The Wall Street Journal - 24.10.2022
The Wall Street Journal - 24.10.2022
The Wall Street Journal - 24.10.2022
* * * * * * MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2022 ~ VOL. CCLXXX NO. 97 HHHH $5.00
Last week: DJIA 31082.56 À 1447.73 4.9% NASDAQ 10859.72 À 5.2% STOXX 600 396.29 À 1.3% 10-YR. TREASURY g 1 17/32 , yield 4.212% OIL $85.05 À $0.40 EURO $0.9864 YEN 147.68
What’s Xi Extends
Business & Finance
His Control
F ewer companies than
usual are beating Wall
Street’s expectations so far in
the third-quarter earnings-re-
Over China
porting season amid a host of Leader sidelines rivals nation of age and experience
challenges to profits, includ- that would mark them out as a
ing persistent inflation, rising and elevates no clear viable successor.
interest rates and a genera- successor as he takes By extending his rule with-
tional surge in the dollar. A1 out any heir apparent, Mr. Xi
Amazon, Apple and Meta a third five-year term has effectively obliterated the
Platforms are among the tech party’s decadeslong efforts to
heavyweights featured in a BY KEITH ZHAI ensure regular leadership suc-
packed week of earnings that AND CHUN HAN WONG cession and prevent a return
investors will probe for indi- to Mao-style dictatorship.
cators about the economy. B3 SINGAPORE—China’s Xi Jin- While the party doesn’t set
ping embarked Sunday on his term limits on its top political
The Biden administration
third term with his rivals out office, Mr. Xi is breaking with
is offering to buy oil at fixed
of the way and no clear suc- the 10-year leadership cycle
future prices to refill the na-
cessor in sight, deepening his set by his predecessor.
tion’s emergency petroleum
control over the world’s sec- Since taking power in 2012,
reserve, but oil companies are
ond-largest economy as the Mr. Xi has reversed the party’s
wary of boosting output. A1
country’s most formidable embrace of collective leadership,
China’s GDP expanded leader since Mao Zedong. concentrated decision-making
by 3.9% in the third quar- Mr. Xi, 69 years old, received authority in his own hands and
ter as the country bounced a third five-year term as the scrapped constitutional term
back modestly from crip- Communist Party’s general sec- limits on the presidency.
pling Covid lockdowns in retary, emerging first as China’s These power plays also
the spring. A8 new seven-man leadership swept aside officials once seen
strode onto a red-carpeted dais Please turn to page A9
The Nasdaq has quietly
inside Beijing’s Great Hall of the
halted listings of small-cap
People on Sunday. That followed
THE OUTLOOK | By Tom Fairless
Rate-Effect Lag Adds to Fed Puzzle Monday: S&P Global releases
October business-activity sur-
veys from around the world.
The world’s years. When former Federal The Fed's response to inflation “The biggest risk right now Tuesday: S&P Global releases
central banks Reserve Chair Paul Volcker is that central banks may not its S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller
face a nail-bit- took office in the summer of be able to hold their re- National Home Price Index for
ing wait. 1979 and quickly pushed in- RECESSION solve…with the economy go- August.
They have terest rates to about 20%, it 17.5 ing into recession,” said Ste- Wednesday: The Conference
Federal Funds Effective Rate
raised interest brought an almost immediate phen Cecchetti, a former Fed Board releases its October con-
rates this year at the fastest recession, but inflation took 15.0 official who is now a finance sumer-confidence index.
pace in decades. But those about three years to fall to professor at the Brandeis In- Thursday: The Commerce De-
hikes work with what econo- manageable levels, the IMF 12.5 ternational Business School. partment releases September
mists call “long and variable” wrote this month in its World By prematurely reversing sales of new homes. The Bank
lags so central banks might Economic Outlook. 10.0 course, central banks will de- of Canada, European Central
not know for years if they A 2013 review by Tomas liver only the pain of higher Bank and Bank of Japan an-
have tightened too much, or Havranek and Marek Rusnak 7.5 rates, with none of the bene- nounce their latest monetary-
not enough. of the Czech central bank of fits of low inflation, the IMF policy decisions. Meanwhile, the
Why the lag? Interest-rate dozens of earlier papers con- 5.0 warned this month. Commerce Department releases
changes filter through to in- cluded the maximum impact third-quarter U.S. gross domes-
flation in a series of steps. on inflation takes two to four 2.5 ut lags carry the oppo- tic product. GDP contracted in
The short-term lending rates years in advanced economies. site risk, too: Central the first half of the year after
Underlying Inflation
controlled by central banks In the U.K., a 1 percentage- banks might hold inter- strong 2021 growth.
steer other borrowing costs point increase in the policy est rates too high for too Commerce also releases Sep-
in the economy, including de- rate reduces output by 0.6% 1970 ’75 ’80 ’85 ’90 ’95 2000 ’05 ’10 ’15 ’20 long, past the point when tember figures on orders of
posit and lending rates for and inflation by up to 1 per- Note: Inflation = sticky price CPI less food & energy, change from year ago, seasonally adjusted. economic output has already long-lasting goods, and the La-
households and businesses, centage point after two to Source: Federal Reserve Board; Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta weakened enough and the bor Department reports the
with a delay because loan three years, according to a hoped-for decline in inflation number of worker filings for un-
contracts take time to 2016 paper by James Cloyne, Unemployment on both rates, some have pivoted to is already in the pipeline. employment benefits in the
change. then of the Bank of England, sides of the Atlantic is at smaller rate increases; Aus- Indeed, the lags create a week ended Oct. 22.
Higher borrowing costs and Patrick Hürtgen of Ger- multidecade lows. Underlying tralia’s tightened by a conundrum for central banks, Friday: The Labor Depart-
and lower asset prices deter many’s Bundesbank. inflation is currently running smaller-than-expected 0.25 notes Olivier Blanchard, a ment releases its employment-
households and businesses at around 6% in the U.S. and percentage point this month, former IMF chief economist: cost index for the third quarter,
from borrowing and invest- his all suggests the globally, JPMorgan said. Most following four consecutive 0.5 Policy makers need to stop which captures employers’ labor
ing, which weakens sales and easy money rolled out participants at the Fed’s Sep- percentage-point hikes. The increasing rates while under- costs by measuring wages and
the ability of companies to at the start of the tember policy meeting re- smaller increase “was war- lying and wage inflation are benefits paid to workers.
raise prices and workers to Covid-19 pandemic is still be- marked that a sizable portion ranted given that the cash still rising. But that could The Commerce Department
win raises. But it takes time ing felt, while rate increases of economic activity had yet rate had been increased sub- threaten their credibility if releases figures on U.S. house-
to cancel projects or shed to date have barely cooled ei- to display much response to stantially in a short period of people conclude they aren’t hold spending and income in
workers. Some consumers ther inflation or growth. higher interest rates, accord- time and the full effect of committed to fighting infla- September. The department also
will follow through with long- The U.S. economy, after ing to the minutes. that increase lay ahead,” ac- tion—especially when they releases its personal-consump-
planned purchases, such as a shrinking slightly in the first Lags create the risk that cording to the minutes of the were slow to start raising tion expenditures price index, a
new car or kitchen. Busi- half of the year, likely grew at central banks might ease off bank’s Oct. 4 meeting. rates in the first place, Mr. gauge of inflation closely
nesses might not reduce their an annual rate of about 3% in the monetary brake too soon. Even Mr. Volcker, who Blanchard wrote on Twitter watched by the Fed.
workforce until they feel sure the three months through That is because people start eventually quashed the high on Oct. 21. The University of Michigan,
that the outlook has changed. September, according to the losing their jobs months or inflation rates of the 1970s, If central banks instead meanwhile, publishes its final
The International Mone- Federal Reserve Bank of At- years before inflation returns sharply reduced interest rates keep increasing rates to pre- reading of consumer sentiment
tary Fund said this month lanta’s forecasting model. The to target, and policy makers during recessions, including serve their credibility, that for October.
that interest-rate changes eurozone economy likely tend to come under pressure by more than 10 percentage risks a deeper recession than And the National Association
have their peak effect on grew as well despite surging to cut interest rates early. points in 1980, notes Alan is necessary. “This is a co- of Realtors reports pending
growth in about one year and European energy costs, ac- While no advanced econ- Reynolds of the Cato Insti- nundrum facing the Fed to- sales of U.S. homes based on
on inflation in three to four cording to JPMorgan Chase. omy central bank is cutting tute. day,” he said. contract signings.
Sex-Assault Trial to Trooper at Uvalde
Start for Weinstein Shooting Is Fired
Five years after allegations of A Texas state trooper who
sexual assault derailed his career was among the responding offi-
and more than two years after cers to the elementary-school
being convicted of sex crimes in mass shooting in Uvalde was
New York, Harvey Weinstein is fired Friday, the Texas Depart-
facing a new set of accusations ment of Public Safety said.
in a Los Angeles criminal court. Sgt. Juan Maldonado was
Beginning Monday, jurors—nine served with termination papers, a
men, three women—will hear the spokesperson for the agency said.
case against Mr. Weinstein that Sgt. Maldonado didn’t re-
includes 11 counts of sexual as- spond to a message seeking
sault. Five women are accusing comment. The department didn’t
the disgraced producer of as- give a reason for his dismissal.
saults they say occurred be- The firing is the first action
tween 2004 and 2013. made public by the department
Mr. Weinstein, 70 years old, against one of its officers in-
has pleaded not guilty. He faces volved in the shooting response.
a life sentence if convicted. Former school police Chief Pete
The trial has high stakes for Arredondo, who was the com-
AMPLIFICATIONS Earnings The attention on the Fed
during the continuing third-
quarter earnings season re-
have been able to pass on
higher costs to consumers, but
some investors wonder how
strong dollar can hurt U.S. com-
panies that sell goods abroad
by making their products less
early throes of the Covid-19
pandemic, according to FactSet.
At the end of March, analysts
articles by emailing
[email protected] or by calling bound this summer due in Wall Street expectations in its basket of 16 currencies, has Now they see 1.5% quarterly
888-410-2667. part to investors’ belief that latest report as price increases surged 16% this year. earnings growth.
inflation had peaked and that offset declining volumes. How- International Business Ma- But many market watchers
the Fed would soon pivot from ever, the maker of Tide deter- chines Corp. noted dollar-re- said the challenges suggest
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL Continued from Page One raising rates to lowering gent and Crest toothpaste lated headwinds shaved off earnings estimates could come
(USPS 664-880) (Eastern Edition ISSN nancial crisis. them—a rally that fizzled after forecasts a slowdown in or- nearly $1.1 billion in revenue in down even more, particularly
0099-9660) (Central Edition ISSN 1092-
0935) (Western Edition ISSN 0193-2241) The stakes get higher in the a reset in Fed policy forecasts. ganic sales growth for the rest its third quarter. Still, the com- for next year. Analysts see S&P
Editorial and publication headquarters:
week ahead as investors enter “Going into this earnings of the fiscal year as consum- pany’s results topped consensus 500 profits growing roughly 7%
1211 Avenue of the Americas, one of the busiest periods of season, it’s all about the ers’ willingness to pay more earnings and sales expectations. year over year in 2023.
New York, N.Y. 10036 the earnings season. Megacap macro,” said Larry Adam, chief for products gets tested. “The big wildcard…is what’s “Analysts might be too op-
Published daily except Sundays and general technology companies that investment officer of Raymond “At some point, pricing going to happen to the U.S. timistic,” said Ken Leon, direc-
legal holidays. Periodicals postage paid at
New York, N.Y., and other mailing offices.
dominate U.S. stock markets are James. power goes away,” said Nancy dollar,” said IBM Chief Finan- tor of equity research at
set to deliver results, including Some corporate executives Tengler, CEO and chief invest- cial Officer James Kavanaugh CFRA. “They’re going to have
Postmaster: Send address changes to
The Wall Street Journal, 200 Burnett Rd., Google parent Alphabet Inc., have offered hopeful outlooks ment officer at Laffer Tengler during the company’s confer- to take an honest look at their
Chicopee, MA 01020. Microsoft Corp., Facebook par- on the economy. Bank of Investments. ence call Wednesday. projections for 2023.”
All Advertising published in The Wall Street ent Meta Platforms Inc. and America Corp. Chief Executive Increasingly, multinational Analysts cut their expecta- Falling profits would
Journal is subject to the applicable rate card, Inc. Brian Moynihan said consum- companies are warning of a tions for third-quarter earnings threaten a recent decline in
copies of which are available from the
Advertising Services Department, Dow Jones Investors also are awaiting ers are withstanding inflation blow from currency markets. A by the biggest margin since the stock prices relative to compa-
& Co. Inc., 1211 Avenue of the Americas, the latest readings on inflation and higher rates and still nies’ earnings, a ratio Wall
New York, N.Y. 10036. The Journal reserves
the right not to accept an advertiser’s order.
and the economy for signs the spending on discretionary pur- S&P 500 quarterly earnings, S&P 500 this year Street uses to gauge if shares
Only publication of an advertisement shall Federal Reserve could be chases like travel and enter- change from a year earlier are cheap or expensive. Com-
constitute final acceptance of the ready to slow the pace of its tainment. Air travel remains panies in the S&P 500 are
advertiser’s order. 100% 4800
monetary tightening soon. The particularly strong, with Delta 3Q 2022* Friday trading at around 15.6 times
Letters to the Editor:
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central bank’s preferred infla- Air Lines Inc. CEO Ed Bastian 80 1.5% 4600 3752.75 their projected earnings over
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tion gauge is slated for release saying he expects high de- –21% the next 12 months, according
By web:; next week, as are preliminary mand into the new year. 60 4400 year to date to FactSet. That is down from
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The Fed is set to raise inter- difficult business environment. year average of about 17, a de-
20 4000
By email: [email protected]; est rates by another 0.75 per- “Looking forward, there is cline that had mitigated some
By phone: 1-800-843-0008 centage point at its next meet- obvious macroeconomic uncer- 0 3800 of the most-acute worries
WSJ back issues and framed pages: ing in November, but policy tainty as the Fed remains com- about stretched valuations. makers are considering a mitted to raising rates and ad- “If the earnings come down,
–20 3600
Our newspapers are 100% sourced from smaller half-point increment in dressing high inflation,” Kevin then it’s harder to make the
sustainably certified mills.
December, The Wall Street Boone, executive vice president –40 3400 statement that the market is
Journal reported Friday. That of sales and marketing at CSX 2019 ’20 ’21 ’22 Jan. 2022 June Oct. reasonably valued,” said Leo
GOT A TIP FOR US? helped boost stocks—the S&P Corp., said on the rail com- Grohowski, chief investment
*Based on blended figures combining actual results for companies that have
SUBMIT IT AT WSJ.COM/TIPS 500 jumped 2.4% Friday, notch- pany’s conference call Thursday. reported and estimated results for companies that have yet to report. As of Oct. 21. officer at BNY Mellon Wealth
ing a weekly gain of 4.7%. Many companies so far Source: FactSet Management.
Mr. Trump and his company. as total annual arrests at the to its territory, but changed
That investigation initially ex- southwestern U.S. border positions after negotiations
amined hush-money payments reached an all-time high. with the U.S.
to adult-film actress Stormy There were a record 2.2 The new policy appears to
Daniels, then shifted to an ex- million arrests in the past year have dissuaded Venezuelans
amination of whether the by the U.S. Border Patrol of from crossing the border ille-
Trumps misrepresented the people caught crossing the gally, because they can no lon-
value of their assets to lenders, southern border illegally, ac- ger remain in the U.S. and pur-
insurers and tax authorities. cording to new data released sue asylum claims. The
The district attorney’s office, by U.S. Customs and Border Department of Homeland Se-
then led by Cyrus Vance Jr., Protection. Separately, 172,508 curity said last week that
obtained Mr. Trump’s tax re- people were processed at U.S. since the start of the new ap-
turns after a legal battle that ports of entry along the Mexi- proach, border-crossing ar-
went to the Supreme Court. can border. rests of Venezuelans dropped
The tax-fraud indictment The Border Patrol turned more than 80%.
was an offshoot of that probe. back 1,054,084 people—or A group of migrants who entered the U.S. illegally were transported this month from Calexico, Calif. During previous border
Mr. Weisselberg pleaded about 48%—arrested after surges under Presidents
guilty in August, agreeing to crossing the border last year year of record arrests along fice in 2021. ments, adding to the draw of Trump and Obama, families
testify truthfully against the under Title 42, a 1940s public- the southern border. Arrests Venezuelans, Cubans and coming to the U.S. Most of and immigrant children travel-
Trump Organization at trial. health law first used by Presi- had plummeted in the early Nicaraguans combined for a those migrants were released ing alone were among the
Nicholas Gravante Jr., a part- dent Donald Trump to turn months of the Covid-19 pan- total of 571,159 arrests during into the U.S., or briefly de- largest populations of those
ner at Cadwalader, Wickersham back migrants at the begin- demic, as the Trump adminis- the fiscal year that ended tained, while they pursued detained.
& Taft LLP who represents Mr. ning of the pandemic in March tration ordered a near-total Sept. 30, more than four times asylum or other claims. During the past year, more
Weisselberg, said that under 2020. The remaining migrants closure of the border and as high as the preceding year. The government said than 70% of arrests were of
the promised sentence, Mr. have generally been allowed to quickly expelled most mi- All three countries were hit 187,286 Venezuelans were single adults, many of whom
Weisselberg would serve a wait in the U.S. while they grants caught crossing ille- hard economically during the caught crossing the border il- were repeat offenders.
maximum of 100 days in jail. pursue asylum or other claims gally. pandemic and have seen harsh legally during the last fiscal In September, agents re-
The Trump Organization is in federal immigration court, a Illegal border crossings political crackdowns by au- year, including 33,749 people ported a recidivism rate of
expected to argue that the tax- process that can take years to started to rise again during thoritarian regimes. The U.S. in September. about 19%. From 2014 to 2019,
fraud scheme Mr. Weisselberg complete amid a backlog of the late spring and summer of has been unable to deport Earlier this month, the ad- agents reported an average re-
admitted to was an isolated roughly 1.9 million pending 2020, President Trump’s last those migrants because of a ministration said border cidivism rate of about 14%, ac-
practice and didn’t extend to cases. year in office, and then surged lack of good diplomatic rela- agents would start returning cording to Customs and Bor-
the company itself. It was the second straight after President Biden took of- tionships with those govern- Venezuelans caught at the der Protection statistics.
governor and secretary of candidates support, such as guidance, and purging the vot- nia and Wisconsin blocked ef-
state who have echoed former tightening voter-identification ing rolls of dead and inactive forts by some Republicans to
President Donald Trump’s rules or limiting absentee vot- voters twice a year. overturn the 2020 election re-
false claims that the 2020 ing, align with measures Re- State law in Wisconsin re- sults. Some Republican offi-
election was rife with fraud publicans have already passed quires the commission to con- cials in Georgia and Arizona
have proposed changes in vot- or have been seeking to pass duct voter-list maintenance withstood pressure from
ing access and election certifi- in other states. Other ideas every two years after the fall within their party to not cer-
cation that could have ramifi- they have floated go further. elections by contacting people tify the result of the vote.
cations in key states in the Republican Kari Lake, who who haven’t voted in the past Congressional Democrats
next presidential election. is in a race viewed as a tossup four years and deactivating introduced legislation to gov-
Seven Republicans running for governor in Arizona, has them if they don’t respond or ern elections nationwide, but
for those offices in Pennsylva- called for decertifying the re- don’t wish to remain regis- the move lacked sufficient
nia, Wisconsin, Arizona, Mich- sults of the 2020 election in Republicans Kari Lake in Arizona and Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania. tered. Senate support to move for-
igan and Nevada—all presi- some close-run states includ- The powers of governors ward.
dential battlegrounds—haven’t ing Arizona, which Mr. Biden hand rather than relying on polls. Such a move would vio- and secretaries of state vary Several Republican-led
all detailed how they would won by just over 10,000 votes. vote-counting machines. He is late federal law, said David by state, but they generally states, meanwhile, introduced
oversee the 2024 election but The state’s Republican candi- running against Democrat Becker, executive director of have influence in overseeing new voting laws. In Georgia,
have publicly touted measures date for secretary of state, Adrian Fontes. the nonpartisan Center for elections and certifying re- Gov. Brian Kemp has signed
they say would ensure election Mark Finchem, co-sponsored a In Pennsylvania, Republican Election Innovation and Re- sults, as well as the process legislation that altered how
integrity, as they question the bill that calls for state law- gubernatorial candidate Doug search. Mr. Mastriano didn’t for awarding electoral votes in people vote absentee and
outcome of the 2020 race. makers to review the ballot Mastriano has said he could respond to a request for com- presidential elections. Some where people can drop off
Federal authorities have said tabulating process and accept require everyone to re-register ment. changes would require action their ballots. Mr. Kemp is run-
there was no widespread fraud or reject election results. It to vote if he wins. He cur- In Wisconsin, Republican from state legislatures, which ning for re-election against his
that would have changed the also would require election rently trails Democrat Josh Tim Michels, who is in a tight governors could support or 2018 opponent, Democrat Sta-
result, and several court chal- workers to count ballots by Shapiro substantially in most race with Democratic Gov. veto. Any new measures could cey Abrams.
