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Preliminary Specification

Highly-Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller SG6842

zero-load conditions, the power supply enters burst-mode.

This completely shuts off PWM output. Then, the output
Linearly decreasing PWM frequency
restarts just before the supply voltage, VDD, drops below
Burst-mode at light load and zero load
the UVLO voltage. This green-mode function enables the
Low start-up current (20uA)
power supply to easily meet international power
Low operating current (4mA)
conservation requirements.
Internal latch circuit for OTP, OVP
Leading-edge blanking For improved power conversion efficiency, the
Built-in synchronized slope compensation SG6842 series is manufactured using the BiCMOS
Totem pole output with soft driving process. This allows the start-up current to be reduced to
Improved EMI 20uA, and the operating current to be reduced to 4mA.
Constant power limit over a universal AC input For even higher power conversion efficiency, a large
range start-up resistance can be used.
Current mode operation
Cycle-by-cycle current limiting Built-in synchronized slope compensation ensures
Under Voltage Lockout (UVLO) the stability of peak current mode control. Proprietary
Programmable PWM frequency internal compensation ensures constant output power
GATE output maximum voltage clamped at 18V limiting over a universal range of AC input voltages, from
VDD Over Voltage Protection (OVP) 90VAC to 264VAC.
Programmable Over Temperature Protection (OTP)
Very few external components are required SG6842 controllers provide many protection
functions. Pulse-by-pulse current limiting ensures a
APPLICATIONS constant output current, even when short circuits occur.
Should an open circuit failure occur in the feedback loop,
General-purpose switch mode power supplies and the internal protection circuit will disable PWM output.
flyback power converters, including: PWM output will be disabled as long as VDD remains
Power adapters higher than 26V. The gate output is clamped at 18V to
Open-frame SMPS protect the power MOS from over-voltage damage. An
Battery Charger Adapter external NTC thermistor can be applied to sense the
ambient temperature for over temperature protection.
DESCRIPTION When either over temperature conditions or VDD over
voltage faults are detected, an internal latch circuit is used
The highly integrated SG6842 series of PWM to latch-off the controller. The latch will reset when the
controllers provides several features to enhance the temperature cools off sufficiently, or when the VDD
performance of flyback converters. To minimize standby power supply is disabled.
power consumption, a proprietary green-mode function
provides off-time modulation to linearly decrease the SG6842 series controllers are available in both 8-pin
switching frequency under light-load conditions. Under DIP and SO packages.

From bridge rectifier

TYPICAL APPLICATION 127~ 373VDC D1 From auxiliary


RI SG6842

© System General Corp. -1-

Version 0.1(IRO33.0009.B0) Apr.09, 2003
Preliminary Specification

Highly-Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller SG6842


8 B: B = Linearly Decreasing
Frequency + Burst-Mode:
Null = Linear GATE
SG6842BFVT GND 1 8
F: L = OTP Latch: The pin is
reset when AC is 7
C = Hysteresis OTP : The
pin is reset when the RI 4 5 RT
temperature cools down.
V: V = OVP Latch
T: D = DIP, S = SOP
XXXXXXX: Wafer Lot
YY: Year; WW: Week
V: Assembly Location

The SG6842 family of controllers is distinguished for its protection features and burst-mode functionality.
Green-Mode Function: Linearly Decreasing Frequency and Burst-Mode
Hysteresis OTP:
OTP Latch: OVP Latch:
Part Number Reset when the Package
Reset when AC is Reset when AC is
temperature cools down
unplugged (L). unplugged (V).
SG6842BS 8-Pin SOP
SG6842BD 8-Pin DIP
SG6842BLS 8-Pin SOP
SG6842BLD 8-Pin DIP
SG6842BCS 8-Pin SOP
SG6842BCD 8-Pin DIP
SG6842BLVS 8-Pin SOP
b b
SG6842BLVD 8-Pin DIP
SG6842BCVS 8-Pin SOP
b b
SG6842BCVD 8-Pin DIP

