Math 4th For Iraq

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Republic Of Iraq

Ministry Of Education
General Directorate of Curricula

Scientific Secondary 4


Dr. Tariq Shaaban Regeb

Yosif Shereef Al-miaamar
Mohemmed Abdul Gafor Al-gewahery

First Translated Edition 2019/1440

Scientific Supervisor
Hussein Sadeq Al-allak

Design Supervisor
Tayseer Abdul-Ilah Ibraheem

Translated by Fezalar Educational Publications Institutions

‫ﻳﻮزع ﻣﺠﺎﻧ ًﺎ وﻳﻤﻨﻊ ﺑﻴﻌﻪ وﺗﺪاوﻟﻪ ﻓﻲ اﻷﺳﻮاق‬

ّ ‫اﺳﺘﻨﺎداً إﻟﻰ اﻟﻘﺎﻧﻮن‬

This book is the first course of a series of modern math books

for scientific high-school classes and it consists of seven chapters:

Chapter one: Mathematical logic

Chapter two: Equation and inequalities

Chapter three: Basic Skills of Exponent and Roots

Chapter four: Triangles

Chapter five: Geometric vectors

Chapter six: Coordinate Plane Geometry

Chapter seven: Statistics

We hope God help us to serve our Country and our Sons.

1 Chapter 1: Mathematical Logic

[1-1] Logical Statement

[1-2] Connective word if …………. then …………
[1-3] Connective if and only if
[1-4] Implication
[1-5] Open Statement
[1-6] Equivalent open statements
[1-7] Quantified Statements
Aims and Skills;
At the end of studying this chapter the student should be
able to:
-Learn the truth value of the proposition and their negation
and the compound statements.
- Learn the open statements and compound statements by
knowing the connective symbols.
- Learn the equivalence of open statement.
- Learn the Quantified statements and their negations.

Term Symbol
Logical statement
Connective word and ∧
Or ∨
Connective if…. Then.. →
Connective word if and only if ↔
Implication , ⇒
Quantifying universe symbol ,
Mathematical logic

In order to obtain an accurate result for our problems in

math we need a series of steps one related to other so math can
be seen as a logical system, and writing math statements by
symbols and formulas easy to use is said to be Mathematical
Logic. According to this logic is not a theory but consider
a language by all math scientists so they set agreements to
explain the mathematical statements we use.

[1-1] Logical statement

You have studied the logic in the third intermediate class

last year mathematical logic is divided into two kinds of
A) Non-statements
B) Statements
Statements are the type which can be considered either
True or False and it’s called logical statement.

∼P P If we symbolize the logical

statement as P then the P is
(True)(T) when the statement is
T F correct and P is (False)(F) when
the statement is wrong and the
(1-1) negation of P is True as shown
in Table (1-1).

It,s useful to remind the truth table for conjunction (∧),
disjunction (∨)


(1-2) (1-3)

[1-2] Connective: If ... then

In this lesson, we will learn the connective “ if ... Then” It’s
used to form compound statements.
Such as:
If the triangle ABC is Isosceles then the angles of its base are
equal this compound consists of connecting the statement of The
triangle ABC is Isosceles “ with the statement “ The angles of the
base equal bu using the connective if …… then
Here the statement comes after `if` is called consequent while
the statement as s whole “if ….then” is called condition.
So the statement (the triangle ABC is isosceles) is antecedent
and the statement (The angles of the base are equal) is consequent.

Let`s examine this example:
The mother says: (if you pass the exam, then I will buy you
a gift)
Let,s study the following cases:
1) The son passes the exam and the mother buys him a gift.
2) The son passes the exam and the mother does not buy him a
3) The son does not pass the exam and the mother buys him a gift.
4) The son does not pass the exam and the mother does not buy
him a gift.

We accept the first third and fourth cases as true

…...………….. the case as false.
We denote the antecedent and consequent by p and q relatively
and this compound statement is denoted as P → Q .
and read ((if P then Q))
The truth table of the statement is:



So P → Q is false in only one case. If the antecedent is true and

consequent is false

Example 1
Consider the Truth value of the following statements:

1) If then
2) If 7 + 5 = 12 then 6 + 2 = 7
3) If 7 + 5 = 11 then 6 + 2 = 8
4) If 1 = 0 the 3 is a rational number


1) True since antecedent is True and consequent is True.

2) False since antecedent is True and consequent is False.
3) True since antecedent is False and consequent is True.
4) True since antecedent is False and consequent is False

[1-3] If and only if

We often use the expound statement:)
(Q → P)∧(P → Q)
For example, the triangles is equivalent if and only if the
measure of its angles are equal also the angle measures of a triangle
are equal if and only if it is equilateral
Such compound statements are called biconditional if we
suppose p and q are two statements then the biconditional statement
(Q → P)∧(P → Q) is denoted by
And read as P if and only if Q
The table (1-5) is the truth table of the statement

P Q P→Q Q → P (p → Q)∧(Q →p)


So is True in only two cases if the two compound statements

same true together or two compound statements are false together

Example 2


[1-4] Implication
We will explain the implication by the following two cases:

The first case: One side implication denoted by

Let's symbolize x = 3 by P and x 2 = 9 by Q

If x = 3 is True this implies that x 2 = 9


and x 2 = 9 if then x = ±3 then

The second case: Two sides implication denoted by
Let's symbolize x = 3 by P and x 3 = 27 by Q

If x = 3 is True this implies that x 3 = 27

And if x 3 = 27 is True, this implies that x = 3

∨ mean that

Example 3

Choose a suitable symbol ( , ) for the following

A) x 3 = 8 , x = 2
B) x > 5 , x > 2
D) P: ABCD is a quadrilateral in which two diagonals bisect
each other, ABCD is a parallelogram.



Equivalent Statements
Definition 1-1
The statement P is said to be equivalent to statement Q
if both have the same truth table and denoted by

Example 4
Prove that


We construct the following table:

P Q ~P P →Q ~P ∨Q

[1-1] Exercises

Determine if the following statement is true or false and
mention the reason:
A) 25 is divisible by 5 and 25 is divisible by 7.
B) 25 is divisible by 5 or 25 is divisible by 7.
C) 7 is not a prime number or 4 is a prime number.
D) Diagonals of the square are perpendicular or diagonals of
the rectangle are perpendicular.

Use or to connect the statement in the following table to
obtain True statements:

Statement Q Symbol Statement P

The diagonals of the
A quadrilateral is a triangle quadrilateral bisect each other
The side of the quadrilateral
A quadrilateral is Rhombus are congruent
The angles of the quadrilateral
A quadrilateral is a rectangle are right

a=0 b=0 a.b=0 , a,b R

x2 = 9 x = -3
A quadrilateral is a square The angles of the quadrilateral
are right
x=5 x 2 = 25
x = -5 x3 = -125
ABC is a quadrilateral ABC is Isosceles Triangle

(x-1)(x-2)=0 x=1 x=2

Prove that:

If O is True, Q is True and S is False which of the following
statements are true and which ones are false?

Chose the correct answer:
Consider that P and S are two statements in the followings:

1) P → ~P is equivalent to
A) P → P B) ~P → P C) ~P D) ~P
2) is a statement
A) Always True B) True once only C) Always False
D) False only once

3) The negation of the statement is:

A) B)
C) D)

[1-5] Open Sentences
We learned that logical statements can be classified either
True or False but if we examine the following sentences:
A) x is an integer greater than 0 denoted by P(x)
B) y + 1 = 3 which is denoted by Q(x)
C) a+b=6 such that a,b are integers which denoted by G(a,b)
D) ……… is one of Iraq Cities.
We find that it’s impossible to consider any of the sentences
as Logical statement. But if we substitute g instead of x in the
sentences A it becomes (g is an integer greater than zero) and
it’s the s a True statements and if we substitute a value for (Y) in
the sentence (B) to make it False statements and if we substitute
3 instead of a and b in the sentence C we obtain the statement
(6=3+3) which is True write a suitable name in the blank of
sentences D to obtain a True statements.
Definition (1-2)
1) The variable: is a symbol representing the value of a
group of objects from the set of substituion.
2) Open sentence: is a sentence contains one or more
variables changes to logical statements when a value is
replaced instead of the variable from the set of substituion.

[1-6] Equivalence of open sentences


Suppose the substitution set for each is the set of integers

(Z) we notice the solution set for P(x) is {2} and the solution set
for Q(x) is {2} the open sentences Q(x) and P(x) are said to be
equivalent since their solution set are equal.

Example 5

and the substitution set for each is the set of integers (Z) are
P(x) and Q(x) equivalent?

Notice that the solution of P(x) is {2} and the solution set of
Q(x) is {2,-2} since {2,-2}={2} , P(x) and Q(x) are not equivalent.

Definition (1-3)
The negation of open sentences P(x) is `not P(x)` or any open
sentence equivalent it denoted by : P (x) .

Example 6
Suppose that the substitution set for each of the following
is the set of integers (Z):

P(x) Open Sentences It's Negation P(x)

x2-4=0 x2-4=0

x is even number x isn’t even number

x=4 and x+1=6 x=4 and x+1=6

Exercises 1-2

Q1) Write the solution set for each of the following open statements:
Open sentences Substitution set
A) x > 3 N
B) {10,6,5,3}
C) Z
D) N
E) x is not dvisible by 4 {10,8,6,4,2}
F) Z
Q2) There exist a pair of open sentences in each of the following.
Determine which pairs represent equivalent open sentences with
substitution set Z.
A) B) x = 2 , x = 4
D) E)
F) x is greater than -1 less than 1 , x = 0
Q3) Negate each of the followings and find the solution set for
the negated sentence using the substitution set {1,2,3,4,5}
A) 2 x = 4 B) x + 4 = 7 C)
D) E)
Q4) if x and y are elements of teh set {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} ,
write the soluton set for each of the open sentences in the form of
ordered pair
A) B) x + y = 5

[1-7]Quantified Proposition
[1-7-1] Universal Quantified Statement and Existential
Quantified Statement
Mathematical logic often uses symbols instead of words, in this
lesson we will learn two symbols:
First: If we want to state that every element of set A makes f(x)
a True statement we say it for all an in A such that F(a) is True
Or for all a A such that f (a) is True statement. The symbol
is called the universal quantifier and the statement a A , F(a) is
True then it’s called universal quantified statement
For example
(x+1)2 =x2+2x+1 is True for every Natural Number to be
substituted for x, and it can be written as x N such that
(x+1)2 =x2+2x+1.
Second: If we want to state that some of the elements in the set
A make G(x) a true statement then we say:
There exists on an element in A makes G(x) a True statement and
denoted by b A such that G(b) is a True statement the symbol
is called the Existential Quantifier and the statement b A , G(b)
is Existential Quantified Statement.
For instance: If we want to state the equation x+1=2 has a solution
in an integer (Z):
Then we say x Z such that x+1=2, and read it as:
`There exists an element x Z such that the equation x+1=2 is

[1-7-2] Negation of Quantified Statements
When negation the Quantified Statements we consider the
Every statement can only and only be true or false
- For Example, If we want to Negate the statement
Every perpendicular drawn from the center of the circle bisect
the chord
We say:
There exist at least one chord drawn on the circle such that the
perpendicular line which passes through the center bisects it.
- If we want to prove the mistake of:
Every Natural Number divisible by 2 is divisible by 6,
It’s enough to mention the correct statement:
There exist at least a Natural Number divisible by 2 and not
divisible by 6.
- If we want to negate:
There exist at least one Right triangle doesn’t satisfy Pythagorean
We say Every Right triangle satisfy the Pythagorean theorem.
From the previous examples we conclude:
[P(x) is that x X] P(x) such that x X

[P(x) is that x X] P(x) such that x X

Example 7
Negate each of the following:
1) x such that P(x) is :
P(x): if x is a Natural Number then x>0
2) x such that P(x) is;
P(x): x is positive even number
3) P [ x R: x+3 5]

1) [P(x) that is x] P(x) that is x
P(x) : x a natural number such that x < 0
By words: there exist a natural number less than or equal to zero.
2) P(x) that is x] P(x) that is x
P(x) “ x even numbers x is not positive.
By words: for every even number x, x is not positive.

[1-7-3] Tautology
Let’s consider the logical statements P, if all the logical possibilities
of this statements are true then P represents a Tautology.

Example 8

Let P be a statements does p p represent a Tautology?

P ~P P∨~ P

Then P T F T
represents Tautology F T T

Note: If all the truth values are False then it represents a (Contradiction).

Exercises 1-3

Q1) Negate each of the following without using `Not True`:

A) All the similar triangles are Isosceles.

B) Some of the similar triangles are non-congruent.
C) If the triangle is Right angle, then it is Isosceles.
D) Some equations have no solution.
E) Every four-side figure is a rectangle.

Q2) Determine the truth value for each of the following:

A) x such that p(x) is:
P(x): if x is a natural number then x 2 = x
B) x such as P(x) is:
P(x): x is natural number x 2 = x
C) x such that P(x) is:
P(x): if x is negative then x 2 is positive.
D) Q, P are two statements: is a Tautology
E) P is a statement then is a contraction.
F) P and Q are two statements is a

2 Chapter 2: Equations and inequalities

[2-1] Absolute value and graphing the function y = x

[2-2] Solving Absolute value Equations
[2-3] Solving system of Equation with two variables
[2-4] Intervals
[2-5] Solving first degree Inequalities with one variable

Aims and Skills

- Learning the Absolute value
- Solving Absolute value equation
- Solving System of equations
- Solving first-degree inequality with one variables
- Solving Second-degree Inequalities with one variable
[2-1] Absolute Value
Definition (2-15)
The absolute value of the real number x denoted by |X| is defined

Example 1
Solve each of the following Absolute value by definition:
A) B) such that

Solution Since


The following properties of Absolute value can be concluded

from the definition:
2) then
3) then
4) then
5) then such then
6) then
7) if then

Example 2

Graph y = x


According to definition (2,15):

Y=-X Y=X

( -2 , 2 ) (2,2)
(- 1, 1 ) (1,1)

Y=| X |

First: Graph the line Second:

X Y (X,Y) X Y (X,Y)
0 0 ( 0, 0 ) 0 0 ( 0 , 0 ) gap
1 1 (1,1) -1 1 ( -1 , 1 )
2 2 (2,2) -2 2 ( -2 , 2 )

Example 3


By the definiton (2-15)

( 3,5 )
( 0,4)
( 1,3 )

Y=| X - 1 |+3
First: graph straight line: Second: Graph the
straight line:

X Y (Y,X) X Y ( X, Y )
1 3 (1,3) 1 3 ( 1 , 3 ) gap
3 5 (3,5) 0 4 (0,4)

[2-2] Solving the Equations with absolute value
Example 4

Find the solution set of the equation 3 x + 6 = 9 such that :


From the definition of the absolute value we conclude that:

such then

such then
This equation is equivalent to the system:

�3 x + 6 = 9 the substituon set is {

� x : x � �2} ........(1)

��3 x � 6 = 9 the substituon set is x{ x : x < �2} ........(2)
�3 x + 6 = 9 the substituon set is {
� : x � �2} ........(1)

We ��3 xconsider
can � 6 = 9 the
thissubstituon setequations
a system of is { x : x < with
�2} two(
........ 2)
x,y where the cofficient of y = 0. And the solution set of this
system is:
then the solution set is

Example 5
Find the solution set of the equation .