IRS Chief
Set to Exit;
Not Picked
than three weeks left in
Charles Rettig’s term as Inter-
nal Revenue Service commis-
sioner, President Biden hasn’t
picked anyone to succeed him,
leaving the tax agency without
a leader to spearhead the $80
billion agency expansion that
Democrats just pushed through
The delay in choosing and
confirming Mr. Rettig’s re-
placement nearly certainly
means an interim IRS commis-
sioner after Nov. 12. That act-
ing commissioner might be re-
luctant to make binding
decisions that affect the
agency’s long-term future. Any
vacancy lasting until January
would let Republicans influ-
ence or reject a Biden nominee
should they win a Senate ma-
jority in November’s election.
The Biden administration
didn’t place enough priority on
finding an IRS commissioner
over the past two years, and
the decision is now likely to
fall to the next Congress, said
Ben Koltun, director of re-
search at Beacon Policy Advi-
sors LLC in Washington.
Administration officials have
been talking to potential candi-
dates for the five-year term as
they near a decision, said a per-
son familiar with the search. If
Democrats hurry and dedicate
Senate floor time to the posi-
tion, there might be time during
the postelection congressional CHRISTOPHER CLARK
session to confirm a nominee. Pratt Industries Executive Chairman Anthony Pratt and Feeding America®
Finding an IRS chief is no
easy task, even in more normal CEO Claire Babineaux-Fontenot following the recent gift announcement.
times. The tax agency can be
unwieldy, with a long list of
mandates, archaic computer
systems, layers of bureaucracy
and about 80,000 workers
across the country.
Candidates undergo particu- The Pratt Foundation is proud
larly intense vetting, including
reviews of multiple years of tax
filings. And they must be pre-
pared for high-stakes tax poli-
to support Feeding America®
tics, navigating between law-
makers eager for aggressive
enforcement and others warn-
ing that more funding will re-
by helping to provide
sult in intrusive enforcement.
The $80 billion, approved by
Congress in the climate and 10 million meals* for hunger relief in the
healthcare law known as the
Inflation Reduction Act, makes To learn more,
the job more attractive but at-
tracts more scrutiny. That
U.S. as well as reduce food waste — including how
funding, unusual for an agency you can help, visit
that had years of hiring freezes
and flat budgets, offers a a major contributor to landfills
leader some new challenges in or scan the code
hiring and implementation,
along with the resources to
make a long-lasting difference.
and methane gas emissions
“It can be a highly contro-
versial role, and it’s high visi-
bility and I think some people
are reluctant to be in a role like
that,” said David Kautter, who
was interim IRS commissioner
and a senior Treasury official
in the Trump administration.
Mr. Rettig, picked by former
President Donald Trump, is a
tax lawyer, but tax skills aren’t
a prerequisite for the job. The
administration is seeking
someone with management ex-
perience who can bring pri-
vate-sector skills and is famil-
iar with the constraints of
public-sector work, the person
familiar with the search said.
White House press secretary Pratt Industries is one of the largest corrugated box manufacturers in the United States.
Karine Jean-Pierre said Oct. 17
that the lack of a nominee Our 100% recycled boxes save money and save the environment.
wouldn’t slow down the IRS
overhaul. Treasury and IRS of-
ficials are working on an im- *$1 helps provide at least 10 meals secured by Feeding
America on behalf of local member food banks.
plementation plan for the $80
Ukrainian Forces Close In on Kherson
Kyiv seeks to force
Russian retreat from Officials Work to according to officials in Kyiv.
Russian Defense Minister
southern city and Restore Electricity Sergei Shoigu, meanwhile,
spoke by phone to his U.S.,
avoid urban fighting French, Turkish and U.K. coun-
Ukraine was working to re- terparts. He warned about
BY IAN LOVETT store electricity across the Ukraine’s possible use of a
country on Sunday following a dirty bomb, which combines
MYKOLAIV, Ukraine—As Russian attack on critical infra- conventional explosives with
Ukraine has recaptured more structure. radioactive materials, the Rus-
than 3,000 square miles of ter- Almost 1.5 million Ukraini- sian Defense Ministry said.
ritory this fall, its forces have ans were left without power Ukraine’s foreign minister,
followed a blueprint that plays after Russia unleashed a volley Dmytro Kuleba, dismissed the
to their strengths: using strong of cruise missiles on Saturday— allegation as dangerous and
intelligence and precision weap- the latest salvo in a campaign absurd.
Dmitry Smilyanets
Principal Product Manager,
Identity Intelligence
Recorded Future
Wendi Whitmore
Senior Vice President,
© 2022 Dow Jones & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 6DJ9119
The Wall Street Journal news organization was not involved in the creation of this content.
WSJ. Custom Studios and WSJ Intelligence are units of The Wall Street Journal Advertising Department.
product expanded by 3.9% in in the spring, as China’s new sands of people who lived on
the three months ended Sept. No. 2-ranked leader. He was the outskirts of Beijing and
30 from a year earlier, China’s widely seen as a key protégé didn’t hold local residency. By
National Bureau of Statistics of Mr. Xi and the promotion precedent in leadership rank,
said Monday in a data release showed their relationship was Mr. Cai appears likely to as-
that was unexpectedly delayed intact with Mr. Li’s handling sume responsibility over the
as Communist Party leaders of the controversial two- party’s propaganda and censor-
gathered in Beijing. month Covid lockdown in ship apparatus.
The statistics bureau was Shanghai.
originally slated to release the Ding Xuexiang, 60, is Mr. Xi’s
closely watched figures on Oct. Zhao Leji, 65, chief of staff and a longtime
18 but abruptly postponed it The economy’s performance in the third quarter marked an improvement from the second quarter. served as secre- aide. Since 2017, Mr. Ding has
the day before, citing unspeci- tary of the Cen- served as director of the Cen-
fied “work arrangements” in tral Commission tral Committee’s General Of-
remarks to The Wall Street Economic Policy sion-making body, the Politburo ple with less experience on the for Discipline In- fice, a powerful organ that
Journal. The delay was never Standing Committee. All six men economy and suggests there spection, the handles document flow, sched-
explained, though economists Keeps in Step who took the stage with Xi Jin- won’t be a mechanism to Communist Party’s top anticor- uling and security for top party
suspected officials of trying to ping are seen as loyalists of the course-correct if Mr. Xi’s policies ruption watchdog, during Mr. leaders. He often accompanies
avoid overshadowing the Chinese leader. are failing, said Wang Hsin-hsien, Xi’s second term as party chief. the Chinese leader on official
twice-a-decade conclave. SINGAPORE—The new slate Mr. Xi’s zero-Covid policies a professor of East Asian Stud- Mr. Zhao has been taking a trips. An engineer by training,
The economy’s performance of China’s top leaders, packed have suppressed consumer ies at the National Chengchi Uni- largely hands-off approach dur- Mr. Ding spent the bulk of his
in the third quarter marked an with allies of Xi Jinping, has spending while borrowing limits versity in Taiwan. ing his time in office and was career in Shanghai. Mr. Ding is
improvement from the 0.4% some economists fearing a fur- imposed on developers have led “There is an increased risk barely involved in making deci- likely to become China’s first-
year-over-year GDP increase ther erosion of checks on the to a steep downturn in the prop- that Xi’s economic-security sions on investigations. Now ranked vice premier in the
recorded in the second quarter, power of a Chinese leader who erty market. A sweeping clamp- agenda will trump economic serving his second term in the spring.
when lockdowns in major cities has overseen the biggest expan- down on the internet and pri- pragmatism,” said Michael Hir- party’s top leadership, he is
such as Shanghai shuttered sion of state control over the vate-education sectors has wiped son, head of China research at likely to become the top offi- Li Xi, 65, is the
businesses and kept millions economy in decades. out hundreds of billions of dollars 22V Research, a New York firm cial at China’s national legisla- new head of the
stuck at home, sometimes for On Sunday, China unveiled in market value for many of focused on investment strategy. ture, the National People’s Con- Communist
weeks and even months. the leaders who will sit on the China’s biggest companies. —Keith Zhai gress, in the spring. Party’s top disci-
Still, the third-quarter num- country’s most powerful deci- The new lineup includes peo- and Stella Yifan Xie plinary commis-
ber fell short of the 4.8% Wang Huning, sion. During Mr.
growth rate recorded in the 67, is the Xi’s second term as general
first three months of the year, again after a short-lived sum- sure on overstretched local nally, with geopolitical tensions party’s top polit- secretary, Mr. Li was party chief
before widespread Covid lock- mer recovery. governments. rising and overseas demand for ical theorist and of Guangdong province, the in-
downs hit the economy. Mon- Mr. Xi, speaking to the press Chinese households have Chinese exports fading as the has been a dustrial hub in southern China
Continued from Page One warnings proved true just public profile than Mr. Sunak.
Ms. Mordaunt had around 23 weeks later as Ms. Truss Critics have said Mr. Sunak
backers out of 357 Conserva- rolled out her program, which is too rich to appeal to work-
tive lawmakers, according to combined tax cuts with a big ing-class voters. That could
the British Broadcasting Corp. new energy subsidy program, prove problematic if the next
It was unclear, however, and was dealt a humiliating prime minister has to push
how many of Mr. Johnson’s setback when market turbu- through spending cuts to ap-
supporters would now throw lence forced her to retreat, pease investors nervous about
their support behind Ms. and eventually resign. the nation’s finances. Mr. Sunak
Mordaunt, a former defense The possible return of Mr. is estimated to be the richest
minister. If Ms. Mordaunt does Johnson caused alarm in some member of the House of Com-
clear the nomination threshold quarters of the Conservative mons, and his wife, Akshata
by the Monday afternoon party, coming just months after Murty, is the daughter of an In-
Former President Hu Jintao patted the shoulder of Premier Li Keqiang as he was ushered out of deadline, then the Conserva- 50 members of his government dian billionaire.
the closing ceremony of the Communist Party congress, while President Xi Jinping, right, looked on. tive Party’s 170,000 members quit, questioning his integrity. Mr. Sunak previously ar-
Hu Makes Surprising
would pick a winner by Friday, gued his rise to wealth embod-
and analysts said either candi- ies the meritocratic values of
date could win. the Conservative Party. His
Mr. Johnson, who was grandparents immigrated in
forced to quit as prime minis- the 1960s and are originally
Lost to Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld. Three FaceTime audio calls
to her phone went unanswered.
A text the next morning:
Ghahramani missed seven calls from the house. He pleaded tients at a Bronx hospital Lackey, raised him and a youn-
from the number. not guilty to causing the three network, Montefiore Health ger sister in subsidized housing
Sassan Ghahramani, Ms. deaths and distributing drugs System. Early on, she sent a in East Providence, R.I. His
Ghahramani’s father, said the and is awaiting trial. photo to her parents of refrig- mother had met his father,
fentanyl in his daughter’s co- “Can u come thru?,” Ms. erated trucks storing Covid vic- Stanlake Mtangi, a chemist who
caine was like having cyanide Ghahramani wrote. tims. was born in Zimbabwe, at a
appear in an alcoholic drink “I’ll send them right now if “She didn’t complain about Newport disco in the late 1970s,
during Prohibition. you want.” it. That’s what commitment to and Mr. Mtangi became closer
“Julia was a driven profes- “That would be great thank her profession required,” said to him as an adult.
sional with everything to live you really appreciate it.” her father, Bruce Scher, who Mr. Mtangi went to Harvard
for. Never in a billion years “No worries we family.” with his wife, Fran, raised Ms. University and was drawn to
would she have touched any- After getting the text, pros- Scher and a younger brother on the high stakes of Wall Street.
thing with fentanyl,” he said. ecutors said, Mr. Ortega asked Long Island. Ms. Scher made He traded derivatives for JP-
“This is like putting bullets in a courier, Kaylen Rainey, to easy connections and doted on Morgan Chase & Co. and Bank
people’s brains.” handle the day’s deliveries. her elderly rescue dog, Ziva, of America, and at Credit
Mr. Ortega sent him Ms. Ghah- her parents said. One of her Suisse ran a group handling
ramani’s address and instruc- friends later said that when Ms. complex trades in company
‘Can u come thru?’ tions to collect $200, prosecu- Scher was out walking Ziva, six stocks and share indexes.
March 17 in New York City tors said, citing texts on their people would stop to say hello. He was athletic, running 5
is usually festive for St. Pat- phones. Greenwich Village’s streets miles through Manhattan or
rick’s Day. In 2021, the parade Prosecutors said Mr. Rainey emptied in the pandemic. Ms. biking to visit his sister in
was canceled for a second year lived in an apartment regis- Scher’s roommate left the city. Brooklyn. Humor and a cool de-
and most big company offices tered to Mr. Ortega’s family in To fight isolation, Ms. Scher meanor powered Mr. Mtangi
were shut. Only around 30% of public housing in Manhattan’s started counseling private pa- over social and racial divides,
adults in the city had received Chelsea neighborhood. tients online in the evenings. people close to him said. He
at least a first dose of a He and another courier “Being home alone, I think that played pickup basketball on
Covid-19 vaccine. rented Zipcars to deliver drugs got to her,” her father said. city courts and was nodded in
In the East Village, Ms. to neighborhoods across Man- On that March day, Ms. by doormen at exclusive clubs
Ghahramani, the litigation as- hattan, prosecutors alleged, the past two decades. of unknowingly taking fenta- Scher texted a number stored in the Meatpacking District.
sociate, was one of millions of collecting up to thousands of The addition of fentanyl nyl in cocaine and of its in- in her phone as “Jason Me- The trader’s prowess
young Americans starting dollars a stop. Mr. Rainey into supplies in the past de- creased presence in cocaine lissa.” Prosecutors said Mr. Or- showed in a roughly $100 mil-
their career outside of a work- pleaded not guilty to causing cade has tripled the yearly seized by police. Health offi- tega sometimes used the name lion gain Mr. Mtangi and his
place. She had graduated vir- the deaths and distributing number of New Yorkers dying. cials put up posters and sent Jason. team made for Bank of America
tually from Columbia Law drugs and is awaiting trial. Of 980 cocaine deaths in 2020, drink coasters to clubs warn- “Question first,” Ms. Scher from a brief volatility spike
School in May 2020 while her Nine minutes after the 81% involved fentanyl, accord- ing cocaine users to start with wrote. shortly before he left for Credit
parents snapped photos of her texts, according to police and ing to the most recent New a small dose and to have nal- “Is it the same as it was Suisse, according to former col-
and the screen in their Green- surveillance footage, Mr. York City health department oxone, an opioid reversal drug, Sunday? Because that was not leagues and a media report at
wich, Conn., living room. Rainey buzzed Ms. Ghahra- data. The number of people on hand to counter an over- good lol, had to get rid of it.” the time.
The daughter of Iranian- mani’s apartment bell. dying from cocaine alone has dose. They are handing out “No new…Batch,” came the Impending fatherhood pre-
born Mr. Ghahramani, an in- Around six hours after the held steady in the low hun- fentanyl testing strips that can reply. sented a new path. On his 40th
vestment research firm delivery, her phone pinged. dreds. be used to test cocaine and Mr. Rainey appeared on a birthday, his partner took a
founder, and Lily Ann Marden, “Hey” Drug use overall rose dur- other drugs for fentanyl’s video camera near her apart- photo of him holding a cake,
a real estate finance executive, “Hey you there” ing the pandemic, which de- presence. ment. shirtless and tattooed, a view
Ms. Ghahramani made a vow Seven calls came in that railed work routines and social Multiple people died within “Def better,” Ms. Scher tex- of Manhattan behind him.
in high school to somehow night and the next morning lives. Fentanyl helped drive to- hours from tainted cocaine in ted about two hours after the On his final week, Mr.
change the world. She helped from the delivery-service num- tal drug fatalities higher. Long Island, N.Y., and in New- delivery. Mtangi stuffed his computer in
give pro bono legal advice to ber. Deaths hit an annual high of port Beach, Calif., last year. She counseled a patient on- a bag at his apartment and told
immigrants and advocated for Ms. Marden woke that 107,521 people in 2021, accord- Nine were killed in Washing- line from 8 p.m. to around 9 his partner he was going to the
gun control. She spoke on the morning in Connecticut know- ing to the U.S. Centers for Dis- ton, D.C., in January. Law-en- p.m. that night, according to a office.
steps of City Hall as a main or- ing something was wrong be- ease Control and Prevention, forcement officials said deal- calendar on her desk. She sat It was Tuesday, and he
ganizer of a “March for Our cause she hadn’t heard from up 51% since 2019. Three-quar- ers often use coffee grinders down on the sofa and turned checked into a hotel down the
Lives” attended by 150,000 her daughter. A friend of Ms. ters of the 2021 deaths in- or other basic equipment to on the television. street and stayed there over-
following the Marjory Stone- Ghahramani went to the apart- volved fentanyl, the CDC said. cut drugs and prepare them Texts came in from the de- night, texting his partner and
man Douglas school shooting ment and found her dead, New York City authorities for sale, which can result in livery-service number: other family the next morning
in February 2018. holding her phone. Persian have been warning of the risks deadly batches “Hey try not to do too much to say that he was OK but
For much of the pandemic, pastries she had ordered for needed some time alone.
Ms. Ghahramani retreated to the weekend were in the re- Three New Yorkers ordered cocaine from a delivery service On Wednesday, Mr. Rainey,
her family’s home to work re- frigerator. on the same day; all died. the alleged drug courier, ap-
motely and spend time with “She made a mistake,” Mr. peared on hotel surveillance,
her parents and younger twin Ghahramani said. “She had a NEW JERSEY
Ross Mtangi stopping to check his phone.
siblings. hit of coke and unbeknownst Mr. Mtangi was on a call
Kaylen Rainey (Place of death
Her final week, Ms. Ghahra- to her it was loaded with fen- Alleged drug and home) that evening with his boss, Mi-
mani headed back to her Ave- tanyl and it killed her.” courier chael Ebert. He didn’t make a
nue B apartment, saying she Billy Ortega follow-up call later that night.
had work to do before a family Alleged drug Mr. Mtangi’s partner called
trip the next weekend to cele- Derailed lives dispatcher Amanda Scher his family the next morning,
brate the Persian new year. Cocaine has long had allure Julia Ghahramani and separately, Mr. Ebert got in
Ms. Ghahramani told friends in New York City, where in the MANHATTAN touch with his sister to say he
and family the workload was 1980s it became associated was trying to reach him. The
Area of
intense but that she was lov- with jet setting clubbers and N. J. detail NEW YORK CITY credit card charge at the hotel
ing her first job. elite professionals. Usage esti- 1 mile eventually tracked him down.
On Wednesday, Ms. Ghahra- mates in the city remain 1 km Mr. Mtangi’s sister and her
mani sent a text to a phone higher than the roughly 2% partner rushed to the hotel,
that prosecutors said belonged national rate of Americans The alleged drug courier Sources: Victims’ families, public records, prosecutors’ filings
where he was dead. His son
to the alleged dispatcher for taking the drug annually for Kaylen Rainey. Camille Bressange/The Wall Street Journal was born three weeks later.
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remorse, she adds.
And of course, people often
wield “sorry” to mean exactly the
opposite, more a passive-aggres-
sive insult than real contrition.
meant was…”
“Everything we’re doing is on
some level trying to show we’re a
good person at the same time that
we’re trying to accomplish some-
thing,” Dr. Tannen says.
When I message “So sorry to
bug you…” to my boss before ask-
ing a question that’s a necessary
part of both our jobs, I’m showing
respect for power differentials at
the office, she notes.
Still, some misinterpret
women’s apologies as incompe-
tence. When British leader Liz
Truss last week apologized “for
WORK “Sorry” has lost its meaning, liked. He thinks it’s worth it. flashed back to a clip of Taylor the mistakes” in pushing a risky
& LIFE she realized, no longer a heartfelt “You can either conform to Swift, in which she apologizes for tax plan, it was met with calls to
RACHEL declaration of remorse but a knee- what people want you to be, or “getting on her soapbox” about resign. A few days later, she did.
