Written by
Eleanor Catton
Act One Miss Taylor opens the door. Emma holds out a gift: the
bouquet of hothouse flowers. It’s exquisite.
MR WOODHOUSE (CONT’D) This is the cue for the butler to open the door. They go out.
It is entirely unnecessary. Poor
Miss Taylor- and poor Isabella too.
Emma has to laugh at the absurdity of this. She comes to fit
the sprig into his lapel, affectionately. The Woodhouse carriage is waiting to take them to the church;
the coachman JAMES stands by the open door.
My sister married seven years ago,
papa; you must be reconciled to it 6 INT. WOODHOUSE CARRIAGE - MORNING 6
by now.
Mr Woodhouse looks out of the window, contemplating any and
She brushes away some invisible dust that Bartholomew missed. all options for delaying the wedding.
He hovers, a little miffed to have been usurped.
MR WOODHOUSE It shall always be a matter of
(immediately wincing) great joy to me that I made the
Oh. That was a terrible day. We match myself. Everyone said Mr
knew then it was a terrible day. We Weston would never marry again, but
know now it was a terrible day- I did not believe it. I planned the
match from the first hour of their
EMMA acquaintance, and now to be proved
(overriding him) in the right, and to have it take
You would not wish away your place, may comfort me for anything.
grandsons- young Henry Knightley,
and little John, whom you love so MR WOODHOUSE
well? Emma, you should not make matches
and foretell things. Whatever you
MR WOODHOUSE say always comes to pass. You must
(mollified) not make any more.
They are very fond of me.
EMMA I promise you to make none for
Of course they are. myself, papa; but I must, indeed,
for other people. It is the
MR WOODHOUSE greatest amusement in the world.
(gloomy again) And after such success, you know!
But I shall always be disappointed
they did not visit us this autumn.
Bartholomew administers a few extra brushes to Mr Woodhouse’s
coat, competitively, while Mr Woodhouse puts on his hat. Two footmen open the blue gates, and the carriage passes
through. Two maidservants, carrying armloads of flowers, part
CHARLES, another manservant, is filling Mr Woodhouse’s cane as they see the carriage passing, and curtsey.
meticulously with lavender.
Title card: EMMA
We shall see them at Christmas,
papa. Now we must go. 8 EXT. HIGHBURY LANE - MORNING 8
Charles hands Mr Woodhouse his cane, the top of which is The vicar MR ELTON, mid-20s, a very good-looking, unctuous,
perforated like a salt shaker. He puts it to his nose and deeply mercenary man, is making his way to the church.
inhales deeply.
5. 6.
Emma holds her head high: she loves these tokens of respect. Emma gives Miss Bates a tight smile, ending the conversation.
They pass MR AND MRS COLE, the town’s ‘new money’- She glances back towards the door. She’s waiting for someone.
6A. 7.
MR WOODHOUSE What is the matter, Emma? Why do
(peevish, tucking the you turn about?
blanket again)
I have a fancy that Mr Weston’s son
may surprise us.
Young Frank Weston?
(checking the door again)
He is Frank Churchill now, papa. He
is his uncle’s heir; when he came
of age, he took his uncle’s name. I
so long to meet him.
(in a fearful whisper)
But how do you know that he might
surprise us?
12 INT. RANDALLS - AN HOUR LATER - DAY 12 Mr Elton interrupts Miss Bates to suggest-
Emma looks around at the familiar faces of Highbury. Everyone Emma watches her, feeling lonelier than ever.
is conversing and laughing in groups. She smiles, disguising
the fact that she feels, suddenly, quite lonely.
On the far side of the party, Miss Bates has buttonholed Mr
Elton, and is talking ceaselessly, praising him for the A man on horseback gallops down a shaded avenue to the
service and listing her blessings. He is sneaking glances at handsome DONWELL ABBEY, a grander, more Gothic house than
Emma and trying unsuccessfully to extricate himself. Hartfield. It looks preserved rather than lived-in.
Emma glances at him, thoughtfully, and then looks around at The rider is GEORGE KNIGHTLEY, 30s, a cheerful, intelligent,
all the other women. Everyone is old or middle-aged. morally conscious man. He’s sweaty from his ride.
Nearer to Emma, Mrs Goddard is gossiping to MRS COX: A GROOM is waiting. The groom takes the bridle to lead the
horse away, and Mr Knightley heads inside to wash.
9A. 10.
Mr Knightley, now bathed, is being dressed by his VALET. This Mr Knightley, now dressed in clean clothes, is walking
room looks properly inhabited: it’s cosy, with books and through the cavernous space. The furniture is all dust-
papers everywhere. sheeted and the chandeliers are bagged. Footmen are lighting
candles in the background.
His housekeeper MRS REYNOLDS intercepts him, ruefully-
You know what I’m about to say, sir-
“-Why do you keep a carriage if you
never put it out?”
He smiles at her, unrepentant.
It’s just such a shame to see it
standing by.
(changing tack)
A gentleman on foot- it’s unusual.
Mr Robert Martin went three miles You must sit there, Harriet, so
one day to bring me walnuts, that you may admire the view of
because he knew how fond I was of Enscombe over the fire.
them. I believe he’s very clever.
He understands every thing. Harriet hesitates: isn’t Emma usurping Mrs Weston? But Mrs
Weston smiles indulgently, so Harriet sits down where Emma
EMMA indicates, and obediently looks at the picture.
I suppose he does not read.
HARRIET Mr Frank Churchill is the artist.
Oh yes! That is- I believe he has
read a good deal- he reads the It is of a handsome country house and is signed F. CHURCHILL.
Agricultural Reports- and I know he
has read The Vicar of Wakefield. He MR ELTON
had never even heard of The Romance I have heard it described as one of
of the Forest, nor The C hildren of the finest houses in Yorkshire.
the Abbey, until I mentioned them.
Emma feels a little envious of Harriet’s patent crush- which I have heard the same, though for
is more than she has ever felt for anyone- but she hides her Mr Weston’s sake, I would that it
envy behind a mask of cool detachment, changing the subject: were closer by.
After tea we will call on my dear And Mr Churchill is to inherit the
Mrs Weston. We promised we should entire estate?
be seeing one another every day.
He is very fortunate.
The room is plain but homey, showing a bachelor’s tastes, to (to Harriet)
which a few feminine touches have recently been added. There is such symmetry between us.
We both lost our mothers when we
Mrs Weston had been sitting with Mr Elton. They both rise as were very young, and he has his
the door opens and Emma and Harriet come in. Really it ought aunt to care for, as I have papa.
to be Mrs Weston, the hostess, who speaks first, but:
Mr Elton feels a pang of envy, a nd changes the subject,
EMMA turning back to the girls with a flourish-
I am not the first to visit you!
MRS WESTON But how can we admire a painted
(laughing) beauty, with such loveliness before
You are no less welcome for being us in the flesh?
the second.
EMMA (smiling at him)
Mr Elton, Miss Harriet Smith. We must have you to Hartfield, Mr
(with a flourish) MR ELTON
It is my great honour. I can conceive no greater pleasure.
19. 20.
Emma and Harriet are walking home together. Harriet and Emma are shopping. Emma has already made her
purchase, and Harriet is infuriating her by taking a long
EMMA time to decide between two almost identical ribbons.
Mr Elton is a such a good humoured
man. So cheerful, and obliging, and HARRIET
gentle. I think very well of Mr The dark blue or the light? Miss
Elton. Woodhouse, which do you prefer?
Emma has scanned the letter very briefly, and holds it out
for Miss Bates to take; but Miss Bates has changed the
subject, so Emma puts it down on the counter between them.
