Raven Rook (Book 3)
Raven Rook (Book 3)
Raven Rook (Book 3)
the endless wave ofevil: who can explain the plight ofour world?
The batdemages ofKastellion marched boldly into the fens below lack of honor chat caused their comrades co continue without chem;
Yitharn. Merick was confident chat chis assault would be the it was the knowledge that the briefest moment of hesitation in this
necessary distraction to free up Alric's men. They had failed to valley brought certain doom.
ascend the northern slope three times now, and could not survive
Gold and silver glistened up the northern slope as Alric led his
another rout. The bluffs swarmed with skeletal marksmen, and as
men in a final attempt to take the hills. If either unit faltered now,
the mages' feet began to grow heavy with the clotting mud, the first
it would mean sure death for both. Merick began to call out a
arrows sank into the mire around chem.
dangerous spell before he realized what he was doing. He could feel
"Hands of the tempest, but do not halt the march!" called Merick. A his heart sputter as his blood boiled, but he mastered the destructive
shadow covered the mages as they frantically summoned the shield, eruption and channeled it away from himself. A molten stream tore
and chose chat cook but a moment to cower before the deluge of from his chest and splashed across the dead forests chat blanketed the
arrows did not finish the spell. Whirling layers of scorm and wind hills. Others followed his lead; some imploded into ash and flame,
materialized above the warriors ofKascellion, diverting the first but most mimicked Merick's result. By the time the battlemages of
torrent of arrows. Several of the mages had paused and were now Kastellion reached the foothills ofYitharn, the forest was ablaze and
unable to free themselves as the bog swallowed chem slowly. It was no the undying army was in full flight.
The young boy Merick watched his newborn brother sleep. A storm "Yield!" Alric commanded, stepping forward with a confident gait.
raged against the walls of the old manor, shaking irs windows with "Drop it, Boonsworch." Though four years his younger, Alric was
waves of rain and thunder, yet neither child stirred. Merick felt already a head caller than Merick.
secure when he was near Alric. T here was an une_"\:J)lainable strength
Merick lit and extinguished che twig in rapid succession, challenging
within the babe-a strength that nor e.-en his minute stature could
himself co repeat the drill as many times as he could before
diminish. Though only three weeks oH Alric displayed a calm
Boonsworth lost his sword. He thought his success unlikely,
composure that many adulrs fail to achiei.e.. "\\'hi.le Merick remained
but in the same way that Alric stalked forward with his weapon
near his brother, he felt chat same con.5.cience and calm as well.
recklessly raised above his head, Merick was in it for the glory of an
Memories of his dreams zerun1ed. _-\hominacions slain in ages past unnecessary gambit. Boonsworth neither yielded nor countered,
seeped into his conscious and lingered there, haunting the fringes but braced himself for the coming series of attacks. The first and
of his thoughrs. They spoke in mngues long fo rgotten, yet their second he parried, but the third and fourth weakened his grasp. The
message was not lost. Bearing chains chat could bind truth and light, yard was silent except for the rhythmic snap of the blows, each strike
they laid siege co the child's mind. increasing in tempo and ferocity. Boonsworth's sword broke in two,
but co his credit, he had enough foresigh t co frantically scramble
The cradle rocked slighcly as Me rick lay down beside it, tucking
away. Alric's edgeless sword cut swaths of dire as he followed.
himself beneath its wooden frame. He heard the nurse shift on her
chair, but after a moment her hissing snore continued. The floor "Stop! I yield, I yield!" the boy screamed. Everyone else cheered. The
was cold and hard compared to his bed, but beneath the creaking, twig flickered with flame as Merick dropped it co the ground, then
wooden cradle, Merick found rest. It cook some time co align his vaulted the fence and embraced his brothe r.
body with the cobbled floor, careful not co wake his brother, but
Within the chronicles offorgotten generations are written tales
at last he fell asleep. Though his dreams were filled with a legion of
ofthe corruption andfall of our greatest champions. Consider
horrors and the worlds burned co ash around him, Alric was with
Llovar Rutonu, a once respected shaman ofthe Loth K' har.
him now, and that gave him the courage co endure.
His wisdom and power guided the Uthuk tribe through many
I have long believed that there was a first evil, some primalforce prosperous years, but it was that same wisdom and power that
that appeared out ofnothing to spoil the future ofevery living orchestrated theirfinal demise. Wandering through the gray
being. However, following my recent study and contemplation places ofthe Aenlong, L lovar R utonu communed with beings
ofthefall and corruption ofgood men, I have arrived at a new that had never before been known. His strength bent before their
belief: evil has always been- it is the light that we call goodness corrupting power, the Uthuk Y 'llan were born, and the First
that sprungfrom some unknown corner ofcreation to set itself Darkness ensued...
against that power that has always been and always will be.
Eliza dragged her fingers through the pooling blood, leeching the
The young mage twirled a small sliYer of wood between his finge rs remaining life energy. The cold night invoked wisps of steam, and
while he observed his brother spar with the ocher boys. The fighting the smell was sweet co her. It seemed strange, but she accepted
supplied the required distraction so chat his exercise was difficult. the change. The guards barely posed a challenge co her newfound
Merick infused the small sliver of wood with just enough heat chat power. She enjoyed the awe they displayed as she ripped and sliced
it threatened to sprout flames, but quickly bathed it in a bitter frost. them co pieces. Some remnant of her previous morals appeared from
The game was simple, but kept his mind busy; how close could a lost corner of her mind and objected co this amusement, but she
he get without losing the tiny piece of kindling, and how many dispelled the notion. She pulled a key from her pocket and unlocked
times could he repeat the exercise before his discipline failed? He'd the front door co her sister's home.
been working on this bit of birch for three days. He'd lasted longer
The shadows rippled and bent before her gaze, conforming co chose
before, but three days was still rather good.
objects that hid behind them. She could see the vase at the far end
A cloud swirled across the ring as Alric swiveled on his toes, of the hall; she could see each link of the chain chat held the unlit
reversing his facing. His balance threatened co abandon him, chandelier; she could see the servant watching her through the
but as his other foot found the earth, it was clear that the step closet door that was barely open. Of course, she could smell him
had succeeded. The courtyard echoed with a snap as the wooden coo-and hear his shaking breath.
swords met, but it was Alric's elbow that carried the real force of his
"Come out;' she ordered, facing the closet. The man stopped
maneuver. The other boy clutched his ribs and staggered backward,
breaching, and she actually heard his heart skip a beat, something
barely managing to keep his defense up and ready.
she had only thought a saying until now. She waited, but he did not
emerge. "Very well-" Eliza melted into the darkness around her
.illd a moment later was in the closet, directly behind the quivering her sister were on the worst of terms, but slaying a weaponless noble
,ervant "- I will come to you." was not something co be executed lightly.
O i me!" shouted the man, but Eliza grabbed him by his hair as "Lady Eliza, I think it best chat you leave;' the guard pleaded
he tried to bolt. She turned and tossed him into the shelves, all of forcefully. Eliza began co ascend the stairs slowly. "M'lady, we have
which crumbled beneath the blow. Leaning in close, she let her our orders-not another seep!"
tanged teeth catch on the man's ear as she whispered. "Should have
Eliza had reached the first landing and turned slowly. "Well,
Ii cened. Oh well, more for me." She ended his life quickly, a fact she
guardsman, I chink you should jump."
acer regretted. The taste of his lifeblood still lingering on her lips,
she exited the closet and continued for her sister's room. "M'lady?"
The center rotunda housed the main staircase and was skirted by an "You heard me. Jump from the balcony." Eliza slowly coiled the
internal balcony. The waning moon cast an eerie light through the shadows into her palms. The moonlight caught the man's figure as he
glass ceiling as Eliza scurried toward the seeps, the patter of her feet emerged from behind a pillar and climbed up on the railing. A stream
barely audible. of tears glimmered down both cheeks and his voice quivered as he
spoke. "As my lady commands." Several of the guards called out in
"Lady Cachori, we respectfully request chat you hale right there;' a
shock and one sprinted fo rward co stop him, but they were too lace.
man's voice called out. Dark energy tingled across Eliza's fingertips
W ith a silent leap the man soared coward the center of the room.
as she froze in place. She allowed the magic co build, but relaxed her
posture, spreading her hands out slowly. Eliza heard multiple bows release. Lifting her hands, she caught each
arrow in the twisting shadows she held, and bending the shafts in on
"Sir, what is the meaning of chis?"
themselves, sent the arrows back in the exact direction from which
There was no immediate response. The screams from outside had they came. She sp rang into the air, fo llowing the course of one of the
certainly alerted these men, and there was no doubt chat Eliza and arrows, and landed atop the dying man. With a flash of silve r and
red, she slid his dagger from its sheath and across his throat. Then
springing forward, she brought death to every man in the room.
Or examine the life ofWaiqar Sumarion, champion ofThelgrim and leader ofthe
northern armies. There was a time when that name was notforbidden, when it was not
tainted with dread and death. Do notforget that Waiqar Sumarion was general ofthe
Sunderman during the First D arkness. It was his skill and leadership that stopped the
Uthuk Y' llan at the Battle of The/grim, arguably the very moment the tide ofthe war
changed. Even after the loss ofhis army in the corrupted wastes ofChar'gr and the years
spent in the horrific dungeons ofthe Black Citadel, Waiqar was reinstated to his place
ofleadership and honor. For many years thereafter, he continued his campaign against
the twisted Uthuk, though many claim that his m ind was already lost to darkness and
he was only gathering the farce he needed to betray Timmorran.
Ketyana struggled to remain on h er feet as she listened to the Ketyana gasped. "What happened to you?"
slaughter of her guards. She had ventured a single peek when the
"I did what was necessary to keep my inheritance. Just like you did.
fight had started, but Eliza had been directly outside, ravaging the
With both of you slain, I w ill be the only remaining heir."
two men at her door.
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·Perhaps, m'lady, you have an unknown sibling, or one of your "Faithful soldiers ofTamilir;' a man's voice called out. Every head
·iblings had a child of their own." turned to see Sir Alric galloping down the boulevard toward them.
"Fear not this hour, for it is a litde thing to batde within our own
Ket yana;' Eliza hissed. She slew the man where he stood and
city. Its streets and structures are familiar to us, and we've a city of
retreated to her quarters to prepare for her journey. She would leave
supporters at our back. We possess every advantage-our foe shall
ac once to find the child.
fall before the hour's end!"
fVhat explanation can quench the fear that any man may
"But Sir, what horror has arisen here?" a soldier cried.
be a traitor, or that he who slew the great darkness ofour age
will tomorrow be a greater champion ofterror and death? I "This I know;' responded Alric, "a pack of cowardly beastmen have
have seen it before and will see it again. It is a sad tale, yet one found their way up into our city-we are here to drive them back.
IO which we cannot but listen. Like the droning dirges ofthe
Come faithful soldiers, bear your shield and spear with honor this
Ki/lnith elves, these stories call upon the depths ofour souls to night-" the gates swung back, spewing a cloud of smoke and dust
wonder at the mystery ofmortality, destiny, and evil.
out upon them "-For Tamilir and the Lost King!"
The stench grew stronger as Uzrakhal led his pack up from the
I speak not ofthe countless masses thatjoin the armies ofpower-
darkness. The tight, winding caves that were their usual hunting hungry men, warring/or land and title. No, I speak ofthem
!!rounds gave way to the hewn layers of defiled stone. The silent that lay down their livesfor the preservation ofvirtue and
hunters scurried past the chambers where the tyrants civilization.
encased their dead, forbidding them to ever return
o the earth. The oppressors mocked those that had
fallen by surrounding their stone prisons with those
objects they coveted in life but could not take with
chem in death. There was no honor among the
avage over-races.
Opposing this tide ofdespair stands the small host ofheroes that
risefrom the ranks ofdarkness and indijference: those for whom
ballads are written, holidays are proclaimed, and statues are
erected; and those many more that are never known,Jorgotten
beneath the ruins ofthe kingdoms they opposed.
Every street ofTamilir echoed with the ceaseless din ofbells. The
garrison was summoned within the walls, causing many to suspect
insurrection. Archers and mages appeared on the walls between
the districts, and all the gates were closed.Just beyond one of these
gates, a brigade of foot soldiers moved into position. A tumult rose
irom the opposite side, and the archers atop the wall released hastily
drawn volleys.
The carnage was greater than Sir Alric had thought possible. The screams he had ever known to accompany a city that burned
Throughout their advance across the burning district, not one were absent. The flames roared and buildings crumbled around him,
civilian had been found alive. Again and again, the beastmen yet a strange silence seemed to accompany his advance. Waiting alone
descended upon their ranks, like a swarm of crows upon a field in the square stood a silver-maned beastman, his body mangled with
the day after harvest. As quickly as the savage creatures tore into the scars of a thousand hunts.
the line of soldiers, they escaped back into the shadows again,
Neither warrior drew words; tooth and sword were the method of
each repetition yielding greater losses upon Tamilir's finest. As the
their exchange. Uzrakhal assaulted Sir Alric with an otherworldly
>.· column approached the center square of the district, a lone survivor
and most of his armor had been torn fro m his body.
perfect calm and control before the savage storm. The beast's energy
"Flee, my lord;' said the man, "a great beast awaits you in the square. was endless, but his frustration grew as the knight displayed a similar
It devours all who approach ... " endurance. Finally, his mouth frothing with rage, Uzrakhal broke
then he approached the square alone. A raging hoard watched him A thousand savage forms swarmed from every window and alley,
from just beyond the shadows, but he felt no fear. His sword blazed converging on the lone knight as a single swirling mass. The soldiers
with a holy vengeance and his shield would hold against any blow- that had watched from a distance sprang to his aid, but were unable
che creature would perish. to breach the rush of bodies that enclosed him.
i£ Alric charged his foe, submitting himself to a
illOrtal blow in exchange for the delivery of the same.
:.,-zrakhal's head spun freely through the air, and for a
illOment Sir Alric gloried in his final heroic act, then
- e innumerable host collapsed upon him, and the
eat knight fell.
And so it was when the Farrows reappeared that many believed Do not address nor look upon the lords when they appear;'
they were there to aid in the land's defense and restoration. Hope Eliza instructed. "Their p resence alone will be enough to
flickered across the cities, but it was not long before the opposite empower our ritual."
was realized: only calamity and fear would follow these two. T hey
erick ~oticed the cold sweat spreading across Eliza's face Alric gasped a sudden and impossibly deep breath, as ifhe had
d decided to accept her word on the matter. The lines from been drowning since the day he died. Trembling, Merick reached
Vo rakesh' s book were still burning in his mind, calling up desires forward, but an unspoken order infiltrated his mind : "Do not
and requests of their own. He only needed to suppress their power stop the incantation." He continued, though the emotions that
a few minutes longer. swelled within him made it harder than ever. At length, once again
The room grew silent except for the sound of the lords shuffling
away. Eliza pulled her husband close and rested her chin upon his
shoulder, bring her lips up to his ear. "Now, what was that you said
about the world burning?"
as the lords intoned their own power. Dark wisps of energy knit
What curse has been assigned to m e by som e unknown deity
:.hemselves into the dead knight's flesh and the blood that pooled
that I would see death and corruption take my every friend f rom
a.ound him began to boil.
thirteen generations over?E ven n ow, I feel that curse closing in .
This valley ofrest grows dark, and the lives ofthose around me
grow dim within its shadow.
During the Shopping step of each Camp aign phase, the number of
cards revealed from the Shop Item deck is not based on the number
of players. Instead, players reveal five Shop Item cards, regardless of
the number of players. Ocher game effects that increase or reduce
chis number are applied as normal.