FEINTZEIG jerk response. Now, faced with the you can decide that you are going misogyny, then quickly catches Be aware of how others re-
blinking cursor of a blank email, to risk offending people,” he says. herself. spond when you use words of con-
Ms. Julig asks herself, did I legiti- “Life is about trade-offs.” “We’re, like, ‘Sorry, was I trition, Dr. Tannen cautions.
orry, I’m just now seeing mately miss something, or mess When I searched my sent loud?’ ” the pop star says in “Miss If colleagues call out your apol-
your email! (You sent it someone else up? If the answer is emails for the phrase, “Sorry for Americana,” the Netflix documen- ogizing, you might explain that
15 minutes ago.) no, she’s not sorry. the delay,” the result was too tary. “In my own house that I you were just saying you were
Sorry that you com- “Don’t give away your power,” many hits for Gmail to give me an bought. With the songs that I sorry a thing happened, and not
pletely misinterpreted counsels Jeffrey Pfeffer, a profes- exact count. wrote. About my own life.” sorry sorry. If you hear that feed-
that thing I said. sor of organizational Words have conse- back often, consider an audit like
Sorry you just rammed into me behavior at Stanford quences. Ms. Fisher’s.
with your grocery-store cart. Graduate School of “Always feeling like Kingston Vickers tried. After
The apology is running amok in
conversations and communica-
Business and author
of a book about com-
Remember that it’s not your you need to say ‘sorry’
makes you kind of feel
moving to Texas years ago, the na-
tive Canadian resolved to remove
tions. We drop it indiscriminately, manding authority at responsibility to apologize for like crap,” says Jen the “ehs” and “sorrys” from his
crying mea culpa for all manner of work. Apologizing in Fisher, the chief well-be- vocabulary. Doing so consumed so
things we really shouldn’t be sorry business, especially things out of your control. ing officer for Deloitte. much mental effort that he grew
for—and diluting the apologies when you’ve actually Last year, she logged her flustered when talking and wasn’t
that truly matter. Is it time to done something own apologies, flagging as effective at his sales job.
stop? Could we even cut back if we wrong, is just asking the ones that felt unnec- Now he embraces his proclivity
wanted to? for trouble, he says. I tried, in the course of report- essary and replacing them with ex- for apologies, and says his work
“I wasn’t really that sorry,” ad- People are never satisfied with ing this column, to cut back on my pressions of gratitude. has benefited. Apologizing for his
mits Louise Julig, a freelance an apology, he adds. Groveling and apologies. Mostly I failed, catching Have to move a meeting? Try, clients’ struggles, or when he’s
writer in Encinitas, Calif., who exhibiting vulnerability only makes myself exclaiming sorry! when dial- “I appreciate your flexibility,” or about to make an ask of them,
found she was constantly apologiz- you look weak and sinks team ing in three minutes late for a call. “I’m grateful for your understand- builds trust, he says. It’s a way of
ing for the “delay” when replying morale. A person I contacted for this ing,” she says. Remember that it’s showing empathy.
to notes, even when there wasn’t Standing your ground comes piece apologized for only being not your responsibility to apolo- “People underestimate the
much of a delay at all. “Why am I with risks, he allows. You’ll piss available one of the days I sug- gize for things out of your control, power of a kind word nowadays,”
saying this thing? I don’t know.” some people off. You might not be gested we chat, not the other. I such as the weather, or a client he adds.
lific, and all of her records being hits.” likely scenario is that Ms. Swift
ost music stars have one Unlike most stars, Ms. Swift sticks with the traditional stadium
new album out when they doesn’t play just a few tracks from format. But could she do a combi-
embark on a tour. Then her latest album on tour. She’s nation of stadium shows and some
there’s Taylor Swift. known for playing nearly all of her smaller, more intimate gigs befitting
Ms. Swift’s latest work, “Mid- new album. the “Folklore” material?
nights,” a synth-driven pop album Ms. Swift has yet to officially an- For “Lover,” Ms. Swift had
which was released on Friday, nounce a tour. But when she does, planned a handful of “Lover Fest”
brings the singer-songwriter to four she’s likely to encounter an unsettled shows in the U.S. The unexpected
entire records she has never per- concert business: Music’s biggest art- move, which never came to fruition,
formed on tour. ists are selling out shows, yet smaller signaled a desire, at least at the
“Midnights” arrives roughly two ones are increasingly canceling events time, for less touring than her past
years after her intimate quarantine because of a glut of concerts, higher extended globe-trotting runs.
albums “Folklore” and “Evermore.” touring costs, equipment shortages, In theory, Ms. Swift could pursue
Those albums came not long after lower ticket sales and currency fluc- The pop superstar, who last toured in 2018, released ‘Midnights’ on Friday. a somewhat similar plan for “Mid-
the wide-ranging “Lover,” which was tuations. Covid infections continue to nights” by launching a traveling res-
supposed to have a mini-tour that derail tours. Fears of a recession idency or even her own festival, mu-
was canceled because of the pan- could crimp ticket and concession her, to not have the time, even she is sic fans and analysts said.
demic. Ms. Swift also recently re- sales, and there’s growing consterna- three [other albums] stumped. “There are Another possibility: Ms. Swift’s
leased “Fearless (Taylor’s Version)” tion about concert-ticket prices. incorporated somehow so many possibilities,” shows could become more free-
and “Red (Taylor’s Version),” rere- Ms. Swift is unlikely to be affected in this tour. I mean, Ms. Raven said. “I just wheeling and less choreographed.
corded versions of two older al- by such trends, since she’s the rare ‘Folklore’ and ‘Ever- can’t wrap my head On Friday, Ms. Swift’s fans eagerly
bums, which each include a dizzying pop musician who lacks much direct more’ brought a lot of around it.” listened to “Midnights,” which fea-
number of bonus tracks that origi- competition. But concerns about a people either to her, or The last time Ms. tures production by Jack Antonoff, a
nate from earlier eras. crowded 2023 calendar and weaker back to her music.” Swift toured, for guest appearance by Lana Del Rey
Writing a set list for a live tour is spending could prompt her to put her “The most fascinat- 2017’s “Reputation,” and the lead single “Anti-Hero,” which
always an art: Music stars want to tickets on sale sooner. ing question—in some she played nearly the Ms. Swift has called “one of my fa-
sound invigorated and fresh, but also What makes planning the next ways, more than what entirety of the album, vorite songs I’ve ever written.”
comprehensive, embracing both long- tour especially tricky is that Ms. ‘Midnights’ is going to along with other The 13-track album has a noctur-
time fans and newer ones. But the Swift’s “Folklore” was considered a sound like—is just how does she fig- songs. A typical Taylor Swift concert nal feel, with insistent, pulsating
pileup of unperformed music has Ms. career milestone. Its hushed, indie- ure out how to pull all of this stuff might include roughly 20 songs, beats and self-interrogating lyrics. At
Swift’s fans wondering whether her folk-flavored sound was a musical together,” said Nora Princiotti, co-host some of them medleys. But Mr. Per- 3 a.m. on Friday, Ms. Swift surprised
show should be longer, or structured departure that won Ms. Swift new of The Ringer’s “Every Single Album: petua speculated that Ms. Swift fans by releasing seven bonus “3am
differently than the typical tour. fans, critics’ respect and a Grammy Taylor Swift” on a recent podcast. might this time focus mostly on her tracks,” as she called them.
“Logistically, what do you do?” award for album of the year. Many Some of Ms. Swift’s followers have recent four albums and play down For now, though, her fans remain
asked Matthew Perpetua, founder of fans are eager to hear it and its sis- posted humorous pictures of long lists her early career material. in the dark about what her tour will
Fluxblog, an independent music web- ter album “Evermore” live. of song titles online. Willow Raven, “Lover,” from 2019, is another al- look like. “That seems to be the
site. “She’s in a complete logistical “This is so unique,” said Lacey 33, once sang in a Taylor Swift cover bum to consider; it includes fan fa- consensus amongst all of us,” Ms.
nightmare, that’s brought on by the Davner, a 34-year-old fan from Flor- band—so you’d think she’d be able to vorites such as “Cruel Summer.” “I Davner said. “What’s she going to
most positive things—people liking ida. “It would be weird, especially for write a set list for the next tour. This would die if I never heard that song do—how is she gonna do this?”
In addition to having Bark’s con-
How to Make a Good Call tent analysis and parental controls
preinstalled—and not removable—
this Samsung A13 phone is further
customized with additional fea-
sports teams through apps, the iar with it and your family members Android: This month, Google be annoying to make the switch. kids to follow and permit certain
smartphone is the better bet. likely have similar devices, so you updated Family Link so it’s easier Bark Phone (Service and hard- apps or contacts during specific
can share apps and content. to manage devices such as Sam- ware lease starting at $49 a times. The phones can contain fi-
Decide on parental controls. The The flip side is that these are sung Galaxy phones and its own month): The developer of a popular nance apps and curated educational
level of restrictions you want to typically full-featured devices, so Pixel phones. A new location tab child-monitoring app has integrated and music apps. There is no web
place on your child’s access to the you need to set limits. (If you’re shows all your kids on one map, the app’s features into a new phone browser and the phone is compati-
internet, social media and contacts not paying attention, your kids can and if a phone gets lost, you can being released in mid-November. ble with Bark’s monitoring software.
I closed the deal. The car only very comfortable, and easy
ack in the early 1990s, had about 700 miles on it. to get in and out. Most of
McLaren put out a car I took possession of the my other cars are two-seat-
called the F1. It was the Speedtail this month, got ers. This one has three
coolest car ever. At that time, my “Show and Display” per- seats, so I can fit both of my
McLaren built only race cars, mit, and I have been driving kids in it. That was a major
and this was the company’s
first real production road car.
The F1 had three seats, one
in the front, in the middle,
and two in the back. McLaren
only made 106 of these cars. I
had a poster of it on my wall,
and I dreamed that someday
Interior view of Wu Tsai Theater
and David Geffen Hall at Lincoln
New York forming a spacious lobby that
hen Max Abramovitz pours outside onto the broad log-
revealed his plans for gia. Here is Williams/Tsien’s char-
Lincoln Center’s Phil- acteristic sensitivity to color and
MUSIC REVIEW The biggest disappointment is auditorium, designed by Diamond written for his top-notch combo, Cre-
that the sound in this modified shoe-
Schmitt Architects, a “vineyard,” or ole Soul, the Philharmonic and guest
the stage’s tapered ceiling delivered of the Geffen Hall exterior might more compatible with the diverse The U.S. premiere of Pulitzer Prize-
y biggest concern, as the re- too much distracting sound back to have helped; reverberation is primar-
programming being presented at winner Caroline Shaw’s “Microfictions,
opening of David Geffen Hall the players. Acoustician Paul Scar- ily achieved by providing sufficientGeffen Hall today. Vol. 3” on Oct. 20 was written for the
at Lincoln Center ap- brough of Akus- Geffen Hall also Philharmonic and the superb vocal en-
proached, was that its much-touted, tiks raised the has a new concert semble Roomful of Teeth, to which
$550 million reconfiguration would ceiling beneath venue, Sidewalk she belongs. The piece juxtaposes Ms.
be mainly cosmetic. After all, the the new, adjust- Studio, for “NY Shaw’s characteristic vocabulary of
acoustical problems plaguing its au- able acoustical Phil @ Noon” and humming, sighing, wordless singing,
ditorium—home to the New York canopies by other events. contrapuntal speaking and other tech-
Philharmonic and other Lincoln Cen- four to 14 feet. Glass walled on niques against a mostly lively orches-
ter events—had proved particularly Whether or not two sides, it seeks tral accompaniment. But while the
recalcitrant, largely foiling seven “ex- this contributed to lure new listen- fourth and fifth sections were engag-
pert” attempts at improvement over to the Philhar- ers. The first ing, the level of overall invention did
six decades. monic’s height- event, on Oct. 13, not sustain the work’s 30-minute
While this handsome new per- ened cohesive- featured seven or- length.
forming space, recently named Wu ness, dazzling chestra members What lingers in memory were the
Tsai Theater, is not all I hoped for, it’s coloristic ef- and guest pianist most musically insightful perfor-
better than what I’ve experienced in fects and in- Helen Huang in mances. Topping the list was “My
my five previous decades of concert- creased ability chamber music by Father Knew Charles Ives,” an inge-
going there. The stridency is gone, to sustain whis- Mozart and Schu- niously orchestrated, nostalgic work
unless the composer or conductor per-soft pianis- bert. The sound by Mr. Adams ranging from quietly
calls for it. The orchestra’s brass sec- simos in “My was clear and reflective to raucous. Mr. Van Zwe-
tion sounds more mellow, at least as Father Knew never overpow- den communicated the air of mys-
heard from five different seating lo- Charles Ives” by ered the long, tery in the atmospheric second
cations at three concerts. During the John Adams on claustrophobically movement and elicited a rush of
“Allegro: Juba” movement of Flor- the Oct. 12 pro- narrow room, feeling from the strings near the fi-
ence Price’s ingratiating Symphony gram, it bodes which seats up to nal section’s end. Principal trumpet
No. 4 in D Minor on Oct. 20, even well for the fu- Jaap van Zweden conducts the New York Philharmonic Oct. 20 175 individuals. Christopher Martin played his quest-
the quietest playing by principal ture. Both the New in-house ing solos with liquid tone and poi-
oboe Liang Wang projected well to orchestra and its music director, air volume per concertgoer. But ac- theatrical and amplification equip- gnancy. Here, hall and musicians
the back of the first tier. (Galas and Jaap van Zweden, will continue to cording to Mr. Scarbrough, that ment will enhance the presentation complemented each other in new-
free events between Oct. 26 and Oct. evolve as they adapt to their would have meant a longer, costlier of multimedia works, such as the found harmony.
30 conclude Geffen’s official celebra- changed environment, and the construction process, so he added Lincoln Center-commissioned “San
tion.) acoustical settings of Wu Tsai The- volume by widening the third-tier Juan Hill: A New York Story,” which Ms. Jepson, who is retiring as a music
Best of all, several orchestra ater will be tweaked to find ideal sidewalls. had its premiere on Oct. 8. This riv- reviewer, has written about classical
members have publicly stated they standard settings for unamplified Another crucial decision was to eting 75-minute piece by jazz trum- concerts, recordings and musicians
now hear themselves and each and amplified performances. make Wu Tsai’s blond beechwood peter/composer Etienne Charles was for the Journal since 1983.
A14 | Monday, October 24, 2022 * ***** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
World Series Is Set: Phillies vs. Astros
Philadelphia won the HoustonsweepsNew
National League YorkYankeesand
pennant in part by remainsunbeatenin
improving its defense sevenpostseasongames
The long shot Philadelphia Phil- The end for the New York Yan-
lies are headed to the World Series kees came on a long and often quiet
for the first time in 13 years. They Sunday night in the Bronx, a late
covered the last bit of ground Sun- and rare lead come and gone, their
day afternoon, on Bryce Harper’s season with it.
two-run home run in the eighth in- They were swept from the best-
ning of a rain-soaked Game 5 of of-seven American League Champi-
the National League Championship onship Series by the Houston As-
Series at Citizens Bank Park. tros, who are unbeaten across seven
In a best-of-seven series that postseason games and open the
pitted two wild-card teams, the World Series on Friday night in
Phillies won three in a row at Houston against the Philadelphia
home, the last by 4-3 against the Phillies.
San Diego Padres. The World Series appearance will
Last to qualify for the 12-team be the fourth in six seasons for the
postseason in an 87-win regular The Philadelphia Phillies, Astros, who overcame an illegal
season that seemed intent on iden- above, celebrate after sign-stealing scandal and resumed
tifying the team’s flaws, the Phil- winning the National their American League dominance.
lies nevertheless discovered their League Championship The Yankees might have thought
better game as summer turned to Series over the San it was their turn once, but that was
fall. In no area did they come fur- Diego Padres in five before the uneven second half of
ther than they did defensively, games. It will be the the regular season, before Aaron
which allowed their pitching and Phillies’ first World Judge and much of the rest of the
offense—Harper batted .400 in the Series appearance since offense cooled, and before the As-
NLCS, including his opposite-field 2009. Left, third tros arrived to show them what a
home run through the raindrops baseman Alex Bregman complete team looked like. The As-
on Sunday against Padres reliever of the Houston Astros tros are the fifth team to open a
Robert Suarez, and Rhys Hoskins knocks in the go-ahead postseason with at least seven con-
hit four home runs, for two—to run in the seventh secutive wins. The record is eight,
shine. inning of Game 4 of the by the 2014 Kansas City Royals.
The offense could carry the American League After batting .182 against the
Phillies because of the work the Championship Series on Cleveland Indians in a five-game di-
team had put into shorint up its Sunday. The Astros vision series, the Yankees batted
woeful defense. Late Friday night, begin play at home in .128 in the first three games of the
when the Phillies had done all they Minute Maid Park ALCS. They scored three early runs
could to lose and then win Game 3 against the Phillies in against Astros starter Lance McCul-
of the NLCS, coach Bobby Dicker- Game 1 of the World lers Jr. only to have their starter,
son eased through their clubhouse, Series on Friday night. All-Star Nestor Cortes, give up the
stopping at a locker, running a lead and then leave in the third in-
hand over a shoulder, rekindling a balls that are hit right at them, “This game is about the mental little more time to that. ning with a groin injury. Aided by
process that doesn’t really ever though there are problem areas at part,” Segura said late Friday On Saturday afternoon, hours an error at second base by Gleyber
rest. the outfield and infield corners, night. “At the end of the day, we’re before Game 4, the Phillies held in- Torres, the Astros scored twice in
Dickerson is in charge of the and even that bare minimum going to make a mistake. That’s field practice, the kind you would the seventh inning for the 6-5 win.
Phillies’ infield defense, which had wasn’t met Friday night. They also the play that I probably made see before any high school game, a They don’t easily forgive these
just had itself another one of those have trouble with the difficult 3,000 times in my life, but for choreographed dance of two fungo kinds of outcomes in the Bronx, and
days—some good, some not, and plays, according to the more com- some reason I missed it...When hitters and two balls in play and certainly not a protracted string of
in the end everybody left breath- plex analytical models, mostly be- you make a mistake, just keep go- seven infielders watching the ball them. Winners of 99 games in the
less but still standing. cause they don’t get to balls other ing forward.” all the way into their mitts. regular season, the Yankees had
They tell themselves they can defensive players get to, and outs The Phillies have improved. Bohm, the 26-year-old former spent several months being com-
be proficient at the catching and are lost in that foggy area of not- Their inability to defend consis- first-rounder with a soft voice and pared to the greatest teams in their
throwing of baseballs, and some- an-error-but-probably-should- a big future at the plate, carries history. And now they have played
times they are. They also tell have-been-made. the flag for much of what the Phil- 13 seasons without a World Series
themselves to move on from the And then, just to keep the con- lies are trying to forget and ac- appearance.
mistakes, which, for better or versation lively and the baseball
They tell themselves complish. Since 2010, the year after their
worse, can be a running conversa- world guessing, the guy who saved they can be proficient at A difficult start to Bohm’s sea- last World Series title, the Yankees
tion. Game 3 with his glove was Phillies son on the defensive side sum- have reached the ALCS five times
As Dickerson is fond of saying, second baseman Jean Segura, who
the catching and moned boos at Citizens Bank Park. and lost all five of them, a first for
“You don’t have to wait until to- a few innings earlier flat dropped throwing of baseballs. He was caught on video telling a any franchise. The four-game sweep
morrow to have a good day.” a short flip from his shortstop. teammate, “I [f—ing) hate this was only the fourth suffered by the
That philosophy, along with a In their first 10 postseason place,” meaning his home ballpark Yankees in their history. An organi-
lot of mid-afternoon drills and the games the Phillies committed five and the people who populate it, a zation that counts World Series ti-
sort of buoyancy found in Walmart errors, two by third baseman Alec tently was a factor in ousting man- low point that also marked the be- tles and little else, the Yankees will
greeters and Peloton trainers, has Bohm, two by Hoskins and the one ager Joe Girardi in early June, and ginning of a new effort to pull his be stuck on 27 championships for at
the Phillies making their first by Segura, and yet here they are, it was speculated—and perhaps pants up. least another year.
