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Conceptual Design & Feasibility Study:

Conversion of a Jack-up Drilling Rig to a

Production Platform
M.H.H. Brouwer

Picture of the Paragon C463 (former Noble Ronald Hoope) drilling in the North Sea
Master Thesis Offshore Engineering

Conceptual Design & Feasibility Study:

Conversion of a Jack-up Drilling Rig to a
Production Platform

MSC CJ46 Drilling Jack-up Conversion to Fixed Production Platform


Machgielis H.H. Brouwer

in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science
in Offshore and Dredging Engineering

at the Delft University of Technology,

to be defended on Tuesday January 31st, 2016 at 13:00.

Thesis committee: Ir. P.G.F. Sliggers TU Delft

Ir. J.S. Hoving, TU Delft
Prof. dr. A. Metrikine TU Delft
T.J.M.A. Bergers Oranje-Nassau Energie B.V
Master Thesis Offshore Engineering

This thesis is confidential and cannot be made public until January 31, 2022.
An electronic version of this thesis is available at http://repository.tudelft.nl/.
Master Thesis Offshore Engineering

Overall depletion in the North Sea has freed processing capacity on many offshore platforms. To avoid
building more infrastructure than required, these platforms are often used as hubs for nearby satellite
fields. Oranje-Nassau Energie (ONE) has developed and successfully employs a standard low cost design
for satellite platforms in the Dutch North Sea, the Oranje-Nassau Standard Satellite (ONSS). For production
of fields with no nearby existing infrastructure, however, a new central gas processing and exporting
platform is needed. Because the ONSS is not suited to this requirement, an alternative concept must be
developed. Due to low oil and gas prices since 2015 the occupation of jack-up drilling rigs has declined.
Some of these idle rigs are in line to be scrapped and could be potentially acquired for a low price. The
idea was suggested within ONE to convert an idle drilling rig into a production platform.

Worldwide there are various examples of the conversion of a jack-up unit into a Processing Platform.
Weather conditions and regulation in the North Sea however are not comparable to those where these
developments are most commonly found, such as West Africa and Southeast Asia. Case studies show that
in the North Sea either new high specification jack-ups are used for drilling and production simultaneously
or bespoke self-elevating units are employed. The concept of converting a used jack-up drilling rig into a
production platform suitable for operation in the Dutch North Sea (25-50 meters water depth) must
therefore first be assessed for feasibility.

In this thesis, the key challenges of the concept are identified and addressed. Following this a conceptual
design for the conversion is made. What was found to be the main challenge, the design and technical
assessment of the conductor support structure for use with the Mobile Offshore Production Platform
(MOPU), has formed the bulk of the analysis. Finally, the capability of the MOPU to remain on location for
20 years is assessed.

ONE has identified the GEms prospect in the N blocks as a potential target for the concept. Topside design
has been dimensioned for the expected size of the prospect. The assessment of the conductor support
and jack-up integrity is based on conceptual data that is applicable for the entire Dutch North Sea. Market
analysis resulted in the MSC designed CJ46 jack-up being selected for the concept. Design and assessment
work was carried-out with support of the rig designers GustoMSC.

It has been found that with minor modifications to the preload capacity of the jack-up unit, the concept
using the jack-up supported conductors is feasible up to 30 meters’ water depth. Beyond 30 meters the
initial constraints are: risk of vortex induced vibrations (VIV) of the conductors, the bearing capacity of the
jack-up and jack-up fatigue. Initially, mitigation of these issues is straightforward. However, detailed
studies will need to be done to verify the effectiveness and further implications of the VIV mitigation
measures. Further study on fatigue sensitive areas could increase the design fatigue factor achievable by
reducing conservatisms or prompt local joint reinforcement as solution. Between 30 and 50 meters’ water
depth mitigation of the constraints becomes increasing costly and technically challenging. Beyond 50
meters’ water depth, jack-up and conductor stability all become critical constraints and major design
changes are required. Site-specific parameters will also affect the feasibility. Therefore, the findings above
must be validated in a site-specific study.

The conclusion of the research has verified that, converting a used jack-up drilling rig into a jack-up mobile
offshore production unit is a technically and economically feasible concept for the development of a
standalone gas field on the Dutch continental shelf. It has also demonstrated the conductor support
design to be a feasible solution for this jack-up MOPU concept. The body of the work can form a basis to
initiate detailed engineering and design when the concept is to be implemented.

Master Thesis Offshore Engineering

Hereby I would like to gratefully acknowledge ONE for this opportunity and the support during the project.
Input from various people at GustoMSC, Paragon, Liberty Drilling Equipment, Fugro, Seafox, Frames,
Carlyle, BPC, and Koole has also made a valuable contribution.

The committee, including Frank Sliggers, Theo Bergers, and Jeroen Hoving have provided excellent
guidance and support throughout.

Master Thesis Offshore Engineering

Table of Contents

Abstract ............................................................................................................................................ I
Acknowledgements......................................................................................................................... II
List of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Definitions ........................................................................... V
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Research Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Thesis Outline ................................................................................................................................ 2
2 State of the Art ........................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 General Design of Jack-up Units ................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Types of Jack-up Units ................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 History of Jack-up Rigs .................................................................................................................. 5
2.4 Jack-up Market Analysis................................................................................................................ 6
2.5 Historic Cases of Jack-up MOPUs .................................................................................................. 8
2.6 Requirements for the Conversion ................................................................................................ 16
2.7 ‘SWOT’ Analysis........................................................................................................................... 17
2.8 Classification of Mobile Offshore Production Units .................................................................... 20
3 Conceptual Design of Jack-up MOPU .................................................................................... 24
3.1 Topsides, Risers & Jacking System Design................................................................................... 24
3.2 Spudcan Design ........................................................................................................................... 28
3.3 Conductor Design ........................................................................................................................ 29
3.4 Jack-up Unit Data ........................................................................................................................ 34
3.5 Conversion Scope ........................................................................................................................ 36
3.6 Installation Scope ........................................................................................................................ 37
3.7 Cost Estimate and Comparison ................................................................................................... 38
3.8 Design Schematic of Jack-up MOPU ........................................................................................... 40
4 Assessment of Conceptual Design ......................................................................................... 41
4.1 Metocean Data and Model ......................................................................................................... 42
4.2 Foundation Data and Model ....................................................................................................... 48
4.3 Structural Assessment Procedure................................................................................................ 51
4.4 Fatigue Model ............................................................................................................................. 61
4.5 Vortex Induced Vibrations ........................................................................................................... 66
4.6 Accidental and Serviceability Limit States................................................................................... 67

Master Thesis Offshore Engineering

5 Results of Assessment ........................................................................................................... 68

5.1 Ultimate Limit State .................................................................................................................... 68
5.2 Fatigue Limit State ...................................................................................................................... 75
5.3 Vortex Induced Vibrations ........................................................................................................... 78
5.4 Capacity Extension ...................................................................................................................... 80
6 Conclusions and Recommendations ..................................................................................... 81
6.1 Initial Feasibility and Design ....................................................................................................... 81
6.2 Conductor Assessment ................................................................................................................ 82
6.3 Jack-up MOPU Assessment ......................................................................................................... 83
6.4 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 84
6.5 Recommendations ...................................................................................................................... 84
7 References ............................................................................................................................. 85
8 Appendix .................................................................................................................................. 1
8.1 Appendix 1: Omni-Directional 1-year Joint Frequency Distribution .............................................. 2
8.2 Appendix 2: Design Drawings of a CJ46 Class Jack-up .................................................................. 4
8.3 Appendix 3: Metocean Charts Dutch North Sea ........................................................................... 7
8.4 Appendix 4: Main soil condition Dutch North Sea ........................................................................ 9

Master Thesis Offshore Engineering

List of Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Definitions

ABEX Abandonment Expenditure MODU Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit

ABS American Bureau of Shipping MOPU Mobile Offshore Production Unit
AISC American Institute of Steel MOPUstor Mobile Offshore Production Unit and
Construction Storage
ALS Accidental Limit State MPP Multi Purpose Platform
API American Petroleum Institute MSC Marine Structure Consultants
BOP Blowout Preventer MSL Mean Sea Level
BV Bureau Veritas Nm Normal cubic meters
CAPEX Capital Expenditure NUI Normally Unmanned Installation
CF Cross-Flow ONE Oranje-Nassau Energie
CoG Centre of Gravity ONSS Oranje-Nassau Standard Satellite
CSP Conductor Supported Platform OPEX Operational Expenditure
DFF Design Fatigue Factor PoB Persons on Board
DHSV Downhole Safety Valve ppm Parts per million
DNV GL Det Norske Veritas Germanischer PUQ Production Utilities and Quarters
DP Dynamically Positioned RCU Remote Control Unit
ESP Electrical Submersible Pump SCF Stress Concentration Factor
EWT Extended Well Test SG Specific Gravity
FEED Front-End Engineering Design SLS Serviceability Limit State
FEM Finite Element Model Sm3 Standard cubic meters
FLS Fatigue Limit State SMF Stress Modification Factor
FPSO Floating Production Storage SNAME Society of Naval Architects and Marine
Offloading Engineers
FSO Floating Storage Offloading SSA Site Specific Assessment
FWKO Free Water Knock-Out SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and
HIPPS High-integrity Pressure Protection te Tonnes equivalent
HPU Hydraulic Power Unit TEG Triethylene Glycol
HVAC Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning TTR Top Tensioned Riser
IL In-Line ULS Ultimate Limit State
ISO International Standard Organisation UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
ksi Kilo pound per Square Inch UWILD Underwater Inspection in Lieu of Dry-
LR Lloyds Register VIV Vortex Induced Vibrations
LRFD Load and Resistance Facto Design VSD Variable Speed Drive
MCC Motor Control Centre WACO Water Condensate
MLS Mudline Suspension System WHP Wellhead Platform
MMbbl Million Barrels

Master Thesis Offshore Engineering

1 Introduction
An increasing proportion the large oil & gas fields in the North Sea have been depleted, a relatively large
amount of small and marginal fields remain to be developed. Production development of offshore
reservoirs in the Southern North Sea, has traditionally been accomplished by means of rigid structures
that are installed in fixed positions on the seafloor. Typically, these offshore structures remain in place for
a number of decades. Fabrication, installation and decommissioning of these structures is a time
consuming and costly process.
For production of fields with no nearby existing infrastructure a new central gas processing and exporting
platform is needed. Cost effective satellite facilities, like the Oranje-Nassau Standard Satellite (ONSS), that
tie-in to existing processing platforms are generally only equipped with free water knock-out (FWKO)
capability. They are less suitable to accommodate processing facilities, such as larger scale gas drying and
compression, due to weight and space restraints. Therefore, field developments with no nearby
infrastructure, require another concept approach.
Along with the recent commodity price decline there has been a sharp decline in development and
exploration drilling operations. As result, occupation of jack-up drilling rigs is low. A lot of these unused
rigs are in line to be scrapped and could be potentially acquired. To keep the cost for a large offshore
processing facility low, the idea was suggested within Oranje-Nassau Energie (ONE) to acquire a jack-up
mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU) and convert it into a jack-up mobile offshore production unit
Worldwide there are various examples of conversion of a Jack-up into a Processing Platform. There is even
an example within ONE’s own portfolio, the MOPU-A at the Tchatamba field operated by Perenco in
Gabon. In the Dutch North Sea, there are more bespoke examples of jack-ups used for production, such
as the Multi-Purpose Platform (Wintershall, P6-S & Q1-D) and the Self-Installing Platform (Centrica, F3-
FA). In the UK, the Ardmore field was produced for a few years by the Rowan Gorilla VII jack-up rig as was
Volve in the southern sector of the Norwegian sea by the Maersk Inspirer. These examples occurred in
deeper water with high specification and new jack-ups. ONE's proposal of designing a jack-up rig
conversion that could potentially be used in the Dutch North Sea for water depths ranging from 25 to 50
meters is however an unproven concept.

The aim of this thesis is to validate the following statement: “Converting a used jack-up drilling rig into a
jack-up mobile offshore production unit is a technically and economically feasible concept for the
development of a standalone gas field on the Dutch continental shelf.”

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1.1 Research Objectives

To achieve validation of the thesis statement, the overall objective is split into two main problems: the
design of the jack-up MOPU and the feasibility assessment of the concept. This has been split into a few
different steps shown below:

1. Analyse current jack-up rig market conditions

2. Study historic cases of jack-up MOPUs
3. Identify key challenges of the concept
4. Conceptual design of a jack-up MOPU
5. Compare economic feasibility of a jack-up MOPU to that of a standard fixed structure
6. Design and assessment of conductor support structure for use with jack-up MOPU
7. Asses the capability of a jack-up MOPU to remain at a single location for 20 years

Initial conductor design iterations will follow from basic analytical calculations. Once the dimensions have
been chosen with a degree of certainty, the designs will be modelled in finite element programs for further

1.2 Thesis Outline

In chapter 2 an introduction is given into basic jack-up design, jack-up history, and current market
conditions. This is followed by an overview of case studies where jack-ups are employed specifically as
MOPUs. Finally, the specific problems are identified, an analysis is made of the advantages and
disadvantages of the concept, and the requirements for classification are discussed.

In chapter 3 the different aspects of the conceptual design of the jack-up MOPU are discussed. Because
the idea is born from the wish for a low cost standalone field development option, the design solutions
will strive to be simple and cost effective. The design of the MOPU will be based on the MSC CJ46 design
jack-up rig, of which 3 are currently stacked in the Netherlands.

In chapter 4 the modelling assumptions and methods for the feasibility assessment of the jack-up MOUPU
are discussed. The focus of this assessment will be on the ultimate limit state and the fatigue limit state
(USL & FLS). For the assessment of the structural integrity of the concept a differentiation is made
between the assessment of the conductors and the assessment of the jack-up unit, see Figure 4-1.

In chapter 5 the results of the assessment of the conceptual design are presented and discussed. Again, a
clear differentiation is made between the results for the conductor design assessment and that of the
jack-up MOPU. The impact of a concept for the water depth capacity extension of the conductors is also

In chapter 6 the overall conclusion and those of the different problems are presented. Recommendations
are also made for the following stages of the concept design.

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2 State of the Art

In this chapter an introduction is given into basic jack-up design, jack-up history, and current market
conditions. This is followed by an overview of case studies where jack-ups are employed specifically as
MOPUs. Finally, the specific problems are identified, an analysis is made of the advantages and
disadvantages of the concept, and the requirements for classification are discussed.

2.1 General Design of Jack-up Units

A self-elevating unit more commonly known as a jack-up is a structure used in the offshore industry. The
main components of a jack-up are the hull and the legs. The hull is a buoyant structure that has openings
through which the legs can be moved up and down. The floating unit can be towed, piggybacked, or self-
propel to the location where it needs to operate. Once in position, the legs are lowered to the seabed and
the hull can lift itself out of the water. In this position the hull is no longer directly affected by the wave
conditions and the window of operation is widened considerably. To ensure the legs have a stable soil
penetration, the rig is preloaded before it is raised out of the water. Preload is a procedure where ballast
is taken on to a point where the loading exceeds the maximum expected load on any leg during an extreme
event (storm). The distance between the bottom of the hull and the water level is known as the “airgap”.

Figure 2-1: Jack-up installation

In the industry jack-ups are used for different operations. The major use is drilling, in this case the rig is
also known as a Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU). A lot of jack-ups are also used as construction
vessels, these are more commonly referred to as jack-up barges. Smaller applications are accommodation
jack-ups and Mobile Offshore Production Units (MOPU).

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2.2 Types of Jack-up Units

Jack-up units, can be split into categories based on certain features. The most important features to be
distinguished are evaluated below:

– Drilling jack-up rigs or MODUs are used for drilling wells to find and produce hydrocarbons from
subsurface reservoirs. The deck layout includes drilling facilities and accommodation. The large
majority of jack-up units are used for drilling.
– Production jack-ups or MOPUs are used to produce hydrocarbons from the reservoir. Once the well
has been drilled a production jack-up can be used to process and export the hydrocarbons. Design
of these jack-ups include deck space for production facilities and an area for conductor entrance.
– Accommodation jack-ups are used to house additional crew offshore when activities requiring a lot
of manpower are taking place. The jack-ups are generally designed in a similar way to the drilling
rigs but only have no facilities on deck aside from accommodation.
– Construction/service jack-ups are used for construction and maintenance of offshore windfarms
and other offshore structures. Due to the different functionality, aside from a large crane and basic
accommodation, a lot of free deck space is required.

Leg design:
– Open-truss legs are made of tubular steel sections that are crisscrossed, making them strong and
lightweight. Jack-up units with these legs are generally designed to operate in rough weather
conditions in varying water depths.
– Columnar legs are made of large steel tubes. While columnar legs are less expensive than open-
truss legs to fabricate and leave more usable deck space, they are less stable and cannot adapt to
stresses caused by environmental loading as well as open-truss legs. Therefore, they are less
capable of enduring heavy weather and cannot operate in deeper water depths.

Foundation design:
– Independent legs are mostly fitted with spudcans. Spudcans are inverted cones which provide
stability to lateral forces on the jack-up rig when deployed into ocean-bed systems. They also
increase the area of contact between the rig and the ocean floor, which prevents the legs from
penetrating the soil too far. This type of foundation is most common in the typically sandy seabed
of the Southern North Sea.
– Mat-supported jack-ups have a barge-like lower hull to which the legs are fixed at the lower end.
When the legs are lowered the whole rig rests on a mat. This ensures the legs cannot penetrate the
ocean floor. However, it is important that the mat has an even surface to rest on or the rig will not
be stable. This foundation is generally used on a soft/muddy seabed.

Figure 2-2: Columnar leg mat-supported jack-up & open-truss independent leg jack-up [1]

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2.3 History of Jack-up Rigs

Offshore drilling began in 1897 of a wooden pier in the Santa Barbara channel in California. In the early
nineteen hundreds, pontoons reaching out to sea from the shore were commonly used to support drilling
above water. As drilling moved further from land, the need for a mobile floating rig was born. The Breton
Rig 20 was a large submersible barge with a steel structure supporting the platform above. Two stability
pontoons could be jacked up and down to stabilize the rig when the barge was sunk, much like a modern
mat-supported jack-up. It was capable of drilling in protected bays in water no deeper than 7 meters. The
rig has a claim on being the first MODU and includes some aspects of a modern jack-up rig.

The first true mobile offshore jack-up unit was realized when De Long spudcan jacks were installed on
barges used for construction and/or docks. The first one used for drilling was the GUS 1, built in 1954. The
unit had consisted of two barges, each with 6 legs, and was rated for water depths up to 30 meters.

In 1956 the first 3-legged trussed leg jack-up rig was built. Le Tourneau Co. built the Scorpion for Zapata
Corp. ran by the then still to become US president, George H.W. Bush. Le Tourneau continues to build
these types of jack-up rigs to this day.

Figure 2-3: From left to right; Breton Rig 20 (1949), GUS 1 (1954), Scorpion (1956) [2]

In its 60-year history the jack-up drilling rigs have had spurts of construction and design improvements.
After conception in the 1950’s a mild building period followed through the 1960’s. Building intensity
increased in 1970s and at the end of the decade a large number of rigs were being commissioned.
Simultaneous with this boom in production the cantilevered drill floor was introduced. This enabled the
rigs to drill above larger platforms. Rigs were also upgraded to be able to operate in deeper water depths
and harsher environments. The driver behind upgrading the rigs was that delivery time and cost could be
halved, compared to new builds. Some contractors made this their core business.