© System General Corp. -2-

Version 0.1(IRO33.0009.B0) Apr.09, 2003
Preliminary Specification

Highly-Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller SG6842

Green Mode Function: Linearly Decreasing Frequency Package

Hysteresis OTP:
OTP Latch: OVP Latch:
Part Number Reset when the
Reset when AC is Reset when AC is
temperature cools down
unplugged (L). unplugged (V).
SG6842S 8-Pin SOP
SG6842D 8-Pin DIP
SG6842LS 8-Pin SOP
SG6842LD 8-Pin DIP
SG6842CS 8-Pin SOP
SG6842CD 8-Pin DIP
SG6842LVS 8-Pin SOP
b b
SG6842LVD 8-Pin DIP
SG6842CVS 8-Pin SOP
b b
SG6842CVD 8-Pin DIP

Note 1: All part numbers have the following default protection functions:
a. OTP. PWM output is turned off when an over-temperature condition is detected.
b. OVP. PWM output is turned off when an over-voltage condition is detected.
Note 2: Green-Mode:
a. Linear-Mode: The PWM frequency linearly decreases from the maximum frequency of 65kHz to around
12kHz. This happens when the output load goes from a high-load state to low-load/zero-load state.
b. Linear-Mode with Burst-Mode: After the PWM frequency linearly decreases from the maximum frequency
of 65kHz to around 22kHz, the controller can enter into burst-mode. In burst-mode, PWM completely stops,
and the VDD voltage begins dropping. When VDD drops to 11.75V (1.25V higher than the UVLO threshold),
the SG6842 will start to send out PWM signals at a frequency of 27kHZ.

© System General Corp. -3-

Version 0.1(IRO33.0009.B0) Apr.09, 2003
Preliminary Specification

Highly-Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller SG6842

Pin No. Symbol Function Description
1 GND Ground Ground.
The signal from the external compensation circuit is fed into this pin. This FB pin and the
2 FB Feedback
current-sense signal from Pin 6 determine the PWM duty cycle.
For start-up, this pin is pulled high to the rectified line input. This pin is pulled via a resistor.
Since the start-up current requirement of the SG6842 is very small, a large start-up
3 VIN Start-Up Input resistance can be used to minimize power loss. Under normal operation, this pin is also
used to detect the line voltage. The line voltage is detected to compensate the output power
limit, so that it can be kept constant over a universal AC input range
A resistor from the RI pin to ground will generate a constant current source for the SG6842.
This current charges an internal capacitor. This determines the switching frequency.
4 RI Increasing the resistance will decrease the amplitude of the current from the current source,
and thereby reduce the switching frequency. Using a 26kΩ resistor Ri results in a 50uA
constant current Ii and a 65kHz switching frequency.
For over-temperature protection. An external NTC thermistor is connected from this pin to
5 RT ground. The impedance of the NTC will decrease at high temperatures. Once the voltage of
the RT pin drops below a fixed limit of 1.05V, PWM output will be disabled.
Current sense. The sensed voltage is used for current-mode control and pulse-by-pulse
current limiting. To protect against short circuits across the current-sense resistor, the
6 SENSE Current Sense
controller continuously checks the SENSE pin. If a low voltage is detected, the controller will
immediately shut down.
Power Supply. If an open circuit failure occurs in the feedback loop, the internal protection
7 VDD Power Supply
circuit will disable PWM output as long as VDD remains higher than 26V.
The totem-pole output driver for the power MOSFET. A soft driving waveform is
8 GATE Driver Output
implemented for improved EMI.

