John DM 1994 Alternation of Generations Algae
John DM 1994 Alternation of Generations Algae
John DM 1994 Alternation of Generations Algae
Printed in Great Britain
I . Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
11. Life History Complexity and Flexibility . . . . . . . . 276
111. Life History Types . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
( I ) Polyphasic life histories . . . . . . . . . . . 278
( a ) Two or more free-living phases . . . . . . . . 278
(b) One dependent phase . . . . . . . . . . 282
(2) Triphasic life histories in Rhodophyceae. . . . . . . . 282
IV. Evolution and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . 283
( I ) Florideophyte Rhodophyceae: life history patterns and zygotic amplification . 283
(2) Other life history patterns . . . . . . . . . . 284
V. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
VI. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
VII. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
Algae are a diverse and unnatural assemblage of oxygen-producing photosynthetic
organisms. Modern biochemical, ultrastructural and, increasingly, molecular studies
have shown them to belong to several evolutionary lineages (distinct from or including
some protozoa and fungi) that arose from long-distant symbiotic events involving
plastids, mitochondria and original host cell. Evolutionary relationships remain
confused because classifications are based on characteristics of both host cell and
symbiont(s). In some classification schemes ‘algae ’ are taken to include the prokaryotic
‘blue greens’ (Cyanophyceae). Only considered here are classes of eukaryotes that
traditionally are considered to be algae (Table I ) . The focus of attention are those
classes (Chlorophyceae, Phaeophyceae, Rhodophyceae) whose study has contributed
most to our current understanding of algal life history patterns.
Life histories follow a single basic pattern in flowering plants, gymnosperms,
pteridophytes and bryophytes where a haploid gametophyte normally gives rise to a
diploid sporophyte. The term ‘alternation of generations’ is used to describe the
alternation between the two phases. It is misleading to use the term for the majority of
algae since the classical picture of a strict alternation of a haploid and diploid generation
is not always applicable. In some algae genetic and morphological alternation may not
be obligate, each generation or phase might carry on reproducing itself without
producing an alternate one. For this and other reasons, the term ‘life history’ is
preferred to ‘life cycle ’ to describe recurrent morphological and nuclear phases. A
further objection to the use of ‘alternation’ is that many algal life histories involve more
276 D. M. JOHN
than two phases. For example, red algae belonging to the Subclass Florideophycidae
(florideophyte) basically have a two-phase life history into which is inserted an
additional phase, the carposporophyte. A more appropriate term is ‘ change of
generation ’, a correct translation of the German ‘ Generationwechsel’, first used to
describe the succession of phases in the life histories of invertebrates (see Dixon, 1973,
pp. 181, 182).Further confusion has arisen through the development of a specialized
terminology for the constituent parts of algal life histories. Attempts to apply to algae
the terminology devised to describe the life histories of ‘ higher ’ cryptogams has also led
to ambiguities and misapplication of terms.
T h e review focuses on the considerable complexity and flexibility shown by those
algal life histories in which there are two or more nuclear and/or morphological phases.
Attention is drawn to the recently demonstrated existence of a considerable degree of
intraspecific variability in such life history pathways. T h e plethora of minor variations
now discovered has led Guiry & Womersley (1993) to question the practice of naming
algal life history types. Considered are current ideas concerning the evolution of algal
life histories, and experiments designed to evaluate the adaptive advantages of life
history strategies under different environmental regimes.
the large majority of algae details of their life histories remain unknown, meagre or
equivocal. Only in three classes (Chlorophyceae, Phaeophyceae, Rhodophyceae) is the
available information sufficiently comprehensive and reliable to allow meaningful
generalizations to be made. Many earlier generalizations have had to be modified or
discounted due to new information, doubt attaching to the evidence, or a failure in the
past to evaluate critically all the information. A particular problem has been a lack of
appreciation that algae are capable of exhibiting considerable intraspecific variation in
their life history patterns (for review of red algae, see Maggs, 1988).
T h e three basic life history types recognized in algae are linked to differences in the
degree of morphological elaboration of the phases. One type has a single free-living
haploid or diploid phase, and the other two types possess more than one phase. T h e
former type occurs in the morphologically more advanced orders of brown algae, the
Fucales, Ascoseirales and Durvilleales. In these orders the single phase is diploid and
produces by meiosis haploid gametes (diplontic life history). Only a small minority of
algae have a single haploid phase with meiosis taking place on germination of the
zygote. Such a haplontic life history is reported in a few macroscopic members of one
brown algal order, the Fucales, and some orders of green algae (e.g. Charales,
Charophyceae). Evidence from various sources indicate that the Charophycean genus
Coleochaete exhibits traits in common with what might be considered to be the
immediate ancestors of embryophytic plants (see Graham, 1985; Graham et al., 1991).
