Chapter 34
Chapter 34
Chapter 34
Patent 255,000
Cash 255,000
Amortization – patent 12,750
Patent (255,000 / 20) 12,750
Amortization – patent 12,750
Patent (255,000 / 20) 12,750
Legal expense 90,000
Cash 90,000
Amortization – patent 12,750
Patent (255,000 / 20) 12,750
Patent 510,000
Cash 510,000
Amortization – patent 42,750
Patent (255,000 / 20) 42,750
2021 R and D Expense 510,000
Cash 510,000
2024 Patent 720,000
Cash 720,000
1. Patent 7,140,000
Cash 7,140,000
2. Amortization – patent 476,000
Patent (7,140,000 / 15) 476,000
3. Amortization – patent 816,000
Patent ((7,140,000 x 12/15) / 7) 816,000
Acquisition cost 7,140,000
Amortization for the period 2021 – 2023 (476,000 x 3) (1,428,000)
Carrying amount, 01/01/2024 5,712,000
Amortization for the year 2024 (816,000)
Carrying amount, 12/31/2024 4,896,000
1. Patent 900,000
Cash 900,000
2. Amortization – patent 90,000
Patent (900,000 / 10) 90,000
3. Patent written off 540,000
Patent 540,000
Cost 900,000
Amortization (2021 to 2024) – 90,000 x 4 (360,000)
Carrying amount, 12/31/2024 540,000
1. Patent 6,200,000
Cash 6,200,000
2. Legal expenses 450,000
Cash 450,000
3. Amortization – patent 1,050,000
Patent 1,050,000
X (1,200,000 / 8) 150,000
Y (2,000,000 / 5) 400,000
Z (3,000,000 / 6) 500,000
Total 1,050,000
1. Retained Earnings 500,000
Patent 500,000
2. Patent 510,000
Retained Earnings 510,000
3. no adjustment
4. Loss on damages 100,000
Legal expense 30,000
Accrued liabilities 130,000
5. Patent 24,500
Retained Earnings 24,500
1. Copyright 240,000
Retained Earnings 240,000
1. Copyright 620,000
Patent 400,000
Retained Earnings 1,020,000
Copyright 1 400,000
Less: Amortization from 2017 to 2020 (400,000 / 20 x 4 (80,000)
Carrying amount 320,000
Copyright 2 360,000
Less: Amort. 7/1/18 to12/31/20 (360,000 / 15 x 2.5 (60,000)
Carrying amount 300,000
Patent 500,000
Less: Amort. for 2019 and 2020 (500,000 / 10 x 2) 100,000
Carrying amount 400,000
2. Amortization – copyright (20,000 + 24,000) 44,000
Amortization – patent 50,000
Copyright 44,000
Patent 50,000
Books of franchisee
1. Franchise 6,000,000
Cash 6,000,000
2. Amortization – franchise 300,000
Franchise (6,000,000 / 20) 300,000
3. Cash 25,000,000
Sales 25,000,000
4. Franchise fee expense 1,250,000
Cash (25,000,000 x 5%) 1,250,000
Boks of franchisee
1. Franchise 20,000,000
Cash 5,000,000
Note payable 15,000,000
2. Note payable (15,000,000 / 4) 3,750,000
Interest expense (15,000,000 x 10%) 1,500,000
Cash 5,250,000
3. No amortization for franchise with indefinite period
Boks of franchisee
1. Franchise (3,000,000 + 3,790,000) 6,790,000
Discount on note payable 1,210,000
Cash 3,000,000
Note payable 5,000,000
Note payable 5,000,000
Less: PV of note (1,000,000 x 3.79) 3,790,000
Implied interest 1,210,000
2. Amortization – franchise 679,000
Franchise (6,790,000 / 10) 679,000
3. Note payable 1,000,000
Cash 1,000,000
4. Interest expense (10% x 3,790,000) 379,000
Discount on note payable 379,000
34-15 C
Cost 01/01/2016 6,000,000
Less: Amortization for 5 yrs (6M / 15 x 5) 2,000,000
Carrying amount, 2021 4,000,000
Divided by revised useful life 5
Amortization – 2021 800,000
34-16 A
4,500,000 / 10 = 450,000
34-17 D
Acquisition cost, 01/01/18 450,000
Less: Amortization for 2018-2020 (450,000 / 15 x 3) 90,000
Carrying amount, 01/01/21 360,000
34-18 C
Cost 01/01/19 5,400,000
Amortization 2019 and 2020 (5,400,000 / 6 x 2) 1,800,000
Carrying amount, 01/01/21 3,600,000
Amortization for 2021 (3,600,000 / 20) 180,000
34-19 A
Design cost 1,500,000
Legal fees of registering trademark 150,000
Registration fee with patent office 50,000
Total cost of trademark 1,700,000
34-20 B
(1,000,000 +50,000 +105,000)
34-21 C
Down payment 2,000,000
PV of annual payment for 4 years (1,000,000 x 2.91) 2,910,000
Total 4,910,000
34-22 B
Original lease 12 years
Extension 8
Total life 20
Less: years expired (2019 and 2020) 2
Remaining life 18
Life of improvement (shorter) 15 years
34-23 B
Accumulated depreciation – 12/31/2021 1,200,000 / 8 = 150,000
34-24 D
Travel costs of salaried employees 400,000
Training of local employees 1,200,000
Total 1,600,000
34-25 DDACD
34-26 AACCD
34-27 CDBDD