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Allison Manual

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A P R I L 2 012

P.O. Box 894, Speed Code PF3 SA3743EN (2012/04)

Indianapolis, Indiana 46206-0894 ISO/QS 9000 and ISO 14001 Certified

Information or specifications subject to © 2012 Allison Transmission, Inc.

change without notice or obligation. All rights reserved.
E N G I NE h p ( kW ) TORQUE lb-f t (N•m) Smart controls.
165–600 (123–447) 420–1850 (569–2508) Allison Rugged Duty Series
GV W l b s ( kg)
automatic transmissions
14,000–unlimited (6,350–unlimited) have brains in addition
to brawn. Electronic
control packages
provide precisely the
performance features
you need to get the job
done — whatever it may be.
1000 RDS, 1350 RDS,
3000 RDS, 3500 RDS
2100 RDS, 2200 RDS, 4000 RDS, 4500 RDS, Load-Based Shift Scheduling (LBSS) PTO Enable
2300 RDS, 2350 RDS, 4700 RDS
To optimize fuel economy and maintain superior Commands how and when the PTO engages
Your trucks and your drivers 2500 RDS, 2550 RDS
Allison Automatic performance, Allison LBSS and monitors operating conditions to minimize
don’t lead a pampered life. They automatically selects between Economy and
Performance shift schedules based on the
potential damage and hazards.

work hard in tough conditions, Proven reliability and durability. vehicle’s actual payload and the grade on which Auxiliary Function Range Inhibit
day in, day out. Their performance Allison Transmission has built a reputation on our
ability to build transmissions that last. That is why
it is operating. It has proven to increase fuel
economy by up to 5%*.
Helps avoid unwanted shifts out of Neutral
and integrates with virtually any vocational
and productivity rise to a Allison Automatics are the preferred choice for *Results may vary depending on operating conditions. vehicle component.
whole new level when you spec on-/off-highway, rugged duty applications.

Prognostics Range Indicator

Allison Rugged Duty Series fully RE Calibrated to the vehicle’s particular operating Provides a useable electric signal when the
automatic transmissions. LIA requirements, Allison prognostics monitor various transmission shifts to a chosen range.
BI operating parameters — oil level, oil life, filter life
LIT and transmission health — to determine and alert Automatic Neutral
Working harder and smarter. Allison fully automatic Y when service is due. This eliminates unnecessary Improves safety, fuel efficiency and productivity.
transmissions fit operating requirements better than other oil and filter changes and provides maximum With Automatic Neutral on the Park Brake, the
transmissions because they’ve been engineered specifically for DU transmission protection. transmission electronic controls know when to
the way you work. RA command Neutral — automatically. No need for
BI Reduced Engine Load at Stop (RELS) the driver to shift.
On pavement, seamless full-power shifts LIT With RELS, the transmission automatically
mean faster acceleration for shorter trip
times. In traffic, there’s no relentless
Y reduces the load on the engine when the vehicle Retarder Enable
shifting, as with manuals. No unpredictable is at a full stop. This not only saves fuel, it reduces Get the best braking possible through total
and delayed shifting, as with automated overall vehicle emissions. transmission retarder/vehicle integration.
manuals. And neither can compare to Electronic controls precisely blend the
Allison’s vehicle control on a grade. Shift Energy Management (SEM) transmission, retarder and service brakes for
Comprehensive coverage. All Allison Provides better engine/transmission integration peak efficiency.
Off-road, Allison Automatics provide automatic transmission models offer comprehensive to optimize the entire driveline system. The
smooth, effortless shifting and precise coverage with 100% parts and labor. Coverage may
traction control. While manuals and vary by model and by application. Contact your
result is faster, smoother, more consistent shift
automated manuals cause the drive wheels Allison representative for details. quality, increased powertrain durability, improved
to hop, and do damage to the drivetrain, performance and an overall more efficient vehicle
Our extensive network of over 1,200 authorized
Allison Automatics achieve just the right
Allison Distributors and Dealers in North America,
operation leading to greater fuel economy.
amount of traction for load and ground
along with over 1,500 worldwide, means convenient,
conditions — dirt, mud, sand or gravel. They
factory-quality Allison Transmission service is always 4 color logo (process) for printing on dark backgrounds
can take whatever you throw at them and
close at hand. Additional electronic control packages are available. See your local Allison representative for the ones that fit your particular application.
still deliver.
E N G I NE h p ( kW ) TORQUE lb-f t (N•m) Smart controls.
165–600 (123–447) 420–1850 (569–2508) Allison Rugged Duty Series
GV W l b s ( kg)
automatic transmissions
14,000–unlimited (6,350–unlimited) have brains in addition
to brawn. Electronic
control packages
provide precisely the
performance features
you need to get the job
done — whatever it may be.
1000 RDS, 1350 RDS,
3000 RDS, 3500 RDS
2100 RDS, 2200 RDS, 4000 RDS, 4500 RDS, Load-Based Shift Scheduling (LBSS) PTO Enable
2300 RDS, 2350 RDS, 4700 RDS
To optimize fuel economy and maintain superior Commands how and when the PTO engages
Your trucks and your drivers 2500 RDS, 2550 RDS
Allison Automatic performance, Allison LBSS and monitors operating conditions to minimize
don’t lead a pampered life. They automatically selects between Economy and
Performance shift schedules based on the
potential damage and hazards.

work hard in tough conditions, Proven reliability and durability. vehicle’s actual payload and the grade on which Auxiliary Function Range Inhibit
day in, day out. Their performance Allison Transmission has built a reputation on our
ability to build transmissions that last. That is why
it is operating. It has proven to increase fuel
economy by up to 5%*.
Helps avoid unwanted shifts out of Neutral
and integrates with virtually any vocational
and productivity rise to a Allison Automatics are the preferred choice for *Results may vary depending on operating conditions. vehicle component.
whole new level when you spec on-/off-highway, rugged duty applications.

