J Jacc 2020 05 075-3
J Jacc 2020 05 075-3
J Jacc 2020 05 075-3
6, 2020
Jane E. Wilcox, MD,a James C. Fang, MD,b Kenneth B. Margulies, MD,c Douglas L. Mann, MDd
Reverse left ventricular (LV) remodeling and recovery of LV function are associated with improved clinical outcomes in
patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. A growing body of evidence suggests that even among patients
who experience a complete normalization of LV ejection fraction, a significant proportion will develop recurrent LV
dysfunction accompanied by recurrent heart failure events. This has led to intense interest in understanding how to
manage patients with heart failure with recovered ejection fraction (HFrecEF). Because of the lack of a standard definition
for HFrecEF, and the paucity of clinical data with respect to the natural history of HFrecEF patients, there are no current
guidelines on how these patients should be followed up and managed. Accordingly, this JACC Scientific Expert Panel
reviews the biology of reverse LV remodeling and the clinical course of patients with HFrecEF, as well as provides
guidelines for defining, diagnosing, and managing patients with HFrecEF. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2020;76:719–34) © 2020 by
the American College of Cardiology Foundation.
OVERVIEW OF HEART FAILURE WITH A their outcomes and clinical management, as well as
RECOVERED LEFT VENTRICULAR raised interest in understanding how these patients
EJECTION FRACTION differ from those with more modest to little positive
change in LVEF (nonresponders). Improvements in
The recognition that left ventricular ejection fraction LVEF with guideline-directed medical therapy
(LVEF) improves substantially in a subset of heart (GDMT) can lead to a complete normalization of LVEF
failure (HF) patients with reduced ejection fraction (i.e., >50%) or a partial normalization of LVEF (40%
(HFrEF) who are treated with evidenced-based med- to 50%) (Figure 1). Estimates of the proportion of pa-
ical and device therapies has led to intense interest in tients with improved LVEF range widely (e.g., 10% to
From the aDivision of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine,
Chicago, Illinois; bDivision of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah; cTranslational
Research Center, Department of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Pearlman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania;
and the dCardiovascular Division, Department of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri. Dr.
Wilcox has received funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the American Heart Association; has received
consulting/speaking honoraria from Abbott and Medtronic; and serves as a scientific consultant/advisory board member for
Cytokinetics. Dr. Fang has received funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the American Heart Association; is on
Listen to this manuscript’s the steering committee for clinical trials sponsored by Novartis, Amgen, and AstraZeneca; and is on the Data Safety and Moni-
audio summary by toring Board for a clinical trial sponsored by AstraZeneca. Dr. Margulies holds research grants from Thoratec Corporation (Abbott)
Editor-in-Chief and Sanofi; and serves as a scientific consultant/advisory board member for Pfizer, MyoKardia, Inc., and American Regent. Dr.
Dr. Valentin Fuster on Mann has received funding from the NIH; serves on the Scientific Advisory Board for MyoKardia, Inc.; and served on the steering
JACC.org. committee for a clinical trial sponsored by Novartis. David Burkhoff, MD, PhD, served as Guest Associate Editor for this paper. P.K.
Shah, MD, served as Guest Editor-in-Chief for this paper.
The authors attest they are in compliance with human studies committees and animal welfare regulations of the authors’
institutions and Food and Drug Administration guidelines, including patient consent where appropriate. For more information,
visit the JACC author instructions page.
Manuscript received January 7, 2020; revised manuscript received May 7, 2020, accepted May 14, 2020.
F I G U R E 1 Changes in LVEF With GDMT in Patients With Heart Failure With a Reduced EF
Full Partial
Recovery (EF >50%) Recovery (EF 40%-50%)
LV Reverse LV
Remodeling Remodeling
Reverse LV
and Device
No Functional
Heart Failure Recovery (EF <40%)
(EF <40%)
Patients with heart failure with recovered ejection fraction (HFrecEF) treated with guideline-directed medical and device therapies (GDMT)
may have a complete recovery of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) >50%, partial recovery of LVEF (EF 40% to 50%), or no functional
recovery of LVEF (EF <40%).