The mid 1980’s oil and gas bust halted the rig construction boom and since then, rigs have been
constructed steadily with the exception of increases in late 1990s and early 2010s. Historically, when oil
prices were low, rig construction levels were low and as consequence M&A activity in the rig market
picked up. Rigs changed owners and were upgraded or converted to remain useful.

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2.4 Jack-up Market Analysis

The jack-up drilling rig market is by far the largest and best defined jack-up unit market. Other types of
jack-up units have a much smaller and poorly defined market. Because accommodation and production
jack-ups are often converted jack-up drilling rigs, their markets are reflected by the drilling rig market.

In December 2015, there were 433 existing competitive jack-up drilling rigs globally. Fleet utilization was
at 58 percent with 250 units under contract. Of the 183 idle jack-up drilling rigs, 128 were ready go to
work and 55 were “cold stacked”, which means all systems have been shut down and the hatches welded
shut. On top of this, there were 97 rigs under construction, of which only 11 had contracts in place. [3]

Currently, there is a high rate of attrition. By June 2016 13 jack-ups were retired, in 2015 14 jack-ups were
removed from service, four more than the 2014 total. Between 2000 and 2013 in total 54 jack-ups were
retired. This illustrates a significant rise in jack-up retirement. It is doubtful that most of the 55 cold
stacked jack-up rigs will ever return to work, making them prime retirement candidates. It is believed that
between 75 and 100 more jack-ups will be removed from service in the next few years.

2016 2017 2018

Rig Co. Current Rig Months Utilisation Rig Months Utilisation Rig Months Utilisation
nr. Rigs (Contracted) (Contracted) (Contracted)
Ensco 11 132 (94) 71% 132 (40) 30% 132 (26) 19%
Hercules 1 12 (0) 0% 12 (0) 0% 12 (0) 0%
Maersk 12 148 (121) 82% 165 (94) 61% 168 (85) 51%
NAD 3 36 (36) 100% 36 (15) 41% 36 (12) 33%
Noble 3 39 (27) 69% 48 (36) 75% 48 (28) 58%
North Off. 2 24 (0) 0% 24 (0) 0% 24 (0) 0%
Paragon 9 108 (56) 52% 108 (22) 20% 108 (0) 0%
Rowan 6 72 (51) 71% 72 (14) 19% 72 (3) 4%
Swift 1 12 (5) 42% 12 (0) 0% 12 (0) 0%
Transocean 4 48 (12) 25% 48 (6) 12% 48 (0) 0%
TOTALS 52 631 (402) 64% 657 (227) 35% 660 (154) 23%

Table 2-1: North Sea Jack-up Rig Utilization [4]

As seen in Table 2-1 the rig utilization rates in the North Sea are similar to the global rates. It is expected
that jack-up drilling rigs can be sourced locally at competitive prices due to the mass retirement described

A lot less information about jack-up units used for construction or accommodation is available. A survey
of two leading jack-up barge contractors illustrates that it is a small market compared to jack-up drilling
rigs. These types of jack-ups currently have a higher utilization as they are suitable for the installation of
offshore wind turbines.

Preliminary investigation has been done into the condition and compatibility of rigs that are potentially
for sale in the Netherlands. The Atlantic Rotterdam, a third-generation accommodation rig which is in
relatively poor condition can be acquired for € 3 mln, according to a commercial discussion with the
current owner. Sister rigs of the Paragon C461, currently under contract with ONE, are both idle and are
therefore liabilities for Paragon at the moment. Based on discussions with Paragon representatives, it is

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likely they will be keen to sell, on the condition that the drilling equipment is removed. These rigs are
suitable for the proposed conversion due to the fact they are well maintained, have a well documented
history and possess certain structural features. A peer company of ONE also considering this concept,
have identified a couple of suitable units in Houston that can be bought for $ 5 mln. Preference by ONE is
given to North Sea based jack-up rigs.

Contractor Rig Year Max depth Design Class Location Status

Northern Energy Endeavour 1982 300 / 91 Gusto 3 Leg JU DNV GL Rotterdam, NL Stacked
Northern Energy Enhancer 1982 300 / 91 CFEM T-2005 DNV GL Rotterdam, NL Stacked
Ensco Ensco 70 1981 250 / 76 Hitachi K1032N ABS UK Stacked
Ensco Ensco 72 1981 225 / 68 Hitachi K1025N ABS UK Stacked
Ensco Ensco 101 2000 400 / 122 KFELS MOD V-A ABS Teesside, UK Idle
Transocean GSF Galaxy II 1998 394 / 120 F&G L-780 ABS Invergordon, UK Stacked
Transocean GSF Galaxy III 1999 394 / 120 F&G L-780 ABS Invergordon, UK Stacked
Transocean GSF Monarch 1986 361 / 110 F&G L-780 ABS Invergordon, UK Stacked
Hercules Hercules Triumph 2013 400 / 122 KFELS Super A ABS Rotterdam, NL Stacked
Maersk Maersk Resolute 2008 350 / 106 MSC CJ 50 ABS Esbjerg, DEN Idle
Maersk Maersk Resolve 2009 350 / 106 MSC CJ 50 ABS DEN Idle
Noble Noble Regina Allen 2013 400 / 122 F&G JU3000N ABS Esbjerg, DEN Stacked
Paragon Paragon C462 1982 250 / 76 MSC CJ 46 DNV GL Den Helder, NL Stacked
Paragon Paragon C463 1982 250 / 76 MSC CJ 46 ABS Ijmuiden, NL Stacked
Paragon Paragon C20051 1982 360 / 109 CFEM T-2005 DNV GL Esbjerg, DEN Idle
Paragon Paragon C20052 1982 300 / 91 CFEM T-2005 DNV GL Eemshaven, NL Stacked
Paragon Paragon B391 1981 390 / 118 BM Class MOD ABS NL Idle
Rowan Rowan Norway 2011 400 / 122 KFELS N-Class DNV GL Dundee, UK Idle
Rowan Rowan Stavanger 2011 400 / 122 KFELS N-Class DNV GL Dundee, UK Idle

Table 2-2: Overview of stacked and idle jack-up rigs in the North Sea [5]

December 2016 Paragon announced that the Paragon C461 & C462 will be cold stacked in January 2017.
Normally once a rig is cold stacked it will not return to the market.

2.4.1 Jack-up Recycling

Of the three main types of mobile offshore drilling units, jack-ups are the most difficult to recycle. Drill
ships and semi-submersibles have significantly more steel and can in many cases, unlike jack-ups, be
mobilized under their own propulsion. Mobilization of jack-ups requires either a towing spread or a heavy
lift vessel. Because of this the ratio of steel value to transport cost is much higher for floating units. In
addition, the market for second hand rig equipment is saturated and there is little opportunity to recover
value in that area. Mechanical issues such as a not operational jacking system, due to neglected
maintenance when cold stacked, adds extra risk and cost.

On the recycling side, removal of the jack-up legs requires special equipment and is a time-consuming
process. Yards are not prepared to pay the same amount for jack-up steel, or are completely unwilling to
do the job. [6]

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2.5 Historic Cases of Jack-up MOPUs

In Table 2-3 below an overview of some historic cases of jack-up MOPU’s is given. Mainly conversions
have been included, however, a few purpose build MOPU’s are also noted because they have important
common ground with the proposed concept. A few of the cases below will be explored in more depth,
based on similarities with the proposed concept.

Field Jack-Up Rig Operator Water Year

Depth (m)
F3-FA (NL) “ Self-installing platform (SIP) Centrica 41 2010-
P6-S, Q1-D (NL)* “ Multi-purpose platform (MPP) Wintershall 25-30 2000-
West seahorse GSP Brittania Hibiscus 39 2013-
Ebok (Nigeria) Veer Prem Oriental 41 2010-
Songkhla (Thailand) Seafox 3/ Seafox 6 Coastal 25 2009
Tchatamba (Gabon) MOPU-A Perenco 55 2005-
Maleo (Indonesia) Maleo Producer Santos 57 2004-2006
Ardmore (UK)* Rowan Gorilla VII Tuscan 70 2003-2005
Al Shaheen (Qatar) Cliffs Drilling N.10 Maersk Oil 55 1995-1997
Volve (Norway)* Maersk Inspirer Statoil 80 2008-2016
Bentley (UK)* Rowan Norway Xcite Energy 112 2012
Halk el Menzel (Tunisia) Jawhara 05 (ex ENSCO-60) Topic SA 76 2016
Wandoo (Australia) Hakuryu VII Ampolex 55 1993-1996
Block CI-11 (Ivory Coast) Gulftide Abijan 76 1994-1995
Bombay High (India) Sagar Samrat ONGC India 57 2011-2013
Elgin & Franklin (UK)* “ TGP 500 Total 93 2001-
Various* Various Seafox jack-ups Seafox 20-40m -
Table 2-3: Historic MOPUs; * detailed case study in this chapter; “ purpose build MOPU

2.5.1 Ardmore, Tuscan Energy

In January 2002, Tuscan Energy (65%) and Acorn North Sea (35%) were awarded the North Sea block 30/24
the Argyll development had taken place. Argyll was the UK’s first offshore oilfield development which
started production in 1975 operated by Hamilton Brothers. Production had ceased and the field had been
abandoned in 1991 – 1992 due to downhole failures in the well. Roughly 30% of the reserves had been

Tuscan Energy was focused on operating mature or marginal discoveries in the North Sea using innovative
strategies. Tuscan renamed the Argyll field and planned a phased development for the field now called
Ardmore, drilling four high angle production wells to produce up to 25 MMbbl over a two-year period in
the first phase, with a further 15 MMbbl targeted over later phases through tiebacks to satellite wells.
The initial four production wells were all equipped with Electrical Submersible Pumps (ESPs).

Tuscan elected to develop the field using a Mobile Offshore Drilling and Production Unit (MODPU), the
Rowan Gorilla VII (see Figure 2-4), due to the high CAPEX required for a moored FPSO. At the time, the
MODPU was considered a very large jack-up and had been originally designed with sufficient space for
dual drilling and production. The MODPU was taken on an 18-month lease with an optional extension of

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42 months to cover the later phases. At the time the rig market was depressed and rates were low. The
lease deal was reported to be linked to the oil price, giving Rowan exposure to the upside of an oil price

The Rowan Gorilla VII was built in 2001 and entered service in 2002 with Tuscan Ardmore as its first job.
The topsides processing module and rig modifications were undertaken in a yard in Northern England.
Expro were contracted to supply a production module for the Rowan Gorilla. The production module was
used to degas and dewater the incoming fluid, stabilise the hydrocarbons and then pump via export lines
for tandem offloading to dedicated shuttle tankers. The design overall flowrate of the module was 60,000
barrels per day. The deal was reported as a £17 million contract in 2002 on a five year operate, maintain
and lease basis.

The Phase 1 topsides were arranged on three levels. On the main deck level, the equipment comprised a
four well inlet manifold, a large first stage separator and the crude oil export system – pumps, coolers,
and export metering. A multiphase flow meter was used instead of a test separator. Also included on this
level were the flare knock-out vessels, the fuel gas conditioning skid, the chemical injection system and a
purpose-built control room complete with an office and HVAC system. Two associated 100-ft flare booms
were installed on the jack-up's port and starboard sides for continuous burning of gas. Power generation,
required primarily for the ESPs, was provided by a 2-MW gas-fired turbine.

The production risers, 13-5/8-inch tieback risers were tension supported by the jack-up, with both subsea
and surface wellheads. The production riser string used Grant Prideco threaded couplings in P110 steel,
with forged 80 ksi lower stress and tension joints. The riser joints were coated with thermal sprayed
aluminium for corrosion protection and fitted with strakes to suppress fatigue damage due to vortex
induced vibration.

Between 2003 and 2005, the field produced 5.2 million barrels of oil. In 2005 Tuscan experienced technical
difficulties and cash flow problems (rising oil prices increasing the rig rate paid). The rig rate was
renegotiated and this extended production for a while but eventually they went into administration after
approximately 2 years of production. In 2008, the field was decommissioned again by partner Acorn. The
field has since been redeveloped by EnQuest (the field is now renamed again, to Alma) using a FPSO.

Figure 2-4: Rowan Gorilla VII at Ardmore [7]

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2.5.2 Volve, Statoil

The Statoil Volve oil field lies about 200 km west of Stavanger at the southern end of the Norwegian sector
of the North Sea. Recoverable reserves are estimated at 78.6 MMbbl of oil and 1.5 billion cubic metres of
gas. The development is based on production from the Maersk Inspirer jack-up rig (see Figure 2-5: Maersk
Inspirer ), claimed to be the world’s largest and most advanced jack-up drilling rig, designed for ultra-
harsh environments. The Inspirer is a MSC CJ70-150 MC class rig that was built in 2004. The Navion Saga
FSO is used as a storage ship to hold crude oil before export, positioned 2 km from the jack-up. Gas is
piped to the Sleipner A platform for final processing and export.

Production at Volve started on the 12th February 2008. The field was originally expected to produce for
only four to five years but the life has been extended and the current plan is to cease production at the
end of 2016, at the same time the Maersk Inspirer contract with Statoil is due to end. It has recently been
reported that Norwegian start-up company Okea are looking at the possibility of using the Maersk Inspirer
on the Yme field offshore Norway (the previous Talisman Energy Mobile Offshore Production and Storage
(MOPUstor) development here was abandoned after structural issues with the grout around the steel

An integrated production module is located on the Maersk Inspirer. At plateau, Volve was expected to
produce approximately 50,000 barrels per day. The process module was installed in 2006 and is capable
of producing 56,000 barrels of oil and 53 million cubic feet of gas per day. The facilities include capability
for water injection (16,000 Sm³/day), oil export (9,000 Sm³/day) and gas injection (1,500,000 Sm³/day).
The Production facilities contain a pressurised power generator sub-module that supplies the additional
power requirements for production. Space is made for the process module by skidding the drilling rig to
the side (rig can skid 30 ft each way). This creates a free area of around 20 x 60 m on the starboard side.
Even though dual production and drilling role was anticipated during the original design, some vessel
modifications were still required. The transom had to be strengthened to withstand combined loading of
the cantilever with hook load, setback, and BOP tensioning; the wellhead module with the conductor
tension; and the heavily cantilevered process module. The process and power module together weigh
approximately 5,000 tonnes. A 15 slot drilling template was installed for the production risers, arranged
in three banks of five, Figure 2-6.

Figure 2-5: Maersk Inspirer [8]

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Figure 2-6: Subsea Template Installation & Tensioned Production Risers Volve

2.5.3 Bentley, Xcite Energy

In 2012, Xcite Energy carried out an Extended Well Test (EWT) on their Bentley field in the North Sea using
the Rowan Norway jack-up rig, Figure 2-7. The Bentley field is located in UK Block 9/3B approximately 160
km East of the Shetland Islands at a water depth of 113 m. The field has 10⁰ to 12⁰ API heavy oils. During
the EWT, the reservoir fluids were produced from a multilateral well utilising an ESP to a process plant on
the MODPU and then exported via a subsea pipeline to a DP shuttle tanker.

Drilling commenced in March 2012 and, over a 68-day period from July until mid-September 2012, a total
of 148,559 barrels of Bentley crude was produced from both wells flowing independently and together.
The oil flowed at an average rate of 2,600 barrels per day, reaching a maximum production rate of 3,500
barrels per day and with sustained flow periods in excess of 3,000 barrels per day. The Phase 1A direct
net cost was US$215 million and the overall gross cost of the EWT including the direct project costs and
indirect costs was approximately US$250 million.

Figure 2-7: Rowan Norway at Bentley [9]

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2.5.4 MPP, Clyde Petroleum/Wintershall

About 20 years ago KCI introduced its innovative Multi Purpose Platform (MPP) concept to the North Sea.
The platform has been used on multiple marginal gas fields in the southern sector of the Dutch North Sea.
At the time 3 MPP’s were built and installed for Clyde Petroleum. The current owner, Wintershall
Noordzee BV, has relocated all 3 MPP’s to new locations which was exactly the intention of this flexible
type of platform. The MPP design is a self-installing re-usable platform designed for harsh North Sea
environments and water depths ranging from 10 to 50 metres. At installation, the complete deck is self-
elevating using strand jack systems. These systems are removed after platform installation. The legs have
integrated suction anchors, which are embedded in the seabed for platform installation. On these
platforms gas is produced through a single well. The well conductor was laterally supported at deck level
to avoid buckling at the mudline.

Figure 2-8: Multi Purpose Platform in Transit [10]

2.5.5 Horizon, Unocal & Songkhla, Coastal Energy

Seafox has a history of supplying and operating jack-ups for extended periods of time at one location. At
the Horizon oil field, which started production in 1993, the Seafox 1 was bridge linked to the platform.
Until 2000, the jack-up unit Seafox 1 was leased from Workfox to provide utility support for the Horizon
field including power generation, living quarters, helicopter deck, control room and various safety
equipment. The initial contract was for two years with yearly extensions. During 2000, the field partners
purchased the Seafox 1 jack-up unit. In 2008, the required facilities were transferred to the wellhead
platform, and the Seafox 1 was sold back to Workfox. During it’s time at the Horizon field, the Seafox 1
needed to be jacked-up once a year on average. This was mainly due to leaking in the hydraulic jacking
system but could also have been caused by scour or settlement under extreme loading.

In the gulf of Thailand, at the Songkhla oil field, the Seafox 3 is used as a MOPU after previously being
converted from a support jack-up. Space has been made available for the production unit skids, which
include a manifold, test separator, separator, air compressor unit, wellhead control panel, ESPs, step-up
transformers and VSD control and drives. To accommodate all this equipment, the helideck had to be

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converted to an ESP yard. Also by space constraints the vertical water injection pumps by GE are installed
on Texas deck. A cantilever deck has been built to attach all the conductors to the jack-up.

Figure 2-9: Seafox 3 at Songkhla [11]

In an interview held in August 2016 Seafox have given a few recommendations on rig conversion and
operation, based on their experience:
– Most North Sea locations are sandy and because the spudcans do not completely submerge under
the mudline scouring can have a big effect on fixity. It is beneficial to install skirts on the spudcans
to mitigate this effect. Rock dumping is also a common solution.
– Skirts with suction has not delivered satisfactory results.
– There were no issues with liquefaction of soil caused by platform motions.
– Settlement, which means the foundation sinking into the soil, can occur during extreme loading.
– Use classification society as a last stop check. Do not be dependent on them to make the rules, but
propose guidelines.
– Get input from all the stakeholders.
– For conversion projects make sure the rig is free of asbestos, or know where it is.

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2.5.6 Elgin and Franklin, Total

Although not specifically a MOPU, because the foundation mats are piled into the seabed, the
development of Elgin and Franklin is still an interesting case. The Elgin and Franklin fields started
production in 2001. The development utilises a TGP-500 jack-up design production, utilities and quarters
(PUQ) platform located on Elgin (Figure 2-10). The PUQ is bridge-linked to a satellite wellhead platform -
WHP A. A normally unmanned wellhead platform is located on Franklin, with production transported via
subsea flow lines to the Elgin PUQ. The West Franklin field was developed via an extended reach well
drilled from the Franklin wellhead platform, with first production in 2007.

