Avocado Hass Manual

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OxfarmAg limited



We have our customer’s at heart and we believe in sharing more information, our specialty on tree fruit farming has enabled
us to share timely and relevant information. We believe money grows on trees.
To learn more on this and other tree-fruits, contact us on +254-706-222-888 or +254-723-662-773

While Oxfarm has made every effort to ensure that this material is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own
independent skill and judgment when using it. You should also seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.

Table of Contents
FRUIT TREES FARMING MANUAL ...................................................................................................... 1
HASS AVOCADO .......................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 3
Ecological Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 3
Rainfall And Relative Humidity ......................................................................................................... 4
Wind ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Light ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Soil ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Varieties of Avocadoes Grown in Kenya ................................................................................................ 5
FARM PREPARATION............................................................................................................................... 7
Soil Testing .............................................................................................................................................. 9
MANAGEMENT OF THE FARM ................................................................................................................ 9
Irrigation ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Inter cropping ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Weeding .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Fertilizing ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Pruning and Thinning ........................................................................................................................ 10
Pest and disease................................................................................................................................ 11
HARVESTING ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Production Cost and Expected Returns per Acre under Hass Avocado ................................................. 13
MARKETING OF THE PRODUCE .................................................................................................... 16
OXFARM-AG LTD FRUIT TREE PACKAGES .................................................................................................. 17
Oxfarm.co.ke / Oxfarmorganic.com .................................................................................................. 17
WHY SHOULD YOU ENGANGE OF FRUIT TREE FARMING ...................................................................... 17
AVAILABLE PACKAGES COST OF FRUIT TREE FARMING PER ACRE. ....................................................... 18
About Us ................................................................................................................................................... 23

We have our customer’s at heart and we believe in sharing more information, our specialty on tree fruit farming has enabled
us to share timely and relevant information. We believe money grows on trees.
To learn more on this and other tree-fruits, contact us on +254-706-222-888 or +254-723-662-773

While Oxfarm has made every effort to ensure that this material is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own
independent skill and judgment when using it. You should also seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.

Avocados are commercially valuable and are cultivated in tropical and Mediterranean climates
throughout the world. They have a green-skinned, fleshy body that may be pear-shaped, egg-
shaped, or spherical. Commercially, they ripen after harvesting. Avocado trees are partially self-
pollinating and are often propagated through grafting to maintain a predictable quality and
quantity of the fruit.

The 'Hass' is the most common cultivar of avocado. It produces fruit year-round and accounts for
80% of cultivated avocados in the world. All 'Hass' trees are descended from a single "mother
tree" raised by a mail carrier named Rudolph Hass, of La Habra Heights, California. Hass
patented the productive tree in 1935. The "mother tree", of uncertain subspecies, died of root rot
and was cut down in September 2002. Hass' trees have medium-sized (150–250 g) ovate fruit
with a black, pebbled skin. The flesh has a nutty, rich flavor with 19% oil.

Ecological Requirements

The Hass avocado is cultivated over a wide range of climates, with a 2,500m altitude above sea
level being the most ideal.

The tree requires cool to warm temperatures, with the minimum not falling below 70C and a
maximum of 200C (the optimum range is 150C to 250C). Hass avocado trees are not tolerant to
frost, especially those adapted to humid tropics. The sensitivity of trees to low temperature is
influenced by a wide range of factors including:

• The age of the tree, its vigor, its growth stage and its health.
• The duration and frequency of low temperature, and the speed with which they fall to
near or below zero.

We have our customer’s at heart and we believe in sharing more information, our specialty on tree fruit farming has enabled
us to share timely and relevant information. We believe money grows on trees.
To learn more on this and other tree-fruits, contact us on +254-706-222-888 or +254-723-662-773

While Oxfarm has made every effort to ensure that this material is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own
independent skill and judgment when using it. You should also seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.

• Temperatures that are constantly above 360C also have disastrous effects.