manner (i.e., forward and reverse) and that cardiac that occur within the myocardial extracellular matrix
remodeling involves the coordinated regulation of (15). A second important theme, which has direct
multiple molecular and cellular changes that bearing on the concept of myocardial remission (dis-
contribute to phenotypic changes in the size, shape, cussed later), is that many of the multilevel molecular
and function of the heart. Basic and clinical studies changes that occur during forward LV remodeling
have consistently shown that many of the cellular and remain dysregulated in reverse remodeled hearts,
anatomic changes that occur during forward LV despite improvements in structural and functional
remodeling revert toward the normal less pathologic abnormalities. Transcriptional profiling of reverse
phenotype during reverse LV remodeling. A complete remodeled hearts reveals the emergence of new sets
description of the molecular changes that occur dur- of genes that belong to ontogenies that are not
ing reverse LV remodeling has been the subject of expressed in nonfailing hearts (19). Viewed together,
several reviews (15–17). these findings suggest that reverse LV remodeling is
Table 1 shows that pharmacological and device not simply a mirror image of the molecular and
therapies that lead to reverse LV remodeling are cellular pathways that become dysregulated during
accompanied by salutary changes in the biology of the forward LV remodeling but rather that reverse LV
cardiac myocyte, the composition of the extracellular remodeling represents a coordinated multilevel pro-
matrix, and the chamber properties of the left cess that allows the heart to adopt a new, less path-
ventricle. Moreover, studies that have examined se- ological steady state that is associated with enhanced
rial changes in gene expression during reverse LV pump function and improved clinical prognosis.
remodeling have shown that the normalization of Given the multilevel adaptations associated with
gene transcription related to myocyte contractility reverse remodeling and the diversity of clinical con-
occurs before changes in genes related to the extra- texts in which it occurs, it is reasonable to speculate
cellular matrix, suggesting that return of myocyte about whether there are primary drivers of reverse
function is required for reversal of the changes in LV remodeling that enable the activation of other sec-
geometry in the failing heart (18). In addition to ondary downstream processes. In this regard, there is
changes in adult cardiac myocytes during reverse LV strong evidence supporting the concept of biome-
remodeling, there are a number of important changes chanical load as one such primary driver (20). The
722 Wilcox et al. JACC VOL. 76, NO. 6, 2020
Beta-Blocker ACE Inhibitor ARB Antagonists LVAD CRT CSD
Myocyte defects
Hypertrophy Decreased Decreased Decreased Decreased Decreased Decreased Decreased
Fetal gene expression Decreased Decreased Decreased ND Decreased Decreased Decreased
Myocytolysis Decreased ND ND ND Decreased ND ND
Beta-adrenergic desensitization Decreased Decreased Decreased ND Decreased Decreased Decreased
EC coupling Increased Increased Increased ND Increased Increased Increased
Cytoskeletal proteins ND ND ND Increased Increased ND Increased
Myocardial defects
Myocyte apoptosis Decreased Decreased Decreased ND Decreased Decreased Decreased
MMP activation Decreased Decreased Decreased Decreased Decreased Decreased Decreased
Fibrosis Decreased Decreased Decreased Decreased Increased* Decreased Decreased
Angiogenesis Increased Increased Increased Increased Decreased Increased Increased
LV dilation Decreased Stabilized Stabilized Stabilized Decreased Decreased Decreased
pathological hypertrophy resulting from a discrete highest rates of recovery of LV function have been
process such as aortic stenosis ultimately entrains a associated with amelioration of adverse metabolic or
wide variety of pathological signaling processes that energetic circumstances known to compromise car-
contribute to the resultant structural and functional diac function such as chronic tachycardia, hyperthy-
abnormalities; myocardial unloading likewise invokes roidism, and hypothyroidism (16,23). The second
varied and potent reverse LV remodeling signaling highest rates of recovery of LV function have been
pathways. This is particularly evident in studies associated with dilated cardiomyopathies that are
of hearts supported by a LV assist device (19,21) associated with immune responses, such as peri-
but also apparent after cardiac resynchronization partum cardiomyopathy, acute lymphocytic myocar-
therapy (CRT) (22), in which decreased cellular and ditis, and the systemic inflammatory response
chamber hypertrophy are accompanied by changes in syndrome. Recovery of LV function has also been
gene expression that regulate different functional associated with the discontinuation of cardiotoxins,
domains of the cell; these include the sarcomere, most commonly ethanol and cancer chemotherapies,
ß-adrenergic signaling, excitation contraction including anthracyclines, tyrosine kinase inhibitors,
coupling, metabolism, and the cytoskeleton. and monoclonal antibodies (16). There also seem to be
differences in recovery of LV function in DCM among
EPIDEMIOLOGY OF REVERSE women and men, as well as White and Black patients,
LV REMODELING AND RECOVERY with greater recovery of LV function and event-free
OF LV FUNCTION survival in women and White patients (24).