Prognostics Range Indicator

Allison Rugged Duty Series fully RE Calibrated to the vehicle’s particular operating Provides a useable electric signal when the
automatic transmissions. LIA requirements, Allison prognostics monitor various transmission shifts to a chosen range.
BI operating parameters — oil level, oil life, filter life
LIT and transmission health — to determine and alert Automatic Neutral
Working harder and smarter. Allison fully automatic Y when service is due. This eliminates unnecessary Improves safety, fuel efficiency and productivity.
transmissions fit operating requirements better than other oil and filter changes and provides maximum With Automatic Neutral on the Park Brake, the
transmissions because they’ve been engineered specifically for DU transmission protection. transmission electronic controls know when to
the way you work. RA command Neutral — automatically. No need for
BI Reduced Engine Load at Stop (RELS) the driver to shift.
On pavement, seamless full-power shifts LIT With RELS, the transmission automatically
mean faster acceleration for shorter trip
times. In traffic, there’s no relentless
Y reduces the load on the engine when the vehicle Retarder Enable
shifting, as with manuals. No unpredictable is at a full stop. This not only saves fuel, it reduces Get the best braking possible through total
and delayed shifting, as with automated overall vehicle emissions. transmission retarder/vehicle integration.
manuals. And neither can compare to Electronic controls precisely blend the
Allison’s vehicle control on a grade. Shift Energy Management (SEM) transmission, retarder and service brakes for
Comprehensive coverage. All Allison Provides better engine/transmission integration peak efficiency.
Off-road, Allison Automatics provide automatic transmission models offer comprehensive to optimize the entire driveline system. The
smooth, effortless shifting and precise coverage with 100% parts and labor. Coverage may
traction control. While manuals and vary by model and by application. Contact your
result is faster, smoother, more consistent shift
automated manuals cause the drive wheels Allison representative for details. quality, increased powertrain durability, improved
to hop, and do damage to the drivetrain, performance and an overall more efficient vehicle
Our extensive network of over 1,200 authorized
Allison Automatics achieve just the right
Allison Distributors and Dealers in North America,
operation leading to greater fuel economy.
amount of traction for load and ground
along with over 1,500 worldwide, means convenient,
conditions — dirt, mud, sand or gravel. They
factory-quality Allison Transmission service is always 4 color logo (process) for printing on dark backgrounds
can take whatever you throw at them and
close at hand. Additional electronic control packages are available. See your local Allison representative for the ones that fit your particular application.
still deliver.
Startability. Startability is a vehicle’s Life cycle value. When you factor in all life cycle costs Maintenance made easy.
capability to launch and pull a load. Simply — vehicle purchase price, insurance, fuel, tires, preventive Routine oil and filter changes are the
put, it’s the ‘grunt’ or ‘get-up-and-go’ of a maintenance, component repair, driver wages, taxes, license, only regular preventive maintenance

truck. Often only the 1st gear ratio is used permits and retail resale value — along required with an Allison Automatic.


29 5
to judge a vehicle’s startability. The truth with the increased productivity, an Allison Easily accessible integral and spin-
is, one has to consider the engine torque Automatic-equipped vehicle costs less per on oil filters reduce labor costs
at the required launch rpm and torque yard mile† to operate than a comparable and valuable downtime. TranSynd®
multiplication of the Allison torque converter. competitively equipped vehicle. TES 295 transmission fluid greatly
Manual and automated manual transmissions †Results may vary depending on your operating conditions. See your local extends oil change intervals.
have to launch at very low engine rpm in Allison representative to find the potential productivity gains for your
particular business.
order to prevent damage to the clutch. This means less torque,
which is why they have very deep 1st gear ratios to help them
overcome their clutch limitations. An Allison Automatic uses
the full torque from the engine and multiplies it with the
torque converter. Then, when the 1st gear ratio and rear axle Spec for the job. While most vehicles are purchased for Fuel efficient. When it comes to fuel consumption,
ratio are factored in, the Allison provides greater startability. specific vocational use, they are not always spec’d to fit their distance and time are part of the equation when calculating
particular operating conditions. For example, many on-/off- a vehicle’s fuel efficiency. With full-power shifts, Allison
highway trucks are spec’d for duty on grades — yet fleet studies Automatic-equipped vehicles not only accelerate faster, they
have shown that they spend a majority of their time getting get up to and work within the best duty-cycle speeds faster and
Shifting performance. Not even the most expert to and from the job sites — on grades less than 2%. The result
is often too much horsepower purchased for the operating
more efficiently.
driver can shift at the precise shift points to optimize vehicle
performance under all road and load conditions. An Allison ranges that trucks are in 90% of the time. Not only will Allison
Automatic automatically makes the right shift at the right time Automatics increase vehicle productivity, with their extended
to maximize vehicle performance and protect the driveline. torque ranges and higher GVW capacities, they allow you to
2nd Reverse**. This new feature offers a second “deep spec a wider array of engine options.
reverse” in addition to the standard reverse to provide greater On a vehicle with a manual or automated manual transmission,
control and engine braking during operation on steep grades. there are seven to eight shifts per mile in an average cycle. The
2nd Reverse will also enable more maneuverability when power interrupts that occur during these shift changes result
operating in confined spaces. When a vehicle is in 2nd in lower average wheel horsepower and a loss of 14-16 seconds
Reverse, it will have a slow creep capability with high engine every mile. Road safety. Rollback is a concern for
speeds. With a mechanical ratio of -17.12:1, it will have an There are no power interrupts with Allison Automatics, just drivers of vehicles equipped with manuals
effective torque converter multiplied ratio up to 32.5:1. 2nd smooth, seamless full-power shifts. By making full use of the and automated manuals because it can cause
Reverse provides overall better performance and enhanced engine’s horsepower, an Allison Automatic may allow you to accidents and product/load damage. Since
applicability for a variety of applications. specify a smaller engine, saving you money in the long run. there is very little rollback on vehicles equipped
**Available on 4700 and 4800 RDS. Plus, faster trips add up to more deliveries per day, which means with Allison Automatics, drivers don’t have
increased incremental revenue from your vehicle. that concern.