Elf's selection of the TPG 500 was basically cost-driven. It acknowledged that the concept employs low
cost construction techniques and eliminates the need for major offshore hook-up work. Furthermore, the
platform's self-installation, which allows commissioning work to be undertaken onshore, also renders
unnecessary the use of heavy crane barges for module installation. The 32,000 tonne structure was built
at Barmac's redeveloped facility in Nigg, Scotland where a new graving deck will allow a free-floating wet
tow directly to Elgin.

Technip-Geoproduction, which is the proprietary inventor of the TPG 500, was responsible for project
management, procurement and design of the hull, legs and foundations, including the jacking and
locking system. It also managed the platform installation.

Harding, which is an oil production platform that also is developed by a TPG-500, sits on a concrete base
used for crude storage. The Elgin/Franklin facility, however, is secured to the seabed by steel piles driven
in directly from the TPG 500. Distance between the legs will be identical to Harding's, but there will be
20% higher lifting capacity, due to the new platform's larger hull.

TPG 500s can operate in 150 meters of water in two basic ways - either as a central PDQ unit with up to
32 wellheads, mainly for marginal field development. Or alternately, as a tender drilling and production
platform linked to a wellhead facility, where well numbers exceed 32. In either mode it can be
withdrawn and reused at the end of the field's life, minimizing decommissioning costs.

Figure 2-10: The TPG 500 at Elgin & TPG 500 Sketch [12]

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2.5.7 Insights Based on Case Studies

Based on the case studies in this chapter a few insights in previous design choices can be made:

– The use of a jack-up as a MOPU is not a common development concept, however it has previously
been carried out in a North Sea environment in water depths deeper than the proposed
developments by ONE. Therefore, it can be concluded that no new technology or development of
technology is required.
– A jack-up has sufficient space and deck load capacity to cater for the process modules and support
the production risers or conductors.
– The jack-ups used previously in the North Sea were relatively new - for both Tuscan Ardmore and
Xcite Bentley, they were the first job for the rig, avoiding issues with possible fatigue/repairs to the
jack-up legs etc.
– At deep water depths (> 60m) tie back of the wells is best done with tensioned production risers or
a wellhead platform if a lot of wells are to be drilled (> 10-15). In shallow water (< 50m) laterally
supported conductors can be used.
– MOPUs typically have not remained on location for long (> 5 years) periods of time.
– Additional settlement can occur during storms due to extreme loading or high particle velocities at
the seabed (scour).

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2.6 Requirements for the Conversion

Based on the requirements below and due to difference in markets between the different types of jack-
units, this thesis will focus on the conversion of independent trussed-leg jack-up drilling rigs. The main
requirements for a conversion are highlighted below:

1. The MOPU must be suitable to withstand the maximum and periodic force that can be exerted by
the wind, waves and current conditions found in the southern North Sea.
2. The MOPU must be suitable to withstand the loads exerted by platform operations and accidental
loading (e.g. vessel collision)
3. The bottom bearing structure of the jack-up unit must be suitable for long-term position and
altitude stability while resting on the seabed material in the designated area.
4. The leg length of the jack-up unit must be adequate to achieve a suitable air gap (i.e. the distance
between the bottom of the hull and the water level).
5. The jack-up unit must have adequate weight bearing capacity in floating, jacking and elevated
mode for all required facilities.
6. The deck area must be large enough to accommodate the required facilities.
7. The jack-up unit must be built and maintained in accordance with code requirements of a major
classification society.
8. The combined effect of the unit’s age, its operating history and its condition must be such that
minimal or no modifications are required to combat fatigue.
9. The jack-up unit must be available for purchase at a price suitable to the economics and timeline
of the first development it is intended to be used for.

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2.7 ‘SWOT’ Analysis

A ‘SWOT’ analysis is a method to assist the formulation of a strategy concerning a certain problem. The
acronym SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

To formulate strategies from the SWOT, it is important to realize what actions are required to address the
different characteristics. Strengths should be build on, since these positive aspects are already present in
the jack-up unit. If possible the weaknesses need to be mitigated. Opportunities need to be exploited to
add more value to the project. And finally, threats should be countered if possible, because they bring a
certain level of uncertainty to the project.

The SWOT matrix consists of two rows and two columns. The upper row includes the characteristics with
an internal origin (strengths and weaknesses), the bottom row includes the characteristics with an
external origin (opportunities and threats). The left column contains the helpful characteristics to achieve
the objective (strengths and opportunities), the right column contains the harmful ones (weaknesses and
threats). For this project, all four of them were identified as shown below in Table 2-4.

Strengths Weaknesses
1. Deck space 1. Foundation footing
2. Weight capacity 2. Preload capacity
3. Self-installation 3. Fatigue life
4. Self-removal 4. No conductor support
5. Suitable for multiple locations 5. No riser support
6. Structural degradation & corrosion
Opportunities Threats
1. Low cost development 1. Rising rig utilization, leading to more
2. Fast-track development expensive rigs
3. Potentially reusable platform 2. Classification
4. Construction in dock instead of yard 3. Dynamic behavior
Table 2-4: SWOT matrix

The strengths of the project are also the drivers of the concept:
1,2 Because of the large deck space & weight capacity, a full gas drying plant can be accommodated.
This makes the platform suitable for standalone field developments.
3,4 Self-installation and removal will save significantly on costs since no specialized heavy lifting
equipment will be required.
5. Inherent to the design of a jack-up drilling rig is that it is suitable for a large number of offshore
locations. As result the MOPU will also have this property.

The weaknesses will be further elaborated on in the remainder of the report. A brief overview is given
1. Site Specific Assessment is required to assess bearing capacity of foundation for 100-year extreme
environmental loading. Adequate preloading will mitigate storm settlement and prove bearing
capacity. Skirting the spudcans or rock dumping around the legs will help mitigate scouring if
spudcan is not fully below the mudline. The only sure way to prevent scour is for the spudcan to
be fully below the mudline. Contingency plans should be made to accommodate long-term
settlement, should it occur.
2. Preload capacity is always in short supply for deeper water or high load locations. It can be added
by converting all tanks not yet assigned as preload tanks. Also, bags can be hung of the side of the
hull and temporary tanks placed on deck around the legs.

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3. Because the jack-up unit is second hand, a significant portion of design fatigue life is already used.
Due to the nature of the design of jack-ups, their natural period is in range of high occurrence
wave periods. Design fatigue life must be proven for classification for the lifetime of the structure.
4. For the support of the conductors there are different structural solutions, which are applicable to
different water depths.
5. Risers can be fitted inside the legs of the jack-up. They should be predesigned for specific airgap,
water depth and foundation penetration.
6. To prevent issues with corrosion, ensure the jack-up is in good condition and analyse special
survey reports before acquisition. Steel wastage will affect the stresses and therefore the fatigue
life. Once the jack-up is acquired, full refurbishment, coating of structural elements and anode
installation is advised. Steel wastage will affect the stresses and therefore the fatigue life.

To maximize the benefit of the opportunities, it must be clear what they are:
1. Low cost development is driven by the fact that the structure, essentially acting as a jacket, has a
large deck area, weight bearing capacity and can be acquired for scrap value.
2. Fast-track development can be realised since the engineering, procurement and construction
phase of the jacket is replaced by a shorter refurbishment of the jack-up.
3. Because the jack-up is designed to operate in a variation of water depths the MOPU is potentially
reusable. Also, there is potential for life extension of the unit.
4. Since the jack-up can install itself at a quayside, there will no requirement for yard space for
refurbishment and topsides installation. This could have a positive influence on the cost and
timeline of the development. Although for spudcan modifications a drydock will be required.

Threats must also be monitored and if possible countered:

1. Rising rig utilization is a factor that can’t be influenced by a single party. Since the concept is
dependent on a low rig utilization it generally will only be feasible in a low oil price environment.
2. Because the concept is not common practice, classification is not as straightforward as a more
conventional field development. To avoid unexpected setbacks, it is important to involve the
classification societies as early as possible in the design of the facility.
3. Dynamic behaviour of the jack-up becomes an issue when the natural period of the unit coincides
with the frequency of the motion exciting forces. When this happens, resonance will occur and
the motions and stresses will be significantly amplified. This can effect long term structural

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2.7.1 ‘Showstoppers’
Not specifically (although inherently) noted in the SWOT analysis, are the potential “showstoppers”:

Showstoppers Description Result

Site unsuitable The soil conditions at the proposed Extensive foundation studies would need
site are not suitable for jack-up to be done to mitigate geotechnical risks.
placement because the risk of Solutions include gravel dumping or
punch through is too high. excavation of the top layer.
Rig Utilization The market conditions change and Rising rig rates will corresponding with
jack-up rigs sale prices have risen. rising cost of yard space. If a suitable rig
can still be found for a modest price
increase, it could be possible.
Classification Classification societies do not agree Involve class from very beginning of FEED
with conceptual design items such so that changes can be made to the
as conductor support or jacking concept or that there is enough time to
system decommissioning for prove structural integrity of the concept.
classification as a mobile unit and
the jack-up does not have the
correct structural properties to be
classed as a fixed installation.
Table 2-5: Potential showstoppers

All the above will have different financial impact on the project and could make it unfeasible compared to
a conventional fixed platform.

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2.8 Classification of Mobile Offshore Production Unit s

“The purpose of a classification society is to provide classification and statutory services and assistance to
the maritime industry and regulatory bodies regarding maritime safety and pollution prevention, based
on the accumulation of maritime knowledge and technology.” [13]

To ensure safe operations and for regulatory and insurance reasons it is important that the MOPU receives
a classification from a recognized classification society. Without classification, regulatory bodies will not
allow production to commence. The four largest and most used classification societies are:

– Bureau Veritas (‘BV’)

– Det Norske Veritas Germanischer Lloyd (‘DNV GL’)
– American Bureau of Shipping (‘ABS’)
– Lloyds Register (‘LR’)

Classification societies are mainly concerned on the safety aspects of an offshore unit, from the marine
point of view for both the personnel on-board and the asset, e.g.:

– Structural integrity (afloat and elevated)

– Stability of the asset (afloat and elevated)
– Machinery safety (machinery equipment, piping, leak prevention (water, gas, fuel, etc), measures
to cope with leaks when they occur (draining system), etc.)
– Safety measures for the electrical system and equipment.
– Fire protection, firefighting, lifesaving appliances and other safety aspects.

2.8.1 Fixed vs. Mobile

Each classification society has their own set of standards to which a MODU or a Fixed Offshore Installation
must comply. They are similar in many aspects and are based on the International Organisation of
Standards (‘ISO’) codes.

Before elaborating on design issues related to long term use of jack-ups it may be helpful to have a look
at the main purpose of the ISO 19905-1 [14] jack-up assessment standard and how it differs from the
standard for fixed structures defined in ISO 19902-1.

The purpose of the jack-up assessment standard is to provide guidance on assessing jack-ups for operation
at a specific site. It is not a design standard and an essential condition for its use is that the jack-up is
designed, built, and maintained under the survey of a recognised classification society. This represents an
important difference when comparing the jack-up assessment standard ISO 19905-1 with the fixed steel
offshore structures standard ISO 19902-1. ISO 19902-1 is to be seen as a design and fabrication standard
while ISO 19905-1 refers to an existing structure, that is already designed, built, and maintained in
compliance with a recognised classification society’s rules.

According to Kudsk and Stadsgaard (2012) [15], this important difference in the starting point became
subject of some discussion between the two working groups during the development of the standards.
Initially it was proposed by the “fixed structures” working group that a jack-up operated in a production
mode should be considered a fixed platform and thereby be subject to a verification against the ISO
19902-1 standard. After some exchanges of views between the two work groups agreement was however
reached that a “classed” jack-up in production mode could continue to be assessed in accordance with

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ISO 19905-1 subject to the conditions in that standard dealing specifically with long-term operation. In
case a major structural upgrade of the jack-up legs or jacking systems is required to allow it to function as
a production unit, the verification may have to refer to ISO 19902-1. This would typically be the case
where, as a result of the upgrade, the jack-up will no longer be a “mobile unit” and may not remain under
a class survey regime.

The major classification society's dealing with jack-up conversion to MOPU are ABS, DNV and BV. Within
the industry, ABS are considered the leader in MOPU classification. The details on the survey requirements
mentioned below are based on ABS guidelines.

In addition to certain design requirements classification societies also mandate a list of regular inspection
and maintenance programs. For a MOPU to retain its classification as a mobile unit, it must be assessed
as a MODU. MODUs are required to dry-dock once every 5 years for a reclassification survey. In many
cases this cannot be done by a MOPU. To accommodate this limitation, all surveys must be done onsite.
Parts of the unit that cannot be accessed when the unit is in place, such as legs under the mudline, need
to have a remaining fatigue life with a large factor of safety. This should be assessed and calculated before
the unit goes offshore.

The MOPU could potentially abandon its classification as a mobile unit and become a Fixed Offshore
Installation. This has advantages regarding survey requirements. Research has shown this has been
previously considered by other parties and, studies were performed. The studies were carried out towards
establishing the feasibility of the new class notation and presented, considering all the implications due
to the applicability of new installation rules and subsequent rule changes to the MODU rules used for the
original classification and the study findings were as follows:

– Leg strength was found to be not satisfactory

– Leg storm holding capacity was found to be not satisfactory
– Preload tank capacity of the unit was also found to be not satisfactory to cater the revised preload

It was concluded and presented to the owners that the mentioned reclassification is not possible without
extensive modification to the units and the owners decided to refurbish and reinstate the previous
classification of MOPU rather than re-classing as Offshore Installation. It should be noted that the actual
design conditions for the above project are not known.

2.8.2 Surveys
Below is an overview of the data assessments and surveys that are required by ABS for MOPU
classification. The requirements are similar for the other classification societies, although minor
differences might be found.

Classification Requirements
Environmental Site specific data for wind, wave, current, tide and other relevant factors. Return
period must be no less than 100 years.
Foundation Results of site investigation, including: sea floor survey and subsurface investigation
and testing according to ABS rules. Should provide data needed for foundation
assessment and scouring potential.

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Material and Specification should cover structural steel types and welding procedures used in the
Welding modification of the unit. All structural steel and welding should comply with relevant
Specification recognized codes.
Seismic If the unit is to be installed in a seismically active area, the effects of an earthquake
should be included.
Structural A complete set of structural drawings and the drawings showing the arrangements
Drawings and details of the modifications (risers, production facilities etc.) should be
Corrosion All steel must be protected from corrosion by a corrosion protection system. The
Protection details of the corrosion protection systems (coatings, sacrificial anodes etc.) must
System be submitted and should comply with the relevant recognized codes.
Structural The structural assessment should indicate the adequacy of the structure to
withstand all the applicable loadings and overturning resistance.
Foundation The foundation assessment should include checks of the bearing capacity, sliding
resistance and preload requirements.
Fatigue The fatigue assessment should include an evaluation of the remaining fatigue life
and the adequacy thereof. A fatigue assessment utilizing long term hot spot stress
and allowable fatigue stress can be used.
Condition A condition survey is carried out to assess the current condition of the unit. It will
Survey include the following:
– Visual examination of all above water structure. Special attention be given to
the splash zone;
– Verification of the condition of the jacking system;
– Confirmation of adequate provisions for access to and egress from unit;
– Internal examination of preload tanks;
– Assess continued effectiveness of cathodic protection system;
– Thorough non-destructive testing of the leg to spudcan connections;
– Internal examination of the spudcans;
– Gauging to assess the extent of steel wastage and determine the necessity of
steel renewal;
– Survey of the unit relative to the approved plans for modifications.
Construction Surveyors will be assigned at the builder’s yard to verify that the modifications are
Modification in accordance with the approved plans and that all work is in accordance with the
Surveys relevant recognized standards.
Installation A site condition survey is required upon installation to establish the global condition
Surveys of the jack-up unit in a way that allows yearly monitoring. The aspects that should
be included are:
– The topography of the sea bottom in the immediate vicinity of the jack-up for
the purpose of monitoring yearly scour;
– Verification of the height of a fixed reference point above the sea bottom,
orientation and the inclination of the jack-up for the purpose of monitoring
any movement;
– Marine growth thickness to determine conformance with the assumptions;
– Cathodic protection system potential measurement;
– Securing of the unit's jacking system.

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Annual Survey Annual surveys should be made three months either way of the annual anniversary
date of the installation. General survey requirements include all above water
condition and installation survey requirements.
Underwater UWILD is require twice every five years. It is typically carried out at year 3 and 5 of
Inspection in the 5-year cycle. General survey requirements include all under water and above
Lieu of Dry- mudline condition and installation survey requirements, excluding gauging of the
docking legs.
Special A special survey must be completed once every 5 years. It can be done in
Surveys conjunction with the Annual Survey and the UWILD. In addition to the requirements
of the other periodic surveys, the special survey requires gauging of the legs. Special
attention is given to the splash zone. Each subsequent special survey is progressively
more extensive to reflect the increasing age of the unit.

Table 2-6: ABS MOPU Classification Requirements [16]

Class surveys during the operational phase of a MOPU converted from a jack-up are to be in accordance
with the combined requirements of the rules for classification of topsides and MODUs. These include
annual surveys UWILDs (twice every five years) and special periodical surveys (once every five years).

Foundation structures that will be located below the mud line will be inaccessible. Therefore, fatigue
structural and corrosion analyses shall be required to justify the integrity of these inaccessible areas for
the design life of the MOPU.

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3 Conceptual Design of Jack-up MOPU

In this chapter the different aspects of the conceptual design of the jack-up MOPU are discussed. Because
the idea is born from the wish for a low cost standalone field development option, the design solutions
will strive to be simple and cost effective. The design of the MOPU will be based on the MSC CJ46 design
jack-up rig, of which 3 are currently stacked in the Netherlands.

3.1 Topsides, Risers & Jacking System Design

Considering the fact that the jack-up rigs that are being assessed for this MOPU concept are very large
and heavy compared to regular platforms and hundreds of tonnes of excess drilling equipment will be
removed, initially there would be no reason to believe there will be a critical weight or space restraint.

In addition to all the drilling equipment the current accommodation will also be removed, because the
accommodation is oversized and outdated. It will be replaced with a new modular containerized
accommodation unit, suitable for 20 Persons on Board (PoB). This will also free up additional space and
weight for processing skids.

The topsides have been designed to condition the hydrocarbons for export via the NGT pipeline, which
would be the export route in case it is used to develop the GEms prospect. Technical requirements have
been defined as follows:

– Gas flow rate: 4x106 Nm3/d at 100 bar and 60-80 °C.
– Liquids: 100 m3 condensate per million Nm3 and 10 m3 water (condensed water, not much
formation water is expected). The condensate from the inlet separator is spiked into the export gas
stream and removed at the landing facility. The water should be removed (required water dew
point -10 °C)
– Wellhead pressure is 345 bar, design temperature 90 °C. HIPPS is used for pressure protection.
– Methanol injection is used for hydrate inhibition at start up. Injection of other chemicals should be
– All equipment should preferably be electrical. If high voltage power is not available (Waddenzee),
power generation should be done on the platform.
– Aside from the standard process, space should be reserved for:
o Temporary power generation for jacking up of platform
o Depletion compressors
o Slug catcher (for possible satellite platforms)
o Control room
– The export pipelines will be 16-20”
– Overboard water may contain 30 parts per million (ppm) hydrocarbons
– Low pressure vessels may be made of (fibre reinforced) polymer
– There will be no flare: blow-down will be vented to atmosphere
– The available space is given on the dimensioned drawings of the deck of the MSC CJ46
– Required lifetime is 20 years
– The platform has a 60-tonne crane

The main challenges for the conversion of the platform with regards to the topsides are:

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– Space on the platform: to ensure that the equipment fits on the topsides deck with regards to
weight (and crane capacity) and dimensions. This needs to be in compliance with offshore
requirements and suitable for the North Sea.
– Power consumption: sufficient and reliable power supply.
– Chemical consumption: methanol injection is used for hydrate inhibition at start-up. Other
chemicals shall be avoided as much as possible. To reduce costs and to minimise environmental
– Energy for equipment: preferably electrical power supply to all equipment (e.g. reboiler,
compressor, pumps). Reliable power supply is key to keep the unmanned platform running.
– Water removal: water is to be discharged overboard and may contain 30 ppm of hydrocarbons.

