Educ3629 Case Study Paige Kiernan
Educ3629 Case Study Paige Kiernan
Educ3629 Case Study Paige Kiernan
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Case Study:
derived from the father is either deleted or unexpressed (Dryden, 2019; Fidler et al.,
2003; Prader-Willi Syndrome Association of Victoria, n.d.). Whilst the severity and
characteristics differ in each person affected with the disorder (Scott et al., 1999),
some common characteristics include impaired speech and language skills, delay in
satiety (Dryden, 2019; Atkin & Lorch, 2007; Prader-Willi Syndrome of Victoria, n.d.).
Given that a child with Prader-Willi syndrome’s language function and articulatory
skill are also severely affected, children may also begin to display some dysfluent
incomplete phrases (Atkin & Lorch, 2007). As well as being the driving force behind
genetically identified cause of obesity (Atkin & Lorch, 2007; Dryden, 2019).
Many children affected with Prader-Willi syndrome struggle to interpret subtle social
cues, learn social norms, and lack the ability to see things from another person’s
point of view (Dryden, 2019; Chedd et al., 2006). This can have a detrimental impact
Paige Kiernan EDUC3629: Students with Special Needs
on a student’s classroom experience as any child who lacks appropriate social skills
Rosner et al., 2004). Temper tantrums are also common among children with Prader-
Willi syndrome, which has the potential to hinder the child’s relationship with others
and may ultimately lead to social isolation and cause the child to disengage from
Children diagnosed with Prader-Willi syndrome also often show high rates of
aggressive behaviour (Rosner et al., 2004; Chedd et al., 2006; Dryden, 2019). The
majority of children who suffer from Prader-Willi syndrome are underactive, which
assigned work (Chedd et al., 2006). These children often also exhibit compulsive and
repetitive behaviours that will likely impede their ability to work quickly and effectively,
such as repeatedly asking questions about the schedule and routine within the
classroom (Dryden, 2019). Children diagnosed with Harley’s condition are also likely
(Dryden, 2019).
term auditory memory (Chedd et al., 2006). In a classroom setting this may mean
that a child will find it difficult to remember strings of verbally presented information,
as they struggle to transfer auditory information from their short to long term memory
disobedience as the child is unable to process pieces of the directions (Chedd et al.,
Paige Kiernan EDUC3629: Students with Special Needs
Another factor that would likely impact on Harley’s classroom experience is his low
muscle tone and strength. In Harley’s case, this lack of strength has negatively
impacted his fine motor skills and as such he may experience difficulties participating
in tasks such as drawing or writing (Chedd et al., 2006). Children who suffer from
Prader-Willi syndrome may also struggle to engage fully in tasks that require
substantial motor planning skills, so much so that simple tasks such as moving
around the classroom or changing rooms may prove challenging (Chedd et al.,
Another issue that is highlighted in the case study is Harley’s lack of expressive
syndrome, as their expressive language usually lags behind their receptive language
can negatively affect a child’s ability to communicate their wants and interests with an
educator, whilst also decreasing the opportunities for the child to interact
When planning for Harley, an educator’s programs should aim to address his specific
food, and the development of a regular, healthy, exercise pattern ((Dryden, 2019;
Chedd et al., 2006). Given that visual processing is a strong cognitive skill for
students with Prader-Willi syndrome (Rosner et al., 2004), an educator should aim to
plan lessons that capitalize on these strengths whilst minimizing weaknesses in other
areas such as auditory short-term memory (Dryden, 2019). Another important aspect
Paige Kiernan EDUC3629: Students with Special Needs
engage in positive social interactions with his peers (Chedd et al., 2006; Westwood,
language and motor skills that he does not possess (Westwood, 2015). This may
mean that Harley will require modifications to the format of an assessment, variation
A variety of professionals play a key role in meeting Harley’s unique needs, namely a
physical therapist, occupational therapist and speech therapist (Scott et al., 1999;
Chedd et al, 2006). A physical and occupational therapist can work with Harley to
develop strategies to support his fine motor skills and motor development, whilst a
speech therapist can be helpful in working with Harley to improve his expressive
The educator as well as the child’s parents also play a major role in improving
Harley’s educational outcomes (Scott et al., 1999; Chedd et al, 2006). It is imperative
that teachers and families work closely together to share information regarding
routines and positive behaviour supports, so that these can be implemented both at
home and at school (Scott et al., 1999; Chedd et al, 2006). It is also important that
the classroom teacher incorporate goals from the child’s therapy into the regular
curriculum and classroom activities (Chedd et al., 2006). Lastly, the child themselves
also must be actively involved in monitoring their own behaviour and achievement
Paige Kiernan EDUC3629: Students with Special Needs
In order to minimise Harley’s stress and anxiety surrounding his daily routine inside
the classroom, an educator must first create a predictable and consistent learning
Harley with a visual schedule outlining the day’s events as well as the time and
duration of specific activities, which he may use to remind himself of his routine at
times when he is feeling particularly anxious or uncertain (Dryden 2019; Chedd et al.,
Harley with an anticipatory object, such as a ball when going to physical therapy or a
toy when going outside, which may aid in Harley’s adjustment to certain activities
(Chedd et al., 2006). It is also imperative that the educator prepare Harley for any
changes to his schedule, such as a field trip or school event, ahead of time in order
to reduce any distress and anger that he may feel (Dryden, 2019; Chedd et al.,
regulate what he eats throughout the day. Many children with Prader-Willi syndrome
are known to display food seeking behaviours such as stealing food, eating non-food
items and binge eating, which if not controlled may result in life-threatening obesity
(Dryden, 2019). It is therefore important that during school hours Harley is closely
supervised in all areas where food is readily available, and that access to food is
eliminated as far as possible (Dryden, 2019; Chedd et al., 2006; Scott et al, 1999).
