Holiday Boardgame

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by plane, by car, by train,

by bus, by ferry, by bike

What 3 things
What are 5 things What are 6 How many countries
did you see and
you can take on a different ways to have you been to?
do your last
beach holiday? travel? ↓
towel, games (racquet ball, holiday
chess) sun lotion/screen,
hat/bandana, swimwear
dirty room, noisy room
not enough beds (slept
on the floor), wrong
What’s your perfect What’s the room, air conditioning
Where are you What are 5
holiday destination Fly ahead 4 longest bus
going on your hotel
and why? spaces? journey you’ve
next holiday? complaints?
↓ ever taken?
Let’s stay over!

What are 6 different

Fly ahead 2 What are 6 What’s the Where was your
types of
spaces? things you can largest city worst holiday
→ buy at duty free? you’ve been to? ever?

Let’s stay over!

What are 6 What’s the strangest

What’s the longest Have you ever
things people Fly ahead 2 thing you’ve ever
train journey you’ve stayed in a 5-star
ask about at a spaces? done on holiday?
ever taken? hotel?
travel agent’s? ←

Let’s stay over!

What’s the
Where was your longest plane
best holiday Fly back to start! journey you’ve
ever? have ever
Let’s stay over! You’ve landed safely!

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