World Series appearance since pitching around and rallying back exaggerated—that Girardi’s taut There has been progress. The Judge, the Yankees’ towering
2009. from the gaffes that would sink demeanor had exacerbated an al- errors haven’t buried him. He bat- slugger, spent the season chasing
By advanced defensive metrics, most seasons. ready vulnerable aspect of their ted .300 in the first three games legends Babe Ruth and Roger Maris
which are inexact, they are by far Segura also had Game 3’s criti- game. of the NLCS. And when the doubts for the team and American League
the worst defensive team remain- cal hit—a two-run single that Rob Thomson stepped in, every- come, Bobby Dickerson isn’t far home-run records. In the season’s fi-
ing. By the more simplistic tradi- closely followed his inability to body took a breath, Bohm in par- behind them. nal days, Judge eclipsed them both,
tional statistics, however, that be- catch a lobbed toss, capturing the ticular seemed to benefit, and “You just gotta go through it,” with 62 home runs, but for a team
ing fielding percentage, they are Phillies’ tendency to injure them- when it became clear their season Bohm said. “Obviously with the that had long before lost its first-
actually quite competent. selves and then heal up before the teetered on their ability to catch start we had we’ve been through a half momentum. Judge can be a free
Generally, the Phillies catch the groans are fully expressed. the ball, Phillies players devoted a few things.” agent when the season is over.
Oklahoma City 65 47 t 65 42 pc Edinburgh 58 48 c 57 49 c Zurich 60 47 r 67 52 pc answers in the grid spells the contest answer.
Make the Metaverse a Sandbox BOOKSHELF | By Martha Bayles
Apple CEO
Tim Cook was
asked recently
1-2-3 spreadsheet’s command
structure and keystrokes. But
it turns out that file formats
tual-reality fitness app Super-
natural. Almost immediately,
the Federal Trade Commission
sure everyone can get in and
out of the sandbox on equal
terms. We almost have to let
Listen and
dreaded green
without, gasp, beyond spreadsheets. To pro- ports Meta’s Horizon Worlds Meta, Microsoft or Google
an iPhone running the proprie- tect its Windows operating has a meager 200,000 monthly make as many acquisitions as ention the Voice of America or Radio Free Europe/
tary iMessage app. But it’s system, Microsoft was slow to active users so far. they want for the next decade, Radio Liberty to most Americans, and they will give
worse than that. His ques- embrace internet protocols but only in exchange for open you a blank look. Or they’ll say, “Hmmm, wasn’t
tioner added, “I can’t send my like TCP/IP and mobile stan- standards and interfaces so that a Cold War thing?” It was indeed a Cold War thing but
mom certain videos and she dards such as Bluetooth and Let tech firms acquire that competing firms can build much more. Today these two services have grown to five,
can’t send me certain videos lost its edge in both. their own version of this space collectively referred to as the U.S. Agency for Global Media,
and so . . .” Mr. Cook inter- Standards matter. Think of all they want, but on to connect and be interopera- which use every existing platform—including radio where
rupted with a chuckle and said, road widths, gasoline mixtures the condition of open ble with what already exists. needed—to connect with a global audience of nearly half
“Buy your mom an iPhone.” and lights that don’t blind op- Governments are involved with a billion people.
Corporate hubris usually pre- posing drivers. The 120/220 platform standards. standards—the National Insti- Unlike the BBC World Service, these services were not
cedes a downfall. volt electricity divide was tute of Standards and Technol- built on a pre-existing domestic one, so their names have
Interoperability can make fixed via sensors that allow ogy is part of the U.S. Com- never been household words. This low profile, so painfully
or break technology, and much travelers to use their computer Some form of the Metaverse merce Department. But instead different from that of the BBC, can be frustrating for the
is still broken. Many Google and phone chargers univer- will happen, but we’re still in of defining details of these Americans who staff the agency. But it amuses Mark Pomar,
apps don’t work well on an sally, although with different the Palm Pilot stage of devel- new worlds, the focus should an American scholar of Russia who between 1982 and 1986
iPhone. Why? Apple wants you plugs. AA batteries were intro- opment—clunky, expensive be on sensible interfaces and was assistant director of Radio Liberty (the Russian service
to use its apps, interoperability duced in 1907, standardized in equipment and low-resolution application programming in- of RFE/RL) and director of
be damned. The iPad only re- 1947, AAA in 1911 and 1969. offerings that don’t do much. terfaces so everyone can ac- VOA’s U.S.S.R. division.
cently added support for a Cellphone standards were an- That will change. Reinventing cess the sandbox. In the preface to “Cold
mouse, but it’s not good other benefit to users and keep education alone will make it When there are standards War Radio,” his insightful,
enough for iPads to replace evolving—6G isn’t coming un- worth it. Who cares if Meta for basic technology formats absorbing account of the
Mac computers and laptops. til 2030 or so. buys a fitness app? In Silicon and protocols, battles move remarkable work of these
Why? To protect Apple’s $35 Which brings me to the Valley, many companies are higher up the value chain, to services, Mr. Pomar recalls
billion Mac business. Users Metaverse, an awful moniker bought not for their products more important things, such as an incident from 1984, when
suffer. Technology has a long for the nascent three-dimen- but for their people. This is delivering real productive ser- he traveled to Cavendish, Vt.,
history of ignoring interopera- sional online world where we known as acquisition hiring, or vices rather than worrying if to interview the exiled author
bility. America Online ran its will eventually work, learn and “acquihires.” Heck, some ven- things made by Google will Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
business like a walled garden. play. I’d prefer names like the ture capitalists build compa- work with things made by Checking into his hotel, Mr.
More hubris that didn’t end Hive or the Vortex (franchising nies just to be bought. Meta. This would benefit us all Pomar announced that he was
well. It even had two messag- opportunities available). What- My free-market instincts rather than letting Tim Cook from Voice of America, and
ing services, AOL Instant Mes- ever we call it, there are no make me allergic to govern- protect long-in-the-tooth prod- the clerk asked if that was
senger and ICQ (I seek you), real standards for avatars, ment intervention. Instead, as ucts such as the iPhone. Stan- “a national singing group.”
that couldn’t send messages to clothing, motion, weapons, in financial markets, govern- dardizing the past is what will Today it seems obvious
each other until 2003. speech or architecture. ment’s role is to set up rules force innovators to buzz the that VOA would interview
In 1990 a judge ruled that To figure this out, Facebook for the sandbox and then let Hive or swirl the Vortex and Solzhenitsyn. Yet in 1984 VOA was still keeping its distance
competitors infringed Lotus aka Meta announced the pur- everyone play in it. Let the invent the future. from the famous dissident, because it was (and is) a federal
Development’s copyright on its chase of Within, maker of vir- best sand castle win. Make Write to [email protected]. agency answerable to the State Department. And many at
State were still committed to détente, the policy that re-
garded open criticism of the Soviet leadership as a barrier
U.S. Gets a Head While U.K. Has a Ball course.” Mr. Pomar reminds us (lest we forget) that these
norms and practices, so crucial to democracy, were an
essential part of the message.
By Richard Miniter Conservative Party at every As Americans increasingly dialects. Other words took on But here we enter deep waters. Of all the topics ad-
level. I have had enough of read British papers online, different meanings: “Holler” dressed by the radios, the most divisive was Russia’s post-
he Daily Star, a British talentless people putting they are bumping into puz- refers to shouting in the Soviet future. In 1982, when Mr. Pomar began working at
tabloid, wondered what their tick in the right box, not zling Britishisms and even Northeast and a valley be- Radio Liberty, it was widely if tacitly assumed that Russia
would wilt first, Prime because it’s in the national adopting some. The Tele- tween two mountains in the would soon cast off the shackles of the moribund Soviet
Minister Liz Truss or a “ball interest but because it’s in graph noted in 2018 that South. Some words, like “got- regime. But what then? Many émigrés envisioned a future
of lettuce.” It wasn’t the first their own personal interest to Americans had picked up ten,” died out in the land of of free markets, civil society and liberal democracy. But
time that Americans were achieve ministerial position.” “dodgy,” “bespoke” and their birth. Englishmen today others hoped for a new and more powerful Russia, ruled
flummoxed by British idioms. An American would “check” “twee.” These days younger use “got” as the past partici- by a strong virtuous leader, in which Slavic culture and
Americans would say the box, not put a “tick” in it. Americans may say that an ple of “get.” Orthodox Christianity would be fused.
“head of lettuce,” and that’s outfit is “smart,” meaning at- New technology also led Before Mr. Pomar’s arrival, a key Radio Liberty program,
how most U.S. publications tractive, or a person “clever,” the English and the Ameri- “Russia: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow,” had been
described the vegetable in the American and British meaning simply intelligent as cans to invent different words sharply criticized for explicating this nationalist vision. To
Star’s cheeky gag. The New opposed to the American for the same thing; what am- the more liberal-minded émigré community, Radio Liberty
York Times had an internal English grew apart sense of ingenious. ateur linguists refer to as the was wrong to give a platform to “age-old Russian xeno-
debate and ended up using but may be starting It may feel like cultural “windscreen vs. windshield” phobia” and “the darker impulses of authoritarian rule.”
both “head” and “ball.” ventriloquism to traditional- problem. But after centuries They had a point. Yet instead of banning the topic, Mr.
The controversy over Ms. to converge again. ists, but that’s how languages of the English language grow- Pomar found a new host: Gleb Rahr, a devout Orthodox
Truss’s proposed supply-side evolve. When the English col- ing apart, the internet and Christian who had survived imprisonment in five Nazi
tax cuts, abrupt retreat and onized America in the 1600s, streaming shows such as concentration camps.
rapid resignation featured a Or consider this tweet from they brought many regional “Ted Lasso” may be knitting Rahr had been working at Radio Liberty since 1974,
lot of classic Britishisms that another Conservative member words with them. New Eng- it back together again. while also supporting the cause of freeing Orthodoxy from
left Americans wondering. of Parliament, Nadine Dorries, land was largely colonized by The title character of that the Soviet grip. Mr. Pomar’s detailed account of Rahr’s
Some words were intelligible referring to Ms. Truss’s pre- people from East Anglia, Vir- Apple TV comedy-drama is an tenure as host of this and other programs debating the
but unfamiliar. When Charles decessor, Boris Johnson: ginia and Maryland by those American football coach who place of religion and nationalism in post-Soviet Russia
Walker, a Conservative mem- “Conservative MPs removed from Britain’s Southwest. goes to work for a British make for fascinating reading. Especially at the present
ber of Parliament, was asked the PM people wanted and Regional words like “fry- “football” team. Some differ- moment, when the false piety and godless wreckage of
by the BBC about Ms. Truss’s voted for with a stonking big ing pan” in Massachusetts ences may prove impossible Putinism threatens to consume much of the world.
future, his remarks were majority less than three years and “skillet” in colonial Vir- to bridge.
retweeted widely: “This ago.” Stonking means great or ginia were preserved and be- Ms. Bayles is a fellow at the Institute for Advanced
whole affair is inexcusable; it overwhelming, like an artil- came distinguishing features Mr. Miniter is CEO of Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia and the
is a pitiful reflection on the lery barrage. of the Yankee and Southern film and TV critic for the Claremont Review of Books.
The Legal Fight Over Student Loans Germany Leaves Its Natural Gas in the Ground
t ain’t over ’til it’s over, and that’s true in the case by excluding future consolidated FFEL Regarding Walter Russell Mead’s mal units, compared with a cost of $3
court as well as sports. The Biden Adminis- loans from cancellation. Judge Autrey indulged “Germans See Affluence Ahead” at home. I asked the leaders to imag-
(Global View, Oct. 18) and Joseph ine the positive effects of being able
tration was set to begin forgiving student the Administration’s gamesmanship. “The lack
Sternberg’s “Germany Finally Says the to power their economy from local
loans as soon as this weekend of the ongoing incentive to F-Word: ‘Fracking’” (Political Econom- resources and in that price range.
after a federal judge on Thurs- Biden wins in lower consolidate defeats the claims ics, Oct. 7): My firm’s geologists had Their faces showed stunned disbelief.
day dismissed a legal challenge court, but the states of Arkansas and Nebraska,” he researched European shale resources. As one of their Ph.D.s explained in
by several states. But the Eighth opined. We estimated that, with fracking, Eu- German: “A Halliburton truck fracking
Circuit Court of Appeals late have a strong case. Not so fast. The Supreme rope had about 700 trillion cubic feet on a German hill? Never, never!”
Friday issued a stay while it Court has frowned on govern- of recoverable natural gas, enough to Following the meeting, they bud-
considers the states’ appeal. ment defendants that cynically power the continent for 50 years. I geted the princely sum of 300,000 eu-
The half-a-trillion dollar question before the try to moot cases. That’s what the Biden Admin- was asked to present this information ros to study what I had presented,
Eighth Circuit is whether the states have demon- istration tried in West Virginia v. EPA when it to the energy-security-policy leader- but they decided to stick with the
strated a concrete and particular injury that claimed to be revising the Obama Clean Power ship (Energie Sicherheitsführung) of pipelines. The Germans can’t say they
the German parliament in April 2006. weren’t warned.
gives them standing to sue. Federal judge Henry Plan. Ergo, it argued, West Virginia and other
At the time Germany was already MARK AMMERMAN
Edward Autrey, a George W. Bush appointee, plaintiffs lacked standing. planning to expand its gas pipelines Houston
ruled they did not, but the states’ arguments de- The High Court rolled its eyes. “‘Voluntary to Russia. That natural gas cost Mr. Ammerman was global head of
serve more consideration than his 19-page opin- cessation does not moot a case’ unless it is ‘ab- around $17 per million British ther- energy at Scotiabank.
ion provides. solutely clear that the allegedly wrongful behav-
Missouri argues that the loan forgiveness will ior could not reasonably be expected to recur,’”
lose revenue for its student-loan servicer, Higher the Court wrote, citing a precedent, adding that
Education Loan Authority of the State of Mis- the Biden Administration “‘nowhere suggests
The Supreme Court Is Right to Stick to Law
souri (Mohela). State lawmakers established that if this litigation is resolved in its favor it Walter Smith, who has argued sev- nothing can fail. Without it, nothing
Mohela in 1981 to provide financial aid to Mis- will not’” reimpose similar regulation. eral cases before the Supreme Court, can succeed.”
writes, “The court’s majority has Public sentiment may be every-
souri students. State law deems Mohela “a public The same goes for President Biden’s loan for-
made clear that it doesn’t care about thing—but that is in politics, not in
instrumentality” that performs “an essential giveness. The Education Department’s Sept. 29 public opinion or many of the harm- interpreting the law. Courts must fol-
public function.” announcement even stressed that it “is assess- ful consequences of its decisions” low the law as written. If they don’t,
But Judge Autrey held that Missouri lacks ing whether there are alternative pathways to (Letters, Oct. 21). But that isn’t the and if instead they base their deci-
standing since “the legislature intended to cre- provide relief” to borrowers with FFEL loans. If court’s job. sions on public opinion, then there is
ate a self-sustaining and financially independent the state lawsuit is tossed, Mr. Biden might later The Supreme Court is charged with no rule of law. There would be only
agency.” If the Biden loan write-off costs Mohela, discharge consolidated FFEL loans again. upholding the current laws of the the ever-changing winds of partisan
the judge wrote, the state of Missouri wouldn’t The standard for injunctive relief requires United States. If those laws and their politics and opinions—and not neces-
be harmed. plaintiffs to show they are likely to suffer irrepa- consequences are unsavory to the sarily majority opinion either, but an
That’s debatable. Lawmakers often establish rable harm and succeed on the merits. Judge Au- American people, then they should elite minority’s.
public agencies that are nominally independent trey didn’t address either, but the GOP states elect representatives to pass new MARK GODBURN
laws. But if mommy won’t give you Norfolk, Conn.
but exercise sovereign government power and en- make a strong case for both. It’s irrefutable that
what you want, you don’t get to run
joy implicit taxpayer backing. Public pension funds Congress didn’t give the President authority to to daddy. The Supreme Court looks to the
and the U.S. Postal Service are examples. discharge hundreds of billions of dollars in stu- KEITH PALMER Constitution as the basis for its deci-
Federal courts also sometimes grant states le- dent debt. Schodack, N.Y. sions. Mr. Smith is thinking of “the
gal standing to vindicate their sovereign inter- i i i court of public opinion,” something
ests. See the state challenge to the Trump rescis- Mr. Biden on Friday took a victory lap, claim- Mr. Smith quotes Abraham Lincoln, else entirely.
sion of the Deferred Action for Childhood ing falsely that Judge Autrey and the Supreme who once said, “Public sentiment is HEIDI CURRIER
Arrivals program. Missouri plausibly argues that Court said “‘we’re on Biden’s side.’” He was al- everything. With public sentiment, Wildwood, Mo.
if Mohela loses revenue, its students will get less luding to Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s rejection
financial aid. The judge brushed aside this sover- on Thursday of an emergency request for injunc-
eign interest. tive relief by Wisconsin’s Brown County Taxpay-
Nebraska and Arkansas separately argued ers Association. Joseph Warren Was a Patriot to Remember
that they would be injured because their state Justice Barrett didn’t explain her reasoning, Mark Spencer’s review of Stacy port of Boston, Warren drafted the
agencies are invested in privately originated but general burdens on taxpayers aren’t consid- Schiff’s “The Revolutionary: Samuel Suffolk Resolves, a declaration of
Federal Family Education Loans (FFEL). The Ad- ered to be a particular or concrete injury. It’s Adams” (Fall Books, Oct. 8) provides rights and grievances unanimously
ministration made only Direct Loans eligible for ironic, to say the least, that Mr. Biden is claiming an insightful look at a historical char- adopted at the first Continental Con-
forgiveness. The states say this has encouraged that Republican-appointed judges are on his acter about whom, as Mr. Spencer gress and a precursor to the Declara-
FFEL borrowers to consolidate into Direct Loans side. Days earlier he denounced the High Court puts it, history has forgotten more tion of Independence.
and cost the state agencies income. as a conservative “advocacy group.” But he than it has remembered. While Sam- Warren, who had also established
But on Sept. 29, the same day the GOP states shouldn’t claim victory too soon because the uel Adams is remembered as the fa- an intricate spy network, sent Paul Re-
sued, the Administration brazenly tried to moot Eighth Circuit will still get a say. ther of the American Revolution and vere and William Dawes on their epic
lives on in the eponymous beer, I’d midnight rides, setting off the “shot
like to bring attention to his contem- heard around the world” in April 1775.
Warren was involved in nearly ev- musket ball grazed his head. Warren
ven as Xi Jinping was being crowned as Union and its East European satellites. ery major insurrectionary New Eng- later implored Congress to form a na-
China’s unchallenged dictator, the Vati- Cardinal Pietro Parolin, who as secretary of land event in the decade leading to tional army and appoint a “generalis-
can said Saturday it has renewed its state is the most powerful man in the Vatican independence. He delivered two fiery simo,” which led to George Washing-
agreement with the Chinese after Pope Francis, has ac- Boston Massacre orations and was in- ton’s nomination as commander in
Communist Party. This is the The Vatican renews its knowledged limited progress strumental in planning the Boston chief of the new Continental Army.
second renewal since the deal from the deal but last month Tea Party. After Parliament shut the On June 17, 1775, at age 34, Warren
was brokered in 2018, though
bad deal with Beijing on Italian TV said it is imper- was killed in action at the battle of
that ignores abuses. Bunker Hill. His death sent shock
there’s little progress on reli- ative to assume Beijing’s
gious freedom to show for it. “good faith.” The use of
Profanity Is a Young Man’s waves throughout the patriot ranks.
The men we now consider the found-
Its main contribution has “faith” in that sentence is ap- Game—at Least It Should Be ers lamented his premature death,
been to mute Vatican criticism of human-rights palling since China’s Communists repudiate all Regarding Fay Vincent’s op-ed and the nation still owes him an
abuses, from the genocide of the Muslim Uy- religious faith. China has also done nothing to “Less ‘Joe,’ More ‘Mr. President’” enormous debt of gratitude. Without
ghurs to the political prosecution of Cardinal merit this presumption. (Oct. 19): Profanity fascinates us his efforts, there may have been no
Joseph Zen in Hong Kong. In the history of the papacy, perhaps noth- when we are kids but becomes bur- American Revolution or Declaration
The deal gives Beijing a say in the appoint- ing was as thrilling—even for non-Catholics— densome as adults. of Independence, and maybe no
ment of Catholic bishops, but it’s telling that as the election in 1978 of a Polish pope from In the beginning, profanity is raw, United States of America.
its terms are secret. A handful of mostly pro- behind the Iron Curtain. “Be not afraid,” Pope toxic, slick and pungent, not to men- CHRISTIAN DI SPIGNA
Beijing bishops have been appointed. But the John Paul II would tell believers, and he set the tion a bit infectious. No one takes the Dr. Joseph Warren Foundation
words as literature. It is all about the Williamsburg, Va.