Economy and performance modes. Only Allison

Transmission offers you a choice of operating modes to best
suit your driving conditions and business needs. Allison
Automatics offer primary and secondary shift schedules to
Torque converter. Increased shifting performance, faster
acceleration, greater operating flexibility and minimal rollback
enhance fuel savings or add more power.
are all advantages attributed to the patented heavy-duty Allison
In “economy” mode, the transmission
torque converter. The torque converter’s cushion effect reduces
shifts at lower engine speed to provide
shock and strain on all driveline components.
added fuel savings during operation.
In “performance” mode, the
transmission upshifts at
higher engine speed for
quicker acceleration.
Information highway. Visit www.allisontransmission.com for a comprehensive library of informational
brochures, including Mechanic’s Tips, Operator’s Manuals, Parts Catalogs, Troubleshooting Flyers and Service Manuals.

TranSynd and Castrol are registered trademarks of BP Lubricants Americas Inc., used under license.
Startability. Startability is a vehicle’s Life cycle value. When you factor in all life cycle costs Maintenance made easy.
capability to launch and pull a load. Simply — vehicle purchase price, insurance, fuel, tires, preventive Routine oil and filter changes are the
put, it’s the ‘grunt’ or ‘get-up-and-go’ of a maintenance, component repair, driver wages, taxes, license, only regular preventive maintenance

truck. Often only the 1st gear ratio is used permits and retail resale value — along required with an Allison Automatic.


29 5
to judge a vehicle’s startability. The truth with the increased productivity, an Allison Easily accessible integral and spin-
is, one has to consider the engine torque Automatic-equipped vehicle costs less per on oil filters reduce labor costs
at the required launch rpm and torque yard mile† to operate than a comparable and valuable downtime. TranSynd®
multiplication of the Allison torque converter. competitively equipped vehicle. TES 295 transmission fluid greatly
Manual and automated manual transmissions †Results may vary depending on your operating conditions. See your local extends oil change intervals.
have to launch at very low engine rpm in Allison representative to find the potential productivity gains for your
particular business.
order to prevent damage to the clutch. This means less torque,
which is why they have very deep 1st gear ratios to help them
overcome their clutch limitations. An Allison Automatic uses
the full torque from the engine and multiplies it with the
torque converter. Then, when the 1st gear ratio and rear axle Spec for the job. While most vehicles are purchased for Fuel efficient. When it comes to fuel consumption,
ratio are factored in, the Allison provides greater startability. specific vocational use, they are not always spec’d to fit their distance and time are part of the equation when calculating
particular operating conditions. For example, many on-/off- a vehicle’s fuel efficiency. With full-power shifts, Allison
highway trucks are spec’d for duty on grades — yet fleet studies Automatic-equipped vehicles not only accelerate faster, they
have shown that they spend a majority of their time getting get up to and work within the best duty-cycle speeds faster and
Shifting performance. Not even the most expert to and from the job sites — on grades less than 2%. The result
is often too much horsepower purchased for the operating
more efficiently.
driver can shift at the precise shift points to optimize vehicle
performance under all road and load conditions. An Allison ranges that trucks are in 90% of the time. Not only will Allison
Automatic automatically makes the right shift at the right time Automatics increase vehicle productivity, with their extended
to maximize vehicle performance and protect the driveline. torque ranges and higher GVW capacities, they allow you to
2nd Reverse**. This new feature offers a second “deep spec a wider array of engine options.
reverse” in addition to the standard reverse to provide greater On a vehicle with a manual or automated manual transmission,
control and engine braking during operation on steep grades. there are seven to eight shifts per mile in an average cycle. The
2nd Reverse will also enable more maneuverability when power interrupts that occur during these shift changes result
operating in confined spaces. When a vehicle is in 2nd in lower average wheel horsepower and a loss of 14-16 seconds
Reverse, it will have a slow creep capability with high engine every mile. Road safety. Rollback is a concern for
speeds. With a mechanical ratio of -17.12:1, it will have an There are no power interrupts with Allison Automatics, just drivers of vehicles equipped with manuals
effective torque converter multiplied ratio up to 32.5:1. 2nd smooth, seamless full-power shifts. By making full use of the and automated manuals because it can cause
Reverse provides overall better performance and enhanced engine’s horsepower, an Allison Automatic may allow you to accidents and product/load damage. Since
applicability for a variety of applications. specify a smaller engine, saving you money in the long run. there is very little rollback on vehicles equipped
**Available on 4700 and 4800 RDS. Plus, faster trips add up to more deliveries per day, which means with Allison Automatics, drivers don’t have
increased incremental revenue from your vehicle. that concern.