Rainfall and Relative Humidity

Hass Avocados are highly adapted to different rainfall conditions; however, the rain should be an
average of 1,000–1,600mm per annum and well-distributed throughout the year.

Irrigation is essential where rainfall is not adequate. Although an avocado tree cannot tolerate
wet soil, it needs at least 25mm of water every week during periods of insufficient rainfall such
as in eastern Kenya.

Too much rain during flowering leads to shedding of flowers resulting in significant reduction in
production. Fungal diseases also normally become problematic in very wet weather.

A short period of dry weather of up to two months usually triggers flowering especially in
tropical climates not subject to marked falls in temperature.

The avocado tree needs high relative humidity at flowering (70-80 per cent), then moderate
levels during the fruit swelling stage. Too much humidity encourages the proliferation of pests
and diseases such as thrips, scales, cercospora spot, scab and anthracnose.


The avocado is sensitive to strong winds, which may lead to breakage of branches or flowers and
fruits drop. Whole trees may even be uprooted. Hot dry winds may cause desiccation of flower
buds or abrasions.

Avocado needs plenty of light, 2,000 hours of sunshine a year are sufficient. Intense radiation
causes scorching of leaves and fruits.

We have our customer’s at heart and we believe in sharing more information, our specialty on tree fruit farming has enabled
us to share timely and relevant information. We believe money grows on trees.
To learn more on this and other tree-fruits, contact us on +254-706-222-888 or +254-723-662-773

While Oxfarm has made every effort to ensure that this material is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own
independent skill and judgment when using it. You should also seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.

An avocado tree can grow successfully in a variety of soil types and in soil with acidic or
alkaline pH levels, but the tree requires soil that has good drainage. Avocados are more sensitive
to water-logging than citrus hence soils should be well-drained. Poorly drained soils are
associated with the presence of the Phytophthora fungi, which causes root or stem end rot.
Suitable soils are medium sandy loams with a pH range of 5.5 to 6.5.

Varieties of Avocadoes Grown in Kenya

Name Description Image

Hass Oval shape. Thick, pebbly

skin that darkens when ripe.
Available in good supply
August to April.

Reed Large and round. Thick,

pebby skin that stays green
when ripe. Available
February to June.

We have our customer’s at heart and we believe in sharing more information, our specialty on tree fruit farming has enabled
us to share timely and relevant information. We believe money grows on trees.
To learn more on this and other tree-fruits, contact us on +254-706-222-888 or +254-723-662-773

While Oxfarm has made every effort to ensure that this material is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own
independent skill and judgment when using it. You should also seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.

Fuerte Pear shape. Thin, smooth

green skin that is not shiny.
Skin remains green as fruit
ripens. Available July to

Pinkerton Pinkerton avocados have an

elongated pear shape with
green, slightly pebbled,
medium thick, and easy-to-
peel skin. The large fruits
vary greatly in size, ranging
from 8 to 18 ounces.

We have our customer’s at heart and we believe in sharing more information, our specialty on tree fruit farming has enabled
us to share timely and relevant information. We believe money grows on trees.
To learn more on this and other tree-fruits, contact us on +254-706-222-888 or +254-723-662-773

While Oxfarm has made every effort to ensure that this material is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own
independent skill and judgment when using it. You should also seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.

Puebla The Puebla avocado has a

dark, almost black skin. The
smooth, inky skin lacks any
real texture and is, in fact,
edible. Beneath the thin skin,
Puebla avocados have a
bright green, creamy flesh
that is buttery-smooth and
rich in flavor.


Planting Material

Avocados can be grown from seeds or from seedlings. Grafting avocado seedlings improves the
variety by increasing its resistance to diseases, improving yield and increasing its adaptability to
different soils. The planting material should be inspected by relevant personnel to ensure they are
free from diseases. Seeds should be treated with hot water not exceeding 50C.

Land Preparation

This should be similar to the preparation of land for other crops. In case of newly cleared land, it
is advisable to plant an annual crop a year before growing avocados, in order to achieve a good
tillage of the cleared land. If there are strong winds, ensure the necessary wind-breakers such as
hedges are in place.