© System General Corp. -4-

Version 0.1(IRO33.0009.B0) Apr.09, 2003
Preliminary Specification

Highly-Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller SG6842


Current 5V VDD
0.85V source

O.V.P. Q1
VIN 3 A1 ∑ + Driver
R3 Internal Q2
Q D Green Mode
o.s.c. Controller
16.5V/10.5V Q
RN slope

IRT O.T.P. Bnk 5V 2 FB
RT 5
1.05V R2 R1


© System General Corp. -5-

Version 0.1(IRO33.0009.B0) Apr.09, 2003
Preliminary Specification

Highly-Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller SG6842


Symbol Parameter Test Condition Value Unit
Low Impedance Source, 28 V
VDD Supply Voltage
Zener Clamp 30 V
Iz Zener Current - 10 mA
VIN FB/SENSE Terminal Input Voltage FB, SENSE -0.3 to 5.5V V
ISINK Error Amplifier Sink Current - 10 mA
IOUT Gate Output Current - TBD mA
VFB Input Voltage to FB Pin - -0.3 to 7V V
VSense Input Voltage to SENSE Pin - -0.3 to 7V V
VRT Input Voltage to RT Pin - -0.3 to 7V V
VRI Input Voltage to RI Pin - -0.3 to 7V V
at Ta < 50°C DIP 800
Pd Power Dissipation mW
SOP 400
Junction-Air DIP 82.5
RΘ j-a Thermal Resistance °C/W
SOP 141
TJ Operating Junction Temperature - 150 °C
Ta Operating Ambient Temperature - -40 to 125 °C
TSTG Storage Temperature Range - -65 to +150 °C
10 sec DIP 260
TL Lead Temperature (Soldering) °C
10 sec SOP 230
ESD Capability, HBM Model - 2.0 kV
ESD Capability, Machine Model - 200 V

Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Unit
Vcc Supply Voltage - 20 V
Ta Operating Ambient Temperature -30 85 °C

Feedback Input Section
Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Av Input-Voltage to Current-Sense Attenuation 1/3.5 1/4 1/4.5 V/V
Zfb Input Impedance 3 4.5 6 kΩ
Ifb Bias Current 2 mA
Voz Zero Duty-Cycle Input Voltage 1.2 V

© System General Corp. -6-

Version 0.1(IRO33.0009.B0) Apr.09, 2003
Preliminary Specification

Highly-Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller SG6842

Current Sense Section

Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Zcs Input Impedance 8 12 16 kΩ
TPD Delay to Output 100 200 nsec
Vth Current Limit Threshold Voltage 0.8 0.85 0.9 V
Threshold Voltage Change versus the Input
∆Vth @ IIN IIN = 220 uA -0.09 -0.15 -0.21 V
Current of the VIN Pin
Tdelay-lps The Delay Time for Limited Power Control. 32 msec
Sense-VF The Delay Time for VDD Over Voltage Protection. 32 msec

Oscillator Section
Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Fosc Normal Mode Frequency Ri=26KΩ 60 65 70 KHz

Fosc-green Green-ON Mode Frequency Ri=26KΩ 20 22.5 25 KHz

Fosc-goff Green-OFF Mode Frequency (Burst-Mode Version) Ri=26KΩ 0 KHz

Vg Green-OFF Mode Voltage at FB pin VDD=15V 1.6 V
FB Pin Threshold for Beginning the Reduction of
Vn VDD=15V 2.3 V
Sg Slope for Green-Mode Modulation Ri=26KΩ 60 Hz/mV
Fdv Frequency Variation Versus VDD Deviation VDD=11 to 20V 5 %
Fdt Frequency Variation Versus Temp. Deviation Ta=-30 to 85 ℃ 1.5 5 %
VDD Low-Threshold Voltage to Exit Green-OFF VTH(OFF) VTH(OFF) VTH(OFF)
VDD-th-g V
Mode + 0.8 + 1.25 + 1.7

PWM Section
Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
DCY (MAX) Maximum Duty Cycle 80 85 90 %
DCY (MIN) Minimum Duty Cycle (= Bnk) - 1 %
Bnk Leading Edge Blanking Time 260 360 460 nsec

