Darcy–Weisbach friction factor from Eq. 4.3:

8 Sf 8 × 9.96 × 10−5
f = 2
= = 0.13.
Fr 0.0782
(i) Manning coefficient from Table 4.1:

1.49 2/3 1/2 1.49 ft1/3 s

n= Rh S f = (3.7 ft)2/3 (9.96 × 10−5 )1/2
V 0.85 ft m1/3
= 0.042 s/m1/3 .

Note that, because of the conversion factor 1.49 ft1/3 /m1/3 , the value
of n is the same in both S.I. and English units.
(j) Chézy coefficient from Eq. 4.8:

8g 8 × 32.2
C= = = 44.5 ft1/2 /s = 24.6 m1/2 /s.
f 0.13

Note that the metric value of C is commonly used.

(k) momentum correction factor [Eq. (4.17)] in Subsection 4.2.1:

1 ∼ 1
βm = v 2
x dA = v dh i ,
A Vx2 A hVx2 i xi

Note that dh i = 1 ft except for the uppermost velocity measurement

1 s2 ft3
βm ∼
= [0.55 2
+ 0.85 2
+ 1.0 2
+ (1.1 2
× 0.7)]
3.7 ft (0.85)2 ft2 s2
= 1.074.

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Steady-nonuniform river flow 97

(l) energy correction factor [Eq. (4.23b)] in Subsection 4.2.2:

1 ∼ 1
αe = v 3
x dA = v dh i ,
AVx3 A hVx3 i xi
1 s3 ft4
αe ∼
= [0.55 3
+ 0.85 3
+ 1.0 3
+ (1.13
× 0.7)]
3.7 ft (0.85)3 ft3 s3
= 1.194.
Note that αe > βm and that both are greater than unity.

4.2 Steady-nonuniform river flow

Steady-nonuniform flow in rivers implies that the total discharge does not
change with time but can vary in the downstream direction. Mathematically,
steady flow implies that (∂h/∂t) = 0, (∂ V /∂t) = 0, (∂ W/∂t) = 0, and
(∂ Q/∂t) = 0. In a 1D channel without rainfall, infiltration, and lateral in-
flow, discharge also remains constant in the downstream direction. Nonuniform
flow is possible under steady discharge when the mean flow velocity, chan-
nel width, and flow depth change in the downstream direction, or (∂ V /∂ x) =
0, (∂ W/∂ x) = 0, and (∂h/∂ x) = 0. In the following discussion, momentum
equations are derived (Subsection 4.2.1), followed by rapidly varied converging
flow in rivers (Subsection 4.2.2) and gradually varied flow (Subsection 4.2.3).

4.2.1 Momentum equations for steady flow

Momentum equations define the hydrodynamic forces exerted by surface flows.
After the equations of motion [Eqs. (2.18)] are multiplied by the mass density
of the water ρ, the terms on the left-hand side of the equations represent the rate
of momentum change per unit volume and the rate of impulse per unit volume
is found on the right-hand side. Integration over the total volume ∀ shows that
the rate-of-momentum change equals the impulse per unit time. For example,
the x component in the Cartesian coordinates for steady flow is
∂v x ∂v x ∂v x
ρ vx + vy + vz d∀
∀ ∂x ∂y ∂z
∂p ∂τx x τ yx ∂τzx
= ρgx d∀ − d∀ + + + d∀. (4.12)
∀ ∀ ∂x ∀ ∂x ∂y ∂z
The integrand on the left-hand side can be rewritten as
∂ρv x2 ∂ρv x v y ∂ρv x v z ∂ρv x ∂ρv y ∂ρv z
+ + − vx + + . (4.13)
∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x ∂y ∂z

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98 Steady flow in rivers

By virtue of the continuity Eq. (2.17), the terms in parentheses of expression

(4.13) can be dropped. The volume integral of the remaining momentum and
stress terms can be transformed into surface integrals by means of the divergence
theorem Eq. 5.2. The result is the general impulse–momentum relationship.
x component
∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x
ρv x v x + vy + vz dA = ρgx d∀ − p dA
A ∂n ∂n ∂n ∀ A ∂n
∂x ∂y ∂z
+ τx x + τ yx + τzx dA. (4.14a)
A ∂n ∂n ∂n
y component
∂x ∂y ∂z ∂y
ρv y v x + vy + vz dA = ρg y d∀ − p dA
A ∂n ∂n ∂n ∀ A ∂n
∂x ∂y ∂z
+ τx y + τ yy + τzy dA. (4.14b)
A ∂n ∂n ∂n
z component
∂x ∂y ∂z ∂z
ρv z v x + vy + vz dA = ρgz d∀ − p dA
A ∂n ∂n ∂n ∀ A ∂n
∂x ∂y ∂z
+ τx z + τ yz + τzz dA. (4.14c)
A ∂n ∂n ∂n
It is observed that momentum is a vector quantity, the momentum change that
as due to convection is embodied in the surface integral on the left-hand side
of Eqs. (4.14), and all the stresses are expressed in terms of surface integrals.
Consider a detailed application of the momentum equations to open-channel
flows. With reference to the rectangular channel sketched in Fig. 4.12, the
momentum relationship [Eqs. (4.14)] in the downstream x direction is applied
to this channel, now subjected to rainfall at an angle θr , velocity Vr over an area
Ar , wind shear τw , bank shear τs = τ yx , and bed shear τb = τ0 = τzx :
∂x ∂y ∂z ∂x
ρv x v x + vy + vz dA = ρgx d∀ − p dA
A ∂n ∂n ∂n ∀ A ∂n
∂x ∂y ∂z
+ τx x + τ yx + τzx dA. (4.15)
A ∂n ∂n ∂n
Several integrals vanish for 1D flow in impervious channels, v y = v z =
τx x = 0, leaving
2 ∂x ∂x ∂z ∂y
ρv x dA + p dA = ρgx d∀ + τzx dA + τ yx dA
A ∂n A ∂n ∀ A ∂n A ∂n

