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Imogene King 1

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“The kind of person that the nurse becomes makes a substantial difference
what each patient will learn as he or she receives nursing care.”

Goal Attainment Theory

o King has interrelated the concepts of interaction,
perception, communication, transaction, self, role,
stress, growth and development, time, and space
into atheory ofgoal attainment.
o Her theory deals with a nurse-client dyad, a
relationship to which each person bringspersonal
perceptions of self, role, and personal levels of growth
and development.
o The nurse and client communicate, first in
interaction and then in transaction, to
attainmutually set goals.
o The relationship takes place in space identified by
theirbehaviors and occurs in forward-moving time.


Patient and nurse should communicate,

participate in mutual goal setting, and take
actions to achieve those goals together.

The concepts for the personal system are

perception,self, growth and development, body image,
space, and time.These are fundamentals in
understanding human being because this refers to how
the nurse views and integrates self-based from personal
goals and beliefs.Among all these concepts, the most
important is perception, because it influences
• Focus is on the person and the three interacting systems:
i. Personal
ii. Interpersonal
iii. Social

3 Systems
Personal system
o perception, self-growth and development, body
image, space, and time.
o If perceptual interaction accuracy
is present in nurse-patientinteractions, transaction will occur.
o If the nurse and patient make transaction, the goal or goals will be achieved.
o If the goal or goals are achieved, satisfaction will occur.
Interpersonal system
o interaction, communication, transaction, role, and stress.
o If role conflict is experienced by ether the nurse or the patient (or both), stress in the
nurse-patient interaction will occur.
o If a nurse with special knowledge communicates appropriate information to thepatient,
mutual goal-setting and goal achievement will occur.
Social system
o organization, authority, power, status, and decision making.


Social beings that are rational and sentient (biopsychosocial being)

Focus of nursing care
Open systems constantly interacting with their environment
With 3 systems
Ability to perceive, think, feel, choose, set goals, select ways to achieve goals, andmake
o Requires three basic needs
i. Need for health information that can be used when needed
ii. Need for care to prevent illness
iii. Need for care when a person is unable to help themselves
o Is consistently changing
o Is the background for human interaction
o Involves two types of environment
o Internal Environment: Transforms energy to allow the person to adjust to the continuous
external environment changes
o External Environment: Includes formal and informal organizations with the nurse being
part of the patient's environment
o Implies continuous adjustment to stressors in the internal and external environment
o Through optimum use of one's resource to achieve maximum potential for daily living.
o Act wherein the nurse interacts and communicates with the patient.
o The nurse helps the patient identify the existing health condition, exploring and agreeingon
activities to promote health.
o " Process of action, reaction, and interaction by which nurse and patient share
information about their perception in the nursing situation."
o A sequence of behaviors involving mental and physical action
o Consideredasincluded in thesequenceofbehaviors described in action.
“Process of human interaction between nurse and patient whereby each perceives theother
and the situation, and through communication, they set goals, explore means, and agree on
means to achieve goals."

Important Concept of Goal Attainment Theory

o Interpersonal relationship allows a person to grow and develop in order to attain certainlife
Factors that affect the attainment of goals
o Roles
o Stress
o Space
o Time
o Nurse-client interactions increase mutual goal setting
o Open communication increases the likelihood of nurse-client goal setting and
o Nurse-client satisfaction increases goal attainment
o Reaching goal attainment decreases stress and anxiety and increases client learningand
the ability to cope in nursing situations
o Nurse-client role and conflict results in decreased interactions
o Nurse-client agreement in role expectations and performance increases meaningful
nurse-client interactions.

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