Versatility of Ribbond in Contemporary Dental Prac
Versatility of Ribbond in Contemporary Dental Prac
Versatility of Ribbond in Contemporary Dental Prac
Provision of innovative treatment solutions to various problems has always been the motto of medical scientific
brains. Dentistry is no exception to this endeavor. The acceptance of advances in material science has really
helped this cause. Ribbond is one such material, which has occupied an important place in the dentist's repertoire.
It is bondable fibre reinforced material, made from the same ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene and ceramic
fibers used to make bulletproof vests. The key to Ribbond's success is its patented leno weave. Designed with a
lock-stitch feature, it effectively transfers forces throughout the weave without stress transfer back into the resin,
providing excellent manageability characteristics. Having virtually no memory, Ribbond adapts to the contours of
the teeth and dental arch. It is translucent, practically colorless and disappears within the composite or acrylic
without show-through offering excellent esthetics. Ribbond's fibers are the standard in biocompatibility. The same
material is also used in the construction of artificial hip and knee joints. By virtue of such wide spectrum of intended
properties, it enjoys varied applications in day to day dentistry like: endodontic posts,periodontal splints, aesthetic
space maintainers ,bondable briges and single bridges and orthodontic retainers. This paper is an attempt to
showcase the versatility and applicability of this wonderful material in day-to-day dental practice.
Commonly used bondable reinforced fibres in Adaptable and Manageable. Does not unravel
clinical practice are: Ultrahigh molecular weight when cut or manipulated. Reinforces multi-
polyethylene fibers- Ribbond (Ribbond), directionally durable & impact absorbent. Transfers
Connect(Kerr), Glass Fibers- GlasSpan stresses efficiently throughout the fiber network.
(GlasSpan) and fiber Splint ML(Polydentia), Fibers
Other properties seen in Ribbond:
preimpregnated with resin Vectris (Vivadent),
StickNet (StickTech) and FibreKor (Jeneric/ Highly Bondable
Ribbond bonds to any composite system. You
Ribbond choose the composite Magnified 110,000 time,
SEM's demonstrate complete incorporation of the
Ribbond fibres introduced in 1992 to the market
resin to Ribbond's fibers (note lack of voids).
is a bondable reinforced fibres consisting of ultra-
Forces within the resin are easily transferred to
high strength polyethylene fibres. These fibers far
the fibers insuring that the Ribbond is an integral
exceed the breaking point of fiberglass and are
strength member of the prostheses.
so tough that specially made scissors are required
to cut them. Unlike Kevlar, Ribbond's fibers Bonding to Composites
absorb less moisture than the dental resins
Place the cut piece of Ribbond on a contaminant-
Structure free (having no wax or oil). Mixing slab, pad or light-
safe box and wet it with a few drops of unfilled
The key to Ribbond's success (and what
bonding <adhesive, composite sealant or
distinguishes Ribbond from the other fiber
modeling resin. A "pit and fissure sealant" can also
reinforcements) is its patented leno
be used to wet Ribbond. Important: It is not
weave.Designed with a lock-stitch feature that
recommended to wet the Ribbond with one step
effectively transfers forces throughout the weave
or 5th generation bonding systems. Sometimes
without stress transfer back into the resin,
these systems contain components (such as
Ribbond's weave also provides excellent
acids to etch the dentin or solvents) that can
manageability characteristics. Having virtually no
compromise the adhesion between the resin and
memory, Ribbond adapts to the contours of the
the fiber. To avoid diluting the filled composite resin,
teeth and dental arch. For example; when making
blot off the excess unfilled bonding adhesive with
a periodontal splint, Ribbond tucks in
a lint-free gauze or a patient bib. It is easier to
interproximally without rebounding. In addition,
work with the Ribbond if it is not overly saturated
unlike loosely braided or bundles of unidirectional
with unfilled resin. Once Ribbond is wetted with
fibers, Ribbond does not spread or fall apart when
unfilled bonding adhesive, it can be handled as
manipulated. Since fiber reinforced resin
you would touch resin (with powder-free gloves
structures derive their strength primarily from
or clean fingers). To minimize premature setting
making laminates, high manageability and lack of
of the unfilled composite on the Ribbond, protect
memory is essential for close and accurate
the wetted Ribbond from the light until ready for
layering of the fibers. Inaccurate fiber placement
results in voids or excessive composite on the
tensile side of the fibers that will be prone to Bonding Ribbond to Acrylic Resins
fracturing. The unique fibre design renders the
In general, when autopolymerizing acrylic resin is
following properties to Ribbond : (Fig 1)
being used, the slower the set, the stronger the
resin.Wet Ribbond with a "runny mix" of acrylic
resin.Once Ribbond has been covered by a runny
mix of acrylic resin you can handle it with your
fingers.When doing a repair or using the channel
technique for reinforcing an acrylic bridge, wet
cut pieces of Ribbond with a runny mix of acrylic
resin, lay it in the channel and then press it down
Figure 1: Unique cross-link lock stitch leno weave into place with a doughy mix of acrylic resin.
pattern of Ribbond Fibres.
Versatility Of Ribbond In Contemporary Dental Practice 55
Figure 3 : Use of Ribbond for post and core prepa- Cementing Ribbond Bridges To The Teeth
Anterior Bridges
Constructing Periodontal Splints
In general, the construction of directly bonded
By bonding a Ribbond-composite laminate to bridges is a variation of the splint construction
the lingual of the teeth, you can construct a technique. This procedure is best done indirectly.
structural member that can stabilize If the teeth are very mobile, the Ribbond
periodontally involved teeth, act as a fixed framework should extend over additional
orthodontic retainer, support a pontic, or retain abutment teeth for added stabilization.
Versatility Of Ribbond In Contemporary Dental Practice 57
Cut exaggerated mechanical retention in the Apply an additional layer of filled composite
modified area. Sandblast the retentive area of the resin and finish and polish. If possible, use
denture tooth and wet it with a heat cured multiple layers of Ribbond with composite
between each layer.
monomer. Apply an unfilled bonding adhesive to
the groove and cure it.. Fill in the retentive area of Reinforce or Repair a Denture
the denture tooth with hybrid composite resin and
Place the Ribbond as close to the oral-cavity
place it over the bemonomer. Apply an unfilled
side as possible, opposite the tissue surface
bonding adhesive to the groove and cure it.. Fill in
on which the denture is pivoting. The greater
the retentive area of the denture tooth with hybrid
the area covered with Ribbond, the stronger the
composite resin and place it over the beam. Shape
repair will be. Follow the preceding directions
and smooth the composite resin. Light-cure the
for acrylic repairs.
resin and check occlusion, finish and polish.
Crown Retained Bridges
It has always been the effort of scientific brains
Reinforcing an Acrylic Provisional Bridge to provide innovative solutions to any problems
Wet cut pieces of Ribbond with a runny mix of faced by mankind. In this effort Ribbond as a
acrylic resin, lay them in the channel and cover highly versatile materials with an array of
with acrylic. If the Ribbond has a tendency to desirable properties certainly helps us in
float to the surface, it can be pressed back into achieving this goal and in fulfillment of our
the channel with a doughy mix of acrylic.If dreams to help mankind and thus help
possible, use multiple layers of Ribbond with ourselves.
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Proceedings of CMA2005 -
pages 1 to 58
Submitted to the editor
and accepted - pages 59 to 99