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Steady-nonuniform river flow 99

Figure 4.12. Forces applied on a river reach.

Consider an incompressible homogeneous fluid, ρm = ct, and define the mo-

mentum correction factor βm , given the cross-sectional averaged velocity Vx :

βm = v 2 dA. (4.17)
AVx2 A x

The value of βm is generally close to unity; the reader can refer to

Example 4.2 for a detailed calculation from a measured velocity profile. With
average values of pressure p, velocity V, and area A at upstream cross section 1
and downstream cross section 2, the integration of the momentum equation for
this control volume ∀ of length X c , width W , and height h yields

βm ρ A2 V22 + p2 A2 − βm ρ A1 V12 − p1 A1 − ρ Ar Vr2 sin(θ + θr )

= γ ∀ sin θ − τb W X c − τs 2h X c + τw W X c . (4.18)

Assuming that the boundary shear stress τ0 equals the bank shear stress τs and
the bed shear stress τb , the equation with negligible rainfall, Ar → 0, without
wind shear, τw → 0, can be rewritten when the channel inclination θ is small
(sin θ ∼
= S0 , the bed slope) as
A1 + A2
2 +γ X c S0 − τ0 (W + 2h)X c .
p2 A2 + βm ρ A2 V2 = p1 A1 + βm ρ A1 V1
| downstream force | | upstream force | | weight force | | shear force |

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100 Steady flow in rivers

This equation indicates equilibrium of forces in the downstream direction.

The downstream and the upstream forces equal the sum of a pressure force
and a momentum force. Further reduction is possible when the weight-force
component cancels the shear force. In the case of steady flow, Q 1 = Q 2 , in
a rectangular channel of width W, the cross-section area is A = W h and the
average pressure is p = 0.5 ρ gh. Further assuming that the Boussinesq cor-
rection factor βm ∼
= 1, we find that the hydrodynamic-force component Fh
reduces to
Fh = p A + βm ρ AV 2 = 0.5ρghW h + ρW h . (4.20)

The specific-momentum function M is obtained after the hydrodynamic force

Fh is divided by the channel width W and the specific weight of the fluid ρg;
Fh h2 q2
M= = + , (4.21) 
ρgW 2 gh
where the unit discharge q = Q/W .
This specific-momentum function M
can be plotted as a function of flow depth
at a given unit discharge q. For instance,
the specific-momentum functions for
q = 1 m2 /s are shown in Fig. 4.13. Two
flow depths with identical specific mo-
menta are called conjugate depths. The
lowest value of the specific-momentum
function is obtained when ∂ M/∂h = 0,
which corresponds to the critical flow
depth h c = (q 2 /g)1/3 . Given the prop-
erty that q = V h, the critical flow depth
corresponds to (q 2 /gh 3c ) = (V 2 /gh c ) =
Figure 4.13. Specific-momentum dia-
gram. Fr2c = 1. A critical value of the Froude
number Fr = 1 relates to the minimum
value of the specific-momentum function. Flow is supercritical when Fr > 1 or
h < h c and subcritical when Fr < 1 or h > h c .

Example 4.3 Application of momentum to hydraulic jump. Steady flow,

Q = 10 m3 /s, in a rectangular channel, W = 10 m, is such that the upstream
flow velocity V = 4 m/s is rapidly reduced over a short distance to form a

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Steady-nonuniform river flow 101

hydraulic jump. If the channel slope counterbalances the shear force, determine
the flow depth, velocity, and forces downstream of the hydraulic jump.
The increased turbulence in the aerated portion of the flow near the surface
is not accounted for by the bed-resistance equations. For this reason, energy
will be dissipated at a faster rate than it would through bed-resistance. Because
flow depth changes over a short distance, it can be shown that the bed friction
force on a smooth surface without baffle blocks is very small compared with
pressure forces. We can therefore consider that equilibrium will be approxi-
mately dictated by the balance of pressure and hydrodynamic forces upstream
and downstream of the hydraulic jump.
The answer can be found with the use of conjugate depths on the specific-
momentum diagram, Fig. 4.13. Exact values of the conjugate flow depth can
be calculated from M1 = M2 in the form
q2 1 1 1 2 
− = h 2 − h 21 . (E.4.3.1)
g h1 h2 2