By the definition of the absolute value is equivalent
to system:

Example 6
Find the solution set for .

By the definition of absolute value is equivalent to

Either x = -4 (neglected) why? or x = 3


Either x = -4 (negleded) why? or x = -3


[2-3] Solving System of Equations with two variables
You have learned to solve two first degree equations with two
variables graphically if S1 is the solution of the first equation and
S2 is a solution of the second equation then if the two
equations are related by the connective “and” and if the connective
is “or” the solution is

Example 7
Solve the following system by analytically and graphically in R

By analytically
We multiply the 2nd equation by 2

we add the equations

Substitute in equation (1)

S.S = {1,-2} and it represents the intersection point of two lines.

Graphically: The first line
(L1): x-2y
X Y (X,Y)
0 -5/2 ( 0 , -5/2 )
1 -2 ( 1 , -2 )
(-1,2) L1 5 0 (5,0)

(5,0) (L2): 2x+y

X Y X, Y
0 0 (0,0 )
1 -2 (1 ,-2)
-1 2 (-1 ,2)
Example 8
Solve the following system of equations in R:

This system can be solved by a substituent such that we find x
in terms of y or the opposite then
x = y + 1 will be substituted in the second equation
(dividing by 2)

Example 9
Solve the following system by elimination in R


Since both equations same degree it can be solved by substitution

and elimination (up to student)

We multiply the first equation by 3

by adding

1) if two equations are the same degree (first on second
degree) the system can be solved by
*elimination *substitution
2) if one of the equation is first degree and the other
second degree the system can be solved by substitution

[2-4] Intervals
1) The real Numbers Set is the set of to be :

The closed interval from a to b and denoted by [a,b] and represented

on number line as the figure (2,1) , we denoted the start point of the
line segment by (a) and the end point by (b) notice that endpoints
of the interval [a,b] are finite

a (2-1) b

2) The set is said to be the open interval

from (a) to (b) and represented on the number line as in the figure

Notice that in this case and shown by empty


a b

3) And both of the sets

Said to be half-open intervals, such that a<b and the first set is
represented on the number line as in the figure (2-3)

a (2-3) b
And the second set represented on the number line as in
the figure (2,4)

a (2-4) b
4) The set of real numbers greater than or equal to (a) is;

is represented on the figure (2-5) and the set

represented on the figure (2-6)

a a
(2-6) (2-5)

5) The set of real numbers less than

Note: The or equal to (a) is,
sets (4) and (5) are
infinite numerical Represented on the figure (2-7) and the
sets called (Rays)
represented on the figure (2-8)

(2-8) (2-7)

Example 1
Let x=[1,6] , y=[3,8] represent the following on the number
1) 2)
3) 4)


1 3 6 8

Example 2
Represent the following on the number line


-5 -3 0 2

[2-5] Solving first degree inequalities in one variable
The inequality contains x as a variable denoted as f(x)<g(x) such
that f(x), g(x) are two open sentences is said to be Inequality in
One Variable.
As you know from your previous study the solution set of the
inequality is the set of values you substitute instead of x which
makes the statement true equivalent inequalities defined similarly
to equivalent equations.

Definiton (2-16)
The inequality f(x)<g(x) is equivalent to the inequality
h(x)<I(x) if both of them have the same solution set

We will consider inequalities f(x), g(x) which have more than

one term

Example 1
Solve the inequality 3x+1<x+5 on R and represent on a number

3x + 1 < x + 5
� 3x + 1 + (
�x )
< x + 5+ (
�x )
2 x1 +
3�x + < 1x<+55 Inequality properties
� 32x + 1 + (
< 5x ++ (
�x )
� 2x +
< 14< 5Inequality
� 2x + 1 + (
� 2 x < 4 Inequality properties 33
The solution set =

If we connect two inequalities by the connective “and” then the

value of “x” which satisfies this system must belong to the solution
set of first inequality S1 and the second Inequality S2 which is
this means the solution set of the system is
we conclude from this the solution set of the system of inequalities
related by connective “or” is

Example 2

Solve the inequality 5 x + 11 < 1 and 2 x + 3 < 6 in R, and represent

on a number line.

The solution set of the first inequality is

The solution set of the second inequality

The solution set of the system is: S


-2 3
The common elements between S1 , S2 are the same S1

Example 3
Solve the previous example using the connective “or” instead
of “and” find the solution set and represent on the number line

The solution set of the system 5 x + 11 < 1 or 2 x + 3 < 6 is

-2 3

Note that the common elements of S1 or S2 is the element of S2

Example 4
Find the solution set of the inequality in R



Then we find the solution set is

Example 5
Solve the inequality such that

Note that this inequality can be solved according to property 7
from page 52
Adding (-1 to the inequality

[2-6] Solving Second Degree Inequalities in one Variable


Let (a) be a positive real number then

1) The solution set of the inequality is the interval [-a,a]
2) The solution set of the inequality is the interval (-a,a)

Proof 2:

If we have a.b 0 then either b 0 and a 0

or b 0 and a 0

or and

We can prove part 1 in the theorem similarly (left to student)

Example 6
If then the solution set of the inequality is (-3,3) and
If then the solution set of the inequality is [-3,3]
But if we have then the solution set of the inequality is
which means
And the solution set of the inequality is which

Example 7
Find the solutions set off the inequality 5 7


The inequality is equivalent to the system


The solution set is


In order to solve first degree inequality in one variable :

Define the absolute value if exist

Use the properties of real numbers such as:

additive inverse →
® adding →
® identity element of addition (0) →
® adding →
multiplicativeinverse → ® identity element of multiplication (1)
After these steps we find the solution set of the inequality in R

Exercises (2-4)

Q1) If

Then find
A) Graph the function -5

Q3) Find the solution set of each of the following equations

and check your answer
A) D)
B) E)
C) F)

Q4) Find the solution set of the following systems of equations

A) graphically
B) elimination

Q5) Find the solution set of the following inequalities

A) B)

C) D) E)

3 Chapter 3: Roots and Exponent

[3-1] Integer Exponent

[3-2] Solving Basic Exponent Equations
[3-3] Roots and its Operations
[3-4] Conjugate Numbers
[3-5] Real Functions
Aims and skills
At the and of this chapter the student will acknowledge:
- The rules of exponent in integers
- How to solve exercises including exponents
- How to solve basic exponent equations
- The Roots
- How to solve exercises including roots
- The conjugate numbers
- The real function and how to find the domain
- The properties of the exponential function
- Representing some real functions

Term Mathematical Symbol

Exponent ax
Root n

Exponential Function fa (x) = ax

Conjugate Numbers
a± b
Exponents and Roots
Mathematics was known in three sections
1) Accounting
2) Completing and balancing
3) Geometry

It becomes in this perfect and complete form at the and of the

eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century. Arab and
Muslim Mathematicians discovered a lot of relations between the
three sections some of these examples are:
Omar Ibn Ibrahim Al Khayyâm (1044-1122) born and died
Nishapur in Persia, he is most notable for this work on geometry
“A commentary on the difficulties concerning the postulates of
Euclid’s element’ and <<maqalah fi al cabr>>.

Muhammad ibn Musa al Khawarizmi (781-850) born in

Khwarezm the moved the Baghdad his most important work was
“ The Compendious book and calculating by Completion and
Balancing “ and he discovered Algebraic methods to solve first
and second-degree equations in one or two variables.

You have studied the exponents and roots in secondary classes
and you learned the power of a number if the exponent is a natural
number also you have learned the square roots for a positive number
and the properties of it.

[3-1] Exponent of Integers


Definition (3-1)
1) n = a × a × . . . . . × a (multiplied by itself n-times)
2) Special case

The properties of exponents:

(Z is the set of integers), a = 0 , b = 0 then:

1) (if bases are same exponents will be added )


3) (in a division, if bases are same powers will be subtracted )

4) (power rule) Note: an is said to be

the n-th power of a, a
is called the base and
n is called power and
we say a is raised to
the power of n.


Definition (3-2)
If then every real number x satisfies the
equation x n = a is said to be the nth root of the number a and its

denoted by n
a or

From the definition, we conclude the following:

2) If (n) is a natural number and (a) is a positive real number then
the both of satisfies the equation
3) If (n) is even a natural number and (a) is a negative real number
then there is no real number satisfies the equation
4) If (n) is an odd natural number and (a) is a real number then
there is only one real number satisfy the equation

Theorem (3-1)

If then
1) (such that if (n) is even number)

a n a �b > 0 , a � 0 ifif " n " is even number
2) = �
b b �b � R / {0} , a � R ifif " n " is odd number

Example 1
if m is even.
Find the value of
if m is odd

Solution example:

Example 2
If then proof


125 × 15m-2 × 25m+n 5 3 × ( 5 × 3 )m-2 × ( 5 2 )m+n

left side = =
75m × 5 2n+ m ( 3 × 5 2 )m × 5 2n+m
5 3 × 5 m-2 × 3 m-2 × 5 2m+2n
3 m × 5 2m × 5 2n+m

= 5 3+m-2+2m+2n-2m-2n-m × 3 m-2-m
1 = ‫ــــــ‬
right side = 5 × 3-2 = 5 × ‫ــــــ‬ 5 =
3 2

Exercise 3-1

Q1) Find the result of the following:

A) B) C) D)

E) F) G) H)

I) J) K)

Q2) Write the following in the simplest form:

A) B)

C) D)

Q3) Write the followings such that the denominator becomes 1

without using roots use exponents:

A) B) C)

D) E) F)

Q4) If and m is an even integer, which one of the following is
A) a m > 0 B) a m < 0
C) a m ≥ 0 D) a m ≤ 0

Q5) If and a is negative number, and m is an odd integer. Which

of the followings is correct?
A) a m > 0 B) a m < 0
C) a m ≥ 0 D) a m ≤ 0

Q6) Prove that:

A) B)

Q7) Prove that:

Q8) Prove that:

Q9) Simplify the following:

Q10) Prove that:

[3-2] Solving Basic Exponential Equations

The exponential equations contain a variable in the exponent to

solve such kind of equations follow the steps
1) In any equation: (( if bases are equal then the exponents are
equal to if the base = 1))
Such that:
2) If then n is odd
if n is even
3) If , 0
Notice that the solution of the following equations:


B) 2 2

x = x3 = 3�2
3 3�2

2 2
13 1
x =x 2 = 2
3 3
2 2 2
�1 �2�1 �
� 13 �� 13 �
�x ÷�x= � ÷ Taking
÷ =÷ �Taking the root
the root of both
of both sidessides
� �� � � � � 3 3
1 1
1 1
x 3 = x±3 = ±Cubing
both both
3 3
3 3 3 3
� 13 �� 13 �� 1 �� 1 �
�x ÷�x= �÷± = �÷± ÷
� �� �� 3 �� 3 �
1 1
x = ±x =3 ± 3
3 3
1 1 � 1�� 1 �
x = ±x = ± S .S =S� .S±= �±
� �
27 27 � 27�� 27 �

Example 3
Solve the equation

x �2 x +1 x x�2�x2+x13+1 x 2 �2xx++x31+3
2 2
2 4 2=we
2= =44make
= 4 xthe
we +3
we the same
make the inboth
bases sides inboth
inboth of theofsides
sides equation
of the
the equation
� 2 xxx2+2� 22x2xx+2x+1�
1�= +1=26=x22+
xx1++=662 x + 6
� 4 xxx��5�4=4xx0x�2�5�5=
05= 0
x � 5(
( )(xx�� )
( )=xx=0+=0�1�)
) x,x0x=�
5= ==55x�, 1,x=x =5=�,�
1x1 = �1
olution set Solution
�set 5}
1, =={s{et�
� 1,15,=}5{
} �1, 5}

This equation is said to be exponential equation since the

exponents are variable.

Example 4
Solve the equation


Solution set =

Example 5
Find the value of x if:

A) B) C)


A) By applying the note 3

B) By applying the note 2

C) By applying the note 2

Example 6

Solve the equation in R such that

Exercises (3-2)

Q1) Solve each of the following equations:

A) B) C)

D) E) F)

G) H) I)

Q2) Solve the equation in R such that

Q3) Solve each of the following equations:

Q4) Find the value of if:



[3-3]Squre Roots and Operations on Square Roots
Some of the roots are quantities can never be calculated exactly
such as:
This kind of square roots is called the surds square roots, we will
study some properties to help us simplify them.

1. aand vice versa

For example:

and vice versa such that

For example:

Example 7
Order the following square root ascendingly:

The order is:

[3-4] Conjugate Numbers am b

The conjugate is the number multiplied by the irrational value

to convert it to a rational value.
The conjugate of is since
And the conjugate of is such that
And conjugate of is since their product is:

And the conjugate of is since

and the conjugate of is since

(difference of two cubes)

Example 8
Simplify the denominator to become a rational quantity:

1 2 +1 1 3- 2 1 2- 3
‫ ــــــــــــــ × ــــــــــــ‬+ ‫ ـــــــــــــــــــــ × ـــــــــــــــــ‬+ ‫ــــــــــــــ‬ × ‫ــــــــــــــ‬
2 -1 2 +1 3+ 2 3- 2 2+ 3 2- 3
3 - 2
2 + 1 + ‫ـــــــــــــــــــ‬ 2- 3
= ‫ـــــــــــــ‬ + ‫ــــــــــــــ‬
2 -1 3 - 2 4-3
= 2 +1+ 3 - 2 +2- 3 =3

[3-5-2] Representing Real Function in the Coordinate Plane
First: representing the linear function such that

For example: y = 2x + 3
x 1 0 -1
y 5 3 1
Note that this function represents a straight line. 0 x
Second: representing the second-degree
function such that
Example: represent the function
x -1 0 1
y 5 3 5 x
Note that the function represents on
the upper half of the coordinate plane.
Example: represent the function
when y
x 1 0 -1
y -4 0 -4
Note that the shape of the function is
on the upper half of the coordinate plane.

Third: Representing the third-degree functions

Example: represent the function y

x 1 0 -1
y 3 2 1 x x
Example: Represent the function

x 1 0 -1
y -1 0 1

Fourth: representing the exponential function
A) Find the values of the function for reach
x=-3,-2,-1.0,1,2,3 the use them to graph the same part of the
B) Find the method by the help of the previous function to graph
some part of the function: f 1 (x) on the same figure

x 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3
1 1
‫ــــــ‬ 1
‫ــــــ‬ 1
2x 8 4 2 2 4 8

B) f 1(x)

Let's assume Ry is a reflection by the y-axis

then the image of we find a curve

of the function from the curve f(x)=2x by reflection by

the y-axis, as shown in the figure (3-1).

x x

2 -x 2x

x x

x x
Figure (3-1)
x x x x
x x
-3 -2 -1 1 2 3 x

Some properties of the exponential function f(x) = ax

1. If we graph the curves of the functions

and the functions

We will find two groups of the curves:

First: When a > 1 such that the value of the function ax increases
when x increases.
Second: when 11 > a 1 > a0 such that the value of function ax
decreases when x increase.
We represented the graph of six of these functions on the figure
(3-2) (a part of each curve), in which three of them a > 1 and three
of them 11 > a1 > 0a and then chose the value of the last three a the
reverse of first three, we note all curves pass through the point
2. If we consider the curve of any of the exponential functions
a x, , we find its domain is R.