The processing train will consist of an inlet separator, in which condensate and liquid water are separated
from the gas. The gas is dried in a Triethylene Glycol (TEG) contactor. The condensate is separated and
reintroduced (“spiked”) into the export gas stream. The water is degassed and treated to reduce the
hydrocarbon content to below 30 ppm. The dimensions and weights of the different components of the
topsides are specified in Table 3-1, and Figure 3-1 shows a schematic overview of the process.

Equipment Dimension (m) Weight (te)

HIPPS LxWxH 2.0 x 2.0 x 1.8 5

Inlet Separation / WACO LxWxH 6.0 x 3.0 x 5.0 10
Degasser LxWxH 6.0 x 3.0 x 3.0 10
TEG Contactor T/T x ID 14.0 x 1.5 40
TEG Regeneration LxWxH 10.0 x 4.0 x 8.0 (11 with 65
Recycle Compressor LxWxH 12.0 x 6.0 x 3.0 40
Fiscal Metering LxWxH 4.0 x 1.0 x 3.0 5
MCC equipment, switchgear, LxWxH 12.0 x 3.0 x 4.0 15
Gas Turbine & Generator LxWxH 10.0 x 3.0 x 3.0 15
Depletion Compressor LxWxH 12.0 x 6.0 x 3.0 40
Slug Catcher LxWxH 6.0 x 3.0 x 3.0 10
Control Room LxWxH 6.0 x 3.0 x 3.0 10
Emergency generator & UPS LxWxH 6.0 x 3.0 x 3.0 15
Accommodation LxWxH 15.3 x 11.5 x 6.5 70
Total Area: 530 m2 350
Table 3-1: Topsides equipment

The following aspects are also in the scope of the topsides design, although they are not yet assigned
specific dimensions:

– Interconnecting piping in between modules and to existing equipment

– Lighting, Lightning protection
– Mechanical handling
– Fire and gas detection equipment, Deluge piping, Fire proofing
– Local work switches / RCU,

The weight for all these parts is estimated to be ~50 tonnes. Which brings the total weight of the
production and utility equipment including a 50% contingency to ~600 tonnes. Adding the weight of the

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risers, J-Tubes, sumps, and a vent will bring the total up to 650 tonnes, which covers all the heavy newly
added equipment. This is well within the variable load allowance of the rig (section 3.4) and similar to the
weight of all the drilling related equipment to be removed.

Figure 3-1: Schematic of topsides process

To calculate the total area needed for the production and utility equipment 50% is added to the total
above to account for auxiliary, manoeuvring and repair space around the equipment. This brings the area
requirement to 765 m2 which is well within the 1000 m2 available area, without the need to stack any

The estimated delivery time for this equipment is 12 months, including design, excluding works [17].

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3.1.1 Risers
Import and export risers are an addition to the jack-up that are required if the unit is to operate as a
production platform. Two 8-inch import risers and a 16-inch export riser will be fitted on the legs of the
jack-up, see Figure 3-2. Before installation of the risers, an assessment should be made on the required
length. For this it is important to know the airgap, water depth and seabed penetration. The risers should
exit the leg a few meters above the seabed so that the connection can accommodate long-term
settlement (design value < 0.5m). The pipeline will be attached to the risers via tie-in spools.

Figure 3-2: Riser supported by jack-up leg & engaged fixation system

3.1.2 Jacking System

Since the jacking system will only be used once for installation and once for removal, it is deemed
economical (space, weight, and cost wise) to supply the jacking system with power from temporary
generators rather than permanent ones. The temporary generators will be removed once the platform
has been installed. In case of settlement the emergency generator will have enough capacity to jack one
leg at a time.

Because the platform will remain on location for an extended period of time a fixation system (rack
chocks) is critical and must be installed if not already present. Once the fixation system is engaged (Figure
3-2) the jacking system will in principle not be used until decommissioning and can be protected
accordingly. Removal of the system and storage in a controlled environment for reuse when
decommissioning or re-jacking is an option to be explored.

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3.2 Spudcan Design

When the site specific geotechnical conditions are available the suitability of existing spud cans can be
assessed (see 4.2 for conceptual design assumptions). It is unlikely that no modifications would be
required to the existing spud cans due to considerations of bearing capacity and long term seabed
stability. Spudcan penetration will depend on the soil conditions. Additional penetration will lead to higher
fixity of the spudcan, which will increase loads in the spudcan leg connection. Higher stress ranges will
have a negative impact on the fatigue life of those connections.

In order to keep the design fatigue factor of the leg to spudcan connection low, the joints should be
accessible for inspection. In high penetration cases this would require a large (deep) spudcan. A larger
spudcan will also increase the bearing capacity of the unit. In order to achieve the target design, one of
the following approaches could be required:

– Modification: using skirts or other extension system to existing cans.

– Replacement: complete re-design of leg loads to soil interface system.

Design Fatigue Factor Full access for Access for inspection, No access for
(DFF) inspection and repair no repair during inspection, no repair
operation during operation
Full redundancy 2 3 5
No redundancy 3 5 10
Table 3-2: DFFs according to ISO 19905-1 [14]

The option of modification of the existing spudcans to fulfil the design requirements would require a
significant amount of additional weight to the spudcans. Depending on the bearing capacity chart
additional weight could be beneficial. However, it is more likely that it would be only be beneficial to
add weight to the spudcan that is to windward for the direction of the maximum waves (North & North-
West). This could also be achieved by filling it with concrete.

Compared to modifying the existing spudcans, replacement would offer the following advantages:

– Integrity issues associated with the condition (corrosion, other damage/deterioration) of the
existing spudcans would be avoided.
– For a deep footing system, the design could ensure that the load paths from the legs to the soil
interface are direct and efficient.
– The fatigue sensitive interface of the legs to can connection can be replaced and made ‘fatigue
– Design for more spudcan (leg) fixity in the system can be readily achieved, thereby reducing the
dynamics due to wave action and the leg stresses at the hull interface.
– Modification would add a significant amount of weight to the current spudcan weight. This
(excluding any strengthening to existing cans) is a less than optimum use of these resources.
Dependant on the required penetration depth, it would be anticipated that complete replacement
would marginally exceed the existing spud can weight.
– Modifications would require, additional work to the existing spud cans, complete replacement
excludes this activity.

Depending on the difference between CAPEX in combination with the points above a complete
replacement could be justifiable. Inspection and modifications/replacement of the spudcan should be
undertaken in a drydock.

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3.3 Conductor Design

The design of the conductors is one of the aspects that will be highlighted in this thesis, because it is a
critical aspect of the design that does not have similar historic examples. In Table 3-3 below an overview
of the different options for conductor design are given.

Option Advantages Disadvantages

Free standing – Minimal engineering required – Large diameter and wall thickness pipe
conductor – Flexible amount can be installed needed
(Environmental – No additional loading on jack-up – Only feasible in shallow water depth (<
conductors) unit 25 meters)
(Figure 3-3) – Space for conductor/rig deflections
required at cantilever deck
Jack-up – Jack-up and conductors move in – Some support to suppress Vortex
supported unison induced vibration and fatigue could be
conductor – Standard conductors (30’ x 1.5’) required
(Lateral support could be strong enough – Support brace requires 4 conductors
at cantilever to be installed at once
deck) – Lateral loading on cantilever deck
(Figure 3-4) caused by conductors
– Not feasible in deep water (> 40
Jack-up – Potentially no need for a subsea – Significant lateral loading on cantilever
supported template for conductor stabbing deck caused by conductors
conductor (Fixed – Standard conductors (30’ x 1.5’) – Steel support points needed between
support between could be strong enough cantilever and bottom of the hull
cantilever and – Shorter effective length than – Could be constrained by jack-up
keel) only pinned support deflections at extreme loads or waves
(Figure 3-4) near natural period
Conductor – Limits additional weight on jack- – No proven track record in Metocean
supported up unit to bridge landing conditions (Aquaterra design was for
platform (CSP) – Can be installed separate to jack- benign sea states)
up installation campaign – More steel required compared to top
– No additional systems required tensioned risers
on jack-up – Additional bridge facility required for
access – more steel/fabrication.
– Fabrication/Installation will form a
separate work scope from the overall
Wellhead – Proven concept – Requires a complete new jacket
platform (WHP) – Can be installed separate to jack- – Additional bridge facility required for
(Figure 2-10) up installation campaign access – more steel/fabrication
– No additional systems required – Fabrication/Installation will form a
on jack-up separate work scope from the overall
Top tensioned – Proven track record in high water – Additional (eccentric) tension load on
risers (TTR) depths (60-100m) and non- jack-up unit
(Figure 2-6) benign Metocean conditions – Subsea wellhead and topsides trees
– Low overall steel weight required

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– No additional systems required – Hydraulic system required to maintain

on jack-up tension
– Well bay module fabricated and – Potentially vulnerable to ship impacts
installed within with overall – Must be fitted on jack-up prior to
MOPU modifications scope. installation
– Will require as minimum local
strengthening to hull internal framing
– Requires expensive tensioning
Subsea trees – No well bay structure required – High capital expenditure Subsea
– Wells not vulnerable to ship support systems (HPU, controls, etc.)
impacts required
– Proven concept – Additional riser and umbilical required
for platform
– More complex subsea layout around
platform and susceptibility to dropped
Table 3-3: Conductor design options

Since the feasibility of this concept is based on it being a low-cost solution the bottom three options will
not be analyzed further, since they involve significant expense. In addition, these concepts are all proven
at water depths beyond the capability of the jack-up unit. Since the other concepts all rely on the
structural strength of the conductor itself, they are all very sensitive to the dimensions, strength and
weight of the conductor. These are elaborated on in the sections below. Figure 3-3 below shows
schematics of a free-standing conductor and the conductor supported platform concept.

Figure 3-3: Free standing conductor & conductor supported platform

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Figure 3-4 shows the jack-up supported conductor with fixed support. A large single conductor is depicted,
in reality the design will be done for 6 conductors arranged in 2 rows of 3. The structure hanging off the
cantilever beams is designed to give the conductors a moment fixation at the jack-up level. To that effect
there will be a lateral support at keel level and at deck level. The spread between the supports should be
determined based on site specific data, as to emulate the soil fixity as much as possible.

The weight of the support structure is estimated at 200 tonnes. Using a price of 5 EUR per kg including
fabrication results in a cost estimate of 1,000,000 EUR.

Figure 3-4: Jack-up supported conductor concept

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3.3.1 Conductor Weight

Two main types of wells can be distinguished. A well drilled from a free standing location and a well drilled
from a platform. The main difference between the two is that the well drilled at the free standing location
will be plugged and left behind after it is drilled. In both cases a mudline suspension system (MLS) is
installed in the conductor at the mudline. For the free standing wells the advantage is that the casings can
be easily disconnected when the well is suspended and left behind. For a platform well the advantage is
that the wellhead can be installed on the 13 3/8” casing without having to wait for the cement between
the conductor and the casing to dry.

After the conductor is installed the 13 3/8” is run through it and hung on the MLS and the top of the
conductor. The wellhead is installed and a spacing ring is used to pull 50 klbs of tension on the 13 3/8”
casing which is supported by the conductor. Then the 9 5/8” casing is run through the 13 3/8”and also
hung on the MLS and the wellhead. The final internal string at water level is the 4 ½” tubing which is hung
only the wellhead. Between all these strings different types of drilling fluids are trapped. These vary in
weight between 1 - 1.5 SG (Specific gravity). On top of the wellhead, which weighs approximately 1000
kg, a x-mas tree is installed. The weight of the x-mas tree is approximately 5000 kg.

After a free standing well has been tied-back to the platform (after development), the only significant
difference is the connection of the conductor. The internal strings have all be disconnected using special
connectors and can thus be easily reconnected. The conductor however, will have been cut 1.5 meters
above the mudline. To reconnect the conductor a smaller diameter tip can be inserted into the remaining
pipe or a larger diameter tip can be put around it. To create a connection that can be regarded as a
moment fixation the length of the overlap must be sufficient.

Figure 3-5: Schematic of wellhead and Mud-Line Suspension system (MLS)

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3.3.2 Conductor Properties

30” conductor pipe is typically available in three grades, X52, X56 and X65. The number in the label is the
yield strength in MPSI. Higher grades are available against higher cost. Note however, that above a certain
yield strength standard design rules no longer apply. Standard available wall thicknesses are 1”, 1.25” or
1.5”. Since the proposed use benefits greatly from a high yield strength and large wall thickness, the
highest values for both of these parameters are used in the base case analysis. Should the conductor still
not be strong enough, a custom pipe can be ordered with a larger diameter and wall thickness. Or the
structural configuration of the support can be altered. The drawbacks of a larger conductor diameter are
additional loading of the jack-up, additional cost of steel and custom fabrication cost.

Fabrication of the conductor pipe involves plate forming and seam welding, so called line pipe. The pipe
is seam welded along the length. Standard mechanical connectors are then welded onto the ends for easy
installation offshore. The standard mechanical connectors have poor fatigue resistance properties and
might therefore not be adequate for the proposed concepts. Connectors with a high level of fatigue
resistance are also commercially available. The GMC Mechanical Connector [18] is depicted in Figure 3-6.

Figure 3-6: Seam welded conductor pipe with connectors attached at LDE yard, standard connector schematic
and GMC mechanical connector

The standard connectors used are RunSafeTM RS-65 connectors. The time it takes to connect the pin and
box of both connectors are similar. Table 3-4 shows a high level cost comparison of the connectors. These
numbers are based on a small amount ordered and exclude offshore installation support.

Connector Cost (€)

RS-65 5000
GMC Mechanical Connector 12000
Table 3-4: Cost of conductor connectors

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3.4 Jack-up Unit Data

The principal dimensions of the CJ46 type jack-up units are presented in Table 3-5.

Particular Value (m)

Hull Length 55.40
Hull Width 62.00
Hull Depth 7.50
Longitudinal Leg Spacing 40.00
Transverse Leg Spacing 46.00
Leg Length (incl. spudcan) 104.30
Table 3-5 Principal Dimensions

The storm survival weights and centres of gravity presented in Table 5-2 are the values assumed for recent
site specific assessments of the CJ46 class drilling rigs.

Particular C461 C462 C463

Before Conversion
Hull Lightship Weight (te) 7,110 6,956 7,320
Maximum Variable Load (te) 2,790 2,944 2,580
Total Hull LCG (m) 0 0 0
Total Hull TCG (m) 0 0 0
Total Hull VCG Above Keel (m) 7.80 7.80 7.80
Single Leg & Spudcan Weight (te) 734 734 734
Table 3-6: Current Hull Weights and CoG

For the conversion, a new hull lightship weight has been calculated. The required variable deck load will
be much smaller because no drilling activities will be performed from the rig. The reduction in lightship
weight will most likely be beneficial to the concept because it will reduce the natural period, which will
have a positive impact on the fatigue life. The downsides of a weight reduction are the impact on the
overturning stability check and the sliding check. Since however the concept is being designed for water
depths below the rated depth this shouldn’t be a showstopper. If the weight is not sufficient to fulfil the
overturning stability and sliding checks sea water ballast can be pumped into the tanks. It will be assumed
that the centres of gravity (CoG) will remain the same (this could be an easy to fulfil design condition).
Alternatively, weight could be added to the windward side of the unit.

The data in Table 3-7 is taken from the original design of the CJ46 jack-up [19]. Since there have likely
been additions to the structure and equipment the lightship weight has been compared to the current
lightship weight and the difference has been added. All drilling related equipment is to be removed along
with most of the hull equipment and piping (some is left because it’s probably not worth the trouble of
removal). The accommodation unit is also to be removed. The conductor support structure will be placed
below the partly extended cantilever beams and made fast to the hull. Topsides include all newly to be
added processing and utility equipment. As expected the total weight of the converted jack-up including
a small variable load is smaller than the lightship weight of the current jack-up unit.

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Item Current Change Converted X (m) Y (m) Z (m)

Weight (te) Weight (te)
Steel 3460 None 3460 23.76 0.13 5.28
Deck Equipment 856 None 856 21.85 0.43 11.62
Drilling 155 Removed (100%) 0 12.46 -1.29 4.59
Hull Equipment 359 Removed (80%) 72 27.78 -2.07 5.38
Piping Cabling 125 Removed (80%) 25 22.67 -2.90 3.21
Accommodation 151 Removed (100%) 0 35.69 -0.35 12.06
Equipment on 259 Removed (100%) 0 -10.71 0.82 31.28
Cantilever Steel 344 None 344 -7.39 0.47 14.27
Helideck 96 None 96 46.57 29.93 17.40
Topsides 0 Addition 650 21.85 0.43 11.62
Conductor 0 Addition 200 -10.71 0.00 3.75
Variable 1621 Removed 50 23.28 -0.76 5.69
Correction 1515 Removed (20%) 1212 13.27 0.43 4.91
current LSW
Total 8941 6965 13.27 0.43 4.91

Table 3-7: CJ46 weight before and after conversion

When the unit is designed for a site specific location the leg bays that will stick out above the jack-house
can be removed. Each bay weighs ~28 tonnes and is 5 meters high. Table 3-8 gives an overview of the
weight reduction of the legs for a variation of water depths.

MSL 25 30 35 40 45 50
Leg length 104.3 104.3 104.3 104.3 104.3 104.3
Leg reserve 37.4 32.4 25.3 20.3 15.3 10.3
Number of bays 7 6 5 4 3 2
Leg length 69.1 74.1 79.2 84.2 89.2 94.2
Weight reduction 581.84 498.72 415.6 332.48 249.36 166.24
Table 3-8: CJ46 leg weights

The current preload capacity along with other tank space, which in the case of a MOPU can be used as
preload capacity is shown in Table 3-9.

Tank Capacity Volume (m3) Filled weight (te)

Preload 7485 7672
Drilling fluid & fuel 2417 2477
Total 9902 10150
Table 3-9: Current preload capacity

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3.5 Conversion Scope

Prior to purchase of the selected jack-up, it is recommended that the jack-up designer is contracted to
review the historic and future fatigue characteristics of the unit, taking into consideration the weight and
environmental loads imposed by the conversion. The certifying authority should be involved in this review
to ensure that the analysis meets their requirements.