The relationship Fr21 = (q 2 /gh 31 ) allows to rewrite Eq. E.4.3.1 as

1 h2 h2
Fr21 = +1 . (E.4.3.2)
2 h1 h1

The solution of the quadratic equation in h 2 / h 1 is called the Belanger

h2 1
= 1 + 8 Fr21 − 1 . (E.4.3.3) 
h1 2

The conjugate downstream flow depth h 2 is calculated directly from the up-
stream flow depth h 1 and the upstream Froude number Fr1 .
For the case in point, Q = 10 m3 /s and W = 10 m, or q = Q/W = 1 m2 /s,
the upstream flow depth is (q/V1 ) = [(1 m2 s])/(s × 4 m)] = 0.25 m and the
upstream Froude number is

q2 1 m 4 s2
Fr21 = = 2 = 6.52.
gh 1 s × 9.81 m × (0.25)3 m3

The corresponding downstream conditions are calculated from the Belanger

equation flow depth h 2 = (0.25/2)( 1 + 8 × 6.52 − 1) = 0.788 m and down-
stream velocity V2 = (q/h 2 ) = (1.27 m/s) (see Fig. E.4.3.1).

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102 Steady flow in rivers

Figure E.4.3.1. Hydraulic jump.

Hydrodynamic forces are calculated by multiplying the specific-momentum

value by ρgW . For instance, the downstream pressure force is

9.81 kN (0.788 m)2

F p2 = ρg W h 2 /2 = × 10 m × = 30.4 kN.
m3 2

Simplified solutions are possible for two types of nonuniform flow: (1) rapidly
varied converging flow and (2) gradually varied flow. In both cases, convective
changes in flow depth, width, and velocity head are significant and cannot be
Rapidly varied flows are usually induced by structures and other perturba-
tions to the flow. Because flow conditions change over a short distance, it can
generally be assumed that the energy loss and the change in bed elevation are
small compared with the convective terms of the St. Venant equation. We can
assume as a first approximation that
d V2
h+ = 0, (4.22a)
dx 2g
which can be integrated over x to yield conservation of specific energy over
this short reach. The specific-energy diagram hence becomes extremely useful
in the analysis of rapidly varied steady flows.
Gradually varied flows are those in which changes in width, depth, and
velocity take place over a reasonably long distance; the convective-acceleration
terms can be neglected but friction losses remain important over a long reach.
Gradually varied flows refer to changing flow depth in the downstream direction
such that, with a change in flow depth h in the downstream x direction, all four

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Steady-nonuniform river flow 103

terms of the St.-Venant equation are rearranged in the following manner:

dE ∼ d V2
= h + = S0 − S f . (4.22b)
dx dx 2g

4.2.2 Rapidly varied converging river flow

Rapidly varied flow conditions refer to large spatial derivatives over a short
channel reach. In converging flows, it is often considered that the energy level
will be maintained constant because the bed friction does not take place over
a long distance. In wide-rectangular channels, the gradient of the integral form
of the Bernoulli sum can be rewritten as
d Ẽ d p V2 −dz b
= + αe = − S f = S0 − S f ∼ = 0; (4.23a)
dx dx γm 2g dx

this implies that the integral form of specific energy Ẽ = ( p/γm ) + [αe (V 2 /2g )]
remains constant. The energy correction factor αe is defined as

αe = v 3 dA. (4.23b)
AVx3 A x
After considering that αe ∼
= 1, hydrostatic distribution p = γ h, and that the
unit discharge q = V h, we find that the specific energy E corresponds to the
sum of pressure and velocity head above the channel-bed elevation:

E =h+ . (4.24) 
2gh 2

The specific-energy function E can be

plotted as a function of flow depth at a
given unit discharge q, e.g., q = 1 m2 /s
in Fig. 4.14.
Two flow depths with identical spe-
cific energies are called alternate
depths. The lowest value of the spe-
cific energy corresponds to (∂ E/∂h) =
1 − (q 2 /gh 3c ) = 0, which defines the
critical flow depth when the Froude
number Fr = 1:
 2 1/3
hc = . (4.25) 
Figure 4.14. Specific-energy diagram. g

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104 Steady flow in rivers

We also easily demonstrate that the minimum value of specific energy E min =
1.5 h c .
Once the critical flow depth is known, the Froude number can be directly
calculated from q 2 = gh 3c as
q hc
Fr = √ = . (4.26)
h gh h

Applications of rapidly varied flows are shown for river flow contraction in
Example 4.4 and for flow under a sluice gate in Example 4.5.

Example 4.4 Application to open-channel flow contractions. Consider

steady flow at Q = 10 m3 /s in a 10-m wide-rectangular channel from Example
4.3. Determine (a) the maximum possible elevation of a sill z max in section A
that will not cause backwater and (b) the maximum lateral contraction Wmax
of the channel in section A that will not cause backwater.
In rapidly varied flow, it is expected that the energy losses through friction
are equivalent to friction losses for steady-uniform flow. The accelerating flow
is analyzed with the specific-energy diagram, Fig. E.4.4.1.

Figure E.4.4.1. Sill and river contraction.