We have our customer’s at heart and we believe in sharing more information, our specialty on tree fruit farming has enabled
us to share timely and relevant information. We believe money grows on trees.
To learn more on this and other tree-fruits, contact us on +254-706-222-888 or +254-723-662-773

While Oxfarm has made every effort to ensure that this material is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own
independent skill and judgment when using it. You should also seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.

Planting holes

It is advisable to plant the trees in straight lines to facilitate crop husbandry and harvesting. In
Kenya, the rectangular pattern of planting is preferred for hass avocado farming, as it eases
movement of machinery in between rows as well as other activities such as inspection, thinning,
and pruning.

Tree spacing depends on several factors such as soil fertility and climatic conditions. Spacing
may range from 5m by 5m, 6m by 7m to 8m by 10m. Oxfarm Ag prefers 5.2m by 5.2 m

The planting holes should be around 2 ft by 2ft by 2 ft. Take soil samples when digging holes
while taking care not to mix the topsoil with the subsoil. Collect 10 to 12 samples of the top soil
at a depth of between 5cm to 15cm and repeat this process for subsoil at a depth of below 16 cm.
Send your two samples to our offices and we will conduct a soil test and interpret the results to


Use about a bucket of farmyard manure properly mixed with top soil, 250gm of DAP
superphosphate fertilizer, and a certified insecticide to fill the planting holes. Planting should be
done after the onset of rains when rainwater has properly penetrated the soil. When filling up the
holes, do not damage the roots. Irrigate the newly planted Hass avocado trees or seeds preferably
until the first shoots appear. Tie the young plants to sticks to support them.

We have our customer’s at heart and we believe in sharing more information, our specialty on tree fruit farming has enabled
us to share timely and relevant information. We believe money grows on trees.
To learn more on this and other tree-fruits, contact us on +254-706-222-888 or +254-723-662-773

While Oxfarm has made every effort to ensure that this material is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own
independent skill and judgment when using it. You should also seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.

Soil Testing
A soil test that has been taken and properly analyzed might be one of the best investments you
make all year. The most benefit of a soil test is the ability to understand what is in your soil. A
test to determine nutrient level, Organic matter content, Soil PH, and Cation exchange capacity is


Plants should be irrigated forthwith when planting. Within the initial one or 2 years, it’s better to
produce some shade to the young plants and additionally stake to create them grow straight.
Young plants are more opt for correct institution. Just in case of full-grown up trees, irrigation at
ten to fifteen days interval from fruit set to maturity is useful for up yield. However, irrigation
isn’t counseled for 2-3 months before flowering because it is probably going to market
vegetative growth at the expense of flowering.

Inter cropping
Inter crops like vegetables, legumes, short length and dwarf fruit crops like papaya, guava,
peach, shrub, etc. betting on the agro-climatic factors of the region is full-grown. The water and
nutrient necessities of inter- crops should be met singly.

Every farm should ensure there is proper weeding and proper disposal to avoid pest development and
spreading’s. Weed control reduces competition for nutrients and water. Some of the methods for weed
control are mechanical cultivation, cover cropping, and mulching. This should be done continuously
during the entire growth seasons


The nutrient requirements of avocado trees are dependent on the stage of growth. Fertilizers are
recommended after the establishment of a root system (about three to six months after planting).
Avocado trees require a good supply of nutrients during the active growth stage until after about
four years when they start fruit production and, thereafter, more nutrients are required, especially
during flowering and fruit formation.

We have our customer’s at heart and we believe in sharing more information, our specialty on tree fruit farming has enabled
us to share timely and relevant information. We believe money grows on trees.
To learn more on this and other tree-fruits, contact us on +254-706-222-888 or +254-723-662-773

While Oxfarm has made every effort to ensure that this material is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own
independent skill and judgment when using it. You should also seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.

