European Classical Literature Question Paper

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63/1 (SEM–1) ENG HC 1026 (CC2) ( 2 )

(e) How long was the Trojan war fought?

(f) Who was the wife of Hector?
( Held in 2021 )
2. Answer the following questions : 2×5=10

ENGLISH (a) Name the two remarkable cooks hired

by Megadorus in the play, The Pot of
Paper : CC–2 Gold.

( European Classical Literature ) (b) Where does Euclio hide his gold? Who
discovers it?
Full Marks : 80
(c) Why did Achilles lend his armours to
Time : 3 hours Patroclus?

The figures in the margin indicate full marks (d) Name the devotees of Bacchus.
for the questions
(e) How do the sisters escape from Tereus?

1. Answer the following questions : 1×6=6

3. Answer the following questions (any six ) :
(a) What is the most important thing in the 5×6=30
world for Euclio?
(a) Discuss the role of Jocasta in the play,
(b) Fill in the blank : Oedipus the King.

Staphyla is _____ of Euclio. (b) Write a note on the clash between

Minerva and Arachne from two different
(c) Who was Neptune? perspectives.

(d) Name the rich old man in The Pot of (c) Write a note on the slave as a source of
Gold. comedy in The Pot of Gold.

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( 3 ) ( 4 )

(d) Analyze the character of Achilles in 5. Answer the following question (any one ) : 14
Homer’s The Illiad.
(a) Discuss the salient features of Homer’s
(e) How does Homer appropriate the style with special reference to his epic,
convention of heroism in his epic, The Illiad .
The Illiad ? Justify.
(b) Examine Sophocles’ Oedipus the King as
(f) Creon sounds like the voice of reason in a tragedy.
Oedipus the King. Discuss.

(g) Briefly describe the story of Pyramus HHH

and Thisbe.

(h) Describe how Cadmus and Harmonia

were transformed into serpents.

(i) Narrate the story of Tereus to emphasize

the power of art to overcome earthly

4. Answer the following questions (any two ) :


(a) Write a note on the significance of the

chorus in Oedipus the King.

(b) Elaborate the role of the women

characters in The Pot of Gold.

(c) Critically summarize the tale of love and

longing of Pyramus and Thisbe in Ovid’s

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