ASME 2007 BPVC X Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels

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Foreword ............................................................................... ix
Statements of Policy .................................................................... xi
Personnel .............................................................................. x n ~
Introduction ............................................................................ xxv
Summary of Changes .................................................................... xxix
List of Changes in BC Order ............................................................. KXX

Part RG General Requirements ..................................................... 1

. . .
RG-I Scope and JunschcUon ...................................................... 1
. .
RG-2 Organlzatlon ............................................................... 3
RG-3 Responsibilities and Duties .................................................. 4
. .
RG-4 Fabr~cat~onMethods ........................................................ 7

Part RM Material Requirements .................................................... 8

RM- 1 General Requirements ....................................................... 8
RM-2 Miscellaneous Pressure Parts ................................................ 11

RM-120.1 Resin Systems Required Certification by Resin Manufacturer ................... 9
RM-120.2 Resin Systems Required Test by Vessel Fabricator ............................. 9

Part RD Design Requirements ...................................................... 12

RD-1 General .................................................................... 12
RD-2 Shells of Revolution Under Internal Pressure .................................. 15
RD-3 Shells of Revolution Under External Pressure ................................. 16
RD-4 Secondary Bonding ......................................................... 17
RD-5 Openings and Their Reinforcement ........................................... 18
RD-6 Nozzles and Other Connections .............................................. 19
RD-7 Bolted Connections ......................................................... 26
RD-8 Quick-Actuating Closures (for Class I Vessels Only) ........................... 28
RD-9 Attachments and Supports ................................................... 29
RD- 10 Access and Inspection Openings ............................................. 30
RD-11 Mandatory Design Rules for Class I1 Vessels .................................. 32
RD-12 Laminate Stiffness Coefficients .............................................. 51

RD-620.3 Flange Tolerances .......................................................... 22
RD-620.4(a) Plate-Type Gussets ......................................................... 23
RD-620.4(b) Typical Cone-Type Gusset .................................................. 23
RD-620.5 Flush Nozzle Installation .................................................... 24
RD-620.6 Penetrating NozzleInstallation ............................................... 25
RD-700.1 Acceptable Types of Flat Heads for Class I Vessels ............................ 27
RD- 1120.1 Design Limitations for Class I1 Vessels ....................................... 33
RD-1174.2 Dimensions of Reinforcing Pad and Nozzle Overlays .......................... 37
RD-1174.3 Stress Concentration Factors for a Circular Hole in a Pressurized Cylindrical
Shell .................................................................... 39
RD-1175.2 HeadIShell or ShelVShell Overlay Dimensions................................. 40
RD-1176.1 Design of Full-Face Nozzle Flanges .......................................... 43
RD-1176.2 Values of V (Integral Flange Factor) .......................................... 44
RE-1176.3 Values of F (Integral Flange Factor) .......................................... 45
RD-1176.4 Values off (Hub Stress Correction Factor) .................................... 46
RD-1176.5 Values of T. Z. Y. and U (Terms Involving K) ................................. 47
RD-1220.1 Moment Resultants .........................................................52
RD-1220.2 In-Plane Force Resultants ................................................... 52
RD-1220.3 Coordinate Systems .........................................................53
RE-1220.4 Geometry of an N-Layered Laminate ......................................... 53

RD-620.1 Flange and Nozzle Dimensions for Hand Lay-Up and Pressure Molded
RD-1173.2 Values of Spherical Radius Factor KO for Ellipsoidal Heads With Pressure on
Convex Side .............................................................36

Part RF Fabrication Requirements .................................................. 56

RF- 1 General Requirements....................................................... 56
Rl-2 Special Fabrication Requirements for Bag-Molding Process (for Class I Vessels
Only) ...................................................................57
RF-3 Special Fabrication Requirements for Centrifugal-Casting Process (for Class I
Vessels Only) ............................................................59
RF4 Special Fabrication Requirements for Filament-Winding Process (Classes I
and II) .................................................................. 60
RF-5 Special Fabrication Requirements for Contact-Molding Process (Classes I
and 11) .................................................................. 62
RF-6 Special Fabrication Requirements for Matched Molded Heads (Used for
Closures for Centrifugally Cast Vessels - for Class I Vessels Only) .......... 64
RF-7 Special Fabrication Requirements for Joining Components...................... 66

