Contoh Pidato BHS Ing

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Assalammualiakum warrahmtulahi Wabarakatu

Let me introduce myself my name is Adelani Tata Dilika Mamonto you

can call me tata, im from elevent grade of assistant nursing one.

Lets say thanksgiving to Allah SWT. With his blessing we can gather
here on this auspicious occasion. The honorable ones, the principal of
vocational high school 1 kotamobagu, Mrs. Hj. Sartika Paputungan ,
Spd. As well as the teachers and jury who I respect and friends who I

Ladies and gentlemen, bullying may seem like a small problem for some
people. Most people may not realize that the damage caused by bullying
can be so serious. It can be as serious as “death” in extreme cases. If
you think that bullying is not a serious matter to deal with just because it
merely hurt “feelings” then I have to tell you that you are completely
wrong. This “merely hurt your feelings” thing can be the beginning of
various worse scenarios such as physical assault, suicide, or any other
kinds of violent acts carried out in the name of revenge.

As I said just now that bullying is not a serious problem for some people,
just because we simply don’t see the damage. But the thing is, based on
my experience as a Student, I learned that the effect of bullying can stay
undetected for years. During this time, the effect of bullying keeps
corrupting the soul of the victim. They may hold it inside as a grudge, or
they may also develop trauma which may result in self-withdrawal. I
believe that this is something that we don’t want to happen to our
children. That is why, we have to act right now to stop it, and I mean all
of us with no exception.

Thus the speech that I can deliver, now is the time I have to end this
speech .

Wassalammualaikum Warrahmatulahi Wabarakatu.

First of all let us say thanks to The Almighty for given us grace, guidance, and the never ending
blessing to us so we can gather in this place. Today, I would like to deliver my speech on
juvenile delinquency. Teenagers like us are emotionally fragile and unstable, has high curiosity
and likes to try new things. So it is not a new thing that some students are involved in criminal
activities such as free sex, drugs, gangster, and any other criminal actions. Juvenile
delinquency itself is a crime committed by children or teenagers under 18 years old.
Delinquency itself is an act which cannot be accepted by the society. Teen age is a transition
from childhood into adulthood. The children are experiencing the development process however
some of them are succeed to become good adults meanwhile the other are falling for juvenile
delinquency actions. One of the strongest factors that make teenagers being defiant is wrong

My friends,

I will take one of the juvenile delinquency examples which is drugs. Drugs are illegal medicines
which endanger the teenagers’ lives. Prevention is better than medication, drugs need to be
stop from now before it takes more lives. I will explain about several ways to keep us away from
drugs. The most important thing is let us be more faithful to our religion, there is no religion who
allows human to consume things that endanger the human’s life. Try to understand about the
religion’s significance so religion can guide you into the right path. You will understand which is
right or wrong for you if you can value your faith. The second thing is to strengthen your bond
with your family members. The family role in the effort of drugs prevention is very enormous.

Parents are the first teacher for their children so I encourage you to be a smart father and
mother for your children in the future. Parents should nurture the children to be a responsible
human. Parents will always direct the children to do positive thing, all that we can do is to follow
and be obedient to their directions. Parents know what is right or wrong for us so if our parents
limit our activities or social life, please understand that they are doing that because they love
you. The third factor that will leads into teenager delinquency is friends. Some of us might be
spending more time with friend instead of family. Slow but sure, your behavior will be affected
by your friends. Moreover teenagers have high curiosity therefore it is very dangerous to be
friend with friends who like to do negative things. Last but not least, we will be categorized as
geeky or outdated. Some teenagers assume that they are cool if they try to smoke, drugs, or

The fact is staying away from juvenile delinquency is not an easy task to do, we should bare it
when some of our friends said that we are outdated, geeky, or being bullied. Let us keep this in
mind, drugs or any other juvenile delinquency activities will destroy our life. Juvenile
delinquency is hard to be eliminated but we can overcome that if we are motivated to stay away
from those harmful actions. Let us fill our teen age life with positive activities that will be
beneficial for family, nation, and our beloved country. Thank you for your attention, see you!

First of all I would like to thank The Almighty for His never-ending blessings so we can conduct
another flag ceremony today. Good morning to the honored Head Master, fellow teachers,
school administration staffs, and my students. Today, August 10th 2018 marks the National
Technology Revival Day. Therefore my speech today will contains some information which
related to technology. Technology becomes the most eminent factor in today’s world. People
cannot be separated from technology because it makes the people’s lives easier. Let us take a
look for the example at the smallest range which is our school. We cannot deny that technology
is very useful for education. School is well equipped with technological tools such as computers,
internet, telephone, and any other technological devices. The internet availability in school helps
the students to obtain unlimited lessons or information in just one-click.