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Steady-nonuniform river flow 105

Solution: (a) The maximum elevation of the sill z max in section A

is such that the flow will be critical on top of the sill and z max + E min =
E 1 or z max = E 1 − E min . In this example, the unit discharge q = (Q/W ) =
[(10 m3 /s)/10 m] = 1 m2 /s, the critical flow depth
q2 1 m4 s4
hc = 3 = 2 = 0.467 m,
g s × 9.81 m

and the minimum specific energy E min = 3/2 h c = 0.70 m.

The approaching steady-uniform flow depth from Example 4.3 is h 1 =
0.788 m. The corresponding velocity is V1 = (q/h 1 ) = [1 m2 /(s × 0.788 m)] =
(1.27 m/s). The specific-energy level E 1 = h 1 + V12 /2g = 0.788 m +
(1.27 m/s)2 2 × 9.81 m = 0.870 m. The maximum sill elevation z max =
E 1 − E min = 0.870 m − 0.70 m = 0.17 m.
(b) The minimum channel width W2 in section A that does not cause back-
water is such that the total discharge remains constant, Q = W1 q1 = W2 q2 , and
the flow is critical in the contracted section A2 , or h c2 = 0.67 E 1 = 0.67 E min2 ,
with E 1 = 0.87 m and 1 = q22 /gh 3c2 , or
W2 =  .
g(0.67E 1 )3
In this example,
10 m3 s
W2 =  = 7.22 m.
s 9.81 m (0.667 × 0.87 m)3
The maximum lateral contraction Wmax = W1 − W2 = 10 m − 7.22 m =
2.78 m.

Example 4.5 Application to rapidly varied flow under a sluice gate. A

sluice gate controls the 10-m3 /s flow discharge in a 10-m wide-rectangular
channel. If the flow depth downstream of the sluice gate is at h 1 = 0.25 m and
rapidly increases to the normal flow depth h 2 = 0.788 m in a hydraulic jump
located at the toe of the sluice gate, determine the following:

(a) What is the water level upstream of the sluice gate?

(b) What is the force applied onto the sluice gate?
(c) How much energy is lost in the hydraulic jump?

Solution: (a) The energy losses through friction along the sluice gate
can be neglected because the flow is rapidly varied and converging. It is assumed
that the specific-energy level on both sides of the gate are identical. At a unit

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106 Steady flow in rivers

flow discharge q = (Q/W ) = 1 m2 /s, the specific-energy diagram in Fig. 4.14

shows that the downstream specific energy corresponding to a downstream flow
depth h 1 = 0.25 m is
q2 1 m4 s2
E1 = h1 + = 0.25 m + 2 = 1.06 m.
2gh 1 s × 2 × 9.81 m (0.25 m)2
The alternate depth at the same specific-energy level corresponds to the flow
depth h 2 ∼
= 1 m upstream of the gate.
(b) The force applied on the gate can be calculated from the specific-
momentum function plotted in Fig. 4.13. We obtain graphically, at an upstream
flow depth of 1 m, M = 0.6 m2 , and, at the downstream flow depth of 0.25 m,
M∼ = 0.45 m2 . The corresponding force applied to the gate corresponds
to the difference in specific-momentum times γ W , or F = γ W M =
(9,810 N /m3 ) × 10 m × (0.6 − 0.45) m2 = 14.7 kN.
(c) The hydraulic jump with q = 1 m2 /s and upstream flow depth h 1 =
0.25 m was previously examined in Example 4.3. The specific-energy level at
the upstream end is given by
q2 1 m4 s 2
E1 = h 1 + = 0.25 m + 2 = 1.06 m,
2gh 1 s × 2 × 9.81 m × (0.25 m)2
as shown in Fig. 4.14. At the downstream end of the hydraulic jump, the pre-
viously calculated conjugate depth h 2 = 0.788 m corresponds to the specific
q2 1 m4 s2
E2 = h2 + = 0.788 m + 2
2gh 2 s × 2 × 9.81 m × (0.788 m)2
= 0.87 m.
The specific energy lost in the jump is E = 1.06 m − 0.87 m = 0.19 m.
The specific energy lost in a hydraulic jump can be calculated directly after the
following transformation:
q2 q2
E = h 2 + − h1 +
2gh 22 2gh 21
q 1 1
= h2 − h1 + − 2 , (E.4.5.1)
2g h 22 h1
given the constraint of conjugate depths
q2 1 1 1 
− = h 22 − h 21
g h1 h2 2
from Eq. (E.4.3.1).

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Steady-nonuniform river flow 107

After q 2 /g is substituted with a function of h 1 and h 2 , E in Eq. (E.4.5.1)

can be solved as a function of h 1 and h 2 after algebraic manipulations as

(h 2 − h 1 )3
E = . (E.4.5.2) 
4h 1 h 2
In our practical example,

(0.788 − 0.25)3
E = = 0.197 m.
4 × 0.788 × 0.25
The power loss P in the hydraulic jump is then calculated from

9,810 N 10 m3
P = γ QE = × × 0.197 m = 19.3 kW.
m3 s
The larger the Froude number upstream of the jump, the larger the power lost
through turbulence in the hydraulic jump.