She goes to leave, then realises she has left the letter and EMMA
returns for it. Heaven forbid that I should ever
bore people half as much about all
MISS BATES (CONT’D) the Knightleys together, as Miss
Such devoted friends. Bates does about Jane Fairfax. One
is sick of the very name of Jane
Fairfax. Every letter from her is
read forty times over, and if she
does but knit a pair of garters,
one hears of nothing else for a
month. I wish Jane Fairfax very
well; but she ti res me to death.
It is Robert Martin!
She dashes to the fence to greet him. Emma, left alone, l ooks
on with patent disapproval. After a brief and evidently good-
natured exchange, Harriet runs back to Emma, beaming-
Only think of our happening to meet
him! Well, Miss Woodhouse, is he
like what you expected? What do you
think of him?
Robert Martin has returned to his plough; now he resumes his
work, strongly, conscious of the ladies’ presence. Emma
watches him coolly for a momen t, then resumes walking.
Harriet falls into step beside her. A beat, then-
I had no right to expect much, and
I did not expect much; but I had no
idea that he could be so very
clownish, so totally without air. I
had imagined him, I confess, a
degree or two nearer gentility.
Harriet is crestfallen.
To be sure- he is not so genteel as
a real gentleman.
23. 24.
Emma sweeps on ahead. Harriet hurries to catch up with her. Harriet is aghast. But Emma smothers a smile. She has only
heard the compliment. After a beat, very casually, but
dropping her voice to a whisper, so Mr. Knightley can’t hear:
Emma is showing Harriet the letter from Frank Churchill. Mr Did I tell you what Mr. Elton said
Knightley sits in his habitual armchair, reading, but without of you the other day? He called you
attention: he’s distracted by the girls. ‘loveliness itself’.
Emma busies herself putting Frank’s letter away in her MRS WESTON
embroidered letter-case. (very surprised)
How differently we feel!
You must never flatter me in Mr MR KNIGHTLEY
Knightley’s hearing, Harriet. He Miss Smith knows nothing about
thinks me vain enough already. herself, and looks upon Emma as
knowing every thing. Her ignorance
MR KNIGHTLEY is hourly flattery. How can Emma
(after a beat) imagine she has anything to learn,
I do not think you personally vain. while Harriet is presenting such a
Considering how very handsome you delightful inferiority?
are, you seem little occupied with
(with a glance at Harriet) But educating Harriet will be an
Your vanity lies a different way. inducement for Emma to educate
herself. They will read together.
25. 26.
Great has been the pleasure, I am (bowing to them)
sure. I never met with a Miss Woodhouse; Miss Smith.
disposition more truly amiable.
He takes his leave, waving to them. As soon as he’s gone,
Mr Knightley and Mr Woodhouse come in from outside. Mr Elton Emma takes Harriet’s arm and leans in close.
greets them with a flourish-
MR ELTON I cannot have a moment’s doubt
Mr Woodhouse. Your daughter’s gifts about his intentions. It is just as
are without compare. Bear witness! I planned: he is in love with you.
Mr Knightley looks at the picture, sceptically. Harriet hardly dares to believe it. She manages a smile.
You have made her too tall, Emma. 31A EXT. HARTFIELD - DAY 31A
MR ELTON Bartholomew holds the horse’s bridle for Mr Elton while he
Oh no. Certainly not too tall; not stows away the leather tube in his saddlebag. He goes to
in the least too tall. It gives one mount his horse. But his balance is a little off, and he
exactly the idea of such a height can’t quite swing himself up. Bartholomew has to come and
as Miss Smith’s. Exactly so! help him. He slithers a little, using Bartholomew’s shoulder
to lever himself up, but it takes a good few seconds until
Mr Knightley glances at him doubtfully, but Emma is looking he’s up in the saddle. He trots off.
at Harriet, who is still obediently holding her pose. Both
women are highly gratified by Mr Elton’s enthusi asm.
28A. 29.
(holding her nose)
Emma, in her dressing room, is being fitted for a winter coat About the letter.
by the haberdasher MRS FORD. Emma is wearing a mock-up, and
Mrs Ford is busily altering the garment to fit. EMMA
You must answer it, of course.
The door opens and Harriet bursts in, carrying a letter.
HARRIET But what shall I say? Dear Miss
Miss Woodhouse- you will never Woodhouse, do advise me.
guess what has happened- Robert
Martin has offered me his hand! EMMA
(then, suddenly) (handing back the letter)
Hic. Oh, no, no! The words must be your
own. But you must be unequivocal.
She is so breathless with excitement that she has gi ven You must express gratitude, concern
herself the hiccups. She rushes on, fumbling with the letter- for the pain you are inflicting,
and sorrow for his disappointment.
He writes as if he really loves me She takes off the mocked-up coat and hands it to Mrs Ford,
very much. Hic. I came as fast as I w ho curtseys and withdraws, glancing at Harriet dubiously as
could to ask you what I should do. she does so. Harriet’s hiccups seem to have subsided.
Mrs Ford glances at her quickly, and then resumes work on You think I ought to refuse him.
Emma’s hem. Harriet is now comfortable enough at Hartfield
not to pay attention to the servants, and doesn’t notice. She EMMA
comes forward, holding out the letter- My dear Harriet, what do you mean?
Are you in any doubt as to that?
Will you read it? Hic. HARRIET
I...I had no notion that he liked
EMMA me so very much. Hic.
Take a deep breath and hold it.
Harriet obliges. Emma begins to read the letter. A long beat, I lay it down as a general rule,
and then Harriet exhales noisily to ask- Harriet, that if a woman doubts as
to whether she should accept a man
HARRIET or not, she certainly ought to
(anxiously) refuse him. But do not imagine that
Is it a good letter? Or too short? I want to influence you.
It is, in fact, a good letter. Emma is surprised. HARRIET
Hic... Perhaps... it will be
EMMA safer... Do you think I had better
A very good letter- so good, that I say ‘No’? Hic.
think one of his sisters must have
helped him. EMMA
Not for the world would I advise
HARRIET you either way. You must be the
What shall I do? Hic. best judge of your own happiness.
If you prefer Mr Martin to every
EM MA other person;
Hold your nose. (MORE)
32. 33.
if you think him the most agreeable MR WOODHOUSE (CONT’D)
man you have ever met, why should How am I supposed to read in the
you hesitate? dark?
(beat- they’re flummoxed)
HARRIET Well, go and fetch a candle!
I have now quite determined, and
really almost made up my mind– They both set off running.
(tiny beat)
-to refuse Mr Martin. Do you think
EMMA Emma is descending the staircase when Mr Knightley steps in
(with great relief) through the front door. He’s in a very good mood.
Perfectly, perfectly right, dear
Harriet. While you were all in MR KNIGHTLEY
suspense I kept my feelings to I just passed Miss Smith.
myself, but now that you are
decided, I have no hesitation in EMMA
approving. I give myself joy of She has gone home with a complaint.
this. It would have grieved me to
lose you. I could not have visited MR KNIGHTLEY
Mrs Robert Martin, of Abbey-Mill Well, I am sorry to hear it; but I
Farm! have reason to believe she will
soon be feeling rather better. Mr
HARRIET Robert Martin sought my opinion
You could not have visited me! yesterday-can you guess what about?
The horror of this prospect has frightened the hiccups away. Emma knows what’s coming. She goes through to the dining
room, and Mr Knightley, still cheerful, follows.
It would have been a severe pang to MR KNIGHTLEY (CONT’D)
lose your acquaintance, but so it You will not guess?
must have been. You would have
thrown yourself out of all good EMMA
society. I must have given you up. Mr Martin proposed to Harriet this
(beat- then, pleased) morning. He wrote, and was refused.
There. They’ve subsided.
You saw her answer! You wrote her If I did, I should not feel that I
answer. This is your doing, Emma. had done wrong. Mr Martin is a
You persuaded her to refuse him. respectable young man, but I cannot
admit him to be Harriet’s equal.
They are circling one another, around the table.