National Catholic Register reports that 36 of example by morally challenging regimes such
anger and frustration. As it ages,
China’s 98 dioceses lack a bishop. as the Soviet Union and using his papacy to however, it dries out, becomes ubiqui-
All this comes as China insists that priests bring the plight of the forgotten and perse- tous and loses potency, leaving us Political Correctness Hurts
and bishops serve the interests of the ruling cuted to the world’s attention. with an irritating nuisance to get rid
and atheistic Communist Party. Yet Pope Fran- The current Vatican’s motto is: be afraid. of. Regardless of what the pundits
Recruitment and Retention
cis, who is so critical of the U.S. and capitalism, Pope Francis has given the Chinese Communist say, we all know that in the end it is For many years, we wholeheartedly
is silent on China. This is a return to the Vati- Party a free pass on its inhumane behavior, simply the quick and easy way for the encouraged young people to join the
can’s failed Ostpolitik of the 1960s and 1970s, and in so doing he has compromised the moral overstressed mind to express ex- military. No longer. Your editorial
when Rome muted criticism of the Soviet authority of the Catholic church. tremes. We abandon all attempts to “The Pentagon’s Recruiting Woes”
carefully translate feelings into artic- (Review & Outlook, Oct. 15) mentions
ulate and comprehensible sentences, several cogent reasons for a lack of
Biden’s New Border Record although it does provide a certain
oral syntactic punch and the comfort
recruitment, but we’d emphasize one
in particular. The actions and words
of linguistic rhythm when regular. of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
resident Biden didn’t mention this at compared with 58,068 from Mexico and north- CHRISTOPHER DENTON Staff, down to unit-level propaganda,
his media event on Friday, but his Ad- ern Central America. Elmira, N.Y.have turned the military into a social-
ministration can take credit for a new This reflects the incentives sent by U.S. asylum justice experiment.
record: More than 2.7 million policy, which allows even eco- It’s quite rich for Mr. Vincent to In conversations with several Ma-
enforcement actions against The soaring illegal nomic migrants claiming asy- accuse President Biden of vulgarity rines, their disgust with the leftward
illegal crossers at the U.S.- lum to remain in the U.S. until unbecoming of his position, after political tilt was evident, contributing
Mexico border in fiscal 2022,
crossings are hurting their claims are heard by immi- what we have experienced for the to their low opinions of unit cohe-
which ended Sept. 30. the immigration cause. gration judges. That can take past six years with the vulgarian in siveness and combat readiness, as
chief. Just saying. well as their desire to exit the mili-
Customs and Border Pro- months or years. The message
MELISSA MILLS tary as soon as their commitments
tection released the news Fri- is that migrants from these Lincoln, Mass. terminate. Our military is drowning
day without fanfare, and no wonder. The agency countries have a decent chance of making it into in political correctness.
tallied 227,547 encounters along the border in the U.S., and staying when they do. COL. LINDA SIEGEL, USAF (RET.)
September, up 12% from August and 18.5% from The U.S. needs to tighten its rules on asylum Another Opportunistic New MAJ. JOE SIEGEL, USAF (RET.)
a year earlier. to send the message that not everyone in the Fox Island, Wash.
The September surge pushed enforcement Western hemisphere can come to the U.S., but
‘Convert’ to School Choice
actions for all of fiscal 2022 to 2.77 million, the Biden Administration and Democratic lead- Does Corey DeAngelis truly believe
more than a million more than the 1.72 million ers in Congress won’t act. Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s last-min- Pepper ...
in fiscal 2021, which was the previous annual By the way, these are the migrants you read ute, vote-seeking, soon-to-be-forgot-
ten reversal of his long-held, teachers
And Salt
record. The border state mayors and Governors about who are bused or flown from the border
union-appeasing, anti-school-choice THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
aren’t making it up when they say they are to cities across the country. Most of those
position? (“Another Democrat Flips
overwhelmed by the illegal crossers. flights and buses aren’t sent by GOP Governors. on School Choice,” op-ed, Oct. 20)
There wasn’t much media coverage of this They’re sent by the Biden Administration, Mr. Pritzker’s bait-and-switch is so
milestone on the weekend, but some of the de- which wants to ease the pressure on border re- blatant that it is impossible to take
tails are illuminating about the monumental gions. But that’s why mayors such as Eric Ad- seriously. Kudos, however, for placing
failure of U.S. immigration policy. About 19% of ams in New York are declaring emergencies as this op-ed below two articles that
migrants apprehended in September were re- they cope with the new arrivals. note how Democrats are now trying
peat offenders, meaning they had been encoun- All of this represents an American political to get voters to forget their positions
tered at least once in the previous 12 months. failure, of which there are many these days. It on a variety of subjects.
This reflects that the border is so porous that is also doing great harm to the cause of legal MARK D. FICHTEL
Greenwich, Conn.
migrants will keep coming even if they are ar- immigration. The perception of an essentially
rested once or more. They know they’ll get open border is building a political backlash in
Letters intended for publication should
through sooner or later. favor of more restrictionist immigration poli- be emailed to [email protected]. Please
A second theme is the rise of migrants from cies. The bitter truth, which the left won’t ad- include your city, state and telephone
the tyrannies in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. mit, is that Mr. Biden’s border failure has done number. All letters are subject to
In September, 77,302 individual migrants en- more damage to the immigration cause than editing, and unpublished letters cannot “The banana bread tastes funny
be acknowledged.
countered were from the three socialist failures Donald Trump’s policies ever did. because it’s leftover meatloaf.”
U.S. and its allies make up Even as the Ukraine crisis
he Biden administration’s about 65% of global gross do- has demonstrated the devastat-
National Security Strategy, mestic product. ing consequences of phasing
released last week, de- But the document also offers out natural gas, oil and nuclear
serves credit for correctly aspirational language about power when wind and solar
identifying China as the how the U.S. and China must can’t replace them, the strat-
U.S.’s most “consequential geopoliti- “coexist peacefully and share in egy seems blind to reality. It
cal challenge.” But by calling climate and contribute to human prog- insists on a “transition away
the “existential” threat to the U.S. ress together.” The problem is, from fossil fuels,” not acknowl-
and encouraging cooperation with the two countries view human edging that natural gas itself is
Beijing on the issue, the strategy progress and the political and a transition fuel and that the
document creates a dangerous con- economic underpinnings of U.S. has the capability to pro-
tradiction. The focus on climate will that progress differently. duce and export more of it.
make it harder to meet the threat For the U.S., progress is The Biden strategy will cre-
from China and diminish the chances rooted in individual liberty, ate dependencies on China
that the U.S. will succeed in sustain- democratic governance and the analogous to the coercive
ably reducing carbon emissions. rule of law. It is hard to recon- power that Russia recently held
cile how this squares with over Germany’s energy supply.
China’s intent, which even the And this applies to global de-
It acknowledges the threat Biden document describes as a velopment too, since it stresses
desire to “reshape the interna- zero-carbon climate policies
from China, then makes tional order” to advance its au- that harm poor countries. As
wholly unrealistic pledges thoritarian objectives. Senegal’s energy minister re-
The document wants to por- marked last year, imposing re-
of cooperation. tray the U.S. as reasonable but strictions on lending for oil and
in the process it fails to describe gas development is like “re-
the world as it is. A rosy perspective China continues to support Russia’s determination to separate key parts moving the ladder and asking us to
China has benefited from the is baked into the language, along with war in Ukraine, which is leading to a of its economy from ours while fos- jump or fly.”
openness of the international econ- hopes that the U.S. can work with global food crisis. tering dependencies that give Beijing At the just-concluded Chinese
omy even as Beijing “frequently uses China on nearly everything: “climate, Despite these realities, the docu- coercive power. Unless these impera- Communist Party Congress, Xi Jin-
its economic power to coerce coun- pandemic threats, nonproliferation, ment pleads that no country “should tives are called out directly, it will ping has shown determination to
tries” while limiting access to its own countering illicit and illegal narcotics, withhold progress on existential be hard—if not impossible—to build drive what he sees as an “irrevers-
markets, the strategy points out. The the global food crisis, and macroeco- transnational issues like the climate the domestic political coalitions to ible historical process” in which
document reaffirms the link between nomic issues.” Contrast these lofty crisis because of bilateral differ- take tough decisions. China becomes the “new choice” for
economic strength and national secu- ambitions with China’s construction ences.” American interests thus get The strategy is right that the next humanity. Now isn’t the time to be
rity, recognizing that the U.S. needs of coal plants, refusal to allow investi- reduced to tactical inconveniences. 10 years will be decisive, noting that ambivalent in that competition.
to produce goods, tie trade policies gations into the origin of Covid, aid- Competition with China over we are at an “inflection point” when
to the well-being of the American ing and abetting of North Korea’s nu- technology appears in the Biden doc- the choices made will set America on Ms. Schadlow is a fellow at the
people, and retain its competitive clear program, and inaction on ument only as an afterthought. The a course that “determines our com- Hudson Institute and Hoover Institu-
edge across key technologies. It also transnational criminal organizations strategy fails to call for selective dis- petitive position long into the fu- tion. She served as deputy national
affirms that a successful U.S. ap- that traffic fentanyl into the U.S. entanglement or decoupling from ture.” Precisely because “our window security adviser for strategy,
proach to China will require the help Through major energy purchases China, even as it alludes to China’s of opportunity may be closing,” we 2017-18.
NAEP long-term trend assessment man necessity, as every student has One way to help parents is elimi- ing, fluency, vocabulary and compre-
hile much of the U.S. has re- was released. That report found God-given potential and deserves a nating the barriers students face in hension. This may require changing
turned to normal after the that between 2020 and 2022 aver- great education. accessing a better education. This teacher-prep programs in colleges of
pandemic, the long-term ac- age reading scores for 9-year-olds The solutions are simple. There year, Arizona became a national education as well as installing liter-
ademic harm to students endures. declined 5 points, nearly half a are math and reading policies every model by creating a universal edu- acy coaches in every elementary and
This school year is the first time grade level, and math scores state should immediately enact and cation savings account program middle school.
many public-school students re- dropped 7 points, more than half a there are ways parents can contrib- Literacy practices and curricula
turned to in-person learning without grade level. This is the greatest av- ute. Start with a call to all parents, that fail to teach students how to
mask requirements or learning dis- erage score decline in reading since guardians and families—those who Lockdowns exacerbated decode words should be banned.
ruptions. That’s nearly 2½ years 1990, and the first ever score de- know their children best. You were Teaching models that include the “3-
since the beginning of the pandemic. cline in mathematics. called on to step up when Covid kept the problem and shouldn’t cueing” approach, which asks stu-
For younger children, that’s 25% or The U.S. has a choice: Give up on kids at home. Now you are needed become an excuse for dents to look at pictures and guess
more of their lives so far. a generation or confront this chal- again to help close those learning instead of sounding out words,
Since March 2020 we’ve seen the lenge head-on. Some adults find it gaps. Any trusted adult in a child’s refusing to address it. should be scrapped. It’s a failed ap-
largest learning loss in modern his- easier to give up. They won’t say it life—parent, grandparent, uncle, proach. Every state should require
tory. This catastrophe wasn’t inevi- out loud; they’ll simply lower expec- aunt, whoever—should lean into this that students be screened in reading
table. But what began as school clos- tations. Or they’ll explain away the moment. Help students recover lost with flexible, portable and customi- three times a year in grades K-3 and
ings in response to Covid morphed drop in scores, blaming the pan- learning by reading for 20 minutes a zable funding. That kind of legisla- offer assistance to those struggling
into an intentional effort by teachers demic when scores had already be- day. That can be a parent reading to tion is transformative for student to learn to read. These critical years
unions to block the schoolhouse gun to decline before Covid hit. a child, a child reading to a parent learning. are too often ignored until it’s too
door. On Monday the 2022 National Rather than raise the bar, they’ll or children reading to themselves. In Early literacy is the foundation late to catch up.
Assessment of Educational Progress dodge accountability, allowing to- addition, research has found that 30 for long-term reading success. To The same is true for math in-
scores will be released, and they are day’s low math and reading scores minutes a week of extra math work ensure every child can read by the struction. States should ensure that
likely to be appalling. to become tomorrow’s ceiling. That can help students who are strug- third grade and be ready to succeed students have access to trained, ef-
This congressionally authorized is unacceptable. gling or behind. If you aren’t up to in life, policy makers must ensure fective math teachers. That may
50-state analysis, officially styled We can move forward rather than writing math equations for your that all educators are trained in pho- mean not all elementary teachers
the Nation’s Report Card, will show back. Doing so is a priority if the kids, seek out free, high-quality on- nics and the science of reading—an should teach math, only those who
exactly how much U.S. students U.S. is to be a competitive nation in line math tools. evidence-based approach to teach specialize in it. Students graduating
from high school should have mas-
tered at least Algebra I. Curriculum
A18 | Monday, October 24, 2022 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
change for the detained Amer- against humanity to crush po- called the men “thieving trai- employees were transferred to
icans, the U.S. returned two litical dissent, detailing how, tors.” the Helicoide, a 1950s-era Ca-
nephews of Mr. Maduro’s wife the U.N. panel said, Mr. Ma- The men were convicted racas shopping mall now used
who were convicted in the U.S. duro and his top aides have by a Venezuelan judge in 2021 as a detention center.
of drug trafficking. been personally involved in or- of embezzlement and money After returning home to
“I don’t know how I’m dering the arrests and torture The release of the Ameri- it didn’t matter to him how laundering tied to a proposed Texas, Mr. Pereira said, he at-
alive,” Mr. Pereira, 60 years of their adversaries. cans has stoked debate among the U.S. secured his freedom. $4 billion financing deal that tended church with his wife.
old, said from his home in Mr. Pereira said he wasn’t U.S. officials and lawmakers Mr. Pereira said his daughter was never executed. Mr. He devoured a big burger and
Houston, where he was re- beaten. But he said he did face over how the country should had to receive treatment for Pereira, who was the president a heap of onion rings at the
united with his wife and chil- psychological hardship, includ- engage with countries arbi- depression and the family of Citgo, was sentenced to more Hard Rock Cafe.
dren. “I never thought it could ing having the lights of his cell trarily holding U.S. citizens. faced financial hardship. than 13 years in prison. He lost Now, he is getting to know
happen to me. It was like liv- kept on 24 hours a day. At the Among the most prominent “The suffering of our family his job during the ordeal. his 3-year-old grandson. He is
ing in your own movie.” beginning of his detention, he Americans held in foreign de- was so bad, I didn’t care what They were detained before also looking to organize a va-
U.S. officials said several recalled being allowed to go tention is women’s basketball was the tool to release us,” he the U.S. imposed widespread cation that he and his wife had
other Americans remain de- outside only once every three star Brittney Griner, who has said. sanctions on Venezuela. After hoped to take for his 60th
tained in Venezuela, including months. been jailed in Russia since just Mr. Pereira’s nightmare be- the sanctions, the U.S. trans- birthday, which was in August
two former Green Berets ac- Venezuela’s government before its invasion of Ukraine. gan when he got a call sum- ferred the management of when he was jailed.
cused of participating in a raid didn’t respond to requests to Mr. Pereira said his jailing moning him to Caracas on Citgo, which refines oil for do- “Now I’m trying to recover
to topple the Maduro regime comment. was so hard on his family that Thanksgiving Day in 2017. He mestic use in the U.S., to Ven- the time lost,” Mr. Pereira said.
ITALY In response, Ms. Meloni said ad- rise in frequency.
herence to a pro-Western for- A North Korean merchant ves-
Meloni Is Sworn In eign policy was a requirement sel crossed the Northern Limit Google Career Certificates I finally feel unstuck.
As Prime Minister for belonging to her government. Line, the disputed western sea help people like AnnaMaria
The Google Career
Ms. Meloni, whose party won border, at around 3:42 a.m. local upskill their careers in fast-
Giorgia Meloni was sworn in the biggest share of the vote in time, Seoul’s military said. In re- growing fields like project Certificate was the
as Italy’s prime minister on Sat- last month’s parliamentary elec- sponse, South Korean officials management, UX design, and
urday, assuming power at the tions, succeeds Mario Draghi as said its military broadcast warn- answer I’ve been
more. 75% of graduates report
helm of a right-wing coalition Italy’s head of government and ings and fired warning shots in looking for these last
an improvement in their
beset by internal squabbles over becomes the country’s first fe- the Yellow Sea, as part of “nor-
Rome’s position toward Moscow. male prime minister. mal procedures.” career within six months of three years.
Ms. Meloni has said her gov- —Margherita Stancati Then around 5:14 a.m., North certificate completion.
ernment would be steadfast in Korea said its military fired 10 ar-
its support for Ukraine and in its THE KOREAS tillery shells after a South Korean
—AnnaMaria Sebastino
Learn more at Florence, South Carolina
opposition to Russia’s war on naval ship violated the maritime
the country. Warning Shots Fired border and fired warning shots to
But cracks in her right-wing In Sea Border Dispute track down an “unidentified ship,”
alliance began to appear even according to a Monday state-me-
before her government was North and South Korea fired dia report. That is an apparent
sworn in, when former Premier warning shots in waters off their reference to the merchant vessel.
Silvio Berlusconi, a junior coali- west coast early Monday, blaming The two Koreas accused each
tion member, was recorded de- each other for breaching their de other of creating hostility near
fending Russian President Vladi- facto maritime border as confron- the maritime border.
mir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. tations between the countries —Dasl Yoon
Last Week: S&P 3752.75 À 4.74% S&P FIN À 3.93% S&P IT À 6.49%
U.S. Clout U.S. firms lead in producing the most advanced chip designs and chip-making tools.
U.S. China
Adani Group................B2
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Formula One ............... B4
Warner Bros. Film ‘Black Adam’
Revives the Weekend Box Office
Addentax Group..........B1 Nasdaq ........................ B1
Alibaba Group.............A8 G Newmont.....................B9
Ally Financial..............B9 Nordstrom...................B9
General Motors...........B3
Alphabet................A2,B3,B3 H P-W
AMTD Digital..............B1 Hertz Global Holdings B3 Procter & Gamble.......B1 BY ROBBIE WHELAN
Apollo Global .............. B2 Hilton Worldwide ....... B3 R
Apple...........................B3 “Black Adam,” the latest su-
J Red Bull.......................B3
Applied Materials.......B4 perhero movie from Warner
JetBlue Airways ......... B3 S Bros. Discovery Inc.’s DC Films
AT&T............................B1 K SoftBank Group..........B1 studio, opened up to $67 mil-
B Kimberly-Clark............B3 Southwest Airlines .... B3 lion in domestic ticket sales,
Baker Hughes ............. B9 Kraft Heinz ................. B3 T-W the studio said, leading the
Boeing ......................... B3 L T.C. Pharmaceuticals..B3 North American total box office
Bumble......................B10 Lam Research ............. B4 Tesla ...................... A1,A8 take to its first over-$100 mil-
C Lead Real Estate........B2 Tiga Acquisition........B10 lion weekend since July.
Chevron ....................... B3 LG Energy Solution .. B10 T-Mobile US................B3 The movie also represents
China Molybdenum...B10 Lichen China................B2 UPS..............................B3 the best opening weekend
McClory, head of China at
Boustead Securities, an invest-
ment bank. “But it’s the kind of
able to keep paying, despite
signs of trouble in the broader
economy. Mr. Ellis said the
fridges and dishwashers. In-
stead, it slashed production by
35% to shrink inventories. The
Frozen are a prerequisite before com-
panies can launch their IPOs.
Since Nasdaq heightened its
information that we don’t have
before trading.”
More than 30 companies
company “won’t be shy” about company cut its profit forecast scrutiny on small-cap IPOs in 800 from Asia—most of which are
raising prices for certain ser- for 2022 by about half, warning Continued from page B1 late September, only a handful from China—have filed for U.S.
vices if it makes sense over the that high costs were likely to companies listed in the U.S., of such deals—all from U.S. 600 IPOs that would raise less than
coming months. persist into next year as appli- has fallen 42% this year. Ten- companies—have launched on $40 million each, accounting
“I look at my payment data, ance demand remains muted. sions between China and the the exchange. The exchange’s for more than half of the
and the payment patterns are Fastenal Co., a distributor of U.S. over the past few years rulebook stipulates that it has 200
small-cap companies in the
better than they were pre- industrial supplies such as nuts have also made things increas- broad discretionary authority pipeline, according to data
Covid,” Mr. Ellis said. “Our base and bolts, has been raising ingly tougher for IPO hopefuls. over Nasdaq-listed securities 0 compiled by Renaissance Capi-
has never looked as strong prices to offset rapidly rising The Securities and Exchange to maintain confidence in its tal, a provider of pre-IPO re-
Aug. 2022 Sept. Oct.
from a credit standpoint.” costs, but the recent quarter Commission turned bearish on market, prevent fraudulent search.