During the "Choose Next Quest" step of the Campaign phase, USING THE CAMPAIGN LOG
the winner of the quest chooses which of the available quests will The campaign log is a useful tool for tracking the players'
be played next. At the end of each quest, the next available quests progress and deciding which quest to play next. Some
are listed under the "Rewards" section. If the instructions in the quests lead directly to other quests, while others allow for
"Rewards" section of a quest states that only one quest is available, a choice of any of the quest from the following tier. When
then only that quest can be chosen as the next quest within the referencing the campaign log, players can easily distinguish
.. campaign . which quests directly lead to others and which quests are
not directly tied to any of the following quests. Quests that
Note: If playing with Rumor cards, quests made available by quest
have arrows extending down from them directly lead to the
cards can also be chosen.
quests they are pointing toward. Quests that have no arrows
Example: The ovedord has won the "Blood Will Tell" quest. Under extending down may lead into any of the quest from the
the "Rewards" section it states, "!/the overlord wins, he receives 1 following tier, depending on the outcome. Players should
additional XP. The next auailaMe quest is 'Rise of Urthko."' Unless always reference the "Rewards" section of the previous quest
the players have Rumor cards that are currently providing additional to understand which quests are currently available.
quests, the overlord must choose "Rise ofUrthko" as the next quest. Ifa ~~~~ ...... -------.. . .,.-.
rumor quest is chosen and the heroes win, ''Rise of Urthko" is still the
only available quest to be chosen within the campaign.
After completing the Introduction and three Act I quests, it is
time for the Interlude. The interlude is a special quest that marks
the transition from Act I to Act II of the campaign. There are two
different Interludes, "From the Wreckage" and "Saradyn in Flames."
If the heroes won at least two of the Act I quests (excluding the
Introduction), then the heroes choose which Interlude to play. If Example: The heroes win Rellegar's Rest and mark the
the overlord won at least two of the Act I quests (excluding the Campaign Log accordingly before ending their game session.
Introduction), then the overlord chooses which Interlude to play. During their next session, they reference the campaign log to
Each Interlude is treated as an Act I quest. remind them who won. They see that ''Rellegar's Rest" leads
into "Blood Will Tell" or "The Baron Returns," and reference
After playing the lmerlude, the oYerlord should read the act the ''Rewards" section oj"Rellegar's Rest" to see which quest to
transition text on page 46. Additionall~-, when players are ready to play. Since the heroes won, the next available quest is "Blood
play their first Act II quesr., the, may read the act introduction text Will Tell." Because there are no arrows extending down .from
on page 47. "Blood Will Tell" the players know that either ofthe fallowing
quests may be available after completing the quest.
I iilll The campaign ends in an exciting quest known as the Finale. There
is only one Finale in the "Heirs of Blood" campaign; however, unlike
the other quests, there are four possible encounters within the Finale.
Players start with Encounter 1 and are instructed how to progress to
the following encounters in the "Rewards" section of each encounter.
The Finale is treated as an Act II quest.
W h ether playing the basic game or Epic Play, or when choosing the
next quest to play in a campaign, players can reference the quest
descrip tions on pages 20 and 21 of this book. These descriptions
t give a flavo rful glimpse into what players can expect during
each of the quests. -..._
Blood Will Tell
An enemy camp is positioned above The heroes rush to stop Lady Eliza's
the ancient tomb ofRellegar. Age-old dark ritual. Can they overcome
knowledge andforgotten artifacts the defensive wards and hordes of
are hidden below, but can the heroes undying clamberingfrom the ground
extract them before the ruins crumble before shefinishes her spell?
Baron Zachareth returns, weaving The heroes hatch a desperate plan.
a mysterious spell ofblood and They will draw Eliza out and seek to
suffering. The heroes must endure understand her plans or slay her. She
the barrage ofhardships just long is growing in power, however, and
enough to thwart the Baron's work. not so easy to overcome.
The lair ofEliza is guarded by The stone wall between the refugees
watchful specters and endless patrols. and the undying army offers little
With stealth and haste, the heroes aid when the dead start risingfrom
mustfind the information they are within the camp. Iftheir assault is
lookingfor before the alarm is raised. not soon stopped, only the dead will
A ritual so evil it is never written Beneath the ground sleeps a guardian
down - who can foil such power? that could aid against Eliza's
lfthe heroes can disrupt the dark army. However, Lord M erick has
lords and survive the primordial acquired the power to slay the ageless
defenders, they may be able to save champion, and the heroes m ust hurry
the child within. to raise him.
BETRAYAL:,~. . (,
'1 did not trust this group," the cloakedfigure said. She leaned The man shot her a look. "Well, I don't know ifthat was a good
forward, lowering her voice but causing her golden hair to escape the idea ... " he muttered.
hood. "They wouldn't do itfor the money you're offering."
"Time will tell." The woman rose from the table. 'Tve lingered too
"That's a problem. " The priest turned and signaledfor the only long. I will remain in town andfind a group to send after you.
remaining server to bring him a drink. "The caravan heads out There's got to be a few good people left around here." She paused,
tomorrow. We have the weapons we need, but a few more bodies making sure no one was watching, then turned and embraced the
would have been nice. Where's the boy?" old priest. "Good night, dad. Stay safe."
You've been tasked with defending a caravan Ac the end of each overlord cum, the overlord may place You shoulder your packs and turn to find the boy
of monks and then their monastery when they up to 2 goblin archers on the Lair, respecting group limits. staring up at you with wonder and adoration. "You're
arrive. 7he problem is, they left town the day amazing," he whispel'S, "take me with you." His eyes
before you accepted the job. It is nearly noon on VICTORY shift to your weapon. "Can I hold it'»
the second day when y ou finally catch up to them. "Tyrus 1 No, you cannot," a priest chides. Tyrus sighs,
If there are no barghests on the map, read the
A young boy stands motionless on the path. He throwing his head back and rolling his eyes.
following aloud:
holds one hand out, casting a blue ray of light "Maybe next time, kid, "you say, mppressing a smile.
toward the forest to your left. In his other hand he 7he goblins screech with terror and loose a final volley 7he boy remains at your side for the next few hours,
grips a serrated dagger dripping with blood. before scrambling deeper into the forest. Flying far maintaining a quick pace to keep up. His endless
7he familiar snap of bow strings echoes through from their mark, the arrows disappear into the canopy need for conversation is seasoned with insightful
the trees and the boy dives behind the cover ofa high above your head. 7he area grows quiet. questions and exaggerated stories, allowing the
disabled wagon. You sprint forward and call out 7he wagon is beyond repair and much has been stolen. hours to pass quickly.
as primitive arrows whistle past him. His blue ryes Ihe clergy gather the remaining valuables and secure .tis the sun retires beyond the Cliffs ofSaradyn,
lock onto yours, and he scrambles out ofcover as a them to their backs, intending to carry everything :he _;ou are m et on the road by Helena, an elder-priestess
rasping howl fills the air. rest of the way. You make room in your packs and from rhe m onastery. She invites you to join her
share the burden. arm_·-a handful ofscouts and militia-based in the
"Goblin ambush! 7he others are wounded, "he
.-rr.:o ofthe valley. You speak with Helena into the
yells, pointing fa rther down the path.
You pull him back as another wave ofarrows
The heroes win! ,a<· hours ofthe morning about the needs ofthe
...::err, rhe darkness that threatens it, and what
hisses through the air, but he breaks free from If there are 7 fatigue tokens in the overlord's play area.
c _ -=}1.. d.:n may bring
your grip. "No. We have to save the others. "His read the fo llowing aloud:
eyes shine with equal parts excitement and dread.
You are forced to take up a defensive position awa_·
"7he goblins will run ifyou kill their dogs. Come
from the wagon. By the time you rally a few brave
on, "he pleads and runs back toward the caravan,
members of the clergy for a counterattack, your enem_
ducking and weaving to avoid the continuous spray
has disappeared. You help the survivors sift through ;,dd,.itional XP and the
the wreckage for the next few minutes, but everything
of value is gone.
-= - .:..c;x:s -~.:... ":::5 - !d pc rrokro in
T he overlord wins! =:::-pc,:..::=
-• :!l=" may be chosen
Goblin archers. Barghescs.
Place the goblin archers on the Battlefield. Place
the barghests on the Lair. Each barghest applies
+2 to its Health.
The hero players choose 1 hero to escort che acolyte.
Place 1 white objective token on that h ero's Hero sheet.
The overlord places a number of villager tokens on
the Firepit equal co the number of heroes, 1 per space. SA 4A
These are wounded clergy. BATTLEfIELD LAIR
Place search tokens based on che number of heroes.
Ac the scare of each overlord turn, if there ace 1 or more
goblin archers on the Caravan Site, the overlord places
1 fatigue token in his play area.
Ac the end of each overlord turn, if there are 1 or more
goblin archers on the Caravan Site, the overlord places
1 fatigue token in his play area.
The h ero escorting the acolyte applies -1 to his Speed.
Each time the hero escorting the acolyte ends his turn
adjacent co 1 or more wounded clergy, chat hero chooses
1 adjacent wounded clergy and places that token in the
heroes' play area (see "Rewards").
As an action, the hero escorting the acolyte may give the
white objective token to an adjacent hero. 9A
MONSTERS IfSplig is defeated, read the following aloud:
Yott Leave camp before dawn to h11nt the small Splig. Goblin archers. I open group. SpligfoLls to one knee, breathing heavily, "You haven't
band ofgoblins that amb11shed yo11 the day before. defeated me-" he pauses to catch his breath, "Splig,
You pick up their trail and follow it into the late SETUP King ofA ll Goblins. I'll be back!" He pttshes the nearest
goblin toward you as a distraction, then turns and runs.
afternoon. In a clearing ahead ofyou, a handful Place Splig on the River's Edge. Place goblin archers on
ofgoblins are engaged in a game that involves lots the Scream. Place the open group on the Pond.
ofrunning, screaming, and throwing ofrocks. REINFORCEMENTS
You attempt to sneak fo rward, bur a l'Oice calls Collect 4 blue and 1 red objective roken. Place chem
"" down from the ridge to your righr. facedown on 5 of the water spaces of the overlord's
At the end of each overlord turn, che overlord may place
1 goblin archer on the Entrance, respecting group limits.
"Oh, I know heroes when I see rhnn. • a great, fat choice on the River's Edge, 1 per space. The heroes
goblin calls. "Quick, go wan, Lord ,\ferick that we should not know the color of any objective roken. The VICTO~Y
got company," he says, grabbing a smalln goblin by red objective token is the key.
the scruff ofthe neck. He= the purzy crearnre into If the hero carrying the key enters a space on che Exit,
the crumbling rnins and locks the dour behind him. Place search rokens based on the number of heroes. read the following aloud:
"Think you can challenge Splig. King ofAII 7he goblins are desperate to stop your progress, but
Goblins?" he yells, moi·ing wward ,he river. SPECIAL RULES they fall quickly before your onslaught. You approach
"Well, good luck getting in there u•ithout rhe key 1" At the start of each overlord turn, place 1 fatigue roken the door with the key_ and enter the dank ruins.
With that, he winds his arm back and heai•es the in che overlord's play area. Then, the heroes choose
key into the water, but his attempt falls pitifully The heroes win chis encounter!
1 facedown objective token on the River's Edge. The
short. 7he key plops into the shallows along the
banks, and you think you can see it glinting overlord reveals that token and then places it facedown If the overlord has 6 fatigue tokens in his play area, read
beneath the water. His minions grow quiet and
turn toward the fat goblin.
"Oh, forget that. Get 'em'" Splig screams, hefting
in a water space on the Pond. The overlord cannot place
an objective token in a space that contains another
objective token.
the following aloud:
Goblins appear from every direction to halt your
progress. You,· clothes become soiled with the creatures'
his club to his shoulder. As an action, while adjacent to an objective token, blood and still they come. At last, you hack your way
= a hero may reveal that token. If it is a blue objective to the door and enter the dank ruins.
token, discard it. If it is the red objective token, place it The overlord wins this encounter!
on that hero's Hero sheet; he is carrying the key.
_ _ _ _ ...:e:.,_
Lord Merick Farrow. Goblin archers. 1 open group. The torches disappear as the walls crumble apart, and
the sunlight from the entrance is gone. Unseen slabs of
SETUP stone strike you Ji-om every angle and press you imo rlY
floor and each other. In a few moments the roar er.tis.
Place Lord Merick Farrow on che Library. Place but many long minutes pass before the dust sat~.
goblin archers on the Stairway. Place the open group By means ofgreat strength and magic, you nm :ga:'"
on the Armory. your way upward through the chaotic maze o_•r. ~
First you notice a dimness, then the air seen-..: •
Place 4 blue objective tokens as indicated. These are breathable. At last, through the shifting o_··.; ~~ ·:
support pillars. If the overlord won Encounter 1, place 2 boulder, the rays ofa setting sun welcome.' cf. ;o
fatigue tokens on the support pillar in che Library. the land ofthe living.
Collect 1 white, 1 green, and 2 red objective tokens and The overlord wins !
shuffle chem together. Place chem facedown on rhe map
as indicated. No player should know the _color of any of 3B
these objective tokens. AR..MOR._Y Win or lose, each player receives I XP.
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes. The If the heroes win, they receiYe 2 · " • ?C .h ·o.
unique search token is the srolen treasure.
If the overlord wins, he recei\·es 1 adc: ,..,: XP.
SPECIAL RULES If a hero is carrying the staff. thee nemc:s ~ .cc
At the start of each overlord rum, the overlord places 1 "Staff of Light" relic.
fatigue token on 1 support pillar.
Otherwise, the overlord reccrn:s me ·5.:2.:: o~
Each time Lord Merick Farrow ends his activation Shadows" relic.
adjacent to a support pillar, place 1 fatigue token on
Regarclless of the winner. ::he crcdorc! ro:=es the
chat support pillar. "Shield ofZorek's Farnr' rdi.:.
If a support pillar has 4 fatigue tokens on it, it is "Blood Will Tell" or ~The Ba..,::: R<mrn.s" mav be
destroyed; discard char objective token.
chosen by the \\inner as me
next quesr.
As an action, a figure may reveal an adjacent facedown
objective token. Ifit does, resolve the following based
on the color of the token: $TAff $UPPOR._T PILLAR._
• Green: The figure chat revealed the token rests Q.
If it fails, its controlling player removes chat figure
from the map and places it on the unique space. If
the unique space is occupied, place it in the closest
empty space. Replace the green token facedown.
• Red: The figure that revealed the token tests~.
If it fails, collect each objective token on the LOR..D $TOLEN
Waterway, shuffle them together, and replace MER..ICl\..,fAR._R._OW TR..EASUR..E
chem facedown. No player should know the color
of any of these objective tokens.