Economy and performance modes. Only Allison

Transmission offers you a choice of operating modes to best
suit your driving conditions and business needs. Allison
Automatics offer primary and secondary shift schedules to
Torque converter. Increased shifting performance, faster
acceleration, greater operating flexibility and minimal rollback
enhance fuel savings or add more power.
are all advantages attributed to the patented heavy-duty Allison
In “economy” mode, the transmission
torque converter. The torque converter’s cushion effect reduces
shifts at lower engine speed to provide
shock and strain on all driveline components.
added fuel savings during operation.
In “performance” mode, the
transmission upshifts at
higher engine speed for
quicker acceleration.
Information highway. Visit www.allisontransmission.com for a comprehensive library of informational
brochures, including Mechanic’s Tips, Operator’s Manuals, Parts Catalogs, Troubleshooting Flyers and Service Manuals.

TranSynd and Castrol are registered trademarks of BP Lubricants Americas Inc., used under license.
Ratings and Specifications
Optional Retarder Provision
4 color logo (process)

Model Ratio Park MAX Input MAX Input MAX Input Torque w/SEM MAX Turbine max GVW max GCW Standard Power Takeoff Provision – Continuous Operation
– Integral, Hydraulic T ype
Pawl Power 1 Torque 1 or Torque Limiting 1,2 torque 3 Base model Mounting Pad Positions Drive Gear Rating Drive Gear Rating Drive
Base Model Torque Power Viewed From Rear With One PTO With Two PTOs
hp (kW) lb-ft (N•m) lb-ft (N•m) lb-ft (N•m) lbs (kg) lbs (kg) Capacity Capacity
lb-ft (N•m) hp (kW) lb-ft (N•m) lb-ft (N•m)
1000 RDS Close Ratio Yes 3404,7 (254)4,7 575 (780) 6604,7 (895)4,7 9504 (1288)4 19,500 (8,845) 26,001 (11,800)
1350 RDS Close Ratio Yes 3404,7 (254)4,7 575 (780) 6604,7 (895)4,7 9504 (1288)4 19,500 (8,845) 30,000 (13,600) 3000 RDS 1000 RDS 3 and 9 o’clock 250 (339) 2002 (271)2 Turbine
3 color logo (spot)

2100 RDS Close Ratio No 3404,7 (254)4,7 575 (780) 6604,7 (895)4,7 9504 (1288)4 26,000 (11,800) 26,000 (11,800) – High 1600 (2170) 600 (447) 2000 RDS 3 and 9 o’clock 250 (339) 2002 (271)2 Turbine
2200 RDS Close Ratio Yes 3404,7 (254)4,7 575 (780) 6604,7 (895)4,7 9504 (1288)4 26,000 (11,800) 26,001 (11,800) – Medium 1300 (1760) 500 (373) side/side 4 and 8 o’clock 485 (660) 6853, 4 (930)3, 4 Engine
30001 RDS
2300 RDS 5
Close Ratio No 325 (242) n/a 450 (610) 9504 (1288)4 33,000 (15,000) 33,000 (15,000) – Low 1100 (1490) 400 (298) top/side 1 and 8 o’clock 485 (660) 6853, 4 (930)3, 4 Engine
2350 RDS7 Close Ratio Yes 3404 (254)4 575 (780) 6604 (895)4 9504 (1288)4 30,000 (13,600) 30,000 (13,600) 4000 RDS
1 40001 RDS 1 and 8 o’clock 685 (930) 11753, 4 (1595)3, 4 Engine
2500 RDS – High 2000 (2710) 600 (447) 1 PTO-delete option available. 2 Rating is per PTO. 3 Total on the drive gear. 4 Minimum 600 rpm idle speed required when dual PTOs are1used
color logo (black)
– On-/Off- Highway Wide Ratio No 3404,7 (254)4,7 575 (780) 6604,7 (895)4,7 9504 (1288)4 33,000 (15,000) 33,000 (15,000) – Medium 1600 (2170) 600 (447)
– Refuse12 Wide Ratio No 300 (224) 550 (746) 565 (766) 9504 (1288)4 24,200 (11,000) 24,200 (11,000) Physical Description
– Low 1300 (1760) 500 (373)
2550 RDS7 Wide Ratio Yes 3404 (254)4 575 (780) 6604 (895)4 9504 (1288)4 30,000 (13,600) 30,000 (13,600) Base Model Length1 Depth 2 w/Deep Depth 2 w/Shallow Dry
1 Only medium-capacity available on 4700 RDS. Oil Pan/Sump Oil Pan/Sump Weight
3000 RDS
in (mm) in (mm) in (mm) lbs (kg)
– On-/Off- Highway Close Ratio n/a 370 (276) 1100 (1491) 12506,7 (1695)6,7 1600 (2169) 80,000 (36,288) 80,000 (36,288)
– On- Highway Close Ratio n/a 370 (276) 1100 (1491) 12506,7 (1695)6,7 1600 (2169) 80,000 (36,288) 80,000 (36,288) – SAE No. 3 mounting 28.01 (711.4) 11.22 (284.9) 10.71 (272.0) 330 (150)
1000 RDS Master Art No. 15926