Irrespective of the rig selected, a certain amount of yard work will be necessary. The major works are
listed below:

– To install topsides; assumed to be part modular and part stick built, with grillage framework under
the modules (dependent on layout and existing deck members/strength).
– Local strengthening to hull.
– Installation of support structure for jack-up supported conductors.
– Installation of a cold vent boom.
– Fire walls and other protection structures as identified by the technical safety review.
– Installation of hard piping for risers and J-Tubes within the legs of the jack-up.
– Upgrade and/or replacement of existing corrosion protection systems.
– Conduct a 5-year survey and clear all necessary faults to maintain the rig class under transit and
installation conditions.

Depending on site specific parameters and results of the jack-up fatigue assessment, the following works
could also be required:

– Upgrades to the leg fixation system (jacking tower and mechanisms).

– Dependant on the outcome of the fatigue assessment, remedial works to the fatigue sensitive areas
of the legs and hull structure.
– Conversion of lower section legs/spudcans to foundations designed for the site specific and in-
service conditions.
– Modifications (sea fastening, major temporary supports) required for sea transit.

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3.6 Installation Scope

The installation of the MOPU will follow the standard site specific installation procedure for a jack-up
mobile drilling unit under wet tow conditions, with due allowance during manoeuvring, anchoring and set
down for any pre-installed subsea infrastructure. Monitoring of the MOPU foundation penetrations at the
seabed will be done with ROVs.

Dependant on the final design of the foundation system, other control systems may be required for the
– Foundation mounted water jetting systems
– Scour protection devices
– Dredging vessel

The minimum marine spread for installation includes:

– Tow tug
– 2 Anchor handling vessels
– Support vessel with ROV spread

The 6-slot subsea template is envisaged to be installed after the MOPU. This can be achieved by
one of the following options.
– Template underslung from well bay module during transport to the field, lowered to seabed using
attendant drill rig lift gear and internal lifting tool connected to template structure, lift tool engaged
with template through module volume, lower and set down on seabed.
– Template transported to field on supply boat, set down in sea under floatation, towed to underside
of well bay module. Using drill rig lift devices as per option a.

The positioning of the template must be precisely above the conductor stump of the exploration/appraisal
well. For the tie-back of the exploration well different design conditions apply. The moment fixity at the
mudline is critical and must be replicated. To achieve this a 36” conductor should be piled outside the 30”
conductor to a depth that ensures moment fixity of the 36” piece. Above the mudline, a conical section
allows a connection to the standard 30” conductor. The conductor support structure at the jack-up must
be designed to allow a 36” conductor to pass through on a certain number of well slots. Once the
conductor is installed wedges will be used to fix it in the support structure.

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3.7 Cost Estimate and Comparison

To test at an early stage whether the concept is commercially interesting, a comparison with respect to
similar conventional platforms is made. With correspondence with experienced professionals within ONE
a high-level CAPEX estimate has been made for the MOPU concept, see Table 3-10.

CAPEX MOPU Conversion € MM

Jack-up rig 5
Refurbishment & Upgrade 9
Process Equipment 8.5
Utility Equipment 11.5
Construction Process & Utility 8
Installation 2
Engineering & Design 4
G&A / Overhead 9
Total Specific Project Cost 57
Table 3-10: CAPEX MOPU (mln EUR)
Two conventional platforms and an ONSS concept have been selected for comparison. All have similar
metrics to the MOPU concept (Six well slots, ~4 mln Nm3/d capacity, NUI (Normally unmanned
installation), Southern North Sea gas basin):
– Wingate (Wintershall); Wellhead and FWKO. 31-meter water depth. Installed in 2011. No
processing, large portion of OPEX is OPEX share from the nearby processing platform.
– F15-A (Total); Wellhead and production platform. 42-meter water depth. Installed in 1992, costs
are likely out of date.
– 3 ONSS platforms; Wellhead and FWKO. Two wellhead platforms bridge linked with a process
platform. Variable depth. Requires wet gas pipeline and onshore processing. Additional OPEX for
onshore processing.

MOPU Wingate F15-A ONSS (3x)

CAPEX 57 80 125 70
OPEX 8 12 7 7
ABEX 5 25 48 15
Table 3-11: Comparison of offshore developments. CAPEX & ABEX (Abandonment expenditure) in MM EUR, OPEX
in MM EUR/year. Values given in RT ’16. Includes only platform and processing facilities, no pipeline included.
Sources: Woodmac & ONE internal

Note: The target with the most potential for this development, N-Block GEms prospect, is a special case
for two reasons.
– It is not located near any existing infrastructure;
– A wet gas export line cannot be installed because it would have to be laid through the Waddenzee,
which poses significant environmental and regulatory issues.
These factors make development via a satellite unfeasible, therefore a platform that can bring gas to NGT
specifications is required. For this specific case, only the F15-A platform and the ONSS concept is

Because there will be space on deck for a hydraulic workover unit and a coiled tubing reel, well
interventions and abandonment will not require a drilling rig. This can significantly reduce costs.

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Abandonment of the platform itself will be nothing more than decommissioning the wells, disconnecting
the subsea pipeline, burying the pipeline, lowering of the platform, raising the legs and towing the unit
away. After revision, the unit could potentially be reused for a new development.

If successful, the concept could save a large amount of CAPEX an ABEX with only a slightly increased
offshore OPEX and is a highly effective way of developing a small stand-alone field.

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3.8 Design Schematic of Jack-up MOPU

The figure below shows a schematic 3D design of the concept.

Figure 3-7: 3D schematic design

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4 Assessment of Conceptual Design

In this chapter the modelling assumptions and methods for the feasibility assessment of the jack-up
MOUPU are discussed. The focus of this assessment will be on the ultimate limit state and the fatigue limit
state (USL & FLS). For the assessment of the structural integrity of the concept a differentiation is made
between the assessment of the conductors and the assessment of the jack-up unit, see Figure 4-1.

The limit states of the conductors will be evaluated using DNV guidelines. However, the conductor
buckling code checks are based on the method proposed by Baur & Stahl, as mentioned in 4.3.1, which is
the same as the method used in the IOGP recommended guidelines for well conductor design [20].
Although the concept will be designed for 6 conductors, it must also be possible to have only 1 conductor
initially and add the others later. Therefore, the conductor limit states are evaluated without shielding
effects. In the concept, all conductors a supported independently of one other.

The limit states of the jack-up will be evaluated using the ISO guidelines for jack-ups [14]. An array of 6
conductors has been included for the jack-up assessment. No stiffness has been attributed to the
conductors for the calculation of the jack-up ULS. The stiffness of the conductors is negligible w.r.t. the
jack-up legs. Fatigue assessment of the jack-up has been done by GustoMSC. Inputs were based on the
MOPU design, and the same conceptual wave data has been used as for the conductor fatigue assessment.
A summary of the results has been included and linked to the overall conclusions.

Figure 4-1: Assessment guidelines used for evaluations

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4.1 Metocean Data and Model

For the conceptual design of the ONSS, Fugro has done a study for ONE to summarize the metocean
conditions in the Dutch North Sea [21]. The metocean criteria is for 'worst case' conditions such that the
gas platform could be placed anywhere within this sector, which has water depths between 20 and 60 m.
However, because of the spatial variability of metocean conditions within the Dutch North Sea, worst case
conditions are instead derived for two subsectors of the Dutch sector of the North Sea. These subsectors
(northern and southern) are separated by the southernmost 30 m bathymetry contour in this region.

A spatial assessment of wind, wave and surface current was carried out over the whole block, enabling
grid points to be selected representative of the "worst case conditions" for each subsector. This approach
allows the design of a foundation for the subsector with the worst-case conditions such that the structure
could sustain metocean conditions anywhere within the Dutch North Sea. The omni-directional wind,
wave, current and level criteria are summarised in Table 4-1 and Table 4-2.

Northern Subsector Southern Subsector

Return period 1-year 10-year 100-year 1-year 10-year 100-year
Hmax (m) 13.6 17.60 20.8 11.8 14.13 16.7
THmax (s) 13.4 16.46 17.5 13.7 14.75 17.1
Ws1-min (m/s) 27.0 38.0 49.7 26.4 34.2 42.3
Near surface (m/s) 1.31 1.70 2.09 1.68 2.18 3.68
Mid depth (m/s) 1.01 1.32 1.63 1.43 1.88 3.21
Near bed (m/s) 0.87 1.13 1.40 1.12 1.48 2.57
Table 4-1: Maximum environmental data for 3 return periods in the Northern and Southern subsectors

Northern Subsector Southern Subsector

Max depth case Min depth case Max depth case Min depth case
Return period 100-year 100-year 100-year 100-year
Surge 2.65 -1.6 2.92 -1.79
Tolerance 0.5 -0.5 0.5 -0.5
Tidal 1.32 -1.21 1.53 -1.21
Seabed settlement 0.25 -0.25 0.25 -0.25
Total (m) 4.72 -3.56 5.20 -3.75
Table 4-2: Sea level data in the Northern and Southern subsectors

4.1.1 Water Depths and Airgap

For the conceptual assessment two different water depths are used. These are taken as the approximate
MSLs of the prospective sites for the MOPU which conveniently also cover the low and high end scope for

Northern Subsector Southern Subsector

Depth (m) MSL 50 30
Table 4-3: Low and high end depths used

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In addition to the wave height and sea level rise as per ISO 19905-1, a 1.5-meter extra airgap is reserved.
In the operations manual of the rig a multiple of 0.7 is specified for the maximum wave height. Compared
to ISO 19905-1 this is a conservative value that covers the different wave crest theories.

Northern Subsector Southern Subsector

Extra clearance 1.5 1.5
0.7 X Hmax 14.5 11.7
Sea level rise (MSL) 4.7 5.2
Airgap (m) 20.7 18.4
Table 4-4: Airgap calculation

To assess whether there is adequate leg length for the chosen location the airgap, water depth and unit
data must be compared. A minimum reserve leg length above the jackhouse of 1.5 meter is required. At
this stage a penetration of 5 meters is assumed. This corresponds with full penetration of the spudcan
and 1 meter of the leg. This is a conservative value for the generally sandy bottom of the Dutch North Sea.

Northern Subsector Southern Subsector

Reserve 1.5 1.5
Jackhouse/Hull 15.6 15.6
Airgap 20.7 18.4
MSL 50 25
Penetration 5 5
Total (m) 94 66.9
Leg length 104.6 104.6
Leg reserve (m) 10.6 37.7
Table 4-5: Remaining leg length calculation
Table 4-5 above illustrates that the rig can achieve an adequate airgap for the chosen water depths.

4.1.2 Coefficients and Loads Scenarios

The combined wave and current loads on the jacket shall be calculated using Morison’s equation in
conjunction with the applicable wave theory. Morison’s equation for drag has also been used to model
the effect of the one-minute mean wind speed on the conductors.

Drag and mass coefficients for the conductors were defined as shown in Table 4-6. To simulate the
maximum loading case no shielding factors have been used. The mass coefficient of the conductor with
marine growth was set to 2.0 for the calculations, which corresponds to the mass coefficient that should
be used for the fatigue analysis. This error has caused a conservative view on the total conductor load
amounting to 0.4% additional loading.

Drag Coefficient (Cd) Mass Coefficient (Cm)

Conductor without marine growth 0.65 1.6
Conductor with marine growth 1.05 1.2 (used 2.0)
Table 4-6: Hydrodynamic coefficients as defined per DNV OS-C101 (section 6) [22]

For the drag and mass coefficients of the jack-up, the “equivalent” leg model [14] was used. Tbl shows the
difference between the coefficients of the original legs and the legs of the jack-up MOPU, which include
risers, a j-tube, fire water lines, and jetting lines. These items were spread as evenly as possible across the

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different legs, after which the highest found drag coefficient was applied to the other legs. Marine growth
is applied with a multiplication factor on the Cd & Cm, for the overall equivalent leg diameter of 10m.

Drag Coefficient (Cd) Mass Coefficient (Cm)

CJ46 Basis of Design [19] 0.400 0.040
Jack-up MOPU smooth 0.509 0.060

MOPU with Marine growth (100mm) 0.974 0.117

MOPU with Marine growth (50mm) 0.903 0.038
Table 4-7: Equivalent leg drag and mass coefficients for the CJ46 10m diameter leg.

Member diameters were augmented by marine growth thicknesses as follows in Table 4-8. This data is
based on the Viking Platform Area (Block 49/17) Environmental Data [23], which is deemed
representative and appropriate for the entire Dutch Sector.

Depth relative to LAT (m) Marine Growth Thickness (mm) Density kg/m³
Above +3 0
-10 to +3 100 1400
Mudline to -10 50 1400
Table 4-8: Marine growth thickness at different depths

When applicable data are available joint probability of environmental load components, at the specified
probability level, may be considered. Alternatively however, in accordance with the guidance in DNV OS-
C101 Table F1 [24], joint probability of environmental loads may be approximated by combination of
characteristic values for different load types as shown in Table 4-9 (if ice is excluded). The latter is used
for this assessment.

Wind Waves Current

Scenario 1 100-year return 100-year return 10-year return
Scenario 2 10-year return 10-year return 100-year return
Table 4-9: Extreme loading scenarios

For the assessment of the conductors no current blockage factor will be used. For the assessment of the
jack-up unit a current blockage factor of 0.88 is used. This value conforms to ISO guidelines [14].

4.1.3 Wave Theory

Because the conceptual 100-year wave is high relative to the water depth, at certain sites the wave is near
the breaking limit. As consequence, linear Airy wave theory is not applicable to these extreme waves. For
waves close to the breaking limit it is prudent to use a high order stream function. An assessment of the
wave height vs. the water depth according to Figure 4-2, leads to the use of the 9th order stream function
for the 100-year wave.

‘Stream function wave theory was developed by Dean (J. Geophys. Res., 1965) to examine fully nonlinear
water waves numerically. The method involves computing a series solution to the fully nonlinear water
wave problem, involving the Laplace equation with two nonlinear free surface boundary conditions
(constant pressure, and a wave height constraint (Dalrymple, J.Geophys. Res., 1974)).’ [25]

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Compared to Airy waves the particle velocity and the crests are significantly higher. As the water gets
shallower, assuming the same wave, the maximum load increases. Because of this, not using site specific
wave heights, which can only be smaller, results in a conservative output.

A kinematics reduction factor of 0.86, as found in SNAME [26], has been used in the deterministic wave
calculations. DNV and ISO guidelines stipulate a slightly higher factor, in the order of 0.90 for North Sea
storm conditions. This error in the order of 3% for the loads should be considered and rectified in future

Figure 4-2: Wave theory graph, with 100-year and 1-year waves plotted for 25-50m (MSL)

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4.1.4 Wave and Current Loading Model

To translate the metocean conditions into loads first the particle velocities of the waves must be found.
Using the appropriate wave theory is critical for a reliable result. As shown in Figure 4-2 the waves to be
assessed are near the breaking limit and as such should be analysed using a stream function.

The software used for wave kinematics calculations [27] did not include the stream function wave theory,
because of this third and fifth order Stokes functions were used. For comparison outputs of the stream
functions for the different water levels were found using an online application [25]. As shown in Figure
4-3 the stream function output has lower particle velocities in the lower water depth case. Although it
adds conservatism, it is acceptable to use Stokes functions for kinematics calculations. In the 50m MSL
case the outputs are almost identical.

Figure 4-3: Wave theory comparisons for 25m and 50m MSL

Because in the ULS case the concept is being assessed for water that is shallow for the size of the wave, it
is probable that the wave force will be the dominant factor and that therefore scenario 1 (100-year wind
& wave, 10-year current), as described in Table 4-9, will be the source of the governing load check.
Because the difference in 10-year and 100-year current in the southern sector is large it is prudent to
confirm this assumption.

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When the stretched delta of the currents is added to the 10-year wave profile of the 30m wave (the
deepest section using the Southern sector current) the result is as shown in Figure 4-4. Although velocities
of the 10-year wave plus current delta are higher over most of the wet surface, because the crest of the
100-year wave has more wet surface, the integral over the whole length of the velocity of the 100-year
wave is higher than that of the 10-year wave plus current delta. In the 50m water depth scenario the 100-
year wave particle velocities are higher over the whole wet surface. No integration is needed to show the
critical scenario.

Figure 4-4: Scenario comparison 30m and 50m MSL

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4.2 Foundation Data and Model

The foundation penetration of a jack-up unit spudcan is generally quite shallow. In the soil conditions of
the North Sea spudcan penetration rarely exceeds 5 meters. Since different locations all have different
soil properties at shallow depths it is not possible to make a useful generalisation. Also, depending on the
depth of penetration different problems may occur. Once the site location is chosen a full site specific
assessment will be done for the foundation. For the conceptual ULS assessment of the jack-up, dense sand
(φ = 35 degrees) is used. This will not provide much fixity at the spudcans, which will give conservative
results for the jack-up checks.

For the conceptual assessment of the conductor design a lower and upper bound soil case will be used.
Typically, in the North Sea the top layers consist of medium dense sand with occasionally some clay layers
in-between. Underneath the medium dense sand and clay there is generally a section of very dense sand.
For conductor design it is necessary to look at soil layers at depths greater than 10 meters. Conductors
are piled to final refusal which is generally in the order of 150m; therefore, the focus will be on the lateral
response as adequate axial bearing is assumed.

The lower bound soil profile is extracted from Fugro report on soil condition assessment for conceptual
pile foundation design in the Dutch sector of the North Sea [28]. Based on the report these profiles
represent the worst-case conditions for lateral pile resistance that can be found in the Dutch sector and
are therefore taken as the lower bound profile. The top layer consists of 20 meters of normally
consolidated clay below which sand with some clay layers can be found.

Depth (m) Soil type γ’ ϕ’ Cu ε50

(kN/m3) (deg) (kPa) (%)
0.0 – 20.0 Clay 6 15 2
20.0 – 40.0 Sand with clay layers 9.5 30
Table 4-10: Lower bound soil profile and parameters; γ’- Submerged unit weight, ϕ’ - Angle of internal friction,
Cu - Undrained shear strength and ε50 - Strain which occurs at one-half of the maximum stress in laboratory
undrained compression test

The upper bound soil profile is based on the soil data from a Fugro report of the L9-FF-1 location, which
is 25 km north-west of Terschelling [29]. The data, recommended soil profiles including friction angles and
undrained shear strength, have been interpreted to derive the design soil profile and parameters required
to perform a conceptual penetration analysis. The effective soil weight is estimated at 10 kN/m3. The soil
profile is defined below. The depth is relative to the seabed at local water depth.

Depth (m) Soil type γ’ ϕ’ Cu ε50

(kN/m3) (deg) (kPa) (%)
0.0 – 5.0 Seabed sediments & 10 25
medium dense sand
5.0 – 20.0 Dense sand 10 35
20.0 – 40.0 Very stiff clay 10 150 2
Table 4-11: Upper bound soil profile and parameters

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4.2.1 Equivalent Spring Model

LatPile (GustoMSC tool) was used to simulate p-y stiffness’s for the soil profiles given in section 4.2. From
this equivalent spring stiffness’s were derived to create a foundation model of mutually independent
linearly elastic springs in the finite element package [30]. Plots of the equivalent springs for varying
displacements are shown in Figure 4-5 & Figure 4-6. The displacements are described in the legend. Orders
of magnitude for very small are ~1 mm and for large 1 meter. The figures show that the equivalent springs
for clay are not linear. Therefore, different stiffness’s must be modelled for different displacements. A
displacement plot of the conductor was made at the lower bound soil to check if value of the correct order
of magnitude were used.

