111 - Ro1 LQF Qad 015 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office I
Quality Assurance Division



Division: S DO I PANGASINAN________________________________________
School Name: __Eguia National High Schoo__________________________________
School Address: _Purok Ligaya, Eguia , Dasol, Pangasinan______________________
School Principal: _NOEL R. CABALLES______________________________________
Additional/Change Offerings: HUMMS________________________________________
REQUIREMENTS (Required Documents)
DepEd Order No. 51, S. 2015

_____1. Letter request from interested parties addressed to the SDS (e.g.) from PTA or Barangay Council,
etc.) or recommendation from the SDS to open SHS.

_____2. Justification on the Additional Offerings/change of program offerings.

_____3. Track(s)/ Strand(s) to be offered as well as their respective numbers of prospective enrollees.

_____4. List of prospective employees per tract and strand, indicating their names, LRN’s where applicable,
ages, addresses, school names and DepEd School ID Numbers where they are currently or previously

_____5. Justification signed by the SDS, in case the required minimum enrolment and/or number of tracks
are not satisfied.

_____6. List and types of establishments and industries in the community, as attested to by the DTI, DOLE or
the City/Municipal Planning Officer.

_____7. Certification from the SDS that the track(s) and strand(s) to be offered are aligned with the Local
Development Plan, as evident in the list provided by the City/Municipal Mayor, and decided upon by the RD or
SDS and Division Planning Officer.

_____8. Results of internal assessments or surveys done with the prospective enrollees.

_____9. List of tracks and strands to be offered, duly signed by the RD or SDS, Planning Officer and School

_____10. In case classrooms are already constructed, Inspection Report from Division In-Charge of Facilities

_____11. MOA executed between the SDS and the partner entity.

_____12. Immersion deployment plan.

Document Code: RO1-LQF-QAD-015

Revision: 01
Effectivity Date: 10-07-2019

DepEd Region 1: Built on character; empowered by competence.

Address: Flores St., Catbangen, City of San Fernando, La Union

Telephone Number: (072) 607-8137 / 682-2324; Email Address: [email protected]

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