4.2.3 Gradually varied river flow

The term gradually-varied flow refers to flow conditions that change over long
distances. Simplifications of the momentum equations are possible for 1D flows.
As a first approximation, it is often assumed that resistance to flow in gradually
varied flow can be calculated as for steady-uniform flow. In wide-rectangular
channels, h = Rh with steady-uniform flow, S f = S0 , the normal flow depth h n
from Eq. (4.5a) compares with the critical flow depth h c from Eqs. (4.25) and
(4.26) according to
 1/3  2/3
hn f 1
= = · (4.27)
hc 8S0 Fr at normal depth

Gradually-varied water-surface elevation profiles are commonly called back-

water curves. Their analysis results from a direct application of the quasi-
steady dynamic wave of the St. Venant equation. For a steady 1D flow, in
wide-rectangular channels, relation 2.27 can be rewritten as
dE dE dh ∂h V ∂V dh
= = S0 − S f = + = (1 − Fr2 ). (4.28)
dx dh dx ∂x g ∂x dx

Note that, in this derivation, it is assumed that V = q/ h and Fr2 = q 2 /gh 3

and an equation for resistance to flow is not required because q is considered

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108 Steady flow in rivers

The relationship describing water-surface elevation for a steady 1D flow of

an incompressible sediment-laden fluid is

dh S0 − S f
= . (4.29) 
dx 1 − Fr2

Using the properties of critical flow depth h c from Eq. (4.25) and normal
depth h n from Eq. (4.5), in wide-rectangular channels, Rh = h, the governing
equation for steady flow, with constant q and f , becomes
S0 1 − hhn
=  3  . (4.30)
1 − hhc

Note that dh/dx → 0 as the flow depth h approaches the normal depth h n . Also,
dh/dx → ∞ near critical flow as h → h c .
The sign of dh/dx depends on the relative magnitude of h, h n , and h c . Five
types of backwater profiles are possible:

1. H profiles for horizontal surfaces with h n → ∞,

2. M profiles for mild slopes when h n > h c or S0 < f /8,
3. C profiles for critical slopes when h n = h c or S0 = f /8,
4. S profiles for steep slopes when h n < h c , or S0 > f /8,
5. A profiles or adverse slopes when S0 < 0.

A subcritical normal depth h n > h c corresponds to f > 8 S0 and a super-

critical normal depth h n < h c is obtained when f < 8 S0 . Accordingly, a stream
slope is said to be mild when S0 < f /8 and steep when S0 > f /8. The ratio of
friction slope S f to bed slope S0 can be obtained from S f = ( f q 2 /8 gh 3 ) and
S0 = ( f q 2 /8 gh 3n ); thus
Sf hn
= , (4.31) 
S0 h

and, finally, the ratio of applied bed shear stress τb to the bed shear stress
applied at normal depth τbn for wide-rectangular channels with constant q and
f is
τb ∼ γ h S f h hn 3 hn
= = = . (4.32) 
τbn γ h n S0 hn h h

Typical water-surface profiles in open channels are shown in Fig. 4.15.

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Steady-nonuniform river flow 109

4.15 Backwater profiles for mild and steep slopes.

Numerical calculations can be initiated from a given flow depth h 1 , and the
distance increment x at which h 2 = h 1 ± h is approximated by
h 1 − hh c
x ∼
=  3  (4.33a)
S0 1 − hh n

S0 x 1 − hhn
h ∼
=  3  . (4.33b)
1 − hhc

Note that it is also possible to iterate on h until a predetermined value of

x is obtained. The friction slope S f in gradually varied flows with constant q
and f can be approximated by Eq. (4.31), which shows that S f < S0 when the
flow depth exceeds the normal depth and increases very rapidly when h < h n .
This shows that the bed shear stress increases (τ > τn ) at flow depths less
than normal depth (h < h n ). Bed shear-stress distributions for 1D mild M and
steep S backwater curves are sketched in Figs. 4.15 and 4.16. Shear stress

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110 Steady flow in rivers

increases in the downstream direction for con-

verging flows (M-2 and S-2 backwater
curves), and decreases for diverging flows
(M-1, M-3, S-1, and S-3 backwater curves).
Consequently, bed sediment transport is ex-
pected to increase in the downstream direction
for converging flows and decrease for diverg-
ing flows.

Example 4.6 Application to gradually

varied flow. Consider a 10-m-wide canal dis-
charging 10 m3 /s at a slope of 26 cm/km along
the reach sketched in Fig. E.4.6.1. Given the
sluice-gate opening at 0.2 m, a sill height at
0.17 m, and free downstream overfall con-
ditions, draw the water-surface profile, also
called the hydraulic grade line (HGL), and
the energy grade line (EGL). The flow depth
at C is 0.2 m and the bed surface is smooth
(f ∼= 0.01). Identify the backwater curves and
sketch the shear-stress distribution along the
Given the specific-energy diagram for the
same unit discharge q = 1 m2 /s in Fig. 2.10,
4.16 Typical backwater pro- the alternate depth to h = 0.2 m is approx-
files. imately 1.5 m upstream of the gate at B.
Critical flow depth, h c = (q 2 /g)1/3 =
(1/9.81)1/3 = 0.467 m, controls the flow depth
on top of the sill at G and near the free overfall at J. The sill controls sub-
critical flow upstream of G and the reach H–I is sufficiently long to sustain
steady-uniform flow between EF and HI at a normal depth h n = 0.788 m, from
Example 4.1. Rapidly varied flow is obtained between BC and FH, as is the hy-
draulic jump DE previously calculated in Example 4.3. Gradually-varied flow is
observed among AB, CD, and IJ. The bed slope S0 = 26 cm/km corresponds to a
mild slope because S0 < f /8 = 125 cm/km. In the reach AB, h > h n > h c and
the backwater type is classified as M-1. The flow is accelerating between IJ
with h n > h > h c to form an M-2 backwater curve, and the reach CD, with
h n > h c > h, corresponds to an M-3 backwater curve.
The EGL is drawn with conservation of energy in rapidly-varied flow between
BC and FH taken into consideration. The specific energy for steady-uniform

