Takahito KANIE1, Akihiko KADOKAWA2, Hiroyuki ARIKAWA1, Koichi FUJII1 and Seiji BAN1
Department of Biomaterials Science, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Kagoshima 1 University, 8-35-1
Sakuragaoka, Kagoshima 890-8544,Japan
Department of Fixed Prosthetic Dentistry,
2 Graduate School of Medicaland Dental Sciences,Kagoshima University, 8-35-1
Sakuragaoka, Kagoshima 890-8544,Japan
Correspondingauthor, E-mail:[email protected]
The purpose of this study was to investigate the apparent viscosities and mechanical properties of two experimental light-
curing soft lining materials (SLM-1 and SLM-2) based on soft-type urethane oligomers, as well as the shear bond strength
and dye penetration between the denture base resin and the polymerized SLMs after storage in water. The apparent
viscosities of SLM-1 and SLM-2 were 144.0-146.9 and 1.9 Pa •s respectively. After storage in water for two prescribed periods
(one day and three months) , the mechanical properties of the SLMs on the overall were 10.6-20.6 MPa for elastic modulus,
69.3-72.1 for hardness, and 3.8-4.0 MPa for adhesive strength. Tensile strength was observed to decrease after three months'
storage in water, when compared to that after one-day storage (p< 0.01) . Water sorption rates also differed significantly
(p<0.05) — namely 3.0 and 2.8 mg/cm2 for SLM-1 after one day and three months respectively, and 2.0 and 2.2 mg/cm2 for
SLM-2. As for dye penetration, no infiltration was observed at the denture base resin-SLM interface after three months'
storage. Based on the results of this study, it seemed like the SLMs possess many suitable properties for use with a new
technique that we recently developed for preparing denture base resin and soft lining material.
elastic material built into the prosthesis18) . In this and three months. A compression test was con-
new technique, a soft lining material was placed at a ducted with a universal testing machine (TG-50kN,
designated position on the tissue side of the denture, Minebea, Nagano, Japan) at a cross-head speed of 2
followed by adding a dough of the denture base resin mm/min and within the proportion limit in air at 37
before polymerization. To ensure success with this . The same irradiation and storage conditions
new technique, the polymerized or hardened elastic were used for the following tests.
material must bond tightly to the acrylic denture
base resin because the elastic material was placed on 2. Hardness
the model plaster first. Existing materials, however, Test specimens (30 X 30 X 6 mm) were made using a
could not bond with denture base resins, and there- PTFE mold. The mold was sandwiched between two
fore could not be used in our new technique. glass plates, and SLM in the mold was irradiated
Our previous investigations suggested that two times through the glass plate — once from the
acrylic denture base resin and polymerized urethane top and the other time from the bottom. After stor-
oligomer bond tightly when an acrylic denture base age, Shore A hardness was measured with a
resin was reinforced with various pre-polymerized durometer (GS-710, Teclock, Nagano, Japan) in air
urethane oligomers19) . The purpose of this investiga- at 37°C.
tion was to evaluate the mechanical properties of po-
lymerized experimental soft lining materials made 3 . Tensile strength
from two soft-type urethane oligomers. The SLM was put into a PTFE mold with a dumb-
bell-type hollow (No.6, JIS K6251-1993, Japan) , and
the surface was covered with polyethylene film.
After polymerization with light and storage for the
Materials prescribed period, a tensile strength test was con-
The self-curing denture base resin, a PMMA-based, ducted with the universal testing machine using a
slightly cross-linked, multiphasic polymer (Pour cross-head speed of 254 mm/min at 23°C in air.