Excess nitrogen fertilization in initial stages injures avocado roots. The following general
nutrient supply guidelines are suggested but a soil, tissue analysis report or both should be the
best indicators for mineral element supplementation.

• Year 1: 50 to 100g Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) per tree per year.
• Year 2: 200 to 200g CAN per tree, per year.

Year 3: 150 to 300g CAN per tree, per year.

In subsequent years, apply 200 to 400g CAN per tree, per year depending on the crop potential.
Apply rates in two to four splits to avoid losses due to leaching or scorching of roots.

For farmers who want to establish organically they shouldn’t use synthetic fertilizer, there are
many organic fertilizers available seek for advice from experts on best to use.

During the early development of the avocado tree (in the first four years), a regular supply of
compost and green manure can be provided to improve the foliar development.

During flowering, application of organic fertilisers (compost made of farmyard manure or other
organic material) should be applied so that enough nutrients are available for fruit formation and
fruit development.

Some 10kg of farmyard manure per tree, per year is beneficial.

Pruning and Thinning

 Pruning

Pruning starts at the planting stage where roots that are too long and do not fit in the planting
hole are reduced in size. During the early stages of growth, trees are trained in order to maintain
a good framework. Pruning is also normally done before flowering and upon completion of
harvesting. The general guideline is that the tree canopy height should be 70% of row width.
This allows light to penetrate. Pruning improves yield and provides a superior tree structure.

We have our customer’s at heart and we believe in sharing more information, our specialty on tree fruit farming has enabled
us to share timely and relevant information. We believe money grows on trees.
To learn more on this and other tree-fruits, contact us on +254-706-222-888 or +254-723-662-773

While Oxfarm has made every effort to ensure that this material is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own
independent skill and judgment when using it. You should also seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.

 Thinning

This involves removing some of the already formed fruits in order reduce competition for
nutrients, therefore ensuring high-quality fruits. Too many fruits will result to small sized fruits.

Pest and disease

 Pest

The most efficient and economical method of pest and disease control is prevention. These
preventive measures include weed control, proper selection of planting material, maintaining
optimum plant density and proper fertilizer application.

In Kenya, avocado production is not considerably affected by pests and rarely will pest control
require a chemical application. However, some of the major pests attacking avocados include

 False codling moth which is a brownish, night-flying moth.

 Thrips.
 Scale insects.


Fungal diseases may also affect avocados and therefore need to be checked. They include;

 Root rot.
Also known as Phytophthora cinnamomi, it is mostly found in areas with poorly drained
soils and flood prone areas. Some of the preventive measures include fungal and hot
water treatment of seeds and grafting on phytophthora resistant rootstock. There are two
chemicals registered to combat this disease not for organic farming i.e. Ridomil, active
ingredient Metalaxyl, is a granular formulation which is applied in the soil, and works by
killing the pathogen. Aliette, the second chemical is applied onto the leaves.

We have our customer’s at heart and we believe in sharing more information, our specialty on tree fruit farming has enabled
us to share timely and relevant information. We believe money grows on trees.
To learn more on this and other tree-fruits, contact us on +254-706-222-888 or +254-723-662-773

While Oxfarm has made every effort to ensure that this material is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own
independent skill and judgment when using it. You should also seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.

 Anthracnose.
It’s also called Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. It attacks the fruits, forming dry, dark
brown sports. It mostly attacks mature fruits. It is controlled using copper based
fungicides as well as spraying with chemicals such as Benomyl, Mancozeb, Metiram,
Propineb, Thiabendazole or Triforine.

 Cercospora fruit spot

Or Pseudocercospora purpurea also affects the fruits leaving small, light yellow spots
which eventually turn to a brownish color on leaves and fruits. It’s controlled using
similar methods to Anthracnose.
 Scab
It attacks fruits, twigs, and leaves. Lesions emerge as little dark spots a little raised and
are oval or elongated. It’s controlled using similar methods to Anthracnose.

