Econometrics For ECO 2022 Tutorial 6
Econometrics For ECO 2022 Tutorial 6
Econometrics For ECO 2022 Tutorial 6
(a) Interpret the coefficient on log(sales). In particular, if sales increases by 10%, what
is the estimated percentage point change in rdintens? Is this an economically large
(b) Test the hypothesis that R&D intensity does not change with sales against the
alternative that it does increase with sales. Do the test at the 5% and 10% levels.
(c) Interpret the coefficient on profmarg. Is it economically large?
(d) Does profmarg have a statistically significant effect on rdintens?
(e) Test the hypothesis that lsales and profmarg have jointly no effect on rdintens against
the alternative that they do at the 5% level.
2. Suppose we would like to test whether assessed housing price is a rational valuation.
(a) In the simple regression model
price = β0 + β1 assess + u
where n = 88, since the residuals in the restricted model are just pricei −assessi . (No
estimation is needed for the restricted model because both parameters are specified
under H0 .) This turns out to yield SSR = 209, 449.0. Carry out the F test for the
joint hypothesis.
(c) Now, test H0 : β2 = 0, β3 = 0, β4 = 0 in the model
The R-squared from estimating this model using the same 88 houses is 0.829.
Hint: When both unrestricted and restricted models involve the same dependent
variable, the R-squared version of the F-statistic can also be used:
SSRr − SSRur n − k − 1 R2 − R2 n − k − 1
F = · = ur 2 r ·
SSRur q 1 − Rur q
(d) If the variance of price changes with assess, lotsize, sqrf t, or bdrms, what can you
say about the F test from part (c)?
3. The following histogram was created using the variable educ in the data file HTV, where
education (educ) for an individual is measured in years of education.
(a) How many different values are taken on by educ in the sample? Does educ have
a continuous distribution? Does the distribution of educ appear anything close to
(b) Which of the CLM assumptions seems clearly violated in the model
What consequences does this have for using the usual t-statistic to test H0 : β1 = 0?
And for using the F -statistic for test the overall significance of the regression?