1 )x
( ‫ــــ‬ ( 1 )x
‫ــــ‬ 4x
2 ( ‫ــــ‬
1 )x 4 2x
3 3


o x

Figure (3-2)

Exercises (3-3)

Q1) A) Simplify

B) if prove that x y =3
Q2) Represent the functions graphically:

Q3) Find the domain of the function:

Q4) Find the value of the following such that the denominator
becomes a rational quantity:


B) C)

5) Prove that:

B) Find x in the form of a + 3b İf x + 3 x = 8

6) Graph a part of the curve for the function

4 Chapter 4: Trigonometry

[4-1] Directed angle in standard position

[4-2] The degree mesure and the radian measure of angles
[4-3] The relation between the radian and the degree measure
[4-4] Trigonometric ratios for acute angles and some basic
[4-5] Trigonometric ratios for special angles
[4-6] Unit circle and trigonometric point
[4-7] Circular applications
[4-8] Using the calculator to find the values of circular
[4-9] Solution of Right Angled Triangle
Aims and Skills
- Learning the Absolute value
- Solving Absolute value equation
- Solving System of equations
- Solving first-degree inequality with one variables
- Solving Second-degree Inequalities with one variable
Terms Symbol or Mathematical relations
Directed angle (←BA ,← BC)
The degree mesure and D° ، Q
the radian measure
Sine x Sin x
Cosine x Cos x
Tangent x Tan x
Triangle point ( Cos x , Sin x )
Fourth chapter : Trigonometry

Introduction: The Muslims have a big role in collecting what was spread of the
trigonometry from the greek books. The Babylonians, the Egyptians, the Indians,
the Chinese and the Greeks had clear signs in this area of study.and from the Mus-
lim scientists that contributed in this area:
AL- Beronni (362-440 h)=( 973-1048 ): he is Abo AL-rayhan mohammed bin
ahmed Alfalaki. he is an arab with persian origins, he was born in Kath Bokharizm
and died in Ghazna in Afghanistan and has a theory to find the earth’s perime-
ter in his book “Al- Istirlab” and it icalled AL-Beronni’s formula and states that
b Cos x where r:is half of the earth’s diameter, a:the height of the tallest moun-
a - Cos x
tain, b:the observed height, x:the angle of the slope of the horizon.
AL-Bozjani: :(328-388 h) = (940-988) he is Mohammed bin Mohammed Yahya
bin Ismael bin Al-Abbas abo AL-Wafaa, born in the city of Bozjan and in 959 he
mmoved to Baghdad. he is thw first to put the triangular ratio and use it to slove
mathemaical equations and he made the following formulas:
x Cos ‫ــــــ‬
Sin x =2Sin ‫ــــــ‬ x ، 2Sin2 ‫ــــــ‬
x =1- Cos x
2 2 2
Sin(x+y)= Sin x -Sin x Siny + Sin y - Sin2y Sin2x
2 2 2

Sin x ، Cotx = Cos

Tanx = ‫ـــــــــ‬ ‫ـــــــــ‬x
Cos x Sin x
Secx = 1+Tan x ، cecx = 1+ Cot2x

✳Al-Kashi (899 h) = (1492 ): He is Ghayath AL-deen Jamsheed bin Masood

bin Mahmood bin Al-Kashi. he was born in the city of Kashan in Iran and he died
in Samarkand, he is considered as an excellent mathematician as the pi (π) was
found by him in his book (Al-resala Al mohita ) where he gave 15 decimals for
2π , 2π = 6.2831857179586 And one of his books is called (Miftah Al-Hesab) that
contains: Calculus, Trigonometry,Areas etc... And the field of Trigonometry has
developed in the 17th century by the scotttish scintist JOhn Nappier(1550-1617)
and the field of trigonometry has many uses in area, geography, physics and navi-
gation. In this chapterwe are going to study the basics of trigonometry.

[4-1] Directed angle in standard position

Definition ( 4 - 1)
Directed Angle : If the two rays ←BA , ←BC have a common initial point that is B
then the ordere pair ( BA,BC ) s called the directed angle that;s initial side is←
and it’s terminal side is BC and it’s head is the point B and is written as (BA,BC )

or < ABC .




Definition ( 4 - 2 )
Directed angle in standar position : In a coordiante plane, if we have a directed
angle that’s head is on the origin point and it’s initial side is on the positive side
of the X axis, it is called a directed angle in a standard position as in figure 4-1.


(Rotating anti clockwise) •
Positive angle X X

Negative angle
Rotating clockwise C•
( 4 - 2 ) ‫اﻟﺸﻜﻞ‬ ( 4 - 1 ) ‫اﻟﺸﻜﻞ‬

Figure ( 4 - 2 ) Figure ( 4 - 1 )
[ 4 - 2 ] The degree mesure and the radian measure of angles
Degree Measure: We leanred from our previous studies that if we made the circles
as 360 equal parts we will have 360 equal arcs and each arc is opposing a central
angle in that circle and the measure of that angle is called the degree measure and
is denoted by 1˚
1˚=60 minutes= 60’, 1’=60 seconds = 360’’
Radian Measure: There is another system for measuring the angle and it is called
the radian measure of angles.
Definition (4 - 3)
The unit of measuring the angles by radian measure ia the angle that is half diamet-
ric and it’s the measure of the angles that’s vertix is on the circle’s center and is op-
posed by an arc tha’s length is equal to radius of the circle.
In figure(4-3) if we assumed hat the length of the arc opposing to the central
angle AOB is equal to L the unit of the length of half the diameter =r units and
if L=r , m<AOB =1 the angle of the radius.
and if L= 2r as in figure (4-4) then
m<AOB by radian measure =2


Figure ( 4 - 4 )

Figure ( 4 - 3 )

B r L
r •
o r A o


And from definition(4-3) we can know that the length of the arc of the circle that’s
radius is r: L= Q . r , | Q | is the measure of the central angle opposite to that
arc measured by radian.
| Q | = ‫ــــــــــــــــــــ‬
Length of the arc
= L
radius r
[4-3] The relation between the radian and the degree measure
We have previously learned that the circumference of the circle = 2πr

|Q|= L = 2πr = 2 π
r r
2π the angle of the radius = 360
π angle of the radius =180

π = radian angle 1 ⇐
π = 1˚ ⇐
radian angle ‫ــــــ‬

In general : A) If the measure of a directed angle =Q radian angle

Then Q is a radian angle = D˚× π

B) If the measure of a directed angle = ˚D
Then D˚ = ( Q × 180˚
‫ ) ــــــ‬radian angle :
Q = ‫ــــــ‬
We conclude : ‫ــــــ‬ π
D˚ 180˚
We use this relation to convert from the radian measure to the degree measure
and vice versa.

Example 1

←is in standard position and opposite to an arc that’s length is 10 cm in a

If < AOB
circle that has a radius of 12cm
A) Find m<AOB← by radians measure where :
0≤ A O B > m ≤ 2π note that the center of the circle is the origin point.

B) Find by radians m< ← AOB where:
-2π < A O B > m ≤ 0

Solution :

L = 10 cm ، r = 12 cm
L = ‫ــــــ‬
5 = ‫ــــــ‬
A ) ∴ Radian angle | Q | = ‫ــــــ‬ 10 = 833 .0
6 r 12
B) In this case the measure of the angle will be negative:
L = ‫ــــــ‬
| Q | = ‫ــــــ‬ 10 = ‫ــــــ‬
5 = 833 .0
r 12 6
∴ Q = - 833 .0 Radians because the angle is negative.

Example 2

←was in it’s standard position and it’s measure was 3π what’s it’s measure
in degrees?

Q = ‫ــــــ‬
‫ــــــ‬ π
D˚ 180˚

π ⇒ D˚ = 180 ˚ × ‫ــــــ‬
4 = ‫ــــــ‬
‫ـــــــــ‬ 3 =135 ˚
D˚ 180˚ 4

Example 3

Convert : A ) ˚45 to radians

B ) 2.6π to de.....

Solution :

A ) Radians ‫ــــــ‬ Q = ‫ــــــ‬

π = Q ⇐ ‫ــــــ‬ π ⇐ ‫ــــــ‬ Q
π = ‫∵ــــــ‬
4 45 180˚ 180˚ D˚
π ⇐ ‫ــــــ‬
2.6 π = ‫ــــــ‬
B ) 468˚ = 2.6 × 180˚ = D˚ ⇐ ‫ــــــــ‬ Q
π = ‫ــــــ‬
D˚ 180˚ 180˚ D˚
Example 4
If the measure of a central angle is 60˚what is the length of the arc that it
opposite to, knowing that the length of the radius is 9 cm.

Solution :

1 π = Q ⇐ ‫ــــــ‬
Radian ‫ــــــ‬ Q
π = ‫ــــــ‬ Q
π = ‫∵ــــــ‬
3 180˚ 60˚ ⇐ 180˚ D˚
L ∵
|Q|= ‫ــــــ‬
π = ‫ــــــ‬
‫ــــــ‬ L
3 9 ⇒ L = 3π = 3 × 3.142
= 9.426 cm
Example 5

The length of the arc of a central angle is 21 14 cm and the length of its radius
is 20 cm, what is the degree measure of that central angle?

Solution :
21 ‫ــــــ‬
17 4 =|Q| ⇐ ‫ــــــ‬
Radians ‫ـــــــــــــ = ــــــ‬ L =|Q|
16 20 r
π = 16
‫ــــــ‬ π = ‫ــــــ‬
‫ــــــ ⇐ ـــــ‬ Q
180˚ DD˚ 180˚ D˚
D˚= 17 × 180˚ × 22 = 60. 85˚
Example 6

In a right angle triangle, the difference betweeen its two acute angles is 0.44 radians,
what is the measure of each angle in degrees?

Solution :

0.44 π ⇐ ‫ـــــ‬
‫ــــــ = ــــــ‬ Q = ‫∵ــــــ‬
D˚ 180˚ D˚ 180˚
D˚ = 0.44 × 180 = 0.443.14 × 180 =25.2˚

We assume that the degree measures of the two acute angles are A,B
A + B = 90˚ . . . . . . . 1
ADD THEM A - B = 25.2˚ . . . . . . 2
2 A = 115.2
∴ A = 57.6˚
B = 32.4˚
The relation between the degree and the radian measures is : Q πp
D o
180 o
The relation beetween the central angle Q and the
length of the arc L and the radius of their circle r is: Q =

Excercise (4 - 1)

Q1 /
Convert each ofthe following degrees to radians:
Q2 /
Convert each of the follwing radians to degrees:
1 ، ‫ـــــــ‬
‫ـــــــ‬ 5 π ، ‫ـــــــ‬

3 6 5

Q3 /
The measure of a central angle in a circle is 5 radians opposite to an arc that’s
length is 25cm find the radius of the circle.
Ans/ 30cm
Q4 /
What is the length of the arc that opposite to the central angle that’s measure is
135˚ in a circle that has a radius of 8cm?
Ans/ 18.857
Q5 /
The sum of two angles is π4 radians and the differnce between them is 9˚
find the measure of these two angles in degrees.
Ans/ 27 ˚ ، 18˚
Q6 /
Draw < ←AOB in its standard position if it’s measure is 5 π then find its measure
in degrees.

[4-4]Trigonometric ratios for acute angles and some basic relations

Figure (4-5) represents a right triangle at C

Let m < ABC = Q

p o
Hy Figure ( 4 - 5 )

Definition (4 - 4)
We call the number that represents the ratio as follows:

1. The ratio AC is called Sine of the acute angle (Q)

AC = ‫ـــــــــ‬
And it is written as Sin Q = ‫ـــــــ‬
2. The ration BC is called the Cosine of the acute angle Q
AB BC = ‫ـــــــــ‬
And it is written as Cos Q = ‫ـــــــ‬

3. The ratio AC is called the Tangent of the acute angle Q

BC AC = ‫ـــــــــ‬
And it’s written as tan Q = ‫ـــــــ‬ OPP.

And from Figure (4-5) we get (AC)2+(BC)2 = (AB)2 (Pythagorean theorem)
When we divide both sides by (AB)2 we get:

2 2 2
‫ ــــــــ = ــــــــ‬+ ‫ــــــــ‬
And from definition (4-4)

We get : Sin2 Q + Cos2 Q = 1

And from definition (4-4) we also get:

AC and by dividing both sides by (AB) we get:
tan Q = ‫ـــــــ‬
tan Q = ‫ـــــــــــ‬
Sin Q
∴ tan Q = ‫ـــــــــــ‬
Cos Q

(4-5) Trigonometric ratios for special angles

1) A 45˚ Angle
We draw a triangle that is right at B. And one of it,s angles is (45˚). So the other
angles is (45˚) also.
A ∴ AB = BC = L
Pythagorean: (AC)2 = (AB)2 + (BC)2
( 2 = L2+L2 = 2L2
∴ AC = 2 L

45˚ L = ‫ـــــــ‬
1 ⇒ Sin 45˚= ‫ـــــــ‬
B Sin 45˚ = ‫ـــــــ‬
2L 2 2

L = ‫ـــــــ‬
Cos 45˚= ‫ـــــــ‬ 1 ⇒ Cos 45˚= ‫ـــــــ‬
2L 2 2
L = 1 ⇒ tan 45˚ = 1
tan 45˚= ‫ـــــــ‬
2) A 30˚�60˚ Angle
We draw an equalteral triangle with the length of one side = 2L
And the measure of all its angles=60˚
We draw BC⊥AD as in the figure.
∴ L= DB = CD unit
And m BAD = 30˚

˚30 ˚30
2L 2L Using the Pythagorean theorem we get:
3 L

AD = 3 L
Sin 30˚ = L = ‫ـــــــ‬
‫ـــــــ‬ 1 ⇒ Sin 30˚= ‫ـــــــ‬
B ˚60 ˚60 C 2L 2 2
3L = ‫ـــــــ‬
sin 60˚ = ‫ـــــــ‬ 3
3 ⇒ sin 60˚= ‫ـــــــ‬
2L 2 2

3L = ‫ـــــــ‬
Cos 30˚= ‫ـــــــ‬ 3 ⇒ Cos 30˚= ‫ـــــــ‬ 3
2L 2 2
L = ‫ـــــــ‬
Cos 60˚= ‫ـــــــ‬ 1 ⇒ Cos 60˚= ‫ـــــــ‬
2L 2 2
L = ‫ـــــــ‬
tan 30˚ = ‫ـــــــ‬ 1 ⇒ tan 30˚= ‫ـــــــ‬
3L = 3 ⇒ tan 60˚= 3 3L 3 3
tan 60˚ = ‫ـــــــ‬
L 1
Notice that: sin 30˚ = cos 60˚ = ‫ـــــــ‬
Also cos 30˚ = sin 60˚ = ‫ـــــــ‬
Meaning that the sine of one of the angles is equal to the consine of the other
angle. And in general if Q was an Acute angle then we can say (90˚-Q):

Note :
sin (90˚ -Q ) = cos Q
The angles 30˚,60˚, are
cos (90˚ -Q ) = sin Q
complementary because
˚90 = 300 + ˚60

Opposite Adjacent Opposite
* sin Q = Hypotenuse , cos Q =Hypotenuse, tan Q = Adjacent
* Sin 2 Q + cos 2 Q = 1 , tan Q =
cos Q
* sin (90 o − Q) = cos Q , cos (90 o − Q) = sinQ
1 3
* sin30 o = cos 60 o = , cos 30 o = sin 60 o =
2 2
* sin 45 o = cos 45 o =

[4-6] Unit circle and trigonometric point

Definition (4 - 5)
Unit circle: Is a cicle thats center is the origin point and the length of its radius
is equal to 1 length unit.