A large body of evidence shows reverse LV
Reverse LV remodeling with recovery of LV function remodeling and recovery of LV function after imple-
can occur spontaneously in a variety of different mentation of evidence-based medical, device-based,
clinical settings (Figure 2). These clinical observations and surgical interventions in patients with chronic
provide clues to the underlying biology of reverse LV HFrEF. Because this topic has been reviewed exten-
remodeling. Remarkably, recovery of LV function sively elsewhere (16,25), it is discussed here only
occurs in a significant proportion of individuals even briefly. Numerous studies in patients with ischemic
when the severity of HF or cardiac dysfunction is heart disease have shown that there is substantial
severe. Spontaneous recovery of LV function most potential for reverse LV remodeling after coronary
commonly occurs after resolution of the inciting artery revascularization (26). Although the role of
stress that compromised myocardial function. As myocardial viability testing in this setting remains
shown in Figure 2, 3 major etiologies of myocardial uncertain, multiple studies have reported that there
injury are associated with spontaneous recovery of is a greater likelihood of improved LV function,
LV function and reverse LV remodeling: abnormal functional capacity, and survival after revasculariza-
energetics, toxic insults, and inflammation. The tion when viable myocardial segments are present.
JACC VOL. 76, NO. 6, 2020 Wilcox et al. 723
AUGUST 11, 2020:719–34 HFrecEF Consensus Recommendations
Toxic Pathological
Insults Immune
Alcohol Peri-
Chemo- ALM
Tachycardia Blockade Excess
Thyroid Activation
Reverse CPAP
Abnormal Disease
Energetics RAAS
Revascularization Blockade
The segments of the outmost ring highlight pathophysiological processes implicated by reverse left ventricular remodeling, in particular
clinical settings that comprise the middle ring. Reproduced with permission from Hellawell et al. (16). ALM ¼ acute lymphocytic myocarditis;
AVR ¼ aortic valve replacement; CPAP ¼ continuous positive airway pressure; CRT ¼ cardiac resynchronization therapy; CSD ¼ cardiac support
device; LVAD ¼ left ventricular assist device; LVEF ¼ left ventricular ejection fraction; MVR ¼ mitral valve repair/replacement; RAAS ¼ renin-
angiotensin-aldosterone system.
Pharmacological inhibition of the sympathetic ner- remodeling and improve LV function in patients with
vous system and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone HFrEF (27). Viewed together, these studies implicate
system have also been associated with reverse LV adrenergic and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
remodeling, improved LV function, and improved signaling in the pathogenesis of forward LV remod-
clinical outcomes. Among the different evidence- eling and indicate that mitigating these mechanisms
based neurohormonal antagonists, the use of beta- favors reverse LV remodeling. Table 2 summarizes
adrenergic blockers are most strongly associated established clinical predictors of reverse remodeling.
with reverse LV remodeling. Although there is sub- The prevalence of HFrecEF has been gleaned pri-
stantial evidence that antagonism of the renin- marily from retrospective single-center reports or
angiotensin-aldosterone system prevents forward LV aggregated from a few centers with research data-
remodeling, the evidence for regression of established bases. In one of the first reports to carefully charac-
LV remodeling is less definitive for angiotensin- terize such patients, Punnoose et al. (28) noted that
converting enzyme inhibitors and aldosterone antag- the prevalence of heart failure with a recovered LVEF
onists (25). However, treatment with angiotensin re- was 34% in their center; notably, 70% of patients
ceptor blockers is associated with significant labeled as HFpEF had documentation of prior HFrEF.