T h e ‘direct type’ or monophasic life history found in most algal classes (Table I ) is
usually regarded as the most primitive. It is not considered further here except when
closely linked to biphasic or polyphasic life histories.
Clayton, 1988) suggest that the sporangial phase is better able to survive a wider range
of conditions than the gametangial phase. In many brown algae (e.g. Ectocarpus,
Dictyota) and green algae (e.g. UZva) the haploid phase is monoecious. If the haploid
plant is dioecious then male and female plants are frequently morphologically
indistinguishable. One member of the red algal order Palmariales, Palmaria, has a
tetrasporangial phase which closely resembles the male gametangial phase (see Van der
Meer & Todd, 1980). In Palmaria the tetrasporangial phase is large and its holdfast
completely overgrows the microscopic female plant (see Fig. I G). If dissimilar to the
male gametangial phase then the tetrasporangial phase is either just two cells (stalk cell
and tetrasporocyte) or a system of filaments spreading over the female gametangial
phase. The order therefore has an unusual alternation of isomorphic (albeit
tetrasporangial phase and male plant only) and heteromorphic phases.
The sporangial phase is dominant in four algal classes (see Table I ) possessing
heteromorphic life histories. In some orders of brown algae (e.g. Laminariales,
Dictyosiphonales, Desmarestiales, Sporochnales, Syringodermatales) the sporangial
phase is diploid, relatively large, often long-lived and regularly alternates with a
diminutive, short-lived, haploid phase. Only in a few brown algal genera (e.g. Cutleria,
Scytosiphon, Petalonia) is the haploid phase dominant (see Table 2). Biphasic
280 D. M. JOHN
Fig. I.Examples of life history diversity in the Khodophyceae. Symbols: s , position of syngamy; m,
position of meiosis; n, haploid; zn, diploid (Figs A, B, D, E and G are after Dixon, 1982).
heteromorphic life histories are known in some genera of green algae (e.g. Ulothrix,
Acrosiphonia, Monostroma) and red algae belonging to the order Bangiales (e.g. Bangia,
Porphyra, Porphyropsis, Smithora). Various interpretations have been placed on life
history patterns in the Bangiales and these revolve around whether the post-fertilization
products represent a carposporangial phase or not. I n the present review the order is
accepted as having a biphasic, rather than a triphasic life history (for discussion, see
Hawkes, 1992).
T h e different phases of some algae are morphologically so dissimilar that until
recently they were considered to be different species or genera (Table 2) and, in a few
cases, genera were placed in separate families or orders. I t is still common practice to
refer to the less conspicuous phase/stage by the generic name it was once given (e.g.
Conchocelis-phase, Chantransia-stage, Falkenbergia-stage, Codiolum-phase), or to a
genus it resembles (e.g. Audouiniella-like, Ralfsia-like, Myrionema-like, Compsonema-
like). Heteromorphic life histories occur in the Prymnesiophyceae (see Table I ) , but
many of the details remain obscure. For example, in Phaeocystis pouchetii there is no
information on the chromosome number of its colonial and flagellated morph (see
Sournia, 1988). I n other algal classes it has been established unequivocally that
different morphs exist with identical chromosome numbers and no evidence of
sexuality. For example, many brown algae in the orders Chordariales and Dictyo-
siphonales possess an asexual, heteromorphic life history termed ' direct ' and
monophasic (see Fletcher, 1987).
Alternation of generations in algae 28 I
J L Diploid phase
Diploid phase
borne on haploid independent,
i L
Single Meiosporangial
mitosporangial mitosporangial phase borne on phase overgrows
phases from single phase from single haploid diminutive
fertilization; fertilization; gametophyte, haploid female
many diploid many diploid diminutive; gametophyte;
spores dispersed spores dispersed many haploid many haploid
(e.g. Schmitzia) (e.g. Ceramiales) spores spores
dispersed dispersed
(e.g. Liagora (e.g. Palmaria)
Fig. 2 . Some of the main trends in rhodophyte sexual reproduction indicating amplification of products
from a single fertilization (modified after Hawkes, 1990).
selection and leads to convergence of life history patterns. For example, Lubchenco &
Cubit ( I 980) demonstrated that the mortality of different life history morphs of certain
intertidal algae was controlled by herbivore grazing. Fleshy upright morphs were found
to be selectively removed by seasonally-intense grazing whereas crustose or substrate-
boring morphs were resistant to grazing. Under light grazing pressure the upright
morphs were competitively superior to the alternate phase because of their faster
establishment on surfaces, more rapid growth rate and earlier reproductive maturity.
