Module 4
Module 4
Module 4
Macroeconomic Concepts
Hingston Xavier
Assistant Professor
Christ College of Engg – IJK
The Circular Flow of Income
• The circular flow of income and expenditure
refers to the process whereby the national
income and expenditure of an economy flow
in a circular manner continuously through
3 Models:
1. Circular Flow in a Two Sector Economy
2. Circular Flow in a Three- Sector Economy
3. Circular Flow in a Four - Sector Economy
Two Sector Economy
Y= C+I
Two sector model with Banking system
(Y = C + I)
Three- Sector Model
Four Sector Model
Y = C + I + G + (X-M)
Stock and Flow
• Stock is a quantity measurable at a particular
point of time. e.g. total wealth of a person.
• Flow is a quantity measured over a period of
time. e.g. annual salary of an individual.
Stock Flow
2. Income method
3. Expenditure method
Output method / Production method
• It is also known as value added method .
1. Production units divides into different sectors
like agriculture , industry , services sectors
2. Estimating the net value added by each sector
3. Summing it up to get the value of the domestic
product (GDP)
4. Add NFIA with the domestic product > NI
Income Method
• Using this method , NI is obtained by adding
up all the income of all individuals and
business enterprises in the economy
• Coulborn “ Too much money chasing too few