1650445861890-JPO For Prevention of Open Door of Waon Hitting With Railway Structure

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Northern Railway

Mechanical Department, Headquarters Office

First Floor, Annexe-1, Baroda House, New Delhi-110001

No. 802-M/92/3/JP0/Pt-1/MC-I Date: 24.08.20


Sub: IPO for prevention of open doors of wagons hitting Railway structures.

Ref: Railway board Letter No. 2018/M(N)/951/34 Pt. dated 23.06.2020.

A joint Procedure Order for prevention of open doors of wagons hitting with OHE Mast,
Signal post, FOBs, fixed structure etc. has been reviewed in reference of Railway Board Letter and
revised JPO is prepared.

Please find the enclosed revised JPO for further necessary action.

R 2r
(R K Singhal)

Northern Railway
Headquarters office
Baroda House
New Delhi

No. 36 RD/JPO/Open doors/wagon Dated 15.07.2020

Divisional Railway Managers

Northern Railway

Sub: JPO for prevention of open doors of wagons hitting Railway structures
Ref This office letter of even number dated 2405.2019

A joint procedure order for Prevention of open doors of wagons hitting

OHE mast, signal post, FOBs, fixed structure etc was issued vide letter of even
number dated 24.05.2019. The JPO has been reviewed to make it more effective
and a revised JPO is prepared.

Please find enclosed herewith revised JPO for further necessary action
at your end.

Encl: As Above

(Nar Singh
Chief Commercial Manager/FM

Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:

ni ns7YE[m
1. All PHODs/Northern Railway
2. CRSE/Freight
3. COM/G

s S E
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6 JUL 202
Revised JPO for preventing open doors of wagons hitting Railway

A review of Northern
Railway's earlier JPO issued on 24/5/19 regarding
"Prevention of open doors of wagons hitting railway structures" has been
carried out. While doing this the latest Railway Board's instructions and
good practices being followed by adjoining railways have been incorporated
in this JPO.

1. Railway Board vide letter no. 2018/M

(N)/951/34 Pt. dated 23.06.2020 has
issued instructions with
approval of MT & MRS on GDR and door working
These instructions are
placed herein as Annexure of this JPO. In Railway
Board's letter, activities and
of Guard & Driver, Operating &
Commercial staff on duty at terminals and Mechanical staff have been
given in details. These must be strictly complied with.

2. Responsibility of closing and securing of the

wagon doors both sides after
loading/unloading is of handling loading/unloading parties. Railway
supervisor which include CGS/GSother staff of the goods shed
ensure door closure before accepting the release of the rake. This wil
be explicitly mentioned in the release
memo. Where
CGS/GS is not
posted SS/ASM will ensure this before release of rake.

3. As per Railway Board JPO signed on date 07.06.2000 in

case of empty
wagons the door should be kept completely open and in
hung down
position if it is not possible to secure it properly.
4. Loading/unloading party will inform the CGS/SM by a memo, if any door
is unfit for
locking or cannot be secured. The memo should include
wagon number, door and type of defect. After
receipt of the memo from
loading/unloading party, CGS/ASM/SM will take decision to call
TXR staff for necessary
repair. In case
unloading party does not inform
this to cGS/ASM/SM after
unloading, it will be assumed that all
doors are lockable and responsibility will be solely of the
loading/unloading party.
5. GDR check will be done as
per RB guidelines issued on the
Operating staff concerned shall assure themselves that GDR check has
been done before drawl of the rake and GDR memo has been signed as

6. Crew should ensure that BPC has cndorscment of "All doors chccked and
found working" after fresh TXR cxamination.

7. The JCB or other machines should not be deployed for

closing of wagon
doors. Coal or material remaining lodged in the door grooves should be
cleaned by the unloading party instead of forcefully closing or
mishandling of the door. For closing and locking of doors, unloading
party staff should carry with them required tools.

8. In casc minor defect in the door, wagon can be permitted with door
secured properly in such a manner that there is no possibility of its
opening during run or hitting any fixed structurcs or causing damage to
any person. Wagons with broken hinges should not be permitted.
Responsibility of safe movement of rake in such condition lies on Guard,
commercial/Optg Supervisor LP/ ALP and TXR in case he has been called
to attend and had cxamined that defect.