• White: The figure chat revealed the token picks
Upon your arrival at the bastion that overlooks Doors cannot be opened or closed normally. Each door If there are no fatigue tokens in the heroes' p lay area,
the southern border ofthe valley, the keeper corresponds to the color of I lever. read the foll owing aloud :
immediately escorts you to inspect the troops and
As an action, a hero adjacent to a lever may pull it. All at once, the gates rattle shut. A hatch in the floor
defenses of the ancient hold. The structure is
expansive, having several levels that run deep into Ifhe does, flip that lever faceup and each other lever opens and the engineer climbs out, grinning. The
the mountain. A company of forty guards and staff facedown. Each time a lever is flipped faceup, close the guards scramble to the windows to loose their arrows
~ maintain the tower, a fraction ofthe potential door that corresponds to the color of that lever. Each tpon the retreating foes. For now, Skytower will hold.
garrison. You are two floors from the top when the time a lever is flipped facedown, open the door that
clamor ofan alarm echoes up through the empty The heroes win !
corresponds to the color of that lever.
stairwells and halls below you. If the overlord has 8 fatigue tokens in his play area, read
The keeper draws her blade and charges back the If a door is closed while a large monster occupies spaces the fo ~ wing aloud:
way you came. You descend at a reckless pace, but on both sides of it, that monster is defeated.
diligently stay within a feu· pace, of:he ~eeper The gate groans and cracks, and in a moment is ripped
lest you getlost i11 rhe mdkss pass.iges. ;;;,,, .,rri,·e
WINGS OF WAR from its hinges by a massive creature on the other
A.s an action, Belthir may take fl ight. Ifhe does, he may side. You shift your focus to the new assault, but the
at the gate chamber just as a .<c.;{, drago.,: h_,brid
keeper grabs at your arm to halt your advance. '1t's
retreats toward an open ,cindou·. _~ number choose ro carry I non-large monster adjacent to him.
no good. Ifthey've breached the tower, the best we can
ofguards lie wounded nearb;·, .zr.d ;l,e g.i;e Then, the overlord removes his figure from the map do is regroup at the monastery. I've already given the
mechanisms /.ay in shambles aero.<, :,,e/;t>Or. and places him on I of the unique spaces. If the space is order." You and the keeper hold the stairway as long
"Greetings, mortals," the hybrid say,, r:,nzmg occupied, place him on the closest empty space to that as you can before following the rest of the guard. She
on the window ledge. "I am Befthir, Scron unique space. If he is carrying a monster, remove that leads you to her quarters, barring the door behind
ofGryvorn." He scans your faces with i·isible you. Pulling a tapestry back, she pushes you through.
anticipation, as ifexpecting some grand reactio.-: monster from the map and place it adjacent ro Belthir;
The guard is reinforced by soldiers from the monastery,
of terror and exaltation. M et with nothing sa,·e Bddrn- and that monster are Stunned.
and together you set up defenses across the caves that
for blank stares, he sighs. ''No one remembers the L\KL'\G THE TOWER hold the enemy_(:,ack f'!.r now.
classics ... A h well, soon my name will be feared
again ." He winks and drops backward from the :;:- A~'"ic :::-arrow, goblin archers, and the invading force The overlord wins!
window as more forces pour in through the door. may moH, off che map through the Exit. Each time
"Get me an engineer!" the keeper calls, then di.is rug,pcns. place a number of fatigue tokens in the }lEWAR._DS
charges into the room. "We need to hold this k n/ os-cdocc~, play area based on the monster: Win or lose, each player receives I X P.
until we can get these gates closed!"
, ~,linion monster : 1 fatigue roken. If the heroes win, they receive 25 gold per hero.
"""" • :\!25-...e:r monster : 2 fatigue rokens. If the overlord wins, he receives I additional XP.
• Sir A!ric Farrow: 3 fatigue tokens.
MONSTER$ Regardless of the winner, if there are exactly 2 fatigue
: ae ii.rs: c:ime Sue A.Irie Farrow is affected by an attack, tokens in the heroes' play area, they receive 25 gold. If
,ca<: .:he rollm,ing aloud : there are less than 2 fatigue rokcns in the heroes' play
I open group. I open group o
area, they receive 50 gold.
Tbe ,i!m; knight lumbers forward with unabated
SETUP ,r,1;mmrum. Yottr attacks barely affect him. His eyes Regardless of the winner, if Sir Alric Farrow was
H eroes place theiI ligu= on the .'1...-mor,- ,',r!li, past you, intent on taking the tower. You are defeated, the heroes receive the "Shield of the D ark
a,hamed to think it, but you are somewhat grateful not God" relic. Otherwise, the overlord receives the "Shield
Place Sir Alric Farrow on ::he Grass!:a....d l l :i::w::=ro. ;o be the focus ofhis attention. ofZorek's Favor" relic.
Place Belthir on the unique space on rhc \\=it
the cave spiders on the Spidec :"-=.. C'.oosc , aper. If Sir Alric Farrow is defe';,::d, read~ o_::ng ~ Regardless of the winner, the overlord receives the "Staff
group of non-large monsrers. This is the m.,.-.imgioroc. of Shadows" relic.
Yim puncture the dark knight's armor and a red mist
D o not place the invading force or the gobli:: a:cnc::s leaks out. He stumbles backward, swinging his shield "T he Baron Returns" or "Archive of Arrizon" may be
du ring setup. The other open group is the suppo:=g u·:!.dly from side to side, forcing you away. He clumsily chosen by the winner as the next quest .
force. Place the supporting force on the Gareho= .c:rempts to stop the fl.ow, but realizing that it's too
!..:e, he pulls the shield from his arm and hurls it in
Place 8 fatigue tokens in the heroes' play area. y•z.r direction . The black plate spins through the air
.:nd embeds itselfinto the wall behind you.
Place 4 blue objective tokens as indicated. These fonn
the waterfall tunnel. Grasping his helmet with both hands, the great knight
;nt!ls i; from his head. What you see is horrid beyond
Collect I red, I green, and I white obj ective token and ,·omprehmsion, but it shrivels and fades so quickly
shuffle them together. Place them facedown on the :ba:_ro:, have trottble retelling its features. The armor
Gatehouse as indicated. No players should know the c!"2:-cers :o r'1e ground and Sir Alric is gone.
color of any objective token. These are levers.
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes.
At che srarr of each oYerlord turn, the overlord
At the start of the quest, open all doors on the map. maY place a number of monsters on the
Entrance equal to the number of heroes.
These monsters can be any combination of
At the end of each overlord turn, discard I fatigue token goblin archers and invading forces, respecting
from the heroes' play area.
group limirs.
W hile the door on the waterfall is open, a figure on a Ar the end of each overlord turn, the overlord may
waterfall tunnel may spend 2 movement points to move
place I cave spider on the Spider Nesr, respecting group
to another waterfall tunnel as if they were adjacent spaces. limirs.
If the space being moved to is occupied, the figure is
placed in the closest empty space. When the four th farigue roken is discarded from rhe
heroes' play area, place monsters from rhe supporring
force on rhe Entrance, up ro the group limit.
._ • T'u--.~~~ ' • •
T..,c n:..-sc [email protected] a hero emers an empty space on the The heroes win this encounter!
Chz,.,d, =>rl :he mllo"ing aloud :
-~~ -
.., a silver chalice that pulses with
If there are 25 or more damage tokens near the altar,
read the following aloud:
0•1,j to m utter another line ofher -- -- --- --- _,n11
The ceiling is covered in a deep pool of blood that
springfrom the floor throughout
splashes and bubbles about. Eliza's minions hold you
. she ceiling. Symbols andfaces
back as she extends the chalice upward and whispe1~· a
. - rr!:'fg liquid and the lady watches
single word in an alien tongue. A black droplet floats
. 5,.-; dim not speak to you, but her slight
downward toward the chalice. You press your assault
~ - - - - -:::::.
_·.~~ .::hwwkdges your presence.
in response, but not before the lady reaches out with
her hand and snatches it from the air. She holds it to
her lips and swallows. For a moment, her eyes focus on
."-< ;:::; = .-b.:!e adjacent ro the altar, Lady Eliza an invisible revelation, then snap back to you. "You
n..--:::o,r ~ pcic,nn an offe ring. If she does, the have failed," she laughs, "leave this valley while you
c,r~ ; ~ l :arigue roken in any empty space on can." She sneers as she dissolves into a red mist that
::.e ui2? ·:::.z: coes not comain a fatigue token and Lady ~ ut you and then disappears from the room.
Eb -:~.CM s,:.,,::rs l ¥. T hen, place 1 damage token
The overlord wins this encounter!
~ inc z!:tn-_
."-< :a::i. acion. ...-rule adjacent to the altar, Lady Eliza Farrow Win or lose, each player receives 1 XP.
a:i;aypafurrn an incantation. If she does, she rests~. Regardless of the winner, the heroes receive 25 gold for
Ifshe fl"= place a number of fatigue rokens in empty each protective ward that was discarded.
spaces on rhe map equal ro ! less than the number of If the heroes win, they receive an additional 25 gold per
heroes, l per space. T hen, roll I red and 1 yellow power hero. The next available quest is "Caladen's Crossing."
ciie.. Lad,· Eliza Farrow suffers ¥ equal to the ¥ rolled.
If the overlord wins, he receives 1 additional XP. The
Then, place a number of damage tokens near the altar
next available quest is "Rise ofUrthko."
equal w rhe ¥ rolled. If there are 1 or more results, JI
each figure on the C hapel is Stunned.
If she rails, place a number of fatigue tokens in empty
spaces on che m ap equal to the number of heroes, 1 per
space. Eliza suffers 1 ¥. Then, place I damage token
near the altar.
-disappears ftom the room.
Encounter 1 is complete. The overlord keeps the
you see? Zachareth lives! The traiwrous Baron ef
Carthridge is here to conquer. n He slumps foro.,:m _-\i: ,he start of each overlord turn, the overlord may place facedown objective tokens in his play area. The heroes
in exhaustion. You sendfor a healer and then 1 ~blin archer on the Exit, respecting group limits. collect the objective tokens on their Hero sheets and
hurry toward the ford. place them together in their play area.
You approach from the north and scale the clijfr.
arriving at the enrrance undetected. Steam slip,
from the windows, reeking ofblood and death.
"Ofcourse you choose tonight to visit," a voice
comments from above y ou. Craning your neck,
you spot Zachareth standing on a balcony a f=
floors above. ','lh well, shall we begin?"
Lady Eliza Farrow. Zombies. Goblin archers. 1 open ENTR.ANCE
Place Lady Eliza Farrow on the Stairway as indicated.
Place the zombies on the Armory. Place the goblin archers
on the Exit. Place the open group on the Ruined H all
Collect 1 white and 3 blue objective rokens and set
them aside for Encounter 2. Then, place 6 objective
rokens facedown in the indicated spaces. These are
bubbling vials.
Place search mkens based on the number of heroes.
While a goblin archer is mciua 3 5?"= of Lady Eliza
Farrow, it is enrhralled.
If Lady Eliza Farrow is defeated, discard each buhb!ing
vial carried by a goblin archer and each buhb!:ng .-;..21 orr
the map.
THE SHADOW RUNE If chece are 4 condition tokens near the cauldron, read
che following aloud:
You ascend to the top floor of the tower. Zachareth While Baron Zachareth has ''The Shadow Rune" relic
waits for you just down the hall, a black, glowing equipped, he gains che Ranged icon. At last, you approach the cauldron at the center ofthe
rune in his hand. The air is thick with heat and great hall, but Zachareth appears unconcerned. He
the stench ofblood. ''About time," Zachareth says, Each accack chat targets Baron Zacharech while he has waits until you are close, then kicks it over, splashing its
"I've been waiting." He raises the rune and a dark "The Shadow Rune" relic equipped gains: contents forward. The liquid rises into the air and pools
bolt leaps toward you. You sidestep the first, but JI JI: Sec aside che ''The Shadow Rune" relic; on the ceiling. He smiles at you. '1 told her I could do
another follows close behind. "Come now, don't be it. Eliza won't admit it, but she will always need me.
Baron Zacharech no longer wields ic. Then, read the
difficult. It will only hurtfor a few lifetimes." Regardless-" he raises his hands and a black droplet
following aloud: appears from the bubbling ceiling. Before you can stop
The Baron's rune flips from his hand and he shouts in him, he catches the droplet in a vial and disappears
horror. The stone strikes the cobbledfloor and skips back into the shadows. "-I'm a man ofmy word."
Doors cannot be opened or closed normally. Baron
Z acharech may move through doors.
Once per attack performed by Baron Z acharech, after
dice are rolled, the overlord may discard 1 enchanted
vial from his play area co add 1 JI co the results.
Then, regardless of whether the overlord discarded
1 enchanted vial or not, the heroes may discard 1 redeemed
vial from their play area co cancel 1 from the results.
Each time a hero suffers a condition from che "Subdue"
ability, che overlord may place che equivalent condition
token in his play area. Each condition can only be
p laced in che overlord's play area once.
As an action, while adjacent co che cauldron,
Baron Zacharech may add afflictions. If he does, the
overlord places each condition token in his play area
near che cauldron.
Ac the scare of each overlord cum, for each condition
coken near the cauldron, the heroes choose I hero co
suffer chat condition.
As an action, a hero adjacent co a vat may tip chat vat. If
he does, discard chat coken from che map. The first time
a hero tips a vat, read the following aloud:
The red liquid splashes across the floor, quickly
evaporating into ,·ed mist that dissipates into the air.
Acidic fumes assault your senses.
W hen che third vat is tipped, remove all doors from the
map and read che following aloud:
The door behind you peels away as if consumed by an
invisible inferno. A great cauldron churns and bubbles
in the room beyond.
• a ~..----- _. a •
The evening fires glow softly below the glittering Ectins. 2 open groups. At the start of each overlord turn, the overlord may
sky. The keeper ofSkytower is long past due, and place I monster from 1 open group on the Back
you begin to fear the worst. At last, you see the SETUP Entrance, respecting group limits.
silhouette of riders from the west. The heroes place their figures on the Exit.
As the keeper approaches, you notice Tyrus, the
Choose l ettin and place it in the unique space. This is
boy you first met on the road, is with her. He
waves excitedly at you, then attempts to dismount. Rolok. In a 4-hero game, place the remaining ettin on If Rolok ,!! de~ ated, ,::ad the foEowin-~ al~ ud:
The keeper holds him in place until the horse has the Lava Cave. Place 1 open group on the Large Cave. The ettin trips and flops down upon the boulder as
stopped moving. Tyrus remains quiet, but his eyes Place I open group on the Small Cave. it careens fo rward. The momentum ofthe stone pulls
shine with anticipation. He smiles when he notices his body forward and down, crushing one ofhis heads
you watching. Place 1 blue objective token as indicated. This is beneath it. With only halfofits previous intelligence,
"He has been pleading all day for me to bring him the boulder. the ettin stands and swings wildly at anything nearby,
with," the keeper ~rs. "He promised to stay quiet." which fortunately for you is a few of its comrades. The
Place search tokens based on the numbet of heroes.
She walks au:ay from the group and nods for you boulder continues on and breaks the locks on the gate.
to follou•. "The battle for Skytower continues, but In the chaos ofthe half witted ettin, you retreat into
SPECIAL RULES the lower level.
u•e're ho!di11g our gro,md. However, I've learned
rh,u fust before the battle started, one ofmy Heroes and the boulder may move through the locked
door while it is closed. The heroes win this encounter!
soldiers, a man called Arrizon, deserted. He fled
northeast, across the river. ! fear he is a spy and The boulder blocks movement. Each time Rolok is If the boulder enters a space on the Exit, read the
traitor. Capturing him may reveal more than any
ofthe other captives can."
ft takes you two days' travel and searching, but at
targeted by an attack and the figure that performed the
attack traces line of sight through the boulder or
following aloud:
_,.,.... .... ------
The thunderous advance ofthe boulder ends with a
last you locate the defector at the north end ofthe I or more spaces adjacent to the boulder, Rolok rolls great snap as the locks to the lower level shatter apart.
valley. He stands hunched over a pile ofscrolls, 1 additional black defense die. Rolok turns, several ofhis comrades rallying at his
hiding at the bottom ofan ancient archive. He side. He is no match for your prowess, but in the time
Rolok applies+ 2 ro his Health per hero and is immune it takes to fell your attackers, an equal number escapes
scoffi at your order to surrender. "They came for
me. I had to flee. I had to destroy the records."
to conditions. down the steps, led by_ a red mist.
Heaps ofash cover the floor around him. You insist Rolok may spend 2 movement points while adjacent ro The overlord wins this encounter!
upon his cooperation, but a clatter echoes from the the boulder ro move the boulder I space. If the boulder
cavern above. "You were followed, " Arrizon says as enters a space containing a figure, that figure is defeated.
he shakes his head. He hands you a key. "The gate
should hold while I finish my work."