Not Harriet’s equal! No, indeed: he
is her superior in both sense and
situation! Emma, your infatuation
about that girl blinds you. What
are Harriet Smith’s claims, either
of birth, nature, or education , to
any connection higher than Robert
Martin? She is the natural daughter
of nobody knows whom, with probably
no settled provision at all, and
certainly no respectable relations.
Emma had begun to interrupt him, at ‘nobody knows whom’-
There can scarcely be a doubt that
her father is a gentleman, and a
gentleman of fortune. Her allowance
is very liberal; nothing has been
grudged for her improve ment.
She leaves the room. But Mr Knightley follows her.
EMMA but if you teach her to expect to
‘That is all’? These are not marry greatly, nobody within her
trivial recommendations, Mr reach will ever be good enough for
Knightley. Till men do fall in love her!
with well-informed minds instead of
handsome faces, a girl with such Emma’s jaw is set. Mr Knightley is still pursuing her.
loveliness as Harriet has a
certainty of being admired and MR KNIGHTLEY (CONT’D)
sought after wherever she goes. I (intensely)
am very much mistaken if your sex Your plans for Harriet are best
in general would not think such known to yourself; but as you make
qualities the highest claims a no secret of your love of match-
woman could possess. making, it is fair to suppose that
plans you have; and as a friend, I
MR KNIGHTLEY shall just hint to you that if
Upon my word , Emma, to hear you Elton is the man, I think it will
abusing the reason you have, is be all labour in vain. Elton knows
almost enough to make me think so the value of a good income as well
too. Better to be without sense as anybody. He may talk
altogether, than to misapply it as sentimentally, but he will act
you do. rationally. He knows that he is a
very handsome young man, and a
Emma is taken aback: Mr Knightley has never spoken so harshly great favourite wherever he goes,
to her before. At a loss, she turns and goes out. But he and from his general way of talking
still isn’t done. He follows her. when there are only men present, I
am convinced that he does not mean
to throw himself away.
And at last Emma has had enough. She faces him, fierce:
Mr Woodhouse sees that the door has been left open again.
MR WOODHOUSE I am very much obliged to you for
Mr Knightley- I beg you! opening my eyes, Mr Knightley, but
know that I am done with match-
Mr Knightley bows to Mr Woodhouse tightly and closes the making for the present. I only want
door, but he’s still on Emma’s heels. to keep Harriet to myself.
She knows this sounds selfish as soon as it’s out of her
42 INT. HARTFIELD DINING ROOM - DAY 42 mouth. Mr Knightley is too disgusted and angry to speak. He
opens the door, bows stiffly to Emma, and leaves.
Men of sense, whatever you may
choose to say, do not want silly 43 INT. HARTFIELD MINT DRAWING ROOM - DAY 43
wives. Men of family would not be
very fond of connecting themselves Mr Elton has returned from London with the framed portrait.
with a girl of such obscurity– and It is wrapped in paper and set up on an easel. With a
more prudent men would be afraid of flourish, he sloughs off the paper and displays it to
the inconvenience and disgrace that Harriet, Emma and Mr Woodhouse.
they might be involved in, when the
mystery of her parentage came to be They gape at it. The frame that Mr Elton has chosen is
revealed. Let her marry Robert completely tasteless, and utterly wrong for the picture: it’s
Martin, and she is safe and ornate, gilt, too heavy. But there’s more: Mr Elton cranks a
respectable for ever; tiny handle, and a music box hidden in the frame starts to
(MORE) play. Emma can’t imagine anything worse. But-
37. 38.
(in wonderment)
It’s so beautiful!
She’s open-mouthed with wonder. Emma has to say something
nice too.
You certainly spared no expense.
47 INT. HARTFIELD GOLD DRAWING ROOM - AFTERNOON 47 Isabella starts telling her father about Mr Wingfield, her
physician, whose medical opinions Mr Woodhouse then contrasts
Mr Knightley has now joined the family party. Emma has the with the superior opinions of his Mr Perry.
baby in her arms and is walking it back and forth, rocking it
to sleep. But we cross to Mr Knightley, who takes pity on Emma and
comes over to her.
(to Isabella) MR KNIGHTLEY
I shall always be very sorry that Let us be friends.
you went to the sea this autumn
instead of coming here. He reaches down and caresses the baby’s face.
But why should you be sorry, sir? (to the baby)
It did us a great deal of good. Tell your aunt, little Emma, that
she was very wrong, and that she
Emma is trying to catch Mr Knightley’s eye, but he seems to ought to set you a better example.
be avoiding her eye.
Suddenly the baby sicks up milk, copiously. Emma
MR WOODHOUSE involuntarily jerks the baby away from her body, so that milk
No, I think Mr John Knightley is doesn’t get on her dress, alerting Isabella, who flies to
far from looking well. rescue the baby-
South End was most strenuously What is the matter? Is there fever?
recommended by our physician, sir. Oh! Where is the nurse- give her to
Sea air and sea bathing. MR WOODHOUSE
(panicked too)
MR WOODHOUSE Is he feverish? Isabella!
(to Mr Knightley)
The sea is very rarely of use to Emma and Mr Knightley are laughing. Emma feels heartened by
anybody. I am sure it almost killed the restored connection between them, and belatedly answers
me once. his scolding remark to the baby:
The inane conversation is too much for Emma, who bursts out- EMMA
As far as good intentions went, we
EMMA were both in the right. I must say,
Come, I must beg you not to talk of I have not yet been proved wrong.
the sea. It makes me envious and
miserable- I who have never seen Isabella and Mr Woodhouse are still in a flap.
it! South End is prohibited if you
She glances at Mr Knightley. But he doesn’t smile.
In London it is always a sickly
season. Nobody is healthy in
London. Nobody can be.
40. 41.
Three carriages turn into the Randalls driveway. Mr Weston, A noisy scene of reunions, everyone talking at once:
beaming, comes out of the house to greet them.
MR WESTON (to Mrs Weston)
Welcome, welcome, welcome! “Mrs Weston” is very well for every
body else, but to me, you shall
always be my dear Miss Taylor.
(to Isabella, smiling)
And you, my dear Miss Woodhouse.
How are the children?
(acidly, answering for
(to Mrs Weston)
They are not at all well, I am
sorry to say. Really we should
never have travelled at such a time
of year- Mr Wingfield expressly
No better, I’m afraid.
42A. 43.
She’s addressing Mr Elton, who had been the first to take off MR JOHN KNIGHTLEY
his coat, and is poking about, examining the trinkets on the I cannot wish to be snowed up a
mantelpiece, and patently passing judgement on the room. week in Highbury.
Such a sad loss to our party today. (misunderstanding him)
(beat) Of course, we are but a small
Miss Smith has sent her apologies. party. You are perhaps used to the
large parties of London-
She will be missed every moment. MR JOHN KNIGHTLEY
I know nothing of the large parties
But in the next moment, he forgets her altogether: a servant of London, sir; I never dine with
appears with a tray of glasses of wine. He takes a glass. anybody.
Meanwhile, Mr John Knightley is complaining to Mr Knightley. Mr Elton is silenced. Mr Knightley is trying not to smile. He
looks over and sees Mr Weston giving Emma a letter, evidently
Going in dismal weather to return
probably in worse– four horses and
four servants taken out for nothing 54 INT. RANDALLS DINING ROOM - LATER - EVENING 54
but to convey five idle, shivering
creatures into colder rooms and The others are talking in small groups in the drawing room.
worse company than they might have Emma is sitting alone in the dining room, which has already
had at home! been set for dinner. She is re-reading the letter from Frank
Churchill. Mr Knightley comes near.
Mr Elton’s lack of concern for Harriet bothers Emma, but
before she can press him, Mr Weston has taken her arm: MR KNIGHTLEY
Another fine flourishing letter,
MR WESTON full of professions and falsehoods?