The top U.S. cellphone carri- showed signs of stability in variable interest entities last acts and protect investors’ in- Source: FactSet Matthew Kennedy, senior
ers have avoided raising the costs along with some resis- year, a method Chinese compa- terests. strategist at Renaissance Capi-
price of their most expensive tance from customers. “At this nies have used to sell shares Lichen China and Lead Real demand from individual inves- tal, said he noticed in recent
plans, which can cost as much stage of the cycle, the market- on U.S. exchanges. The two Estate didn’t respond to re- tors. IPO filings that a prospective
as $90 a line, choosing to tar- place is less receptive to fur- countries have also been in a quests for comment. There are two main phases Chinese issuer was being re-
get older plans. And many con- ther price increases,” said Fas- long-running dispute about au- Mitchell Nussbaum, vice to the information disclosure. viewed for a second time by
sumers agree to enroll in pre- tenal finance chief Holden dits. Although they recently chairman of Loeb & Loeb LLP, After a deal is priced, but be- the Nasdaq. “We have not seen
mium monthly plans in Lewis on an Oct. 13 call. moved closer to a resolution said his clients have been frus- fore it starts trading, invest- that before,” he said.
exchange for valuable discounts —Bob Tita contributed to this on audit rules, five state- trated by the lack of progress ment banks must provide a full Andrew Tucker, a partner at
on new smartphones. article. owned companies have already on their IPOs in recent weeks, list of syndicate firms being al- Nelson Mullins Riley & Scar-
AT&T has sought to regain decided to delist from U.S. ex- and some have pulled out of located shares during the IPO. borough LLP, said Nasdaq has
market share over the past two changes. deals because of the uncer- But once the deal starts trad- asked a variety of questions re-
years by giving new and exist- Nasdaq hasn’t announced tainty over when they would ing, Nasdaq also wants the list garding share allocations and
ing customers deep equipment Watch a Video any official changes to its list- get approved. of investors that received lockup agreements in recent
discounts contingent on cus- Scan this code ing rules. But more than a The bourse is also asking shares directly from both lead weeks. The aim is to ensure
tomers sticking with the ser- for a video on dozen small-cap IPO applica- underwriters to reveal the underwriters and syndicate the public float isn’t controlled
vice for two or three years. The why supply and tions—including those of fi- names and account details of firms, although it will accept by a handful of related parties
company has said its strategy is demand aren’t nance and tax adviser Lichen the end investors in listings. that information after the and prevent potential price
balancing out. China Ltd. and Japanese prop- Small-cap IPOs often get heavy shares start trading. manipulation, he said.
Junk-Bond U.S. dollar bond issuance
by noninvestment-grade
companies in Asia*
Average yield of
single-B-rated corporate
dollar bonds† 16
Back Off
ICE BofA Asian Dollar High
Yield Corporate Index
90 12
ICE BofA US High Yield Index
Monitor the
could be selling debt in their 30 4
domestic markets, said Shaw
Yann Ho, head of J.P. Morgan 15 2
Asset Management’s Asian
fixed-income team. She said
companies also are considering 0 0
bank loans and private credit 2017 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21 ’22 2021 ’22
deals as another avenue for *Excluding Japan; 2022 data is through Oct. 21. †Asia excludes Chinese property developers; Data is through Oct. 13. Build a custom watchlist to track
dollar funding. Sources: Dealogic (issuance); ICE Data Services (yield)
Local-currency corporate companies and indexes you care about.
bond volumes are rising in dia’s Vedanta Ltd., a natural-re- the following month. Such pri- cific business.
most countries in Asia, accord- sources company that has pre- vate deals often require compa- There are still glimmers of
ing to data from the Asian De- viously sold high-yield bonds, nies to post collateral that can hope that Asia’s high-yield dol-
velopment Bank. The total vol- raised around $972 million secure the debt. lar bond market could absorb
ume of outstanding domestic from a rupee-denominated loan India’s Adani Group, which more sales. Bankers are still
bonds in China was 13% higher earlier this year and struck a took over the Mumbai airport working to bring sub-invest-
in the second quarter than it deal with a government-run in- in 2021, needed to raise money ment-grade companies to the
was a year ago, while the local surer for the equivalent of this year to pay off a bridge market, and some investors say
bond market grew 8% in Singa- $500 million. Vedanta Re- loan from banks that originally they are willing to invest in the
pore, 9.5% in Thailand and 4% sources Ltd., its parent com- helped to fund the deal. The right deal—as long as they get
in Indonesia. pany, has tapped Indian public- airport operator scrapped a rewarded.
Most central banks in the re- sector banks for financing. planned sale of public high- “I wouldn’t say it’s full risk-
gion have increased interest Other companies are raising yield bonds and ended up sell- off mode,” said Andy Suen,
rates this year but at a slower money directly from nonbank ing $750 million in secured head of Asia ex-Japan credit re-
pace than the Federal Reserve. investment firms. Continuum notes that pay 6.6% annually to search at PineBridge Invest-
“The price advantage of the Green Energy Ltd., an Indian funds managed by Apollo ments. “We do find some high-
U.S. dollar market has faded,” wind- and solar-power genera- Global Management Inc. quality high-yield companies in
said Shu Tian, a senior ADB tor, raised $350 million from a “Many funds are looking for certain sectors. It’s a question
economist. placement to two large institu- private credit deals right now,” of pricing.”
Companies also are turning tional investors in July, before said Matt Michelini, an Apollo —Serena Ng © 2022 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. 3DJ8694
to local banks for funding. In- adding a further $50 million partner and head of its Asia-Pa- contributed to this article.
Entrepreneur Who
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online sales in India annually, Other companies also are further barred “U.S. per-
combining for about 60% of emerging in India’s developing sons”—U.S. citizens, perma-
India’s total, according to a re- Meesho aims to be online leader in simpler goods. Founders Vidit Aatrey, left, and Sanjeev Barnwal. e-commerce sector. They in- nent residents, people who
port from U.S. investment firm clude ultrafast delivery start- live in the U.S., and American
AllianceBernstein. Meesho is $133 billion in 2025 from $72 fashion retailer owned by to friends via WhatsApp and ups, such as Dunzo and Zepto; companies—from supporting
responsible for about $5 bil- billion this year, propelled by Spain’s Inditex that she has Facebook, making between 61 local giants Reliance Indus- China’s advanced chip devel-
lion, or 7% of India’s total consumers in smaller towns heard about but can’t afford. cents and $1.22 per transac- tries and Tata Group, both of opment or production with-
sales. and villages, according to Alli- Customers open Meesho— tion. which are moving into e-com- out a license.
The American firms entered anceBernstein. its name is a combination of Meesho generates revenue merce and the Indian govern- With American talent
India eager to capitalize on Eighteen-year-old college the Hindi word for “my” and largely through advertising, ment, which last month began scattered across the supply
the hundreds of millions of student Mansi Khajuria lives the English word “shop”—and with sellers paying to display a limited launch of its own e- chain, this gives the U.S. gov-
consumers getting online for in a village of several thou- browse a TikTok-like feed. It their items more prominently commerce aggregator. ernment further leverage to
the first time in the South sand people called Barooki, in shows mostly unbranded items in the app, similar to one of The aggregator, which in- close off other remaining ave-
Asian country, although the India’s northern state of Uttar such as saris, sunglasses and the ways China’s Alibaba corporates listings from Ama- nues for China to obtain chip-
growth of online shopping as a Pradesh. She has shopped a shampoo, many costing less Group Holding Ltd. makes zon, Meesho and others, al- making resources.
proportion of total retail has few times on Amazon but has than on Amazon or Flipkart. money from its popular Tao- lows consumers to search A Wall Street Journal re-
been slower than in other big never tried Flipkart. Users can order products bao shopping service. across platforms, compare view of 16 Chinese chip com-
markets. E-commerce still ac- She prefers Meesho’s wider and pay for them with cash Last month, Meesho’s app prices and make purchases. panies’ filings found that
counts for just 5% of retail selection of goods, frequently when they arrive at their was opened more than 1.4 bil- The government says it is de- nearly four dozen of their se-
sales, well below the 14% buying items such as tops for doorsteps. Shipping is free, lion times by its users in India, signed to democratize online nior executives are American
global average, according to as little as 99 rupees, or $1.20, and there is no minimum or- compared with about 875 mil- shopping and empower citizens who now may be
AllianceBernstein. and shoes for $1.46. der size. Sellers set their own lion for Flipkart’s app and 570 smaller players. forced to give up their citi-
India’s e-commerce market “Meesho is my Zara,” Ms. profit margins. Ms. Khajuria, million for Amazon’s, accord- —Vibhuti Agarwal zenship or exit their compa-
is forecast to nearly double to Khajuria said, referring to the for example, often sells items ing to Apptopia. contributed to this article. nies.
Listed are the 300 largest closed-end funds as 52 wk 52 wk 52 wk Prem12 Mo Prem12 Mo
measured by assets. Closed-end funds sell a limited Prem Ttl Prem Ttl Prem Ttl Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld
number of shares and invest the proceeds in securities. Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret
Unlike open-end funds, closed-ends generally do not NuvFloatRateIncFd JFR 9.00 8.12 -9.8 8.8 Nuveen AMT-Fr Mu CI NVG 12.27 11.15 -9.1 6.7
buy their shares back from investors who wish to cash Royce Micro-Cap Tr RMT 9.35 8.40 -10.2 -19.2 ChnStrInfr UTF 21.89 21.68 -1.0 -17.4 Neuberger Nxt Gen Conn NBXG 11.42 9.13 -20.1 -45.9 NuvFloatRteIncOppty JRO 8.92 7.96 -10.8 8.8 Nuveen Dyn Muni Opp NDMO 10.42 9.59 -8.0 8.9
in their holdings. Instead, fund shares trade on a stock Royce Value Trust RVT 14.14 13.29 -6.0 -21.8 Cohen&SteersQualInc RQI 11.69 11.13 -4.8 -27.4 NubrgrRlEstSec NRO 3.22 3.18 -1.2 -30.5
exchange. NA signifies that the information is not
Nuveen Senior Income NSL 5.28 4.56 -13.6 9.0 Nuveen Int Dur Mun Term NID 12.67 12.35 -2.5 4.5
available or not applicable. NS signifies funds not in Source Capital SOR 38.69 35.67 -7.8 -12.5 CohenStrs Real Est and I RLTY 14.52 12.58 -13.4 NS NuvDow30DynOverwrite DIAX 15.48 14.38 -7.1 -11.9 High Yield Bond Funds Nuveen Mu Crdt Opps NMCO 11.09 10.42 -6.0 6.9
existence for the entire period. 12 month yield is Sprott Focus Trust FUND 7.97 7.44 -6.7 -5.8 Cohen&Steers TotRet RFI 11.30 11.77 +4.2 -26.0 NuvCorEqAlpha JCE 12.12 12.44 +2.6 -12.8 AllianceBernGlHiIncm AWF 10.10 9.10 -9.9 8.8 Nuv Muni Credit Income NZF 12.29 11.02 -10.3 6.5
computed by dividing income dividends paid (during SRH Total Return STEW 14.09 11.60 -17.7 -11.6 CohenStrsREITPrefInc RNP 20.03 19.95 -0.4 -21.3 NuveenNasdaq100DynOv QQQX 20.63 21.71 +5.2 -19.9 Allspring Income Oppty EAD 6.91 6.14 -11.1 11.5 NuvMuniHiIncOpp NMZ 10.05 10.02 -0.3 7.4
the previous 12 months for periods ending at month-
end or during the previous 52 weeks for periods Tri-Continental TY 29.29 26.35 -10.0 -11.9 Columbia Sel Prm Tech Gr STK 23.39 24.76 +5.9 -21.6 Nuv Real Est JRS 7.86 7.33 -6.7 -31.1 Barings Glb SD HY Bd BGH 14.01 12.27 -12.4 10.3 Nuveen Muni Val NUV 8.79 8.34 -5.1 3.9
ending at any time other than month-end) by the Specialized Equity Funds DNP Select Income DNP 8.23 10.47 +27.3 3.9 Nuveen Rl Asst Inc & Gro JRI 12.65 10.82 -14.5 -26.4 BR Corporate HY HYT 9.08 8.36 -7.9 10.9 Nuveen Quality Muni Inc NAD 11.93 10.85 -9.1 6.3
latest month-end market price adjusted for capital abrdn Glb Prem Prop AWP 4.01 3.65 -9.0 -38.7 Duff&Ph Uti&Infra Inc Fd DPG 11.39 12.70 +11.5 -1.1 NuvS&P500DynOvFd SPXX 14.81 16.14 +9.0 -3.5 BlackRock Ltd Dur Inc BLW 13.17 12.28 -6.8 9.7 Nuveen Sel TF NXP 13.74 13.08 -4.8 4.1
gains distributions. Depending on the fund category,
either 12-month yield or total return is listed.
Adams Natural Resources PEO 26.75 22.67 -15.3 40.0 EtnVncEqtyInc EOI 15.02 15.71 +4.6 -11.5 NuvSP500BuyIncFd BXMX 12.38 12.53 +1.2 -9.2 Brookfield Real Asst Inc RA 15.37 17.25 +12.2 13.1 PIMCO MuniInc PMF 8.88 10.25 +15.4 6.6
Source: Lipper ASA Gold & Prec Met Ltd ASA 14.80 12.79 -13.6 -39.8 EtnVncEqtyIncoII EOS 16.04 16.42 +2.4 -26.0 ReavesUtilityIncome UTG 26.03 25.81 -0.8 -17.9 CrSuisHighYld DHY 1.96 1.72 -12.2 10.5 PIMCOMuniIncII PML 8.19 9.20 +12.3 7.4
Friday, October 21, 2022 BR Enh C&I CII 17.72 17.04 -3.8 -15.2 EVRskMnDvsEqInc ETJ 8.05 8.21 +2.0 -21.0 Tortoise Enrgy Infra Crp TYG NA 32.02 NA 14.9 DELAWAREIVYHIGHINCOPP IVH 11.30 10.12 -10.4 8.0 Pimco Muni III PMX 7.50 7.87 +4.9 7.1
BlackRock Energy & Res BGR 13.55 12.49 -7.8 28.4 ETnVncTxMgdBuyWrtInc ETB 12.92 14.16 +9.6 -6.0 Tortoise Midstream Enrgy NTG NA 36.26 NA 19.3 DoubleLine Inc Sol DSL 11.57 10.70 -7.5 16.0 PioneerHilncAdv MAV 8.33 7.61 -8.6 6.4
52 wk
Prem Ttl BlackRock Eq Enh Div BDJ 8.65 8.51 -1.6 -9.6 EtnVncTxMgdBuyWrtOpp ETV 12.12 13.55 +11.8 -9.7 VDivInt&PremStr NFJ 12.58 10.99 -12.6 -23.9 DoubleLine Yld Opps DLY 14.82 13.01 -12.2 10.3 PionrMuniHiIncOppty MIO 11.30 9.75 -13.7 6.4
Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret BlackRock Enh Glbl Div BOE 10.09 9.00 -10.8 -20.2 EvTxMnDvsEqInc ETY 11.16 11.49 +3.0 -13.8 V Art Int&Tech Opps AIO 18.60 15.77 -15.2 -28.4 First Tr Hi Inc Lng/Shrt FSD 12.32 10.76 -12.7 11.6 PioneerMunHiIcm MHI 8.95 8.17 -8.7 5.8
BlackRock Enh Intl Div BGY 5.10 4.50 -11.8 -22.5 EtnVncTxMgdGlbB ETW 8.11 8.53 +5.2 -15.7 Income & Preferred Stock Funds First Trust HY Opp:2027 FTHY 15.57 13.57 -12.8 12.5 Putnam Mgd Inc PMM 5.97 5.82 -2.5 6.2
General Equity Funds BlackRock ESG Cap Alloc ECAT 15.94 13.38 -16.1 -28.0 EVTxMnGblDvEqInc EXG 7.64 7.47 -2.2 -21.6 CalamosStratTot CSQ 13.08 12.98 -0.8 -24.6 Putnam Muni Opp PMO 10.21 10.12 -0.9 6.5
Adams Diversified Eq Inc ADX 17.94 15.18 -15.4 -15.7
Franklin Univ FT 7.24 6.25 -13.7 8.0
BlackRock Hlth Sci Tr II BMEZ 17.60 14.80 -15.9 -39.6 Ecofin S&S Impact Term TEAF NA 12.68 NA -5.8 CohenStrsLtdDurPref&Inc LDP 19.97 18.11 -9.3 -27.8 KKR Income Opportunities KIO NA 10.84 NA 11.0 RiverNorth Flx Mu Inc II RFMZ 14.76 13.22 -10.4 8.5
Central Secs CET 41.87 35.27 -15.8 -12.3 BlackRock Hlth Sciences BME 40.17 39.68 -1.2 -11.7 First Trust Energy Inc G FEN 14.64 14.64 0.0 7.6 CohenStrsSelPref&Income PSF 19.81 17.71 -10.6 -30.8 RiverNorth Mgd Dur Mun I RMM 15.34 13.76 -10.3 7.6
Nuveen Global High Inc JGH 12.09 11.06 -8.5 12.8
CohenStrsCEOppFd FOF 10.27 10.08 -1.9 -23.3 BlackRock Innov and Grow BIGZ 8.62 7.00 -18.8 -56.0 First Tr Enhanced Eq FFA 16.20 15.11 -6.7 -22.8 CohenStrsTaxAvPreSecs&I PTA 19.65 16.93 -13.8 -26.3 Western Asset Mgd Muni MMU NA 9.58 NA 4.8