Output Section
Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Vol Output Voltage Low VDD= 12V, Io = 50mA 1.5 V
Voh Output Voltage High VDD= 12V, Io = 50mA 8V V
Tr Rising Time VDD=15V, CL=1nF 150 250 350 nsec
Tf Falling Time VDD=15V, CL=1nF 30 50 90 nsec
Vclamp Gate Output Clamping Voltage VDD=25V 18 V

© System General Corp. -7-

Version 0.1(IRO33.0009.B0) Apr.09, 2003
Preliminary Specification

Highly-Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller SG6842

Over Temperature Protection Section

Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Irt Output Current of RT Pin Ri=26KΩ 64 70 76 uA
VOTP-LATCH- Threshold Voltage for Over Temperature Protection. 1.015 1.05 1.085 V
OFF Turn-Off and Latch-Off.

TDOTP-LATCH Over-Temperature Latch-Off Debounce. 2 8 16 msec

VOTPRESET- Threshold Voltage (Hysteresis) for Over Temperature 1.05 1.15 1.25 V
ON Latch-Off Reset. At this Threshold, the Latch is Reset
and PWM is Turned On.

VDD Section
Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
VTH(ON) On Threshold Voltage 15.5 16.5 17.5 V
VTH(OFF) Off Threshold Voltage 9.5 10.5 11.5 V
IDD ST Start-Up Current (VDD = 15.5V) 8 20 uA

IDD OP Operating Supply Current (FB=SENSE=0V, VDD - 3.7 5 mA

=15V, GATE Open)
VDD-OVP VDD Over Voltage Protection (Disable PWM Output). 23.5 25.5 28 V
For Protection Against Open Feedback Loops.
Td-VDD-OVP VDD Over Voltage Protection Debounce (Disable PWM 200 n sec
VDD-ZENER VDD ZENER Crowbar IDD = 10mA 27 30 33 V

© System General Corp. -8-

Version 0.1(IRO33.0009.B0) Apr.09, 2003
Preliminary Specification

Highly-Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller SG6842

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© System General Corp. -9-

Version 0.1(IRO33.0009.B0) Apr.09, 2003
Preliminary Specification

Highly-Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller SG6842

resistor Ri results in a 50uA constant current Ii, and a

corresponding 65kHz switching frequency. The
relationship between Ri and the switching frequency is:
Start-Up Current
The typical start-up current is only 20uA. This fPWM = (kHz ) ---------------------------- (1)
R I (kΩ )
allows a high resistance, low-wattage start-up resistor to
be used, to minimize power loss. A 1.5 MΩ, 0.25W,
start-up resistor and a 10uF/25V VDD hold-up capacitor SG6842 controllers are designed to operate at a
would be sufficient for an AC/DC adapter with a PWM oscillation frequencies ranging from 50kHz to
universal input range. 100kHz.

Operating Current Leading Edge Blanking

The required operating current has been reduced to Each time the power MOSFET is switched on, a
4mA. This enables higher efficiency and reduces the turn-on spike will inevitably occur at the sense-resistor.
VDD hold-up capacitance requirement. To avoid premature termination of the switching pulse, a
360nsec leading-edge blanking time is built in.
Conventional RC filtering is not necessary. During this
blanking period, the current-limit comparator is disabled,
Green Mode Operation
and it cannot switch off the gate drive.
The proprietary Green-mode function provides
off-time modulation to linearly decrease the switching
frequency under light-load conditions. On-time is limited Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO)
to provide protection against abnormal conditions and
brownouts. To further reduce power consumption under The turn-on/turn-off thresholds are fixed internally
zero-load conditions, the PWM output will be completely at 16.5V/10.5V. To enable a SG6842 controller during
turned off, and the power supply will enter burst-mode. start-up, the hold-up capacitor must first be charged to
After the PWM oscillator is turned off, the IC’s supply 16.5V, through the start-up resistor.
voltage VDD will drop gradually. Before the VDD
The hold-up capacitor will continue to supply VDD
voltage drops below the UVLO voltage, the PWM
before energy can be delivered from the auxiliary winding
oscillator will be turned on again. This Green-mode
of the main transformer. VDD must not drop below 10.5V
function dramatically reduces power consumption under
during this start-up process. This UVLO hysteresis
light-load and zero-load conditions. Power supplies using
window ensures that the hold-up capacitor can adequately
a SG6842 controller can easily meet even the most
supply VDD during start-up.
restrictive international regulations regarding standby
power consumption.