The spreading of different sources of mortality over different morphs in heteromorphic
life histories was termed ‘bet-hedging’ by Slocum (1980).
Water motion is an important selective agency and, when severe, prevents the
development of all morphs with the exception of crustose, low mat or cushion-like
forms and larger upright ones possessing exceptionally tough and pliable thalli. Severe
wave-crash and drag tends to result in the dominance on wave-exposed rocky shores of
low growing forms, and upright alternative phase(s) tend to be absent unless wave
action is itself seasonal. In freshwater environments hydraulic resistance to flow is
considered more important than grazing and desiccation as a major environmental
pressure leading to the evolution of a ‘bet-hedging’ or ‘two-edged’ life history strategy
in red algae. Freshwater reds frequently grow in running-water and many have an
upright macroscopic phase and a much less conspicuous creeping or prostrate phase.
The macroscopic gametangial phase is often relatively fast-growing and is subject to a
considerable degree of pull, battering and abrasion during flood periods. I n contrast,
the slower growing prostrate phase avoids hydraulic stress by living within the
boundary layer, but is likely to suffer lack of nutrient replenishment and is vulnerable
to increased grazing and competition from other benthic organisms. I n temperate
regions, the minute sporangial phase (so-called Chantransia phase) of such freshwater
red algae as Lemanea and Batrachospermum is perennial. T h e sporangial phase is usually
most evident over the winter period when violent floods frequently lead to the removal
of the larger gametangial phase. Exposure t o air during summer lowering of water levels
often leads to desiccation. I n Lemanea the perennial sporangial phase has been found
to be more tolerant to drying than the gametangial phase (Everitt & Burkholder, 1 9 9 1 ) .
Another red alga, Thorea, can persist as its microscopic sporangial phase and several
years may elapse before the more conspicuous gametangial phase is produced (see John
et al., 1989). T h e r e is evidence to show that in freshwater red algae the alternation of
phases is influenced by latitude, timing of tree canopy development, and seasonal
changes in photoperiod and temperature (see Sheath, 1984, p. 142). Seasonal
perturbations in temperature, water levels, light penetration, depth and turbidity are all
factors that have been suggested as accounting for the high proportion of freshwater red
algae having heteromorphic life histories.
Algae having heteromorphic life histories are considered to be at an adaptive
advantage if the principal selective agent(s) is variable rather than constant. If variable
then the environment may be regarded as divided into alternate niches, or partitioned
into different niches thus resulting in a complex habitat mosaic (e.g. a patchwork of
intensely and less intensely grazed areas). T h e adaptive advantage or disadvantage of
different life history types depends on environmental partitioning and the selective
agencies operating on them. Lubchenko & Cubit (1980) carried out an investigation of
ephemeral algae on shores in New England and were able to predict what would be the
predominant life history under different environmental and grazing regimes (Table 3).
If grazing was constant they predicted that algae having an ‘obligate’ alternation of
different free-living morphs would be at a selective disadvantage due to competition
eliminating one morph. Should an alga have different life history phases then a single
Alternation of generations in algae 287
phase would survive, but reproductive effort is wasted if production continues of the
morph(s) that would be eliminated by selection. Isomorphy was regarded as
advantageous under relatively constant conditions and heteromorphy advantageous
under predictable or unpredictable grazing pressure, especially if there was continuous
production of both morphs. It seems that greater fitness accrues to those algae which
allocate resources to synchronizing the production of the morph which is most likely to
survive (e.g. grazing-resistant morphs during season of intense herbivory). For
synchronization to evolve, the selective agent(s) must be predictable and the appropriate
morph produced in response to environmental cues. In Lubchenko & Cubit’s (1980)
study the environmental cues were photoperiod and temperature, or both acting
toget her.