Kenya Hass Avocados flowers at around August, September and October and are mature for
picking between March to September. It is important to know how to identify the correct
harvesting period because avocados are harvested raw and ripen off the tree. Harvest a few fruits
and keep them in favourable conditions to ripen. If the fruits ripen evenly, they can be considered
to have been mature. Careful picking of similar fruits from the trees can now commence.

We have our customer’s at heart and we believe in sharing more information, our specialty on tree fruit farming has enabled
us to share timely and relevant information. We believe money grows on trees.
To learn more on this and other tree-fruits, contact us on +254-706-222-888 or +254-723-662-773

While Oxfarm has made every effort to ensure that this material is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own
independent skill and judgment when using it. You should also seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.

Production Cost and Expected Returns per Acre under Hass


These are Cost and projected returns; they mostly depend on the management of the plants from
the start. The start is the foundation of the project, it needs serious attention.

Establishment and Maintenance First year (Year One)

Item Description Cost
• Ploughing 15man days @ Ksh 300 4,500
• Soil analysis 2800
• Seedlings 150@ 150 (inclusive oxfarm Package) 22,500
• Planting hole and Monitoring @Ksh 100 15000
• Farm Yard Manure 15Kg per hole @ Ksh 5 11,250
• Organic fertilizer 1,400

Total Establishment cost 57,450


• Weeding 15MD @ Ksh 300 4,500

• Control of pest and diseases 2,400
• Organic fertilizer 1,000
• Pruning labour 5MD @ Ksh 300 1,500

Total 9,400


We have our customer’s at heart and we believe in sharing more information, our specialty on tree fruit farming has enabled
us to share timely and relevant information. We believe money grows on trees.
To learn more on this and other tree-fruits, contact us on +254-706-222-888 or +254-723-662-773

While Oxfarm has made every effort to ensure that this material is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own
independent skill and judgment when using it. You should also seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.

Maintenance for the Other Years

Maintenance/Years 2&3 4&5 6 7 8 9 10 11+

Weeding15mandays @ 300 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500
Pest control & @300/MD 2,400 2,400 3,600 3600 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600
Manure @ 5kg 11200 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200 11,200
Org Fertilizer 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Pruning@ksh300/man days 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500
TOTAL COST/ YEAR 20,650 20,650 21,850 21,850 21,850 21,850 21,850 21,850

Expected Returns
Item/year 1-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11+
Number of 150 150 150 150 150 120 120 120 120
Total Cost of 108,150 20,650 20,650 21,850 21,850 21,850 21,850 21,850 21,850
Yield per 100 300 400 700 1000 1200 1500 1800 2100
Tree (Fruits)
Total number 15,000 45,000 60,000 75,000 150,000 144,000 180,000 216,000 252,000
of fruits
Cost Per 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Gross 150 450 600 750 1500 1440 1800 2160 2520
Revenue (000)
Net Profit 42,000 429,350 579,350 728,150 1,478,150 1,418,150 1,778,150 2,138,150 2,498,150

We have our customer’s at heart and we believe in sharing more information, our specialty on tree fruit farming has enabled
us to share timely and relevant information. We believe money grows on trees.
To learn more on this and other tree-fruits, contact us on +254-706-222-888 or +254-723-662-773

While Oxfarm has made every effort to ensure that this material is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own
independent skill and judgment when using it. You should also seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.

The avocado enterprise is expected to make losses the first two years, but from the third year as
indicated above it starts making profit. Over the ten years, an average avocado farmer should
expect total revenue of 10 million or more from an acre of land and having only spent a total of
Ksh 258,700 for the same period. On average, every shilling invested in hass avocados would
have earned the farmer Ksh 35 over the ten years.