The trigonometric point for an angle in the figure Q= m BOA, A direct angle

in standard poition, B is the point of intersection between the terminal side←OB
with the unit circle. We assume that B(x,y)
y y ⇒ sin Q= Y
sin Q = ‫ــــــ‬
B(x,y ) 1
x ⇒ cos Q= X
cos Q = ‫ــــــ‬
∴ B(x,y) = (cosQ,sin Q)
Q y
O x A x
By using the unit circle and
the conversions in the plane
we can find the following
trigonometric ratios:
sin (180˚-Q ) = sin Q
cos (180˚-Q ) = -cos Q
tan (180˚-Q ) = -tan Q

Definition (4 - 6)
The trigonometric point for the directed angle in standard position is the
intersection point between the terminal side of the angle with the unit circle.


Notice that point B is a trigonometric point for angle AOB, we can see that every
diected angle Q in standard position is a trigonometric point(x,y) and sinQ=y,
cosQ=x .
Example 7

Find sinQ, cosQ, tanQ if you know that Q=0,90,180

Solution :

We know that 0˚,90˚, 180˚ are on the terminal side for each of them on one of the
axis. As in figure (4-6) so:
(cos 0 , sin 0) = (1 , 0) ⇒ cos 0˚ = 1
sin 0˚ = 0
∴tan 0˚ = sin˚0 0 =0 ⇒ tan 0˚= 0
‫ــــــــ = ـــــــ‬
cos˚0 1
(cos 90˚ , sin 90˚) = (0,1 ) ✳
Y ⇒ cos 90˚= 0 ، sin 90˚=1
B (cos90˚, sin90˚) • But sin90˚
‫ = ــــــــ‬tan90˚ undefined
=(0,1)× ((cos 180˚ , sin 180˚) = (-1, 0) ✳
⇒ cos 180˚= -1 ، sin 180˚= 0
× O × • X ⇒ tan 180˚= 0
C (-1,0) (cos0 , sin0)

Figure (4 - 6)

[4-7] Circular applications

[4-7-1] Angles of elevation and depression

We can find the heights and dimensions when we can measure the angle that we
are seeing the mat. If the observer stands in point A and looks at point C that is
over the horizon of point A, then the angle that is between the line from the eye
of the observer to point C and the horizon of A is called ( angle of elevation ) for
ex: the angle CAB in figure (4-7).

And if the eye of the observer is at C and D C

Depression angle A
he looks at A below the horizon of C, from C
then the angle formed between the line
from the eye of the observer to point
Elevation angle C
A and the horizion C is called (angle from A
of depression) for ex: angle ACD in

figure (4-7)
Figure (4 - 7)
Example 8

The length of the string of a kite is 30m, if the angle that the string is makin
with the ea
earth (the horizon) is 45˚.
Find the height of the kite.
L Solution :

We assume that the height = L length unit

45˚ the triangle ABC is a right triangle at B
∴ sin 45˚ = OPP. ⇒ 1 = L
Hyp. 2 30
Figure (4 - 8) ∴ L = 30 = 21.21m

Example 9

An observer found that the angle of elevation of a minaret from a point on the
ground that is 8 m away from its base is 60˚ what is the height of the minaret?
Solution :
Height of the minaret

Δ A B C has a right angle at B:

tan 60˚= ‫ــــــــــ‬
3 = ‫ــــــ‬
˚60 ∴ Height of the minaret AB = 8 3

FIGURE (4 - 9)
Example 10
The height of a mountain 2350m, and observer found from its top that the depres-
sion angle on the ground is 70˚. What is the distance between the point and the
observer? Sin 70˚= 0.9396 .
A Solution :
Elevation angle= Depression angle
Δ ABC has a right angle at B

sin 70˚= ‫ـــــــ‬
0.9396 = ‫ـــــــــ‬
˚70 B AC
∴ AC = 2350 ≅ 2500m
Figure (4 - 10)
Example 11

From the roof of a house height of 7 meters, observer found a monitor that the
angle of the height of the highest building in front of 60 and the angle of low base
30 very dimension between the observer and building and the height of building.

E Solution :


[Elevation angle
˚60= DepressionYangle]
7m 7
Δ ABC right angled in B:
tan 30˚ = ‫ــــــ‬
B Y ˚30 C Y

Figure (4 - 11)
Distance between the observer and building 1 = ‫ــــــــ‬
‫ــــــ‬ 7 ⇒Y=7 3
3 Y

Δ E A D in the right angle D:

tan 60˚ = ____
3 = ‫ ⇒ ــــــــــ‬X = 21 m
7 3

The height of building = X + 7 ∴

= 21 + 7 = 28m

Example 12
The observer Watched that the angle of the height of the balloon is 30 and when
the observer went in the horizontal level towards the balloon distance of 1000
meters saw that the angle of elevation is 45 find the height balloon to the nearest

Δ ABC right angle in B:
tan45˚= ‫ـــــ‬
1 = ‫ـــــ‬
∴x=y..... 1
tan 30˚= ‫ــــــــــــــــ‬ ..... 2
y + 1000
1 = ‫ـــــــــــــــــ‬
3 y + 1000 ⇒ 3 y = y + 1000
1.7 y - y = 1000
1000 = 1428.6
y = ‫ـــــــ‬
∴ The height of the balloon x = 1429


D ˚30 ˚45 Y B
‫ﻣﺘﺮ‬1000 C

Figure (4 - 12)
[4-7-2] Circular Sector:

Definition (4 - 7)
A circular sector is a part of the circl’s surface that is defined by an arc of the
circle and two radiuses passing through both ends of the arc
In figure (4-13) AOB is called a Ccentral angle by the angle of the smaller sector

that has an angle with the measure of less than 180˚ .

Area of the circular sector = 1 Length of the arc AB x r

1 ........ Area of the circular sector = 1 Lr
If we assume that the measure of the
central angle by radians=Q
Q = Lr ⇒ L = Q r
r r
Q And by substituting in the first equation:
2 ........ Area of the circular sector = 1 Qr2
C L 2
Figure (4-13)

Perimeter of the circula sector Corollary1: If we assume that the surface of a circle is a
=r+r+L sector with an angle of 2π
=2r+L ∴ Area of the circle = 12 (2π) x r2 = πr2
Where L is the length of the
arc of the circular sector and
r is the length of the radius 1
Q = 2 Qr2 = Area of circular sector
2π πr2 Area of surface of circle
∴ D0 =
0 Q
Where D˚ is the measure of the central angle of the sector in degrees
360 2π
∴ Area of circular sector = D0 = Q
Area of surface of circle 3600 2π
∴ Area of the circular sector = The measeure of its degree angle x area of the circle

Example 13
Find the area of the circular sector if the measure of its angle is 60˚ and the
length of the radius is 8cm.
Solution :

∵ Area of the sector = 12 Q r2

1 π 60 ×64
2 × ‫ــــــــ‬ =
1 3.14 × 64 = 33.49 cm2
2 × ‫ــــــــ‬

Another solution : area of the circular sector =360˚ × the area of its circle
60˚ =
π × 64 × ‫ـــــــ‬
1 = 33 . 49 cm2
64 × 3 .14 × ‫ـــــــ‬
Example 14 6
The erea of a circular sector is 15cm2 and the length of its arc is 6cm. Find the
length of the radius, perimeter of the circle, the measure of its angle in Degree

Solution :

1- 1 L r = Area of circular sector

15 = 1 × 6 ×r ⇒ r =5
2- Perimeter of circular sector = 2r + L
cm 16 = 6 + 5 × 2 =
3- 6 = Q ⇐ ‫ـــــ‬
Radians 1.2 = ‫ـــــ‬ L =|Q|∵
5 r
3.14 1.2 ⇐ ‫ــــــ‬
‫ـــــ = ـــــــ‬ π = ‫ـــــ‬Q
180˚ D˚ 180˚ D˚
68 . 7898 ˚ = 180˚ × 1.2 = D˚ ∴

[4-7-3] Circular Segment :

Definition (4 - 8)
A circular segment is a part of the circle that is dfned by an arc and a chord
passing through both ends of th arc. <AOB is a central angle as in Figure 4-14

The angle of the smaller segment and

is angle is less than 180˚
To find the segment`s area:

r r Figure (4-14)
C We assume that Q is the radian measure
of the smaller segment
Area of segment ABC = Area of sector (OACB) - Area of Δ OAB ∴

1 Q r2 = (OACB)`s sector`s area ∵


1 × OA × OB × sin Q = OAB Δ`s area
1 × r × r sin Q = OAB Δ ∴
1 Q r2 - 1 r2 sin Q = AC`s area ∴
2 2
1 r2 (Q - sin Q) = ACB Segment’s area
Where Q is the measure of the segment’s angle in radians , r is the length of the
circle’s radius

Example 15
Find the area of the segment that has a radius of 12cm and the measure ofits
angleis 30˚

Solution :

Q = ‫ــــــ‬
Q = 0.5236 ⇐ ‫ـــــ‬ π
Q = ‫ــــــ‬
π ⇐ ‫ـــــ‬
30˚ 180˚ D˚ 180
1 r 2 ( Q - sin 30°)
∵ The Area of the segment = ‫ـــــ‬
= ( -0.5 0.5236 ) × 144 × 12
∴ Area of the segment = (0.0236) × 144 × 1 = 1.7cm 2

Example 16
O is the center of a circle that’s radius is 6cm, a 6cm chord was drawn in it,
estimate the area of the smaller segment in cm2
Solution :
Δ AOB is equilateral
m AOB = 60 ˚

22 = ‫ـــــــ‬
1.047 = ‫ـــــــ‬ π = Q ⇐ ‫ـــــ‬ Q = ‫ـــــــ‬ Q = ‫ـــــــ‬
π ⇐ ‫ـــــ‬ π
21 3 60˚ 180˚ D˚ 180˚
1 r2 (Q - sinQ) =Area of the segment
1 × 36 (1.047-sin60 ˚) =
18 ( 1.047 -0.865)) =
3.276cm2 = 18 (0.182)) = 6cm
Figure 4-15 6cm

Exercises ( 4 - 2 )

Q1 /
A person stood on top of a tower and saw two trees collinear with the tower’s
base, if the depreseeion angle of the first tree is 70o and the depression angle of the
second tree is 50o, find the distance between the two trees kowing that that height
of the tower is 30m, tan50o=1.2, tan70o=2.8. Ans/ 14.28cm
Q2 /
From a point that is 50m away from the base of a tower, it was found that the
elevation angle of its peak is 30o , what is the height of the tower.
Ans/ 28.9cm
Q3 /
Find the area of a circular sector that’s arc’s length is 8cm and the length of the
radius of it’s circle is 3.2cm. Ans/ 12.8cm2
Q4 /
Find the area of a circular sector, if the mesure of its angle is 100o, the length of the
radius is 10cm. Ans/ 87.3cm2
Q5 /
The area of a circular segment is 37.68cm2 and the length of the radius of its circle
is 6cm, find the length of its arc. Ans/ 12.56cm
Q6 /
Half the perimeter of a circle is 10cm. Find the area of the circular sector in it
that’s angle is 45o Ans/ 3.98cm2
Q7 /
Find the area of a cicrular segment thats angle is 60o and the measur of the radius
of its circle is 8cm. Ans/ 5.81cm2

[4-8] Using the calculator to find the values of circular applictions

You knew in section [4-2] that an angle has two methods to calculate that are:
degree measure and the radian mesaure and a calculator uses both of these ways.
we can see the degree measure on top of a calculator which is denoted by (DEG)
which stands for (Degree).
And the Radian measure is denoted by (RAD) that stands for RADIAN.
and these two symbols appear on top of the screen after pressing DRG , First
press shows DEG and the second shows RAD and vice versa.There are also
keys for Traingular ratios too.
key (sin) stands for (Sine)
Key (cos) stands for (Cosine)
Key (tan) stands for (tangent)
How to use the calculator:
1.We choose the degree measure system (DEG) or the radian measure (RAD) by
2.We type in the measure of the angle acoording to the system we chose
3.We press the keys of the trigonometric rations
The following examples will explain it:
Example 17 (1) sin 30˚ (2) cos 120˚ (3) tan 350 °
Solution : NOTE:
sin( ‫ ـ‬Q) = - sin Q ،
Degree measure: We press until DEG shows on cos (- Q) = cos Q ،
top of the screen.
tan (- Q) = - tan Q
* type in 3.
*press sin and you’ll get the result 0.5

2) Degreee measure: press until you can see DEG on top of the screen
*type in 120
*press ( cos) and you’ll get the result--0.5
3) Degree measure: We press until we can see DEG on top of the screen.
*type in 350 then press-tan so the answer will be close to -0.17630

Example 18

7π )3( ،
tan ‫ــــــ‬ cos (- 3 π) )2( ، 5π )1(
sin ‫ـــــــ‬
Fınd 4
Solution :

*Radian measure: press until RAD shows up.

* Press o the key that’s usually found on the keys 2ndf or INV and
its usually in color other than black(yellow, red, etc..)
* Press the key: π calculatios Ratio = Answer

(1) sin ‫ـــــــ‬
*press until RAD shows up.
*Press 2ndf then π = 3.141592564 times 5 = 15.70796327
Divided by 4 = 3.3926990817 then sin =0.707106781
(2) cos (-3 π)
It is known that cosQ= cos(-Q) ( we remove the negatvie sign)
*press until RAD shows up.
*Press 2ndf then π =3.141592564 multiply by 3 = 9.42477961
Then cos =-1


)3( tan ‫ــــــ‬
*press until RAD shows up.