Frank has been detained at
Enscombe, I am sorry to say. I had EMMA
a letter from him just this morning- Your feelings are singular. His
letters seem to satisfy every body
Mr Elton is left with the Knightley brothers. else.
I dare say we shall have some snow. I suspect they do not satisfy Mrs
(beat) Weston.
I was once snowed up at a friend’s
house for a week! Nothing could be This is quite true, and Emma does not reply. After a beat:
Were she a person of consequence
herself, he would have come by now,
I dare say.
You seem determined to think ill of
I should be as ready to acknowledge
his merits as any other man;
44. 45.
She turns back to the letter. Mr Knightley watches her for a MR ELTON
beat, his expression clouded, before bowing and moving away. (raising his voice)
I have heard it described as one of
Mr Elton sees Emma alone, and sees an opportunity to go and the finest houses in Yorkshire.
sit with he r. But just as he’s making his move, the maid
steps between them and strikes a gong: dinner is ready. They all look at him. Embarrassed to have repeated himself,
he fumbles for another topic of conversation-
What seasonable weather we are
Mr Weston is seated at the head of the table; Mr Woodhouse is having. I dare say we shall have
at the foot. Mr Elton is next to Emma, and trying in vain to snow tonight!
start a conversation with her, but she is paying all her
attention to Mr and Mrs Weston, who are talking about Frank: At word ‘snow’ everyone stops and looks at Mr Woodhouse. He
stands up.
Mrs Churchill is an odd woman. She MR WOODHOUSE
was nobody when Mr Churchill Snow? Tonight?
married her, barely the daughter of
a gentleman; but ever since being He looks at the window: yes, it’s snowing.
turned into a C hurchill she has out-
Churchill’d them all in high and Suddenly everyone is talking at once.
mighty claims.
46. 46A.
(coming to him) (appalled)
Mrs Weston is right, papa. You will Husband, please!
be quite safe. The horses are in
excellent health, and no one drives They go out. Only Mr Weston, Mr Elton, and Emma remain. Mr
as James does- you are surrounded Elton is mortified for having caused such chaos so quickly.
by friends-
MR WESTON (to Emma)
(trying again) I think we shall be very glad Frank
But there is room for all of you! did not come at Christmas. The
For all of us! The house is warm- spring will be a better time of
we have good wine- and hot food- year, better weather... We shall be
very glad of the delay.
My children! My children are at He’s trying to say sorry. She smiles at him, kindly.
home- I cannot leave my children-
ISABELLA He goes to his carriage, which is first, and opens the door
Look to your vinaigrette, papa. Mr for Isabella and Mr Woodhouse. She bundles Mr Woodhouse in,
Knightley! You must move your and Mr Knightley signals to the coachman to drive off.
carriage- my father is unwell-
John Knightley is now exiting. Mr Knightley hails him.
Take it. It is first, and will be MR KNIGHTLEY (CONT’D)
fastest. Come. I’ll ride with you then.
And he and Mr Knightley climb into the second carriage,
hurrying to escape the cold. The door slams shut; the second
carriage m oves off, and Emma, who is just now exiting the
house, is appalled to see that she is now obliged to travel
alone in a carriage with Mr Elton.
She looks in despair at the departing carriages. Mr Elton is
by the open door of the third carriage, offering his hand-
Miss Woodhouse?
Mr Elton!
I must avail myself of this
precious opportunity to declare
sentiments which must be already
well kno wn-
Mr Elton, please! You have drunk
too much wine.
My ardent attachment-
Mr Elton!
EMMA (CONT’D) and no doubt, there are men who
You forget yourself. might not object to–
MR ELTON Everybody has their level!
I am ready to die if you refuse me. (petulantly now)
Madam, my visits to Hartfield have
EMMA been for yourself only; and the
You take me for my friend. Any encouragement I received—
message to Miss Smith I shall be
happy to deliver. EMMA
Encouragement! I give you
MR ELTON encouragement! Sir, you have been
Miss Smith! Message to Miss Smith! entirely mistaken. I have no
thoughts of matrimony at present.
Command yourself to say no more, A beat. Mr Elton looks like he’s about to explode. Suddenly:
and I will endeavour to forget it.
MR ELTON Stop the carriage. Driver- stop!
I never thought of Miss Smith in
the whole course of my existence- The carriage stops. He wrenches open the door and gets out.
never paid her any attentions, but
as your friend: never cared whether EMMA
she were dead or alive, but as your Mr Elton-
friend. Oh! Miss Woodhouse! Who can
think of Miss Smith, when Miss The door slams. He’s gone. A beat, Emma still processing.
Woodhouse is near! Everything I
have said or done, for many weeks,
has been with the sole view of 58 INT. MRS GODDARD’S SCHOOL PARLOUR - CHRISTMAS DAY - DAY 58
making my adoration to yourself.
Harriet, still looking very ill, is crowded around a small
EMMA table with a group of girls. They have formed a pile of flour
Oh, good heaven! on a large plate, at the top of which they have placed a
bullet, and the girls are passing a knife around, cutting
Now she doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. A beat, then- away slices of the flour and trying not to disturb the
bullet. They’re all giggling and breathless.
Charming Miss Woodhouse. Allow me Finally it’s Harriet’s turn. She makes the cut- and the
to interpret this interest ing bullet drops into the flour. All the girls start screaming
silence. It confesses that you have with pleasure. Harriet puts down the knife and puts her face
long understood me. into the pile of flour to retrieve the bullet with her mouth.
EMMA But when she comes up, the bullet in her teeth, flour all
No, sir, it confesses no such over her face, the girls aren’t laughing. They are looking,
thing! Nothing could be farther open-mouthed with horror, over Harriet’s shoulder. Blinking,
from my wishes. Your pursuit of Harriet turns to see what has transfixed them- and sees Emma
Harriet gave me great pleasure, and in the doorway, elegantly dressed, but looking ashen-faced.
I have been very earnestly wishing
you success.
(irritated) There’s still a dusty halo of flour around Harriet’s face.
Miss Smith is a very good sort of
50. 51.
How kind of you to visit me on (firmly)
Christmas Day, Miss Woodhouse. I Harriet.
have been longing to hear about the
party at Randalls Cottage. And did Harriet stops and dissolves into tears.
you hear that Mr Elton has gone
away? He left town quite HARRIET
unexpectedly- nobody knows why. I cannot see it without thinking of
Emma looks at the picture of Harriet in its ridiculous frame.
EMMA Burn the frame if you like, but you
Presumptuous, conceited man. must keep the likeness.
HARRIET An uncomfortable silence. Then-
Miss Woodhouse!
EMMA Then I will take it.
How could I have been so deceived? (beat)
I will take it.
A beat, Harriet reading her. Then, realising:
He never loved me. He loved you.
Isabella, John Knightley and the children have said their
Harriet has started to cry. Her tears streak through the goodbyes to Emma and Mr Woodhouse, and are now piling into
flour. the carriage to return to London. Isabella is fussing over
the children as usual, as she climbs aboard to join them.
(hotly) ISABELLA
Love! He sought to aggrandize and Be still and eat this. Henry, sit
enrich himself! He had the next to your sister. Why are you so
arrogance to raise his eyes to me, pale? And where is the baby? Bella,
a Woodhouse, and so convinced stop! Henry!
himself in love. He is a vicar!
(noticing Harriet’s tears John Knightley is the last to climb aboard. Before he leaves,
for the first time) he looks straight at Emma, with loathing. A beat, then-
Harriet. You might never have
thought of him but for me. I JOHN KNIGHTLEY
assured you of his attachment- I How I hate the childless.
contrived his visits to Hartfield-
He climbs into the carriage and the coachman shuts the door.