PGIM Global High Yield GHY 11.91 10.22 -14.2 11.9
EVTxAdvDivIncm EVT 22.58 22.32 -1.2 -17.5 BlackRock Res & Comm BCX 10.25 9.09 -11.3 0.6 FirstTrEnergyInfra FIF 16.15 13.87 -14.1 4.8 Dividend and Income DNI 15.60 10.54 -32.4 -23.2 PGIM High Yield Bond ISD 13.26 11.63 -12.3 10.9 Single State Muni Bond
GabelliDiv&IncTr GDV 22.62 19.43 -14.1 -24.3 BlackRock Sci&Tech T II BSTZ 20.44 17.01 -16.8 -52.1 FirstTrMLPEner&Inc FEI 8.73 7.57 -13.3 3.4 FirstTrIntDurPref&Inc FPF 18.07 15.69 -13.2 -33.7 PGIM Sh Dur Hi Yld Opp SDHY 16.54 14.34 -13.3 9.0 BlackRock CA Mun BFZ 12.13 10.23 -15.7 5.0
Gabelli Equity Tr GAB 4.77 5.11 +7.1 -17.8 BlackRock Sci&Tech Trust BST 30.43 29.65 -2.6 -38.4 Gabelli Healthcare GRX 11.20 9.71 -13.3 -21.9 JHanPrefInc HPI 15.38 15.21 -1.1 -24.4 PioneerHilncm PHT 7.31 6.32 -13.5 11.9 BR MH CA Qly Fd Inc MUC 11.89 10.27 -13.6 6.1
GeneralAmer GAM 42.44 35.41 -16.6 -14.8 BlackRock Utl Inf & Pwr BUI 19.89 19.24 -3.3 -19.4 Gab Utility GUT 3.36 6.77 101.5 -3.5 JHPrefIncII HPF 15.25 15.09 -1.0 -25.3 WstAstHIF II HIX NA 4.39 NA 13.4 BR MH NJ Qly MUJ 12.21 10.99 -10.0 6.4
JHancockTaxAdvDiv HTD 21.47 20.74 -3.4 -9.0 CLEARBRIDGEENGYMDSOPP EMO NA 28.30 NA 22.1 GAMCOGlGold&NatRes GGN 3.48 3.39 -2.6 -5.6 HnckJPfdInco III HPS 13.65 13.93 +2.1 -22.8 Western Asset Hi Inc Opp HIO NA 3.66 NA 9.7 BR MH NY Qly MHN 11.17 9.56 -14.4 6.2
Liberty All-Star Equity USA 5.77 5.82 +0.9 -24.1 CLEARBRIDGEMLP&MDSTMTR CTR NA 29.36 NA 15.0 J Han Finl Opptys BTO NA 31.81 NA -23.4 J Han Prm PDT 12.01 13.24 +10.2 -15.8 Western Asset Hi Yld D O HYI NA 11.50 NA 10.1 BR MuniYld MI Qly MIY 12.16 11.69 -3.9 5.4
Liberty All-Star Growth ASG 5.14 5.01 -2.5 -38.9 ClearBridge MLP & Midstm CEM NA 33.46 NA 15.1 Neuberger Brmn MLP & EI NML 8.12 6.63 -18.3 26.6 LMP CapInco SCD NA 11.57 NA -14.8 Other Domestic Taxable Bond Funds BR MuniYld NY Qly MYN 10.81 9.17 -15.2 6.0
Nuveen Multi-Asset Inc NMAI 12.57 10.79 -14.2 NS Allspring Multi-Sector ERC 9.30 8.53 -8.3 12.9 BlackRock NY Mun BNY 11.07 9.46 -14.5 6.2
Nuveen Pref & Inc Opp JPC 7.56 6.86 -9.3 -25.7 Apollo Tactical Income AIF NA 11.94 NA 9.2 EVCAMuniBd EVM 9.59 8.19 -14.6 5.4
Nuveen Fd JPS 7.35 6.45 -12.2 -30.2 Ares Dynamic Crdt Alloc ARDC NA 11.50 NA 10.0 InvCaValMuIncTr VCV 9.97 8.78 -11.9 6.0
Insider-Trading Spotlight Nuveen Pref & Inc Term JPI 18.68 17.58 -5.9 -25.9
Nuveen Var Rate P&I NPFD 18.63 16.90 -9.3 NS
BlackRock Mlt-Sctr Inc BIT 14.52 14.18 -2.3 10.4 InvPAValMuIncTr VPV 10.81 9.38 -13.2 5.8
InvTrInvGrNYMu VTN 10.74 9.35 -12.9 5.6
Trading by ‘insiders’ of a corporation, such as a company’s CEO, vice president or director, potentially conveys BlackRock Tax Muni Bd BBN 16.47 16.27 -1.2 8.9
TCW Strat Income TSI NA 4.54 NA -15.7 Nuveen CA AMT-F Qual MI NKX 12.26 10.96 -10.6 5.6
DoubleLine:Oppor Crdt Fd DBL 14.30 14.62 +2.2 9.5
new information about the prospects of a company. Insiders are required to report large trades to the SEC Convertible Sec's. Funds EVLmtDurIncm EVV 10.13 9.16 -9.6 13.0
Nuveen CA Val NCA 8.82 8.09 -8.3 3.6
AdvntCnvrtbl&IncFd AVK 11.92 10.59 -11.2 -34.6 NuveenCAQtyMuInc NAC 11.73 10.33 -11.9 5.8
within two business days. Here’s a look at the biggest individual trades by insiders, based on data received by Franklin Ltd Dur Income FTF 6.97 6.01 -13.8 13.4
NuvNJ Qual Muni Inc NXJ 12.46 10.68 -14.3 5.9
CalamosConvHi CHY 10.48 10.37 -1.1 -30.8 J Han Investors JHI 13.02 11.99 -7.9 10.9
Refinitiv on October 21, and year-to-date stock performance of the company CalmosConvOp CHI 9.95 10.02 +0.7 -30.6 MFS Charter MCR 6.45 6.02 -6.7 2.7
Nuveen NY AMT/Fr Qual MI NRK 10.93 9.64 -11.8 5.8
KEY: B: beneficial owner of more than 10% of a security class CB: chairman CEO: chief executive officer CFO: chief financial officer Ellsworth G&I Fund Ltd ECF 9.29 8.10 -12.8 -32.6 Nuveen NY Qual Muni Inc NAN 11.40 9.85 -13.6 5.5
NuvCorePlusImpact NPCT 11.37 9.85 -13.4 12.0
CO: chief operating officer D: director DO: director and beneficial owner GC: general counsel H: officer, director and beneficial owner V Conv & Inc NCV 3.74 3.33 -11.0 -40.3 Nuveen OH Qual Muni Inc NUO 13.62 11.87 -12.8 4.5
Nuveen Taxable Muni Inc NBB 15.35 14.94 -2.7 8.3 Nuveen PA Qual Muni Inc NQP 12.27 10.47 -14.7 5.4
I: indirect transaction filed through a trust, insider spouse, minor child or other O: officer OD: officer and director P: president UT: V Conv & Inc II NCZ 3.35 2.83 -15.5 -41.1 PIMCO Corp & Inc Oppty PTY 10.74 11.75 +9.4 12.1
V Div Inc & Conv ACV 20.29 18.56 -8.5 -33.7 Nuveen VA Qlty Mun Inc NPV 11.32 11.36 +0.4 4.7
unknown VP: vice president Excludes pure options transactions PIMCO Corp & Inc Strat PCN 11.16 11.98 +7.3 11.4 PIMCO CA PCQ 9.57 13.76 +43.8 5.6
V Eqty & Conv Inc NIE 23.61 20.48 -13.3 -23.1 PIMCOHilnco PHK 4.55 4.78 +5.1 12.3
World Equity Funds PIMCOCAMuniII PCK 5.97 6.17 +3.4 6.0
PIMCO IncmStrFd PFL 7.92 7.95 +0.4 12.2
Biggest weekly individual trades abrdn Emg Mkts Eq Inc AEF 5.27 4.51 -14.4 -42.1 PIMCO IncmStrFd II PFN 6.97 6.88 -1.3 12.4 52 wk
abrdn Tot Dyn Div AOD 8.36 7.19 -14.0 -22.2 Prem Ttl
Based on reports filed with regulators this past week Putnam Prem Inc PPT 3.88 3.53 -9.0 8.7 Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret
Allspring Gl Div Oppty EOD 4.43 4.48 +1.1 -13.6 Western Asset Dvsfd Inc WDI NA 12.33 NA 11.3
No. of shrs in Price range ($) $ Value BlackRock Capital Alloc BCAT 16.43 13.91 -15.3 -23.4 World Income Funds General Equity Funds
Date(s) Company Symbol Insider Title trans (000s) in transaction (000s) Close ($) Ytd (%) Calamos GloDynInc CHW 6.02 5.53 -8.1 -39.8 abrdn AP IncFd FAX 2.83 2.36 -16.6 13.1 BOW RIVER CAPTL EVGN;II NA NA NA N
EV TxAdvGlbDivInc ETG 15.51 15.49 -0.1 -23.5 MS EmMktDomDebt EDD NA 4.00 NA 8.0 Specialized Equity Funds
Buyers EtnVncTxAdvOpp ETO 21.34 21.54 +0.9 -25.8
FirstTr Dyn Euro Eq Inc FDEU 11.38 9.90 -13.0 -20.2
PIMCO Access Income PAXS 16.43 15.48 -5.8 NS ArrowMark Financial Corp BANX NA 16.75 NA NA
PIMCO Dynamic Income PDI 18.45 19.42 +5.3 13.6 Bluerock Total Inc+ RE:M NA NA NA NS
Oct. 12-14 Veris Residential VRE A. Katz A. DI 376 11.01-12.12 4,367 15.31 -16.7 Gabelli Multimedia GGT 3.84 5.98 +55.7 -26.1 CBRE GlbRlEst IGR 5.67 5.35 -5.6 -37.6
PIMCO Dynamic Inc Opp PDO 14.27 13.02 -8.8 13.7
Oct. 13-14 Enviva EVA J. Ubben DI 76 48.51-51.50 3,871 54.16 -23.1 GDL Fund GDL 9.95 7.97 -19.9 -6.1 PIMCO Stratg Inc RCS 4.32 4.74 +9.7 12.9 First Tr Real Assets;I NA NA NA NS
Oct. 12 J. Bumgarner D 15 51.34 770 Highland Global Alloc HGLB 11.74 9.20 -21.6 5.7 Templeton Em Inc TEI 4.89 4.64 -5.1 16.3 NexPointRlEstStrat;A 20.24 NA NA 11.0
Oct. 13 S. Even CFO 5 51.53 252 India Fund IFN 18.02 15.98 -11.3 -17.7 Templtn Glbl Inc GIM 4.27 4.09 -4.2 10.1 NexPointRlEstStrat;C 20.47 NA NA 10.2
Oct. 13 R. Alexander DI 4 51.68 199 Japan Smaller Cap JOF 6.96 5.75 -17.4 -29.8 WstAstEmergDebt EMD NA 7.71 NA 13.0 NexPointRlEstStrat;Z 20.49 NA NA 11.4
Oct. 13 J. Bumgarner D 3 49.50 163 LazardGlbTotRetInc LGI 14.92 13.83 -7.3 -24.2 PREDEX;I 32.21 NA NA 21.1
Oct. 13 E. Smith O 3 51.92 156 Western Asset Gl Cr D Op GDO NA 11.37 NA 10.8
Mexico MXF NA 13.51 NA -5.9 National Muni Bond Funds PREDEX;T 32.42 NA NA 20.9
Oct. 17-19 Rocket Companies RKT J. Farner CEO 87 6.71-7.01 599 6.32 -54.9 Miller/Howard High Inc E HIE 10.50 9.69 -7.7 -2.2 AllBerNatlMunInc AFB 11.34 10.13 -10.7 5.6 PREDEX;W 32.42 NA NA 20.9
Oct. 13-14 J. Farner CEO 59 6.67-6.77 399 MS ChinaShrFd CAF 15.81 13.28 -16.0 -33.3 BlckRk Inv Q Mun BKN 12.25 11.51 -6.0 6.5 Principal Dvs Sel RA A 25.93 NA NA -2.7
Oct. 14 Dave & Buster's Entertainment PLAY T. Wehner CO 15 33.86 502 36.53 -4.9 MS India IIF 28.97 23.79 -17.9 -10.6 BlackRock Muni 2030 Tgt BTT 22.53 20.54 -8.8 3.6 Principal Dvs Sel RA Ins 26.00 NA NA -2.4
MS CBRE Gl In Mg MEGI 14.44 12.18 -15.7 NS BlackRock Muni BFK 10.77 9.42 -12.5 6.8 Principal Dvs Sel RA Y 26.18 NA NA -2.2
Oct. 13-14 CalAmp CAMP W. Cummins DI 150 3.25-3.26 488 3.47 -50.8 Templeton Dragon TDF 10.03 8.62 -14.1 -48.9
Oct. 11-12 W. Cummins DI 110 3.38-3.56 381 BlackRock Muni II BLE 11.18 9.80 -12.3 6.7 The Private Shares;A 41.91 NA NA 1.0
Templeton Em Mkt EMF 12.32 10.67 -13.4 -35.6 BlckRk Muni Inc Qly BYM 11.88 10.53 -11.4 6.3 The Private Shares;I 42.45 NA NA 1.2
Oct. 17-18 NGM Biopharmaceuticals NGM D. Goeddel DO 130* 3.18-3.79 462 4.58 -74.1 Prem12 Mo The Private Shares;L 41.39 NA NA 0.7
BR MuniAssets Fd MUA 11.01 9.77 -11.3 5.4
Oct. 17 Traeger COOK J. Andrus CEO 149 2.90 431 3.53 -71.0 Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld BR MH Qly 2 MUE 10.91 9.78 -10.4 6.4 Thirdline Real EstateI 9.99 NA NA 5.0
Oct. 18 Coinbase Global COIN T. Lutke DI 5 72.90 390 66.38 -73.7 U.S. Mortgage Bond Funds BR MuniHoldngs MHD 12.68 11.08 -12.6 6.4 USQ Core Real Estate:I 30.59 NA NA 18.1
BlckRk Income BKT 12.62 11.63 -7.8 9.4 BR MuniVest Fd MVF 7.46 6.59 -11.7 6.0 USQ Core Real Estate:IS 30.64 NA NA 18.2
Oct. 5 Farmer Bros. FARM B. Radoff BI 50 5.05 252 4.97 -33.3 Versus Cap MMgr RE Inc:I 30.05 NA NA NE
Invesco HI 2023 Tgt Term IHIT 8.46 8.00 -5.5 6.2 BR MuniVest 2 MVT 11.36 9.93 -12.6 6.6
Oct. 14-17 Riley Exploration Permian REPX A. Libin BI 8 23.08-23.60 188 26.80 38.7 Investment Grade Bond Funds BR MuniYield Fd MYD 11.27 9.91 -12.1 6.3 Versus Capital Real Asst 26.61 NA NA 2.8
Oct. 18 VOXX International VOXX B. Kahli DOI 25 7.24 181 8.13 -20.1 Angel Oak FS Inc Trm FINS 14.89 12.69 -14.8 9.6 BR MuniYield Qlty MQY 12.32 10.87 -11.8 6.5 Wildermuth:A 13.39 NA NA -0.4
BlRck Core Bond BHK 10.39 9.59 -7.7 8.8 BR MuniYld Qlty2 MQT 10.91 9.72 -10.9 6.4 Wildermuth:C 12.67 NA NA -1.1
BR Credit Alloc Inc BTZ 10.56 9.38 -11.2 10.5 BR MuniYld Qly 3 MYI 11.70 10.26 -12.3 5.9 Wildermuth:I 13.54 NA NA -0.1
Sellers J Han Income JHS 11.15 10.17 -8.8 6.5 BNY Mellon Muni Bd Infra DMB 11.08 10.60 -4.3 5.5 Income & Preferred Stock Funds
Oct. 6-11 AutoNation AN E. Lampert B 573 100.39-104.58 58,148 96.90 -17.1 MFS Intmdt MIN 2.96 2.70 -8.8 2.6 BNY Mellon Str Muni Bond DSM 6.09 5.60 -8.0 6.3 Alpha Alternative Assets 6.44 NA NA -22.3
Oct. 12 E. Lampert BI 32 105.28-106.11 3,361 Western Asset Inf-Lk Inc WIA NA 8.46 NA 21.8 BNY Mellon Strat Muni LEO 6.36 5.97 -6.1 6.0 Calamos L/S Eqty and DI CPZ 17.29 15.34 -11.3 -15.0
Western Asset Inf-Lk O&I WIW NA 9.02 NA 15.0 Del Inv Natl Muni Income VFL 10.90 10.64 -2.4 4.9 Flat Rock Opportunity 19.02 NA NA -1.8
Oct. 13 Airbnb ABNB J. Gebbia DOI 250 105.77-113.05 27,532 119.95 -28.0
Loan Participation Funds DWS Muni Inc KTF 9.20 8.27 -10.1 5.3 Lord Abbett Spec Sit I:A 8.86 NA NA -8.6
Oct. 12-13 Moderna MRNA S. Bancel CEO 90* 126.51-135.43 11,886 128.32 -49.5 Apollo Senior Floating AFT NA 12.30 NA 8.2 EVMuniBd EIM 10.69 9.61 -10.1 5.6 Lord Abbett Spec Sit I:I 8.86 NA NA -5.5
Oct. 13 NVIDIA NVDA M. Stevens DI 88 119.65 10,469 124.66 -57.6 BR Debt Strategy DSU 10.30 9.00 -12.6 8.1 EVMuniIncm EVN 10.62 9.56 -10.0 5.8 Variant Altrntv Inc:Inst 28.58 NA NA 8.7
BR F/R Inc Str FRA 12.65 11.34 -10.4 7.2 EVNatMuniOpp EOT 17.00 15.78 -7.2 4.5 Variant Impact;Instl 26.49 NA NA NS
Oct. 17 Cadence Design Systems CDNS L. Tan D 50 154.66 7,733 158.34 -15.0
BlackRock Floatng Rt Inc BGT 12.28 10.91 -11.2 7.1 InvAdvMuIncTrII VKI 8.87 8.02 -9.6 6.7 Convertible Sec's. Funds
Oct. 17 TransDigm Group TDG W. Howley DI 12 524.66-532.70 6,073 537.88 -15.5 Blackstone Sr Fl Rt Tm BSL NA 12.63 NA 7.1 Invesco MuniOp OIA 5.93 5.58 -5.9 6.1 Calmos Dyn Conv and Inc CCD 19.58 20.79 +6.2 -31.0
Oct. 13 RPM International RPM F. Sullivan CEO 65 92.60 6,019 88.73 -12.1 Blackstone Strat Cr BGB NA 10.38 NA 7.6 InvescoMuOppTr VMO 9.89 8.95 -9.5 6.5 World Equity Funds
Eaton Vance F-R 2022 TT EFL 8.66 8.63 -0.3 3.9 InvescoMuTr VKQ 9.93 8.93 -10.1 6.4 ACAP Strategic:A 13.91 NA NA -44.1
Oct. 17 Progressive PGR S. Griffith CEO 50 116.85 5,843 122.45 19.3
EtnVncFltRteInc EFT 12.44 11.03 -11.3 8.1 InvescoQual Inc IQI 10.01 8.94 -10.7 6.3 ACAP Strategic:W 10.34 NA NA -43.7
Oct. 13 AutoZone AZO K. Wright GC 2 2278.00 4,727 2301.03 9.8 EV SenFlRtTr EFR 12.24 10.94 -10.6 8.7 InvTrInvGrMu VGM 10.23 9.23 -9.8 6.4 CalamosGlbTotRet CGO 9.43 9.11 -3.4 -33.6
Oct. 13-14 Privia Health Group PRVA J. Butler D 122 33.45-35.23 4,232 32.09 24.0 FT/Sr Fltg Rte Inc 2 FCT 10.91 9.67 -11.4 8.9 InvescoValMunInc IIM 12.29 11.13 -9.4 6.4 Primark Priv Eq Inv:I 11.10 NA NA -10.6
Highland Income HFRO 14.64 10.60 -27.6 9.5 MAINSTAY:MKDEFTRMUNOP MMD 15.99 15.70 -1.8 6.5 Sweater Cashmere 20.09 NA NA NS
Oct. 17 Inari Medical NARI W. Hoffman CEO 55 72.71-77.08 4,183 73.02 -20.0
InvDYCrOpp:AX VTA 11.21 NA NA NA NeubrgrBrm NBH 11.15 10.11 -9.3 6.6 Thornburg Inc Bldr Opps TBLD.O 15.34 13.27 -13.5 -19.1
Oct. 17 JPMorgan Chase JPM M. Erdoes O 34 115.77 3,880 122.23 -22.8 InvSnrIncTr VVR 4.17 3.72 -10.8 9.2 Nuveen AMT-Fr Mu Val NUW 14.24 13.05 -8.4 3.5 VirtusTotalRetFd ZTR 6.53 6.11 -6.4 -22.1
Oct. 14 Hershey HSY M. Buck CEO 14 222.42-227.84 3,193 228.22 18.0 Nuveen Credit Strat Inc JQC 5.77 4.97 -13.9 9.2 Nuveen AMT-Fr Qlty Mun I NEA 11.57 10.54 -8.9 6.2 Continued on Page B7
Oct. 17 L3Harris Technologies LHX J. Girard O 12 220.00 2,741 247.20 15.9
Oct. 6 RH RH E. Chaya PI 10 265.22-268.01 2,665 240.40 -55.1
Oct. 14 Darden Restaurants DRI E. Lee CB 19 131.88-133.54 2,522 133.32 -11.5 Bonds |
Oct. 14 ResMed RMD R. Douglas P 11 215.09 2,442 222.28 -14.7
* Half the transactions were indirect **Two day transaction Global Government Bonds: Mapping Yields
p - Pink Sheets
Yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year and 10-year government bonds in
Buying and selling by sector selected other countries; arrows indicate whether the yield rose(s) or fell (t) in the latest session
Based on actual transaction dates in reports received this past week Country/ Yield (%) Spread Under/Over U.S. Treasurys, in basis points
Coupon (%) Maturity, in years Latest(l)-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Previous Month ago Year ago Latest Prev Year ago
Sector Buying Selling Sector Buying Selling 4.250 U.S. 2 4.489 t l 4.608 3.993 0.434
2.750 10 4.212 t l 4.225 3.511 1.674
Basic Industries 1,769,843 9,844,478 Finance 1,538,022 18,952,903
Capital Goods 437,760 12,184,478 Health care 1,021,862 67,103,260 0.250 Australia 2 3.661 s l 3.367 3.008 0.119 -85.2 -124.3 -34.2
Consumer durables 472,348 2,131,589 Public Utilities 18,407 0 1.750 10 4.212 s l 4.072 3.679 1.801 -0.6 -16.0 9.8
Consumer non-durables 1,097,868 7,826,092 Technology 100,072 71,598,783
0.000 France 2 2.067 s l 2.053 1.715 -0.651 -244.6 -255.7 -111.2
Consumer services 3,761,574 17,385,299 Transportation 0 55,235
Energy 187,618 1,697,900 2.000 10 2.995 s l 2.958 2.442 0.241 -122.3 -127.5 -146.2
0.400 Germany 2 2.035 t l 2.112 1.752 -0.638 -247.8 -249.8 -109.9
Sources: Refinitiv; Dow Jones Market Data
1.700 10 2.420 s l 2.402 1.892 -0.100 -179.7 -183.0 -180.2
0.000 Italy 2 3.031 t l 3.040 2.751 -0.419 -148.2 -157.0 -88.0
2.500 10 4.778 s l 4.727 4.136 0.952 56.0 49.5 -75.0
0.005 Japan 2 0.000 s l -0.021 -0.052 -0.109 -451.3 -463.1 -57.0
The Marketplace
To advertise: 800-366-3975 or
0.000 Spain 2
10 0.256 s
2.306 t
0.090 -396.2
-0.590 -220.7
2.550 10 3.561 s l 3.523 3.028 0.538 -65.7 -70.9 -116.4
0.125 U.K. 2 3.670 s l 3.535 3.365 0.710 -84.3 -107.5 25.0
4.250 10 4.050 s l 3.910 3.314 1.205 -16.8 -32.3 -49.7
Source: Tullett Prebon, Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close
Corporate Debt
Prices of firms' bonds reflect factors including investors' economic, sectoral and company-specific
IN RE: SMILEDIRECTCLUB, INC. SECURITIES LITIGATION Lead Case No. 19-1169-IV Investment-grade spreads that tightened the most…
Spread*, in basis points
CLASS ACTION Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week
ENEL Finance International ENELIM 6.800 6.79 Oct. 14, ’25 225 –14 255
ALL ACTIONS. Deere DE 5.375 5.19 Oct. 16, ’29 97 –11 n.a.
