Open Social Buying Guide 1
Open Social Buying Guide 1
Open Social Buying Guide 1
Buying Guide
by Open Social
First Things First
Before diving into the nitty-gritty, what or events you can create a continuously
connected community that keeps engaging
is an online community platform and
with your organization.
how is it beneficial for your organization?
• Save time and money: Instead of using a
variety of tools (Slack, Gmail, Google Docs,
Organizations are becoming more etc.), you can have one space to achieve
decentralized and focused on digi- specific organizational goals and bring your
tal transformation. Those who don’t members together
You need to evaluate how much time Some examples include Open Social, Khoros, or
you have, how much budget, and how SalesForce for retail communities. Small business
platforms are out-of-the-box solutions usually
tech-savvy your team is to choose
better suited for organizations that need smaller
the right type of community platform.
communities and have a smaller budget. They
often focus on a specific community aspect, like
We’ve provided three common characteris-
content curation or question and answer, rather
tics that can help you determine the model or
than a full set of features. Some examples in-
type of community platform you need (keep
clude Discourse, Disciple as well as Open Social.
in mind that these characteristics can overlap).
Open Social
Open Social developed
developed the Spark-
the SparkBlue plat-
Blue platform on top of the out-of-
form on top of the out-of-the-box solution
we offer solution we offer smaller
smaller organizations. or-
The Enter-
ganizations. The Enterprise-grade
prise-grade development for the UNDP included:
development for the UNDP included:
• integration with Office 365 to facilitate
• integration with Office 365 to fa-
internal collaboration;
cilitate internal collaboration;
• a Single-Sign On system to allow members
• a Single-Sign
to login On
to the online system
platform to al-
with their
• low members to login to the online
UN credentials;
platform with their UN credentials;
• as well as custom Dashboard features to
• as wellCommunities
create as custom of Dashboard fea-
Practice spaces
tures to create
where members Communities
can group of
relevant infor-
Practice spaces where members full story
mation streams, events and data together. Read the latform
can group relevant information
h in d S p arkBlue p
streams, events and data together. be
Digital GuideBuying
Open Social for NGO’s and Non-Profits
Guide 56
Pros & Cons
You have full control over your You need time and people
Do-It-Yourself own community, and can to manage your own
adjust strategies easily as community.
you grow.
GuideBuying Guide
for NGO’s and Non-Profits 7
Question 3
Question 3
What is the product and company viability?
Installed bases
Open Social’s online community software has
+1,000 installs at the moment, ranging from
small local communities to international
member networks.
Target market
Open Social offers three software solutions
for specific target markets:
Company History
Open Social started as a Drupal Agency in 2008
and transitioned to an online community SaaS Financials
company in 2016. Read our full history here. In 2020 Open Social raised €1.25 million seed
investment from Peek Capital and
Nimbus Ventures. Read more here.
Features, features, features. When looking HINT: Some companies make their prod-
at software, the list of features sometimes uct roadmap public. This can be a great way
seems endless. How can you possibly narrow it for you to see which features you can expect
down? That’s why we advise looking at the ca- in the future. It also allows you to see how ac-
pabilities and behaviors that your community tive the company is in updating its product.
needs to be successful (think: sharing content,
learning new content, perfecting skills, etc.). And Extra features
these can be turned into technical requirements. On top of the core features that you need, you
should also look at what extra features each plat-
All this comes down to is: does the community form offers. Some offer monetization tools, others
software offer the usability you need for your offer gamification or engagement automation.
end users to be successful? Here are some of the extra platform
extensions Open Social offers:
We recommend making a list of non-negotia-
ble characteristics that are key to your commu- Crowd Innovation
Drive engagement by creating innovation
nity, and the features needed to enable them.
challenges that have to be solved
by your community.
Here are some non-negotiable characteristics
we believe are necessary for a successful Gamification
online community: Increase engagement by letting your
members earn points and badges
Communication channels through community activities.
(forums, chats, blogs, or private messaging)
Collaboration methods
Create a space where members can get an
(File sharing, co-working, discussions, ideation)
at-a-glance overview of key performance
Customization indicators, content streams and relevant
(community management settings, platform community information.
settings, member and group management, etc.)
The flexibility of a platform is mainly about HINT: Some platforms are very affordable
two things: change over time and making the when you start with a small community - but
community your own. Every community will become unaffordable when your membership
change over time; more often than not, com- grows. Make sure you plan for the future
munities start small and grow as you learn of your community!
about the needs of your community. You can
also choose which features or structure best White-label
fits your unique use case with flexible software. If you are building a branded community, then
you’ll want to add your own brand identity, logos
Here are some common community and colors to the platform. Some vendors pro-
characteristics that will help you vide custom design services, others provide only
determine the flexibility of the software. set themes to choose from, and some even retain
some of the vendor branding on the platform.
Extensions are features or community capabili- A white-label platform will allow you to:
ties that can be added to the base software. This is
especially important for very large communities • Add your logo, brand colors and images
(that need to scale quickly) or very niche commu- • Remove all vendor branding
nities that have specific feature requirements. • Use a custom domain name
HINT: Extensions are usually more preferable HINT: A branded community allows members
than customizations, since the latter option
to feel more at home, because the platform
adds functionality that was not an intended
will have a recognizable look & feel
generic feature of the platform.
that they can trust.
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Open Social for NGO’s and Non-Profits
Guide 515
Question 6
Question 6
Can the software be integrated with existing systems?
Cloud hosting: privacy and data ownership are core to our plat-
The data is stored locally by the vendor itself. form. What makes open source software unique
PRO: The vendor has more control in terms of in terms of safety and security is that it is open
CON: Higher costs, longer amount of time spent software developers and experts. Greater
on maintenance, and, if the vendor is not capa- transparency means greater oversight
ble of securing the data, then your data is at risk. and consequently:
Read m
pen sou
about o
• Maintenance costs
But pricing is more than just a cost anal-
• Implementation costs ysis. In what way could this software
make you more efficient or profitable?
• Monthly fees
• Standard discounts
• Licenses
Open So
to get a
• Communication requirements
• Support & development requirements
• Legal requirements
• Member management requirements
download wishlist
• ...and more!
Once you filled in your wishlist, it can also serve Now that you’re prepared with your checklist,
as a powerful document to help you choose you’re almost ready to make a decision.
the right vendor. It will allow you to simpli-
fy the decision-making process by giving ven- Before taking the final step, you may want to
dors a clear idea of your requirements and ask for recommendations from friends or col-
determining whether they can meet them. leagues who have used community software
before. Or seek out reviews from community
software experts like Capterra.
experiences, expertise and more. a community using transparent and safe dig-
ital tools. Own your platform and it’s data.
Create a purpose-built
platform with powerful extensions
Open Social lets you upgrade your platform
with extensions such as:
• Gamification
• Engagement Automation
• Zoom Live Events
• Courses
• Real-time collaboration
• Google Analytics
WEBSITE: • ...and more!
UPDATES: @OpenSocialHQ
EMAIL: [email protected]
request a demo
Capterra, Forrester, Gartner,
CMX Hub SelectHub, CMNTY