Dear Miss Woodhouse. I do not blame EMMA
you. I could never have deserved Goodbye, Isabella. Goodbye, little
him, and none but so partial and ones. Goodbye!
kind a friend as you could have
even thought it possible. The carriage begins to move. Emma returns to her father, who
is by the door, and to her surprise, sees he is crying.
Emma doesn’t know what to say. Harriet looks at the picture.
A beat, then she runs across the room towards the it, EMMA (CONT’D)
intending to take it and throw it into the fire. Papa!
51A. 52.
Miss Fairfax? What a pity you
didn’t bring your music.
HARRIET Annoyed, Emma looks over and sees Mr Knightley gazing at Jane
Nobody in the world plays like you with frank appreciation.
Mr Woodhouse is sitting next to Miss Bates, who is fanning
Jane Fairfax begins to play. It’s immediately apparent that herself energetically with a fan. The draught is maddening to
she is leagues ahead of Emma in terms of technical skill and him. She doesn’t notice: she’s captivated by Jane.
poetic feeling.
(to Harriet, whispering)
She is so cold, so cautious! There
is no getting at her real opinion.
She is wrapped up in a cloak of
politeness, determined to hazard
nothing at all.
Mr Knightley gets up and comes over to Emma.
I am glad you invited Miss Fairfax
to play; having no instrument at
her grandmother’s, it must be a
real indulgence.
I am glad you approve; but I hope I
am not often deficient in what is
due to my guests at Hartfield.
No, you are not often deficient.
You make it very plain you do not
like Miss Fairfax.
Everybody supposes we must be so
fond of each other, because our
ages are the same. Ever since I can
remember, I have been told that I
could have no better companion than
Jane Fairfax. She who is so
accomplished and so superior.
She is certainly accomplished;
perhaps, the accomplished young
woman you wish to be thought
Jane finishes the piece she’s playing and everyone but Emma
applauds. Mr Knightley looks at Emma. Sulkily, Emma switches
on a smile and applauds, half-heartedly.
56A. 57.
Where do you suppose he has gone?
Mr Elton.
The door opens and the Martin sisters come in, followed by
Robert Martin. They’re all very wet. Harriet and Robert both
startle, red-faced. But there’s nowhere to hide.
(to Emma, in a whisper)
I must go.
But it’s too late.
Harriet. We have missed you.
(with a glance at Robert)
My mother has been asking for you.
58. 59.
You must stay no more than a 73 INT. HARTFIELD HOTHOUSE - THE NEXT MORNING - DAY 73
quarter of an hour, and allow no
dangerous reminiscences. There must Emma is among the flowers, selecting blooms, humming happily
be no recurrence into the past. to herself, when she sees, through the misted windows of the
hothouse, the man she encountered the previous day.
60. 61.
The fact they met yesterday is already like a private joke EMMA
between them. I believe we have a mutual
acquaintance in Jane Fairfax. Did
FRANK CHURCHILL you meet often at Weymouth?
There are not many houses I should
presume on so far, sir, but in Up ahead is Ford’s. He runs to it.
coming home, I felt that I might
take the liberty. FRANK CHURCHILL
Oh- pray let us go in here, that I
Mr Weston is looking at Emma eagerly, anxiously: he wants the may prove myself to be a true
two of them to fall in love as soon as possible. To that end- citizen of Highbury. I must buy
something at Ford’s!
We have made a plan to walk to the He makes for the door. But Emma doesn’t move. He perceives
village, Emma. Will you join us? her hesitation and returns to her.
75 EXT. HIGHBURY BRIDGE - LATER - DAY 75 But I beg your pardon, Miss
Woodhouse- you were speaking to me.
Mr and Mrs Weston are walking a discreet distance ahead,
leaving Emma and Frank Churchill to walk together. EMMA
I merely asked whether you had
EMMA known much of Miss Fairfax and her
Do you plan to stay in Highbury party at Weymouth.
FRANK CHURCHILL And now that I understand the
But two weeks, alas. My aunt cannot question, I must pronounce it to be
spare me any longer. a very unfair one. It is always the
lady’s right to decide on the
degree of acquaintance.
62. 63.
EMMA Emma and Frank Churchill have resumed their walk. They pass
(feeling guilty) the Crown Inn. Stacks of chairs have been piled outside, *
Her constitution is delicate. ready for a cart to come and clear them away. Frank gestures *
to it.
Here is where you have your balls,
I suppose? Every fortnight through
the winter?
I am afraid Highbury may yet
disappoint you, Mr Churchill. We
have not society enough for
64. 64A.
(eagerly) *
The Coles are to host a supper- *
party in Frank’s honour. Perhaps *
there will be dancing there. *
65-66. 67.
Mr Churchill will soon return to
Yorkshire. We must make the most of
every opportunity before he does.
“We must.”
He is in Highbury only two weeks.
And yet he spent a whole day going
to London just to get his hair cut.
Sixteen miles twice over. He is a
trifling, silly fop.
67A. 68.
They pass into the house. Emma suppresses a look of disdain at Mrs Cole’s crassness.
84 INT. COLES’ RESIDENCE - NIGHT - LATER 84 A pianoforte - very elegant-
delivered to Miss Fairfax this very
Dinner is over and the guests are moving through into the morning with no return address!
next room.
Emma glances around jealously, realising that almost everyone
Mr Knightley and Frank Churchill find themselves in each is talking about Jane:
other’s vicinity. They are trying to avoid each other,
feeling mutual dislike, but Mr Cole appears between them. MRS COX *
(to Mrs Weston)
MR COLE I never saw so fine an instrument-
Such grand estates you have in
common, gentlemen! Donwell Abbey, MISS GILBERT
and Enscombe- (to Mrs Cox)
A pianoforte, very elegant, and
At the mention of the word ‘Enscombe’, Jane throws Frank a with no return address!
look. He is flummoxed. Mr Cole realises he has made a mistake-
MR COLE (CONT’D) (to Mrs Weston)
(to Frank) No return address!
Soon to inherit, of course. Soon to
inherit Enscombe. MRS COLE
(realising he has made (to Emma)
another) Jane herself is quite at a loss-
Not too soon. I trust your uncle quite bewildered to think who could
Churchill is in good health? have sent it.
MRS COLE In the background Mr Cole has led Jane to the piano and is
And have you heard the choicest inviting her to leaf through the piano music.
piece of gossip, that has set all
the tongues of the village aflame? MRS COLE
One can suppose nothing else, but
Jane had a letter from them very
(clocking in)
-and not a word was said about it.
68A. 69.
Jane Fairfax? Whatever for?
He makes space for her to sit by him. There isn’t much room.
Emma has to squeeze around the piano to go to Frank, which
flusters and irritates her.
The rivet on my mother’s spectacles
came out this morning, and who
should leap to our assistance but
Mr Frank Churchill! “Oh” said he “I
do think I can fasten the rivet; I
like a job of this kind
excessively!” Which you know showed
him to be so very- Miss Smith- he
far exceeds anything- everyone
should have two pairs of
spectacles. They should indeed.
Jane said so. “Oh I can fasten the
rivet” said he!
She goes on; but we have crossed to Frank and Emma, who are
seated next to one another.
Jane, with a glance at Emma, has started playing again.
(to Jane)
What a felicity to hear that tune
again! If I mistake it not, it was
danced at Weymouth. With Mr Dixon.
Jane falters. She looks at Emma, confused. Emma is smothering
a smile. She starts playing something else.
(in a whisper)
You speak too plain. She must
understand you.
(also in a whisper)
I hope she does.
Mine was a random guess. Do not
distress her.
73. 73A.
Of all horrid things, leave-taking
is the worst.
But you will come again. This will
not be your only visit to Highbury.
I am at the mercy of my aunt in
that regard. As I am in everything.
She and uncle are to spend the
season in Richmond, however.
He seems to be trying to tell her something and he doesn’t
know how. The wind is aggravating him, as is the fact that
Emma isn’t giving him her full attention.