*Press 2nd f then π =3.131592654 multiply by 7= 21.9114858

Divide by 5 = 4.398229715 then press tan = 3.07763537

Exercise :
Find the followigs using a calculator

(1) sin (‫ــــ‬ (2) cos (-400°( (3) tan (-15 ˚)
(4) tan (-36 ˚) (5) cos 2π
3 (6) tan 8π

Solution :
)1( 0.5
)2( 0.766044443
(3) 0.267949192
(4) - 0.588
(5) - 0.5
(6) -3.077683537

[4-9] Solution of Right Angled Triangle :

Each angle consists of 6 elements( 3 sides and 3 angles) and solving the triangle
means finding the unknown values of the elements.

Example 19
If tan 22o = 0.4 find:
(1) sin 22° ، cos 22°
(2) cos 68°، sin 68°

Solution :

opposite 4 = ‫ــــــــ‬
2 C
tan 22 ° = Adjacent
‫ــــــــــ‬ = ‫ــــــــ‬ 68° 29 k
10 5 2K
∴ Opposite = 2k 22°
∴ Adjacent = 5k 5K
Pythagorean theorem ( AB )2 + ( BC )2 =( AC )2
4K2 + 25K2 = (Ac)2
AC = 29 K
BC = ‫ــــــــ‬
sin 22° = ‫ــــــــ‬ 2
2k = ‫ــــــــــ‬ )1(
AC 29k 29
AB = ‫ــــــــ‬
cos 22°= ‫ــــــــ‬ 5k = ‫ــــــــــ‬
AC 29k 29
sin 68° = sin (90° -22°) = cos 22° = 5 )2(
cos 68° = cos( 90° - 22°) = sin 22°= 2

Example 20
5 in triangle ABC that is right angle at B.. Find sinA,
If you knew that cosC = ‫ــــ‬
tanC, cosA.
Solution :
We draw ABC that is right at B:
opposite = ‫ـــــــ‬
cos C = ‫ـــــــــــــــ‬ 13K
Hypotenuse 13k 12K
∴ (Pythagorean) (AC) 2 = (AB)2 + (BC)2
∴ 169 K = (AB) + 25 K
2 2 2
∴ (AB)2= 144 K 2 ⇒ AB = 12K
12k = ‫ــــــــ‬
tan C = ‫ــــــــ‬
5k 5
sin A = 5k = 13 5
12k = ‫ــــــــ‬
cos A = ‫ــــــــ‬
13k 13

Example 21
ABC is a triangle that has a right angle at A, AC=24cm, AB=7cm find:
sin C, sin B, tan C, cos B

Solution :
( BC )2 =( A B)2 +(A C)2 25cm
(B C )2= (7) 2 +(24) 2 = 49 + 576 = 625 7cm
∴ BC = 25 cm 24cm

∴ sin C = ‫ــــــــ‬ 24
، sin B = ‫ــــــــ‬
25 25
tan C= ‫ــــــــ‬ 7
، cos B = ‫ــــــــ‬
24 25

Example 22

Solve for the triangle ABC that has a right angle at B. If you knew that AB = 3cm,
AC = 6cm A
6 cm 60ْ
Solution : 3cm
C 30ْ B
3 3 cm
(AC) = (AB) + (BC)
2 2 2

36 = 9 + (BC)2
BC = 3 3

We found the lengths of the sides, now we will find the measures of the angles.

3 = ‫ــــــــ‬
tan C = ‫ـــــــ‬ 1 ⇒ C = 30°
3 3 3

m < A = 90° - 30° = 60°


In the solution for a right triangle we use:

*Trigonometric ratios sinQ, cosQ, tanQ
*We use the pythagorean theorem
and depending on the nature of the question

Excercises ( 4 - 3 )

Q1 /
ABC is a right triangle at B, sinC = 8 Find sinA , tanC, cosC
Q2 /
ABC is a right triangle at C, BC= 24cm, AB=25. Find sin2B +cos2B using the
given information
Q3 /
If cosQ = 4 Find tan Q, sin Q
Q4 /
The length of a ladder that’s anchored on a horizontal ground is 10 m. it’s other
end is on a vertical wall. if the angle between the ledder and ground is 30o. What
is the distance between it`s top end and the ground, and the distance between
it`s bottom end and the wall. Use 3 = 1.73
Q5 /
ABC is a right triangle at C, m<CAB =60o, AB=20 cm. Find its area.
Q6 /
3 tan2 30° + 2 sin 60° + 3 tan 45° + cos2 30° - tan 60°
(A) ‫ــــــ‬
(B) cos2 45° sin 60° tan 60° cos2 30°.
(C) sin 120° ، cos 135°، tan 150°.
Q7 /
In the figure:
ABCD is a trapezoid where A B
AD = BC (iscosceles)
DC =2 0 cm, AB =14cm,
AD = 6cm, Find m < CDA


5 Chapter 5: Vectors

[5-1] Concept of vectors (geometric and algebraic)

[5-2] Conorlical Vector
[5-3] The Vector Length And Its Direction
[5-4] The addition of vectors and multiply it by real number
[5-5] Giving the vector in terms of unity in the coordinate plane
Aims and skills
At the and of this chapter the student will acknowledge:
- Learning the Vector geometrically
- Learning the Vector algebraically
- Learning the Conorlical Vector
- Finding the Length of Conorlical Vector
- Finding the Direction of Conorlical Vector
- Finding the addition of vectors
- Finding the multiply of the Vector by real number
- Learning the unit Vector
- put the Vector by unit Vectors

Terms Symbol or Mathematical relations

Vector a a = (x , y)
Vector Length a a = x2+y2
Zero Vector 0 = (0 , 0 )
unit Vector u1 , u2 u1 = (1 , 0 ) , u2 = ( 0 , 1 )

[5-1] Concept of vectors (geometric and algebraic)

Introduction : Some physical and mathematical quantities such as length, mass,
time, size, distance, etc. It is determined by a number indicating only its quantity,
and such quantities are called numerical quantities or non-vector Quantities. Oth-
er amounts such as power, speed and displacement will be trend plus the amount
is necessary to fully determine such quantities are called vector quantities. Origi-
nated an idea originally intended in the mechanics to represent
The force, speed, displacement, etc., and used the piece A straight line from a
point such as A is called the starting point to another point such as the B called
point Finish to represent the vector and usually denotes the vector with the sym-
bol A B where the arrow means that the object is directed From A to B. The vector
may be represented by a single letter such as a (with its beginning and end) there
are two ways to study vectors

A a B
(1) geometric
(2) algebraic
In our study in this chapter we focus on algebraic part and using geometric part
to Illustration

Basic concepts: Vectors geometrically means a line segment directed as we said
above AB, CD, EF are different vectors figure (5-1)



Figure ( 5 - 1 )

Parallel Vectors: If the two segments are parallel, parallel vectors may have the
same direction or may be in the opposite direction. Figure (5-2) shows that AB
parallel to CD and has the same direction
However, AB is parallel to EF as they are in opposite direction


Figure ( 5 - 2 )

Equivalent vectors: if they have same length and same direction

[5-2] Conorlical Vector
For each vector in the plane there is a single vector whose equivalent starts from
the point of origin (0, 0), so instead of Dealing from an infinite number of vectors
equal in length and direction, we will take the vector equalizer Which begins with
the origin point representing all of them, is called the vector that begins with the
origin point of the vector Standard or restricted vector. The rest with non-point
vector are called free vector.
Notice that: F
OF، OE two conorlical vectors
While CD, AB are free vectors C X

Figure ( 5 - 3 )
5-2-1 Vectors and its representations
We represented the pair (4, 3) with a point at the parallel coordinate and each pair
of real numbers. We can represent it by one point. The two pairs (3, 5), (2, 3) are
represented by points C and B Respectively. Its origin is the point of origin and the
end of ordered pairs known Oriented segments OC, OB, OA.
C(3,2) B(5,3)
Figure ( 5 - 4 )

The ordered pairs (3.4), (5.3), (3.2).On this basis we will represent the
vector with a pair of real numbers Y
we write OA = A = (x , y) A(x,y)
Because we will limit our study to L
vectors Conorlical only, so all start
with the point of origin Only the X
final point is mentioned.
Figure ( 5 - 5 )

[5-3] The Vector Length And Its Direction

5-3-1 The Vector Length
Is the distance between the vectors starting A(x,y)
point and the end point AB is the length of A
AB and symbolizes by ||AB|| X

Figure ( 5 - 6 )

Definition (5-1)
if A was a vector in which A=(x,y) so that
||OA|| = || A || = OA = x2 + y2

Notice that the figure (5-6)

Example 1
Find the length for each of the following :
2 , ‫ـــــــــــ‬
( -12 , -9 ) ، ( ‫ـــــــــــ‬ 7 2 ) ، (3,4)
10 10

Length vector ( 3,4 ) is ( 3 )2 + ( 4 )2 = 9 + 16 =5

7 2
2 ,(‫)ـــــــ‬ 72 2
2 2 ,(‫)ــــــ‬ 98
2 ,(‫)ــــــ‬ 100
Length vector (‫)ـــــــ‬
10 10 is (‫)ـــــــ‬
10 10 =
100 100 = 100 =1

(-12)2 + (-9)2 = 144 + 81 = 225 = 15

Definition (5-2)
Zero Vector : The vector (0,0) is called the zero vector because its starting and
ending point Is the origin point. and symbolizis by 0, and length 0 = || 0 || .

Definition (5-3)
Equals vectors: The vector (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are said to be equal if and only if
x1 = x2 ، y1 = y2

Definition (5-4)
Vector direction: The angle made by the vector with the positive direction of the
X- axis

[5-3-2] The direction of the vector
If A=(x,y) was vector A is known as the measured angle Q where 0 ≤ Q < 2π
measured In the opposite direction of the clockwise direction from positive the
X- axis to the vector A
Note that the direction of zero vector is undefined
cos Q= ‫ــــــــــــــ‬ y
, sin Q = ‫ـــــــــــــــ‬
x2+ y2 x2+ y2

Example 2
Find length and direction of OB = ( 3 , -1)

Solution :

|| OB || = ( 3 )2 + ( -1 )2 = 3 + 1 = 2
Assume that Q equals the measurement of the angle that Vector OB determines
with the positive direction of the X- axis
So cos Q = ‫ــــــــ‬3
sin Q = ‫ــــــــ‬
And from the figure ( 5- 7) we can see that Q on the fourth quadrant.
And the direction of vector is Y

2π - π = 11π Q 3 X
6 6 O
( 3 , -1)
Figure ( 7 - 5 )

Example 3

1 , ‫ـــــــ‬
Find the direction of ( ‫ـــــــ‬ 1 )
2 2

Solution :
1 , ‫)ـــــــ‬
Assume that Q is equal to vector angle measurement (‫ـــــــ‬ 1
2 2

Figure (5 - 8)
2 1
cos Q = ‫ــــــــ = ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
( 1 )2 + ( 1 ) 2 2
2 2
sin Q = ‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ 1
= ‫ـــــــــ‬
( 1 )2 + ( 1 ) 2 2
2 2
From the figure (5-8) we noticed that
Q is on the first quadrant ‫ـــــــ‬

Example 4
Find the vector if its length 5 and its direction ‫ـــــ‬

Solution :

Suppose that a(x,y)

π = ‫ـــــــ‬
x ⇒ cos ‫ـــــــ‬
cos Q = ‫ـــــــــ‬ x ⇒ ‫ـــــــــ‬
3 = ‫ـــــــــ‬
a 6 5 2 5
5 3
∴ x = ‫ــــــــ‬
π = ‫ـــــــ‬
y ⇒ sin ‫ـــــــ‬
sin Q = ‫ـــــــــ‬ y ⇒ ‫ـــــــــ‬ y
1 = ‫ـــــــــ‬
a 6 5 2 5

∴ y = ‫ــــــــ‬
2 5 )
5 3 , ‫ـــــــــ‬
∴the vector is ( ‫ـــــــــ‬
2 2

r r r
1)The length A(x,y) equal A so A = x2 + y2

r x y
2) To find the direction A(x,y) we use cosq = r , sinq = r

Exercise ( 5 - 1 )

Q1 /
Find the length and the direction of the following vector and draw directed line
segments which referred to:
A) (-2 , 2 ) ، B) (-3 , 0) ، C ) ( 1 , 3 )
D) ( 0 , 6) ، E) ( 3 , -1 ) ، E) ( -3 , -3 ) ، G) ( 0, -8 )

Q2 /
Find the vector with length and direction as the following:
A) || B || = 2 π
، Q = ‫ـــــ‬
B) || B || = 2 ، Q = ‫ـــــ‬ π
C) || B || = 4 ، Q=π
D) || B || = 3 ، Q = ‫ـــــ‬ 3π
E) || B || = 4 2π
، Q = ‫ـــــ‬

[5-4] The addition of vectors and multiply it by real number
The addition of vectors(5-4-1)
To add two vectors such as A, B we geometrically draw one of them and from the
other end point of the vector Which begins with the starting point of the first vec-
tor and ends at the end point of the second vector is the sum of the vectors, check
the fig(5-9). The sum of two vectors is found in a Parallelogram way, representing
the total diameter Parallelogram in which two vectors are adjacent as in a fig(5-10):

Figure (5-9) Figure (5-10)

Two victors may be located on one straight line, then they are said to be on one
straightness, as in the vectors, A, C while A and B are opposite in direction as in
fig (5-11).
A( x , y )


B (-x , -y)
Figure (5-11)

If A and B are on one straightness, they are equal in length and opposite in direction, It was
if A = (x, y) so B = (-x , -y)
Notes that || A || = || B || = x2+y2
The vector A is denoted by the symbol -A

Definition (5-5)
If A = (x1,y1) ، B = (x2, y2) then
A + B = (x1, y1) + (x2 , y2) = (x1+ x2 , y1 + y2)

Example 5 Y
If A = (3 , 1) ، B = (1, 4) find A + B A+
Solution : A
O(0,0) X

(5 - 12) ‫اﻟﺸﻜﻞ‬

A + B = (3 ,1) + (1 , 4) = (4 , 5)
This can be illustrated geometrically as in Figure (5-12)
Note that A + B represents the parallelogram diameter of the vector A, B

Example 6 :

If A= (-4 , 3) ، B = ( 5, -2) find A + B .

