BDM DISC325 Fall 2022 Course Outline
BDM DISC325 Fall 2022 Course Outline
BDM DISC325 Fall 2022 Course Outline
Course Basics
Credit Hours 3
Lecture(s) Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week 2 Duration 75 mins
Recitation/Lab (per week) Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week Duration
Tutorial (per week) Nbr of Lec(s) Per Week Duration
Course Distribution
Elective Yes
Open for Student Category Undergraduate 3rd and 4th year
Close for Student Category
In ‘) and data privacy.
Students will be familiarized in lab sessions with Python programming language for data gathering and cleaning while they will
manage and analyze a Relational database using Structured Query Language (SQL). Students will utilize python libraries and Power
BI tool to create visualizations for data presentation.
Students will apply the knowledge acquired during the course by working in groups to build an information system for analytics
from scratch. Here they will clean and transform unstructured, load it in a relational database and perform data analyses and
Learning Outcomes
After completing this course student shall be able to:
1. Extract, clean, transform and manage data for analyses using Python.
2. Create Entity Relationship (ER) diagrams based on business requirements.
3. Develop conceptual and relational data models.
4. Demonstrate and articulate key concepts in database management.
5. Use structured query language (SQL) for data manipulation, management and analyses.
6. Utilize python programming language for data cleaning and analyses.
7. Use Power BI to create data visualizations.
8. Understand techniques in creating effective visualizations for data presentation.
9. Understand data warehousing and key differences between OLTP and OLAP.
10. Understand issues regarding data privacy.
Course Project
The course project will require students to work in a group. Students will be provided with social media data which they will clean,
transform and load in a database schema. They will then perform data analyses. Students will present their findings along with all
Lahore University of Management Sciences
the data manipulation operations performed in the form of a report. Accompanied data cleaning and analysis scripts in Python and
SQL files should be submitted with the report.
Examination Detail
Yes/No: No
Yes/No: No
Final Exam
Recommended Objectives/
Lecture/ Topics
Readings Application
Lecture 1 Course Introduction Course outline presentation
Lecture 13 Machine Learning using Python: Cluster Analysis for Utilize python packages for
Implementation of unsupervised Machine Segmentation – Darden Business cluster analyses utilizing mall
Learning – Classification problem Publishing, 2018 customer data.
Lahore University of Management Sciences
Bot detection in Twitter
landscape using unsupervised
learning – ACM 2020
Lecture 14 Text mining and sentiment analyses Have text will travel, Can Airbnb Use of sentiment analyses to
use review text data to optimize increase business profitability.
profits? Darden, Dec 2016
Analyze review data for
Analyzing Brexit’s impact using sentiment analysis
sentiment analysis and topic
modeling on Twitter discussion –
ACM, June 2020
Module 2 – Databases and SQL
Lecture 15 Introduction to RDBMS Chapter 1 & 2: Coronel Morris Provide students with a brief
Rob Database Systems - Design, overview of the RDBMS.
Implementation, and
Management. (Summary of 2
Lecture 16 The Relational Data Model Chapter 3 - Coronel Morris Rob That relational database offers
& 17 Database Systems - Design, logical view of data, its basic
Implementation, and components and relation
Management. implementation as tables in
Relational Data Models in
Enterprise-Level Information
Systems (HBS) 2002
Lecture 18 & E-R Modeling Chapter 4 & 5 - Coronel Morris Representing organization
19 Rob Database Systems - Design, structure as an entity-
Implementation, and relationship model.
Lecture 20 Introduction to SQL Chapter 7 & 8- Coronel Morris Introduction to structured query
Rob Database Systems - Design, language. It’s use for data
Implementation, and definition and manipulation.
Lecture 21 SQL Lab Practical application of SQL by Hands on exercise to familiarize
solving problems on students with utility of SQL as
Introduction to the MySQL data manipulation language.
database, Workbench interface
for SQL.
Lecture 22 & Advanced SQL Lab Working with Advanced SQL
23 concepts, subquery, joins etc.
Module 3 – Miscellaneous
Lecture 25 & Ethical issues related with data privacy. Apple: Privacy vs Safety (HBS) Familiarize students about
Lahore University of Management Sciences
26 2017 “Nothing to hide” argument
along with the Privacy vs security
D.J. Solove, “I’ve got nothing to
Other reading materials will be
provided before class.
Textbook(s)/Supplementary Readings
2. Carlos Coronel and Steven Morris, Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management, Eleventh Edition,
Cengage Learning, 2014, ISBN 978-1285196145.
Other sources:
Supplementary material from the internet such as videos, blogs, articles etc. will be provided during the course for further
understanding of course components.