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Sediment transport in rivers 111

E.4.6.1 Sketch of HGL and EGL.

flow was previously calculated in Example 4.5 at 0.87 m, which remains cons-
tant between E and I. From Example 4.5, the energy lost in the hydraulic jump
is E = 0.197 m and, from Eq. (4.47), the friction slope S f is much greater
than S0 when h < h n , as observed between CD and IJ. Finally, the velocity
head is very small in the reservoir and the EGL practically corresponds to the
free surface.
Bed shear-stress distribution is also sketched along the reach as calculated
from Eq. 4.32, shear stress increases largely when h < h n and should be largest
downstream of the sluice gate in the M-3 backwater curve. Energy losses in the
hydraulic jump are caused by near-surface turbulence. Bed shear stress should
be highly variable but larger than that for steady-uniform flow. Around the sill,
bed shear stress increases in converging flow between F and G and decreases
in diverging flow between G and H. Bed shear stress increases again near the
free overfall as h < h n .

4.3 Sediment transport in rivers

This section presents a brief summary of sediment transport in rivers. Equili-
brium conditions are covered in Subsection 4.3.1 and aggradation–degradation
characteristics are discussed in Subsection 4.3.2. More specific details are
available in Julien (1995).

4.3.1 Equilibrium sediment transport

The dimensionless particle diameter d∗ is defined from the specific gravity
G of sediment, the kinematic viscosity of the fluid ν, and the gravitational

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112 Steady flow in rivers

acceleration g as
(G − 1)g
d ∗ = ds . (4.34)
The settling velocity ω of a sediment particle in still water is defined as
8ν d∗3
ω= 1+ −1 . (4.35) 
ds 72

The ratio of shear force to bed particle weight defines the Shields parameter
τ∗ as

τ0 u 2∗
τ∗ = = , (4.36) 
(γs − γ ) ds (G − 1) g ds
where τ0 is the bed boundary shear stress, u ∗ is the shear velocity, γs is the
specific weight of a sediment particle, γm is the specific weight of water, ds is
the particle size, and g is the gravitational acceleration.
The critical value of the Shields parameter τ∗c corresponding to the beginning
of motion (τ0 = τc ) depends on d∗ , as shown in Fig. 4.17. Critical values of the
Shields parameter τ∗c and shear stress τc for different particle sizes are listed in
Table 2.4.

4.17 Particle-motion diagram (after Julien, 1995).

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Sediment transport in rivers 113

The unit sediment discharge by vol-

ume can be defined from the Meyer–
Peter and the Müller formulas as
qbv = 8 (τ∗ − τ∗c )1.5
× (G − 1)g ds3 . (4.37a)

An alternative formulation based on

the Shields parameter and the settling
velocity is shown in Fig. 4.18. Also,
a very crude approximation for sands,
where 0.1 < τ ∗ < 1, is

qbv ≈ 18 g ds3/2 τ∗2 · (4.37b)
Sediment transport can be sub-
divided into three zones that describe
the dominant mode of transport: bed-
load, mixed load, and suspended load.
4.18 Sediment-transport diagram (after It is interesting that, for turbulent flow
Julien, 1995).
over rough boundaries, incipient mo-
tion corresponds to u ∗ /ω ∼ = 0.2. Figure 4.19 shows the ratio of suspended to
total load as a function of u ∗ /ω and h/ds . In most rivers, bedload is dominant
at values of u ∗ /ω less than ∼0.4. A transition zone, called a mixed load, is found

4.19 Ratio of suspended to total sediment load (after Julien, 1995).

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114 Steady flow in rivers

4.20 Sediment concentration profiles (after Woo et al., 1988).

where 0.4 < u ∗ /ω < 2.5 in which both the bedload and the suspended load
contribute to the total load.
The sediment concentration C at an elevation z above the bed for the sus-
pended load can be calculated from the Rouse equation as

h−z a ∗
C = Ca , (4.38)
z h−a

where Ca is the concentration at an elevation a above the bed, h is the flow depth,
and κ is the von Kármán constant (κ ∼ = 0.4). An example of a concentration
profile is shown in Fig. 4.20.

4.3.2 Riverbed aggradation and degradation

Owing to continuity of sediment, part of the total load deposits on the channel
bed as the sediment-transport capacity decreases in the downstream direction.
The sediment continuity relationship for advective fluxes is

∂Cv ∂qt x ∂qt y ∂qt z

+ + + = 0, (4.39) 
∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z

where the mass fluxes qt x , qt y , and qt z account for the total unit sediment dis-
charge by volume in the x, y, and z directions, respectively.