 Due to expansion of hass trees after the 7th year we advise farmers to prune their trees by
cutting the whole tree or side branches to reduce the number of trees per acre to an
average of 120 trees. This is advisable to allow more aeration on the trees for maximum
sun exposure.
 We have computed the prices of hass avocado fruit at an average of Ksh 10. This tends to
be lower than the local market where most of hass avocado farmers are getting even more
than Ksh 35 per fruit.
 The farm gate price at local market in current year for a 4kg carton is Ksh 200 - 500. It
has been increasing per year so we predict it will even double in five years’ time as
global demand of hass avocado increases.
 The Production of 10 acres or more it be easy to export especially when you have grown
them organically. At global market this year a 4kg carton was retailing at Ksh 1500 -
The biggest advantage with Kenya is that its climate is suitable for avocado growing as the crop
requires areas with at least 1000mm of rainfall.

Research reveals that in 2017, global market for avocado was valued at Sh13 trillion. This value
is expected to more than double to Sh23 trillion by the year 2027 – in the next nine years.

Unlike other forms of get-rich-quick schemes that Kenyans have endured and lost billions of
shillings, avocado farming enthusiasm appears to be driven by genuine consumer market demand
and most importantly, this demand is global.

According to various studies, avocado has high nutritional value that helps people live healthy
and avoid diseases like cancers of the stomach, health diseases, helps remove waste in the body,

We have our customer’s at heart and we believe in sharing more information, our specialty on tree fruit farming has enabled
us to share timely and relevant information. We believe money grows on trees.
To learn more on this and other tree-fruits, contact us on +254-706-222-888 or +254-723-662-773

While Oxfarm has made every effort to ensure that this material is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own
independent skill and judgment when using it. You should also seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.

and protection from diseases like stroke among many others. There is a growing wave of healthy
living across the world driven by emergence of diseases associated with modern living.


Economic Importance of Avocadoes includes;

• Consumed as fresh fruits

• Source of income
• Source of foreign exchange
• Source of employment
• Combats nutritional disorders

Kakuzi Ltd is the major exporter of hass avocado in Kenya. It is worth noting that a single
Hass avocado readily fetches $2 (Sh200) in foreign markets. Even as President Kenyatta
signed a deal with importation of hass avocado from Kenya, the market can only grow bigger
and with the population in china embracing Kenyan produce, hass avocado will even fetch
more. In addition, there are also other firms that deal with packaging and export of hass


This Hass Avocado Manual has been prepared by OxfarmAg ltd to help our farmers in their
journey as they establish their farming on hass avocado.

(Oxfarm.co.ke / Oxfarmorganic.com)

We have our customer’s at heart and we believe in sharing more information, our specialty on tree fruit farming has enabled
us to share timely and relevant information. We believe money grows on trees.
To learn more on this and other tree-fruits, contact us on +254-706-222-888 or +254-723-662-773

While Oxfarm has made every effort to ensure that this material is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own
independent skill and judgment when using it. You should also seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.


Oxfarm.co.ke / Oxfarmorganic.com
We were the first company to start fruit tree farming packages in Kenya. We have been engaging
many farmers on our fruit tree packages for years, where we assist in supply of quality certified
seedlings, planting services and also marketing of the produce. Most of our clients are busy and
committed in their work either in offices or overseas, we make their wish on fruit tree farming a
reality. We help them establish their orchard by bringing professionalism in the farms that
guarantee a strong start for successful projects. The idea rose as we had encountered such
challenges as unreliable seedlings, lack of reliable information/guide on establishment, unskilled
labor, and we were unsure of market. This was when we were starting our orchards. We have
various packages and their cost vary depending on the type of fruit tree to be farmed per acre
farm. We also have quality certified seedlings for our clients.


 There is a huge demand of fruits as more people are becoming healthy conscious,
 There is increased population driving the demand of food higher,
 Due to numerous challenges while farming traditional crops like Maize and other cash
crops like coffee and tea, the trend favors fruit tree farming.
 There is also a decline in major fruit producing countries in southern hemisphere like
Mexico and South Africa due to climate change which is favoring countries in tropics
like Kenya.
 Due to enhanced bilateral trade between Kenya and other countries like China and US the
demand will continue to rise due to enhanced ease of doing business and exports.

The cost of our packages varies due to the following reasons:

 Type of fruit tree to be farmed.