You arrive upstairs just in time to see a muscular
ettin rolling a massive boulder into view. You
doubr rhe g,1te can hold «gaf11sr rhat.
The second time a red objective token is placed in the If Arrizon is defeated, read the following aloud:
heroes' play area, remove the locked door to the Study.
Arrizon stands between two foes. In one hand he A final blow sends Arrizon sprawling. Eliza is on him
Then, the overlord removes each facedown objective in a moment, her face inches from his. "You thought
wields a dagger, with the other he swings a torch-
and in a third hand he holds a scroll. A flesh token from rhe map and places them on the Study, you could run-that you could hide," she hisses. "ft took
moulder! What other secrets does this man hold? 1 per space. No player should know the color of any me nine lifetimes, but I found you, traitorous worm."
"Aid me," he yells, "we must destroy the truth!" objective token on the map. Then, the overlord places She pulls him from the floor and then sla,ns him down
again. A book slips from his hands. You charge forward
A mocking laugh erupts behind you. You turn to see his last remaining open group on rhe Study and reads
but are too far away. She snatches the book from the
an imposing woman standing upon the stairs. She rhe following aloud: floor, then plants her face into his neck. She lingers only
sneers, displaying pointed, bloodied teeth. "Well long enough to be sure he is dead, then flees from the
that's something I never thought I'd hear your ldnd Arrizon lifts a book soaked in blood from the floor. He
opens the inside cover and studies a notation inscribed room. Eliza has gained what she came for.
say. Come, stop this nonsense, and I shall allow you
there. "The Chronicles of Tor/in-but that would
to leave." She steps aside, offering a clear path. The overlord wins!
mean ... To my study!" He pulls a torch from the wall,
Arrizon sweeps another pile ofpapers onto a holding the book above its flame. Glowing fragments
growing fire, never averting his gaze from hers. swirl about him as he runs from the room.
"You have no claim here, Eliza," he says. Win or lose, each player receives 1 XP.
The vampiress' smile disappears. "You're wrong. My REINFORCEMENTS
claim is just, and it's time you submitted to it." She If the heroes win, they receive 25 gold per hero. The
nods, and the room erupts into chaos once again. At the start of each overlord turn, he may place 1 ettin next available quest is "Caladen's Crossing."
on the Entrance, respecting group limits. l f the overlord wins, he receives 1 additional XP. The
nen available quest is "Rise ofUrthko."
MONSTERS If there are 4 red objective tokens in the heroes' play
Lady Eliza Farrow. Ettins. Master flesh moulder. area, read the following aloud:
3 open groups. Arrizon kicks open a secret door as the last ofhis stud;
ignites. Fixing her eyes on the man, Eliza steps into
SETUP the conflagration. He responds in kind. "Go," he says,
The overlord collects 1 white, 1 green, 4 red, and 4 blue, "you have done well. The secret will die with me." He
charges forward, dagger raised. They dance amidst the
objective rokens, shuffies them rogether, and places them
smoke and flame for a moment, then Eliza steps close
facedown on the Lair, 1 per space. No player should know to the man and embraces him. He struggles to break
the color of any objective token. These are documents. free, but she drags him down into the flames. You seal
the door and retreat down the passage.
If the heroes won encounter 1, they place their figures
on the Ettin's Lair. If the overlord won Encounter 1, The heroes win!
they place their figures on the Entrance. Then, the
heroes place the master flesh moulder in an empty space
adjacent to a hero. This is Arrizon. Place the current act's
"Flesh Moulder" Monster card in the heroes' pla,· area.
Place 1 open group and Lady Eliza Farro\\· on the Ettin's
Lair. Do not place the 2 remaining open groups or ettins
during setup.
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes.
Arrizon applies +8 to his Health. He is treated as a hero
figure and not a monster; he activates once each round
after any hero turn and is controlled by that hero player;
he cannot recover¥ except from the "Mend" ability, is
immune to all conditions, and passes all attribute tests.
Each time Arrizon suffers¥, each h ero adjacent to
him may choose to suffer 1 ¥. For each hero that does,
Arrizon reduces the ¥ he suffered by 1.
As an action, Arrizon may burn a document adjacent
to him. Ifhe does, reveal that objective token and place
it in the heroes' play area. Documents adjacent to 1 or
more monsters cannot be burned.
The first rime a red objective token is placed in the heroes'
play area, remove the locked door to the Library. Then,
the overlord removes each facedown objective token from
the map and places them on the Library, 1 per space. No ENTR.._ANCE
player should know the color of any objective token on
the map. Then, the overlord places 1 of his remaining I3B
open groups on rhe Library and reads the following aloud: LIBR.._AR.._Y
Arrizon's eyes dart madly across a page. "Yes!" he shouts
and slaps the document into the fire, not removing his
hand until the record is nothing but ash. His arm is
charred and aacked, but you can see the skin healing
itself "Come, there will be more in the library."
The valley is quiet for a few days, but the camp Each time Lord Merick Farrow enters a space adjacent Dangling heroes are .not on the map. A dangling hero
ofyour enemy continues to expand beneath the to a captive, he may pick chat captive up. If he does, cannot return to che map except by being pulled out or
shadow of the eastern mountains. This morning, place chat token on his figure's base. Lord Merick climbing out.
just before dawn, a small force raided the village, Farrow can only carry 1 captive at a time.
taking a number ofprisoners. Yott track the As an action, a hero adjacent to the hero token of a
raiders up the river and, within a few hours, slip W hile carrying a captive, Lord Merick Farrow adds 1 dangling hero may test i or(;). Ifhe passes, he pulls him
into their lair. gray die to his defense pool. out. Remove the hero token from the map and place his
The darkness carries the stench and sound ofthe figure in an empty space adjacent ro chat pie space.
While carrying a captive and adjacent to a pit space,
dying and the fera l beasts that slriy them. You
Lord Merick Farrow may spend 1 movement point to As an action, a dangling hero may climb out. Ifhe does,
hurry forward, bu t stop as a figure sreps out ftom
the shadows behind you. throw the captive into the pit. If he does, place that he places his figure in an empty space adjacent to his
coken in the overlord's play area. The first time this hero token and then removes his hero token from the
"Wait," a voice hisses, "you are wo late. " The
man is a scout ftom the' monastery. ",\fast ofrhe happens, read the follo: ~ g aloud: _ _ __ - - - - map. Then, his activation immediately ends.
captives have already bem . . . earn,, and rhe rest Merick drags a young man through the door and
are being prepared even now. The beasts are being dangles him over the pit. Sounds ofgluttonous hunger
groomedfor an assault against the monastery. rumble up ftom below. "Your lineage," Merick At che end of each overlord turn, the overlord may place
Some grow unnaturally large and powerful. We threatens, "tell me. " 1 ettin on the Entrance, respecting group limits.
must return to the fortifications while we can."
The man pauses in confusion, but when Merick drops
His words give you pause, bttt only for a moment. him a few inches, he cries out: "My father was Horace VICTOR.Y
You instruct him to return to the army and warn the Fletcher. His father was Murial, who traveled here
them. You will continue, if only to save a handful If Lord Merick Farrow is defeated or there are 8 villager
ftom Kantha. H is father-" Merick releases the man,
ofthe captives and slay what beasts you may. disappearing back through the door before the screams tokens in the overlord's play area, read the following aloud:
r~J.%V- --- --,.,,- =
ofthe fall are silenced. Merick pursues his task unabated by your advance, and
marry are thrown into the pits before yDu can stop him.
DEEP TROUBLE At last he yields before your onsl«ught, but in a final
MONSTER.$ P it sp aces have different rules during chis encounter: act ofspite, he throws his arm around a prisoner a.nd
tumbles into the pit himself In a flash offire, his body
Lord Merick Farrow. Ettins. 1 open group. • Lord M erick Farrow cannot voluntarily enter pit explodes on impact, scattering through the air as ash.
sp aces. Ifh e does enter a pit space, the overlord For a moment you are encouraged by his defeat, but a
SETUP menacing laugh echoes up from the chasm, and you are
immediately places him in the closest empty space
Place Lord Merick Farrow on the Exit as indicated. reminded that slaying such foes oflegend is not so easy.
chac is not a pie space and he is Stunned.
Place the ettins on the Large Cave. Place the open group You continue your descent, freeing those prisoners that
on the.Chasm. • If a hero enters a pit space, immediately replace remain alive. Their number is fiw, and even those that
his figure "ith a hero token; if he is the current z::::.E;,cfJ:.':!!.unlikely to survive fh~jou; neyJ:.ack.
Place 8 villager tokens as indicated. These are captives. player, his rum immediacely ends . This hero is
Place search cokens based on the number of heroes. g (= "Getting Our"). Encounter 1 is complete. Note the number of villager
tokens in the overlord's play area for Encounter 2.
• Large monsrers ignore pie spaces .
Lord Merick Farrow ffi2Y mo.e and a=d chrotd:, ::h.c: , Any a.,,=...,char enters a p it space and is not a
locked door as if ic were no: on me
hao, lore! :\!rock Farrow, or a large monster is
i.:r:.mc:ih· ~!y d::..-'eared.
The locked door cannot be opened as no;m,;l H<:IO<:S
and familiars adjacent co the locked don: may pe;::o=
attacks chat target it as if it were an eno:ny fi,,o-:n-.:. Uc
locked door has 3 Health per hero and has a cidi::-.sr SB LAR.GE CAVE
result of 3 • each time it is targeted by an a.-rad..
You burst through the door to the lower level and A figure may spend 1 movement point while in an When the unique search roken is revealed, place it in
are immediately assaulted by a great, chained unique yellow space to place his figure in an empty, the heroes' play area and read the followi ng aloud:
beast. The barghest is easily twice the size ofany unique red space as if they were jacent spaces. If both A number ofbodies are chained to the wall. You are
other you have seen. Its skin strains to contain the unique red spaces are occupiro. place the figure in the breaking the bonds ofthe few that still live, when you
cords of muscle that empower it, and its eyes bulge
closest empty space insrea' :\.. '::Jr<C cannot move from come upon the boy Tyrits. You pour a few drops ofa
with crazed hunger. A wave ofblood and saliva powerful healing solution into his mouth, and his eyes
sprays across you as it roars and stalks forward. a unique red space into a uniq2e. ,...- space.
flutter open, backlit by a blue energy. "You came-He's
But then it falters, writhing suddenly under some The locked door cannot be ope:r:a!.. strong. . . unnatural power,,, he mutters, then nods off
internal conflict or pain. It stumbles sideways and again. You sense that this is not solely from exhaustion,
cracks its head against the wall with a twitch of UNNATURAL GRO\\TH but that he is in some secret struggle with the beast.
its bulging muscles. ft sways, but regains its senses.
Then you spot Alric, the cursed black knight, 2 objective tokens from them::- · After Tyrus is found, the overlord draws 1 objective
pulling back on the chains. "Come, Unhko, "he looks at chem. He choo l :o? token instead of2 at the start of each overlord turn.
moans, his words rasping and deliberate. "Eat the "Barghest" Monster ca,d .m.i l .
later. "A massive plate of iron slides down across
mutation pool. Then, shu e m me pool REINFORCEMENTS
the opening, and the far door crashes open.
During his rum, rhe overlord nuy · -~ i>.r.,p ~
objective tokens near the "Bargh=- _ . -=c.. VICTORY
Each revealed objective o ·en !::.as : =ecs..
ifC rr.h.ko is defeated, read the following aloud:
based upon irs color:
MONSTER$ D.1rl, lUJuid sprays from Urthko's final wound. His jitr
Sir Alric Farrow. Barghesrs. Ettins. 1 open group (no • Red: lmmediar~-af=~a.ra3objcc:m z.s m.1tud with pus and blood, and his mouth fmths
large monsters). token, roll 2 red powa dice. C r.:hlo rean-r.:-s W :: · r · e :ame. He snaps at the ai1; attacking imagined
equal co the W ro ed. "'~ :,,; .::: a"!d backs a1caJ into the corner. There
SETUP • Blue: Each cime l' n:hko perrorms .m a=d. 2rld
kc.ns ,;nd ;hm s.:imps against the wall, his body
~:..::nu ..s i: o:pels the means ofits unnatural growth.
Place Sir Alric Farrow and the barghests on the Feeding 1 W to chc rcsul ror each :iacccp blue obiccrn-c
Grounds. Place the ettins on the Ettin's Lair. Place the roken. Each time L' rthl:o pcrrorms "Hm,l,- the
S· u:· :hs abom:r.a:io11 u·ould have slain many,
per ..~p: n·m ,10,,rse/f, hadJou not ended its life now.
open group on the Holding Cell. overlo rd may choose 1 hero ma: · ·
Thar hero rim drag i:: corpse ro the cmter of the room and burn
The master barghest is U rrhko. Add 1 gray die to suffers additional # equal tO c:he nlllDber of faceup i;, emuring rhar ir u•i!l never rise again.
Urrhko's defense pool. For each villager token in rhe blue objective co ·ens. T he heroes win!
overlord's play area from Encounter 1, Urthko applies+ 1 • White: Once per round. L' rthl:o may perform If there are 8 objective tokens nearthe "Barghest"
to its Health per hero. "H owl" "ithout spen oan action. M onster card, read the following aloud :
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes. The • Green: U rr.h.ko discnds and is immune to all Urthko struts forward as more ofhis kind fill the
unique search token is Tyrus. conditions. Each time l., rrhko rolls defense dice, room behind him. His teeth snap open and shut with
Collect 1 white, 1 green, 4 blue, and 4 red objective add 1 • to rhe rcsulcs. unnerving speed as he lunges forward, pressing your
defense to its limit. With no strength left and your
tokens and shuffle them together. Place chem facedown
backs against the wall, you resolve to at least slay the
in the overlord's play area. No player should know the beast before you fall.
color of any objective token. These are the mutation pool.
But then the great abomination bellows a howl that
.2B shakes the very earth, and the walls split before his
fEEDING GROUNDS power. In a moment, you slip back into the crack. The
beast's head fills the opening and it reaches to pull you
back, but you are too quick. On hands and knees, you
retreat into unknown corridors, and in a few hours you
emerge into the sunlight and flee back across the river.
The overlord wins !
ETTI r•s
The unique green spaces are not considered to be spaces
on the Cabin.
At the end of any hero turn, once during this encounter,
the heroes may request aid. If they do, reduce the number
of fatigue tokens on the House or Cabin by 2. Then, read
the following aloud:
Tyrus breaks from the barricades and approaches
the burning building. Flames dance across his eyes, BUC!q:T Of WATER..
but whether it is a reflection or some growing power
within him is unclear. He rolls back his sleeves, raises 8A
his hands, and roars with all the power his small WAR.. CA MP
frame can afford. lhe flames quiver before an unseen
force and the structure regains some strength. After a
moment, the boy stumbles back and collapses, clearly ENTR..ANCE
drained ofstamina.
7he entire town retreats to the ancient fortification W hile on the Bridge, heroes and guards may perform If there are 8 fatigue cokens in the overlord's play area or
that juts out from the cliff. Much ofthe fortification Ranged attacks chat trace line of sight and count spaces if a lieutenant is defeated, read the following aloud:
is in ruins; only the bridge and gatehouse appear to
from the space containing che vantage po inc. Other 7he assault breaks before your stalzMrt defense and,
be maintained. You gather what defenders you can
and sprintfar the bridge at Caladen's Crossing. figures do not block line of sighc when performing at fast, even the opposing captain ,s slain. However,
such attacks. this was not their only front, and a fiu· sections ofthe
city are yet in danger. 7he remaining assail.me ralf)
W hile on the Bridge, h eroes may spend I movement
around the temple, and as you drive them back, Jt>U
point to jump. Each time a hero does, place rhac hero spot Eliza fleeing.from a secret entrance around 1he
MONSTERS figure adjacent to the vantage point. Then, char hero back. In her hand she clutches a yellowed scroll, In,:
Splig. Belchir. Baron Zachareth. 5 open groups. tests V and (;). For each test he fails, he suffers 3 ¥. her farces are steadfast in their protection ofher, and
she disappears into the night.