Resin, Shofu, Kyoto, Japan) , was used at a powder-
liquid ratio of 1.8 g/ml. 4 . Water sorption
Two soft-type urethane acrylate oligomers (UA- Test specimens (20 mm in diameter X 6 mm in
160TM, Shin-Nakamura Chem., Wakayama, Japan; height) were made using a PTFE mold, which was
and SH-9832, Negami Chem., Ishikawa, Japan) — sandwiched between two glass plates. The specimens
consisting of acryl residue, isocyanate residue, diol were irradiated two times — once from the top and
residue, and with two functional groups — were used the other time from the bottom. After polymeriza-
as a main component of two experimental soft lining tion and arranging the shape, the test specimens
materials in this study (SLM-1 and SLM-2) . They were weighed immediately (Wa) on an analytical bal-
were added 1 wt % camphorquinone (Wako Pure ance (FR-200MKII, A&D, Tokyo, Japan) and stored
Chem., Osaka, Japan) as a photosensitizer and 1 in water at 37°C. After each storage interval at one
wt% 2- (dimethylamino) ethyl methacrylate (Wako day or three months, test specimens were removed
Pure Chem.) as a reducing agent. For mixing, a ho- and wiped with soft papers to remove excess mois-
mogenizing machine (AR-100, Thinky, Tokyo, Japan) ture on the surfaces. The test specimens were then
with high-speed rotation and orbit motion was used weighed on the balance until a stable weight (within
in a dark room. After mixing, the mixtures were 1 mg) was obtained (Ws) . Water sorption was de-
put into a black bottle. termined with the following formula:
The apparent viscosity of the experimental soft
lining materials (SLMs) was measured with an E-
type viscometer (Visconic EHD, Tokyo Seimitsu,
Tokyo, Japan) at shear rates of 1.75, 3.5, 7.0, and where S is the surface area of the test specimen.
17.5 sec-1 at 23±0.5°C.
5 . Adhesive strength
Specimens preparation and measurements Fig. 1 shows a schematic representation of a test
1 . Elastic modulus in compression specimen used for the adhesive strength test. First,
The SLM was put into a *polyethylene tube (10 mm the SLM was put into a PTFE mold (30 X 20 X 0.5
in diameter X 10 mm in height) on a glass plate, and mm) and polymerized. Second, the self-curing den-
the top of the tube was covered with another glass ture base resin was mixed, poured into the PTFE
plate. It was then polymerized for five minutes mold five minutes later, and heated in an oven at
using a light irradiation unit (a -Light, Morita, 50 °C for 30 minutes (SDR-1) according to
Tokyo, Japan) . After removal from the polyethylene manufacturer's recommendation. Finally, a SDR-2
tube, the polymerized test specimens were soaked in was arranged in the same manner as SDR-1. After
water at 37°C for two different time periods: one day storage for the prescribed period, a tensile test was
KANIE et al. 435
Fig. 2 shows the variations of the apparent viscosity
of the experimental soft lining materials (SLMs)
Fig. 1 Schematic representation of a test specimen for
with shear rate. The apparent viscosity of SLM-1
the adhesive strength test, where SDR (1) and
ranged from 144.0 to 146.9 Pa.s and significantly de-
SDR (2) : self-curing denture base resin, and SLM:
creased with increasing shear rate (p<0.01). The ap-
experimental soft lining material.
parent viscosity of SLM-2 was at a constant value of
1.9 Pa.s.
Table 1 shows the results of elastic modulus in
conducted with the universal testing machine using a compression, hardness, tensile strength, and water
cross-head speed of 0.5 mm/min in air at 23°C. Ad- sorption of SLMs soaked in water at 37 °C for one
hesive strength was calculated using the tensile force day and three months. Highly significant differences
based on an adhesion area of 20 X 10 mm.
6 . Dye penetration
First, the SLM was put into a PTFE mold (40 X 10
x 0.5 mm) and polymerized. Second, the polymerized
SLM was put on the center of another PTFE mold
(40 X 30 X 1.0 mm) . The self-curing denture base resin
was mixed, filled into the PTFE mold five minutes
later, and heated in an oven at 50 °C for 30 minutes.
After polymerization, nail enamel was painted near
the border between the SLM and the self-curing den-
ture base resin to prevent penetration of the basic
fuchsin solution. The top and bottom surfaces of the
test specimen were polished using a # 1200 water-
proof polishing paper, and the test specimen was
soaked in 0.2% basic fuchsin solution at 37°C for one
day and three months. After washing in running
water, the test specimen was observed with an optical
microscope ( x 10 magnification, Nikon, Tokyo,
Japan) .