Solution :

A+ B = (-4, 3) + ( 5, -2) = (1 ,1)

5-4-2 the Vector addition properties

(1) Closure Property: If both A and B are vectors then, A + B is also vectors
(2) Associative property: If A, B, C are vectors then (A + B) + C = A + (B +C)
(3) Commutative Property: If A and B were a vector then A+B=B+A
(4) Additive Identity: The zero vector is the Identity element in addition of the
vector this means that if A is any vector,
A + (0,0) = (0,0) + A = A
(5)Additive Inverse: : If A is any vector, another vector is -A = B such that
A + (B) = (B) + A = (0,0)
(6) Elimination property: if A ,B are vectors and A + B = A+ C then B=C

Example 7

Find the additive inverse for the vector ( -2 , 3)

Solutıon :

The additive inverse of (-2, 3) is (2,-3) because

( -2 , 3 ) + (2 , -3) = (-2 + 2, 3+( -3)) = (0 , 0)

5-4-3 Multiplying a vector by real number

Definition (5 - 6)
if A=(x,y) and K is a real number then KA=AK=(Kx,Ky)
that can be illustrated geometrically

Suppose that A=(x,y) and KA is a Straight vector on A and length equal K || A ||

means k times
As long as the length of vector A when it is k<0 and has the same vector direction
Figure (5-13) (If k <0) is negative, the vector A K is located on the straightness of
A and its length equal K || A ||

Figure (5 - 13)

Example 8

If C = (3, -1) then find 2C ، C، -3C


2C = 2(3,-1) = (6 , -2 )
1 C = 1 (3,-1) = ( ‫ـــــ‬
3 , ‫ـــــ‬
-1 )
2 2 2 2
-3C = -3 (3 , -1) = (-9,3)

Example 9

If A = (3 , -2) ، B = (4 , 3) and K = 3 ، L = -2 then find

(1) A + B (2) K A (3) L B (4) K A + L B

Solution :

(1) A+ B = ( 3 + 4 , -2 + 3) = (7 , 1)
(2) K A = 3 (3 , -2) = (9 , -6)
(3) L B = -2 (4 , 3) = ( -8 , -6 )
(4) K A + L B = (9 , - 6) + ( -8 , -6 )
= (1 , -12)

(5-4-4) The of vector multiplication by real numbe properties

(1) Distribution property For each A, B are vectors, K is real number
(A K+ B K) = (A+ B) K
(2) Associative property: For each A vector and both K, L∈R
So (K x L) A = K(L A ) =L (KA) ∈ R

(3) Elimination property: For each A, B vector, R∈K where K ≠ 0
If KA=KB so that A = B and vice versa
1 × A = A × 1 = A (4)
0 × A = A × 0 = 0 (5)

[5-4-5] Subtraction of vectors :

Definition (5 - 7)
If A , B were a vectors so that A -B can define as A + (-B)

Example 10

If A = (3 , 4) ، B = (-1 , 3) find A - B


A - B = A + (-B) = (3 , 4) + (1 , -3) = ( 4 , 1)
We can show that on the coordinate which means A and -B represent Parallelo-
gram diameter for A and for negative vector B .

Figure (5 - 14)

Example 11

If A = (2 , 3) ، B = (-2 , -1) ، K = 2 ، L = -1 find

KA - LB )2( A-B )1(

Solution :
(1) A - B = (2 , 3)-(-2 , -1)
= (2 , 3)+(2 , 1)=(4 , 4)
Figure (5 - 15) shows that:
Figure ( 5 - 15 )

(2) K A- L B = 2 (2 ,3) - (-1)(-2,-1)

= (4 , 6) + (-2,- 1)
= (2 , 5)
This is illustrated in the figure below:

Figure ( 5- 16 )

We draw A then we extend it as long as we get 2A, then we draw and then find -B
then -1 × - B = B we will return to B again and 2A +B
as we did in the previous example.

5-5 Giving the vector in terms of unity in the coordinate plane

[ 5 - 5 - 1 ] : Unit Vector

Definition (8 - 5)
(1)Unit vector U1: Is the straight-pointed object whose beginning is the point of
origin and the length of one unit and its direction is the positive direction of the
X- axis and symbolizes by U1=(1,0)
(2) Unit vector U2: Is the straight-pointed object whose beginning is the point of
origin and the length of one unit and its direction is the positive direction of the
Y-axis and symbolizes U2=(0,1) .

If C = (x, y) so C = (x , 0) + (0 , y)
C = x (1 , 0) + y ( 0 , 1)
and this represents vector C in the terms of U1 U2 C = x U1 + y U2
and we can write the vectors ( 9 , 0 ) ، (-3 , 0) ، ( 0 , -2) ، ( 0 , 6) in terms of U1 U2
as following

(9,0)= 9U1، (-3 , 0) = -3U1 ، (0 ,-2) = -2U2 ، (0 , 6) = 6 U2

Example 12
If A = (4 , 7) ، B = (-5 , 3) find A + B and show the result in the terms of Units Vector

A + B = ( 4 , 7 ) + ( -5 , 3 ) = ( -1, 10 ) = -(1, 0 ) + 10(0 , 1) = - U 1 + 10 U 2

Based on that we can write any vector by U 1 ، U 2 as the following examples:
(2, 5) = 2U1 + 5U2
(-4, 2) = -4 U 1 + 2U 2
( -2 , -3 ) = -2 U1 - 3U2
if the vector written as two unit vectors we can find the order pair wich represent
it, example
If A = 4 U1 + 5U2 then A = (4,5)
B = - 2U1 + 3U2 so B = (-2 , 3) and soon.

Example 13
A+ B ‫ جد‬A = U1 - 3U2 ، B = 2U1 + U2 ‫إذا كان‬


A+ B = ( U1 - 3U2) + (2U1 + U2) = U1 (1+2) + U2 (-3 + 1) = 3U1 - 2U2

Example 14
If A = (5 , -3) and B = (-3,4) and K= 2 ، L = 3, find K A - L B then write it unit
vectors in the terms of


K A - L B = 2 (5, -3) - 3 (-3, 4)

= (10,-6) + (9 , -12)
= (19 ,-18)
= 19 U1 - 18 U2

Excercise ( 5 - 2 )

Q1 /
Find the value the direction for each of the following with a graph
(-2 , -2) ، (3, 0) ، 3 U 1 + U2 ، -U1 - 2U2
Q2 /
Simplify the following
4(1 ,-1) ، 2(1 , -1) ، -7(1,5) ، 3 (2,-1 )+ 4(-1 , 5)، 7(3U1 + 2U2) ، -4(2U1-U2 )
Q3 /
Represent each of the following vectors in the terms of Units Vectors U1 ، U2
(3 , 2) ، (-1 ,4) ، (-3 , -5) ، (0 , -1) ، ( 5 , 3)، (2 , 0)
Q4 /
if E = x, y where x, y ∈ R and A is a vector so that
A + E = E + A = A prove that E = (0 , 0)
Q5 /
If A + B = B + A = (0,0) prove that A = -B
Q6 /
If A = ( 3 , 1) ، B = ( 2, 3) ، K = 3 ، L = -2 then find each of the following
K B ، L A ، A +B ، K A + B ،K A - B ، K A + L B
K A - L B ، K (A + B) ، (L + K) A ، (L + K) (A + B) ،
K (L A + K B) ، K L ( A - B)
Q7 /
Solve the question 6 by representing each of the vector in the terms of Unit Vectors U1 ، U2
Q8 /
Represent each of the vector in the terms of Unit Vectors U1 ، U2
A) the length 3 and direction π3 B) the length 10 and direction π
C) the length 5 and direction π D) the length 3 and direction π
4 4
Q9 /
If A = (5 , 2) ، B = (2 ,-4) find x when 2A + 3x = 5B

6 Chapter 6 : Analytical Geometry

[6 - 1] Coordinate plane
[6 -2] Distance Between Two Points
[6 - 3] Coordinates of a partition point
[6 - 4] Slope of The Line
[6 - 5] Parallel Condition
[6 - 6] Perpendicular Condition
[6 - 7] Equation of The Line
[6 - 8] The distance of a point from a given line
Aims and skills
At the and of this chapter the student will acknowledge:
- Learning the coordinate plane
- Finding distance between two points
- Finding the midpoint of line segment
- Finding of coordinates of a partition point
- Learning the first degree equation with two variables
- Learning the slope of the Line
- Finding a first degree equation with two variables
- Distinguish between the parallel and the perpendicular lines by their slopes
- Finding the distance of a point from a given line

Terms Symbol or Mathematical relations

Distance Between Two Points L = (x2-x1)2 + (y2_y1)2
n1 n1x2+n2x1 n1y2+n2y1
Coordinates of a partition point n2 ( n1+n2 , n1+n2 )
Parallel Lines L1,L2 ↔
L1 // ↔
L2 m 1 = m2
Perpendicular Lines L1,L2 L ↔

L 2
m1 × m2 = -1
Equation of The Line ax + by + c = 0
distance between a point and line D = |ax1 + by1 +c|
Analytical Geometry

[Coordinate plane [6-1

If we draw two perpendicular lines x xَ، y َy that cross each other at point (O) and
we represented the real numbers ith R and we assumed that O represens the origin
Figure (6-1)1
By doing that we have we have constructed a coordinate plane, we call the↔ x َx ,
the x-axis and the ↔y َy, the y- axis. when we take any point in this plane, for exam-
ple point A and we draw two lines, the first on the x-axis and the second on the
y-axis to make points AB, and AC (see figure 6-1)
When we write A(3,2)as an ordered pair of real numbers the x-axis comes first
and the y-axis comes second. in this chapter we will assume that the x and y axis
are perpendicular and that the length unit used in one of the axises is the .same
that it used in the other

Figure (6-1)1

[6 -2] Distance Between Two Points
If we knew the coordinates of two points belonging to a plane ,the distance
between can be calculated in the following way
let two points A (x1 , y1) ، B ( x2 , y2) Δ A B C : is a right angle at C
L2 = (AC)2 ( BC)2
L = ( x2- x1 ) 2+(y2- y1)2
distance between two points formula
Or by using the AB=A-B formula
A B = (x2 , y2) - ( x1 , y1)
= (x2 -x1 ، y2 - y1)
Figure (6 - 2)
Distance between two points || A B ||= ( x2- x1 ) 2+(y2- y1)2

Example 1 :

prove that the points A (-2 , 7) ، B (-3, 4) ، C (1, 16) .belong to a single line

Solution :

First way :
A B = B -A = (-3 , 4) - (-2, 7) = (-1 , -3)
AC = C -A = (1 , 16) - (-2 , 7) = (3 , 9) = -3 (-1 ,-3)
∴ A C = -3A B
∴points A,B,C belong to a same single straight line

Second way :
AB = ( -2 + 3 )2 + ( 7 - 4 )2 = 1 + 9 = 10
BC = ( -3 - 1 )2 + ( 4 - 16 )2 = 16 + 144 = 160 = 4 10
AC = ( -2-1)2 + (7-16)2 = 9 +81 = 90 = 3 10
BC = AB + AC
the points A,B,C must belong to a single straight line,because if they weren’t
they would have made a triangle and the sum of two sides would be bigger than
.the third side

Example 2
prove that the triangle which has the following vertices A (1 , 1) ، B (2 , 2) ،
C (5 , -1) is a right triangle.


AB = ( 2- 1)2+(2-1)2 = 1+1 = 2
AC = ( 5- 1)2+(-1-1)2 = 16+4 = 20
BC = ( 5- 2)2+(-1-2)2 = 9+9 = 18
∵ AC2 = AB2 + BC2
( 20 ) 2 = ( 2 ) 2 + ( 18 ) 2
ABC triangle is a right angle
∵ at B

Example 3

prove that the points A(-3, -1) ، B (1 , -4) ، C (10, -5) ، D (6 , -2)
represent the vertices of a parallelogram.
AB = ( -3 -1 )2 + ( -1 + 4 )2 = 16 + 9 = 25 =5
BC= ( 1 -10 )2 + ( -4 + 5 ) 2 = 81 +1 = 82
CD = ( 10 - 6 )2 + ( -5 + 2 )2 = 16 + 9 = 25 =5
AD = ( 6 + 3 )2 + (-2 +1 )2 = 81 + 1 = 82
figure ABCD represents a parallelogram

Example 4

if the points C(4, 1) ، B(a, 1) ، A(3, 2a) are the heads of an isosceles triangle
where AB=AC find a,a ∈


A (3 , 2a)
given AB=AC

2 2 2 2
⇒ (3 − a) + ( 2a − 1) = (3 − 4) + ( 2a − 1)
2 2
⇒ ( 3 − a ) + ( 2a − 1) = 1+ ( 2a − 1) squaring both sides

⇒ (3 − a) = 1
taking the square root of both sides

B (a,1) C (4,1) ⇒ 3 − a = ±1
: 3− a = 1 ⇒ a = 2
or: 3 − a = −1 ⇒ a = 4 neglected(find out why)

Exercises (6-1)

Q1 /
Find the distance between every pair of the following points
A) (4 , 3) ، (0 , 0). B) (4 , 6) ، (2 , 1) .
C) (5 - , -3 ) ، ( -1 , 5 ) D) (-2 , 3) ، (-1 , 4).
Q2 /
Find the area of the triangle that’s heads are on the points
A(5 , 7) ، B( 1, 10) ، C (-3 , -8).
Q3 /
the vertices of a square shape are A(4 , -3) ، B( 7 , 10) ، C (-8 ,2) ، D (-1 , -5)
find the length of its diameter.
Q4 /
prove that the points. A(-2 , 5) ،B (3 , 3) ،C (-4 , 2) are the vertices of a
Q5 /
If the points A (2 , 3) ، B (-1 , -1) ، C (3 , -4) are three vertices of a parallelo-
gram ABCD
Find the coordinates of D.
Q6 /
prove that the triangle that has the vertices A (2 , 3) ، B (-1 , -1) ، C (3 , -4) is an
isosceles triangle.
Q7 /
Prove that the points (-3,-4),(6,8),(0,0 are on a single straight line.

Coordinates of a partition point (6-3)
Partition of a line segment is used to find the coordinates of a point that is
located between two points in a given ration.
A = (x1 , y1) ، B = (x2 , y2)
It is wanted to find C that divides AB
with a ration of n : n so, we say C = (x , y)
AC = ‫ـــــــــ‬ n1
‫ـــــــــ‬ n2
n1x2+n2x1 n1y2+n2y1
So X = ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
n1+n2 also Y = ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

n1x2+n2x1 n1y2+n2y1
Partition point C )‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
n1+n2 , ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
n1+n2 (

Example 4 :

Find the coordinates of the point that divides the line segment that connect the
points 1
A (4 , -3 ) ، B (-5, 0) with a ratio of ____

Solution 4 :

n1x2+n2x1 1 (-5)+2(4) = ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
x = ‫ـــــــــــــ‬
n1+n2 = ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ =1
1+2 3
n1y2+n2y1 1 (0)+2(-3) = ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
y = ‫ـــــــــــــ‬
n1+n2 = ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ = -2
1+2 3

∴ coordinates of partition point(1,-2)

We assume that M is the partition point of line AB
Where as A ( x1 , y1) ، B ( (x 2 , y2)
So x1+x2
M (mid point(= ) ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ y1+y2
, ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ (
2 2
And to prove we have to make n=n1=n 2and substitute it in the previous equa-
Example 5

If point C was in the middle of AB where A(-3 , 2) ، B (7 , -8)

find the coordinates of point C


C x1+x2 , ‫ـــــــــــــــــــ‬
= ) ‫ـــــــــــــــــــ‬ y1+y2 )
2 2
2 + )-8( )
-3+7 , ‫ـــــــــــــــــــ‬
= ( ‫ـــــــــــــــــــ‬
2 2
C = ( 2 , -3 )

Point C(x,y) divides the line segment which connect points A(x ,y),B(x ,y) with the ratio
is :

x1 + x 2 y1 + y 2
Coordinates of the mid points are ( , )
2 2

Exercises (6-2)

Q1 /
Find the coordinates of the point that divides the line
segment AB where A (1 , 3) ، B (4 , 6) with a ration of ___
Q2 /
Find the coordinates of the point that halves the line segment AB where
A (2 , -4) ، B (-3 , -6)
Q3 /
Find the coordinates of point C that divides the line segment AB
5 where A (2 , 1) ، B (1, -3)
with a ratio of ___

Q4 /
Find the coordinates of point C which is 3 times as far
from as it is from B where B (4 , -4) , A(2 , 6)
Q5 /
Find the coordinates of the mid-points of the sides of triangle A B C where:
A(4 , 0) ، B (5 , 2) ، C (2 , -3) then find the lengths of the lines connecting from
the heads of the triangle to the mid-points on the opposite side.
Q6 /
Show that the diameters of the tetragonal shape with the vertices
(-5,-8),(-3,-3),(3,-1),(-1,-2) halve each other.