– Mixer Close Ratio n/a 370 (276) 1100 (1491) 12506,7 (1695)6,7 1600 (2169) 62,000 (28,123) — – SAE No. 2 mounting 28.39 (721.1) 11.22 (284.9) 10.71 (272.0) 330 (150)
– Refuse Close Ratio n/a 370 (276) 1100 (1491) 12506,7 (1695)6,7 1600 (2169) 62,000 (28,123) — Torque Converter Specifications – SAE No. 3 mounting 28.01 (711.4) 11.22 (284.9) 10.71 (272.0) 330 (150)
2000 RDS
– Specialty PTO, HET Close Ratio n/a 370 (276) 12507 (1695)7 n/a 1700 (2305) — — Base Model Torque Nominal – SAE No. 2 mounting 28.39 (721.1) 11.22 (284.9) 10.71 (272.0) 330 (150)
3500 RDS Converter STALL TORQUE
– Basic model 28.29 (718.6) 12.90 (327.8) — 535 (243)
– On-/Off- Highway Wide Ratio n/a 330 (246) 860 (1166) 10508 (1424)8 1450 4 (1966)4 80,000 (36,288) 80,000 (36,288) TC-210 2.05
– With PTO only 32.49 (825.4) 12.90 (327.8) — 575 (261)
– Mixer/Refuse Wide Ratio n/a 330 (246) 860 (1166) n/a 1420 (1925) 60,000 (27,216) — TC-211 1.91 3000 RDS
1000 RDS – With retarder only 28.29 (718.6) 12.90 (327.8) — 615 (279)
– Specialty PTO Wide Ratio n/a 330 (246) 950 (1288) 10508 (1424)8 1450 (1966) — — TC-221 1.73
TC-222 1.58 – With PTO & retarder 32.49 (825.4) 12.90 (327.8) — 655 (298)
– HET Wide Ratio n/a 330 (246) 985 (1335) 10508 (1424)8 1450 (1966) — —
4000 RDS TC-210 2.05 – Basic model 30.54 (775.8) 14.75 (374.7) — 831 (377)
– On-/Off- Highway Close Ratio n/a 565 (421)
11 11
1770 (2400) 1850 (2508)
10 10
2600 (3525) — — TC-211 1.91 4000 RDS – With PTO only 33.42 (848.8) 14.75 (374.7) — 893 (405)
2000 RDS
TC-221 1.73 4500 RDS – With retarder only
– Refuse Close Ratio n/a 500 (373) 1550 (2102) n/a 2450 (3322) — — 30.54 (775.8) 14.75 (374.7) — 906 (411)
TC-222 1.58
– Specialty PTO Close Ratio n/a 56511 (421)11 1770 (2400) n/a 2600 (3525) — — – With PTO & retarder 33.42 (848.8) 14.75 (374.7) — 968 (439)
TC-411 2.71
– HET Close Ratio n/a 600 (447) 1850 (2508) n/a 2600 (3525) — — – Basic model 40.61 (1031.6) 14.88 (378.2) — 1087 (493)
TC-413 2.44
4500 RDS – With PTO only 43.48 (1104.6) 14.88 (378.2) — 1149 (521)
TC-415 2.35 4700 RDS
– On-/Off- Highway Wide Ratio n/a 56511 (421)11 1650 (2237) 185010 (2508)10 2450 (3322) — — 3000 RDS TC-417 2.20 – With retarder only 40.61 (1031.6) 14.88 (378.2) — 1162 (527)
– Refuse Wide Ratio n/a 500 (373) 1550 (2102) n/a 2450 (3322) — — TC-418 1.98 – With PTO & retarder 43.48 (1104.6) 14.88 (378.2) — 1224 (555)
– Specialty PTO Wide Ratio n/a 56511 (421)11 1650 (2237) 17708 (2400)8 2600 (3525) — — TC-419 2.02 1 Length measured from flywheel housing to end of output shaft. 2 Depth measured below transmission centerline.
– HET Wide Ratio n/a 60011 (447)11 1650 (2237) 18508 (2508)8 2600 (3525) — — TC-421 1.77
4700 RDS TC-521 2.42 Oil System
– On-/Off- Highway Widest Ratio n/a 56511 (421)11 1770 (2400) 18509 (2508)9 2600 (3525) — — TC-531 2.34 Base Model Capacity 1 Main Circuit Lube Circuit Electronic Oil
Filter Filter Level Sensor (OLS)
– Refuse Widest Ratio n/a 500 (373) 1550 (2102) n/a 2450 (3322) — — 4000 RDS TC-541 1.90 quarts (liters)
– HET Widest Ratio n/a 600 (447) 1850 (2508) n/a 2600 (3525) — — TC-551 1.79
1000 RDS Spin-On Canister — —
1 Gross ratings as defined by ISO 1585 or SAE J1995. 2 SEM = engine controls with Shift Energy Management. 3 Turbine torque limit based on iSCAAN standard deductions. 4 SEM and torque limiting are required to obtain this rating. TC-561 1.58
5 Only available for VORTEC 8-1L gasoline powered engine applications. 6 Requires Allison Transmission engine-transmission combination approval. Only available in gears three through six. 7 Check with your OEM to ensure offerings. – Standard Oil Sump 14.8 (14) 2 2