To do this an educator may store food outside the classroom in high or locked
cabinets, and serve food in appropriate portions for each individual child as opposed
Paige Kiernan EDUC3629: Students with Special Needs
Furthermore, food should never be offered as a reward for good behaviour (Dryden,
As well as a focus on diet, educators must increase the amount of time devoted to
exercise and physical activity (Scott et al., 1999; Westwood, 2015). Within the
balance and motor planning skills that have been negatively affected by his condition
(Chedd et al., 2006). In order to cater for Harley, an educator should incorporate non-
competitive activities into their program such as walking, low-impact aerobics, and
group exercise (Chedd et al., 2006). More so, it imperative that Harley is not isolated
from his peers during physical activity, but instead integrated with typical developing
Given that Harley process information slower than his peers, an educator must put in
place strategies to aid in his attention and work completion (Dryden, 2019). Firstly,
when presenting Harley with verbal instructions for a task or project, they should be
broken down into smaller, more manageable steps with ample time given to process
each piece of information (Dryden, 2019; Chedd et al., 2006; Westwood, 2015).
Given that visual processing is a strong skill for children with Prader-Willi syndrome,
an educator should also make use of visual aids, such as photos, illustrations, and
videos, when presenting Harley with new information (Chedd et al., 2006; Rosner et
al., 2004). When learning new concepts and skills, Harley would also benefit from
high-quality explicit instruction whereby new knowledge and skills are taught through
Paige Kiernan EDUC3629: Students with Special Needs
Given that Harley’s fine motor skills aren’t as developed as his peers, an educator
must also minimize his writing demands within the classroom by providing alternative
ways to complete a set task (Chedd et al., 2006). For example, rather than writing an
(Chedd et al., 2006). It is also important for Harley that unstructured, idle time within
the classroom setting is avoided as this can easily lead to maladaptive and obsessive
behaviours, such as repetitive questioning (Chedd et al., 2006; Dryden, 2019). If this
behaviour becomes an issue for Harley, it may prove useful for the educator to write
down the answer to a preservative question on a piece of card that Harley can refer
In terms of his social development, Harley must be explicitly taught the specific skills
and behaviours that will enhance his relationship with his peers (Chedd et al., 2006).
Given that Harley has issues understanding some of the more subtle aspects of
socialization, the educator must teach Harley appropriate social skills through a
educator should also utilise group work within the classroom. By doing so Harley will
effectively be building his social skills as he interacts with his peers (Westwood,
the day, any strategies that worked well, and any behavioural issues, back and forth
between home and school can help maximise consistency for the child. It would also
Paige Kiernan EDUC3629: Students with Special Needs
be beneficial for Harley’s development if his caregivers met regularly with the
educator to discuss his progress within the classroom (Chedd et al., 2006).
Harley is a year 1 student who has been diagnosed with Prader-Willi syndrome, a
Victoria, n.d.). Whilst the characteristics of this condition differ from person to person,
for Harley some of the side effects he experiences include a lack of expressive
short-term auditory memory, and poor fine motor skills (Chedd et al., 2006; Dryden,
2019; Rosner et al., 2004). Given that all of these factors can have a significant
impact on Harley’s classroom experience, an educator must adapt and modify their
curriculum so that Harleys social, emotional, and academic needs are met. Some of
the ways an educator can do this is by explicitly teaching social skills, maintaining a
regular schedule within the classroom, controlling access to food, incorporating daily
physical activity, and breaking large tasks down into smaller parts (Chedd et al.,
2006; Westwood, 2015; Dryden, 2019; Scott et al., 1999). Lastly, an educator must
his success both inside and outside the classroom (Chedd et al., 2006).
Paige Kiernan EDUC3629: Students with Special Needs
Atkin, K., & Lorch, M. P. (2007). Language development in a 3-year-old boy with
Chedd, N., Levine, K., Wharton, R.H. (2006.). Educational Considerations for
Children with Prader-Willi Syndrome. In: Butler M.G., Lee P.D.K., Whitman
47(5), 4-6.
Fidler, D. J., Lawson, J. E., & Hodapp, R. M. (2003). What do parents wants? An
Paige Kiernan EDUC3629: Students with Special Needs
Rosner, B. A., Hodapp, R. M., Fidler, D. J., Sagun, J. N., & Dykens, E. M. (2004).
Scott, E. M., Smith, T. E. C., Hendricks, M. D., & Polloway, E. A. (1999). Prader-Willi