reductions in LV internal diastolic diameter and in- Patients with HFrecEF with a baseline LVEF <40%
creases in LVEF (4). More recently, treatment with that improved to an LVEF >40% were younger, less
sacubitril/valsartan was shown to induce reverse LV likely to have coronary artery disease, and had fewer
724 Wilcox et al. JACC VOL. 76, NO. 6, 2020
C ENTR AL I LL U STRA T I O N Clinical Assessment of Patients With Recovered Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction
Clinical assessment of symptoms and electrocardiogram (ECG) can identify patients with heart failure with recovered ejection fraction (HFrecEF) at higher risk of
relapse. The need for persistent diuretics and left bundle branch block (LBBB) represents higher risk subgroups. Absence of late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) on
cardiac magnetic resonance imaging is a strong predictor of recovery or remodeling and is associated with improved prognosis. Elevated extracellular volume (ECV)
values (suggested of edema or fibrosis) can also improve diagnostic understanding of specific cardiomyopathies. Higher absolute global longitudinal strain (GLS) (e.g.,
>16%) is associated with stability of left ventricular ejection fraction over short-term follow-up and higher GLS even among dilated hearts is associated with
HFrecEF status. Prognosis in genetic dilated cardiomyopathy varies, with truncating variants of the titin gene (TTNtv) more likely to respond favorably to guideline-
directed medical therapy and achieve HFrecEF status, and LMNA mutations less likely to respond and confer high risk for sudden cardiac death despite HFrecEF status.
Greater reductions in N-terminal pro–B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) with neurohormonal heart failure (HF) therapy is associated with greater improvements
in left ventricular structure and function, as well as improved clinical outcomes. A rise in NT-proBNP in HFrecEF patients may precede HF relapse. Gaps remain with
regard to development of inception cohorts to better understand the natural history of HFrecEF, and additional clinical trials are needed to define which elements of
clinical care are important for maintaining clinical remission, as well as basic studies to better define the biology of HFrecEF in order to develop new therapeutic targets.
Echo ¼ echocardiography; HFrEF ¼ heart failure with reduced ejection fraction; LVEDD ¼ left ventricular end diastolic dimension; MRI ¼ magnetic resonance imaging.
726 Wilcox et al. JACC VOL. 76, NO. 6, 2020
In summary, regardless of the definition of heart to maintain LV pump function under normal
HFrecEF, the preponderance of data suggests that conditions; however, this adaptation has less biolog-
younger age, female sex, nonischemic etiology, ical and contractile reserve capacity, and is therefore
shorter duration of disease, and fewer comorbidities more prone to redevelop LV dysfunction in response
are associated with higher likelihood of recovery of to hemodynamic, neurohormonal, or environmental
LVEF. Moreover, the clinical outcomes of HFrecEF stress. Although the precise biological motifs that are
patients are also improved compared with patients responsible for this loss of reserve capacity are not
with HFrEF and HFpEF with respect to death. How- known, it is likely that progressive loss of cardiac
ever, HF events still occur and symptoms remain myocytes, persistent dysregulation of the tran-
present in HFrecEF patients, although they may be scriptome, metabolome, and proteome of cardiac
less frequent than in patients with HFrEF (31). A myocytes, and the progressive erosion of the native
number of limitations of the available data should be 3-dimensional organization of the extracellular ma-
recognized, including survival bias, the imprecise trix surrounding the cardiac myocytes contribute to
nature of quantitative data in the clinical setting, the stability of the reverse LV remodeled heart (17).
missing data, treatment disparities, and variable This point of view is supported by the observation
clinical protocols with respect to surveillance testing that the great majority of clinical examples of spon-
and therapeutic management. taneous recovery of LV function associated with du-
rable clinical stability occur after transient injury
(e.g., energetic defects or myocardial toxins), rather
than more long-standing and/or permanent injury
Although reverse LV remodeling and recovery of LV
(e.g., myocardial infarction, genetic abnormalities).