RF-210.1 Fiber Side Wall Lay-Up for Bag Molding ..................................... 57
RF-210.2 Head or End Preform for Cylindrical Vessel .................................. 58
RF-610.1 Fiber Preform and Insert for Head for Centrifugally Cast Vessel ................ 64
RF-610.2 Fiber Head or End Preformed Inserts for Centrifugally Cast Vessel Heads ....... 65

Part RQ Qualification Requirements ................................................ 67

RQ-l Scope .....................................................................67
RQ-2 Special Requirements for Bag-Molding Procedure Qualification (Class I
Vessels) .................................................................70
RQ-3 Special Requirements for Centrifugal-Casting Procedure Qualification (Class I
Vessels) ................................................................. 71
RQ-4 Special Requirements for Filament-Winding Procedure Qualification (Class I
Vessels) ................................................................. 72
RQ-5 Special Requirements for Contact-Molding Procedure Qualification (Class I
Vessels) ................................................................. 73
RQ-6 Special Requirements for Class I1 Vessels..................................... 74

Part RR Pressure Relief Devices .................................................... 75

RR- 1 General Requirements....................................................... 75
RR-2 Provisions in Vessels for Installation of Pressure Relief Devices ................ 77
Part RT Rules Governing Testing ...................................................
RT- 1 Testing Requirements .......................................................
RT-2 Design and Procedure Qualification Test Requirements for Class I Vessels .......
RT-3 Quality Control Test and Examination Requirements for Class I Vessels .........
RT-4 Production Test Requirements for Class I Vessels ..............................
RT-5 Hydrostatic Testing Procedures and Equipment for Class I and Class II
Vessels ..................................................................
RT-6 Acceptance Test Procedure for Class I1 Vessels ...............................
RT-7 Determination of Mechanical Properties of Lamina for Use With Class II
Vessels ..................................................................
RT-8 Test Methods for Determining Damage-Based Design Criterion .................
RT-840 Loading Schedule .......................................................... 95
RT-620.1 Evaluation Criteria .......................................................... 90
RT-854.1 K Factor for Historic Index .................................................. 95
Part RI Inspection Requirements ................................................... 96
RI- 1 General .................................................................... 96
RI-2 Special Inspection Requirements for Bag Molding (Class I Vessels) ............. 98
RI-3 Special Inspection Requirements for Centrifugal Casting (Class I Vessels) . . . . . . . 99
RI-4 Special Inspection Requirements for Filament Winding ......................... 101
RI-5 Special Inspection Requirements for Contact Molding .......................... 102
Part RS Marking. Stamping. and Reports ........................................... 103
RS-1 Contents. Methods. and Means of Marking .................................... 103
RS-2 Use of Code Symbol Stamps ................................................ 105
RS-3 Report Forms .............................................................. 106
RS-100.1 Official Symbol for Mark to Denote The American Society of Mechanical
Engineers' Standard ...................................................... 103
RS-132.1 Formof Stamping andMarking .............................................. 104
1 Quality Control System ..................................................... 107
2 Capacity Conversions for Safety Valves ...................................... 109
3 Submittal of Technical Inquiries to the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee . . . . 112
4 Glossary of Terms Related to Fiber-Reinforced Plastics ........................ 114
5 Specific Gravity of Liquid Resins ............................................ 123
6 Structural Laminate Visual Acceptance Criteria ................................ 124
7 Standard Units for Use in Equations .......................................... 129
AA Suggested Methods of Preliminary Design for Class I Vessels .................. 130
AB Installation and Operation ................................................... 136
AC Discontinuity Stresses for Class 11. Method B Vessels .......................... 138
AD Laminate Theory ........................................................... 152
AF Examples for Design Rules for Class I1 Vessels ............................... 165
AG Guide to Information Appeasing on Certificate of Authorization ................. 168
AH Guidance for the Use of U S . Customary and S1 Units in the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code ................................................. 170
A1 Rigorous NASA SP-8007 Solution for Lateral and Longitudinal Pressure ........ 173
Forms .......................................................................... 177


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