Cs Ma Math50.1 Chan Shio C Yyy 2022 1
Cs Ma Math50.1 Chan Shio C Yyy 2022 1
Cs Ma Math50.1 Chan Shio C Yyy 2022 1
This course is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of number theory that are essential in higher
areas of Mathematics. Topics include integers and divisibility, primes and factorization, Diophantine
equations, congruences, the Chinese remainder theorem, quadratic residues, and the quadratic
reciprocity law. Several theorems and algorithms are applied to solve computational problems and to
derive and prove generalizations.
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x x x x x x x x
x x x
CLO1: Identify and apply the basic properties of integers, such as the Well-Ordering principle
and properties of division of integers including the division algorithm, divisibility, primes,
unique factorization, greatest common divisor and least common multiple.
CLO3: Solve various types of congruence problems and use the theory of congruences in
CLO4: Recognize multiplicative functions such as the Euler phi-function and apply its
CLO5: Apply the Law of Quadratic Reciprocity and other methods to classify numbers as
primitive roots, quadratic residues, and quadratic non-residues.
CLO6: Apply the various algorithms in doing actual computations and solving problems.
CLO7: Apply different methods of proof to verify mathematical assertions, including proof by
induction, by contrapositive and by contradiction
Rosen, K.H., Elementary Number Theory and its Applications (6th ed.), Addison-Wesley, 2011.
1. The official learning management system for this course will be Canvas. Only students who are
officially enrolled will be included in the Canvas class and will be allowed to take and submit
graded assessment. Students who join the course in Canvas but whose names do not appear
in the official class list provided by the registrar will be removed as a student in the Canvas
2. Students who require support for Canvas may seek help by sending an email to
[email protected] or chatting with LS-One through that account using their official OBF email.
Students with no or very unstable internet connection are advised to immediately inform (by
email or through a phone call) (a) their Chair/ Program Director, (b) [email protected], or (c)
their instructor so that appropriate assistance can be extended, and adjustments can be made.
If necessary, portable learning packets (PLPs) which can be in the form of flash drives or printed
materials can be sent to the students.
3. The learning modules in the course site are based on our textbook (listed as a required textbook
in this syllabus). It is highly recommended that in addition to the module, students read the
discussions on the textbook and answer exercises at the end of the section.
4. Materials posted on our course site on Canvas must not be shared in any other website and
social media and with other students not enrolled in the course. The University is committed to
ensuring that copyrighted works of the creators are respected and protected against misuse and
unauthorized use. For further information, visit: https://www.aipo.ateneo.edu/ippolicy
and https://www.aipo.ateneo.edu/copyright-guidelines
5. The learning mode for this class is onsite. The official classroom / venue of the class will be
finalized within the first week of class. If due to unforeseen circumstances (e.g., weather
disturbance, health crisis, etc.), the course has to switch to a fully online mode of delivery, then
all onsite sessions will now be online synchronous sessions. The course requirements will
remain the same, but the conduct of major assessments will strictly follow the Math
Department’s guidelines for online exams.
6. Attendance will be checked. A maximum of 6 cuts is allowed, beyond which a student will
receive a grade of W for the course. Students who arrive 15 minutes after the start time will
incur 1 cut. Those who arrive within the first 15 minutes after the start of the class are given ½
7. Make-up exams may be given in the case of grave medical and familial reasons (e.g.,
debilitating illness, death in the family) or official representation of the school (e.g., athletic
events and other competitions, as endorsed by ADAA/ADSA/Athletics Office), after
submission of a signed excuse letter. Commitments to attend events like weddings and
birthdays or to travel are not considered valid reasons to secure a make-up exam.
8. Use A4 bond paper in all long exams. Erasable pens are not allowed. Only non-metallic
black and blue ink is allowed.
9. Late submission of problem sets will incur deductions. Penalties (e.g., a zero in that graded
requirement) will solely be at the discretion of the teacher.
10. Requests for a re-check of any graded work should be made within two days after it is
returned. Any requests made after that will not be entertained.
11. Cellular phones and other electronic devices should be either switched off, or placed in silent
mode, during class hours.
12. The teacher reserves the right to send anyone out of the classroom on the grounds of
discourtesy to the teacher or to a fellow student, of misbehavior in the classroom, or of other
reasons as provided by the student handbook.
13. Students are expected to exercise the highest level of academic integrity. Students are
expected to always treat their classmates and instructor with respect even in an online
environment. Cheating, plagiarism, discourtesy or misbehavior will not be tolerated and will be
treated in accordance to the Student Handbook. The class adheres to the LS Gender Policy,
http://www.ateneo.edu/ls/ls-gender-policy. The class also adheres to the Code of Decorum and
Administrative Rules on Sexual Harassment, Other Forms of Sexual Misconduct, and
Inappropriate Behavior: https://www.ateneo.edu/policies/code-decorum-investigation-sexual-
Useful Links
CCLO 1 Demonstrate effective communication skills (listening and speaking, reading and writing) in
English and Filipino.
CCLO 2 Evaluate information and issues in various spheres of life using mathematical reasoning and
statistical tools to process and manage data.
CCLO 3 Propose ways to address pressing social and ecological problems using appropriate critical
approaches and scientific thinking
CCLO 4 Develop a creative and moral imagination that is responsive to contemporary global realities
and challenges, but also deeply rooted in local histories, conditions, norms, and institutions.
CCLO 5 Internalize the significance and value of her/ his unique existence and purpose in life in light
of Christian faith.
CCLO 6 Discern life choices with a keen awareness of ethical dilemmas and considerations.
CCLO 7 Exemplify a commitment to enhancing human life and dignity, especially those who are
excluded and in greatest need.
CCLO 8 Practice a vision of leadership and committed citizenship rooted in Christian humanism.