Gate Output / Soft Driving

Oscillator Operation The BiCMOS output stage of a SG6842 is a fast
totem pole gate driver. Cross-conduction has been
A resistor connected from the RI pin to ground
avoided to minimize heat dissipation, increase efficiency,
generates a constant current source for a SG6842
and enhance reliability. The output driver is clamped by
controller. This current is used to charge an internal
an internal 18V Zener diode in order to protect the power
capacitor. The charge of the capacitor determines the
MOSFET transistors against any harmful over-voltage
internal clock and the switching frequency. Increasing the
gate signals. A soft driving waveform is implemented to
resistance will decrease the amplitude of the current
minimize EMI.
source and reduce the switching frequency. Using a
© System General Corp. - 10 -
Version 0.1(IRO33.0009.B0) Apr.09, 2003
Preliminary Specification

Highly-Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller SG6842

Slope Compensation Thermal Protection

The sensed voltage across the current sense resistor An external NTC thermistor can be connected from
is used for current mode control and pulse-by-pulse the RT pin to ground. The impedance of the NTC will
current limiting. The built-in slope compensation decrease at high temperatures. When the voltage of the
function improves power supply stability and prevents RT pin drops below 1.05V, the PWM output will be
peak current-mode control from causing sub-harmonic latched off. After the latch is reset and cleared, the PWM
oscillations. With every switching cycle, a positively will be turned on again.
sloped, synchronized ramp is activated by SG6842
Limited Power Control
The FB voltage will increase every time the output
Constant Output Power Limit of the power supply is shorted or over-loaded. If the FB
When the SENSE voltage across the sense resistor voltage remains higher than a built-in threshold (4.2V) for
RS reaches the threshold voltage (around 0.85V), the longer than 32msec, PWM output will then be turned off.
output GATE drive will be turned off following a small As the PWM output is turned off, the supply voltage VDD
propagation delay tD. This propagation delay will will also begin decreasing.
introduce an additional current proportional to
tD*VIN/LP. The propagation delay is nearly constant When VDD goes below the turn-off threshold (eg,
regardless of the input line voltage VIN. Higher input line 10.5V) the controller will be totally shut down. VDD will
voltages will result in larger additional currents. Thus, be charged up to the turn-on threshold voltage of 16.5V
under high input-line voltages the output power limit will through the start-up resistor until PWM output is restarted.
be higher than under low input-line voltages. This protection feature will continue to be activated as
long as the over-loading condition persists. This will
Over a wide range of AC input voltages, the prevent the power supply from overheating due to over
variation can be significant. To compensate for this, the loading conditions.
threshold voltage is adjusted by the VIN current. Since
the VIN pin is connected to the rectified input line voltage
Protection Latch Circuit
through the start-up resistor, a higher line voltage will
generate a higher VIN current through the VIN pin. In some applications, latch operation for OVP or
OTP may be necessary. For the SG6842 family, the
The threshold voltage decreases if the VIN current optional built in latch function provides a versatile
increases. A small threshold voltage will force the output protection feature that does not require external
GATE drive to terminate earlier, thus reducing total components. See ordering information for a detailed
PWM turn-on time, and making the output power equal to description. To reset the latch circuit, it is necessary to
that of low line input. This proprietary internal disconnect the AC line voltage of the power supply.
compensation feature ensures a constant output power
limit over a wide range of AC input voltages (90VAC to
264VAC). Noise immunity
Noise from the current sense or the control signal
VDD Over-Voltage Protection may cause significant pulse width jitter, particularly in
continuous-conduction mode. Slope compensation helps
VDD over-voltage protection has been built in to
alleviate this problem. Good placement and layout
prevent any over voltage destruction. When VDD voltage
practices should be followed. The designer should
is abnormally over 25.5V, the PWM output will be turned
avoiding long PCB traces and component leads.
off. The over-voltage condition is usually caused by
Compensation and filter components should be located
feedback open loop.
near the SG6842. Finally, increasing the power-MOS
gate resistance is advised.