Richmond! But that is but nine
miles away. You may visit every day
if you wish! And we shall have our
Our ball. My father depends on it.
Something’s wrong.
74. 74A.
He’s about to go on, but Mr Woodhouse appears at the window. 92 INT. HIGHBURY PARISH CHURCH - AN HOUR LATER - MORNING 92
MR WOODHOUSE The service has now concluded; the parishioners are standing.
Emma! The wind- you will catch your Mr Elton proceeds down the aisle first, and then both Emma
death! Come in at once, I beg you! and Mrs Elton turn to follow him. A tiny beat, as there is a
battle of wills as to who will go first. Then Mrs Elton
Mr Weston is waiting for Frank. There isn’t time to say sweeps after Mr Elton, taking his arm.
anything more. Frank bows to her.
Harriet and Emma, disbelieving, fall into step behind them.
Goodbye. HARRIET
And he goes to join his father. Emma stares after him, He is married!
frowning slightly. She’s not quite sure what just happened.
It cannot be a long acquaintance.
91 INT. HIGHBURY PARISH CHURCH - MORNING 91 He has only been gone six weeks!
Emma and Mr Woodhouse walk down the aisle to their usual pew, Mr Woodhouse is following them out.
Harriet following behind them. Halfway down the aisle, Emma
sees, to her astonishment, that someone is sitting in her At the door, Mr and Mrs Elton station themselves at the door
place: a woman, very showily dressed. She’s facing front. in order to greet each member of the congregation as they
depart. When Emma, Harriet and Mr Woodhouse approach, Mr
When they reach the front, she sees them, and turns. MRS Elton presents Mrs Elton, addressing Mr Woodhouse:
ELTON is a social climber, competitive, modern, brash, self-
serving- and triumphantly married. MR ELTON
My wife, Mrs Augusta Elton.
Emma is dumbstruck, and doesn’t know how to handle the
situation. Harriet is bewildered. Mrs Elton doesn’t get up. MR WOODHOUSE
She looks at Emma coolly, and then gives her a haughty smile. (to Mrs Elton)
I hate weddings. People make you
Emma and Mr Woodhouse are obliged to sit in the far pew. As eat their favourite food.
they sit down, Mr Woodhouse sees to his displeasure that Mrs
Elton has just found the folded blanket under their pew. She
tucks it over her knees with satisfaction.
At the altar, Mr Elton begins to intone the day’s scripture:
Enter not into judgment with thy
servant, O Lord; for in thy sight
shall no man living be justified.
(portentous beat)
Dearly beloved brethren, the
Scripture moveth us in sundry
places to acknowledge and confess
our manifold sins and
(then, with pride)
75. 76.
Harriet and Emma, in their nightgowns with their hair down, EMMA
are practicing their steps. They are taking turns to lead Mr Churchill!
each other around the room.
He turns, and she goes to drop into a pretty curtsey, plainly
HARRIET rehearsed. But by the time she rises, Frank has already bowed
You dance so beautifully. curtly, and is making to move away.
She mucks up a step and they bump in to one another. FRANK CHURCHILL
Good evening, Miss Woodhouse. You
EMMA will excuse me: I must inquire
No. You are Frank Churchill. Let’s after good Miss Bates.
do it again.
He goes to speak to Miss Bates, leaving Emma confounded.
MRS WESTON (CONT’D) Miss Bates, meanwhile, is showing Jane off to any and all who
It has just occurred to us that Mrs will listen:
Elton will expect to be asked to
begin the ball- and she will surely MISS BATES
think Frank ought to ask her. How do you like Jane’s hair? She
did it all herself. Quite
Emma glances at Mrs Elton, who is still talking to Jane- wonderful. No hairdresser from
London I think could...
And I see very few pearls in the Just then Mr Knightley enters. He catches Emma’s eye, and
room except mine. smiles at her, kindly, naturally. She returns the smile, a
little sadly. Already the evening feels a little spoiled.
(to Emma) Mr. Weston is trying to get a word in with Mrs. Elton. At *
Frank cannot break his promise to last he manages- *
you. He has promised you the first
two dances! Here is the plan. I MR WESTON *
will ask Mrs Elton. The ball is in Mrs. Elton! Such an honourable *
Frank’s honour, but it was my addition to our humble festivities- *
design. I will ask her.
He hurries off to tell his plan first to Frank, who is still (interposing) *
with Miss Bates, and then to Mrs Elton. And so fashionable. *
Frank comes over, bows to Emma, and holds out his hand. She MR ELTON
takes it, and he leads her into the dance. Miss Smith!
Mr Weston leads with Mrs Elton; Frank Churchill and Emma Mr Knightley looks up at this, and frowns.
follow second. Three other couples make up the set. The music
starts up, the couples bow and curtsey, and the dance begins. MR ELTON (CONT’D)
If I were not an old married man–
Frank Churchill is a good dancer, but somehow the dance isn’t but my dancing days are over, Mrs
any fun for Emma. He doesn’t smile or talk, and seems to be Weston. You will excuse me.
concentrating on the steps rather than on Emma: he’s counting
the beat under his breath. And he leaves Mrs Weston, steps around Harriet, and goes to
the far side of the room.
(as they dance) Harriet is devastated. But Mr Knightley, who has observed Mr
You have been much missed in Elton’s rudeness with disgust, puts down his glass of wine,
Highbury. goes to her, and quietly extends his hand.
He doesn’t offer more. They keep dancing. Emma tries again. Blushing with pleasure, Harriet accepts.
Most readily, Mrs Weston, if you 97 OMITTED 97
will dance with me.
(seeing her belly)
Ah- well. Perhaps-
There is a young lady disengaged
whom I should be very glad to see
dancing. Miss Smith.
H arriet can hear them perfectly, but is trying to pretend
that she can’t. She looks wretched.
82. 83.
The hall is deserted: the servants are still in bed. Emma EMMA
steps in taking off her gloves. She is confused. The scissors?
105 INT. HARTFIELD, UPPER CORRIDOR - DAWN 105 (a little embarrassed)
I had borrowed a pair of scissors
Emma is going upstairs, but she’s too restless to sleep. She from Miss Bates. I was halfway home
flops down on a window-seat, still thinking about the ball... to Richmond when I made the
and then she turns to the window, and sits up: Mr Knightley recollection, and so doubled back.
is approaching outside. He sees her through the glass and (defensive, to Mr
falters. They hold each other’s gaze for a beat. Her breath Knightley)
catches- why has he come? Then she leaves the window seat and What’s your purpose here?
runs downstairs.
106 EXT. HARTFIELD COURTYARD - DAWN 106 My carriage- my horse threw a shoe.
She exits to meet him. But when he sees her, all his EMMA
confidence fails. He can’t think of what to say, and she (surprised)
can’t either. A beat- and then Emma sees, over his shoulder, You took your carriage to the ball?
Frank Churchill, who is hurrying towards her, carrying
Harriet. Mr Knightley turns too. MR KNIGHTLEY
Mr Churchill! What has happened? HARRIET
What might have become of me, Miss
FRANK CHURCHILL Woodhouse, if not for the scissors!
(out of breath)
She was set upon by gypsies as she Something about this story seems strange to Mr Knightley. He
was coming home- when she attempted looks sharply at Frank, and then at Emma. But there’s no time
escape, she fell. She had a cramp- to ask for more information: they have reached the house. Mr
Knightley holds the door open for them, and Frank and Emma
HARRIET help Harriet into the house.
(weakly heroic)
From too much dancing.
Is she hurt? Frank Churchill lays Harriet down on a sofa and she cries out
in pain.
Her ankle is turned.
We must send for Perry.
86. 87.