[6 - 4] Slope of The Line

Definition (6-1)
If A(x ,y ),B(x ,y )then
y2 - y1
Slope of the line AB = ‫ـــــــــــــــــــ‬
x -x , x1 = x2
2 1
1) y2 - y1 = 0 then the slope of AB = is zero
Which means that AB//Y-axis
Which means that AB //to the X-axis.
The slope of the X-axis= slope of the line parallel to it = 0
02) If the slope of x2 - x1 = 0 then the slope of AB is undefined
meaning that the slope of the Y-axis = the slope of the line parallel to it and it is
3) If Q is the measure of the positive angle that AB makes
with the positive direction for the X-axis then the slope
of AB is equal to tanQ where Q belongs to [0,180)/{90}

Example 6
Find the slope of the line passing through the two points A (2 , 3) ، B (5 , 1)


y2 - y1 = ‫ــــــــــــــ‬
m AB = ‫ــــــــــــــــ‬ 1 - 3 = ‫ـــــــــــــ‬
x2 - x1 5-2 3

[5 - 6] Parallel Condition

Two parallel lines have the same slope meaning L = L if and only if m1 = m2 .

Example 7

Prove that points A(4,3),B(2,1),C(1,0) belong to a same line.


1 - 3 = ‫ــــــــــــ‬
m AB = ‫ـــــــــــ‬ -2 = 1
2-4 -2
0 - 3 = ‫ــــــــــــ‬
m BC = ‫ـــــــــــ‬ -1 = 1
1-2 -1
m AB = mBC ∵
C ، B ، A belong to a same line ∴

[6 - 6] Perpendicular Condition

If two lines are perpendicular then their slope product is equal to =-1 as L1 ⊥
sL2 if and only if -1 = m1 × m2
- 1 which means that the slope of one of them is equal to the
or m1 = ‫ـــــــــــ‬
inverse of the other one by inversing the sign , for example if the slope of a
-3 ,then the slope of any line parallel to it will be equal to -3
line was equal to ____ __
4 4
and the slope of any line perpendicular on it will be ___

Example 8
By using slope prove that the triangle which has the vertices A(3 , -1), B(10 , 4) ,
C(5 , 11) is a right angle triangle in B


4 - (-1) = ‫ـــــــ‬
mAB = ‫ـــــــــــــ‬ 5 , 7
11 - 4 = ‫ــــــــــــ‬
mBC = ‫ــــــــــــ‬
10 - 3 7 5 - 10 -5
5 × ‫ــــــــــــ‬
∴ mAB × mBC = ‫ـــــــــــ‬ 7 = -1
7 -5

∴ AB ⊥ BC
∴ Δ ABC right angle in B .

Example 9
If the points A(0 , b), B(-1 , 2) , C(-2 , b-4) are in a straightness then find the
value of b ∈ R .
⇒ m AB = m BC
Solution 2−b (b − 4 ) − 2
⇒ =
−1 − o −2 − 1
2−b b−6 ∴ A,B,C On a straightness
= ⇒ 2−b = b−6
−1 −1
⇒ b = 4 ⇒ m AB = m BC
Vy y 2 − b (b − 4 ) − 2
m= x ⇒ =
Vx −1 − o −2 − 1
2−b b−6
= ⇒ 2−b = b−6
−1 −1
120 m=
Exercise (6 - 3)

Q1 /
(1)Find the slope of the line passing through points (0,-2) , (2,0)
(2) Prove that the points (2,3),(-1,4),(-7,6) are on one straight line
(3) If points A(2,3) , (-3,h) find the value of h if m AB = ___ 1
(4) ABC is a triangle, it’s vertices are A(1,6), B(-2,-8), C(7,-2) find the slope of the
middle line for the triangle passing through B
Q2 /
for each of the following questions there are four answers, only one of them is
right, choose the right answer
1)If H ، L ⊥ H passes through points (1,5),(2,3) the slope of L equals
A) - 2 B) 2 C) 2 D) 1
3 3 2
1)If H ، L ⁄ ⁄ H passes through points (-3,2),(3,-2) the slope of L is equal to
A) -23 B) 32 C) - 23 D) 32
2) If the line L ∈ (4 , 3) ، (x , 6) and H ∈ (3,-1),(5,-1) if L ⁄ ⁄ H then
the value of X is A)-3 B)3 C)1 D) none of the above

Q3 /
1)By using the slope prove that the points A(5,2),B(2,1)C(2,-2) are the vertices of
a triangle

2)Let A(-1,5),B(5,1),C(6,-2),D(0,2) prove that the figure ABCD is a parallelogram

3)Let A(5,2),B(2,-1),C(-1,2),D(2,5) prove that figure ABCD is a square

4)ABC is a triangle it’s vertices are on points A(2,4), B (6,0), C(-2,-3) find

A) slope of the line drawn from A to BC

B) The slope of the line drawn from B and parallel to AC

5) Prove that the quadrilateral shape with the vertices A(-2,2),B(2,2),C(4,2),D(2,4)

is a trapezoid

Equation of The Line [6-7]
If (x,y) is any point on any line then the relation between x and y is called the
equation of the line
The standard equation of the line is ax +by+c=0
we can graphically represent the line intersecting both axis by making x=0
∴ y = ‫ـــــــــ‬
y=0 -c
x = ‫ـــــــــ‬
1) When b=0 , ax+c=0 represents the equation of the line parallel to the Y axis
and when x=0 it represents the equation of the Y axis
2) When a=0, by+c will represent the equation of the line parallel to the X axis
and y=0 represents the equation of the X axis
3) When c=0 , ax+by=0 represents the equation of a line passing through the
origin point
How to find the equation of line
1. If you know two points
the equation of the line where A (x1, y1) ، B (x2, y2)
Let C(x,y) ∈ ↔
AB so the equation will be
The formula for finding the equation of the line for 2 points y - y1 = y2 - y1
x - x1 x2 - x1
If you knew one point and the slope
y2 - y1
From the previous formula m = x - x
2 1
Formula of finding the equation using a point and slope y - y1= m(x - x1)

Example 9

Find the equation of the line passing through points (2 , -3) ، (4 , 5).


y2 - y1
y - y1 = ‫ــــــــــــــــ‬
x - x1 x2 - x1

y + 3 = ‫ــــــــــــــــ‬
‫ــــــــــــــــ‬ 5+3
x -2 4-2

y + 3 = ‫ـــــــــــــــ‬
‫ـــــــــــــــ‬ 4
x -2 1
y+3 = 4x - 8
∴ 4x – y – 11 = 0 ......... equation of the line .
Example 10
Find the equation of the line passing through points (7,1) , (0,3) and does the
point (3,4) belong it

y - 1 = ‫ـــــــــــ‬
‫ــــــــــــ‬ 3-1
x -7 0-7
Equation of the line ....... 2x + 7y – 21 = 0
to make sure that point (3,4)we have to substitute x=3 , y=4 in the line equation.
2( 3) + 7( 4 ) - 21 = 0
6 + 28 - 21 = 0

∴ 0 ≠ 13
∴ Point (3,4) does not belong to the line

Example 11

Find the equation of the line passingthrough point (1,-3) and with a slope of ‫ــــ‬.

y - y1 = m (x - x1(
x - 2 y - 7 = 0 . . . . . . . . equation of the line

Example 12

Find the equation of the line passing through point A(1,-3) and the mid point of
the line that’s ends are at points B(4,-1), C(-2,3)

4 + )-2(, -1
D = ) ‫ـــــــــــ‬ + 3 =)1,1( ⇐ Let D be the mid-point of BC
2 2
1 - 5 :The equation of AD is
y - 5 = ‫ـــــــــــــــــ‬
x +2 1+2
3y – 15 = -4x - 8 ∴
Line equation . . . . . . . . 4x + 3 y – 7 = 0

Example 13

Find the line equation for the line passing through

the origin point and point (-3,5)


. O (0 ,0) ، A (-3 ,5 (
y - 0 = ‫ــــــــــــــ‬
line equation is ‫ــــــــــــــ‬ 5-0
x -0 -3 - 0
y = ‫ـــــــــــ‬
‫ــــــــــــ‬ 5
x x -3
equation of the line 5x + 3y = 0
We can find the slope of the line from

its equation

we assume that ax+ by+ c =0

-a by inversing the sign by having x,y on only
∴ Slope of the line = ‫ــــــــــــــ‬
one side of the equation

and b = 0
the slope of the line _____
So, the slope of the line _____

Example 14

Find the the slope and the Y axis of the line that’s equation:
3x – 4 y – 12 = 0

-a = ‫ــــــــــــ‬
m = ‫ــــــــــــ‬ -3 = ‫ــــــــــــ‬
b -4 4

so we get : -4y - 12 =0 ⇒ y=-3

Example 15
Find the equation of the line that makes an angle 150 with the positive side of
the X axis and passes through point (-4, 1).
The slope of the line

m = tan 150˚

= tan (180˚-30˚)

= - tan 30˚

∵y - y1 = m (x - x1)

∴ y + 4 = -1
3 (x - 1)
x + 3 y + 4 3 – 1 = 0 . . . . . . . . . the line of the equation.

Example 13

Find the equation of the line that passes

through point(-2,1) and is perpendicular to the
line that’s equation is 2x - 3y -7 = 0

From the line 2x - 3y -7 = 0

The slope of the line m = -ab = -3 -2 = 2
the slope of the required line = -3 ( because it’s perpendicular to it )
y – y1 = m (x – x1)
y - 1 = -3 x+2
3 x + 2 y + 4 = 0 ..... the equation of the required line


y 2 -y 1
1)The slope of the line passing through( xpoints x ,y 2 ) , (isx 1 ,y
2 ,y 2 ) , ( x 1 ,y 1 ) , ( 2 m= 1)
x 2 -x 1
y–2a-y 1
2)The slope of the line ax+by+c=0 is m=
x 2b-x 1
3)The slope of the line that makes the angle with the X axis is m = tanq

4)The slope of the line passing through( xpoints x ,y 2 ) , (isxy-y

2 ,y 2 ) , ( x 1 ,y 1 ) , ( 2 1 ,y 1 )=
1 y 2 -y 1
x-x 1 x 2 -x 1
5)The equation of the line passing through point (x1,y1) m is the slope

Exercises (6-4)
Q1 /
1.Find the equation of the line with m 1 and passes through (0,-4)
2. Find the equation of the line that is parallel to the X axis and passing through
point (2,-1)
3.Find the equation of the line parallel to the Y axis
and passing through point (2,-1).
4.Find the equation of the line passing through points(-1,3), (5,-1)
5.Find the equation of the line L passing through point (2,-1) and
parallel to L1 which has the slope of 23
6.Find the equation of the line passing through point (0,-2)
which is perpendicular on the line that has a slope of -3
7.Find the line equation passing through point (3,-4) and
perpendicular to the line passing through points(2,-2),(0,3)
8.Let A(4,-2),B(1,2) find the equation of the line that bisects AB
Q2 /
1.Find the equation of the line that has the slope of -3 and splits a positive part
of the Y axis that length is 7 units
2.Find the equation of the line that has a slope of 2 and splits a negative part of
the X axis that’s length is 6 units
3. Find the slope and the dissected part of the Y axis for the following lines
A. L1: 2x-3y+5=0
B. L2: 8 y = 4x + 16
C. L3: 3 y = -4
Find the equation of the line passing through points (2,-5) and parrallel to the
line that has the equation: 2x-y+3=0
Find the equation of line L that bisects a negative part of the Y axis and its
length is 4 units and perpendicular on the line that has the equation 2y= 4x-1
Let L be a line, it’s equation is: x+y-2=0 Find it’s slope and
it’s intersection point with the Y-axis then draw L
Find the equation of the line L passing through point (2,-2) and
perpendicular on the line that has an equation x+y=0 then find the
intersection point of L with the other two axes
8. The line L : 2x-y=3 and the line H : 3x + 6x=-3
A.Prove that L H
B. Find algebraically the intersection point of L, H
9.Find the equation of the line that makes 135 with the positive side of the X axis
and that is passing through the origin point
10.The line L : 27 = ax + 1 passes through point (1,2) find
A. The value of
B. The slope of the line L
C. It’s Y intercept.

The distance of a point from a given line [6-8]

Definition 6-2
If the line L : ax + by + c = 0
and point N (x , y) is known, then the distance after point N on line L as the
vertical distance D between point N and line L and it is given in the following
equation. | a x1 + b y1 +c |
a2 + b2
Example 17
Y , y )1
Find the distance from point A(1,3) to the line 2y + x =2
M L:ax+by+c=0
0 X

We put the equation in the following way x +2y -2=0,
a=1 , b=2, c=-2
| a x1 + b y1 +c | |(1)(1)+(2)(3)-2|
= =
a2 + b2 (1)2+(2)2
5 = 5 unit
D = ‫ــــــــ‬
We can find the distance between two parallel points

L1: a1x + b1 y + c1 = 0، L2:a 2 x + b2 y + c 2 = 0

| C -C |
Distance between L1 ، L2 = 22 21
a +b

Example 18

Find the distance between the two parallel lines:

L1: x - 3y = 1، L2: x - 3y = 4


The distance between two parallel lines is the distance between any point
belonging to a line and the other line.

As in L1: y = 0⇒ x = 1
∴ Point (1,0)
| a x + b y1 + c|
∴D = 1
a2 + b 2

| (1)(1) - 3(0)- 4|
∴D = = 3
1+9 10
Another solution according to the result
| 4-1 |
D= = 3
1+9 10

Example 19

Find the area of the triangle that’s vertices are on points (1,2) ، B (3 ,5) ، C ( 1 ,3)


We find the equation of one of the triangle’s

sides and let the line AB be:

y - y1 y2 - y1
x - x1 = ‫ـــــــــــــــ‬
x2 - x1
5 - 2 ⇒ ‫ــــــــــ‬
y - 2 = ‫ـــــــــــــــ‬
‫ـــــــــ‬ y - 2 = ‫ـــــ‬ 3
x -1 3 -1 x -1 2

And now the distance between point C(-1,3) from line AB represents the height
| 3(-1) -2(3)+1 |
of ∆ ABC D = = 8 unit
9+4 13

AB = (3-1)2 + (5-2)2 = 4 + 9 = 13

1 (AB) . D
Area ∆ = ‫ـــــ‬
1 ×) 13( . ‫ــــــ‬
= ‫ـــــــــ‬ 8 = 4 unit2
2 13

Exercises (6-5)

Q1 /
Write T in front of the right sentences and F in front of the
false sentences from the following
1. The distance between the origin point and line: y = 3 is 3 units
2.The distance between the origin point and line: y =-5 is 5 units
3.The distance between the origin point and line x =-5 is 5 units
4.The distance between the two parallel lines y = 4 and y=-1 is 3 units

Q2 /
1.Find the distance between point (-2,1) and line 6 x + 8y - 21 = 0
2.Find the distance between the origin point and the line that has
the slope of m = 1 and passes through a positive side of of the
x-axis that’s length is 4 units
3.Find the distance between the two parallel lines:

L1: 8x - 6y + 4 = 0

L2: 4x - 3y - 1 = 0

4.Find the distance between point (0,-2) and the line that passes through points
A (1,-1)، B (3, 5).