T he locked door is the gacehouse and cannot be opened The heroes win!
Heroes place their figures and the villager tokens from
as normal. lf Splig, Belthir, or Baron Zachareth move off rhe map
encounter I on the Bridge.
The oarehouse has 6 Health, plus an amount of H ealth through che Town Enrrance, read rhe following aloud:
Place I open group on chc Batclefield. Place
equal co rwice the number of heroes. Monsters may 7he fortification is overrun. You flee into the town and
1 open group on the Warpath. Do not place Splig,
carget an empty space adjacent ro the gatehouse ro help many escape, though you question what number
Belchir, Baron Zachareth, or the remaining open
perfurm an actack chat rarge it as if it were an enemy will survive until dawn. You happen upon the body of
groups during setup. the opposing captain, crushed beneath burning rubble.
figure. The ozcehouse has a defense resulr of3 , each
Place I white objective coken on rhe Scream as A hollow victory given the many guards that lay dead
rime it is rarue al by an ar.acl....
around him. With no jitrther reason to stay, you
indicated. Th is is the vantage point.
:lafonsrers ma)" moYeo5' the map du '~ the Town re:rear up imo rhe c!iffi. For a moment, you see Eliza,
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes. Enrrance or Eric. Each time a monster =-o --me IZ.mul-= :' e b:tmir:g bui'd; gc. ) e o/.d; a scroll in her
., li. . ir.tl: e "!:.:ker ofa
map through the Eric, me ,,==house 3 .,_ sue=
H eroes, familiars, and gu,u; acl"acenc co e =ec.ocse
The villager tokens are guards. Treat guards as hero
may move, rrace line of ight, and count spaces
figures with rhe following exceptions. The guards may
the garehouse. Heroes, familiars, and guards cannoc
activate once each round after any hero turn and are
perform 1Welee attacks through the gatehouse.
controlled by chac h ero player. When activating, each
'°'in o , lose, each player receives I XP.
guard muse be activated before moving on co the next REINFORCEMENTS
player's turn. If the heroes win, they receive 25 gold per hero.
At the start of each overlord turn, place 1 fatigue roken
When activated, each guard may perform I move action If rhe overlord wins, he receives I additional XP.
in the overlord's play area. When the second, fourth,
and 1 attack action. and sixth fatigue tokens are placed in the overlord's play If Baron Zachareth moved off rhe map through the
area, che overlord may place I of his open groups on the Town Entrance, the overlord receives I additional XP.
GUARD Warpath and War Camp, distributed as he chooses. Regardless of the winner, the lieutenant that the
Speed: 4 Once during this encounter, when the overlord reinforces overlord chose is returned co the game box. When a
I of his open groups, he must choose I lieutenant and quest lists this lieutenant under the "Monsters" section,
place iron the Warpath, selecting from Splig, Belthir, or the lieutenant is not placed.
t,xm -
Baron Zachareth. After this encounter, chat lieutenant
is returned to the game box and cannot be used in any
TOWN future quesr. SA .23A
.. 1~
Vfrl ... ,,• .
11'" ......
r'lfl!!,. ,.
.. .
;"" ... ••
,, t,~
, 1
' ..
. .
EXIT ... · '
-~ ..;_~~.. • # i- _;,. ~ ~ • • • - -
~~~~: -- ··~··-
match for _your prowess. You feint, then strike her with If rhe h eroes win, they receive che "Trueshoc" relic. The
The locked door cannot be opened or closed as normal.
a dire blow-however, your attack only pierces a red next available quest is "Army ofDal'Zunm."
mist, and Eliza appears a few paces away, unharmed.
If rhe overlord wins, he receives che "Scorpion's Kiss"
She smiles, raising he,· bow for another attack.
relic. The next available quest is "Prison ofKhinn."
• At che end of each of Lady Eliza Farrow's Regardless of che winner, read che ace transition on
activations, the overlord rolls 1 gray and 1 brown page 46.
die. T he number of • rolled is che teleporc
distance. The overlord may remove Lady Eliza
Farrow from rhe map and place her in an empt y
space up co rhe celeporc distance away.
~~i ·~ - ' ,.
,._ w ~
~ ~ .!fJ ..Y ~ ~
J - i " ' , " ,;. ., . ;._
,;i-i'ii. t'..,•¥,;~~
Beyond the camp ofthe enemy stands the ancient Zombies. Cave spiders. l open group. At the start of each overlord turn, the overlord may
dungeon ofKhinn. The mystery ofthis prison is place l zombie on the Embalming Chamber, respecting
entire!:J, lost to time, or perhaps no loremaster alive is group limits.
willing to share his knowledge ofits past. Its depths Place the zombies in the Embalming Chamber. Place
are unfathomed, its architecture is alien, and its At the end of each overlord turn, the overlord may
the cave spiders on the Steep Path. Place l open group
guardians were established amidst a darker age. Worst place l cave spider on the unique red space, respecting
on the Sacred Chamber.
ofalt, you believe it is being used as Eliza's mainstay. group limits.
Ifthere is anywhere to gather information about Place 8 villager tokens as indicated. These are specters.
Eliza's plans, it will be there.
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes.
The camp ofyour enemy is all but abandoned; If each hero moves off the map through the Exit, read
the men and beasts that resided here now roam SPECIAL RULES the following aloud:
throughout the valley. You move stealthily through
the many abandoned tents, but never see another. At the start of each overlord turn, place l fatigue token
-- ---
You slip into the next level ofthe dungeon and the
The dungeon beyond is not so empty, however. Its in the overlord's play area. specters are-gone. Whatever ancient curse holds them as
towers hold watchmen and its gates remain shut. If The heroes may move off the map through the Exit.
f£1:.ardians ofthe r~ar ent1:f!!.a, it does :!;!t extend here.
you wish to enter the prison, you will have to do so
through the back entrance. UP FROM THE GRAVE If there are 6 fatigue tokens in the overlord's play area,
You scale the cliffand slip into the hidden ravine. read the following aloud:
As an action, a zombie on the Exit may climb up. If it
It winds and twists deeper into the mountain, but -- -- =-
does, remove its figure from the map and place it in an A crude arrow offamiliar design wobbles past you. You
eventually opens up into a clearing. Worn remnants look up and see a goblin archer loosing another. When
em pry space on the graveyard.
ofthe fortress jut out from the rock, overshadowing his shot spins wide, he turns and runs into the fortress.
a small graveyard. A few steps in front ofyou stands Specters block movement and line of sight. Heroes may , Someone, somewhere, will be warned ofyour coming.
ti. hunting figure. You move to cut her down before ~ - --- ~ - =::..-
attack specters as if they were monsters.
she can sound the alarm, but she does not recoil. Encounter 1 is complete. For each hero figure or hero
Imtead, her jaw drops and she bellows an unheard token on the map, the overlord places 1 hero token in
scream. The effects wash over you in an unseen wave. his play area. These will be used during Encounter 2.
Exhaustion and confusion cloud your mind. You Hdili4 $PE~"•. " ' ]
strike out at the creature and it disappears, freei ng
you from its throes. Although not directly opposed
to your entrance, you will need to be wary of these
At the end of each overlord turn, each specter afflicts
guardians lest they leave you lying here forever,
neither living nor dead. rhe heroes. For each Specter adjacent to a hero, that
RAISE THE ALARM If the overlord raises the alarm 6 times, read the
Each time the over.l ord raises the alarm, he places following aloud :
1he room that you enter is quiet, as is the rest of
this level. Perhaps you will be able to gather what reinforcements based on the number of times he has At last you retrieve the missive and flee. It is hours
y ou are looking for without anyone realizing you raised the alarm: before you find a safe place to rest and read the letter.
are here. Then you hear moans and the shujf!.ing A corner was torn away during the struggle, but the
offeet; several zombies peer at you through barred 1: Place 1 open group on the Exit. majority ofthe letter remains:
windows. Well, perhaps no one else will notice. . 2: Place I lieutenant on the Exit. ':Alric,
3: Place 1 of the remaining open groups on the Exir. '7 have acquired the other hei,; Tyrus. Proceed to
Shadowfoll Mountain as I have instructed you. Meet
4: Place 1 of the remaining lieutenants on the Exit. with Kadlasar and gain his allegiance. With he and
MONSTE~ 5: Place the remaining open group and the remaining
his kin as our allies, our borders will be secure.
Splig. Belrh ir. Baron Zachareth. Zombies. Cave spiders. lieutenant on the Exit.
"[ will take Tyrus to -under the ritual - our
3 open groups. inheritance-" the rest of the letter is missing.
VICTORY The overlord wins !
If a hero moves off the map throuoh the Entrance while
Place the zombies on the Cave. Do nor place any other carrying the missive, read the following aloud :
monsters during setup. W in or lose, each player receives 1 XP.
You flee the dungeon, but res, a:; e 7,-,. . . r.:mir:,.
Collect l blue, l white, l green, and a number of red You unroll the sheet and read: If the heroes win, they receive 25 gold per hero. The
rokens equal to the number of heroes. Place these Alric, next available quest is "Rite of the Red D awn."
tokens facedown on the map as indicated, based on the
I have acquired the other lm- If the overlord wins, he receives l additional XP. The
number of heroes. No hero should know the color of Shadowfoll Mountain as I 1,.,,e
nen available quest is "Shadowfall Mountain ."
these tokens. The white objective token is the missive. with Kadlasar and gain h:s .;. "
his kin as our allies, our border, ;..:' any plaver has "The Shadow Rune" relic, he keeps it.
The overlord chooses 2 attributes to represent his
defenses and discloses his choices to the heroes. I will take Tyrus to the pl,,~.,. O :hawise, die overlord receiYes "The Shadow Rune" relic.
under the ritual as I did, ,md ·
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes. our inheritance.
- Eliza
Each time a h ero performs l of the 2 actions he received T he heroes win! 9B
during his turn, he must test his choice of the overlord's G AYE
defenses. Ifhe fails, the overlord places l of that hero's AMBUSH
hero tokens in h is play area.
Each time a hero declares a move action, he may sneak.
If he does, he does nor rest the overlord's defenses and
instead of gaining movement points equal to his Speed,
he gains 2 movement points and recovers l -'·
Ar the start of each overlord turn, the overlord rakes
l hero token and places it in his play area. Then, if
the overlord h as a number of hero tokens in his play MISSIVE
area greater than the number of heroes, he discards a
number of hero tokens equal to 1 plus the number of
heroes and raises the alarm (see "Raise the Alarm").
As an action, a hero may reveal 1 adjacent objective token.
• !fir is a red objective roken, it is discarded.
• Ifir is the missive, place it on that hero's H ero
sheer. A hero carrying the missive may move off the $HADOW R._UNE
map through the Entrance. If rhe hero carrying the
missive is defeated, place rhe white objective token
in a space adjacent to him.
• If it is a green objective token, the overlord chooses 4B
1 open monster group and places 1 monster from CHASM
that group in the closest empty space to the green
objective token, respecting group limits. Then, that
monster may immediately perform 1 attack.
• If it is the blue objective token, it is discarded. EXIT
Then, if the overlord does not have "The Shadow
Rune" relic, rhar hero receives ''The Shadow
Rune" relic and may immediately equip it.
At the end of each overlord turn, the overlord may place
1 zombie on the Entrance or Exit, respecting group limits.
The first time a hero on the Chasm tests the overlord's
defenses and fails the test, place the cave spiders on the
Chasm, respecting group limits; each cave spider muse
be placed adjacent to 1 or more pit spaces.
You are patrolling the main road with a few soldiers Each space containing a flood marker that is faceup or
when a young elfsteps out from behind a tree directly facedown is treated as water terrain. f IR.E MAR.IQ::R.
beside you. You barely perceive her motion, and only
As an action, a flesh moulder adjacent ro a faceup flood
one ofthe soldiers notices, reaching for his blade.
marker may channel water. If he does, flip chat token
"Peace," she whispers, "/ come with information. I
facedown and place 1 faceup flood marker in a space up
am a spy within the enemy camp." You motion for
... the soldier to return his sword to its sheath and she to 2 spaces away from chat flesh moulder.
continues. "For three weeks I have lived in the tree EXTINGUISH AND DRAIN
above Merick's tents, gathering information. This
morning, I overheard Eliza speaking w irh him, As an action, a hero adjacent to a fire marker chat is
requesting that he travel to the Ix'Halanrha caves at faceup or facedown may test~ or~ to extinguish it.
the southern end ofthe valley, and secure the pou•er Ifhe passes, discard chat token. Ifhe fails, he suffers 2 -·
of the ancient elemental, that reside there. I escaped
before he left, but you don't have much time. Yim As an action, a hero adjacent to a flood marker chat is
cannot allow him to master those beings." faceup or facedown may test i or Oto drain it. Ifhe
You leave the soldiers to their patrol and the passes, discard chat token. If he fails, he suffers 2 ¥.
young elfleads you along a secret path toward the
mountain. It is long into the night before you enter REINFORCEMENTS
the hidden valley that rests beneath the caves. A AI rhe scare of each overlord turn, che overlord
near-invisible path winds its way to the far side, ma~· place 1 flesh moulder on the Garden, respecting
flanked on either side by a few decrepit shacks. To
group limits.
your surprise, many ofthe windows are aglow with
candle light. You approach quietly, but then see Ar rhe end of each overlord turn, if the overlord did not
Merick waiting for you. 'Tm not sure how you found place 1 flesh moulder at the scare of his turn, he may
me- " you realize that your guide has disappeared
place I monster from the open gtoup on the Garden,
"- but it won't happen again. You are a pesky bunch.
Anyway-" the doors to many of the shacks burst
respecting group limits.
open, spilling forth a wave ofsickly flesh moulders.
They charge toward you, calling spheres ofdark
energy into their hands. !!Lord .\ierick Farrow moves off the map through the f!ELD
= Eri: or is defeated, read the following ala~
"\lai·es offlame issue from Merick 's body. He stares
:r.;o _rour eyes and calls out a command in an
MONSTER$ unknown tongue. You try to strike a killing blow, but
.;rr unable to draw close enough. Merick ignores you,
Lord Merick Farrow. Flesh moulders. l open"
,;;cending into the ancient temple.
SETUP Place a n umber of damage tokens in the overlord's play
Place Lord ).ferick i=arro,.- on tlte G.mk:n as indic:.ttal.. area equal ro I less than the number of fire markers on
Place the flesh moulc<:o on :i1'C G..rc=.. Pua: rhe open die map and place a number of fatigue tokens in the
group on the Fidel overlord's play area equal co l less than the number of
Place 1 blue and 1 red objectin: ro raorupas water markers on the map. These tokens will be used
indicated, and sec 3 blue anc:: 3 ral ~ :<>kens during Encounter 2.
aside. The blue objective rokens are nooc
=kers and
the red objective tokens are fire markers.
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes.
Each hero muse skip his first turn. IOA
Lord Merick Farrow may move off the map through the GAR.DEN
Exit, but cannot move more than 4 spaces during his
activation. Lord Merick Farrow adds 1 • to each of his
defense rolls.
Each space containing a fire marker chat is faceup or
facedown is treated as lava terrain.
As an action, a flesh moulder adjacent ro a faceup fire
marker may channel fire. If he does, flip chat token
facedown and place 1 faceup fire marker in a space up ro
2 spaces away from that flesh moulder.
1'1" ,--···· ... ,..