Technology helps the students to communicate with more people even with those who live
outside Indonesia. This will assist the student to make a networking which will be beneficial for
their future careers. Technology increases the student engagement and motivation in learning
process, teachers use technological devices such as in-focus screen in the classroom to make
the learning process becomes less boring. As I have mentioned before, technology gives the
student access to the most current information which available online. They can access or
download e-books or journal in the website so the lesson will be more attractive and varied.
BUT, there are some buts. Not all of the impacts caused by technology are positive, technology
could be very dangerous if you cannot manage it. Moreover nowadays students are equipped
with a mobile phone. Is there anyone of you who does not have any mobile phone? No, right?
See every student has it. Mobile phone is very personal so sometimes it is quite hard for the
parents to supervise the children. Instead of waiting for the adults to supervise you, I want to
warn you because I am sure you are mature enough to see what is right or wrong for you.

Dear my students,

The technological developments offer you many applications to download which are compatible
with your mobile phone. Let us say, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp,
Telegram, Path, and so on and so forth, they are all available for you. However do you know
that those kekinian or updated applications will ruin your life if you could not manage them well?
The simplicity of getting everything served through one click is actually dangerous. Many
malicious contents are spreading through internet such as porn, gamble, bullying, illegal
transaction, and even terrorism. Those things are obviously do not appropriate with high school
students like you. Without further guidance, students or underage kids can access porn sites,
video or picture through YouTube. That will be a factor which leads the teenagers into free sex
or teenager promiscuity. Twitter and Facebook are social media platforms to communicate with
people around the globe but these social media can give negative impacts such as cyber
bullying and even abduction. The students are mentally labile, they tend to express what they
want to say in the Facebook profile or Tweet their opinions boldly. Students like you might think
that you are free to express yourself in your social media profile without considering the side
effect, your tweets might indirectly leads into cyber bullying or it probably less favorable for
some people. Regarding to abduction, there are so many cases happened even here in
Indonesia. The teenager meets a new acquaintance in Facebook then they agreed to meet
each other somewhere, the worst case can be leads into rape, theft, and abduction. The last
example is Instagram, Instagram is an application to share your daily life through pictures. Not
all of you are coming from high class family, students like you see your friend’s post on
Instagram and you feel envy about it. The worst case is theft, someone are stealing to buy
luxurious item like what is shown on his friend’s Instagram picture. I hope that my studuse the
Assalamualaikum wr, wb.

. In this occasion, I would like to convey my speech on Global Warming. There are several
environmental issues increasing as the impacts of global warming. Our daily activities are
responsible for the increasing temperature of the earth, there are many factors which cause
global warming however the main causes are known as the Green House Effects. Greenhouse
effect is caused by the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide, chloro-fluoro carbon, methane,
nitrous oxides, etc. Our daily activities are generating the greenhouse effects, those greenhouse
effects are being collected in the atmosphere then it forms a cover for earth which absorbs the
sun rays. The absorbed heat remains in the lower circle of biosphere so it increases the
temperature level, the more greenhouse gases trapped in the atmosphere the more heats gets
trapped . The glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, cloud forests are dying, and wildlife is
scrambling to keep pace. Global warming is not only harmful for human but also flora and fauna.
Global warming cause acid rain which is very destructive, burn the forest life and it wipes out the
whole forest and its living. Meanwhile the temperature rise affects agricultural crops, forests,
marine life, and any other.

My friends,

Global warming is a huge and global problem, it cannot be solved by several groups or
countries, the global efforts are very needed to reduce the global warming effects. As we know
there are three specific ways to lessen the global warming effects, those efforts are called as
3R. 3R means Reduce, Re-use, and the last one is Recycle. Reduce refers to the waste, as a
smart generation we should lessen the usage of plastic, Styrofoam, and any other industrial
packaging because it donates into greenhouses effect. The second one is reuse, we can
change our habits positively by choosing the reusable products instead of the disposable ones.
The last one is recycle which means that we need to recycle things that are recyclable such as
newspaper, glasses, aluminum cans, etc. The experts stated that we can save approximately
2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide emission every year if we start to

recycle half of the household wastes.

My dearest friends,

Eliminating the global warming effects may seem impossible but if we do it together I am sure it
will reap the fruit. As a student, we have learnt so much that global warming is a serious matter
and it is threating the human race. Let us save the world from more greenhouse gases. Do it
now and do it from the small things such as implementing the 3R way of life, save the electricity
by turning the light off while sleeping, turn on the air conditioner wisely and try to lessen the
harmful gases emission. The way to lessen the harmful gas emission can be done by minimize
driving a car, riding motorcycle or any other transportation means. By lessening the frequency to
ride transportation means, we can save the world and we can be healthy too. Those small
things will be a big matter if we do it together.

“We deserve a safe future and we demand a safe future. Is that really to much to ask?”