Figure 4-5: Lower Bound Soil Equivalent Springs

Figure 4-6: Upper Bound Soil Equivalent Springs

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The beam moments depicted in Figure 4-7 show that the effective fixity used at 6 times the outside
diameter of the conductor is similar to the upper bound soil. This justifies the used of the equivalent fixity
method for the analytical calculations of the eigenvalue and unsupported length assumptions.

Figure 4-7: Beam moments Fixed-Fixed and Fixed-Pinned for equivalent fixity and lower and upper bound soil

Because the main soil condition in the North Sea (see Appendix 4: Main soil condition Dutch North Sea
[28]) is sand, the upper bound fixity will be the condition used for the bulk of the analysis.

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4.3 Structural Assessment Procedure

Due to the addition of members below the waterline, additional loads are placed on the jack-up, whereas
no structural integrity is added. Because of this static integrity of the unit is not guaranteed at the high-
end water depths. A conceptual site specific assessment will be done to verify this. This assessment will
be done according to the ISO 19905-1 standard [14], the theory of which will not be explained in this
chapter, as it is clearly presented in the ISO standard. The structural calculations for the jack-up unit have
been modelled in LegLoad [27], a GustoMSC in-house software package.

The basis of the conductor integrity model has been looked at in more detail and is explained in the
sections below.

4.3.1 Design Method

The design of conductors is generally perceived as a special problem. This is mainly because the effects of
the internal loads are different from the external loads. The majority of the loading is generally caused by
the internal drill strings. The fundamental principal of conductor design is that loading caused by the
internals do not produce buckling tendencies. If a normal member stability check is used, which is
designed for used with only external loads, the results will be much too conservative. The separation of
the loads and the development of the equations was initially done by Stahl and Baur [31] and has since
been reanalysed by Lang and Wood [32]. They modified the AISC plastic design equations to be compatible
with the separation. The equations for stability and strength are as follows:


𝐶𝑀 𝑓𝑏
𝑓𝑐𝑒𝑥𝑡 𝑓𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑡 (1 − 𝜙 𝑖𝑛𝑡 )
𝑐 𝐹𝑒
+ + ≤1
𝜙𝑐 𝐹𝑐𝑟𝑚 𝜙𝑐 𝐹𝑥𝑐 𝜙𝑏 𝐹𝑏𝑛


𝜋 𝑓𝑐 + 𝑓𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑡 𝑓𝑏
1 − cos [( ) ( 𝑒𝑥𝑡 )] + ≤1
2 𝜙𝑐 𝐹𝑥𝑐 𝜙𝑏 𝐹𝑏𝑛

The equation for stability is applicable to the section of the conductor that has a large unsupported length,
i.e. between the mudline and the jack-up. The strength equation is used to assess the structural integrity
in the sections where global buckling is not seen as an issue, i.e. at the mudline and jack-up support.

The equations consist of different components: factored applied stresses (𝑓), resistance factors (𝜙), a
column curvature factor (𝐶𝑀 ) and critical resistance stresses (𝐹).

𝑓𝑐𝑒𝑥𝑡 = axial compressive stress due to factored external loads

𝑓𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑡 = axial compressive stress due to factored internal loads
𝑓𝑏 = bending stress due to factored internal and external loads

𝜙𝑐 = 0.85 | resistence factor for axial compressive strength

𝜙𝑏 = 0.95 | resistence factor for bending strenght
𝐶𝑀 = 0.85 | column curvature factor for platform, jackup and freestanding conductors

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How the critical resistance stresses are calculated is dependent on a variety of parameters, including
material properties, geometry and applied stresses. The formulas are shown below.

𝐹𝑐𝑟𝑚 = 𝐹𝑐𝑟𝑏 | modified critical buckling strength
1− 𝐹
( 𝑦 )

𝐹𝑐𝑟𝑏 = (𝐵 + √𝐵2 + 𝐶) for 𝐾𝐿⁄𝑟 ≤ 𝐶𝑐𝑚 ∨

𝐹𝑒 for 𝐾𝐿⁄𝑟 > 𝐶𝑐𝑚 | critical buckling strength

𝐹𝑥𝑐 = 𝐹𝑦 for 𝐷⁄𝑡 ≤ 60 ∨

{1.64 − 0.23(𝐷⁄𝑡)1⁄4 }𝐹𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝐷⁄𝑡 ≥ 60 | nominal inelastic buckling strength

𝐹𝑒 = | Euler buckling strength

𝐹𝑏𝑛 = 𝑘 𝐹𝑦 for 𝐷⁄𝑡 ≤ 1500 ⁄𝐹𝑦 ∨

{1.13 − 2.58[𝐹𝑦 𝐷⁄𝐸𝑡]}𝑘 𝐹𝑦 for 1500 ⁄𝐹𝑦 < 𝐷⁄𝑡 ≤ 1500 ⁄𝐹𝑦 ∨

{0.94 − 0.76[𝐹𝑦 𝐷⁄𝐸𝑡]}𝑘 𝐹𝑦 for 3000 ⁄𝐹𝑦 < 𝐷⁄𝑡 ≤ 300

| nominal bending strength

In these formulas the following parameters are defined.

𝐹𝑦 = yield strength of steel 𝐿 = unbraced length of conductor

𝐸 = Youngs modulus of steel 𝐾 = effective length factor
𝐷 = outside diameter of the pipe 𝑟 = radius of gyration of member cross section
𝑡 = wall thickness of the pipe

𝑘= | shape factor, plastic section modulus divided by the elastic section modulus
𝜋 2𝐸 𝐹𝑦
𝐶𝑐𝑚 = √ for 𝑓𝑐𝑢𝑖𝑛𝑡 ≤ ∨
𝐹𝑦 2
− 𝑓𝑐𝑢𝑖𝑛𝑡

∞ for 𝑓𝑐𝑢𝑖𝑛𝑡 > 2
| modified column slenderness ratio

𝐵 = 1 − (2 𝑓𝑐𝑢𝑖𝑛𝑡 ⁄𝐹𝑦 ) − 𝜆2⁄4

𝐶 = 4(𝑓𝑐𝑢𝑖𝑛𝑡 ⁄𝐹𝑦 ) (1 − 𝑓𝑐𝑢𝑖𝑛𝑡 ⁄𝐹𝑦 ) | buckling stress parameters
𝜆= √ | column slenderness parameter
𝜋𝑟 𝐸

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If the internal strings have been cemented all the way to the surface they can be considered as a
composite section of the conductor. It is however prudent to not account for this unless it is sure that the
cement has reached the wellhead, which is rarely the case.

4.3.2 Definition of Loads

The loads effecting a conductor can be split into axial loads and bending loads. These can then be split
into internal and external loads.

Internal axial loads contribute to the overall stress in the conductor but do not cause instability failures
such as buckling. The internal axial loads are applied to a conductor in two ways;

1. Hanging and pre-tensioning the internal casing and tubing strings.

2. Thermal expansion that occurs in the internal string.

For the sake of conservatism thermal loads are typically neglected in calculations as they are tensile loads,
caused by expansion, which reduce the overall internal load. This is because the expansion loads work in
the direction opposite the gravity loads. The internal load for each casing string should include the
buoyancy and the tensioning of internals. When a conductor uses a MLS it is assumed that the internal
strings are supported by the hanger ring, which is typically 3 – 5 meters below the mudline. In this case
the internal axial load only includes the weight of the strings from the MLS to the surface.

The load on the conductor specifically can be calculated by the principal of elastic shortening, which is a
method of distributing the axial loads between combined strings. Since all the internal strings that are
supported at the MLS (configuration without the tubing shown in Figure 3-5) will experience similar axial
deflections the proportions of internal axial load will be governed by the cross sections and the tensile
strengths. In this calculation pretension must also be accounted for.

Internal loads at any point along the conductor should exclude the buoyant weight of the internal strings
above that point. The loads should be included in the external axial loads. Additionally, the buoyant weight
of the drilling fluids should be considered. This will only be significant for the section of the conductor that
is not submerged.

External axial loads contribute to the instability of the conductor and can cause buckling failure. These
loads also consist of two main components:

1. Dead weight of the equipment physically located on top of the conductor, such as the wellhead,
valves, hoses and other production equipment.
2. As noted above, the buoyant weight of everything above the point being analysed.

The external load can be reduced by pulling tension on the conductor. This technique is sometimes used
while drilling but is uncommon when the conductor is in production.

Internal bending loads are caused by eccentricity of internal casing strings. Since a centralizer is used just
beneath the wellhead, the MLS also functions as a centralizer and the length in-between theses
centralizers is relatively small (50 meters), the loads will be neglected.

External bending loads are caused by environmental loading of the wind, waves and current on the
conductor. These loads can be determined with computer software or by a stick model of the conductor.

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The P-Delta effect should also be considered, this entails that the external axial load and the deflection at
the point in question should also be considered.

4.3.3 Design Factors

Since the LRFD method is used, all applied loads must be factored. In DNV [24] load factors for use on
offshore installations can be found, but not for conductors specifically. A set of load factors has been
developed, by Geyer and Stahl in 1984, which guarantees reliability for the conductors consistent with
that of offshore structures [33]. The load factors below are applicable to the internal axial loads, external
axial loads and environmental loads respectively. These factors should be increased if the loads are not
well known. The resistance factors will remain unchanged.

𝛾𝑖 = 1.6, 𝛾𝑒 = 1.2, 𝛾𝑤 = 1.2 (𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑠)

𝛾𝑖 = 1.3, 𝛾𝑒 = 1.1, 𝛾𝑤 = 1.6 (𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒 𝑒𝑛𝑣𝑖𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑠)

The theory states that there is a difference in safety factor between platforms and conductors, when
standard load factors are used. This is caused by a difference in the ratio between the gravity and
environmental loads. Geyer [33] observes that the safety index for the ratio typical to conductors is lower
than that of platforms. To compensate this reduction in safety index the load factors are increased.

Figure 4-8: Safety index β plotted against load ratios in Geyer & Stahl [33]

A check of the calibration parameters as mentioned in Geyer shows (Table 4-12) that the parameters for
the conductor concepts in this report are in the same regime, which justifies the increase in this case. The
‘LFD’ plot refers to the design factors used in Baur and Stahl [31], the ‘LRFD-Plat’ plot refers to the standard
for offshore structures at the time (𝛾𝑖 = 1.1, 𝛾𝑒 = 1.1, 𝛾𝑤 = 1.35; 𝜑𝑦 = 0.95, 𝜑𝑐 = 0.90, 𝜑𝑏 = 0.92).

Pe/Pi (30m) W/G (30m) Pe/Pi (50m) W/G (50m)

Jack-up fixation 0.15 0.48 0.15 0.54
Load center 0.42 0.25 0.54 0.38
Fixity depth 0.79 0.21 1.04 0.34
Table 4-12: Load ratios of conductor for 30m and 50m water depths

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4.3.4 Structural Model

Initial structural calculations were done using simple beam formulas. However, because it is complex for
the ‘softness’ (i.e. displacement due to loading) of the soil to be modelled analytically, Sesam GeniE an
offshore structural engineering software tool was used for the structural modelling of the conductor. As
the 6 conductors all have the same support parameters and are not in contact with each other, the
structural integrity of a single conductor will be assessed. For the ULS blockage factors are not applicable
because the outside conductor will be critical. As shown in Figure 4-7 six different support options were
modelled, 3 with a moment fixity at the jack-up level and 3 with a pinned support at the jack-up level. At
the mudline an effective fixity and an upper and lower bound soil Winkler foundation was modeled. The
loads were applied using a series of point loads, extracted from a stick model in the spreadsheet. For every
water depth assessed, different loads at different heights were inserted and the height of the supports
was adjusted. From this model beam moments and reaction forces can be derived, which can then be
used to check the strength and stability of the structure. In Figure 4-7 an example is given of the beam
moments of the finite element model for 25 meters MSL.

These beam moments were used to perform stability and strength checks on the conductor according to
the theory in section 4.3.1. An important parameter in the buckling strength and stability of the beam is
the effective length of the conductor. The effective length factor is defined by the support conditions. The
k values corresponding to (a), (b) and (e) in Figure 4-9 have been used. For the calculations, the
recommended design values are used. The unsupported length is taken from the modelled effective fixity
depth (6 times the diameter of the pipe) to the support. The moment fixity point in the case of the fixed
support is modelled halfway between the two pinned support points that makeup the fixed support.

Figure 4-9: Effective length factors. [34]

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Figure 4-10: Sketch of the jack-up fixed option

The P-Delta effect on the conductors has been accounted for in the cases that there is a deflection at the
jack-up support point. An assumption is made that normalized two thirds of the weight of the system has
the same deflection as the jack-up unit. The P-Delta effect is only applied to the maximum moment at the
mudline. At the load center, there is a small contribution in the case that there is no deflection at the
support. When the deflection at the support exceeds that of the load center, the effect reduces the
bending moment. These contributions are small and considering that the load center is not the critical
buckling area in any of the cases, no contributions have been included in the model.

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4.3.5 Jack-up Deflection

The deflection of the jack-up is an important factor to consider when analysing the integrity of the
conductor. There are a few different factors that cause jack-up deflection:
– Wave loading
– Current loading
– Wind loading
– Leg inclination
– Gap between guide and leg

Of these factors the bottom two are in principal static. However, they both have a second order effect,
the p-Δ effect.
The p-Δ effect is essentially the moment created by the self-weight of the jack-up and the deflection.
Because this moment causes an increase in deflection which then causes a new increase in moment, it is
a so called second order effect and must be calculated iteratively. The elevated weight of the jack-up is
~60 MN. Considering that an initial inclination of the legs can cause a deflection in the order of 10 cm.
This effect can cause a significant additional moment when the deflection becomes large. The effect must
therefore be accounted for. However, the initial no-load deflection from the centreline should be
subtracted from the values found after the loads are applied. This is because the conductors will only be
piled after the jack-up is installed, and will therefore not be effected by the initial permanent deflection.
Therefore, for the ULS check the low case deflection will be modelled with no inclination and the high
case with a large initial inclination.
The gap between the leg and guides normally also causes a static deflection. For example: if the gap
between the leg and guide is 5 mm, length of the leg under the fixation point is 50 meters and the distance
between the fixation point and guide is 7.5 meters, the deflection will add up to 50/7.5*5=~33 mm. This
deflection will also be reversed when the centre of gravity of the hull crosses the centreline. Because the
gap also influences the stiffness of the whole unit it is recommended that this gap be eliminated by placing
wedges between the leg and the guide.
Current and wind have a quasi-static contribution. The wind force on the jack-up has a high centre of
effort and is therefore a large factor of the deflection. For the maximum case the 10-year current and 100-
year wind loads will be used. For the minimum deflection, a conservative case of no wind current will be
Deflection Component Minimum Case Maximum Case
Waves See below See below
Wind No wind 100-year return period
Current No current 10-year return period
Inclination No initial inclination 0.25 % incline in legs
Leg/Guide Gap No gap No gap
Table 4-13: Minimum and maximum deflection scenarios

The wave loading has a quasi-static and a dynamic effect on the deflection. As we are considering an
extreme wave, with a period far from the Eigen period of the jack-up, the dynamic effect with be minimal
(see Figure 4-11). In principal, the quasi-static deflection of the jack-up should be maximal around the
same time as the maximum load on the conductor. But, because the centre of effort of the environmental
loading of the jack-up is not in phase with that of the conductor for certain wave angles an assessment
must be made of the different cases.

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Figure 4-11: Dynamic amplification factor of jack-up for a range of wave periods

The maximum distance between the centre of effort of the jack-up hydrodynamic loading (including the
conductor) and the conductor is ~23 meters. This distance is different for different wave angles of attack.
The maximum stated above is applicable to a wave angle of attack of 210 degrees, which is 30 degrees to
port or starboard of the bow or stern of the rig (due to symmetry). The minimum distance is 0 meters.
This occurs when the wave comes broadside to the jack-up, i.e. 270 or 90 degrees.

Figure 4-12: Wave angles of attack

Since it is plausible that the maximum wave angle of attack could be both broadside or 30 degrees of the
bow/stern, depending on the initial orientation, both situations should be considered for the ULS. The
consequence of this is that the high and low end jack-up deflection should be considered for the maximum
wave. Depending on the wave length and the gradient of the wave the difference in distance will be equal
to a difference in hydrodynamic force on the jack-up when the force on the conductor is at its maximum.
This is illustrated in Figure 4-13 for a 100-year wave coming at 210 degrees in 30 meters of water (MSL).

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Figure 4-13: Hydrodynamic forces during a maximum wave with 210-degree angle of attack (no wind, no current)

The interval between the maximum loads is 0.075 of the wave period, which at a wavelength of 312.5
meters is equal to 23 meters. Due to the non-linearity of the wave, because of the shallow water, this
distance can have a significant impact on the load. As mentioned above, when the wave angle of attack is
broadside the conductor maximum load occurs at the same time as the maximum load on the jack-up.
The model of the jack-up, built in LegLoad [27], accounts for dynamic effects of the loading. Because the
Eigen-period of the unit is ~2.5 seconds at 30 meters (MSL) the dynamic amplification factor is low (Figure
4-11). It therefore does not have a significant impact on the unit. By running LegLoad for every time-step,
a plot of the deflections can be added to the forces chart. It is clear that the deflection plot is very similar
to the total load plot.
The deflection of the jack-up has a significant influence on the beam moments, from which the beam
strength and stability checks follow. The range of deflections that are applicable to the maximum wave
force on the conductor differ for different wave periods. When the wave period is shorter the wave also
becomes shorter. A shorter wave also means a smaller wave, because of the breaking limit.
For instance, a 7 second wave could have a maximum wave height of approximately 10 meters, according
the breaking limit. Theses parameters lead to a wave length of ~85 meters. This wave length would cause
the largest relative difference in conductor vs. jack-up load in the 180-degree case. Therefore, this case
has also been examined, see Figure 4-14.
Although the phase difference in this waves almost matches the minimum leg load with the maximum
conductor load it can be observed that the difference in deflection between the minimum and maximum
case for the 10-meter wave is one third of that of the 16.7-meter (maximum) wave, see Table 4-14. In
addition to a much smaller deflection range (1/3), the maximum load on the conductor is also a quarter
of that of the maximum wave case. Because of this, for the ULS, only the maximum wave will be
considered. All the jack-up deflections have been modelled with upper bound soil foundation support.

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Figure 4-14: Hydrodynamic forces during a 7s, 10-meter wave with 210-degree angle (no wind, no current)

Deflection Minimum Maximum Delta

Wave height Angle (deg) Value (m) Angle (deg) Value (m) Value (m)
10m 180 0.006 270 0.021 0.015
16.7m 210 0.118 270 0.168 0.05
Table 4-14: Minimum and maximum deflection in different wave cases for 30m MSL

The maximum deflection of the jack-up during maximum conductor load occurs when the wave angle is
broadside to the rig (i.e. 270 degrees). This is because at that point the centre of effort of the
hydrodynamic load on the rig, coincides with that of the conductor. The values for maximum deflection
shown in Table 4-14 above, are the maxima when the rig is only displaced by wave loading. The maximum
cases as described in Table 4-13, including current, wind and leg inclination, are shown in Table 5-2.