You enter the ancient structure carved into the At the start of each overlord turn, place 1 fatigue token If the monolith is destroyed, read the following aloud:
rock. Glyphs etched by a forgotten culture decorate near the monolith. With a final blow, the large stone sp lits in two. The
the walls. They ripple beneath the light ofyour glyphs that cover its every side shift and bum red,
Elementals ignore the effects of!ava and water terrain.
torch, changing color and sometimes shape. searing their way deeper into the rock. A great wind
A sudden blast ofsearing air rushes past you, The monolith blocks movement and line of sight . A bursts from the fissure and knocks you backward.
and the passage fills with light. At the end of the hero may attack the monolith as if it were a monster. The gust circles its way around the walls of the room,
tunnel, a mass offire, water, earth, and air swirls The monolith has 6 Health, plus an amount of Health picking up momentum as it goes. Then the rock gushes
into a living form. It speaks words you cannot equal to 3 times the number of heroes and has a defense water, and you know it's time to leave. You sprint fa r
understand, but that sound similar to those that the door, but jump to the side just as a great wave of
result of 3 , each time it is targeted by an attack. If the
Merick had spoken. A moment later, the mage water carries Merick into the room. You do not wait
approaches the creature from a side passage. You monolith suffers ¥ equal to its Health, it is destroyed. to see what the elementals have in store far the mage-
move forward silently, not interrupting their Each space containing a fire marker is t reated as lava y ou exit the caves to the sound ofMerick 's screams.
conversation. Their voices grow in intensity and
terrain. Each space containing a flood m arker is rreared The heroes win!
volume: they are arguing.
as water terrain.
Suddenly, the elemental lurches forward with If there are 5 fatigue tokens near the monolith, read the
a roar, consuming Merick within its body. The Once during each elemental's activation, the overlo rd follo\\ing aloud :
savage farces of nature churn and crash about may discard 1 damage token or 1 fatigue token gained
the mage, yet you see him standing safely within. .',{nick suddenly appears at the center ofthe room,
during Encounter 1 from his play area. Ifhe discards ru.spmd~d i,: ,he air and shielded within an orb of
Merick flexes his hand up and out, and all at 1 damage token, the elemental immediately performs
once, the creature explodes in every direction. /:r~. ...Ji:. .- _-~.:r co"!rorts into an expression ofecstasy or
the "Fire" ability. This does not require an action and ;.,a:. "!i·r:, ,re milir u, control," he shrieks. His head
More appear around him, but these are silent
and obedient to his will. He turns and points at the elemental may still perform 1 additional attack row a M: u.'drr t"Tratically and his eyes
y ou. "Kill them," he says. during its activation. Ifhe discards 1 fatigue token, rhe gc :.. d.z • ::" g s:orm. He chatters more
elemental immediately performs the "Water" abiliry
1&a. tis. ==- r . ;; ,;d rhe room begins to
breti. ;.;_: -r; .- --...-a._ .1.boUI }O !L You flee
without spending an action. ·. ,._,..,,r .:..~Hing.
Lord Merick Farrow. Elementals. 1 open group. At the start of each overlord turn, place 1 elemental
in a space containing water or lava terrain, respecting
SETUP group limits.
Place Lord Merick Farrow on the Corridor as indicated.
Place the elementals on the Vault. Place the open group
on the Icy Cavern.
Place 4 red and 4 blue objective tokens as indicated.
These are flood and fire markers.
Place 1 white objective token on the map as indicated.
This is the monolith.
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes.
• a --~ _. a !!!!!
You race back to the Kethiri ruins and muster every Refugees block movement and line of sight. Heroes At the end of each player's turn, the overlord may place
remaining soldier. The ghoulish army ofDal 'Zunm treat refugees as friendly figures , and at the end of each zombies up to rhe group limit. Place each of these
pours fi'om the ancient graveyard as you hurry your overlord turn, the heroes may move each refugee up to zombies on the Chamber or in a space containing an
troops north. Though burdened with the fatigue 3 spaces. H owever, a refugee on a tile with I or more infected. If the zombie is placed on an infected, discard
fi'om weeks offighting, you arrive at the camp just monsters cannot move. that villager token and fatigue token. Each time a zombie
before the undying horde. There, behind the husks
~- ofan age-old wall, hide the survivors ofthe valley. A zombie may spend 1 movement point to contaminate is reinforced, it may immediately move up to 6 spaces.
However, as the vanguard ofthe enemy army crests an adjacent refugee. Ifie does, that zombie is immediately At the start of each overlord turn, the overlord may place
the hills above the camp, they halt, breaking offthe defeated; place I fatigue token on that villager token to 1 cave spider on the Rocky Bend, respecting group limits.
final assault. Had you arrived onf)•a minute later, show chat it is an infected and no longer a refugee.
every man, woman, and child would have fallen to At the end of each overlord turn, the overlord may
the undying or been pushed into the sea. Infected block movement and line of sight. Monsters place 1 monster from the open group on rhe Entrance,
The wait lasts for days, but yor1r defenses lend rreac infected as friendly figures, and at the end of respecting group limits.
little aid when the attack finally comes. Screams each overlord turn, the overlord may move each
shatter the calm ofthe breezeless evening- sounds infected up to 3 spaces, before or after che heroes VICTORY
ofbattle from the center ofcamp. The dark have moved rhe refugees. [f there are no coffins on the map, read the
figures upon the hills around you descend ll'ith a
shambling gait. You grab your gear and charge
deeper into the camp.
As an action, a hero or Tyrus may cleanse an adjacent
- - - ---- - --
following aloud :
You sense the fury of the ghouls below you grow like a
Your enemy must have found a way through the infected. Each rime an infected is cleansed, discard char
rising tide, now unable to pour out upon the living.
catacombs; zombies amble out ofa shrine at the Their moans ofhunger become cries offrustration.
center ofthe camp. The survivors are dragged to villager token and fatigue token. Tyrus and a Jew other refugees hurry into the building
the ground and mauled, but to your amazement, DEATH'S DOOR and offer you several amphorae ofoil. You nod, and
many rise again. However, you watch in horror as in unison they are drained into the holes. Together
they turn upon the others in a moment. Whatever Coffins block movement and line of sight. As an action, you walk from the building and toss a single torch
curse has summoned these dead to life, it now a hero adjacent to a coffin may discard chat objective back in. The roar ofyour enemy can barely be heard
affects the dying as well. token and test t. Ifhe fails, he suffers 3 • · The first beneath that ofthe inferno. Upon realizing their
defeat, the remaining.forces retreat from the wall. All
rime a coffin is discarded, re:!,ch:!:,llowing alo- u--d: _.....,
the while, the shrine blazes bright!.y, a defiant beacon
Yim barter the coffin un ti! it finally collapses. It proclaiming your survival.
ru mbles m upon itself, and you realize that each is When morning breaks, you gather all who remain and
MONSTERS acmallr a passage that leads down into the ground. leavefor the fortification at Kethiri. From there, you
Zombies (Act I). Cave spiders. 1 open group. CL1mm_r hands reach up through the ruins ofthe will secure an escort for any that wish to flee. Those that
sl-.i::ered rojfi_r,, butfor no':!:..!hatpassage is secure. wish to remain u:.f!!...be p ~ red for the final battle.
time a hero within 3 spaces of a coffin suffers•
Toe..', The heroes win!
Place the zombi es on the Chamber. Place the ca.e
equal to his Health, the overlord may immediately move
spiders on the Rocky Bene!. Place rl:,,e op= grtm? If each refugee on che map is infected, read che
him up ro his Speed. Then, he is defeated.
--- - -
on the Campsi:c. following aloud :
Place -f blue objeciv.c :ol.:.ens on ±.e In.:? as =:i..'ca::cc..
TI'"RuS --
Vv'ith nowhere left to turn, the Jew survivors not yet
These are shon:ru Tnus is treated as a hero figure. If Tyrus infected retreat into the sea. Beneath the dim light of
suffers • equal to his H ealth, he is defeated and the waning moon, you see many clinging desperately to
T he overlord places a numbc o:' ral o ~ au.ms the stacks jutting above the breakers.
his token is discarded.
on rhe Chamber equal ro the number of heroes. These You sudden91 remember Tyrus. You had settled him
are coffins. TYRUS in a tent beneath a larger section ofthe wall. Hacking
your way back through the camp, you approach the
Place 8 villager tokens as inclicated. These are refu,,cees. Health : 8 Speed: 4 wall, and there he is, fighting atop the ruins. He
Place 1 white objective token adjacent to any hero. This Defense: . unleashes spheres oflight into the faces ofthe undying
is Tyrus. that ascend the wall, the other defenders cut them
down as fast as they can. Tyrus spins and leaps across
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes. 1)-rus activates once each round after any hero turn and the narrow ruin, casting a continuous stream of
is controlled by chat hero player. Tyrus can only perform blinding strikes against his foes.
SPECIAL RULES mo,·c actions and cleansing actions. You secure the eastern edge, allowing the soldiers and
The overlord uses the Act I "Zombie" Monster card Tyrus to escape. You retreat to the river and flee across
during chis quest. SECRET PATHS its currents. Gazing back across the waters, you watch
Each time a figure enters a space containing a shortcut the camp qisapp,!_ar beneath the tide ofundyf.!!g soldiers.
H eroes and zombies cannot open or close the locked
char is faceup, the figure gains 6 movement points and The overlord wins!
door. All ocher figures can open and close the locked door
char shortcut is flipped faced own.
as normal.
At the scare of each overlord turn, flip each R_EWMPS
shortcut faceup. Win or lose, each player receives 1 XP.
If the heroes win, they receive an additional 25 gold
per hero.
If th e overlord wins, he receives I additional XP.
"Edge of Dawn" or "Piercing Darkness" may be chosen
by the winner as the next quest.
llJ .•.-
•. • .
" . .,
'... . ,....•.. -•.-
= =----~- ~ -
Every evening, when the last light ofday slips from The first time a hero enters an empty space on the Cabin,
the peak ofShadow.fall mountain, the inhabitants of place cave spiders on the Cabin up to the group limit.
the valley would ring a great bell, signaling the onset
The first time a hero enters an empry space on the Pool,
ofnight. Many believe that the mists ofthe valley
descend from this mountain, spilling forth from rhe place flesh moulders on the Pool up ro the group limit.
gaping mouth that faces west. The firsr time a hero enters an empty space on the
.... It is toward this mouth that you now climb. The Brook, place goblin archers on the Brook up to the
valley lays quiet behind you, subdued by El:w group limit.
and her army. Unable to find Tyrus or defeat Eliz:1,
you are desperate to deal an)' damage )'Oii can to the The first time a hero enters an empty space on the Field,
Lady's rising power. She has smt Alric here to make place barghests on the Field up to the group limit.
an alliance with someone named Kadlasar, and you
are here to stop him.
Each rime the overlord places monsters in this way, he
may immediately perform 1 action with a number of
You meet Alric as you near the cave. He stands across a EXIT
great ravine from you, high upon a cliff His presence rhose monsters equal to l less than the number of heroes.
is nearly as chilling as the frigid wind that numbs your
fingers and face. The dark knight stands motionless, REI.t~FORCEMENTS
not even a hint ofbreath escaping his helmet. H e raises K one.
a hand and motions toward the sky. A roar breaks the
cold silence and a dragon appears above you. VICTORY SA
..,.:::;;; If the oYerlord places a fatigue roken on the Exit or if fIELD
C2Cfl hero moves off the map through the Exit, read the
Cave Spiders. Goblin archers. Zombies. Flesh moulders.
fullmrnig aloud:
- - -----
J:ad!.:Js.1r's flames cover the nor-thern face ofthe
<<-t.n::1irr. They lick at your heels and drive you
Barghests. ;,;:.-.:rd wward his lair. Your surviving foes slip
~;,ro11gh a small pass, beyond the reach of the fire,
SETUP ·•-,dJ~U follow to do the same. As you leap beyond
Place the zombies on the Approach. Do not place any u;;ch of the flame and smoke, you stop in
_)rce. Great, hulking figures emerge from
other groups during setup.
·n r !.::rs, ready to challen_ge your assault.
Place 1 fatigue token on the Entrance.
~,r..nrer 1 is complete. Set aside each hero who
Place search tokens based on th.e number or heroes.. ·& .no: moYe off the map through the Exit and each
. --
1he dragon lands upon the ground with a sound Kadlasar applies +2 to his Health per hero, and if IfKadlasar is defeated, read the following aloud :
like thunder, shaking several large slabs ofrock Kadlasar's lair has not been exposed, adds 4 • to each of
The dragon '.s blood spills out around your feet, but his
free from the mountain. 1hey rumble and crash his defense rolls. body never emerges; the shadow fades and dissipates
down the mountain as Kadlasar approaches. "So into the breeze. You notice several ofhis kin watching
Each time a hero is defeated by an attack performed by
you are the rebels Alric spoke of Come then, " from the cliffi above, but at your glance, they slink
he laughs, "come and meet your doom, " then Kadlasar, the overlord may place I of char hero's hero
back into the mountain.
disappears in a cloud ofshadow. rokens in his play area. At the start of each overlord
turn, the overlord may place I hero token in his play The heroes win!
area for each hero chat is knocked our. The overlord
If rhe overlord ever has 4 hero tokens in his play area,
cannot cake a second hero token belonging to the same
read the following aloud:
MONSTER$ hero before he has I hero token belonging to each hero.
1he monsters jeer as Kadlasar bats you around like a
Elem entals. Ettins. Merriods. Shadow dragons. All At the start of each overlord turn chat Kadlasar is nor ro;. Ar last you flee back down the mountain, but the
monsters set aside in Encounter 1. on rhe map, the overlord places him in any empn· mnn_· does not pursue. Yo u cannot help but feel that
space. At the start of each overlord turn char Kadlasar rbis :.. i!! not be the last you see ofKadlasar.
SETUP is on chc map and Kadlasar's lair is not exposed, the
Place 1 master ettin, 1 master merriod, and I master overlord removes him from che map and secs him aside. The overlord \\ins !
elemental as indicated, ignoring group limits. These are Each time chis happens, Kadlasar discards all of his
champions. In a 2-hero game, each champion applies conditions, but keeps all. suffered.
-2 to its Health. In a 3-hero game, each champion applies yrr receiYes l XP.
-I to its Health. Do not place the corresponding minions. REINFORCEMENT S a:caYr an additional 25 gold per
Do not place the shadow dragons during setup. The At the scare of each overlord turn, the overlord mav .::...""'£ nor appear in the finale.
master shadow dragon is Kadlasar. place I minion elemental, I minion ettin, or I minion • zddcional XP_
merriod on the Entrance, ignoring group limits. H e can
Then, place each monster chat was set aside in
only place a minion if there is no other monster from •=- be chosen
Encounter 1 on the Ford.
char monster group on the map.
The overlord collects I blue, I red, I white, and 1
green objective token. If each hero moved off the map
through the Exit during Encounter I, the heroes choose
che color of I of these objective tokens and the overlord
secs it aside. Then, the overlord chooses 1 of the
remaining objective tokens, places it in his play area, and
sets the remaining objective tokens aside (see "Light in
the Darkness") . The heroes should not know the color
of the chosen objective token.
Place 3 blue and 3 red objective tokens facedown on the
map as indicated. These are scone slabs.
Then, for each hero who was sec aside at the end of
Encounter I, the overlord may remove I scone slab from
the map and place it adjacent to I door (see "Lairs").
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes.
Ac the scare of each overlord turn, each hero recovers 1 •·
Doors cannot be opened or closed as normal. A hero
adjacent to a door may attack it as ific were a monster.
Each door has IO Health and has a defense result of3 •
each time it is targeted by an attack. If a door suffers •
equal co its Health, it is destroyed and removed from
the map.
A champion may spend I movement point co pick up
an adjacent stone slab. If it does, place that objective
roken on its base. Champions cannot carry more chan
I stone slab at a time and cannot perform attacks while
carrying stone slabs. If a champion is defeated while
carrying a stone slab, discard chat stone slab.