 Management required.
 Distance from Nairobi Office.
 Availability of irrigation water.
 Type of topography.

We have our customer’s at heart and we believe in sharing more information, our specialty on tree fruit farming has enabled
us to share timely and relevant information. We believe money grows on trees.
To learn more on this and other tree-fruits, contact us on +254-706-222-888 or +254-723-662-773

While Oxfarm has made every effort to ensure that this material is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own
independent skill and judgment when using it. You should also seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.

Our packages are inclusive of:

• Consultation.
• Soil analysis.
• Seedlings.
• Transportation.
• Preparation of planting holes.
• Planting
• Monitoring
• Marketing of the produce

Additional cost to the farmer includes:

• Field visits and consultation.

• land preparation
• Cost of Manure
• Irrigation and its system.
• Management of the farm
• Drip irrigation and installation (optional)





GRAFTED PASSION 650 Quality certified @70 each 45,500

FRUITS seedlings

(Duration to prepare Cost per hole for

one acre and planting 2 (Measurement, Digging,
days). Mixing with manure, @100 each 65,000
planting professionally and 3

We have our customer’s at heart and we believe in sharing more information, our specialty on tree fruit farming has enabled
us to share timely and relevant information. We believe money grows on trees.
To learn more on this and other tree-fruits, contact us on +254-706-222-888 or +254-723-662-773

While Oxfarm has made every effort to ensure that this material is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own
independent skill and judgment when using it. You should also seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.

(Spacing 2m by 3m) months monitoring) + free _ =110,500

Soil analysis

HASS AVOCADO 150 Quality certified @150 22,500

(Duration to prepare seedlings.
one acre and planting 2
days) Cost per hole for
Digging, @100 each 15,000
(spacing 5m by 5m) Mixing with manure,
planting professionally and 3
months monitoring) + Soil 2500 2500
= 40,000

TREE TOMATO 1200 Quality certified grafted @100 120,000

(Duration to prepare
one acre and planting 2 Cost per hole for
days) (Measurement, Digging, @100 120,000
Mixing with manure,
(spacing 6feet by 6feet) planting professionally and 3
months monitoring) +

FREE Soil analysis = 240,000

MANGOES 150 Quality certified @150 22,500

(Duration to prepare
one acre and planting 2 Cost per hole for;
Digging, @100 each
days) 15,000
Mixing with manure,
(spacing 5m by 5m) planting professionally and 3
months monitoring) + Soil 2500 2500
= 40,000

ORANGES & 200 Quality certified @150 30,000

We have our customer’s at heart and we believe in sharing more information, our specialty on tree fruit farming has enabled
us to share timely and relevant information. We believe money grows on trees.
To learn more on this and other tree-fruits, contact us on +254-706-222-888 or +254-723-662-773

While Oxfarm has made every effort to ensure that this material is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own
independent skill and judgment when using it. You should also seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.

TANGELINES seedlings.

(Duration to prepare Cost per hole for; @100 each 20,000

one acre and planting 2 (Measurement, Digging,
days) Mixing with manure,
planting professionally and 3 FREE = 50,000
(spacing 4m by 5m) months monitoring) + FREE
Soil analysis

APPLES 200 Quality certified @300 60,000

(Duration to prepare
one acre and planting 2 Cost per hole for:
days) (Measurement, Digging, @100 20,000
Mixing with manure,
(spacing 4m by 5m) planting professionally and 3
months monitoring) + FREE FREE = 80,000
Soil analysis

TISSUE CULTURE 450 Quality certified @200 90,000

BANANA seedlings.