function are associated with improved clinical out-
comes, there is a growing body of evidence suggest- ETIOLOGY OF THE
ing that, even among patients who experience a CARDIOMYOPATHY MATTERS
complete normalization of LV structure and function
after implementation of GDMT, a significant propor- Understanding the pathophysiological basis for HF is
tion will develop recurrent LV dysfunction accom- essential for understanding the prognosis and man-
panied by recurrent HF events (3,32). The biological agement of patients with HFrecEF. Indeed, manage-
explanation for why some patients who have ment of specific types of cardiomyopathies is a
improved LV structure and function remain free from burgeoning field, especially in the cardio-oncology
HF events (“myocardial remission”) and why other arena, such as with trastuzumab-related ventricular
patients who have a similar improvement in LV dysfunction, and inflammatory responses to immune-
structure and function continue to have recurrent HF checkpoint inhibitors (35). Monoclonal antibodies
events is not known. One plausible explanation for that block ErbB2 (HER2/neu) signaling (e.g., trastu-
this phenomenon, which is based on the consistent zumab) disrupt cardiac homeostasis and myocardial
finding that the reverse remodeled heart retains repair and cause systolic and diastolic dysfunction. In
many of the molecular features of the failing heart, is a seminal paper, Narayan et al. (36) showed in a
that reverse LV remodeling represents a transition to prospective cohort of 277 patients with breast cancer
a new less pathological “steady state” that allows the that trastuzumab therapy resulted in early LVEF
JACC VOL. 76, NO. 6, 2020 Wilcox et al. 727
AUGUST 11, 2020:719–34 HFrecEF Consensus Recommendations
F I G U R E 3 Sample Follow-Up and Clinical Testing Schedule for an HFrecEF Patient Deemed High-Risk for Recurrence of HF
Variable 3 6 9 12 18 24 30
Patients with heart failure with recovered ejection fraction (HFrecEF) at high risk of relapse (persistent left bundle branch block, genetic
dilated cardiomyopathy, higher biomarker profiles, or more comorbidities) require close clinical follow-up, with biomarker and imaging, with
shorter intervals immediately following HFrecEF diagnosis out to 12 months, and longer intervals thereafter. Abnormal or worsening global
longitudinal strain (GLS) may identify patients at higher risk of HF relapse. *Consider CMR if was not performed at de novo time of HFrEF
diagnosis. CMR ¼ cardiac magnetic resonance; ECG ¼ electrocardiogram; Echo ¼ echocardiography; HF ¼ heart failure; HFrEF ¼ heart
failure with a reduced ejection fraction; NT-proBNP ¼ N-terminal pro–B-type natriuretic peptide.
declines and incomplete recovery (e.g., persistent time of manuscript writing, the proportion of patients
subclinical dysfunction) at 3 years. The echocardio- with Takotsubo cardiomyopathy who will develop an
graphic parameters most consistently associated with HFrEF phenotype is unknown, nor is it clear whether
LVEF decline were LV volumes, longitudinal and these patients will benefit from continued GDMT.
circumferential strain, arterial load, and the ventric- Patients with alcohol-induced cardiomyopathy
ular arterial coupling ratio. often have significant LV reverse remodeling
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy has previously been following cessation of alcohol consumption (40). One
considered a transient period of profound LV observational study suggests improved durability of
dysfunction brought on by emotional distress that recovery over 15 years of follow-up among subjects
resolves with absolute recovery of LVEF. However, with alcohol-induced cardiomyopathy compared with
Scally et al. (37) recently highlighted that in fact, other HF etiologies; however, survival bias limits
despite a return to normal LVEF and normalization of interpretation. Ware et al. (41) have reported a shared
serum biomarkers, patients with previous Takotsubo genetic predisposition in alcohol-induced cardiomy-
cardiomyopathy experienced persistent reduced api- opathy and DCM, mostly due to truncating variants in
cal circumferential strain and reduced global longi- titin (TTN). Given the cohort data showing similar
tudinal strain on speckle-tracking echocardiography, prognosis compared with DCM (42), and other studies
as well as increased native T 1 mapping values on limited by survival bias, we recommend that medical
cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR). This persistent therapy for HF generally be continued, even in
subclinical cardiac dysfunction is also characterized HFrecEF patients with alcohol-induced
by a low-grade chronic inflammatory state with a cardiomyopathy.
myocardial macrophage inflammatory infiltrate and Fulminant myocarditis is a relatively uncommon
an increase in systemic proinflammatory cytokines syndrome that is associated with excellent 11-year
(38). Moreover, recent data from the InterTAK Reg- transplant-free survival of >90%, if patients survive
istry highlight the morbidity of Takotsubo cardiomy- the initial episode, which often requires acute me-
opathy, with long-term outcomes similar to those chanical support for cardiogenic shock (43). In a
with acute coronary syndromes (39). However, at the clinicopathological study from Johns Hopkins, a more
728 Wilcox et al. JACC VOL. 76, NO. 6, 2020
CRT response, it is associated with lower likelihood of generally distinct mechanistic pathways of myocar-
improvement with GDMT alone (47). In addition, pa- dial injury and repair, biomarkers such as natriuretic
rameters of repolarization heterogeneity on surface peptides (ventricular remodeling), troponin (myocar-
ECG (e.g., QRST angle, QT dispersion) are associated dial injury), ST2 (inflammation), and galectin-3
with myocardial recovery among patients with acute (fibrosis) can provide independent additive
HF and nonischemic cardiomyopathy (48). In the prognostic information in HFrEF (58). Relevant to
absence of a complete normalization of the ECG, it HFrecEF, a greater reduction in N-terminal pro–B-
should be assumed that myocardial disease remains type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) with GDMT is
present. associated with greater improvements in LVEF and
FAMILY HISTORY OF DCM AND EVALUATION OF greater reduction in LV volumes as well as improved
UNDERLYING GENETIC RISK. A thorough 3-generation clinical outcomes (59). A subsequent study showed
family history is always recommended among pa- that multiple biomarkers are associated with im-
tients with nonischemic DCM, regardless of the LVEF provements in LVEF (60). Because there is a risk of
or clinical trajectory, insofar as there are implications recurrent LV dysfunction in HFrecEF (61,62), consid-
for the patient’s prognosis and recovery as well as eration should also be given to performing serial
offspring and other first-degree relatives. All measurements of specific biomarkers over time, in
first-degree relatives of a DCM proband are recom- conjunction with regular surveillance provider visits
mended to undergo clinical screening with echocar- and selected imaging modalities.