© System General Corp. - 11 -

Version 0.1(IRO33.0009.B0) Apr.09, 2003
Preliminary Specification

Highly-Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller SG6842


SG 6842

Reference Component Reference Component
BD1 BD 1A/600V Q2 MOS 2A/600V
C1 XC 0.22u R1,R2 R 470KΩ 1/4W
C2 EC 0.1u 250V R3 R 47Ω 1/4W
C3,C6,C7 YC 222p R4 R 22Ω 1/4W
C4 EC 68u/400V R5 R 4.7KΩ 1/4W
C5 CC 102p/1KV R6 R 0.5Ω 1W
C8 EC 1200u/16V R8,R12 R 510KΩ 1/4W
C9 EC 680u/16V R9 R 20KΩ 1/8W 1%
C10 EC 10u/25V R10 R 100Ω 1/8W
D1 LED THER1 Thermistor SCK054
D3 ZD 12V T1 Transformer EI28
F1 FUSE 2A/250V U1 IC SG6842
L1 UU10.5 U2 IC 4N35D
L2 L04 U3 IC TL431

© System General Corp. - 12 -

Version 0.1(IRO33.0009.B0) Apr.09, 2003
Preliminary Specification

Highly-Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller SG6842

DIP-8 Outline Dimensions

8 5



1 4



Millimeters Inches
Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max.
A 5.334 0.210
A1 0.381 0.015
A2 3.175 3.302 3.429 0.125 0.130 0.135
b 1.524 0.060
b1 0.457 0.018
D 9.017 9.271 10.160 0.355 0.365 0.400
E 7.620 0.300
E1 6.223 6.350 6.477 0.245 0.250 0.255
e 2.540 0.100
L 2.921 3.302 3.810 0.115 0.130 0.150
eB 8.509 9.017 9.525 0.335 0.355 0.375
θ˚ 0˚ 7˚ 15˚ 0˚ 7˚ 15˚

© System General Corp. - 13 -

Version 0.1(IRO33.0009.B0) Apr.09, 2003
Preliminary Specification

Highly-Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller SG6842

SOP-8 Outline Dimensions

8 5


1 4

A1 A


Millimeters Inches
Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max.
A 1.346 1.752 0.053 0.069
A1 0.101 0.254 0.004 0.010
b 0.406 0.016
c 0.203 0.008
D 4.648 4.978 0.183 0.196
E 0.381 3.987 0.150 0.157
e 1.270 0.050
F 0.381X45˚ 0.015X45˚
H 5.791 6.197 0.228 0.244
L 0.406 1.270 0.016 0.050
θ˚ 0˚ 8˚ 0˚ 8˚

© System General Corp. - 14 -

Version 0.1(IRO33.0009.B0) Apr.09, 2003
Preliminary Specification

Highly-Integrated Green-Mode PWM Controller SG6842

System General’s products are not designed to be used as components in devices intended to support or sustain human
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which failure of System General’s products could create a situation where personal death or injury may occur, is not
authorized without the express written approval of System General’s Chief Executive Officer. System General will not be
held liable for any damages or claims resulting from the use of its products in medical applications.

System General's products are not designed for use in military applications. Use of System General’s products in
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System General will not be held liable for any damages or claims resulting from the use of its products in military


System General reserves the right to change this document and/or this product without notice. Customers are advised
to consult their System General sales representative before ordering.

© System General Corp. - 15 -

Version 0.1(IRO33.0009.B0) Apr.09, 2003

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