Lipids Questions W - Answers (Biochemistry) (Bio 024)

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1. Aspirin reduces inflammation and fever by inhibiting the formation of

which of the following types of messenger lipids?

a. Prostaglandins b. Thromboxanes c. Leukotrienes d. Progestins

2. Which of the following is a correct pairing of concepts?

a. Male sex hormones: androgens

b. Pregnancy hormones: estrogen
c. Female sex hormones: progestins
d. After menopause hormones: estradiol

3. Which of the following substances is associated with Na+/K+ balance in the

human body?

a. Cortisol b. Cortisone c. Aldosterone d. Prednisolone

4. Which of the following statements concerning steroid hormones is correct?

a.Some, but not all of them, are cholesterol derivatives.

b. Some, but not all of them, are glucose derivatives.
c. Some, but not all of them, are fatty acid derivatives.
d. All of them are cholesterol derivatives

5. Which of the following statements concerning bile acids is incorrect? They


a. Insoluble in water
b. Emulsifying agents
c. Cholesterol derivatives
d. Conjugated with amino acids to form bile salt

6. Which of the following statements concerning structural characteristics of

bile acids is correct?

a. No hydroxyl groups are present

b. More hydroxyl groups are present than in cholesterol
c. Fewer hydroxyl groups are present than in cholesterol
d. Both have the same hydroxyl groups present w/ cholesterol
7. Intermediates of which of the following metabolic pathway have not been
used in the synthesis of amino acids?

a. Cell recognition
b. Regulate membrane rigidity
c. Impart polarity to the interior membrane
d. Prevent tight packing of fatty acid chains

8. The biochemical function for the cholesterol present in cell membranes is:

a. biotinphosphate.
b. lipoic acid.
c. nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP+).
d. pyridoxal phosphate (PLP).
e. thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP).

9. Which of the following membrane transport mechanism requires both the

aid of proteins and the expenditure of cellular energy?

a. Water transport
b. Active transport
c. Passive transport
d. Facilitated transport

10. Which of the following types of membrane lipids has steroid structure?

a. Cholesterol
b. Globosides
c. Triacylglycerol
d. Sphingoglycolipids

11. Associated with severe hypertriglyceridemia

a. LDL predominantly increased

b. HDL is predominantly increased
c. VLDL and chylomicrons increased
d. VLDL increased; chylomicrons maybe increased

12. Which of the following statements concerning cholesterol is correct?

a. An alcohol functional group is present in the steroid structure.

b. The cholesterol associated with LDL is often called good cholesterol
c. The lipoprotein HDL distributes cholesterol to various parts of the human body
d. The lipoprotein VLDL transport dietary cholesterol from intestine back to the liver.
13. A 10-year old boy was evaluated for burning sensations in his feet and
of small, red- purple spots on his skin. Laboratory studies revealed protein
in his urine. Enzymatic analysis revealed a deficiency of α-galactosidase, and
enzyme replacement therapy was recommended. The most like diagnosis is:

a. Fabry disease
b. Farber disease
c. Gaucher disease
d. Krabbe disease

14. What possible sphingoglycolipids will accumulate from the enzyme

deficiency mentioned in number 13?

a. Sulfatides
b. Globosides
c. Gangliosides
d. Glucocerebrosides

15. What is the structural feature of the accumulated membrane lipids

involve in the case number 13 and14?

a. Sphingosine + FA + choline
b. Sphingosine + 1FA + glucose
c. Sphingosine + 1FA + oligosaccharide
d. Glycerol + 2FA + Phosphate + ethanolamine

16. In terms of human body response to dietary fat, which of the following is
considered to be “good fat”?

a. Trans-fat
b. Saturated fats
c. Monounsaturated fats
d. Polyunsaturated fats

17. Based on biological function, phospholipids are classified as

a. Membranelipids b. Messengerlipids c. Energy-storagelipids d. Emulsificationlipids

19. Linolenic acid and Linoleic acid, the essential fatty acids, are
a. 16:1 and 18:1 fattyacids
b. 18:2 and 18:3 fattyacids
c. 18:3 and 18:2 fattyacids
d. 20:5 and 22:6 fattyacids
20. A lipid is any substance of biochemical origin that is

a. Soluble in water but insoluble in nonpolarsolvents

b. Insoluble in water but soluble in nonpolarsolvents
c. Soluble in both water and nonpolarsolvents
d. Insoluble in both water and nonpolarsolvents

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