diography, ECG, and clinical examination (49). In 2-DIMENSIONAL ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY. In addition
addition, we recommend that clinicians should have to clinical status, responder status to GDMT is
low threshold to perform genetic testing even among ultimately determined by 2-dimensional echocardi-
those with recovered DCM, because the results may ography. Specific echocardiographic features are
inform prognosis about durability of recovery, risk for characteristic of HFrecEF, including decreases in LV
HF relapse or sudden death, and risk for atrial ar- end-systolic and end-diastolic volumes, improve-
rhythmias, in addition to informing HF risk for family ments in functional mitral regurgitation, and the lack
members. Herman et al. (50) published seminal find- of right ventricular dysfunction (27,63). Despite im-
ings in 2012 that 15% to 25% of cases of DCM were provements in gross myocardial functioning, global
associated with rare truncating TTN variants. In longitudinal strain and diastolic function rarely
addition, Ware et al. (51) have shown that 15% of normalize in HFrecEF (62). However, among HFrecEF
women with peripartum cardiomyopathy carried patients, higher global longitudinal strain (e.g., >16%
truncations in TTN. Titin is the largest protein in the absolute global longitudinal strain) is associated with
heart, spanning the length of the sarcomere, from the stability of LVEF over short-term follow-up (w2
Z disc to the M band, and it functions as a molecular years). Swat et al. (64) further showed that higher
spring that regulates contraction. In contrast to other baseline absolute longitudinal strain (e.g., >8%) is
known genetic etiologies of DCM, truncating variants associated with HFrecEF status in a retrospective
in TTN are compatible with recovery after exposure to cohort of DCM patients with acute decompensated
GDMT (52,53) and left ventricular assist device HF, even among patients with larger left ventricu-
unloading; however, it should be emphasized that the lar dimensions.
sustainability of these improvements are not CMR IMAGING. CMR is best utilized to characterize
well characterized. the myocardial substrate around the time of de novo
Another important consideration in the care of the diagnosis of HFrEF to provide insights into etiology.
HFrecEF patient is determining the risk of sudden For example, the pattern of late gadolinium
cardiac death (SCD), a risk that still persists in certain enhancement can be very suggestive of specific car-
underlying genetic cardiomyopathies, despite recov- diomyopathies, such as sarcoidosis and certain
ery of LVEF. For example, pathogenic mutations in muscular dystrophies (65,66). The presence and
DSP, SCN5A, LMNA, and FLNC carry a significantly extent of late gadolinium enhancement are also pre-
higher risk of malignant arrhythmias compared with dictors of response to neurohormonal HF therapy and
other genetic and nongenetic etiologies of DCM risk prediction in both ischemic (67) and nonischemic
(54–57) despite therapy with GDMT and improve- (68,69) conditions. In nonischemic cardiomyopathy,
ments in LVEF. the absence of late gadolinium enhancement is a
BIOMARKERS. Circulating biomarkers are influenced strong predictor of recovery or remodeling and is
by intrinsic myocardial properties as well as periph- associated with improved prognosis (70). The use of
eral and local metabolic factors. Because they reflect T 1 mapping to measure extracellular volume and
730 Wilcox et al. JACC VOL. 76, NO. 6, 2020
interstitial fibrosis (71) shows promise as another and Morbidity in Heart Failure) and PARAGON-HF
predictor of response to therapy and improved prog- (Prospective Comparison of ARNI with ARB Global
nostication in HF (72). However, the utility of CMR Outcomes in HF With Preserved Ejection Fraction)
after some degree of LV remodeling or recovery has trials revealed that the therapeutic effects of
occurred is largely unknown. sacubitril/valsartan, compared with a RAS inhibitor
CLINICAL SCENARIOS. Within the framework of the alone, seem to extend to patients with HF and