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Sediment transport in rivers 115

Assuming a steady supply of sediment (∂Cv /∂t = 0), Eq. (4.39) for a wide
channel without lateral sediment inflow (∂qt y /∂ y = 0) reduces to
∂qt x ∂qt z
+ = 0, (4.40)
∂x ∂z
which reduces further after it is assumed that the advective fluxes qt x = v x Cv
and qt z = −ωCv are dominant:
∂v x Cv ∂ωCv
− = 0. (4.41)
∂x ∂z
A practical approximation is obtained for gradually varied flow (∂v x /∂ x →
0), constant fall velocity ω, and ∂Cv /∂z ∼
= −Cv / h; thus
v x ∂Cv ωCv
+ = 0. (4.42)
∂x h
The solution for grain sizes of a given fraction i (constant fall velocity) at a
constant unit discharge q = V h, given v x = V , is a function of the upstream
sediment concentration C0i of fraction i at x = 0:
X ωi
Ci = C0i e− hV . (4.43)

This shows that the concentration left in suspension is negligible (Ci /C0i =
0.01) at a distance X Ci :
X Ci = 4.6 . (4.44)
This relationship is very useful in the design of settling basins. For the analysis
of reservoir sedimentation, the percentage of sediment fraction i that settles
within a given distance X defines the trap efficiency TEi as:
C0i − Ci X ωi −W X ωi
TE i = = 1 − e− hV = 1 − e Q . (4.45) 
It is interesting to note that the trap efficiency for particles of given settling
velocity ωi , basin length x, and discharge Q = W hV increases with basin width
W . We thus conclude that, for a given discharge and sediment discharge Q t x ,
increasing the channel width induces aggradation. When the trap efficiency of
silt and clay particles is calculated, careful consideration must also be given to
density currents and possible flocculation, in which case the flocculated settling
velocity must be used instead of ωi :
∂ Q t xi W ∂z i
TEi + (1 − p0 ) =0 (4.46a)
∂x ∂t

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116 Steady flow in rivers

∂z i TEi ∂ Q t xi
=− . (4.46b)
∂t (1 − p0 ) W ∂ x
Values of porosity p0 depend of the specific weight of sediment deposits. Dry
specific weight of sediment deposits varies with the proportion of sand, silt,
and clay and changes with time. The conversion of the incoming weight of
sediment to volume necessitates knowledge of the average dry specific weight
of a mixture γmd , defined in Chap. 2 as the dry weight of sediment per unit
total volume including voids. For material coarser than 0.1 mm, the dry specific
weight of the mixture remains practically constant around γmd = 14.75 kN/m3
or 93 lb/ft3 . As a rough first approximation, 1 ton of sediment corresponds
to 20 ft3 of bed material. The corresponding dry mass density of the mixture,
ρmd , is given by ρmd = γmd /g = 1500 kg/m3 or 2.9 slug/ft3 . The porosity p0 of
sand material is then obtained from p0 = 1 − γmd /γs = 0.43. The volumetric
sediment concentration is Cv = 1 − p0 and the void ratio is e = p0 /(1 − p0 ).
For distances separating successive cross sections X larger than X C , the
trap efficiency is essentially unity and aggradation responds directly to changes
in the sediment-transport capacity of the stream. For X smaller than X C , only
part of the sediment load in suspension will settle within the given reach. The
sediment load at the downstream end will then exceed the sediment-transport
capacity of the stream. The reader is referred to Julien (1995) for a detailed
analysis of erosion and sedimentation.

Exercise 4.1
Demonstrate the conjugate flow-depth relationship, Eq. (E.4.3.3), from the
specific-momentum identity M1 = M2 for flow in a wide-rectangular channel.

Exercise 4.2
Carry out the algebraic transformations from Eq. (E.4.5.1) to demonstrate that
the specific-energy loss in a hydraulic jump is

(h 2 − h 1 )3
E = .
4h 1 h 2

Exercise 4.3
Apply the law of conservation of volume to an incompressible
A fluid flowing
through a 1D control volume of discharge Q = 0 v x dA given the cross-
sectional area A and top width W . Consider the lateral inflow of unit discharge

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Problems 117

ql , rainfall intensity ir , and infiltration

rate i b leaving through the wetted
perimeter P (see Fig. Ex.4.3.1).
[Hint: calculate the volume fluxes
entering the control volume ∀ = Adx
and compare to the rate of change in
control volume (∂∀/∂t = (∂ A/∂t)dx.]

Exercise 4.4
Ex.4.3.1 Conservation of mass.
Demonstrate the 1D formulation of the
 A equation of motion (4.15). Consider the
momentum flux F = βm ρ AVx2 = ρ 0 v x2 dA passing through a cross-sectional
area A and top width W . Neglect momentum contributions from rainfall, lateral
inflow, and infiltration. The shear stress τ0 is applied over the wetted perimeter
P and the bed slope is S0 = tan θ (see Fig. Ex.4.4.1).