Theoretical studies of life history models have concluded that seasonality is crucial
in the evolution of life histories where there is more than one ecologically distinct phase
(Istock, 1966). The converse is expected to be true, with direct or isomorphic life
histories at a selective advantage in constant or stable environments. Some tropical
environments are relatively stable (e.g. coral reef systems) and it may be speculated that
in such environments selection would favour a single morph as different ones would
confer little ecological advantage. In support Clayton (1987) cites the frequent
occurrence in the tropics of brown dictyotalean algae in which life histories are
isomorphic. She points out that brown algae having heteromorphic life histories are
poorly represented in the tropics and yet dominate in temperate and polar seas. Studies
of algal floras on coral reefs tends to centre on the structural and biochemical strategies
that allow survival of intense grazing pressure rather than on life histories.
It has been speculated that the direct life history type (single morph) might be
derived from a heteromorphic type and three possible mechanisms have been proposed
(see Maggs, 1988, 1989). In cultures of the red alga Mastocarpus, the failure of the
direct type of life history (female gametangial phase) to revert spontaneously to a sexual
type has led Maggs ( I 988) to suggest that populations having different life histories may
be genetically isolated. Until this is investigated experimentally, it is only possible to
speculate on the adaptive advantages of monophasic life histories and those in which
there are two morphologically identical phases.
Our current understanding of algal life histories owes much to culture-based research
carried out over the past two decades. Nonetheless, only a small percentage of algae
have yet been examined and attention has tended to focus on macroscopic seaweeds
rather than on microscopic forms. Much of the information on life histories is
descriptive, with virtually nothing known of regulatory mechanisms and their degree of
stability. Karyological information is lacking in many studies and yet without
knowledge of ploidy levels it is impossible to interpret life history events. What is
required are further descriptive accounts of life history patterns in a greater range of
algae than studied hitherto, more karyological investigations, and linked field/laboratory
studies on interaction between algal life histories and environmental influences.
Knowledge of environmental control is essential to our understanding of not only
algal distribution patterns but inter- and intraspecific life history variation. What is
also needed is the further development of De Wreede & Klinger’s (1988) attempt to
288 D. M. JOHN
incorporate knowledge of algal life histories into life history theory and to explore it in
terms of evolutionary processes.
Life histories of photosynthetic eukaryotes traditionally-termed algae exhibit a
considerably greater degree of complexity than those of ' higher cryptogams.' Some
algae have a so-called ' obligate ' alternation between spore-producing and gamete-
producing phases, but the majority seem capable of following other pathways depending
upon environmental conditions. In only four algal classes do life histories show a change
in morphological and/or nuclear phases. The following basic life histories are
recognized in the Chlorophyceae, Phaeophyceae and Rhodophyceae : ( a ) monophasic,
a diploid or haploid phase, ( b ) two or more phases, most commonly an alternation of an
isomorphic or heteromorphic haploid gametangial phase and a diploid sporangial
phase, and (c) three phases (unique to florideophyte Rhodophyceae), with a diploid
spore-producing phase (carposporophyte) developing on the gametangial phase, a
diploid phase (tetrasporophyte if meiosis is sporic) and a haploid gametangial phase.
Evidence from recent research indicates that in many algae there is an uncoupling of the
morphological and nuclear phases. The dominance of one phase and suppression of
another has been suggested to be due to the common occurrence in algae of apogamy,
apomeiosis and parthenogenesis. Free-living morphs in heteromorphic life histories
may be morphologically so dissimilar that formerly they were attributed to different
Evolution of the carposporangial phase in red algae is speculated to be a means of
achieving zygotic amplification to compensate for the infrequency of syngamy. Such
amplification allows the production of a large number of dispersible products from a
single fertilization. The direct development of a free-living tetrasporangial phase is
considered another mechanism for achieving amplification. In freshwater red algae the
growth of an upright phase from a perennial microscopic one is considered an
adaptation for maintaining their upstream position.
Life history pathways in algae are controlled by subtle environmental influences (e.g.
photoperiodism, temperature, light quality, nutrients). Experimental evidence is
lacking to support the contention that spatial and/or temporal partitioning of the
environment is a mechanism favouring the maintenance of heteromorphy. Herbivory
is known to be an important selective force suppressing some morphs and accentuating
the seasonal dominance of others. Differential resistance of morphs to herbivory
in environments where grazing intensity is predictable may lead to the selective
maintenance of heteromorphy.
Algal life history patterns are unexplored in terms of evolutionary processes. Various
models for the evolution of biphasic or polyphasic life histories stress the importance
of the capacity for both asexual dispersal of successful genotypes and for the generation
of new genotypes via meiosis and syngamy. All evidence points to the fact that many
life history processes operative in algae differ significantly from those described for
other cryptogams.
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