(Duration to prepare Cost per hole for:

Digging, @100 45,000
one acre and planting 3 (Measurement,
days) Mixing with manure,
planting professionally and 3
(spacing 3m by 3m) months monitoring) + FREE = 135,000
Soil analysis

PEPINO MELON 4000 Quality Certified @100 400,000

(Duration to prepare Seedlings
one acre and planting 3
days) Cost per hole for:
(Measurement, Digging, FREE
(spacing 3feet by 3feet) Mixing with manure,
planting professionally and 3
months monitoring) + Soil = 400,000

We have our customer’s at heart and we believe in sharing more information, our specialty on tree fruit farming has enabled
us to share timely and relevant information. We believe money grows on trees.
To learn more on this and other tree-fruits, contact us on +254-706-222-888 or +254-723-662-773

While Oxfarm has made every effort to ensure that this material is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own
independent skill and judgment when using it. You should also seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.


POMEGRANATE 250 Quality Certified @250 62,500

(Duration to prepare
one acre and planting -3 Cost per hole for:
days) (Measurement, Digging, @100 25000
Mixing with manure,
(spacing 4m by 4m) planting professionally and 3
months monitoring) + FREE FREE = 87,500
Soil analysis

GRAPES 400 Quality Certified @300 120,000

(Duration to prepare
one acre and planting - Cost per hole for:
Digging, @100
3 days) 40,000
Mixing with manure,
(spacing 2.5m by 4m) planting professionally and 3
months monitoring) + FREE FREE = 160,000
Soil analysis

KIWI 200 Quality Certified @400 80,000

(Duration to prepare
one acre and planting -3 Cost per hole for:
days) (Measurement, Digging, @100 20,000
Mixing with manure,
(spacing 4m by 5m) planting professionally and 3
months monitoring) + FREE FREE =100,000
Soil analysis

PAW PAW 650 Quality Certified @60 39,000

(Duration to prepare
one acre and planting -3 Cost per hole for:
days) (Measurement, Digging, @100 65,000
Mixing with manure,

We have our customer’s at heart and we believe in sharing more information, our specialty on tree fruit farming has enabled
us to share timely and relevant information. We believe money grows on trees.
To learn more on this and other tree-fruits, contact us on +254-706-222-888 or +254-723-662-773

While Oxfarm has made every effort to ensure that this material is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own
independent skill and judgment when using it. You should also seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.

(spacing 2m by 3m) planting professionally and 3

months monitoring) + FREE
Soil analysis FREE =104,000

MACADAMIA 75 Quality Certified @350 26250

(Duration to prepare
one acre and planting -1 Cost per hole for:
day) (Measurement, Digging, @100 7500
Mixing with manure,
(spacing 7m by 7m) planting professionally and 3
months monitoring) +

Soil analysis 2500

= 36,250

We have our customer’s at heart and we believe in sharing more information, our specialty on tree fruit farming has enabled
us to share timely and relevant information. We believe money grows on trees.
To learn more on this and other tree-fruits, contact us on +254-706-222-888 or +254-723-662-773

While Oxfarm has made every effort to ensure that this material is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own
independent skill and judgment when using it. You should also seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.

About Us

OxfarmAg Limited
Oxfarm.co.ke - We are an online agricultural information portal providing solutions to pressing
issues affecting farmers in Kenya, like access to information, research and technology in
farming, market trends and connecting farmers with potential market/buyers. We are registered
under Kenya company act by the name OxfarmAg Ltd. We are certified to provide agricultural
inputs mostly seedlings of high quality. We have qualified agriculturists in most part of Kenya
who are involved in management of various agricultural projects.

P.O. Box 3552-00100 Nairobi-Kenya

Contacts: +254 706 222 888 / +254 723 662 773

Email; [email protected] / [email protected]

Website; http://oxfarm.co.ke / www.oxfarmorganic.com

By Dickson Kahuro Wambugu

CEO – Oxfarm-Ag Limited

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Any views or opinions presented herein are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of
OxfarmAg Ltd

We have our customer’s at heart and we believe in sharing more information, our specialty on tree fruit farming has enabled
us to share timely and relevant information. We believe money grows on trees.
To learn more on this and other tree-fruits, contact us on +254-706-222-888 or +254-723-662-773

While Oxfarm has made every effort to ensure that this material is accurate and up-to-date, you should exercise your own
independent skill and judgment when using it. You should also seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstances.

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