8 Available in gears two through six. 9 Only available in gears four through seven. 10 Only available in gears three through six. 11 With and without torque limiting. 12 Not approved for landfill use.
2000 RDS Spin-On Canister — —
– Standard Oil Sump 14.8 (14)
2 2

Gear Ratios – Torque Converter Multiplication Not Included ENGINE SPEEDS 3000 RDS Integral Integral Standard

Model First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Reverse 2nd reverse Model Full Load Governed Speed Idle Speed in Drive Output Shaft Speed – Deep Oil Sump w/o PTO 292 (27.4)2
1000/1350/2100/ Min-Max (rpm) Min-Max (rpm) rpm
3.10:1 1.81:1 1.41:1 1.00:1 0.71:1 0.61:11 — -4.49:1 — 4000/4500 RDS Integral Integral Standard
2200/2300/2350 RDS 1000/1350 RDS 2200-46001 500-820 5000
– Deep Oil Sump and PTO 512 (48)2
2500/2550 RDS 3.51:1 1.90:1 1.44:1 1.00:1 0.74:1 0.64:11 — -5.09:1 — 2100/2200/2300 RDS 2200-46001 500-820 5000
– Deep Oil Sump 482 (45)2
3000 RDS 3.49:1 1.86:1 1.41:1 1.00:1 0.75:1 0.65:1 — -5.03:1 — 2350 RDS 2200-46001 500-820 5000
4700 RDS Integral Integral Standard3
3500 RDS 4.59:1 2.25:1 1.54:1 1.00:1 0.75:1 0.65:1 — - 5.00:1 — 2500 RDS 2200-3200 500-820 4500
– Deep Oil Sump and PTO 542 (51)2
4000 RDS 3.51:1 1.91:1 1.43:1 1.00:1 0.74:1 0.64:1 — -4.80:1 — 2550 RDS 2200-3200 500-820 4500
4500 RDS 4.70:1 2.21:1 1.53:1 1.00:1 0.76:1 0.67:1 — -5.55:1 — – Deep Oil Sump 512 (48)2
3000/3500 RDS 1950-2800 500-800 36002
4700 RDS 7.63:1* 3.51:1 1.91:1 1.43:1 1.00:1 0.74:1 0.64:1 -4.80:1 -17.12:12 Recommended oil types for all models is Allison Approved TES 295 transmission fluid.
4000/4500/4700 RDS 1700-2300 500-800 —
* Manually selected first gear. 1 Check with your OEM to ensure offerings. 2 SEM/LRTP or LRTP Only is required. 1 Transmission only. Does not include cooler, hoses or fittings. 2 Amount of oil necessary to fill a dry transmission.
1 Engines with full-load governed speed greater than 3800 rpm require 2 Retarder-equipped models only. 3 4700 RDS retarder model must use 4-inch sump without OLS.
Application Engineering review.
Ratings and Specifications
Optional Retarder Provision
4 color logo (process)

Model Ratio Park MAX Input MAX Input MAX Input Torque w/SEM MAX Turbine max GVW max GCW Standard Power Takeoff Provision – Continuous Operation
– Integral, Hydraulic T ype
Pawl Power 1 Torque 1 or Torque Limiting 1,2 torque 3 Base model Mounting Pad Positions Drive Gear Rating Drive Gear Rating Drive
Base Model Torque Power Viewed From Rear With One PTO With Two PTOs
hp (kW) lb-ft (N•m) lb-ft (N•m) lb-ft (N•m) lbs (kg) lbs (kg) Capacity Capacity
lb-ft (N•m) hp (kW) lb-ft (N•m) lb-ft (N•m)
1000 RDS Close Ratio Yes 3404,7 (254)4,7 575 (780) 6604,7 (895)4,7 9504 (1288)4 19,500 (8,845) 26,001 (11,800)
1350 RDS Close Ratio Yes 3404,7 (254)4,7 575 (780) 6604,7 (895)4,7 9504 (1288)4 19,500 (8,845) 30,000 (13,600) 3000 RDS 1000 RDS 3 and 9 o’clock 250 (339) 2002 (271)2 Turbine
3 color logo (spot)

