Ijirt155879 Paper
Ijirt155879 Paper
Ijirt155879 Paper
Smart Dustbin
1, 2, 3, 4, 6
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Guru Nanak Institute of Technology,
Kolkata, India
Abstract— The smart dustbin uses an Ultrasonic sensor people or any surface. This device will help throwing
HC-SR04 to detect objects in front. It and sends the signals the garbage without touching or opening the device
to Arduino Uno. The Arduino understands the signal and by our hands, thus we will be able to maintain hygiene
sends a signal to the Servomotor which opens the flap on
properly and the possibility of spreading the virus will
top of the dustbin. So it is just a normal bin where everyone
be less.
can dispose waste but integration of some hardware
components is done for more efficient use of it. Smart
Dustbin is integrated with some hardware components II. EXPERIMENTAL
such as Arduino, NODEMCU, Servo Motor, Ultrasonic
sensors. SMART DUSTBIN using ARDUINO is an IOT based
project. Here we are using arduino for code execution,
Indexed Terms— Smart Dustbin, Arduino, long distance, for sensing we used ultrasonic sensor which will open
IOT based, Ultrasonic Sensor lid and wait for few moment. It will bring drastic
changes in tern of cleanliness with the help of
I. INTRODUCTION technology. Here we also use Servo Motor for
automation of lid and then we use Battery for 5 V
Garbage and diseases are very common problem in today’s power supply [4,5]
situation, every one of us wants everything that looks clean
and tidy. Not every individual is aware of there environmental REQUIRED SOFTWARE:
problems based on a large amount of garbage scattered on the • ARDUINO IDE
streets. The dustbins which are provided from the govt.
facilities are dirty and unattractive due to lack of maintenance. REQUIRED HARDWARES:
So this matter is also a reason in itself for people not to throw
the garbage in the dustbin maybe one of the reason is it’s a
manual process of opening the lid and also closing it after
So here comes our IOT project of smart dustbin, we • DUSTBIN
designed and Implemented a smart dustbin in an • JUMPER WIRE
unique way which will be fully automatic[1] . The
dustbin is for the dry trash so the whole idea behind Here, we have used Arduino as microcontroller which
this project is that the ultrasonic sensor will detect an has 20 input/output digital pins of which 6 are PWM
object and automatically the lid will open and it will outputs and 6 are analog inputs. We have loaded
remain opened as long as we are not throwing the program into it by computer software. Arduino will
garbage in it after that the lid will get closed. control the full system. It will recieve signal from
mobile application via bluetooth and the floor cleaning
A lot of people has done projects on this topic earlier , machine will work when we require.
but we must say that our project is quite different from
others as we have considered a lot of prospective while We have also used a Servo motor (Fig. 7) which is a
making this project[2-3]. Right now our world is going rotational or translational motor to which power is
through a very tough time as we are fighting against supplied by a servo amplifier and serves to apply
corona virus which basically spreads by touching torque or force to a mechanical system like an actuator
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