SU-8 Lithography UV
SU-8 Lithography UV
SU-8 Lithography UV
Technical Note
This paper presents an anodic oxidation treatment method for improving the adhesive strength
between SU-8 photoresist and titanium substrate. The adhesion strengths were measured for
the treated titanium substrates by different anodic oxidation techniques, which increased with
the enhancement of the surface roughness and thorny structures on the treated substrate. It
was found that the adhesion was increased by approximately 86% through anodic oxidation
treatment in 3.0 mol l−1 NaOH solution compared to Si wafer substrate. Additionally, the
influence of UV dosage and hard bake temperature on the adhesion strength was examined
for the anodic oxidation treated substrates. The UV dosage effect, with a range from 0.8
to 2.08 J cm−2, was measured and analyzed for a 300 µm thickness SU-8 cylinder, and the
adhesion strength corresponding to the optimal dosage (1.52 J cm−2) was 45.82 ± 3.08 MPa.
The adhesion was further strengthened by a hard bake at 110 °C for 60 min and its value
was up to 71.64 MPa, which almost approaches the breaking strength of the SU-8 polymer.
Using the optimized anodic oxidation and UV lithography conditions, high aspect ratio
(24) SU-8 micropillar arrays with 600 µm height were fabricated without any distortion,
collapse or delamination. Finally, to evaluate the feasibility of the anodic oxidation treated
titanium substrate to serve as a seed layer, the electrochemical properties were measured by
polarization curves.
Authors to whom any correspondence should be addressed.
J. Micromech. Microeng. 29 (2019) 047002 Technical Note
Figure 2. SEM (50.00 K ×) and AFM ((scanning area 10 µm × 10 µm) images of the treated titanium substrate surfaces, (a), (c), (e) and
(g) and (b), (d), (f) and (h) represent the Ti1, Ti2, Ti3 and Ti4 substrates, respectively. (Ti1) 0.5 mol l−1 NaOH, 3% wt. H2O2, 60 °C, 15 min,
(Ti2) 1.5 mol l−1 NaOH, 3% wt. H2O2, 60 °C, 15 min, (Ti3) 3.0 mol l−1 NaOH, 3% wt. H2O2, 60 °C, 15 min; (Ti4) 5.0 mol l−1 NaOH, 3%
wt. H2O2, 60 °C.
was increased stepwise. The UV exposure was performed an increase in NaOH solution concentration. Meanwhile, the
by an SUSS MA6 Mask Aligner UV. The exposure intensity surface area and roughness, as well as the thorny structures of
was 8.0 mW cm−2 at 365 nm wavelength. Post-exposure bak- the treated titanium, greatly increased. When the concentra-
ing was carried out on the hot plate. Afterwards, the samples tion of NaOH solution was lower than 3.0 mol l−1, the surface
were slowly cooled and kept at room temperature for 8 h to of the titanium sheet remained flat and smooth but became
release the residual stress. The samples were developed at irregular at 5.0 mol l−1. At low concentrations, the morphology
the same temperature. Following development, the patterned of the Ti1 specimen manifested fine pores; the Ra, Rq and the
wafers were briefly rinsed with isopropyl alcohol and then surface area were 92.5 nm, 72 nm and 144.0 µm2, respectively
naturally dried in an airing chamber. To further enhance the (figures 2(a) and (b)). Compared with Ti1, the Ra, Rq and the
adhesion, it is necessary to perform a hard baking process. surface area value of Ti2 increased to 122 nm, 93.1 nm and
All the above samples were prepared for adhesion tests and 165.9 µm2 respectively. A uniform porous pattern is observed
the adhesion quality of the SU-8 microstructures was also on the surface of the Ti2 sample (figures 2(c) and (d)). As the
characterized by SEM. concentration of NaOH solution was increased to 3.0 mol l−1,
the titanium oxide thin film of Ti3 was loose, porous and
more uniform (figures 2(e) and (f)). The surface roughness
3. Results and discussion
Ra significantly increased to 171 nm, and was covered with
numerous fine summits, which were evenly distributed all
3.1. Surface characterization
over the surface. As the concentration was further increased
Figure 2 shows selected SEM and AFM images of samples to 5.0 mol l−1, the surface of the titanium sheet formed a fine
Ti1, Ti2, Ti3 and Ti4 in different concentrations of electro- groove with a hollow because of the anodic corrosion (figures
lytes. The surface roughness details are given in table 1. The 2(g) and (h)). The surface was dissolved in a high concentra-
pore sizes and porosity of TiOx thin films become larger with tion of NaOH solution with H2O2 at 60 °C of the electrolyte
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Figure 4. (a) The SU-8 cylinder of the shear test before testing, at 300 µm thickness and 600 µm diameter, (b)–(f) represent the fracture
surfaces of the SU-8 cylinder after the shear test for Ti1, Ti2, Ti3, pure Ti and Si, respectively.