2100 RDS Close Ratio No 3404,7 (254)4,7 575 (780) 6604,7 (895)4,7 9504 (1288)4 26,000 (11,800) 26,000 (11,800) – High 1600 (2170) 600 (447) 2000 RDS 3 and 9 o’clock 250 (339) 2002 (271)2 Turbine
2200 RDS Close Ratio Yes 3404,7 (254)4,7 575 (780) 6604,7 (895)4,7 9504 (1288)4 26,000 (11,800) 26,001 (11,800) – Medium 1300 (1760) 500 (373) side/side 4 and 8 o’clock 485 (660) 6853, 4 (930)3, 4 Engine
30001 RDS
2300 RDS 5
Close Ratio No 325 (242) n/a 450 (610) 9504 (1288)4 33,000 (15,000) 33,000 (15,000) – Low 1100 (1490) 400 (298) top/side 1 and 8 o’clock 485 (660) 6853, 4 (930)3, 4 Engine
2350 RDS7 Close Ratio Yes 3404 (254)4 575 (780) 6604 (895)4 9504 (1288)4 30,000 (13,600) 30,000 (13,600) 4000 RDS
1 40001 RDS 1 and 8 o’clock 685 (930) 11753, 4 (1595)3, 4 Engine
2500 RDS – High 2000 (2710) 600 (447) 1 PTO-delete option available. 2 Rating is per PTO. 3 Total on the drive gear. 4 Minimum 600 rpm idle speed required when dual PTOs are1used
color logo (black)
– On-/Off- Highway Wide Ratio No 3404,7 (254)4,7 575 (780) 6604,7 (895)4,7 9504 (1288)4 33,000 (15,000) 33,000 (15,000) – Medium 1600 (2170) 600 (447)
– Refuse12 Wide Ratio No 300 (224) 550 (746) 565 (766) 9504 (1288)4 24,200 (11,000) 24,200 (11,000) Physical Description
– Low 1300 (1760) 500 (373)
2550 RDS7 Wide Ratio Yes 3404 (254)4 575 (780) 6604 (895)4 9504 (1288)4 30,000 (13,600) 30,000 (13,600) Base Model Length1 Depth 2 w/Deep Depth 2 w/Shallow Dry
1 Only medium-capacity available on 4700 RDS. Oil Pan/Sump Oil Pan/Sump Weight
3000 RDS
in (mm) in (mm) in (mm) lbs (kg)
– On-/Off- Highway Close Ratio n/a 370 (276) 1100 (1491) 12506,7 (1695)6,7 1600 (2169) 80,000 (36,288) 80,000 (36,288)
– On- Highway Close Ratio n/a 370 (276) 1100 (1491) 12506,7 (1695)6,7 1600 (2169) 80,000 (36,288) 80,000 (36,288) – SAE No. 3 mounting 28.01 (711.4) 11.22 (284.9) 10.71 (272.0) 330 (150)
1000 RDS Master Art No. 15926

– Mixer Close Ratio n/a 370 (276) 1100 (1491) 12506,7 (1695)6,7 1600 (2169) 62,000 (28,123) — – SAE No. 2 mounting 28.39 (721.1) 11.22 (284.9) 10.71 (272.0) 330 (150)
– Refuse Close Ratio n/a 370 (276) 1100 (1491) 12506,7 (1695)6,7 1600 (2169) 62,000 (28,123) — Torque Converter Specifications – SAE No. 3 mounting 28.01 (711.4) 11.22 (284.9) 10.71 (272.0) 330 (150)
2000 RDS
– Specialty PTO, HET Close Ratio n/a 370 (276) 12507 (1695)7 n/a 1700 (2305) — — Base Model Torque Nominal – SAE No. 2 mounting 28.39 (721.1) 11.22 (284.9) 10.71 (272.0) 330 (150)
3500 RDS Converter STALL TORQUE
– Basic model 28.29 (718.6) 12.90 (327.8) — 535 (243)
– On-/Off- Highway Wide Ratio n/a 330 (246) 860 (1166) 10508 (1424)8 1450 4 (1966)4 80,000 (36,288) 80,000 (36,288) TC-210 2.05
– With PTO only 32.49 (825.4) 12.90 (327.8) — 575 (261)
– Mixer/Refuse Wide Ratio n/a 330 (246) 860 (1166) n/a 1420 (1925) 60,000 (27,216) — TC-211 1.91 3000 RDS
1000 RDS – With retarder only 28.29 (718.6) 12.90 (327.8) — 615 (279)
– Specialty PTO Wide Ratio n/a 330 (246) 950 (1288) 10508 (1424)8 1450 (1966) — — TC-221 1.73
TC-222 1.58 – With PTO & retarder 32.49 (825.4) 12.90 (327.8) — 655 (298)
– HET Wide Ratio n/a 330 (246) 985 (1335) 10508 (1424)8 1450 (1966) — —
4000 RDS TC-210 2.05 – Basic model 30.54 (775.8) 14.75 (374.7) — 831 (377)
– On-/Off- Highway Close Ratio n/a 565 (421)
11 11
1770 (2400) 1850 (2508)
10 10
2600 (3525) — — TC-211 1.91 4000 RDS – With PTO only 33.42 (848.8) 14.75 (374.7) — 893 (405)
2000 RDS
TC-221 1.73 4500 RDS – With retarder only
– Refuse Close Ratio n/a 500 (373) 1550 (2102) n/a 2450 (3322) — — 30.54 (775.8) 14.75 (374.7) — 906 (411)
TC-222 1.58
– Specialty PTO Close Ratio n/a 56511 (421)11 1770 (2400) n/a 2600 (3525) — — – With PTO & retarder 33.42 (848.8) 14.75 (374.7) — 968 (439)
TC-411 2.71
– HET Close Ratio n/a 600 (447) 1850 (2508) n/a 2600 (3525) — — – Basic model 40.61 (1031.6) 14.88 (378.2) — 1087 (493)
TC-413 2.44
4500 RDS – With PTO only 43.48 (1104.6) 14.88 (378.2) — 1149 (521)
TC-415 2.35 4700 RDS
– On-/Off- Highway Wide Ratio n/a 56511 (421)11 1650 (2237) 185010 (2508)10 2450 (3322) — — 3000 RDS TC-417 2.20 – With retarder only 40.61 (1031.6) 14.88 (378.2) — 1162 (527)
– Refuse Wide Ratio n/a 500 (373) 1550 (2102) n/a 2450 (3322) — — TC-418 1.98 – With PTO & retarder 43.48 (1104.6) 14.88 (378.2) — 1224 (555)
– Specialty PTO Wide Ratio n/a 56511 (421)11 1650 (2237) 17708 (2400)8 2600 (3525) — — TC-419 2.02 1 Length measured from flywheel housing to end of output shaft. 2 Depth measured below transmission centerline.
– HET Wide Ratio n/a 60011 (447)11 1650 (2237) 18508 (2508)8 2600 (3525) — — TC-421 1.77
4700 RDS TC-521 2.42 Oil System
– On-/Off- Highway Widest Ratio n/a 56511 (421)11 1770 (2400) 18509 (2508)9 2600 (3525) — — TC-531 2.34 Base Model Capacity 1 Main Circuit Lube Circuit Electronic Oil
Filter Filter Level Sensor (OLS)
– Refuse Widest Ratio n/a 500 (373) 1550 (2102) n/a 2450 (3322) — — 4000 RDS TC-541 1.90 quarts (liters)
– HET Widest Ratio n/a 600 (447) 1850 (2508) n/a 2600 (3525) — — TC-551 1.79
1000 RDS Spin-On Canister — —
1 Gross ratings as defined by ISO 1585 or SAE J1995. 2 SEM = engine controls with Shift Energy Management. 3 Turbine torque limit based on iSCAAN standard deductions. 4 SEM and torque limiting are required to obtain this rating. TC-561 1.58
5 Only available for VORTEC 8-1L gasoline powered engine applications. 6 Requires Allison Transmission engine-transmission combination approval. Only available in gears three through six. 7 Check with your OEM to ensure offerings. – Standard Oil Sump 14.8 (14) 2 2