For this analysis, a jack-up hull weight of 57 MN was used. Later due to the stability of the jack-up the hull
weight was adjusted to 70 MN. The maximum eigen period increase cause by this change was 0.3 seconds.
Figure 4-11 shows that the impact on the DAF for the 100-year wave is small. Second order deflections
will increase. The total moment caused by the environment is in the order ~500 MNm. The impact of a
maximum (1-meter deflection) second order moment of 13 MNm is not significant in this case.

WD 70 MN 57.32 MN Delta
30 2.70 2.48 0.22
40 3.09 2.83 0.26
50 3.55 3.25 0.30
Table 4-15: Natural period (s) increase for different hull weights

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4.4 Fatigue Model

The wave height occurrence data for use in a deterministic fatigue assessment can be found in Appendix
1. A summary of the data is shown in Figure 4-15.

T [s]
H [m] 0-<2 2-<4 4-<6 6-<8 8-<10 10-<12 12-<14 14-<16 16-<18 Total
0.0-<0.5 7.34% 19.84% 9.35% 2.28% 0.58% 0.19% 0.07% 0.02% 0.00% 39.68%
0.5-<1.0 0.13% 9.68% 14.82% 5.17% 1.23% 0.37% 0.13% 0.04% 0.01% 31.57%
1.0-<1.5 0.00% 1.64% 7.36% 4.20% 1.03% 0.28% 0.10% 0.03% 0.01% 14.65%
1.5-<2.0 0.00% 0.29% 2.82% 2.86% 0.72% 0.20% 0.06% 0.01% 0.00% 6.98%
2.0-<2.5 0.00% 0.04% 0.96% 1.65% 0.50% 0.15% 0.04% 0.01% 0.00% 3.36%
2.5-<3.0 0.00% 0.01% 0.38% 0.87% 0.35% 0.10% 0.03% 0.01% 0.00% 1.75%
3.0-<3.5 0.00% 0.00% 0.12% 0.44% 0.26% 0.07% 0.02% 0.00% 0.00% 0.91%
3.5-<4.0 0.00% 0.00% 0.04% 0.22% 0.17% 0.05% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 0.50%
4.0-<4.5 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.11% 0.11% 0.04% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 0.28%
4.5-<5.0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.04% 0.06% 0.02% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 0.14%
5.0-<5.5 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.02% 0.04% 0.02% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.08%
5.5-<6.0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.02% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05%
6.0-<6.5 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03%
6.5-<7.0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.01%
Total 7.47% 31.51% 35.86% 17.86% 5.11% 1.53% 0.49% 0.12% 0.03% 100.00%

Figure 4-15: Omni-Directional 1-year Joint Frequency Distribution of Individual Wave Height and Period;
Southern Subsector

The main driver for fatigue is wave loading. The nature of the loading causes periodic stress variations
during the entire lifetime of the structure. These variations can cause crack initiation and propagation
which will ultimately lead to failure.

MSL Cantilever Fixed - Hinged Fixed - Fixed Jack-up MOPU

30 8.7 2.0 1.2 2.7
40 12.6 2.9 1.8 3.1
50 16.3 3.7 2.3 3.5
Table 4-16: Natural Period (Tn) is seconds (s) of the different conductor concepts and jack-up MOPU

The wave loading will also cause the jack-up to swing around its mean static deflection. When the natural
period of the wave is not near the natural period of the structure most of this behaviour is quasi-static,
however when the period of the waves coincides with the natural frequency of the structure, dynamic
amplification will intensify the deflections and stresses significantly. This statement is also applicable to
the conductor. As seen in Figure 4-15 above, once the natural period of the structure is above 2 seconds
a significant number of waves will dynamically excite the structure. Table 4-16 above shows an overview
of the natural periods of the different structures to be assessed. The simplified fatigue analysis does not
account for dynamics specifically, but accounts for it due to its inherent conservatism.

Another driver for fatigue can be vortex induced vibrations (VIV), see section 4.5.

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4.4.1 Wave Induced Fatigue

When assessing the fatigue damage to the conductor the locations with the highest local stresses should
be analysed. In a conductor, these generally occur at the connectors. According to DNV [35] examples of
different design approaches of connectors can be listed as:

1. A linear elastic finite element analysis approach combined with S-N curve B1 without requirement
to additional fatigue testing
2. Advanced finite element analysis approach with non-linear analysis to determine initial behavior
before an elastic state is achieved. Then the stress range may be combined with the high strength
S-N curve. These analyses may be supported by additional fatigue testing depending on
consequences of a fatigue failure.

For the wave fatigue analysis on the conductor initially the first approach is used, which gives a
conservative outcome of the fatigue life. For assessment of a fatigue design curve for connectors derived
from testing, the stress modification factor (SMF) accounts for a number of different parameters:
– Stress concentration factor in connection.
– Stress gradient at threads.
– Fabrication tolerances in connecting parts.
– Make-up torque.
– Local yielding at thread roots.
– Mean stress effects when the testing is performed with part of the stress cycle as compressive

The service life time of the conductor will be 20 years. The conductor is considered to be inaccessible.
Depending on the perception of the consequence of fatigue failure of the conductor, critical or non-critical
for the overall integrity of the platform, the safety factor for fatigue life will be taken as 10 or 3
respectively, as per DNV guidelines [24].

The so-called ‘simplified’ method is also sometimes referred to as the ‘permissible’ or ‘allowable’ stress
range method, which can be categorized as an indirect fatigue assessment method because the result of
the method’s application is not necessarily a value of fatigue damage or a fatigue life value. Often a
‘pass/fail’ answer results depending on whether the acting stress range is below or above the permissible
value. This method is often used as the basis of a fatigue screening technique. A screening technique is
typically a rapid, but usually conservatively biased, check of structural adequacy. If the structure’s strength
is adequate when checked with the screening criterion, no further analysis may be required. If the
structural detail fails the screening criterion, the proof of its adequacy may still be pursued by analysis
using more refined techniques. Also, a screening approach is quite useful to identify fatigue sensitive areas
of the structure, thus providing a basis to develop fatigue inspection planning for future periodic
inspections of the structure and Condition Assessment surveys of the structure.

In the simplified fatigue assessment method, the two-parameter Weibull distribution is used to model the
long-term distribution of fatigue stresses. The cumulative distribution function of the stress range can be
expressed as:

𝑆 𝛾
𝐹𝑠 (𝑠) = 1 − 𝑒𝑥𝑝 [− ( ) ] for 𝑆 > 0
𝑆 = a random variable denoting stress range
𝛾 = the Weibull shape parameter
𝛿 = the Weibull scale parameter

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Based on the long-term distribution of stress range, a closed form expression for fatigue damage can be
derived. A major feature of the simplified method is that appropriate application of experience data can
be made to establish or estimate the Weibull shape parameter, thus avoiding a lengthy spectral analysis.
The other major assumptions underlying the simplified approach are that the linear cumulative damage
(Palmgren-Miner) rule applies, and that fatigue strength is defined by the S-N curves.

To define the scale parameter a reference stress range must be used, which characterizes the largest
anticipated range for the in the reference number of cycles. For a reliable single reference, a long-term
maximum must be used. Because the nonlinear effects of the waves increase with the wave height, the
1-year maximum is taken as reference point. Airy wave theory is used to model the wave particle
velocities. This, because the majority of the waves will be in the regime where linear wave theory is
applicable. The maximum stresses in the different critical areas are found with the finite element model
of the conductor. The found stress amplitude is doubled to result in the reference stress range. The
reference number of stress cycles is calculated by dividing the reference frequency by the average zero
up-crossing frequency, which is taken as 0.2 Hz, an average of the Northern and Southern sectors (based
on the data in Appendix 1: Omni-Directional 1-year Joint Frequency Distribution).

The Weibull shape parameter also has a significant influence on the outcome of the assessment. Normally,
the shape parameter can be established from a detailed stress spectral analysis or its value may be
assumed based on experience. For this assessment, a conservative value of 1.1 is used.

The explanation of this simplified method was derived from ABS [36] but is also applicable to the DNV
guidelines [35] (i.e. the methods and results are identical, only formulation differs). This method is widely
used in offshore engineering, and may also be used for the assessment of jacket structures. It is however
prudent not to use this method in water depths greater than 120m, because of possible significant
dynamic amplification.

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4.4.2 Fatigue Model

A GustoMSC tool was used for the simplified fatigue analysis. It is based on the theory explained in section
4.4.1. Different S-N curves, shown in Figure 4-16, with different SCF’s were assessed. Table 4-17 list the
category used to classify the different parts of the conductor. As mentioned, conductor connectors are
typically assigned an SCF that is referenced to the B1 curve. Two SCF’s applied to the B1 curve are shown:

– Standard ONE connectors (SCF = 5)

– Fatigue resistant connectors (SCF = 2.2) [37]

The B1 curve is used for the conductor itself and the C1 curve for the GMC Mechanical Connector, which
has proven to be more fatigue resistant than the DNV Type C1 S-N curve [18].

Category Construction Details Description Requirement

B1 Non-welded Sharp edges and surface flaws to be
section improved by grinding

B2 Automatic No stop/start positions, and free from

longitudinal defects outside the tolerances of DNV
seam welds OS-C401 Fabrication and Testing of
Offshore Structures

C1 Circumferential The applied stress must include the

butt weld, stress concentration factor to allow for
made up from any thickness changes and fabrication
two sides and tolerances.
dressed flush The weld may be classed as Category C
when high quality welding is achieved
and the weld is proved free from
significant defects by non-destructive

Table 4-17: Classification of structural details [35].

The magnitude of the unfactored stresses resulting from the 1-year maximum wave height are used to
define the associated stress range. The range defined as double the variable component (i.e. no current
or wind) of the maximum stress found in the conductor during the 1-year maximum wave. The shape
parameter is taken as 1.1, which is a conservative value per DNV guidelines [35]. The lifetime requirement
is 20 year excluding the DFF. DFF requirements should be confirmed with classification authorities. The
requirement should range from 3 to 10, depending on the consequence of conductor failure.

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Figure 4-16: DNV S-N Curves

Figure 4-17: Simplified fatigue analysis tool.

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4.5 Vortex Induced Vibrations

Vortex shedding is an oscillating flow that takes place when a fluid such as air or water flows past a bluff
(as opposed to streamlined) body at certain velocities, depending on the size and shape of the body. In
this flow, vortices are created at the back of the body and detach periodically from either side of the body.

Important effects of VIV on slender elements are:

– The system may experience significant fatigue damage due to VIV.
– VIV may increase the mean drag coefficient of the member, affecting the global analysis of the
member and possible interference with other members.
– VIV may influence Wake Induced Oscillations (WIO) of cylinder arrays (onset and amplitude).
Guidance on wake induced oscillations are given in DNV-RP-F203.
– VIV may contribute significantly to the relative collision velocity of two adjacent cylinders.

Current speeds in the Dutch sector of the North Sea vary significantly with location. Therefore, the
conceptual assessment will be limited to illustrating at which depths and current speeds VIV can
potentially become an issue. If a location is chosen that has a risk of VIV, this must be taken into account
in the design of the fatigue life.

VIV may be split into:

– Cross-Flow (‘CF’) vibrations with vibration amplitudes in the order of 1 diameter
– CF induced In-Line (‘IL’) vibrations with amplitudes of 30-50% of CF amplitude and
– Pure IL VIV with amplitudes in the order of 10-15% of diameter.

According to DNV’s recommended practice for riser fatigue [38], pure IL VIV is not normally considered
for risers. Cross flow vortex shedding excitation may occur when 3 ≤ VR ≤ 16. The maximum response is
normally found in the range 5 ≤ VR ≤ 9. These values are applicable for all Reynolds numbers.

𝑉𝑅 =
𝑓𝑖 𝐷

u = instantaneous flow velocity normal to the member axis (m/s)

fi = the i'th natural frequency of the member (Hz)
D = member diameter (m)

Multiplying the critical reduced velocity boundary by the outside diameter and the natural frequency of
the conductor results in the critical velocity.

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4.6 Accidental and Serviceability Limit States

Besides the ULS & FLS there are two more limit states on which design requirements are based. For
MOPU’s the SLS is normally covered by limits specified in the operations manual. As the operational
configuration will differ from that specified in the manual, the limits that are still applicable should be
reassessed for the converted design. The situation is similar for the ALS, although it is typically
addressed in the design stage, with exception of unusual site specific risks. A reassessment should be
made based in design changes and site specific parameters. Below are examples of the limit states as
noted in DNV Design of Offshore Steel Structures [24]:

Accidental limit states (ALS)

– Structural damage caused by accidental loads
– Ultimate resistance of damaged structures
– Maintain structural integrity after local damage or flooding.

Serviceability limit states (SLS)

– Deflections that may alter the effect of the acting forces
– Deformations that may change the distribution of loads between supported rigid objects and the
supporting structure
– Excessive vibrations producing discomfort or affecting non-structural components
– Motion that exceed the limitation of equipment
– Temperature induced deformations.

Both limit states are applicable to the conductors and the jack-up unit.

ALS assessments have been carried out for the original design of the jack-up unit, these should be
updated. For the conductor, the main risk is ship collision. Assessments of ship collision on unprotected
conductors is not uncommon. It is important that the deformations do not impact the productions string
and that the conductor still has enough integrity to withstand environmental conditions associated with
a 1-year storm. The main site specific consideration would be the orientation of the platform in the event
of proximity to shipping routes.

For the SLS, it is for instance important to note that the length between the conductor support and the
wellhead is adequate to accommodate conductor length reduction due to deflections. Also, an amount
additional settlement of the jack-up should be accounted for in the connection.

ALS & SLS are not perceived to be critical for the design at this stage and have therefore not been
assessed in depth. A detailed analysis of the limit states should be included in the next phase of design.

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5 Results of Assessment
In this chapter the results of the assessment of the conceptual design are presented and discussed. Again,
a clear differentiation is made between the results for the conductor design assessment and that of the
jack-up MOPU. The impact of a concept for the water depth capacity extension of the conductors is also

5.1 Ultimate Limit State

Initially, the feasibility of the conductor was assessed. Once the conductor design proved to be feasible
the jack-up MOPU assessment was carried out, including the proposed design modifications.

5.1.1 Conductor
The initial assessment of the stability showed that the cantilever option was not strong enough with the
conductor of the proposed dimensions (30’ OT x 1.5’ WT) for any of the tested water depths. Also, because
the stability of the conductor with a pinned support at the jack-up is significantly lower than that of a
conductor with a fixed support at the jack-up the more detailed results of these options will not be
discussed further. Table 5-1 show the results of the code checks done without the FEM. A value above 1
indicates failure of the check.

Code checks Strength at Soil Stability at Load Centre Strength at Support

Cantilever 3.96 0.19 0.00
Fixed - Hinged 1.05 1.08 0.00
Fixed - Fixed 0.50 0.52 0.74
Table 5-1: First pass code checks for the different concepts (30m MSL, upper bound fixity)

To assess the range of jack-up deflections to be accounted for in the ULS the two cases explained in
Table 4-13 in section 4.3.5 were used. In table below the range is shown for 30, 40 and 50 meters MSL.

MSL (m) Wave Type Min Def (m) Max Def (m)
30 Max 0.12 0.53
40 Max 0.26 0.79
50 Max 0.32 0.98
Table 5-2: Minimum and maximum deflections of the jack-up during maximum conductor load in the ULS

Below the beam moments exported from the Genie [30], for the different critical areas plotted against
the jack-up deflection, are shown. These values have been run for different water depths and fixity cases.
Also included in the graphs, are the maximum bending moments for which the conductor will pass the
stability and strength checks (respectively applicable to the load centre and the support/soil bending

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Figure 5-1: Fixed-Fixed, Effective fixity (50m)

Figure 5-2: Fixed-Fixed, Upper bound soil (50m)

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Figure 5-3: Fixed-Fixed, Lower bound soil (50m)

Figure 5-4: Fixed-Fixed, Upper bound soil (30m)

By the figures above, in addition to those for 30 (of which the upper bound soil scenario is shown in Figure
5-4) & 40 meters MSL, the following observations can be made:

– The deflection of the jack-up has a linear effect on the bending moments in the conductor.
– For the cases where the soil is not modelled with an effective fixity, but with a Winkler foundation,
the deflection has a positive effect of the overall maximum bending moment as it reduces the
bending moment at the support, while the bending moment at the soil is increased.

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– The strength check at the soil level only becomes critical w.r.t. the strength check at the support
level at an extremely high soil fixity.
– The highest bending moment in the centre of the conductor used for the global buckling check is
not critical up to 50 meter MSL regardless of fixity.
– At higher water depths, the impact of the jack-up displacement on the bending moment becomes
small. More critical is the fixity of the soil. For the northern sector wave (i.e. MSL>30m) the support
does not pass the local buckling check in the lower bound soil. It does however pass the buckling
check for all the reasonable displacements with the upper bound soil.

Figure 5-5: Forced deflection of conductor with corresponding beam moments

Figure 5-5 above demonstrates the effect described in the second observation above. Pairs of two
conductors (one modelled with an effective fixity and one with an upper bound soil model) are forced to
deflect 1 meter opposite the direction of the environmental load and 1 meter in the direction of the
environmental load at the jack-up support. The two conductors in the center are modelled without a
deflection at the support. It can be observed that deflections in the direction of the environmental load
increase the bending moment at the soil, while decreasing the bending moment at the support. In the
case that the bending moment at the support is the highest load this effect is beneficial for the
maximum bending stress in the conductor.

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5.1.2 Jack-up MOPU

When the strength and stability of the jack-up is investigated, it becomes clear that the bearing capacity
of the foundation is a critical element. Other checks that must be performed include:

– Overturning Stability
– Preload Capacity
– Leg Sliding
– Leg Strength
– Fixation System Strength
– Spudcan Capacity

In practice, some of the checks are similar and are covered by other checks. Preload capacity and leg
sliding are both included in the bearing capacity check (Figure 5-6). Spudcan capacity and fixation system
strength are both maximum weight constraints where the spudcan capacity is more critical. Leg strength
is generally critical at the guides and includes an axial compression factor and bending moment.

According to the basis of design [19], the design of the fixation system is based on the maximum
compression of 4600 tonnes force per chord. Every leg has 3 chords, which means the axial loading
capacity of the fixation system is 137.5 MN per leg. The maximum spudcan reaction capacity is specified
in the unit’s operations manual as 56.4 MN. The leg is designed to handle this axial load during an ULS
wave, which implies that the same axial force during preloading conditions (i.e. minimal moments) will
not be an issue. From this it follows that the maximum preload capacity is limited by the elevated weight
in combination with the preload tanks or by the spudcan capacity.

When a preload of 55 MN is applied (just under the spudcan capacity), which is equivalent to 5100 te of
hull weight per leg (including preload) plus a wet leg weight of ~500 te (accounting for a reduction in leg
length), the bearing capacity for a hard sand (ϕ = 35°) is as in Figure 5-6. To achieve this preload, the total
elevated weight of the unit must be brought up to 15300 te. As discussed in section 3.4 the weight after
conversion will be ~7000 te. 8300 te of preload capacity is therefore required. This capacity can be
achieved by converting some of the tanks used for drilling fluids into preload tanks (Table 3-9). ISO 19905-
1 also prescribes a resistance factor of 1.10 applicable to preload, which mean that the actual preload will
need to be 10% higher than the required amount. This safety factor is also to be used in the bearing
capacity curves.