That is all from me, thank you very much for your kind attention. See you!

Assalamualaikum wr,wb

My name is Meyta Aviva Potabuga, from ten nursing assistant three.

ladies and gentlemen and also my dearest friends.i say Thank you for the time and opportunity
that have been given to me this morning to talk about honesty. First of all I would like to give be
together here in the good health.

Ladies and gentlemen and also my dearest friends, honesty is a very important thing in life.
Honesty is a very good attitude that we must apply in everyday life. Honesty can be interpreted
as sincerity, not lie, straight heart, trustworthy words and not cheating. Honesty is part of the
positive nature of human beings. Honesty is part of the self-esteem that must be maintained
because of high value. Honesty is an inherent trait in a person and is an important thing to do in
everyday life.

If we are dishonest, then we must strive to build the character education so that we do not
continue to lie. Schools should be an example to apply honesty. But it seems there are still
many students who are not honest in school for example by cheating. The “cheat” culture is
increasingly and become the daily habit of the students in Indonesia. Yet cheating is a bad habit
because they have acted dishonestly. At the time of the test there are some students who
glanced at his friend’s answer, some even asked his friend when the teacher was not careless.
The factor that causes the culture of cheating is still ongoing until now, maybe because they
have not study before or because they have not understood the material in the test. But it is only
done by some children who are not aware of the importance of honesty. Imagine what would
happen to our country Indonesia if the successors are the master cheaters of corrupt
candidates? Surely our country is getting worse and its fate is getting bleaker. We should tell
ourselves that honesty is better than everything.

Besides cheating, there are many things that can be said as dishonesty such as lying. Lying is
to say something that there is no fact or basic reality. Lying can happen because of the
influence of compulsion. Lying that is done once or twice will lead to continuous lies, for
example we lie once about a matter, we can lie again to cover up the lies we did before. In
addition to lying we as learners may often cheat, such as stealing. Stealing is taking someone
else’s property secretly and not acknowledging it. There are many more examples of dishonesty
around us.

Therefore, we must keep the honest attitude within ourselves. We must also be proactive if we
see any dishonest events around us. Being honest will lead us to better things. When in
everyday life behave dishonestly, then we will lose the trust of the people closest to us. That is a
bad thing, because if we do not have friends anymore, our lives will be really hard. Besides
honesty will also help us become a better person. Once again, telling the truth is the ultimate
key to a happy life.

“every lie is two lies, the lie we tell others and the lie we tell ourselves to justify it”

Ladies and gentlemen and also my dearest friends, this is the end of my speech about honesty.
I hope we all can be honest wherever we are. Finally I do apologize if there is any mistakes.
Thank you so much for the attention.

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Good morning my beloved friends and all the respectable teachers and staff of vocation high
school 1 kotamobagu,and judges.I am grateful for this chance to be able stand here in this
beautiful morning to deliver my speech.and I want to make a speech about “Drugs addiction and
its effects to Indonesian teenagers.

Let me introduce my self my name is Julia citra paputungan im from grade of eleven nursing
assistant one.

Frist of all,lets say all the praise and gratitude to allah swt due to all of his blessing,mercy,and
guidance upon all of us.

Shalawat and salam may everlastingly be upon great prophet Muhammad saw who have led
and guided us from dark into bringht path.

I am going to address a widespread and serious problem within teenagers in Indonesia: Drugs
addiction and it’s effects. It should come as no surprise that drugs have negative effects on its
user’s life. There are already many organizaions and platforms that support “say no to drugs.”
We also may already heard about the effects of drugs from various sources. But my question is,
how much do you really know?. Therefore I have already compiled 3 of the most dangerous
side effects of drugs addiction for us as the teenagers.

My friends and my teachers, the first danger that the addicts must face is injuries. Drugs use
and injuries are closely related because of the violence tendency that comes from drugs
substance. The World Health Organization explains, “Drug use may be linked to violence at the
direct psychopharmacological level.” So it means that the drug users are prone to violence
when they are high. They will easily commit violent actions like hurting their friends, family, or
even themselves because drugs reduce their inhibitions. Another source for injury is crime
commited by the drug users. we know that drug is expensive, especially when it’s been used a
lot and constantly. The addicts will do everything to get their next fix eventhough it means that
they have to steal, rob, or hurt their love ones to funds their drug needs. It’s no surprise that
there are many drug-related accidents, injuries, and deaths each year.

Then, the second danger that we need to be aware of is health problem. There’s nothing
healthy about using drugs. Drug is chemical substance. There are various effect drugs can bring
to our body, and most of them are harming. People who suffer from addiction often have one or
more accompanying.
That’s all the thing I can convey on this good occasion.please forgive me for any mistake on my

medical issues both in the short and long term such as nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain for
short effect, and if it is used in the long term it can cause cardiovascular conditions, it can also
eventually damage kidneys and liver. There are still may health problems that accompany the
use of drugs. Let’s be real here, it is impossible that the doctors are very againts drug abuse if it
is not dangerous for the health.