J. Micromech. Microeng. 29 (2019) 047002 Technical Note
the increased surface roughness with more thorny structures Figure 7 shows the variation in the bonding force with the
enlarged the surface area it also improved the pinning effect UV dosage on the Ti3 substrate. All the test specimens were
on the surface layers [24–27]. The adhesive strength between an SU-8 cylinder with 300 µm thickness and 600 µm diam-
the SU-8 photoresist and substrate increases proportionally eter. The bonding force increased from 13.56 ± 2.52 MPa
to the roughness and surface area. In this case, separation of to 45.82 ± 3.08 MPa when the dosage was between 0.8 and
the two solids needs a stronger load to resist the frictional 1.52 J cm−2, then showed a non-linear descending trend.
force, which results in a strengthened mechanical bond being At optimal dosage, the value corresponds to an increase
formed. Based on the discussion above, one obvious conclu- of about 70% compared to the value at under exposure
sion is that the adhesion strength has been enhanced by the (0.8 J cm−2). This is due to the insufficient photo-initialization
improved AOM. to polymerize the SU-8 at a low dosage, especially at the bot-
To better understand the AOM-treated substrate, the thick- tom, which results in a lower adhesion strength. On the con-
ness of the SU-8 cylinder on different substrates was varied trary, over exposure could also weaken the adhesion, as shown
from 160 µm to 1050 µm while the diameter was 600 µm; the in figure 7. This might be because larger exposure dosages
UV lithography conditions remained constant. As shown in induced more cross-linking of SU-8, which results in higher
figure 6, it is clear that there is a trend for adhesion strength as internal stress, as reported in the literature. Furthermore, over
follows: Si wafer < Ti1 < Ti2 < Ti3, at the same SU-8 thick- exposure results in expanded structures for light divergence,
ness, which correlates with the increase in surface roughness. substrate reflection and diffusion of the photogenerated acid
For the Si substrate, the adhesion strength was between 5.33 [29, 30]. Therefore, it is crucial to choose the appropriate
and 13.85 MPa. With increasing SU-8 thickness between 470 exposure dosage for the adhesion strength. The appropriate
and 600 µm, the adhesion strength increased, then decreased dosage would provide valuable information and a good refer-
beyond 600 µm thickness. The descending rate slows down ence for the future fabrication of HAR microstructures.
and eventually reaches a plateau at 700 µm. These results
are in agreement with the reported values [28]. These results 3.2.3. Influence of the hard bake temperature on adhesion
might be explained by the fact that the applied light was strength. To further enhance the adhesion strength, a hard
absorbed by the SU-8 resist, and the thicker this layer is, the bake process was applied to increase SU-8 cross-linking. Four
weaker the intensity of the light reaching the substrate will be. identical samples were hard baked at temperatures of 95, 110,
Apparently, the Ti1, Ti2 and Ti3 substrates show a trend simi- 120 and 135 °C for 60 min, respectively. Figure 8 shows the
lar to the Si substrate but the position of the strongest bonding results of the bonding force along with the SU-8 thickness at
force was different. This phenomenon occurred because dif- different hard bake temperatures. An SU-8 pattern with the
ferent substrates have different reflectivity. Moreover, the same thickness was used to analyze and compare the bonding
strongest bonding forces of the Ti1, Ti2 and Ti3 samples were force. The results indicate that the bonding force increased
27.81, 43.13 and 68.63 MPa, respectively, which are obvi- from 55.32 to 71.64 MPa when the hard bake temperature
ously higher than that of the Si substrate. Because the Ti3 ranged from 95 °C to 110 °C. The adhesion strength at 110 °C
sample had a superior bonding force with the SU-8, it was was about 53% higher than the ultimate strength reported [31]
used in the subsequent experiments. (34.0 MPa) and approached the breaking strength of SU-8
[6] (73.1 MPa). This is because hard baking could reduce
3.2.2. Influence of the exposure dosage on adhesion the cracks to some extent [28]. With the elevation of bak-
strength. Another significant factor that can influence the ing temperature, the bonding force tended to decrease, with
adhesion strength of SU-8 coatings is the UV exposure dosage. values of 53.52 and 10.25 MPa for hard baking at 120 and
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Figure 9. SEM images of micropillar arrays on Si wafer ((a) and (b)) and Ti3 substrate ((c) and (d)). (a) Collapsed SU-8 pillar arrays with
25 µm diameter and aspect ratio > 10. (b) Clamped SU-8 pillar arrays with 20 µm diameter and aspect ratio > 20. (c) SU-8 pillar arrays
with 24 µm diameter and aspect ratio = 20. (d) An enlarged image of (c).
4. Conclusions
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