9. During loading/unloading wagon door should not be mishandled and

allowed to be hit by truck etc. Adequate distance of truck from wagon
door should be maintained to eliminate chances of damage to wagon
doors. Also, while loading BCN wagons adequate measures to be taken by
loading party to load the consignment such that doors are not damaged
by consignment during movement leading to unsafe door condition.
Necessary action as per commercial rules including imposition of penalty
on parties responsible should be taken in case this happen enroute. In
case any damage to the wagon door or wagon by the loading/ unloading
party, the same should be recorded by CGS/ ASM as the case may be and
recovery of damage is to be made from the parties. The cost of such
damages will be given by the TXR.

10. Wherever TXR staff is posted and in case the problem of doors not
closing is highlighted, the TXR will be informed by CGS/SM to attend
such work promptly.
11. In case TXR point is near to the unloading point, on receiving the
defective door memo from CGS / ASM/Crew, the TXR staff will rectify /
secure defective doors and give fitness of such wagons. In case such
wagons cannot be repaired they should be detached by the operating
department after getting memo from TXR.

12. Enroute detection of open/loose wagon door is an important issue from

safetyand of view. All gateman, Porter, ASM, station

operational point
staff, Patrolling staff or the crew of the passing train should be in lookout
for unsafe wagon doors. The crew on run should look back frequently to
see whether the doors are in safe condition. In case such unsafe door is

noticed, theStation Master of the next station in the direction of

movement should be informed giving approximate location of the wagon
in the rake. Station staff along with Asst. Driver and Guard and any
other railway staff available in that station, will make all possible efforts
to close/ secure the doors. Only when the door could not be closed due to
defective door decision of calling TXR staff at that station/detachment of

operationally convenient point will

wagon/permitting rake upto the next
While calling TXR, details of wagons
be taken by the Operating staff.
should be informed to TXR. Before
wagon number and type of defect
should e n s u r e its
allowing movement of such wagons, concerned stafi
13. In unsafe open door is detected in the block section, then Guard
c a s e an
section will
and LP/ALP with the help of any available railway staff in the
available with them. If it is not
try to secure the door by all means
possible to the door, train c r e w shall clear the block section
in consultation with Control. Such trains should be received on non

platform ines.

in goods sheds/ sidings or yards should

14. RPF personnel wherever posted
ensure that no tampering takes with the closed wagon doors. As it
is possible that s o m e miscreant may open the door for the purpose
pilferage or collection of residual material in the empty wagon.

for door incidents must be done and

15. Proper investigation open
responsibility fixed.

terminals to
16. Cameras can be installed at major loading/unloading
of rakes while entering/leaving the siding.
capture recording
17. Joint inspections of Commercial, Traffic, Safety and Mechanical officials
should be conducted at regular interval (half yearly) at divisional level to
assess the damages caused to the wagons during loading/unloadingat
sidings and goods sheds. Action including recoveries if any as per the

agreement with the siding authorities and extant Railway Board rules

should be taken.

av dwqh
(Nar Singh)/ 15 7 2o (Manish Kumar) (Mukul Mathur)
Annexure (3 pages)


a , TS Crri- 110o01, fAfa
.2018/M(N)/951/34 Pt. Rail Bhavan, New Delhi-110001, Dated: 23 .06.2020

General Managers
All Zonal Railways

Sub: Instructions regarding Guard Driver (GDR) Check and Door working.
Ref: () Board's letter No. M(N)/2005/Train Examination dated 06.05.2005
(ii) Board's letter No. M(N}/2005/Train Examination dated 25.05.2005
(ii) Board's letter No. 2005/M(N)/951/13 dated 08.02.2006
(iv) Board's letter No. 2005/M(N)/951/13 dated 07/10.04.2006
(v)Board's letter No. 2008/M(N)/951/13 dated 28.08.2009
(vi) Board's letter No. 2019/M(N)/204/6 dated 01.07.2019