Table 1 Mean value (standard deviation) of SLM-1 and SLM-2 measured at one day and three months of storage
weight of the absorbed water was less than that of model plaster by using a spatula or brush and then
the eluted monomer, although both the elution of polymerized. Following which, the denture base resin
monomers and water sorption progress simultane- mixture was added. This new technique may be used
ously in the matrix resin in water. Different speci- to laminate SLMs with different elastic moduli by re-
men shapes have been tested for water sorption, and peating the second and third steps of the flowchart
data have been expressed in various units31-33) . Even in Fig. 4. Moreover, it is possible to change the elas-
though the apparent diffusion rate of water into a ticity both inside and outside, such as in a functional
resin matrix may be the same for different shapes, gradient material (Fig. 5) . Other advantages of this
water sorption for each shape may differ because the new technique include having partially hardened or
surface area has been changed by the shape — but partially softened SLM by using materials of differ-
the different shapes still yield the same weight. ent elastic moduli, and applying the SLM to both full
Therefore, water sorption is expressed as weight per and partial dentures.
area unit. Many concerns — such as the extent of elasticity
Leon et al.31) reported 0.2-3.0% water sorption for SLM, the reduction of oligomers' water sorption
for acrylic soft lining materials. The water sorption capacity, and the thickness of SLM to be applied —
values determined in the present study were 2.0 and remain regarding the use of SLM both in vivo and in
1.3% after converting our measured values, although vitro. Nevertheless, no dye penetration was observed
the shapes of the test specimens differed. Muraoka between the experimental soft lining materials and
et a1.32)reported the maximum water sorption of sili- the denture base resin after three months. In conclu-
cone soft lining materials to be 6.4 mg/cm3. Our sion, the SLMs possess many suitable properties for
study showed 23.1 and 15.5 mg/cm3 water sorption
after converting our measured values, although again
the shapes of the test specimens differed. The results
indicated that the water sorption of SLMs was
within the range of acrylic soft lining materials but
greater than that of silicone. Labella et al.33) re-
ported 2.0-6.3% water sorption using polyfunctional
co-monomers and indicated an effect of hydrophilic
groups. Although water sorption occurs with all
materials, the water sorption of SLM was greater
than that of acrylic denture base resin (0.69 mg/
cm') . To circumvent this problem, it may be effective
to add a hydrophobic group, such as an alkyl or
phenyl group, to the urethane oligomers used here.
According to some reports on denture adhesives,
using denture adhesives contributed to reduced den-
ture movement, that almost all denture adhesives
tested exhibited greater retentive ability than saliva,
water, and alcohol (1.6-22.1 N) , and that the reten-
tive force between denture adhesives and various
Fig. 4 Flowchart comparing the newly designed and tra-
adherends were 0.9-21.8 N34-36). These measured val-
ditional techniques for the preparation of a den-
ues span a wide range, and it is not clear whether a
ture base resin and soft lining material.
higher value reflects the greater effectiveness of an
adhesive or the better viscoelastic properties of a
well-fitting prosthesis.
A tight adhesion between the pre-polymerized
(or hardened) soft lining material and the acrylic
denture base resin is one of the critical factors that
determines the success of a denture liner, and like-
wise the success of our new technique. In previous
studies on denture base resin reinforcements, the
authors have reported that acrylic denture base resin
could firmly adhere to pre-polymerized urethane
oligomers1s18,19). Leveraging on this finding, soft-type
urethane oligomers that would provide sufficient ad- Fig. 5 Schematic representation of some examples of
hesion were therefore selected for the experimental hard and soft experimental soft lining materials
soft lining materials. These experimental soft lining applied to a denture.
materials (SLMs) were first placed directly on the
use with our newly developed technique to prepare 17) Zhao K, Cheng XR, Chao YL, Li ZA, Han GL. Labora-
denture base resin and soft lining material. tory evaluation of a new denture adhesive. Dent Mater
2004; 20: 419-424.
18) Kanie T, Arikawa H, Fujii K, Ban S. Mechanical prop-
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS erties of soft lining materials based on urethane
oligomer. J J Dent Mater 2005; 24: 121, Abstr. P-34.
This work was partially supported by a Grant-in-aid
19) Kanie T, Arikawa H, Fujii K, Ban S. Light-curing re-
for Scientific Research (No.17592031) from the Japan
inforcement for denture base resin using a glass fiber
Society for the Promotion of Science.
cloth pre-impregnated with various urethane
oligomers. Dent Mater J 2004; 23: 291-296.
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