Bartholomew has appeared. He fumbles for the vinaigrette. 108 INT. DONWELL ABBEY, MR KNIGHTLEY’S ROOM / DOUBLE CUBE 108
Oh, Miss Woodhouse- Mr Knightley returns to his room, furious with himself for
not having said what he wanted to say.
88. 88A.
Suddenly he can’t bear the stricture of his cravat, his His ballrooms and picture galleries
jacket, his waistcoat. He begins tearing at his clothes. are quite shut up.
Again she seems on the verge of saying something more. But 113 INT. DONWELL ABBEY, SINGLE CUBE / HALL OF STATUES 113
she just curtseys and departs, leaving Emma mystified. - LATER - DAY
Emma diverts her course to avoid Miss Bates, and comes face
to face with Frank Churchill. He’s looking very hot and
Have I missed the party?
Not at all. We are exploring the
Frank Churchill mops his face and paces. He’s very cross.
I was detained by my aunt. A
nervous seizure, which lasted some
hours. Had I known how hot a ride I
should have, I believe I should not
have come at all.
You will soon be cooler, if you sit
As soon as I am cooler I shall go
back again! You will all be going
soon; the party is breaking up.
You need refreshment. Some cold
beer perhaps.
92A. 93.
She addresses this to a servant, who bows and withdraws. Emma Cannot you invent a few hardships
moves off. Frank, pacing, follows her. for yourself, and be contented to
As soon as my aunt gets well, I FRANK CHURCHILL
shall go abroad. I am tired of You are quite mistaken. I do not
doing nothing. I want a change. look upon myself as either
(she glances at him) prosperous or indulged. I am
I am serious, Miss Woodhouse, thwarted in every thing material. I
whatever your penetrating eyes may do not consider myself at all a
fancy. I am sick of England. I fortunate person.
would leave it tomorrow, if I
could. The servant reappears with a tankard of beer on a tray. Frank
downs it and then the servant discreetly withdraws.
You are sick of prosperity and EMMA
indulgence. We are going to Box Hill tomorrow.
(MORE) It is not the Grand Tour, but it
will be something for a young man
so much in want of change.
He is so preposterous that Emma can’t help but laugh. What two letters of the alphabet
are there, that express perfection?
Oh! Very well, then I need not be EMMA
uneasy. ‘Three things very dull What two letters– express
indeed’. That will just do for me, perfection! I am sure I do not
you know. I shall be sure to say know!
three dull things as soon as I open
my mouth. Her eagerness to know the answer is feigned. She darts
another nervous glance at Miss Bates, feeling awful.
Ah! Ma’am, but there may be a MISS BATES
difficulty. You will be limited to (to Mr Knightley, quietly)
number– only three at once! I must have made myself very
disagreeable, or she would not have
She had meant it lightly, gaily, in continuation of Frank said such a thing to an old friend.
Chu rchill’s outrageousness, but Miss Bates recoils as if she
had been slapped. Her eyes fill with tears. MR WESTON
Ah! You will never guess. You, I am
MISS BATES certain, you will never guess. I
Ah– well– to be sure– yes, I see will tell you. M and A. Em-ma. Do
what she means. I will try to hold you understand?
my tongue.
Frank laughs. But nobody else does. Emma feels dreadful: to
Emma is appalled at herself. But how can she patch it up? She be praised right after having been so cruel! She manages only
glances at Frank, but he has turned away, smothering a cruel a pained smile for Mr Weston. Miss Bates sniffs audibly.
smile in private satisfaction at Miss Bates’ shame.
MR WESTON (acidly)
(oblivious to the tension) Mr Weston has shown us how to play
I like your plan. Agreed, agreed. I this game, but also how to end it.
will do my best. I am making a Who can improve upon ‘perfection’?
conundrum. How will a conundrum
reckon? MRS ELTON
I protest I must be excused. I do
FRANK CHURCHILL not pretend to be a wit. I have a
Low, I am afraid, sir, very low, great deal of vivacity in my own
but we shall be indulgent, way, but I really must be allowed
especially to anyone who leads the to judge when to speak and when to
way. hold my tongue.
(trying now to be kind) Shall we walk, Augusta?
No, no, it will not reckon low.
Come, sir. Pray, let us hear it. MRS ELTON
(getting up)
She glances at Harriet, seeking help, but Harriet is looking Most willingly. I really am tired
at Miss Bates, who is discreet ly wiping away tears. of exploring so long on one spot.
Emma offers the basket. Miss Bates takes it. 124 OMITTED 124
So very kind! But you are always 125 INT. RANDALLS DRAWING ROOM - A FEW DAYS LATER - DAY 125
kind, Miss Woodhouse.
Mrs. Weston, now nine months pregnant, is propped up on a day
It’s too awful. Emma is almost on the verge of tears again. bed. The door opens and Mr Weston ushers Emma in. He looks
worried. Mrs Weston reaches out to Emma.
What has happened? What is the
Emma comes in and sees that Mr Knightley is with her father. news?
She can hardly meet his gaze.
She addresses the question to both of them. Mr Weston remains
MR WOODHOUSE in the doorway, hovering anxiously. He’s embarrassed and
How did you find them? Emma has doesn’t want to come in.
been to call on Mrs and Miss Bates,
Mr Knightley. She is always so MRS WESTON
attentive to them. Oh, Emma.
Emma can hardly look at Mr Knightley. He rescues her by Mrs Churchill is dead.
changing the subject, a little abruptly.
I am going to Brunswick Square for
the remainder of the season. She looks at Mr Weston, not understanding- why is the news
being delivered in this way? Mr Weston looks embarrassed
MR WOODHOUSE rather than mournful.
I do wish you would reconsider.
EMMA We always thought her illness was
(hurt) invented.
Is not this a sudden scheme?
Emma still doesn’t understand. There has to be something
MR KNIGHTLEY else. She looks from Mr Weston to Mrs Weston, queryingly.
Yes– rather– no. I have been
thinking about it for some time. EMMA
(trying to laugh)
MR WOODHOUSE You frightened me! I thought you
We will miss you in the evenings. must have lost all your money.
Mr Knightley comes to Emma, takes her hand, and seems about MRS WESTON
to press it to his lips- but then he drops it and bows. Emma.
(looking very worried)
MR KNIGHTLEY Frank has been here this very
Goodbye, Emma. morning, on the most extraordinary
errand. It is impossible to express
our surprise. Frank and Jane
123 EXT. HARTFIELD - DAY 123 Fairfax are engaged!
It’s a blazing day in summer. EMMA
102A. 103.
She turns to Mr Weston. But he has turned away. He can’t look MRS WESTON
at her. There has been a solemn engagement
between them ever since October-
formed at Weymouth, and kept a
secret from everybody.
What! Engaged to her all winter–
before either of them came to
Secretly engaged. Of course, had
his aunt known of it, she would
have cut him off. It has hurt me,
Emma, very much. It has hurt his
father equally.
He sent the pianoforte!
He has confessed it.
(beat- awkwardly)
Emma. You must know it was our
darling wish-
But Emma puts her hand on Mrs Weston’s, silencing her.
There was a period in the early
part of our acquaintance, when I
did like him, but I have really for
some time cared nothing for him.
You may believe me, Mrs Weston. He
has done me no harm.
Mr Weston looks inexpressibly relieved. He manages a smile.
Emma has come to visit Harriet. They are sitting on her bed.
I am so very sorry, Harriet.
But why should you condole me? You
do not think I care about Mr Frank
104. 105.
EMMA No- I was thinking of a much more
(thrown) precious circumstance– of Mr
There was a time– and not very Knightley’s coming and asking me to
distant either– when you gave me dance, when Mr Elton would not
reason to understand that you did stand up with me. That was the
care about him. service.
Him! Never. Dear Miss Woodhouse, Good God.
how could you so mistake me? (beat- then, with dread)
And... have you any idea of Mr
EMMA Knightley’s returning your
(genuinely taken aback) affection?