The honorable audience, the third effect of drug use is Behavioral Problems. As I said before,
drugs are chemical substance that must have bring many side effect to the user. It is generally
bad for your brain, and consequently, it will affect your behavior. Paranoia, aggressiveness,
hallucinations, impaired judgment, impulsiveness, and loss of Self-Control are some of the
many behavioral problems. These problems can damage our life. The paranoia and
hallucinations can make us hard to concentrate and will eventually disturb our study resulting in
lower grades and failure at school. The aggressiveness, impaired judgment, impulsiveness, and
loss of Self-Control can lead us to troubles in both school and at home. Are we really willing to
ignore that for only a temporary happiness?

Ladies and gentlemen, After knowing the danger of drugs addiction, i hope that it can hamper
my friends’ curiosity in using drugs. The teen years are often a time to explore and experiment
what life can offer. But I can assure you, my friends, that there are more to the life than drugs.
People use drugs to feel happy and to forget their problem. But if we look around us, our friends
and family are the ones who can make us happy. If you have problems, just talk it out, you don’t
need to keep it by yourself. And if you have the urge to try drugs, remember your future that can
be ruined by using it.

My beloved friends and teachers, I think that’s all for my speech, hopefully some of the points
can be beneficial to everyone here. And the last, Keep save, and say no to drug. Thank you for
your attention.
Assalamu'alaikum wr,wb

First of all, let us say praise and gratitude to Allah SWT because with his permission we can gather at the
SMK EXPO event.Who I respect the principal of the school whom I respectfully callbefore Mrs,Hj Sartika
Paputungan,Spd , the jurys, teachers, and friends who I respect and proud of.We continue, thank you for
the opportunity you have given me to read a speech about loving yourself.

Good morning, dear brothers and sisters. Let me first introduce myself. I am Azra alqadri pontoh,I ‘m
from elevent grade nursing assistant two.

Before we get started, I want to ask first. What comes to mind when you heard about an influencer?
Popular? Good looking? want to be an influencer?

Okay. Honestly, the phenomenon I see with youngsters nowadays is that many of them follow what’s
hot with influencers right now.

There’s nothing wrong with that, as long as it is a positive thing. However, it becomes problematic when
you forget who you are.

For example, you want branded shoes because you see influencers and your friends wearing them.
Most, branded shoes are so expensive that you cannot buy them. Then, you ask your parents to buy
them but they can’t.

As a result, many work part-time. It’s a good thing. Unfortunately, some do so in a bad way. Such as
stealing and cheating to buy shoes.

Obviously, this can be harmful to you and others as well. You might go to jail, and your parents will be

A message from me: you do not have to emulate other people. Be yourself. Make yourself a role model
who can influence others, not you who are influenced.

that's all from me if there is a wrong word or something that is not happy I apologize,thankyou for the
attention and time

Good morning

Wassalammualaikum wr,wb
Kurniawan paputungan Askep 3

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

May Allah SWT give us all salvation and blessing. Thanks to Allah SWT because we are still given
health favour to be here. Do not forget, sholawat and greeting for our Prophet Muhammad
SAW who taught their people goodness.

In this changes the honorable Mrs. Hj Sartika Paputungan spd as the principal, the teacher staff
of smk n 1 kotamobagu and the honorable judges, friends who I am proud and cannot be
addressed one by one without reducing my respect

Let me introduce myself I’m kurniawan Paputungan from eleven grade nursing 3 in this
occasion I will give a speech about youth generation bringing change

Ladies and gentlemen Youth is a figure who always brings change. Changes in the order of life
of an era are more or less influenced by the role of youth. In 1928, the youth gathered and then
made a vow to strengthen the unity of Indonesia. We know this pledge as the youth oath.The
long journey of the Indonesian nation towards independence illustrates to us how big the
influence of youth in the order of life. Then as the younger generation, what have we
contributed to society, nation, religion and in particular to each of us? Have we made a change?
Make our youth a time full of benefits and goodness, before old age comes, at that time our
spirit has slackened. What are we waiting for, if right now we can make that change. Take
advantage of our youth to benefit the country and nation. That’s all I have to say. Hopefully
next time we can meet again. Sorry if there are mistakes or words that are less pleasing.

This is the end of my speech today. I hope we can take a good lesson from what I deliver today.
I ask forgiveness for any words and behave which are not supposed to be. Thank you for your
kind attention today.

You and I are the same creatures created by God, what is different is the way we live our
version of life, old is definitely mature is a choice each of us cannot do perfect things, but each
of us is given the opportunity to do the best, and the best things start from ourselves

And the last I say Wassalamuallikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu

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