information and the limitations discussed here, we mildly reduced EF (74). It is likely that most
propose the following answers to frequently asked patients with HFmrEF in current clinical practice
clinical questions in managing patients with HFrecEF. have HFrecEF, which likely explains why there is a
1. Can any or all of the HF medications be therapeutic benefit for continued neurohormonal
stopped in HFrecEF? Is there a “signature” for blockade in HFmrEF (74,75). In our experience, if
c u r e ? In the open-label randomized pilot TRED-HF there is uncertainty around whether to continue
(Withdrawal of Pharmacological Treatment for GDMT in a particular patient, medications should be
Heart Failure in Patients With Recovered Dilated continued because of the clinical observation that,
Cardiomyopathy) trial, the investigators tested the among patients who experience a relapse and
hypothesis that GDMT could be withdrawn in recurrent decline in LVEF, there is a higher
asymptomatic HFrEF patients if the LVEF rose likelihood of recurring myocyte injury and a
from <40% to >50%, the left ventricular end-diastolic diminished ability to recover LVEF the second time
volume normalized, and NT-proBNP was <250 ng/l around.
after treatment (46). After screening 936 patients, 51
patients were randomized to either a phased with- 2. How should these patients be followed up?
drawal protocol of the HF GDMT or continued therapy What should be the frequency of follow-up?
with GDMT; the participants initially randomized to Table 3 summarizes our consensus recommendation
continued therapy also had their medications for interval testing to guide management in HFrecEF
weaned. Within 6 months, 11 (44%) of 25 from the first patients. Once patients with HFrecEF are deemed
withdrawal group and 9 (36%) of 25 from the second “stable” for at least 1 year by the treating provider, we
group experienced a recurrence of HF, defined by a recommend that they should be seen every 6 months
fall in LVEF >10% to <50%, an increase in left ven- for at least 3 years, then every year at minimum due
tricular end-diastolic volume >10% to greater than to the risk of relapse and HF hospitalization
the normal range, a doubling of the NT-proBNP to (3,5,28,76). Such a practice ensures regular laboratory
>400 ng/l, or clinical evidence of HF. Importantly, surveillance (e.g., biomarker data), review of symp-
there were no deaths. Based on this single random- toms and signs of HF, and to encourage compliance
ized trial and clinical reports reviewed herein, we with polypharmacy, a well-known limitation in
recommend not stopping GDMT in patients with chronic conditions, particularly when such conditions
HFrecEF unless there are mitigating circumstances. In are asymptomatic.
this regard it is notable that in TRED-HF, the recur- Follow-up imaging is clearly part of surveillance to
rence of HF occurred over months, rather than days or assess for durability of recovery, and the interval of
weeks, after weaning GDMT. Accordingly, if patients imaging is patient and risk dependent. The current
with HFrecEF stop neurohormonal antagonists for echocardiographic-appropriate use criteria do not
several days due an intercurrent illnesses or for some discuss this patient population (77). Based on available
other clinical reason, it is unlikely that they will data (acknowledging its limitations) and our clinical
redevelop recurrent HF in the immediate short term. experience, we suggest that echocardiography be
Cessation of diuretic agents is encouraged among performed annually for the first 2 years at a minimum
recovered-EF patients; indeed, the ability to tolerate to assess durability of recovery (62), or earlier if signs
the lack of diuretics may be indicative of a lower risk and/or symptoms of HF develop. Imaging intervals can
of recrudescent HF in HFrecEF (73). We recommend be lengthened after a period of stability; however, the
that if a patient with HFrecEF continues to require optimal frequency is unclear at the time of this writing.