As an action, a champion adjacent to a door and
carrying a stone slab may reinforce that door. Ifie docs,
place rhac scone slab near chat door, off the map; that
door applies +3 to its Health. 2A
Each time a door is destroyed, the overlord reveals the
corresponding objective token. If the overlord reveals the
objective token in his play area, Kadlasar's lair is exposed. ENTR..ANCE
You try to flee, but you can feel some force Each time a hero is defeated, the overlord may place Once per activation, if Lord Merick Farrow has not
compelling you deeper. Whether it is the call ofthe 1 of chat hero's hero tokens in his play area. The finished the ritual, he may rest~- If he passes, he may
sword or a challenge issued by its master, you are overlord cannot cake a second hero roken belonging ro advance the ritual or finish the ritual. He cannot finish
not sure. All you know is that you cannot leave the same hero before he has 1 hero token belonging co the ritual until he has 3 or more fatigue rokens on his
this place until the mage or you are defeated. Lieutenant card.
each hero.
If Sir Alric is defeated while wielding the "Duskblade" Ifhe advances the ritual, place 1 fatigue roken on his .
relic, the heroes immediately choose 1 hero ro receive Lieutenant card.
MONSTER$ the "Dawnblade" relic. Ifhe finishes the ritual, the overlord discards 3 fatigue
Sir Alric Farrow. Lord Merick Farrow. Barghests. Flesh SUN AND SHADOW rokens from his Lieutenant card, chooses 1 monster
moulders. 2 open groups. from the remaining open group ( respecting group
As an action, a hero adjacent to the altar and carrying
limits), and places it in an empty space adjacent co Lord
SETUP che "Dawnblade" relic may consecrate the sword.
Merick Farrow. Then, for each fatigue roken remaining
Ifhe does, place the white objective token on the
Place Sir Alric Farrow and Lord Merick Farrow on the on Lord Merick Farrow's Lieutenant card, that monster
"Dawnblade" Relic card as a reminder.
map as indicated. Sir Alric Farrow begins this encounter applies + 1 ro its Health per hero.
with¥ equal ro the ¥ he had suffered at the end of the Lord Merick Farrow can only be defeated during an
previous encounter. Place the flesh moulders on the attack performed with the consecrated Dawnblade. REINFORCEMENTS
Armory and Alcove, distributed as the overlord chooses. Each time Lord Merick Farrow would otherwise be At the start of each overlord turn, place 1 flesh moulder
Place 1 open group on the Chapel. Do not place the defeated, he instead adjusts his rota! ¥ suffered so chat on the Exie, respecting group limits.
remaining open group or barghescs during setup. he has 1 Health remaining.
Ac the end of each overlord turn, place 1 barghest on
Place 1 white objective token on the map as indicated. the Entrance, respecting group limits.
This is the altar. LOR..D MER..IC1'.,fAR..R..OW
If the heroes won Encounter 1, they choose 1 hero
to carry the "Dawn blade" relic, and chat hero may If Lord Me rick Farrow is defeated, read the following
immediately equip it. If the overlord won encounter 1, aloud:
Sir Alric Farrow wields the "Duskblade" relic. Merick 's body glows as you slide the Dawnblade
into his chest. Rays oflight spring from his eyes and
Place search rokens based on the number of heroes.
wounds, then his flesh flickers and disintegrates into a
pile ofash. There is a long stillness in which you wait
for some farther assault, but none comes. Instead, a
light breeze glides across the floo,; sweeping the ash
upward through a hole in the ceiling.
You sheath the blade and retreat back into the
morning sun.
$IR. ALRJC Win or lose, each player receives 1 XP.
fAR..R_OW 26B If the heroes win, they receive the "Dawnblade" relic.
If the overlord wins, he receives the "Duskblade" relic.
The next available quest is "Blood and Betrayal."
A darkness settles into the valley. The sun offers little The locked door is magically sealed and cannot be Ar the start of each overlord turn, the overlord may place
light, instead overseeing days ofeerie twilight and opened or closed as normal. As an action, a hero l barghest on che Graveyard, respecting group limits.
stillness. The voices ofyour companions are mujfied adjacent to the locked door may test ~- If he passes,
and distorted behind the black veil, making your Ar t he end of each overlord turn, the overlord may place
he removes the locked door fro m the map and his turn
dreams little different than y our waking hours. l m aster goblin archer and 1 minion goblin archer in
immediately ends.
It can only be a matter ofdays before Eliza makes her unique green spaces, respecting group lim its.
.... final ascension, reclaiming the valley. There is little Monsters can move th ro ugh the locked door when
that can stop her now. There are stories of an ancient it is closed, but a large monster cannot be placed so VICTORY
guardian that sleeps beneath some ruins. ft is said that that it occupies spaces on both sides of the doo r, even If each hero either is tainted or has m oved off the m ap
only the sword ofArcite can slay the creature- the very if the door is open. At the end of each overlord turn,
sword that was recently stolen Ji-om the cathedral.
You struggle to navigate the darkness, and only
the overlord may discard I Overlord card to close the --
through the Exit, read the following aloud:
You shamble forward, striking out blindly at the
locked door. darkness around you. The sun has set, leaving you
realize that you have arrived when you are a stone's
OVER THE WALL little to see beyond the reach ofyour arm. A rro ws
thro w from the outer wall. Hunched figures watch
whistle past you, but you can only see the ones that
Ji-om the wall and p atrol the woods around you. As an action, a hero on a unique red space may rest':!. glance offyour shield or armor. Stand ing back-to-back
Yo u seem to have wandered past their outer defense
Add• to the results equal to the number of goblin with your companions, you ease down the steps into
without realizing-fortuna tely for you, they too have
archers on the map. If he passes, he moves his figure the chamber ofthe guard ian.
not yet realized.
1 space onto the Lair, ignoring the black border. If each A la.,ge room opens up before y ou . A dozen en raged
= spirits struggle against their ethereal bonds, held tight
of chose spaces is occup ied, he places his figu re on th e
closest empty space on the Lair. by Alric. M erick stands nearby, calling out in a dark
MONSTER$ tongue. All too late, you understand that he is binding
GOBLIN WATCHT OWER them to his will, and upon the completion of the spell,
Barghesrs. Errins. Goblin archers. 1 open group. A lric strikes out w ith a glowing sword and the chains
Goblin archers can only occupy unique green spaces
shatter, releasing the fi! ul creatures.
SETUP and cannot be rem oved fro m unique green spaces unless
they are defeated. Goblin archers have a group limit Encounter 1 is complete. The overlord keep s each h ero
Place the barghests on the Graveyard. Place the ettins
of 1 master and 2 minions. Each attack performed by roken in his play area for Encounter 2.
on the Yard. Place the open group on the Lair. Place 1
a goblin archer gains + 2 Range and ignores the black
m aster and 2 minion goblin archers in the unique green
border between the Lair and Yard.
spaces on the Yard.
The unique green spaces on the Yard are not obstacle
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes.
terrain, but do block movement. A figure cannot perform
SPECIAL RULES aJVfelee arrack that targets a unique green space unless
The heroes may move off the map through the Exit. char figure is adjacent to the space and its arrack has the
Reach keyword Each arrack chat rargets a unique green
T he first rime each hero is defeated, the o,·erlord space ignores the black border berween the Lair and Yard.
collects I of clur hero's hero tokens; char hero is rairm:d.
.2B 4A
--- - -----""'---
The spirits scatter away from you, disappearing At the start and end of each overlord turn, the overlord The foul champions leap upon the guardian, tearing
through the walls. Surel.y these creatures have been may place 1 flesh moulder on the Entrance, respecting into it with their dagger-like claws. The creature
released to deal with the guardian. Alric notices has awakened far too late, giving it on!.y a moment
group limits.
you standing at the end of the hall and alerts his to realize it's dying. Its body fa des into ash that rises
into the air and escapes beyond the ceiling. You raise
brother. Merick laughs and flicks his hand in your VICTORY your weapons at the specters, but they pay you little
direction. The door before you slams shut.
If the guardian is raised, read the following aloud: attention. They slip through the walls, leaving you in
the deepest darkness you've ever known.
The spirits shriek and clamber forward, reaching
out with claws the length ofdaggers. They rip at the T he overlord wins!
guardian, but his power makes their advance difficult.
MONSTERS They draw near, but not before you can wake the !\_EWARDS
Sir Alric Farrow. Lord Merick Farrow. Flesh moulders. creature. Its eyes snap open and it seems immediate!.y
aware ofthe danger. It rises. The moans and hisses ofthe Win or lose, each player receives 1 X P.
2 open groups.
dark champions grow quiet beneath its awesome fo rm. If the heroes win, they receive the "D awnblade" relic.
SETUP Before its very gaze the specters wither andfade,
If the overlord wins, he receives the "Duskblade" relic.
incinerated by a silent, all-consuming flame. It too
Place Sir Alric Farrow and Lord M erick Farrow on steps through the wall, and you hear the hall beyond T he next available quest is "Blood and Betrayal."
the map as indicated. Place the flesh moulders on the erupt with the sounds of battle. By the time you make
Crossing. Place 1 open group on the Armory and your way around, both monster and guardian are
1 open group on the Cave. gone- only Arcite's sword remains, resting against the
door jamb ofthe exit. The sword shines bright!.y when
Place 4 red objective rokens on the map as indicated. you retrieve it, sending the encroaching darkness back
T hese are dark champions. away from you.
Sir Alric Farrow wields the "Duskblade" relic. The heroes win!
Place I villager roken as indicated. T his is the guard ian .
The overlord discards each hero roken from his play
area from Encounter 1 and places 1 fatigue token in his
play area for each discarded hero roken.
Place search rokens based on the number of heroes.
Locked doors cannot be opened and closed as normal.
As an action, a hero adjacent ro a locked door may test
Q or e.. Ifhe passes, remove both locked doors from
the map.
As an action, a hero adjacent ro the guardian may test 'il:
or•· Ifhe passes, the hero has raised the guardian (see
"Vicrory") .
Each time a hero is defeated, the overlord places
1 fatigue roken in the overlord's play area.
Dark champions do not block movement or line of sight.
At the end of each overlord turn, the overlord either
d iscards 1 fatigue roken from his play area or places 1
fatigue roken in his play area. Ifhe discards 1 fatigu e
roken, the darkness grows.
Each time the darkness grows, each dark champion
moves 1 space. D uring this movement, each dark
champion must reduce the number of spaces between its
current space and the space containing the guardian; it
cannot enter the same space as another dark champion,
but can enter a space containing any other figure.
If a dark champion enters a sp ace containing a hero
figure, that dark champion is discarded and the hero
suffers 4 ¥ .
If a dark champion enters a space containing the
guard ian and there is no hero on that space, the
guardian is banished (see "Victory").
At the end of each overlord turn, if there are no dark
champ ions on the map, place 1 dark champion on the
map adjacent tO the guardian. Dark champions cannot
move during the same turn in which they are placed.
3A 4A
Tyrus waits fo r you at the bottom of the stairs. Facedown objective tokens are guardians. Treat Legacies increase Tyrus' power, making his attacks more
"Lord Merick, "he says, "you were right, the guardians as hero figures wich che following exceptions. powerful during chis encounter, but also giving the
traitors have come." His eyes seem barely focused Guardians are discarded when defeated. Guardians heroes powerful abilities during the final encounter.
on you, framed by dark rings and drooping activate as a group once each rou nd after any hero cum As an action, a hero adj acent to a legacy may pick it up.
eyelids. "Your rebellion has failed and your lies and are controlled by chat hero player. W hen activated,
are exposed. Why do you continue?" As an acrion, a hero adjacent to Tyrus rhac is carrying
each guardian may perform 2 actions, but cannot
You try to reason with him, but he remains search or pick up legacies. Guardians are immune to all I or more legacies may give him 1 legacy. If he does,
enthralled by the lies ofEliza. Unable to convince place chat token on the "Lady Eliza Farrow" Lieutenant
conditions and aucomacically pass any attribute tesr.
him to leave, you reach out for his arm, hoping to card and increase Tyrus' resolve by 2.
retreat back up the stairs before any can stop you.
It is only an apparition, however, and it breaks GUAR..DIAN Each of Tyrus' attacks gains the following based on
into a red mist as you close your hand around his the color of the legacies on the "Lady Eliza Farrow"
Health: 6 Speed: 4
shoulder. Another apparition, this time Merick, Lieucenanc card:
appears a few paces further. "Come, come" he Defense: Attack:
chides, "did you really think we'd allow you take Green : Add 1 yellow power die to his attack pool.
our dear child that easily? No, he is ours now, and JI:+l ¥ JI: P ierce 1 Red: Add 1 red power die co his attack pool.
he believes folly in our cause. Eliza will reclaim
her birthright and rise to her rightful throne-and TAINTED BLOOD Blue:JI: +2 ¥
when we're done with Tyrus, he will be her thrall
All figures creac Tyrus as a friendly figure, but he Wh ite: JI: Pierce 3
foreve1; sapped ofall his will and power."
is neither a hero nor a monster. Ac che end of each
You stalk forward, dissipating the image as you REINFORCEMENTS
step through it. You kick down the door before overlord cum, the overlord may activate Tyrus.
you and hack into the first wave of monsters that Ac che end of each overlord cum, the overlord may place
Each time Tyrus is activated, the overlord rolls I red
await you. 1hough every advantage is lost and 1 cave spider on the Spider Den, respecting group limits.
power die and Tyrus suffers¥ equal co the¥ rolled.
a host ofevil lies between you and him, you are
T his is the only way Tyrus can suffer¥ during this Once during this encounter, at the start of the overlord
resolved to perish before allowing Eliza to strip
that boy ofhis inheritance and humanity. encounter. Then, Tyrus may perform 1 move action and turn, if there are a number of fatigue tokens on the
1 attack action. The attack may target 1 hero. "Lady Eliza Farrow" Lieutenant card equal co or greater
than che number of heroes, che overlord may place 1 of
TYR..US the remaining open groups on both Exits, distributed as
he chooses.
Lord Merick Farrow. Sir Alric Farrow. Lady Eliza When ch e heroes pick up a second legacy, the overlord
Farrow. Cave spiders. 4 open groups.
JI:+2¥ may place 1 of the remaining open groups within 3
spaces of I other legacy.
Heroes place their figures on the Passage. Then, VICTOR..Y
As an action, a hero adjacent to Tyrus may test~
heroes place each red objecri,-e roken colloacd from At the end of each round, if there are 1 or more
or :0-. Remove 1 • from the results for each guardian
Encounter 1 fu.cedown in empry 5?"CCS on ::he ~ objective tokens on the "Lady Eliza Farrow" Lieutenant
within 3 spaces of Tyrus. If he passes, increase Tyrus'
These are guardians. card, the heroes may choose to progress. If Tyrus moves
resolve by 1. Then, pass or fail, Tyrus performs 1 attack
off che map through an Exie, che heroes must progress.
The overlord keeps the hero tokens from Encow,r,cr 1 in char targets chat hero.
his play area. These are signs of weakness.
Place Lord Merick Farrow and Sir Alric Farrow on the
Each rime Tyrus suffers 1 or more¥. 1 hero within 3
spaces may choose to suffer chat¥ instead. If he does,
When che heroes progress, read the following aloud:
You duck into the shadows, watching Tyrus escape
down the stairs. He glances back, his face distorted
Chapel as indicated. Place the cave spiders on the CaYeTil. increase Tyrus' resolve by l. and his eyes filled with tears. 1hough he does not yet
Place 2 open groups on the Chapel, Cave, Cavern. ano appear to fully believe you, your efforts have had some
Library, distributing che figures between the riles as
PRESENT DARKNESS effect on his r~ . You can on!)'_ hope it_is_je enough.
evenly as possible. Do not place the remaining 2 open Each time Tyrus' resolve is increased, the overlord may
discard 1 sign of weakness received during Encounter 1. Encounter 2A is complete.
groups or Lady Eliza Farrow during setup.