8 Available in gears two through six. 9 Only available in gears four through seven. 10 Only available in gears three through six. 11 With and without torque limiting. 12 Not approved for landfill use.
2000 RDS Spin-On Canister — —
– Standard Oil Sump 14.8 (14)
2 2

Gear Ratios – Torque Converter Multiplication Not Included ENGINE SPEEDS 3000 RDS Integral Integral Standard

Model First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Reverse 2nd reverse Model Full Load Governed Speed Idle Speed in Drive Output Shaft Speed – Deep Oil Sump w/o PTO 292 (27.4)2
1000/1350/2100/ Min-Max (rpm) Min-Max (rpm) rpm
3.10:1 1.81:1 1.41:1 1.00:1 0.71:1 0.61:11 — -4.49:1 — 4000/4500 RDS Integral Integral Standard
2200/2300/2350 RDS 1000/1350 RDS 2200-46001 500-820 5000
– Deep Oil Sump and PTO 512 (48)2
2500/2550 RDS 3.51:1 1.90:1 1.44:1 1.00:1 0.74:1 0.64:11 — -5.09:1 — 2100/2200/2300 RDS 2200-46001 500-820 5000
– Deep Oil Sump 482 (45)2
3000 RDS 3.49:1 1.86:1 1.41:1 1.00:1 0.75:1 0.65:1 — -5.03:1 — 2350 RDS 2200-46001 500-820 5000
4700 RDS Integral Integral Standard3
3500 RDS 4.59:1 2.25:1 1.54:1 1.00:1 0.75:1 0.65:1 — - 5.00:1 — 2500 RDS 2200-3200 500-820 4500
– Deep Oil Sump and PTO 542 (51)2
4000 RDS 3.51:1 1.91:1 1.43:1 1.00:1 0.74:1 0.64:1 — -4.80:1 — 2550 RDS 2200-3200 500-820 4500
4500 RDS 4.70:1 2.21:1 1.53:1 1.00:1 0.76:1 0.67:1 — -5.55:1 — – Deep Oil Sump 512 (48)2
3000/3500 RDS 1950-2800 500-800 36002
4700 RDS 7.63:1* 3.51:1 1.91:1 1.43:1 1.00:1 0.74:1 0.64:1 -4.80:1 -17.12:12 Recommended oil types for all models is Allison Approved TES 295 transmission fluid.
4000/4500/4700 RDS 1700-2300 500-800 —
* Manually selected first gear. 1 Check with your OEM to ensure offerings. 2 SEM/LRTP or LRTP Only is required. 1 Transmission only. Does not include cooler, hoses or fittings. 2 Amount of oil necessary to fill a dry transmission.
1 Engines with full-load governed speed greater than 3800 rpm require 2 Retarder-equipped models only. 3 4700 RDS retarder model must use 4-inch sump without OLS.
Application Engineering review.
A P R I L 2 012

P.O. Box 894, Speed Code PF3 SA3743EN (2012/04)

Indianapolis, Indiana 46206-0894 ISO/QS 9000 and ISO 14001 Certified

Information or specifications subject to © 2012 Allison Transmission, Inc.

change without notice or obligation. All rights reserved.

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