Vide letters under reference, instructions regarding Guard Driver (GDR) Check, at
locations where TXR is not available, have been advised for the various conditions in
which GDR checks have to be conducted by crew along with the prescribed performa to
be filled by train crew post such check:

1. After loading/ back loading of a rake

2. After tippling
3. After rake is stabled for more than 24 hours
4. If BPC is invalid
5. If it is a premium rake, which is being loaded or unloaded

The matter has been reviewed , in view of repeated instances of doors opening on run
and leading to infringements & damage to assets. Accordingly, Zonal Railways are advised to
take immediate action in the matter to ensure that various staff involved ensure the
activities and responsibilities as given below
Henceforth GDR check will be required to be done in all cases of unloading/loading of
rakes, irrespective of method of loading/unloading as well as type of BPC, so as to
ensure all the doors and fitting of wagons have been properly secured and there is no
possibility of them turning loose on run.
Closure of doors should always be checked by train crew before drawing out a rake from
a terminal as part of the prescribed GDR check. Updated Performa to be filled up after
GDR check is enclosed herewith.
Closure of doors should also be checked and ensured during GDR check arnd same
recorded in the GDR memo.

Release memo of rakes should be accepted by operating/commercial staff only after
proper closure of doors has been ensured by the siding/handling agencies. This may be

explicitly mentioned in the release memos.

In case it is not feasible to close the doors in the terminal due to door defects, it should
be certified by the railway officials posted in the terminal and C&W attention provided
for closing such doors at an operationally convenient location.

Operating staff concerned shall assure themselves that GDR check has been done before
drawal of the rake and GDR memo has been signed as prescribed.


TRAIN EXAMINATION YARD STAFF At the timeof rake examination by Cc&W staff
issue of a fresh brake power certificate, proper closure of doors
should be ensured and
this should be explicitly mentioned in the brake power certificate issued for all wagon
etc. The examination gangs
types having doors, like BOXN, BCN, BOBRN, BCACBM
doors checked &
should clearly endorse by hand or by Rubber Stamp the following-'All
found working'.
ensure that all
POH SHOPS, ROH DEPOTS & SICKLINES: During repair/overhaul it shall be
and instructions issued vide
defects and deficiencies ae attended to properly
Mechanical (Fr) dte letter a Ref(vi) are strictly adhered to.

This issues with the concurrence of Mechanical and Traffic Transportation Directorates

of Railway Board and approval of Board (MRS & MT).

Digitally signed by AJAY

(DA: Performa in 1 page) AJAY NANDAN

Date: 2020.06.23 10:23:00
NANDAN Adobe Acrobat Reader
version: 2020.009.20067

Exec. Director Mech. Engg. (Fr)
Railway Board

Copy to:
1. AM/ME & AM/T, Railway Board: For kind information please
2. PCOMs & PCMEs, All Zonal Railways: For kind information & n/a please
3. Dir/NCO/New Delhi: For necessary action.

Items to be checked by Guard and Driver

1 All CBCs and Air Hoses are properly coupled and locked.

2 All the Angle Cocks are in open condition.

3 The last Angle Cock is in closed condition.

4 Empty/ Load device handle is in proper position.

There is no loose fittings / hanging parts like springs push-pull rod, Brake Beam,
Safety brackets, Brake Blocks etc. which may endanger safe running of the train.

6 Hand brakes are released.

7 All Doors/Hoppers/Covers of wagons are closed and locked/ secured.

8 Check continuity of air pressure/vacuum before starting.

Proformafor Jointcheck bythe Driver and Guard


2 Train No & LOCO No

3 From * * * * * * * * ****** *** ****** e o * * * * * * * * * * * * e * * *

TO *********

BPC No, Date & Place of issue

5 Loaded at .
. Unloaded at . .

6 Time Loco attached .

Total Load


Signature of Driver Signature of Guard

Driver's Name.. Guard's Name .. ************

(This memo should be prepared in 3 copies, one copy to be
kept with Driver, one with the
Guard and one will be given
by the Guard to the Station Master/ Yard Master)

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