diuretics, then further titration of GDMT (to target Given that the durability of LV function in HFrecEF is
doses) should be considered. In addition, consider- uncertain, we recommend that patients should be
ation should be given to substituting an angiotensin imaged at least every 3 to 5 years until further longi-
receptor neprilysin inhibitor for an angiotensin- tudinal data can be obtained on this patient popula-
converting enzyme inhibitor. Recent pooled ana- tion. Patients at higher risk (e.g., those with persistent
lyses of the PARADIGM-HF (Prospective Comparison left bundle branch block, genetic DCM, higher
of ARNI with ACEI to Determine Global Mortality biomarker profiles, more comorbidities) may be
JACC VOL. 76, NO. 6, 2020 Wilcox et al. 731
AUGUST 11, 2020:719–34 HFrecEF Consensus Recommendations
selected for a shorter interval of imaging follow-up. In the best evidence to date, the data would sup-
addition, patients with long-term HFrecEF may port ICD generator change for most patients with
relapse due to a newly acquired condition, such as HFrecEF (85), especially if a deleterious genetic
coronary disease, or new onset of atrial fibrillation that mutation associated with high arrhythmia risk is
was not present when diagnosed at an earlier time present, history of appropriate shocks is docu-
point or the appearance of a new arrhythmia. HFrecEF mented, or the ECG remains abnormal. As a rule,
patients should be vigilantly followed up as described CRT should be maintained because electrical
earlier, and clinicians should recognize that not all dyssynchrony and forward LV remodeling are
recrudescent HF is “failure of GDMT,” and new con- known to recur with loss of resynchronization
current cardiac conditions may be an underlying (33,86).
explanation. Figure 3 shows an example of a follow-up
schedule for an HFrecEF patient deemed to be higher
risk for HF relapse.
We have learned a great deal about the biology,
3 . Is implantable-cardioverter defibrillator generator
epidemiology, clinical predictors, and outcomes of
change indicated in HFrecEF patients? It is unclear if
reverse LV remodeling and recovery of LV function
the subset of HFrecEF patients who had an
over the past 2 decades. Unfortunately, far less is
implantable-cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) placed for
known about the biology, natural history, and the
primary prevention of SCD when the LVEF was #35%
long-term clinical outcomes for HFrecEF patients.
continue to benefit from ICD therapy after the LVEF
This knowledge gap represents a significant unmet
has improved. However, the greater duration of
clinical need, insofar as it is directly relevant to the
documented LV dysfunction may place the HFrecEF
reemergence of clinical HF in this seemingly stable
subgroup with an ICD in an inherently higher risk SCD
patient population. Until recently, these HF read-
category than an HFrecEF patient who recovered to an
missions have been ascribed to inadequate clinical
LVEF >35% to 40% within a relatively short time
care. As discussed in the current review, the rede-
frame, and therefore did not meet appropriate use
velopment of HF in patients with HFrecEF likely has
criteria for ICD implantation (78). A recent meta-
more to do with our lack of understanding with
analysis supports the notion that there is persistent
respect to how to manage HFrecEF than to inade-
arrhythmic risk among recovered EF patients, with a
quate clinical care.
3.3% per year rate of appropriate ICD therapy among
We believe that future research in this area will
those with LVEF $45% (79). An analysis of SCD HeFT
benefit from improved phenotyping of HFrEF pa-
(Sudden Cardiac Death in Heart Failure Trial) showed
tients to guide care, developing inception cohorts of
that patients who had an improvement in EF to >35%
HFrecEF patients to better understand the natural
during follow-up accrued a similar mortality benefit
history of HFrecEF and additional clinical trials to
with an ICD as those whose EF remained at #35% (80).
define which elements of clinical care are important
Device therapy in HFrecEF patients is not specif-
for maintaining clinical remission, as well as basic
ically addressed in current practice guidelines (81).
studies to better define the biology of HFrecEF. The
However, guidelines do mention that ICD therapy
goal is to develop new therapeutic targets that will
may be appropriate for patients who carry certain
enable patients with HFrecEF to experience a durable
pathogenic genetic mutations associated with high
remission from HF.
arrhythmia risk regardless of LVEF if clinical HF is
present (49). Because fatal arrhythmias may occur
despite normalization of LVEF, considerations for ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Dr. Jane E. Wil-
prophylactic placement of an ICD have been recom- cox, 676 North Saint Clair, Suite 600, Chicago,
mended independent of EF for specific mutations in Illinois 60611. E-mail: [email protected].
genes such as LMNA, SCN5A, and FLNC (82–84). Twitter: @WilcoxHeart. OR Dr. Douglas L. Mann,
There are no prospective trials of ICD therapy Campus Box 8086, 660 S. Euclid Avenue, St. Louis,
among HFrecEF populations; however, based on Missouri 63110. E-mail: [email protected].
732 Wilcox et al. JACC VOL. 76, NO. 6, 2020
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