Problem 4.1

The cross-sectional and depth-aver-

aged flow-velocity profiles are given in
digital form with the orientation refer-
ence along the cross section. Complete
Table P.4.1.1 to calculate the cross-

section area A = i ai and the flow
discharge Q = i Q i = ai v i sin θ.
Note that a large eddy formed near the
right bank and reverse flow is mea-
sured. Draw the cross section profile
and the velocity profile as per
Fig. 4.5(b).

Problem 4.2
Ex.4.4.1 Conservation of momentum.
Consider the cross section of a 10-m
wide-rectangular minor channel with
a bankfull depth of 2 m. Given a floodplain width that extends 50 m on
each side of the minor channel bounded with a near-vertical escarpment (see
Fig. P.4.2.1). Calculate the following parameters as functions of flow depth h up
to 5 m: (1) top channel width W , (2) wetter perimeter P, (3) cross-sectional area

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118 Steady flow in rivers

Table P.4.1.1. Cross-section data

Distance from Flow Depth-averaged Deviation

left bank depth flow velocity angle ai Qi
(ft) (ft) (ft/s) (◦ ) (ft2 ) (ft3 /s)

0 0 0 — 0
10 1.3 +0.6 260 −7.68
20 1.7 +0.2 280 17
30 1.8 0.4 110 6.76
40 2.1 1.1 90 31.5
60 2.4 1.4 89 67.19
80 2.9 2.1 86 58
100 3.6 2.6 85 186.48
120 4.1 1.9 88 82
140 2.2 0.8 90 35.2
160 0 0 — 0

Answer: A = 383.5 ft2 , Q = 596.5 ft3 /s.

A, (4) near flow depth h̄, and (5) hy-

draulic radius Rh . Discuss the effect of
the width discontinuity at h = 2 m.

Problem 4.3

P.4.2.1 Cross section. The cross section in Fig. P.4.3.1 is lo-

cated 1.25 km upstream of the control
section on the Matamek River. Given
the water-surface slope [Fig. 4.8(d)] and the stage–discharge relationship

P.4.3.1 Cross section.

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Problems 119

[Fig. 4.6(a)], determine the following:

(a) A pool is formed because of downstream bedrock control. Draw the

water surface elevation when Q = 0.
(b) At the given discharge, Q = 465 ft3 /s, calculate surface width, wetted
perimeter, cross-section area, mean flow depth, mean flow velocity,
and hydraulic radius. Plot these points on Figs. 4.8.
(c) Estimate the bankfull discharge at that cross section, assuming a con-
stant Manning coefficient n at all stages.

Problem 4.4

Consider a steady-uniform flow discharge of 15 m3 /s in a 70-m-wide 2–4-mm

gravel-bed stream. Given the bed slope of 5 cm/km, determine the following:

(a) the critical flow depth;

(b) the resistance coefficients f , n, and C;
(c) the normal flow depth and compare it with the hydraulic radius;
(d) the Froude number at normal flow depth;
(e) the type of slope for backwater profile calculations;
(f) the applied bed shear stress at normal flow depth.

Problem 4.5

Draw the position of the free surface, the HGL, and the EGL in a 10-m wide-
rectangular channel discharging 10 m3 /s in the smooth canal at a bed slope of
26 cm/km (see Fig. P.4.5.1).

Answer: Combine the information from Examples 4.1 to 4.6. Energy

is conserved between A–B and D–E. Friction losses occur between C and D, to

P.4.5.1 Definition sketch.

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120 Steady flow in rivers

P.4.6.1 Concentration profile of the Missouri River (after Bondurant, 1963).

which turbulence losses are added between B and C. Momentum is conserved

between B and D, and friction forces can be neglected between B and C, but
are dominant between C and D. Added forces are provided by the sill and the
sluice gate, which can be calculated as per Example 4.3.

Problem 4.6

From the cross section in Fig. P.4.6.1, do the following:

(a) Plot the surface width vs. stage and cross-sectional areas vs. stage.
(b) Estimate the Manning coefficient n of the river if the slope is 1.5 ×
10−4 .

Problem 4.7

Use the values of â and b̂ from Eqs. (4.10) and use the transforms for Eqs. (4.11)
to define a and m for a power relationship applicable when h ∼ = 5 d50 . Once a
and m are defined, plot the straight-line resistance relationship on Fig. 4.11 and
compare with the field measurements. Determine what the range of applicability
is of this equation.

Answer: From â = 2.5, b̂ = 2, and h/d50 = 5, we obtain m = 0.434

and a = 2.86. Plotting (8/ f ) = 2.86 (h/d50 )0.434 in Fig. 4.11 is in very good
agreement with the field measurements when h/d50 < 50.

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Problems 121

Computer Problem 4.1

Backwater behind a reservoir
Consider steady flow (q = 3.72 m2 /s)
in the impervious rigid boundary chan-
nel sketched in Fig. CP.4.1.1. Assume
CP.4.1.1 Definition sketch. that the channel width remains large
and constant regardless of flow depth and that f = 0.03. Determine the distri-
bution of the following parameters along the 25-km reach of the channel when
the water-surface elevation at the dam is 10 m above the bed elevation: (a) flow
depth in meters, (b) mean flow velocity in meters per second, and (c) bed shear
stress in newtons per square meter.

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