Bphy101l Engineering-Physics TH 1.0 65 Bphy101l
Bphy101l Engineering-Physics TH 1.0 65 Bphy101l
Bphy101l Engineering-Physics TH 1.0 65 Bphy101l
Annexure 25a
Course Outcome
At the end of the course the student will be able to
1. Comprehend the phenomenon of waves and electromagnetic waves.
2. Understand the principles of quantum mechanics.
3. Apply quantum mechanical ideas to subatomic domain.
4. Appreciate the fundamental principles of a laser and its types.
5. Design a typical optical fiber communication system using optoelectronic devices.
Module:1 Introduction to waves 7 hours
Waves on a string - Wave equation on a string (derivation) - Harmonic waves- reflection and
transmission of waves at a boundary - Standing waves and their eigenfrequencies - waves
with dispersion - Superposition of waves and Fourier method (qualitative) - Wave packet -
phase velocity and group velocity.
Module:2 Electromagnetic waves 7 hours
Physics of divergence - gradient and curl - surface and volume integral - Maxwell Equations
(Qualitative) - Continuity equation for current densities - Displacement current -
Electromagnetic wave equation in free space - Plane electromagnetic waves in free space -
Hertz’s experiment.
Module:3 Elements of quantum mechanics 7 hours
Need for Quantum Mechanics: Idea of Quantization (Planck and Einstein) - Compton effect
(Qualitative) – de Broglie hypothesis - justification of Bohr postulate - Davisson-Germer
experiment - Wave function and probability interpretation - Heisenberg uncertainty principle -
Gedanken experiment (Heisenberg’s microscope) - Schrödinger wave equation (time
dependent and time independent).
Module:4 Applications of quantum mechanics 6 hours
Eigenvalues and eigenfunction of particle confined in one dimensional box - Basics of
nanophysics - Quantum confinement and nanostructures - Tunnel effect (qualitative) and
scanning tunneling microscope.
Module:5 Lasers 6 hours
Laser characteristics - spatial and temporal coherence - Einstein coefficients and their
significance - Population inversion - two, three and four level systems - Pumping schemes -
threshold gain coefficient - Components of a laser - He-Ne, Nd:YAG and CO2 lasers and
their engineering applications.
Module:6 Propagation of EM waves in optical fibers 5 hours
Introduction to optical fiber communication system - light propagation through fibers -
Acceptance angle - Numerical aperture - V-parameter - Types of fibers – Attenuation -
Dispersion-intermodal and intramodal. Application of fiber in medicine - Endoscopy.
Module:7 Optoelectronic devices 5 hours
Introduction to semiconductors - direct and indirect bandgap – p-n junction, Sources: LED
and laser diode, Photodetectors: PN and PIN
Module:8 Contemporary Topics 2 hours
Guest lectures from Industry and, Research and Development Organisations
Total Lecture hours: 45 hours
Text Book(s)
1. H. D. Young and R. A. Freedman, University Physics with Modern Physics, 2020, 15th
Edition, Pearson, USA.
2. D. K. Mynbaev and Lowell L. Scheiner, Fiber Optic Communication Technology,
2011, Pearson, USA
Reference Books
1. H. J. Pain, The Physics of vibrations and waves, 2013, 6th Edition, Wiley Publications,
2. India.
R. A. Serway, J. W. Jewett, Jr, Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern
3. Physics, 2019, 10th Edition, Cengage Learning, USA.
4. K. Krane, Modern Physics, 2020, 4th Edition, Wiley Edition, India.
5. M.N.O. Sadiku, Principles of Electromagnetics, 2015, 6th Edition, Oxford University
Press, India.
W. Silfvast, Laser Fundamentals, 2012, 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press, India.
Mode of Evaluation: Written assignment, Quiz, CAT and FAT
Recommended by Board of Studies 26.06.2021
Approved by Academic Council No. 63 Date 23.09.2021