Amergy 222
Amergy 222
Amergy 222
Description Application and Use
AMERGY 222 fuel oil conditioner is a premium blend of AMERGY 222 fuel oil conditioner can be added to the fuel
solvents, dispersants, surfactants and detergents for minimiz- oil tanks by directly adding it to all tanks that will be receiving
ing the effects of a particular fuel's inherent instability and/or fuel prior to fuel delivery. This will ensure that the additive is
incompatibility when two or more fuels from different bunker properly mixed and dispersed throughout the fuel (e.g., via
supplies are blended. During blending, normally suspended fuel tank sounding tubes/vents).
and relatively stable asphaltenes can precipitate from the fuel
and form fuel sludge. It is recommended that fuel deliveries are representatively
sampled and analyzed to monitor overall fuel quality and to
The concept of AMERGY 222 conditioner is twofold: determine levels of contamination. Consult your local Drew
Marine representative for further discussion on fuel samplers,
1. To suspend heavy asphaltenic fuel particles and disperse fuel analysis services and onboard fuel testing.
fuel sludge so that the fuel can be pumped, centrifuged,
preheated, and filtered with a minimum of fouling and The dosage rate will vary depending upon the treatment
subsequent cleaning operations. schedule.
2. To dissolve existing fuel sludge into the fuel to become 1. When used with each fuel delivery, AMERGY 222 fuel oil
a more stable, homogeneous fluid. This will maximize conditioner can be dosed in a range of 1/6000 - 1/15,000
the energy potential utilization of the entire fuel delivery (1 liter to 6-15 tons of fuel).
and minimize the accumulation of fuel deposits such as
catalyst fires, dirt, and silt in fuel storage tanks. 2. If not used on a regular basis, an alternate schedule can
consist of dosing only when a problem from fuel incom-
As these benefits are obtained, cost savings are realized as patibility/instability occurs. In this case, the dosage rate
less labor and attention needs to be paid to cleaning tanks should be 1/6000 (1 liter to 6 tons of fuel). This higher
and equipment. When used regularly, the likelihood of en- treatment rate is necessary to dissolve and disperse the
countering problems attributed to accumulated sludge and existing fuel sludge.
fuel deposits during severe weather are eliminated.
Features Benefits
• Effective blend of self-dispersing solvents and • Recovers fuel sludge as usable fuel to maximize entire
conditioners to suspend asphaltenes in residual fuel fuel delivery
oil and to stabilize and to prevent sludge and fuel • Maintains the fuel oil as a homogeneous mixture
deposit accumulation • Reduces tank cleaning costs
• Completely soluble in fuel oil prevents removal during • Maintains tanks, heaters, strainers and lines free from
centrifuge operation sludge and fuel deposits
• Optimizes purifier sludge discharge and solids
• Does not require elaborate dosing equipment
• No storage stability problems for fuel in extended
Continued on page 2
AMERGY 222 Fuel Oil Conditioner is available in 25-liter
containers (P/C #4757409).
Registered trademark, TMTrademark, Drew Marine
2010 Drew Marine • All Rights Reserved • AMERGY 222 PDS 0712 RO
All statements, information and data presented herein are believed to be accurate and reliable but are not to be taken as a guarantee, express warranty or implied warranty of merchantability
or fitness for a particular purpose, or representation, express or implied, for which seller assumes legal responsibility, and they are offered solely for your consideration, investigation and
verification. Statements or suggestions concerning possible use of this product are made without representation or warranty that any such use is free of patent infringement and are not
recommendations to infringe on any patent.
DREW MARINE • 100 South Jefferson Road, Whippany, NJ 07981 USA • Tel: (1-973) 526-5700