5.Find the area of the triangle ABC where A(-4,6), B(-3,-1), C(5,-2)

7 Chapter 7 : Statistics

[7 - 1] Measures of Central Tendency

[7 -2] Arithmatic Mean
[7 - 3] Median
[7 - 4] Mode
[7 - 5] Measures of Variation
Aims and skills
At the and of this chapter the student will acknowledge:
- Learning Arithmatic Mean
- Finding Arithmatic Mean
- Learning Median
- Finding Median
- Learning Mode
- Finding Mode
- Learning Standard Variation
- Finding Standard Variation
- Learning Correlation coefficient
- Finding Correlation coefficient

Terms Symbol or Mathematical relations

Mean X
Median ME
Mode MO
Rang R
Standard Variation S
Correlation coefficient r
The 7th Chapter: Statistics

[ 7 - 1 ] Measures of Central Tendency

We took in the previous studies ways of gathering data and present them graphically
and tabularly, and now we want to find a scale that is more representative of the
study subject, meaning that we want to get one value representing all the other
values. The average income in a country represents all the incomes in a country
meaning that it represents the general level of the income in that country and one
of the characteristics of data, is that it has a tendency to concentrate on a single
average value and these values that the data concentrates on are called medians or
the measures of central tendency
And we will take the most important measures of central tendency with a little
more details after you have taken them in your middle school studies. here are the
subjects we are going to learn values of central tendency
-Arithmetic mean
And these three differ from each other from the idea and their method
of calculation and each one of them has it’s specialties and has it’s flaws.
There are some cases where we use on of the measurements and not the

[ 7 - 2 ] Arithmatic Mean
Definition ( 7 – 1)
The arithmetic mean of a set of numbers is defined as the value that, if
replaced with any of the other values in the set, the sum of the new set would
be equal to the sum of the original set
And so the arithmetic mean is equal to the sum of the values divided by their number

Calculation Method:
First way
1)If the statistics(data) are unclassified
sum of the values
Arithmetic mean = ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
their number

x1 + x2 + x3 + .......... + xn
Meaning that : X = ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

Example 1
If the ages of 5 people are:5,8,9,11,12. Find the arithmetic mean of their ages.


x1 + x2 + x3 + .......... + xn 12 + 11 + 9 + 8+5
X= ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ = ‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
n 5
45 = 9 Years

2) If the statistics(data) are classified
If the statistical values are classified in a repeating order, the following formula can be used;
Arithmetic mean The sum of the products of every group and the number of their repetition

the number of repetitions

x1 f1+ x2 f2+ x3 f3+ .......... + xnfn
X = _________________________________
Example 2
Let’s assume that there are 3 people aged 8, 5 people aged 9, 4 people aged 11
and two people aged 12 as in the following table.

Age 8 9 11 12
Number of People 3 5 4 2

(This table is without groups)so the number of (age) represents the group
find the arithmetic mean of their ages.

Age (x) frequency (f) age x frequency (fx) Solution

8 3 8 × 3 = 24
9 5 9 × 5 = 45 we symbolized the age with x and
the repetitions with f, the solution
11 4 11 × 4 = 44
steps can be shown in the table
12 2 12 × 2 = 24
sum 14 137 137
∴ X = ‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
= 9.786 years
(arithmetic mean of age)

The privileges and flaws of the Arithmetic mean ‫ اــيازملا‬:
1) easy to calculate.
2) All the values are used in it’s calculations.
1) It is affected by abnormal values and very small or very large values
2) It can’t be calculated graphically

[7 - 3] Median

Definition (7-2)
The median of a group of values is the value that is in the middle of the group
after ordering them ascendingly or descendingly so that the number of values
smaller than it is equal to the number of values bigger than it.

How to find the median:

1)Unclassified statistics(data)
We order the values ascendingly or descendingly then we take the
value that is in the middle for it to be the median
Assuming that the number of values is odd
But if the number of values is even then we take the two values that
are in the middle so that the median is equal to the sum of the two
values divided by two

Example 6

Find the median of the weights of some students that are :52 kg, 58 kg, 50 kg, 63 kg, 55, kg.


We order the numbers ascendingly: 50,52,55,58,63. we notice that the value

that is in the middle is the third one in order
Median = 55

Example 7

Find the median of the following weights of some students: 52 kg, 58

kg, 50 kg, 63 kg, 57 kg, 55 kg.


We order the values ascendingly: 50, 52 ، 55 ، 57 ، 58 ، 63

We notice that there are two values in the middle that are 55, 57
The order of the first one = n2 = 62 = 3 (third)
The order of the second one = n2 + 1 = 3 + 1 = 4 (fourth)
Median = third +2fourth = 57 + 55 = 56

The privileges and the flaws of the median: ‫ اــيازملا‬:
(1) It is not affected by abnormal and very large or very small values
2)It can be calculated graphically ‫ بويعلا‬:
1)Not all the values are used in the calculation
2) In case of the classified statistics with groups, it is solved by estimation

[7-4] Mode

Definition (7 - 3)
The mode of a group is defined as the value that is most repeated and symbolized by MO

Calculating mode :
Unclassified statistics(data)
Example 9
What is the mode of the following set of number

Mode= 4 because it is more repeated
Mode=6,5 because they are most repeated
Mode= No Mode

Example 11
Find the mode from the following table:

groups 40- 50- 60- 70- 80- 90 -100

frequency 6 38 59 37 8 2
Mode = 70-60
length of the lever = length of the group = 10
The force x it’s spindle = The resistance x it’s spindle
(10 -x) (37)= x (38)
370 - 37x = 38x
Length of the lever= length of the group =10 75x = 370
10 -x x 370 = 4.9 ∴
Pivot x = ‫ـــــــــــــــ‬
Frequency of the Frequency of the Mode = 60 + 4.9 = 64.9 ∴
group after the mode group before the
37= mode =38

The privileges and the flaws of the mode:

Privileges :
Easy to calculate
It is not affected by abnormal and very large or very small values
Flaws :
1)In the case of classified data with groups, it is calculated using estimation
2)It can not be found if there aren’t values that are repeated more than the others
3)There might be more than one mode if there are values that are repeated

Exercises (7-1)

Q1 / Define the arithmetic mean,median and the mode

Q2 / The following data represents the ages of a group of student:
17,18,17,15,16,18,16,17,15,19. find
A) The arithmetic mean B)Median C)The mode
Q3 / If the arithmetic mean of the monthly income of 5 people is
(40000) Iraqi dinars. what is the total of their incomes?
Q4 / The following table shows the temperatures in a city during
90 days in the summer

Temprature groups 20- 24- 28- 32- 36- 40- 44-48 sum
Number of days 8 10 18 23 15 9 7 90

Find A) The arithmetic mean B)Median C)The mode

Q5 / The following table shows the wages of 60 teachers at a school. fine the
arithmetic mean of their wages
Wage in thousands 150- 160- 170- 180- 190- 200-210
of dinar
Number of teachers 5 10 15 20 7 3

Q6 / The following table shows the daily profits of some shops in a city. find
the arithmetic mean of their profits
Daily profit in thousands 4- 8- 12- 16- 20- 24-28
of dinars
Number of shops 8 10 15 20 12 6

Measures of Variation [7-5]
For every set of numbers, there is an arithmetic mean and the numbers of the set
might be distributed close to it or far away from it. If the numbers are distribut-
ed close to their arithmetic mean , their measures of variation are low, and if the
numbers are distributed far away from their arithmetic mean, their measures of
variation are high
Ex: The arithmetic mean of the numbers 30,40,50,60,70 is 50 and the arithmetic
mean of the numbers 10, 20 ,90,100,30 is also 50 We can see that the measure of
variation in the first set of numbers is low while the measure of variation in the
second set of numbers is high

Measures of variations:
The measures of variation that we are going to study are:
1- Range
2- Standard deviation
[7-5-1] Range: is the difference between the largest and the smallest value
The range is not an important measure of variability because it deals with only
two of the values of the set. These two values are the largest and the smallest val-
ues of the set . So it is greatly affected by the changes in these two values
A)Unclassified Data:

Example 12
What is the range for the following st of numbers 98, 24، 68 ، 35، 12

Solution :
R = 98 - 12 = 86

B) Classified Data:

Example 13
Find the range:

Groups 5- 15- 25- 35- 45-55

frequency 3 8 15 14 7


Range = highest value of the last group - the lowest value of the first group
R = 55 - 5 = 50
[7-5-2] Standard deviation
The standard deviation is one of the mostly used measures of variation. if we
have n from the terms x1,x2,...,xn and their arithmetic mean is x. then these terms
are close to each other if they are close to their arithmetic mean x, meaning that
their deviation from x is small
So the deviation of the terms from their arithmetic mean can be used to measure
variation, and that can be done by taking the median of these deviations
Standard deviation
it is the positive square root of the mean for the squared deviations for the values of
the distribution expression off their arithmetic mean and it is denoted by S

S= √ ∑‫ــــــــ‬
x2 -(x)2

Example 14
x x2
1 1
Find the standard deviation for the following values:
3 9
1، 3، 5، 7، 9
5 25 Solution
7 49
9 81 x1 + x2 ... + xn 25 = 5
X = ‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ = ‫ــــــــــــــ‬
25 165 Sum n 5

√ ∑‫ــــــــ‬
x2 - ( x )2
When a constant num-
ber is subtracted from
√ 165 - 25
5 √ 33 - 25

all the values , the value

of the standard devia-
Standard deviation .... √ 8 = 2√ 2
tion remains constant as
in example 15 Example 15
Subtract 1 from the numbers [1,3,5,7,9] then find the standard deviation of the
new values. Compare you answer with example 14, what do you observe
x x2
0 0 The numbers 1 ، 3، 5 ، 7 ، 9
2 4 we subtract 1 : 0 ، 2، 4 ، 6 ، 8
4 16 X = ‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ 20 = 4
8 + 6 + 4 + 2 + 0 = ‫ـــــــــ‬
5 5
6 36
8 64 S= √ ∑ x - ( x )2
20 120 Sum S=
√ 120 - 16
√ 24 - 16

Standard deviation .... √8 =2 √2

We observe that the standard deviation didn’t change

Standard Degree :
Definition (7-4)
Standard degree is defined as the quotient of the deviation of the that variable
subtracted from the arithmetic mean of that set and the standard deviation
Meaning that : SD= ‫ـــــــــــــــ‬
Correlation [ 7 - 5 - 3 ]
Definition (7-5)
Correlation: It is the mathematical equation between two variables so that if one of them
changes to a given direction, the other one tends to change to a given direction too. if the
change occurs in only one way it is called a positive correlation. and if
the change occurs in two opposite ways, it is called a negative correlation

Correlation coefficient (r) between the variables x,y

We calculate the correlation coefficient r ∑xy -xy
Where x = The arithmetic mean of the variable x n
r= ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
Sx Sy
y= The arithmetic mean of the variable y
S = The standard deviation of the variable x
S = The standard deviation of the variable y
Some of the properties of (r)
r is positive in the case of positive correlation
r=1 in an absolute direct correlation
r is negative in an inverse correlation
r=-1 in an absolute inverse correlation
r=0 in the lack of correlation
we can observe that the value of correlation coefficient belong to [-1,1] and the
close r the value of r is from +1 or -1, the stronger the correlation between the
two variables and the closer it is to 0 the closer it is to the lack of correlation

Example 16

Find the correlation coefficient between the variables x,y for x=5

x 1 2 3 4 5
y 2 4 6 8 10

Then show it’s type

x y x2 y2 xy
1 2 1 4 2
2 4 4 16 8 X = 15 =3
3 6 9 36 18 Y= 30 =6
4 8 16 64 32 55
S x = 5 -9 = 2
5 10 25 100 50 S y = 220 -36 = 8 = 2 2
15 30 55 220 110 Sum
∑xy -xy 110
r = ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ = 5 - (3)(6)
Sx Sy ( 2) (2 2)
22 - 18
r= ‫ــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ = 4 =1
4 4

∴ The type of correlation is direct

SD =
5−3 2
∴ SD = = = 2
2 2

Example 18
Find the correlation coefficient an between x,y and show it’s type

x -5 -2 1 4 7
y 9 6 3 0 -3


x y x2 y2 xy
5- 9 25 81 -45

-2 6 4 36 -12

1 3 1 9 3
4 0 16 0 0
7 -3 49 9 -21

5 15 95 135 -75 Sum

5 =1
X = ‫ــــــــــ‬
Y = ‫ = ــــــــــ‬3
Sx= 95 - (1)2 = 19 -1 = 18 = 3 2
Sy= 135 - (1)2 = 27 -9 = 18 = 3 2
∑xy -xy -75
r = ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ 5 - (1) (3)
= ‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
Sx Sy 3 2 ×3 2

type= absolute inverse correlation r= -15 -3 -18 = -1

(9) (2) = (18)

Exercises 7-2

Q1 /
A)Find the range for the following numbers: 3,0,8,7,9,12
B) Find the range from the following table
Groups 20 _ 22 _ 24 _ 26 _ 28 _ 30 - 32
frequency 5 10 20 10 5 2

Q2 / Define the standard deviation then find the standard deviation for the
following numbers: 2,4,6,8,10

Q3 / Find the standard deviation for the numbers:5,7,1,2,6,3. then add 5 to

all the values and prove that adding 5 does not affect the value of the standard
deviation but affects the value of arithmetic mean

Q4 / Find the correlation coefficient between x,y then show it’s type.
x 1 2 3
y 2 4 6

Q5 / If you multiply all the values of x in the previous question by 4, you’ll get
a new table. find the new correlation coefficient .
x 4 8 12
y 2 4 6
Q6 / Find the correlation coefficient between x,y and show it
x 13- 9- 5- 1- 3
y +3 +1 -1 -3 -5


Introduction 3

Chapter 1: Mathematical Logic 4

Chapter 2: Equations and inequalities 21

Chapter 3: Roots and Exponent 40

Chapter 4: Trigonometry 58

Chapter 5: Vectors 89

Chapter 6 : Analytical Geometry 109

Chapter 7 : Statistics 135

Contents 156


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