Ifhe does, decrease Tyrus' resolve by 1. There is a maximum number of Overlord cards che
Place I villager token on the Chapel as indicated . This
Each time a hero is defeated, che overlord may move overlord can keep in his hand going into the next
is Tyrus.
T)TUS 2 spaces. encounter. T his number is equal ro rwice the number
Place 1 blue, 1 red, 1 white, and 1 green objective token as of heroes, and Overlord cards in the overlord's play area
indicated. These are legacies. If Tyrus suffers¥ equal co his H ealth, he is not
counc against this maximum. Ifhe has Overlord cards
defeated; decrease Tyrus' resolve by 2 and then he
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes. in excess co chis number, he must discard cards from his
recovers ¥ equal to his H ealth.
hand or his play area until the correct number is achieved.
SPECIAL RULES Remove the objective tokens on the "Lady Eliza Farrow"
A figure on a un ique space may spend 1 movement point Lieutenant card and place chem in the heroes' play
co move co another empty unique space as if chey were area. Any fatigue tokens on the "Lady Eliza Farrow"
adj acent spaces. Lieutenant card remain for che next encounter.
Throughout this encounter, Tyrus' resolve will rise If Lord Merick Farrow or Sir Alric Farrow are n ot
and fall. The larger chis nnmber becomes, che greater defeated, note che ¥ they have suffered. They will begin
advantage the heroes will have during the next che next encounter with the san1e ¥ suffered.
encounter. Each time his resolve increases by an amount,
place chat number of fatigue tokens on the "Lady Eliza
Farrow" Lieutenant card. Each time his resolve decreases
by an amount, remove that number of fatigue tokens
from che "Lady Eliza Farrow" Lieutenant card. Tyrus'
resolve cannot increase above 8 or decrease below 0.
a r.u~~m,.,.,..,~ '"'" a @
You finish clearing the first room just as Tyrus Legacies increase Tyrus' power, giving him powerful At the end of each round, if Tyrus has picked up
arrives with his guardians. lhe boyish sparkle is abilities during the final encounter. I or more legacies, the heroes may choose to progress. If
gone from his eyes, whether from the bloodbath Tyrus' resolve is decreased co 0, the heroes muse progress.
Each time Tyrus moves adjacent to a legacy, he picks it
outside or the daunting task before you, you are \V~ n the_heroes pro~ss, read the following aloud:
unsure. A group of monsters pours from the stairs, up; increase Tyrus' resolve by 1 and place that token on
killing several soldiers before they can react. Tyrus the "Lady Eliza Farrow" Lieutenant card. You freeze in place-Tyrus chants dark, foreign words
.... turns and unleashes a blast ofenergy that tears behind you. You turn just in time to see the wave of
the creatures apart in a moment. His eyes burn MONASTERY GUARDIANS darkness pour from his extended hands and sweep over
with black energy, and he turns his gaze toward T reac guardians as hero figures with the following you. Confusion consumes your thoughts as weakness
you. For a moment you fear for your life, then exceptions. Guardians are discarded when defeated. overcomes you, and you fall unconscious.
the darkness fades and he regains his composure. Guardians activate as a group once each round after any When you awake, Tyrus is gone. 7he same dark words
''Perhaps," he says, "you should do the fighting." echo up from a nearby stairwell, but now they are
hero rum and are controlled by that hero player. When
You quietly agree. lhere is great power within joined with Eliza's voice. lhefinal ritual has started.
activated, each guardian may perform 2 actions, but
these halls, power that Tyrus can channel. Bloodied and nearly broken, you hurry down the
cannot search. Guardians are immune to all conditions stairs. ft all comes down to this.
However, it appears that Eliza has already tainted
it. Even as you enter the next room, you can see and automatically pass any attribute test.
Tyrus' resolve wavering beneath its presence. Encounter 2B is complete.
"lhe end is upon us," he whispers. "lhere are
There is a maximum number of Overlord cards che
artifacts here that belong to me. lhey will help us. Health : 6 Speed :4 overlord can keep in his hand going into the next
Quickly, we must find them." encounter. T his number is equal to twice the number
Defense :'~ , Attack:
of heroes, and Overlord cards in the overlord's play area
JI: +l ¥ JI: Pierce 1 count against chis maximum. Ifhe has Overlord cards
in excess to this number, he must discard cards from his
MONSTERS RIGHTFUL HEIR hand or his play area until the correct number is achieved.
Lord Merick Farrow. Sir Alric Farrow. Lady Eliza Treat Tyrus as a hero figure with the following
Remove the objective tokens on the "Lady Eliza Farrow"
Farrow. Cave spiders. 4 open groups. exceptions. If Tyrus suffers. equal ro his Health, he
Lieutenant card and place them in the heroes' play
is not defeated. Instead, decrease his resolve by 2 and
SETUP he recovers• equal to his Health; if there are 1 or
area. Any fatigue tokens on the "Lady Eliza Farrow"
Heroes place their figures on the Chapel. Then, Lieutenant card remain for the next encounter.
more guardians within 3 spaces ofTyrus when this
heroes place each red objective token collected from happens, the heroes may discard 1 of those guardians to If Lord Merick Farrow or Sir Alric Farrow are not
Encounter 1 faccdown in empty spaces on the Chapel. not decrease his resolve by 2. Tyrus activates once each defeated, note the. they have suffe red. They wi ll begin
These are guardians. round after any hero turn and is controlled by that hero the next encounter with the same • suffered.
The overlord keeps the hero tokens from Encounter 1 in player. \'I/hen activated, Tyrus may perform 2 actions,
his play area. These are signs of weakness. but cannot search.
Place Lord i\i erick Farrow on rhe Librarv. Place Sir Alric
Farrow on the Flooded Hall Place rhe caYe spider.; on the
Wild Garden. Place I open group on che Flooded Ha!:. Health: 10 Speed: 4
Overgrowth, and Chasm, distributed as the o,·crlorc Defense:
chooses. Do nor place rhe remaining 3 open groups or
Lady Eliza Farrow during setup.
i :2 ~ :3 0: 3 ,..,4
Place 8 fatigue tokens on the "Lady Eliza Farrow" For each guardian within 3 spaces of Tyrus,
Lieutenant card. Then, the overlord discards each he adds 1 , ro each of his defense rolls.
hero token in his play area and removes an equal
number of fatigue tokens from the "Lady Eliza
Farrow" Lieutenant card. As an action, a figure adjacent to a pit
space may remove his figure from the
Place I villager roken on the Chapel. This is Tyrus.
map and place it in an empty space on the
Place 1 blue, I red, I white, and 1 green objective token as Stairway. A; an action, a figure on the Stairway
indicated. These are legacies. may remove his figure from the map and place it in an
Place search tokens based on the number of heroes. empry space adjacent to a pit space. For either action, if
there is no empty space available, place the figure in the
SPECIAL RULES closest empty space.
Throughout this encounter, Tyrus' resolve will rise
and fall. Each time his resolve increases by an amount,
place that number of fatigue rokens on the "Lady Eliza At che end of each overlord cum, the overlord may
Farrow" Lieutenant card. Each time his resolve decreases place 1 cave spider on the Wild Garden, respecting
by an amount, remove that number of fatigue rokens group limits.
from the "Lady Eliza Farrow" Lieutenant card. Tyrus' Each time Tyrus picks up a legacy, the overlord may
resolve cannot increase above 8 or decrease below 0. choose I ocher legacy on the map and immediately
At the stare of each overlord turn, decrease Tyrus' resolve place 1 of his remaining open groups within 3 spaces
by 1. of that legacy.
• r~,r<~T~,.,.r,n >-) • !!!I
Looking down from a high gallery, you see Eliza Lady Eliza Farrow applies +2 co her Health per hero. If Lady Eliza Farrow is defeated, read the following aloud:
chanting a dark ritual over Tyrus, her hands Tyrus begins the encounter spellbound. While Tyrus is - -------
To your surprise, there is no red mist when you deliver
hovering above his head. She is slowly sapping
spellbound, Lady Eliza Farrow adds 5 , co each of her the mortal blow. Eliza simply crumples to the ground
him ofall he has and is. In a few short minutes,
defense rolls. As an action, if there are no monsters on and lays still. Her eyes fix on some far-off, invisible
Tyrus will crumble to her will, and the kingdom
the Throne Room (excluding Eliza), a hero adjacent ro realization, and tears stream down her cheeks. Tyrus
will be entirely hers.
.... Tyrus holds tightly to the legacies you helped Tyrus may break the bond. Ifhe does, Tyrus is no longer
wanders forward and collapses a few steps away,
weeping softly at her side.
him gather, and as you approach the stairway spellbound and the overlord may place 1 of the remaining
"Blood," Eliza whispers. "Blood is all I've known.
down from your balcony, he looks up at you open groups within 3 spaces of Lady Eliza Farrow.
Blood I have sought and has been sought ofme." Her
and nods. With what little will remains within
After the bond is broken, Lady Eliza Farrow performs eyes shift to you. "Make bleed or be bled, that is our
him, he is ready to aid you. Eliza follows his
1 action after each hero's turn. existence." ?hen, laying down her head, she turns to
gaze, and seeing you, moves to exit the room, but
Tyrus. "I weep for you, my child. Yours is the kingdom
Tyrus raises a hand and Eliza yelps in response.
RISING LORD and yours is the blood that willfollow." With that,
She turns and the two lock eyes, engaged in an
Ac the start of each round, che heroes may choose Eliza closes her eyes and expels a final, rasping breath.
invisible battle ofwills. ?his time Tyrus breaks
first and he screams out as he stumbles backward. l legacy in their play area for Tyrus co use. Resolve the t
Eliza turns again and springs for the exit, ready the following effect based upon its color: Years Latn; you return to the valley. ?he river is
to meet you in a final battle to the death. spanned by a fortified bridge, and you are made to
Green: Discard l condition from 1 hero. wait while word is sent to Lord Tyrus ofyour an·ival.
Red: 1 hero that is not knocked-out recovers 3 W. Beyond the river, you can see the once small village,
rebuilt and expanded, nearly twice its original size.
White: Each hero recovers 2 ,. ?he valley remains hidden, but thrives tender the young
MONSTERS lord's leadership. Many who seek refuge or a new start
Blue: The heroes choose I tile. Each monster on
Lady Eliza Farrow. Lord Merick Farrow. Sir Alric are welcomed within its borders.
chat cile suffers 2 W.
Farrow. Shadow Dragons. Zombies. Flesh Moulders. 4 ?he gates are drawn back and a Lone rider emerges,
open groups. KINGDOM COME rushing out to greet you. ''Hail, heroes ofSaradyn!"
the young man cries, dismountingfrom his horse
Ac the srart of each overlord turn, place 1 damage token
SETUP o n Tyrus. T h en, rhe heroes may discard 2 fatigue tokens
before it has fully stopped. ?he boy you rescued on
the forest path so many years ago is gone; though his
Place che shadow dragons on the Dragon's Den (if the from the "Lady Eliza Farrow" Lieutenant card ( gained sparkling eyes remain, Tyrus is a man and a prince.
heroes won "Shadowfall Mountain," che shadow dra,,aons during the previous encounter) co remove 1 damage "Peace to you," he says as he bounds up and embraces
are not placed). Place che zombies on the Cave. Place the token from Tyrus. you. "May the peace you have brought to this valley
flesh moulders on che Intersection. Place 1 open group be upon you as well and follow you when you depart
Then, Lady Eliza Farrow vies for dominion. Each rime again. Come, walk with me and let us talk, as we did
on th e Reliquary. Place Lady Eliza Farrow on the Throne.
Lad)- Eliza Farrow vies for dominion, she tests O. After ~ ears ago."
Room as inclicaced.
rolling dice, che heroes may discard 1 fatigue token from
If Lord Me rick Farrow or Sir Alric Farrow we:re :,o;: me "Lady Eliza Farrow" Lieutenant card co add 1 , co The heroes win rhe campaign!
defeated in the previous encounter, place me re.sulrs. If rhere is l ~ n Tyrus, read the following alou~
Study; each begins chis e.ncounte:r "itli War..!tl ro me W
chey had suffered ac che end o:' rhe p=-ions
lit.adv Eliza Farrow vies for dominion and fails, Tyrus
oYercomes; if Tyrus is a vampire, Lady Eliza Farrow
A roar of voices erupts from the hall behind you. You
turn to see a contingent ofyour soldiers that have
Do noc place the 3 remaining open groups during '.!ilmlJ followed you in. ?hey charge past and join the fina l
suffers 1 W; if Tyrus is pure-blooded, each hero recovers
Place 1 villager coken on che Thrnne Room as indicm,d. battle. Many fall before Eliza's torrent ofattacks, bu;
I W. Then, the heroes may choose 1 legacy chat Tyrus
slowly her forces dwindle. At last, the small remnant
This is Tyrus. has not used chis round and perform its effects based on ofyour army corners her in the throne room.
Place search tokens based on che number ofhe:roes. its color (see "Rising Lord").
She takes slow steps backward until she is at Tyrus'
lFLadv Eliza Farrow vies for dominion and passes, the side, then whispers some phrase in his ear. His body
SPECIAL RULES OYe.rlord chooses 1 tile and 1 attribute. Each hero on jolts forward and tumbles across the floor, as ifsome
If che overlord won either "Prison ofKhinn" or "Rice o" great force had passed through him. You pull him to
char tile cesrs the chosen attribute. Each hero who fails
his feet, but he strikes out at you with jagged claws,
the Red Dawn," Tyrus is a vampire. Otherwise, Tyrus is triggers me following based on the rested accribure : leaving deep lacerations across your face. He laughs
pure-blooded (see "Kingdom Come").
i: Thar hero suffers 2 W. and scurries away. "Did you see that?" he says,
The locked door cannot be opened. grinning at Eliza. "Didn't expect that, did they?"
Q: That hero is Srunned.
"No," Eliza says, looking up at you, ''I think not."
Lady Eliza Farrow may move through doors when they
are closed, buc not the locked door.
:qc: That hero suffers 2 -· An awful moment passes in which-you realize that a:.
~ : The overlord places 1 zombie on the is lost. Tyrus' eyes glow red and he sneers at you wid:
Doors cannot be opened or closed as normal. Only pointed teeth. "What now, traitors? Not gonna kil:
Intersection, respecting group limits.
heroes can open doors. When a hero opens l door, me, are you?" He struts forward, then lashes out at
you again with his claws. He swings again and agair.
the ocher door is removed as well. Then, the overlord REINFORCEMENTS driving you back. Eliza keeps pace a safe distance
immediacely places 1 open group on the Throne Room;
Ar the scare of each overlord turn, if Tyrus is behind, a smirk upon her lips.
and chen places 1 open group on the Cavern and
spell-bound, che overlord places 1 flesh moulder on the As you retreat back into the open air, you are greeted
Armory, clistribuced becween the tiles as evenly by an eerie silence. A host ofcreatures and soldiers
Stairway, respecting group limits.
as possible. stand about you, bearing torches that have little effer.
on the thick darkness that has seized the night. Eliza
emerges from the cairn and a priest from the monasre'"'
cries out, "Hail! Hail the Lady ofSaradyn!" ?he enw,
host bows low before her.
"Well?" she says, turning to you. ''Bow." ?he silent f·_
peers up at you, waiting for your response.
9B 8B
The lost heir to the kingdom ofSaradyn has comeforth, but without protection, he will surelyfall
prey to the deadly temptations ofLady Eliza Farrow, a vampire and the rival claimant to the
throne. Only the swords ofheroes can protect him and lead him safely to his righiful throne!