Task1 D095
Task1 D095
Task1 D095
1. My future class will consist of 20 Kindergarten students. The majority of direct instruction will
occur during learning centers time, Small groups instruction and large group activity blocks
such as circle time and read aloud time. Two types of instructional activities that reflect the
philosophy of this classroom are data driven learning centers built into the classroom
environment and set out during center time. I will ask students open-ended questions to
promote thematic concept development and provide differentiation during center activities
based on students skill level. I will collect baseline data on students' ability to follow 2 step
directions by playing a simon says game where students have to repeat hand and body
motions to follow steps during small group instruction. The dramatic play center will be
themed for spring. Children will be provided with writing materials, props and flowers to
explore while teachers ask open ended questions to promote language and writing
2. I am committed to managing a learning environment that caters to the whole child. Students
in my class are treated with respect and as individuals. I will set up a classroom learning
environment that plays the role of a third teacher in order to facilitate productive play during
learning centers. I will intentionally hold myself accountable for this by planning individualized
time and data driven activities with students throughout the week and include it in my lesson
plans. Visual aids and materials will include representation from all cultures,ages, abilities,
genders,body types and be explored and discussed organically throughout the day. This will
set the tone for an all inclusive learning environment for children to learn and grow socially,
emotionally,physically and academically.
It is important to establish strong classroom procedures at the beginning of the school year.
With that being said, I plan to roll out a strong arrival routine as well as a whole group routine
that sets the tone for large group activities, discussions,circles and read alouds. A strong
arrival routine and whole group routine will help set the tone for the day and provide structure
to the dynamic of the classroom.
I will communicate these routines to students by leading guided discoveries where I model
the routine. I will walk into the classroom and say Good morning Ms.Lambirth, then I will put
my belongings away and have a seat at the table. Next I will ask questions to check for
children's understanding of how to be successful following the procedure. We explore each
step of the desired routine as a class and practice the steps until we master the arrival
procedure. Students will be expected to follow 3 steps, greet the teacher, put away belongings
and have a seat at the table.
Students will be expected to look with their eyes , listen with their ears and learn with their
brains during whole group activities. I will use visual aids to explain each step of whole group
procedures. I will refer to our whole group poster daily at the start of whole group instruction
until students get into the habit of whole group procedures. We will practice whole group
expectations as a group using picture cues for each step. The first step of the whole group is
to have a seat with a calm body. The second step is for children to look at the speaker. The
third step is to listen to the speaker and the last step is to always raise a quiet hand and wait
to be called on before speaking. We will act out each step of the procedure until students
master it.
6. Classroom Rules:
● Eyes are watching
● Ears are Listening
● Voices are quiet and bodies are calm.
a. These classroom rules will ensure that everyone is seen, heard and valued in our
classroom. I will create a rule chart with visuals aids to support children’s
understanding and zone of proximal development. Students will be reminded to
follow these specific rules when undesired behaviors take place. If a child is using a
loud voice in class, I will remind them of the voice's quiet rule using the hand motions
and same language from the visual aid. These classroom rules will inform and be
supported by our classroom norms that all scholars are seen, valued and treated with
respect. Also all rules are supported by the classroom norm that we are kind to our
fellow classmates.
b. The classroom rules will be communicated to students first via song. I will sing a
song and have students repeat after me to the tune of “Are You Sleeping” and add
hand motions that match pictures on a chart that is labeled with the classroom rules.
Whenever the class needs to be reminded of the rules we will sing our rules song
together as a class.
7. I plan to take a preventative approach to stay ahead of unwanted behaviors in the
classroom. Specific praise and encouragement will be provided daily to positively reinforce
desired behaviors. I will also make sure to constantly assess students' knowledge of
expectations by consistently checking for their understanding. Students who can not adhere to
classroom expectations will be given an age appropriate consequence such as being
redirected to another activity or losing a turn to participate in an activity until the expectations
can be met. Individual incentives such as stickers and special awards will be provided to
students who adhere to the rules of the classroom. Class incentives will be provided to build
community in our classroom such as pizza parties for excellent whole group routines and
expectations being followed. This will allow students to take ownership of their behaviors and
work hard to earn incentives.
8. Students will be active participants in the classroom management plan by being assigned
different duties on our helper chart. This will give every child a special duty to help take care
of our classroom systems, community and environment. All students will be held to the same
standards and expected to follow the rules of the classroom.