Homework 2
Homework 2
Homework 2
Spring 2015
Suggested Readings:
a) Lecture notes
b) Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 in Kittel (Introduction to Solid State Physics)
For a classical gas the pressure, given by: P = nKT , goes to zero when the temperature goes to zero. For
a Fermi gas of free electrons this is not the case. The expression for the pressure is:
∂V S , N
where the derivative is taken keeping the TOTAL electron number and TOTAL entropy constant. One
can find the pressure of a Fermi gas relatively easily at zero temperature since the entropy will remain
constant and one need only worry about keeping the total electron number constant. Find the pressure of a
free electron gas (in 3D). Explain physically why the pressure of an electron gas is not zero at zero
temperature (as is the case in a classical gas).
This problem is an exercise in calculating density of states functions that will be very useful later in the
course. Suppose one has a free electron gas in 3D where the electron energy-vs-wavevector relation is
given by:
" ! 2 k x2 ! 2 k y2 ! 2 k z2
Ek =
2m x
2m y
Note that the electron has a different “mass” associated with its kinetic energy when moving in different
directions. This happens in materials as a result of the interaction of the electrons with the atoms, as you
will see later in the course. Find the density of states function g (E ) so that an integral over k-space can
be converted into an integral over energy as follows:
d 3k ∞
2× ∫ → ∫ dE g (E )
(2π )3 0
Hint: You can start by first defining a new wavevector q as follows:
m m m
qx = kx qy = ky qz = kz
mx my mz
Write the energy dispersion in terms of the wavevector components of q . Convert the k-space integral
into q-space integral and then convert the q-space integral into an energy integral.
Problem 2.3 (Free electron gas with an anisotropic dispersion in 2D)
Now suppose one has a free electron gas in 2D where the electron energy-vs-wavevector relation is given
" ! 2 k x2 ! 2 k y2
Ek =
2m x
2m y
Find the density of states function g 2D (E ) so that an integral over k-space can be converted into an
integral over energy as follows:
d 2k ∞
2× ∫ → ∫ dE g 2D (E )
(2π )2 0
The frequency dependent conductivity of an electron gas (in 3D) in a metal is to a very good
approximation given by the Drude model,
! !
J (ω ) = σ (ω ) E (ω )
ne 2τ m
σ (ω ) =
1− i ωτ
The conductivity has both real and an imaginary part,
ne 2τ m
Real {σ (ω )} =
1 + (ω τ )2
ne 2τ m (ωτ )
Imag {σ (ω )} =
1 + (ω τ )2
Consider a slab of a metal connected in a circuit shown below. At a high frequency ω, the equivalent
circuit model consists of a resistor and an inductor, as also shown below. Find the values of the
conductance G (units: Siemens) and the inductance L (units: Henry) in the circuit model in terms of the
given parameters.
G(ω ) L(ω )
~ ~
Note added: This problem shows that the response of an electron gas at high frequencies ( ωτ ≥ 1 ) has a
significant inductive component.