Harriet! What do you mean?
HARRIET Yes, I must say that I have.
I should not have thought it (with gentle defiance)
possible that you could have He talks to me. Much more than he
misunderstood me! I know we agreed used to. He has shown sweetness,
never to name him– but considering an d kindness, and at Donwell he
how infinitely supe rior he is to took great pains to describe to me
everybody else, I could not have some particulars of the management
been supposed to mean any other of his tenant farms. We were
man. Mr Frank Churchill, indeed! interrupted, but before we were, he
That you should have been so seemed almost to be asking if my
mistaken is amazing! Had I not affections were engaged.
believed you entirely approved my
attachment, I should have EMMA
considered it too great a But is it not possible that he
presumption even to dare to think might have been alluding to Mr
of him. But you told me that more Martin– that he might have had Mr
wonderful things had happened; that Martin’s interest in view?
there had been matches of greater
disp arity- those were your very And all at once, Harriet realises.
words, Miss Woodhouse-
EMMA You think o f Mr Knightley for
Harriet! Let us understand each yourself.
other now, without the possibility
of farther mistake. Are you Emma is shocked to hear it put into words so simply.
speaking of- Mr Knightley?
HARRIET Harriet-
Of course. I thought you knew.
Harriet finds her unbearable suddenly. She stands up.
But the service Mr Churchill EMMA (CONT’D)
rendered you, in protecting you (more desperately)
from the gypsies- I do not flatter myself with any
idea of his attachment to me. I
HARRIET have received very recent proof of
Oh dear, no, it was not the his impartiality-
106. 107.
HARRIET (then, to qualify)
I should never have presumed to With respect to Mr Churchill.
think of him but for you.
EMMA He is a disgrace to the name of
(even more desperately) man. And is he to be rewarded with
I know that he is the last man in that sweet young woman? Jane, Jane,
the world who would intentionally you will be a miserable creature!
give any woman the idea of his
feeling more for her than he really Emma is silent. She can’t bear to condole him about Jane.
does. If you believe he loves you- After a beat, Mr Knightley goes on, tightly-
I refused Mr Martin because of you. Everything turns out for his good.
Because of you, Miss Woodhouse- His aunt is in the way. His aunt
dies. He uses everybody ill– and
But she can’t manage any more. She runs out. The door slams, they are delighted to forgive him.
leaving Emma alone in Harriet’s room. He is a fortunate man indeed.
127 EXT. HARTFIELD - NEARING SUNSET 127 You speak as if you envied him.
Emma is making her way back to Hartfield, slowly. She’s MR KNIGHTLEY
morose. She looks up, and sees, to her shock, Mr Knightley. And I do envy him, Emma. In one
respect he is the object of my
EMMA envy.
Mr Knightley!
Silence again, then-
He doesn’t speak. He seems a little paralysed. She is too.
EMMA (CONT’D) You will not ask me why. You are
Have you heard the news? determined, I see, to have no
curiosity. You are wise– but I
MR KNIGHTLEY cannot be wise. Emma, I must tell
Miss Fairfax and Frank Churchill. you what you will not ask, though I
may wish it unsaid the next moment.
I did not see it. But I seem to EMMA
have been doomed to blindness. Oh! Then do not speak it. Do not
speak it. Take a little time,
MR KNIGHTLEY consider, do not commit yourself.
(bursting out)
Time, my dearest Emma, time will He tears himself away, deeply agitated. A beat, then Emma
heal the wound. He will soon be takes a shaky breath and composes herself. Bravely:
gone. You will forget him.
EMMA I stopped you ungraciously just
(starting to cry) now, Mr Knightley. If you wish to
You are very kind– but you are speak to me as a friend, or to ask
mistaken. My blindness to what was my opinion– as a friend, I will
going on led me to act in a way hear wh atever you like.
that I must always be ashamed of;
but I have no other regret.
108. 109.
As a friend! Emma, that I fear is a Emma-
(seizing her) EMMA
Tell me, Emma, have I no chance of (starting to cry again)
ever succeeding? My dearest Emma, And she believes that you may love
for dearest you will always be, my her too. You danced with her- you
dearest, most beloved Emma, tell me have praised her- and shown her
at once. Say No, if it is to be kindness- you took notice of her at
said. I cannot make speeches, Emma. Donwell, and spoke of farming- and
If I loved you less, I might be seemed on the verge of asking if
able to talk about it more. But you her affections were engaged-
know what I am. I have blamed you,
and lectured you, and you have MR KNIGHTLEY
borne it as no other woman in To Robert Martin! To Robert Martin!
England could have borne it. God (beat)
knows, I have been a very She told you this?
indifferent lover. But you
understand me. You understand my EMMA
feelings. I cannot break her heart again.
Suddenly, shockingly, she gets a nosebleed. Without thinking, She touches his arm, silencing him.
he darts out a hand to staunch the blood- and she jerks her
head back, smearing blood- and she’s trying not to get blood EMMA
on her dress- and he’s fumbling for his handkerchief- No. I must do it. I must go.
I- I cannot. 128 OMITTED 128
The smeared blood has given her a vampiric look.
Why not? Emma gets out of the carriage, lugging a gift basket, which
contains a dressed goose, fruit, nuts, bunches of lavender
EMMA and starts to make her way up the hill to the Martin’s farm.
Harriet. But then she stops, realising her mistake: she looks down at
the dressed goose in the basket, and then up at the flock of
MR KNIGHTLEY geese that are crowding the path ahead. But it’s too late to
Harriet? change plans. She sighs and walks on, to the stables.
She is in love with you.
A beat. Mr Knightley laughs- not unkindly, but in disbelief.
110-111. 110-111A.
131 EXT. HIGHBURY LANE - DAY 131 Frank is hovering, just out of earshot. Emma glances at him.
Emma is walking down the road on foot. She’s alone. She comes EMMA
around a bend and sees Frank and Jane, both dressed in (thoughtfully)
mourning. They curtsey and bow automatically, but then they I think there is a little likeness
all hesitate. Nobody is sure who should speak first, or what between myself and Mr Churchill. If
they should say. Frank braves it: not in our dispositions, then
perhaps, in our destiny. We shall
FRANK CHURCHILL both marry people far, far better
Is it possible you had no than ourselves.
Jane is gratified by the compliment, but she doesn’t quite
EMMA understand Emma’s meaning.
Never the smallest, I assure you.
FRANK CHURCHILL You have a secretive engagement?
I wish I had told you everything. I
was once very near. EMMA
If I had, Miss Fairfax, then be
EMMA assured: Frank Churchill should be
It is not now worth the regret. the very last to know.
She goes to keep walking. But Frank is still trying to Jane allows herself a little smile. Emma takes Jane’s hand
apologise. and presses it. For the first time in their acquaintance,
they both feel as if they might become friends.
What an impudent dog I have been.
How could I dare.
112. 113.
Emma comes in to find Harriet waiting for her. The dynamic of Mr Woodhouse, Mr Knightley and Emma are all in their habitual
Harriet’s first arrival at Hartfield is entirely reversed: places, reading- except that Mr Knightley and Emma can’t
this time Emma is apprehensive, Harriet cool and controlled. concentrate, and keep stealing glances at one another.
Harriet. (suddenly)
Do you feel a draught, Mr
HARRIET Knightley? About your knees?
Mr. Robert Martin has offered me
his hand. MR KNIGHTLEY
(beat) I cannot say that I do, sir.
I have accepted him.
It’s unbelievably tense. Harriet is testing her. Ah. Pity.
Then I shall come here.
You would quit the Abbey?
113A. 114.
Yes. Live constantly with my father, in
no house of your own?
Sacrifice your independence? MR KNIGHTLEY
How it is now, Mr Knightley?
(with his eyes on Emma)
It’s much better now.
And at last, they kiss.