The bearing capacity is very dependent on the horizontal force on the unit (i.e. shear force). When all the
environmental elements have their respective maximum values for the Dutch North Sea as explained in
section 4.1, it becomes clear that the horizontal force is often too high for the bearing capacity. To avoid
taking an overly conservative view in this conceptual phase, for this check the 100-year current speed has
been reduced to 1.5 & 1.0 m/s for the Southern & Northern sector respectively. Also, the wind area is
reduced by one third, to account for the removal of the derrick, leg reserve and accommodation. Note
that the footing reactions shown in Figure 5-6 and Figure 5-8 are based on lower bound fixity (sand, ϕ =
35°). Increasing the fixity will decrease the vertical and horizontal loading on the soil.

As can be seen in Figure 5-6 the bearing capacity is inadequate for the 55 MN preload case. To at least
include all the 30m MSL footing reactions for 35-degree sand, the preload must be increased to 63 MN
per leg. This requires a preload capacity of 10700 te, which is 550 te more than the available in current
tanks. Since most of the inside of the hull won’t be used, there is no problem expected in adding an
additional 550 te (or more) of preload capacity. However, at this point, the spudcan capacity check fails.
It is not expected that creating additional loading capacity in the spudcan will be an issue, however, it

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should be taken into consideration. By increasing the preload, the spudcan penetrates the soil deeper,
which increases the load carrying area. It is important for the spudcan to be at least fully seated at the
seafloor to provide maximum bearing and fixity (Figure 5-7).

Figure 5-6: V-H bearing capacity.

Figure 5-7: Spudcan outline, partial penetration on hard sand

As the soil gets softer, the bearing capacity is increased. Figure 5-6 show this for 25 & 35-degree sand.
Figure 5-8 below shows the V-H bearing capacity of clay. The properties of clay are better suited for
bearing capacity, however it is important that there is no risk of punch through.

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Figure 5-8: V-H Bearing Capacity Clay

A Leg strength check (Table 5-3) on the most critical leg shown in Figure 5-6 confirms that leg strength is
not a critical factor in the ULS. Overturning stability becomes an issue when the Fv of one of the legs
becomes negative. Figure 5-6 shows that this does not occur in any of the test cases. Overturning stability
is therefore not a critical capacity check.

Leg strength Fx [MN] Mz [MN.m]

Critical leg 43.768 280.985
Design value 49.82 298.92
Table 5-3: Leg strength check at lower guide

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5.2 Fatigue Limit State

In this section the results of the simplified fatigue assessment of the conductor design and the fatigue
assessment of the jack-up MOPU, including modifications, are discussed. The jack-up MOPU fatigue
assessment has been researched and reported by GustoMSC [39]. Therefore, only a summary of the
results is included in this report.

5.2.1 Conductor
Only wave induced stress variations have been accounted for in the simplified model. Stresses caused by
current and wind are deemed to have an insignificant amount of variations. Jack-up movements caused
by wave forces have a small impact on the stresses. However, in the cases where the soil fixation is less
stiff then the jack-up fixation, these movements reduce the maximum overall stress variations and would
thus be beneficial to the fatigue life of the conductor. Because this is the case for almost all possible soil
types, the jack-up movements will not be considered.

Because the location of the connector cannot be accurately determined, the fatigue assessment is carried
out at the three high stress locations, including: (1) Jack-up fixation; (2) Mudline fixation; and (3) at the
midspan elevation. The fatigue life at the jack-up fixation and the mudline can be assessed with the DNV
curves in ‘air’. The connectors around the splash zone are assed with the ‘free corrosion’ curves.

Figure 5-9: Fatigue damage for 50m MSL, load centre, DNV ‘free corrosion’ C1 curve, 20-year design life

The fatigue life of the conductor is evaluated for different connector types:
– Standard ONE connectors (SCF = 5), DNV Type B1 S-N curve
– GMC Mechanical Connector [18], DNV Type C1 S-N curve (cathodic protection)

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Figure 5-10: Fatigue life of connectors with different SCFs for upper bound soil

For the simplified fatigue check the design life is shown on the graph for a design fatigue factor (‘DFF’) of
3 and 10. It is clear that the standard ONE connector will not have an adequate fatigue lifetime for the
concept at any water depths. The GMC mechanical connector shown much better fatigue resistance with
a design life of 100+ years for all assessed water depths.

Figure 5-11: Maximum bending stress caused by 1-year max wave using linear wave theory

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The following observations can be made, based on Figure 5-10 & Figure 5-11:
– The standard connector that ONE uses has an inadequate fatigue life for this application in all water
– The GMC mechanical connector has a fatigue life of > 100 years in 50m MSL for upper bound soil,
which is adequate to satisfy a DFF of 5.

The method that delivered these results is conservative and in a detailed fatigue analysis only used to
identify the critical joints. Apart from being conservative in general, currently the assumption is that all
the waves come from one direction, which won’t be the case.

5.2.2 Jack-up MOPU

Below is a summary of the conclusions and recommendations of the fatigue assessment of the jack-up
MOPU, carried out by GustoMSC:

– Most fatigue damage has occurred in transit. None of these locations show high fatigue damage
build-up during future use. Therefore, inspection and repair of these locations should be sufficient.
– Future use of the unit as MOPU in water depths of 30m looks achievable with a DFF=10
– Future use of the unit as MOPU in water depths of 50m looks achievable with a DFF=10 for the non-
inspectable parts with some structural modifications at specific joints and a DFF<<10 for the
inspectable parts (nodes nearest to the lower guide).

– Fatigue damage results in transit can be reduced by combining sea states from the log (if available)
with the historical data and calculating the actual transit distance.
– Refined analysis with the geometry of the brace to chord connection would provide a less
conservative estimate of the damage build-up at hotspot D-06. This could then provide the basis
for an estimate on maximum allowable water depth for the concept.
– Site specific analysis could provide better lower bound estimate and thus reduce the damage build-
up at hotspot D-06 (mainly for the MOPU at 50m water depth)

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5.3 Vortex Induced Vibrations

The conductor is checked for the potential occurrence of VIV by a simplified procedure as given in the
DNV recommended practice for environmental loading [22]. The analyses are performed under two

– Under 1 Year Current Alone

– Under 1 Year Wave + 1 Year Associated Current

Results from the screening check for current alone, show that a high current speed is required for the
vortex induced vibrations to occur (Figure 5-12). As can be seen in Appendix 3: Metocean Charts Dutch
North Sea, the current speed has a correlation with the bathymetry. The current is higher in the shallow
areas and lower in the deeper areas. Therefore, it is unlikely that the chosen site will have a strong enough
current. If it does it is recommended to account for current induced VIV in the fatigue analysis. Depending
on local site data, it is recommended to perform a time-domain assessment of fatigue damage when the
1-year current speeds surpass the critical velocity. For the conceptual analysis, this is applicable for the
fixed support case with no marine growth starting at 40m MSL.

Figure 5-12: Critical flow velocity when VIV becomes a concern

According to the screening, VIV may become a problem under the action of large waves + associated
current velocity. It is accepted that the theory for the prediction the formation of the VIV under the
combined action of wave and current has not yet been fully developed. The procedure as given by in the
current recommended practice serves only as screening check.

Considering the velocity needed to achieve lock-in is higher than the current flows for all the sites, an
additional wave particle velocity will be required to achieve resonance. The lock-in region created by wave
induced VIV will be small because of the nature of the decay of the wave particle velocities along the
depth profile (i.e. highly sheared flow), see Figure 4-3. The current theory on VIV is that only in the lock-

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in region energy is added to the system, in areas outside the lock-in region the system is damped, i.e.
energy is removed from the system (Figure 5-13).

Figure 5-13: Vortex shedding response in wave motion & definition of lock-in region

Because the water particle velocity will often only be near the lock-in velocity for a short moment as the
crest passes, the oscillations will not have the time to develop to their full amplitude. Also, the water
particle velocities induced by the waves are only high enough in the larger, less frequent waves.

Stress variations caused by cross-flow VIV will be incurred by a different part of the conductor than the
stress variations caused by drag and inertia wave loading (Figure 5-14). Since typically the larger waves all
come from one general direction, North-West, the critical areas for the wave induced VIV stress variations
and drag and inertia induced stress variations will not be at the same point. If the drag and inertia stress
variations fall within the design limits of the fatigue damage it is likely that wave induced VIV will not make
a significant contribution to the critical fatigue hotspots.

Figure 5-14: Conductor cross section

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5.4 Capacity Extension

To extend the water depth capacity of the concept, a subsea brace, that interconnects the conductors,
could be installed. The conductor moments would be reduced by transferring environmental loads into
axial loads in the conductor. This concept is a mix between the CSP described in section 3.3 and the jack-
up supported conductors. An overview of pros and cons is given in

Pros Cons
Increased water depth capacity for ULS & FLS Relatively complex installation & decommissioning
Smaller portion of the loads transferred to the Requires at least 4 conductors to be installed at
jack-up once
Cheaper than a WHP Additional metocean loads on the system
Table 5-4: Pros & Cons of subsea bracing

The methodology of installation of a subsea brace would be most efficient if the brace initially has the
function of subsea template and is lifted to the required height once conductors have been piled. When
the brace is at the desired height it should be clamped to the conductor in a way that the loads are
effectively transferred. Figure 5-15 below shows the moments and axial stresses in the conductors with a
subsea brace compared to the conductors without a subsea brace. Conductor 1 & 4 are modelled with
effective fixity for reference. It can be observed that the moments at the support point are significantly
lowered which will have a big impact on the local buckling unity checks. A design like this has been used
by Unocal in Indonesia in the 1990’s. [40]

Figure 5-15: Subsea brace concept for conductor support

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6 Conclusions and Recommendations

In this chapter the overall conclusion and those of the different problems are presented.
Recommendations are also made for the following stages of the concept design.

The conceptual assessment of the MOPU has encompassed a broad spectrum of topics. The design stage
identified the conductor support structure to be the most critical design issue. It was important to first
decide on conductor design and verify the structural integrity of the support concept before an
assessment of overall integrity of the MOPU could be made.

6.1 Initial Feasibility and Design

Analysis of the jack-up market led to the fundamental design choices of focusing on jack-up drilling rigs
and specifically on the MSC CJ46 design, which coincidentally, was initially designed in 1981 to be an
optimal rig for the NAM fields on the Dutch continental shelf. The various case studies helped identify the
different design issues and solutions.

Research done on classification has shown this to be largely uncharted territory where the requirements
are not yet set in stone. If adequate design is done following relevant recommended practices, then in
collaboration with the classification society, operator, and rig designer bespoke requirements (e.g. DFF,
surveys) can be formulated.

Basic design was carried out for the topsides to estimate the weight and space requirement. It was found
that there is ample space and weight capacity available, although CoG must be considered. It is however
important that the elevated weight of the hull is not below 7000 tonnes. Risers will be added inside the
legs and designed to allow up to half a meter of settlement. Out of the many options for well tie-back,
jack-up supported conductors where found to be most suitable to the concept. Foundation issues are very
site specific. Increasing the preload capacity will however most likely be required for all locations.
Modification of the spudcans to cater to the site-specific conditions is also recommended and possibly

Cost wise the concept is very competitive and significantly cheaper than platforms with similar

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6.2 Conductor Assessment

For the conductor design it was found that depending on soil conditions the current design of the jack-up
supported conductors passes the unity checks for ULS & FLS up to 50m MSL. If the soil is less stiff, the jack-
up support should also be made more forgiving as to balance out the maximum stresses. This can be done
by increasing the distance between the support points. Doing this will however increase the distance
between the inflection points and thus increase the effective length. Nevertheless, it is expected that the
optimisation of a site-specific design will be possible up to 50m MSL, regardless of soil conditions.

Cross-flow VIV lock-in is not an acceptable occurrence for the conductors and must be avoided. Lock-in
will cause the conductors to vibrate with amplitudes in the order of the diameter of the conductor. This
will increase the drag coefficient which will in turn make the ULS case more critical. Also, the stress
variations caused by the oscillations could be critical for the FLS. VIV could become an issue at water
depths of 40 meters or more, according to section 5.3. It is recommended that VIV suppression techniques
are employed above 30 meters, to make an allowance for interference between the conductors and wave
induced VIV. Alternatively, more detailed study can be done to see if there is room to increase this value.

Suppression techniques such as: helical strakes or wires will also effect the drag coefficient and the
diameter of the conductor. Since the ULS case has been analysed with the drag coefficient and diameter
for marine growth it is plausible that the 50m MSL boundary will still be achievable. This will however
need to be confirmed by further analysis.

The costs of the concept that are incremental to the standard well costs for a jacket support structure are:
a support structure on the jack-up hull, thicker and higher grade conductor steel above the waterline, and
high fatigue resistant connectors above the water line. Of these only the former has significant impact.
Estimated at ~1 million euros (see section 3.3), this is significantly more economic than a wellhead
platform or top tensioned risers.

In water deeper than 50m MSL it is recommended that a structure is used to brace the conductors
together approximately 10-15m above the mudline. The structure will ensure that a portion of the
environmental loads are transferred into axial beam stresses instead of moments. This measure will
increase the capacity in the ULS & FLS. At deeper water depths, the amplitude of the quasi-static motions
and natural period of the jack-up will increase. The effect of this aspect should be assessed for the ULS
case and in a time-domain fatigue analysis.

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6.3 Jack-up MOPU Assessment

Assessment of the ultimate limit state of the jack-up MOPU show that for bearing capacity of the soil and
the spudcan capacity exceed their allowance for in most scenarios. A larger preload will increase the
bearing capacity. This will however cause the load on the spudcan to exceed its maximum rated capacity
during preloading. Another way to increase the bearing capacity, is by installing a larger or alternatively
shaped spudcan. It is unlikely that the bearing capacity check will pass for the site-specific parameters
without modifications to the jack-up. In Table 6-1 below measures against bearing capacity over-
utilizations are shown.

Solutions for bearing capacity over-utilization

Increase preload – Jack-ups can achieve preload in excess of design value by preloading leg-by-
leg or carrying additional ballast and/or variable load.
– If jacking system does not have adequate capacity, the fixation system can be
engaged during preloading.
– Generally increased preload will increase penetration and spudcan contact
area which is beneficial for fixity, reduced dynamics, etc.
Change variable – Used to combat overloads and/or windward leg sliding issues.
load or CoG – This could be either a fixed or a variable solution. For fixed an analysis would
need to be made on prevailing storm direction and impact. Variable could be
employed before incoming heavy weather.
Modify spudcan – Make spudcan buoyant after installation (only on lee legs if sliding also an
– Fit spudcan extension or skirts (or new larger spudcan) to improve bearing
capacity and fixity (which improves general over-utilization)
Table 6-1: Measures against bearing capacity over-utilization

Scour is a common issue in shallow water areas. On short drilling jobs, rock dumping and monitoring is
typically used as the solution. However, as a long-term solution this is not satisfactory. The current will
continually cause scour to the spudcan until it is submerged below the mudline. Seabed preparation in
the form of dredging holes for the spudcan to settle into is an option that should be considered. Multiple
benefits could be gained from dredging holes for the spudcans including:

– Increased fixity
– Increased bearing capacity
– Effective scour mitigation
– Potential punch trough risk mitigation

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6.4 Conclusion
It has been found that with minor modifications to the preload capacity of the jack-up unit, the concept
using the jack-up supported conductors is feasible up to 30 meters’ water depth. Beyond 30 meters the
initial constraints are: risk of vortex induced vibrations (VIV) of the conductors, the bearing capacity of the
jack-up and jack-up fatigue. Initially, mitigation of these issues is straightforward. However, detailed
studies will need to be done to verify the effectiveness and further implications of the VIV mitigation
measures. Further study on fatigue sensitive areas could increase the design fatigue factor achievable by
reducing conservatisms or prompt local joint reinforcement as solution. Between 30 and 50 meters’ water
depth mitigation of the constraints becomes increasing costly and technically challenging. Beyond 50
meters’ water depth, jack-up and conductor stability all become critical constraints and major design
changes are required. Site-specific parameters will also affect the feasibility. Therefore, the findings above
must be validated in a site-specific study.

The conclusion of the research has verified that, converting a used jack-up drilling rig into a jack-up mobile
offshore production unit is a technically and economically feasible concept for the development of a
standalone gas field on the Dutch continental shelf. It has also demonstrated the conductor support
design to be a feasible solution for this jack-up MOPU concept. The body of the work can form a basis to
initiate detailed engineering and design when the concept is to be implemented.

6.5 Recommendations
During the research, it has become evident that conceptual design for multiple locations is generally
conservative. The maximum 100-Year wave conditions found in the Northern and Southern subsector of
the Dutch North Sea are higher than those specific to most locations within those blocks. As water depths
decline observed wave heights generally also decline. The non-linearity of the shallow water waves causes
the force conveyed by the wave particles to be highly concentrated in time. When waves that can be
found in 50-meter water depth are modelled in 35 meters, the forces are highly concentrated and
nonlinear. Therefore, a conservative view on structural integrity is taken compared to an assessment that
uses site specific data. A site-specific assessment is crucial to the design parameters of the concept and
must be carried out once the site is known.

Once the site and all the site-specific parameters are known a frond-end engineering design (FEED) should
be done. In addition to the making the calculations in this report site specific it is recommended to
complete the actions below:

– Design conductor fixation structure and assess structural capacity of jack-up hull and cantilever.
– Assess limit states for exploration well tie-back conductor if required.
– Perform detailed accidental impact assessment & post-accidental impact assessment.
– Define and analyse serviceability limit state constraints.
– Orientation of the jack-up, depending on nearby shipping lanes and environmental conditions.

Within GustoMSC there is enthusiasm for the concept and they are eager to be partake in the engineering
when this is followed up. In correspondence with GustoMSC (rig designer) and the classification society
that has classed the rig (ABS for the Paragon C463) a detailed scope of work should be compiled.

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7 References

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[18] J. Pollack and D. Riggs, “Improved Concentric Thread Connectors for SCRs and Pipelines,” in OTC,
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[20] The Institute of Petroleum, “Guidelines for the Analysis of Jack-up and Fixed Platform Well
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[26] SNAME, “Guidelines for Site Specific Assessment of Mobile Jack-Up Units,” 2008.
[27] Marine Structure Consultants, “LegLoad v 5.12,” Schiedam.

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[35] DNV-RP-C203, “Fatigue Design of Offshore Steel Structures,” 2011.
[36] ABS, “Fatigue Assessment of Offshore Structures,” 2014.
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[38] DNV-RP-F204, “Riser Fatigue,” 2010.
[39] GustoMSC, “Fatigue Calculations for the Noble CJ46 Units,” Schiedam, 2017.
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- Part 1: Metocean Design and Operating Considerations,” 2015.
[42] IOGP, “Standards and Guidelines for Well Construction and Well Operations,” 2016.

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8 Appendix

8.1 Appendix 1: Omni-Directional 1-year Joint Frequency Distribution

Omni-Directional 1-year Joint Frequency Distribution of Individual Wave Height and Period; Southern Subsector

Omni-Directional 1-year Joint Frequency Distribution of Individual Wave Height and Period; Northern Subsector

8.2 Appendix 2: Design Drawings of a CJ46 Class Jack-up

8.3 Appendix 3: Metocean Charts Dutch North Sea

8.4 Appendix 4: Main soil condition Dutch North Sea

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