Bank of America BAC 3.500 5.76 April 19, ’26 136 –9 135
SUMMARY NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF CLASS ACTION Texas Capital Bancshares TCBI 5.250 7.30 Jan. 31, ’26 292 –9 n.a.
If you purchased or acquired SmileDirectClub, Inc. (“SmileDirect” or the “Company”) common stock Celanese CE 6.050 7.51 March 15, ’25 297 –8 273
pursuant or traceable to the Registration Statement and Prospectus issued in connection with SmileDirect’s Wells Fargo WFC 5.606 7.00 Jan. 15, ’44 243 –8 251
September 12, 2019 initial public offering (“IPO”), a class-action lawsuit may affect your rights. Ally Financial ALLY 8.000 7.94 Nov. 1, ’31 372 –7 360
BAE Systems Finance BALN 7.500 6.03 July 1, ’27 168 –7 179
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED, pursuant to Rule 23 of the Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure and the April 28, 2021 Order of the
Chancery Court for Davidson County, Tennessee, Twentieth Judicial District, Part IV (the “Court”), that the above-captioned action
(the “Action”) has been certified to proceed as a class action on behalf of the Class, defined above, subject to certain exclusions. IF
…And spreads that widened the most
YOU ARE A MEMBER OF THE CLASS, YOUR RIGHTS WILL BE AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. At this time, there is no JPMorgan Chase JPM 4.250 5.87 Oct. 1, ’27 152 49 163
judgment, settlement, or monetary recovery. Delta Air Lines DAL 7.000 6.68 May 1, ’25 214 41 201
If you are a Class member, you have the right to decide whether to remain a member of the Class. If you choose to stay in the Class, Sumitomo Mitsui Financial SUMIBK 1.474 5.88 July 8, ’25 134 17 120
you do not need to do anything at this time other than retain your documents relating to SmileDirect, including documents showing Barclays BACR 3.650 6.88 March 16, ’25 222 15 n.a.
all of your transactions (purchases, sales, and grants) in SmileDirect common stock. You will automatically be included in the Class
Royal Bank of Canada RY 1.150 5.67 July 14, ’26 132 15 109
and all orders or judgments in the Action, whether favorable or unfavorable, will apply to you.
Banco Santander SANTAN 5.147 6.91 Aug. 18, ’25 237 15 227
If you do not wish to remain a member of the Class, you must take steps to exclude yourself from the Class. If you ask to be excluded 12 120
Goldman Sachs GS 4.250 5.77 Oct. 21, ’25 123
from the Class, you will not be bound by any order or judgment in the Action, but you will not be eligible to receive a share of any
money which might be recovered for the benefit of the Class. To exclude yourself from the Class, you must submit a written request HCA HCA 5.375 6.26 Feb. 1, ’25 171 9 177
for exclusion by mail or email postmarked no later than December 19, 2022, in accordance with the instructions set forth in the full
printed Notice of Pendency of Class Action (the “Notice”). High-yield issues with the biggest price increases…
Bond Price as % of face value
This notice is only a summary. The full printed Notice is currently being mailed to known potential Class members. If you Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week
have not received a copy of the Notice, you may obtain a copy of the Notice by downloading it from
Intesa Sanpaolo ISPIM 5.710 8.84 Jan. 15, ’26 91.378 0.74 90.031 or by contacting the Notice Administrator at:
Sprint Capital … 6.875 6.47 Nov. 15, ’28 102.000 0.71 101.875
In re: SmileDirectClub, Inc. Securities Litigation, Lead Case No. 19-1169-IV Notice c/o A.B. Data, Ltd., P.O. Box 173100, 3.664 Sept. 8, ’24 0.63 93.375
Ford Motor Credit … 7.22 93.875
Milwaukee, WI 53217.
Prime Security Services Borrower PRSESE 5.750 7.11 April 15, ’26 95.870 0.49 95.250
If you did not receive the Notice by mail and you are a member of the Class, please send your name and address to the Notice
Sensata Technologies ST 5.000 6.32 Oct. 1, ’25 96.500 0.35 95.279
Administrator so that, if any future notices are mailed in connection with the Action, you will receive them.
Deutsche Bank DB 4.500 8.14 April 1, ’25 92.100 0.30 91.646
Inquiries, other than requests for the Notice, may be made to Class Counsel: 0.25 62.875
Dish DBS … 5.125 13.86 June 1, ’29 63.000
DEBORAH CLARK-WEINTRAUB JERRY E. MARTIN Occidental Petroleum OXY 7.875 6.85 Sept. 15, ’31 106.750 0.25 n.a.
JEFFREY P. JACOBSON BARRETT JOHNSTON MARTIN …And with the biggest price decreases
WeWork WEWORK 7.875 37.50 May 1, ’25 54.250
AT LAW LLP Philips Plaza
The Helmsley Building 414 Union Street, Suite 900 Ford Motor F 4.750 8.33 Jan. 15, ’43 65.250 –1.31 67.531
230 Park Avenue, 17th Floor Nashville, TN 37219 Telecom Italia Capital TITIM 6.000 10.00 Sept. 30, ’34 72.500 –1.00 73.850
New York, NY 10169 Telephone: (615) 244-2202 Bath & Body Works BBWI 6.750 9.23 July 1, ’36 80.938 –0.96 83.063
Telephone: (212) 223-6444 Facsimile: (615) 252-3798 –0.91 92.150
Hughes Satellite Systems SATS 6.625 8.78 Aug. 1, ’26 93.190
Facsimile: (212) 223-6334
Transocean RIG 6.800 13.53 March 15, ’38 56.875 –0.88 56.500
Please Do Not Call the Court with Questions. Occidental Petroleum OXY 6.450 6.64 Sept. 15, ’36 98.250 –0.77 97.255
Bausch Health BHCCN 11.000 16.63 Sept. 30, ’28 79.250 –0.75 79.750
Dated: October 20, 2022 BY ORDER OF THE COURT:
Chancery Court for Davidson County, *Estimated spread over 2-year, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year or 30-year hot-run Treasury; 100 basis points=one percentage pt.; change in spread shown is for Z-spread.
Tennessee, Twentieth Judicial District, Part IV Note: Data are for the most active issue of bonds with maturities of two years or more
Source: MarketAxess
Cash Prices Friday, October 21, 2022 This announcement is neither an offer to purchase nor a solicitation of an offer to sell Shares (as defined below) and the provisions herein are subject in their entirety to
the provision of the Offer (as defined below). The Offer is made solely pursuant to the Offer to Purchase dated October 24, 2022 and the related Letter of Transmittal and
These prices reflect buying and selling of a variety of actual or “physical” any amendments or supplements thereto and is being made to all holders of Shares. The Offer is not being made to, nor will tenders be accepted from or on behalf of,
commodities in the marketplace—separate from the futures price on an holders of Shares in any jurisdiction in which the making of the Offer or acceptance thereof would not be in compliance with the laws of such jurisdiction. In those
jurisdictions where the applicable laws require that the Offer be made by a licensed broker or dealer, the Offer shall be deemed to be made on behalf of the
exchange, which reflects what the commodity might be worth in future Purchaser (as defined below) by one or more registered brokers or dealers licensed under the laws of such jurisdiction to be designated by the Purchaser.
Friday Friday
Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index New to the Market
Last Year ago Last Year ago
31082.56 s 1447.73, or 4.89% last week Trailing P/E ratio 19.32 23.49 3752.75 s 169.68, or 4.74% last week Trailing P/E ratio * 18.27 30.45 Public Offerings of Stock
High, low, open and close for each of P/E estimate * 16.77 18.93 High, low, open and close for each of P/E estimate * 16.57 22.17
the past 52 weeks Dividend yield 2.31 1.81 the past 52 weeks Dividend yield * 1.79 1.32 IPOs in the U.S. Market
All-time high 36799.65, 01/04/22 All-time high 4796.56, 01/03/22
Initial public offerings of stock expected this week; might include some
offerings, U.S. and foreign, open to institutional investors only via the
Current divisor 0.15172752595384 Rule 144a market; deal amounts are for the U.S. market only
37000 4750 Symbol/ Pricing
65-day moving average Expected primary Shares Range($)
pricing date Filed Issuer/business exchange (mil.) Low/High Bookrunner(s)
65-day moving average
35500 4525 10/25 9/30 Mobileye Global Inc MBLY 41.0 18.00/ GS, MS, Evercore Inc,
200-day moving average 200-day moving average Autonomous driving Nq 20.00 Barclays, Citi,
software and hardware BofA Securities,
solutions provider. RBC Cptl Mkts,
Mizuho, WR Sec.
34000 4300 llc, Nomura, BNP
32500 4075
Lockup Expirations
Week's high Below, companies whose officers and other insiders will become eligible
to sell shares in their newly public companies for the first time. Such
31000 3850 sales can move the stock’s price.
Friday's close Monday's open Lockup Offer Offer amt Through Lockup
expiration Issue date Issuer Symbol price($) ($ mil.) Friday (%) provision
29500 3625
Week's low Oct. 23 April 26, ’22 Ostin Technology Group Co Ltd OST 4.00 13.5 -76.0 180 days
Bars measure the point change from Monday's open April 26, ’22 Tenon Medical Inc TNON 5.00 20.0 -66.4 180 days
28000 3400 Oct. 25 April 28, ’22 Belite Bio Inc BLTE 6.00 36.0 407.8 180 days
O N D J F M A M J J A S O O N D J F M A M J J A S O April 28, ’22 Hillevax Inc HLVX 17.00 175.0 -0.2 180 days
Primary Sources: Dealogic; Dow Jones Market Data
NYSE weekly volume, in billions of shares market Composite
s 538.33, or 5.22% TenX Keance Acquisition 10.12 1.2 0.9 Wearable Devices 0.89 –79.1 –68.8
Latest Week 52-Week % chg
TENKU Oct. 14/$10.00 WLDS Sept. 13/$4.25
Low Close Net chg % chg Low Close (l) High %chg YTD 3-yr. ann. last week
Dow Jones Spring Valley Acquisition II 10.14 1.4 0.4 EF Hutton Acquisition I 10.06 0.6 1.1
SVIIU Oct. 13/$10.00 EFHTU Sept. 9/$10.00
Industrial Average 31119.27 29997.62 31082.56 1447.73 4.89 28725.51 • 36799.65 -12.9 -14.5 5.0
Aquaron Acquisition 10.13 1.3 1.1 Yoshiharu Global 1.12 –72.0 –73.1
Transportation Avg 13145.83 12393.89 12692.75 189.37 1.51 11999.40 • 17039.38 -19.5 -23.0 6.0
10950 AQUNU Oct. 4/$10.00 YOSH Sept. 9/$4.00
Utility Average 885.10 845.52 864.47 17.36 2.05 838.99 • 1071.75 -6.2 -11.9 -0.1 dMY Squared Technology 10.08 0.7 0.7 bioAffinity Tech 2.61 –57.4 –68.6
Total Stock Market 37924.37 36628.52 37707.45 1651.24 4.58 36056.21 • 48929.18 -20.0 -22.5 7.0 DMYY.U Sept. 30/$10.00 BIAF Sept. 1/$6.13
Barron's 400 893.06 867.71 890.93 28.74 3.33 825.73 • 1127.2 -16.5 -19.5 9.1 10700 Laser Photonics
LASE Sept. 30/$5.00
3.44 –31.2 33.3 Shuttle Pharmaceuticals Hldgs
SHPH Aug. 31/$8.13
2.64 –67.5 –93.1
Nasdaq Stock Market Qomolangma Acquisition 10.01 0.1 0.2 Hempacco 2.06 –65.7 –73.5
Nasdaq Composite 10972.97 10542.43 10859.72 538.33 5.22 10321.39 • 16057.44 -28.0 -30.6 10.0 QOMOU Sept. 30/$10.00 HPCO Aug. 29/$6.00
Nasdaq-100 11374.38 10959.75 11310.33 618.27 5.78 10692.06 • 16573.34 -26.3 -30.7 12.5 Global Star Acquisition 10.05
GLSTU Sept. 20/$10.00
0.5 0.8 Jeffs' Brands
JFBR Aug. 26/$4.16
1.20 –71.2 –55.2
S&P Nexalin Technology 1.35 –67.5 –40.0 Onfolio Hldgs 1.24 –75.2 –48.3
14 17 18 19 20 21
500 Index 3762.79 3647.42 3752.75 169.68 4.74 3577.03 • 4796.56 -17.4 -21.3 7.7 October NXL Sept. 16/$4.15 ONFO Aug. 26/$5.00
MidCap 400 2369.51 2245.21 2312.21 67.00 2.98 2200.75 • 2910.7 -17.3 -18.6 5.9 DJ US TSM Sources: Dow Jones Market Data; FactSet
SmallCap 600 1150.35 1097.53 1127.54 36.49 3.34 1064.45 • 1466.02 -18.4 -19.6 5.6
s 1651.24, or 4.58% Public and Private Borrowing
Other Indexes last week
Russell 2000 1782.07 1699.98 1742.24 59.84 3.56 1649.84 • 2442.74 -24.0 -22.4 4.0 Treasurys
NYSE Composite 14207.84 13607.31 14144.05 536.74 3.94 13472.18 • 17353.76 -17.4 -17.6 2.6 Monday, October 24 Tuesday, October 25
Value Line 523.11 495.91 514.90 18.99 3.83 491.56 • 696.4 -23.9 -23.4 -0.4 37600 Auction of 13 and 26 week bills; Auction of 2 year note;
NYSE Arca Biotech 4845.60 4556.18 4682.02 67.01 1.45 4208.43 • 5815.27 -16.6 -15.2 2.5 announced on October 20; settles on October 27announced on October 20; settles on October 31
NYSE Arca Pharma 775.02 750.37 771.49 14.28 1.89 737.84 • 887.27 1.2 -6.7 9.5
37000 Wednesday, October 26 Thursday, October 27
KBW Bank 103.90 95.35 98.84 0.65 0.66 94.66 • 147.56 -30.7 -25.2 -1.3
Auction of 17 week bill; Auction of 4 week bill;
PHLX§ Gold/Silver 103.90 96.67 103.69 7.27 7.54 91.40 • 167.76 -22.8 -21.7 5.3
announced on October 25; settles on November 1announced on October 25; settles on November 1
PHLX§ Oil Service 76.63 67.90 76.28 9.562 14.33 49.14 • 88.37 18.4 44.7 5.5 36400
PHLX§ Semiconductor 2339.90 2183.17 2336.69 174.37 8.06 2162.32 • 4039.51 -30.7 -40.8 13.0
Auction of 2 year FRN; Auction of 8 week bill;
Cboe Volatility 32.59 29.24 29.69 -2.33 -7.28 15.10 • 36.45 92.4 72.4 28.5 35800 announced on October 20; settles on October 31announced on October 25; settles on November 1
Nasdaq PHLX 14 17 18 19 20 21 Auction of 5 year note; Auction of 7 year note;
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data October
announced on October 20; settles on October 31announced on October 20; settles on October 31
U.S. consumer rates Selected rates Treasury yield curve Forex Race Week 52-Week
Treasury bill auction
4 weeks 3.430 3.250 3.430 0.020
A consumer rate against its 5-year CDs Yield to maturity of current bills, Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. Latest ago High Low
13 weeks 3.820 3.510 3.820 0.045
benchmark over the past year notes and bonds major U.S. trading partners Prime rates 26 weeks 4.245 4.030 4.245 0.060 avg†: 2.25%
U.S. 6.25 6.25 6.25 3.25 Secondary market
TAB Bank 2.84% 5.00% Canada 5.45 5.45 5.45 2.45
Federal-funds 3.00% 28%
Ogden, UT 800-355-3063 t Japan 1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475 Fannie Mae
target rate
corporate balance sheets and then. She remains eligible for through the third quarter, re- thinking about their next steps,
the economic outlook. her 2022 discretionary cash 2019 ’20 ’21 ’22 tirements—meaning executives she said.
Fall is often a period of and equity-based incentive- Note: Data is for S&P 500 companies. either leaving the workforce al- “Once CFOs had gotten
heightened CFO turnover, be- compensation awards. Chief Source: Russell Reynolds Associates Nordstrom’s Anne Bramman. together or moving exclusively through the first significant
cause this is when companies Executive Jeffrey Brown said to board roles—accounted for tranche of the pandemic, there
tend to launch searches to on a recent call with analysts nance leader for the company’s 16% during the same period in 52% of CFO departures at com- were a lot of people who just
bring in new finance executives that Ms. LaClair was looking transformation. Mr. Worrell 2021 and 12% in 2020, accord- panies in the S&P 500, accord- said, ‘You know what, I’ve hit
for the early part of the next forward to pursuing her next didn’t immediately respond to ing to Russell Reynolds. The ing to Russell Reynolds. This my number, this job isn’t fun
year, recruiters said. This time chapter. a request for comment. slight downturn comes after a compares with 45% during the anymore,’ ” Ms. Fisher said.
around, however, recruiters are Ally Financial declined to Overall, CFO turnover in the recruitment boom last year same period last year and 47% “And that has continued.”
seeing more churn than usual comment on what her plans first three quarters of the year that followed the early days of in 2020 and is the highest re- —Kristin Broughton
among finance executives, are. Ms. LaClair didn’t immedi- stands at 14%, compared with the pandemic during which tirement rate during the same contributed to this article.
which they expect to continue ately respond to a request for
throughout the end of the year. comment.
September, for instance, “We’ve seen where there’s
logged the highest number of been pressure to perform,”
monthly departures at compa- said Alyse Bodine, a partner at
nies in the S&P 500 since the recruiting firm Heidrick &
beginning of the year, account- Struggles International Inc.
ing for roughly 20% of the 71 “And if the right leadership
CFO exits through the third team is not in place to guide
quarter, according to Russell the company, then certainly
Reynolds Associates, an execu- we’re seeing a turnover in key
tive search firm. This compares leadership roles and new lead-
with 8% in September 2021 and ership coming in to guide the
11% in the same month in 2020, company.”
Russell Reynolds said. Nordstrom, meanwhile, last
As the third-quarter earn- Monday said finance chief
ings season ramps up, econo- Anne Bramman will leave in
mists and executives see a high December after more than five
probability of recession in the years in the role. The Seattle-
coming months. That is push-
ing some executives to make a
move now before the labor
based retailer in recent quar-
ters has been battling pres-
sures such as weakening WHERE VOLATILITY
market changes, recruiters consumer spending among
said. It also is leading some shoppers at its Nordstrom
companies to prepare for a po- Rack discount chain and high
tential downturn by looking for inventory levels. In August,
CFOs with experience in cut- Nordstrom lowered its annual
ting costs or restructuring op- outlook, saying it expected ad-
erations, they added. justed earnings per share of
Joel von Ranson, who leads between $2.30 to $2.60 for the
the global functional practices year, down from a range of
at recruitment firm Spencer $3.20 to $3.50.
Stuart, which includes the fi- Ms. Bramman decided to
nancial officers group, said leave to pursue the next phase
companies are increasingly of her career, Nordstrom said. Whatever the conditions, CME Group provides
searching for CFOs with expe- The company, which has yet to
rience in cost management and report third-quarter results, re-
the tools that global market participants need UNCERTAINTY
balance-sheet refinancing as affirmed its financial outlook to manage risk and capture opportunities. With
they struggle for visibility on with the CFO change an-
the direction of the economy.
He expects these skills, which
nouncement. Ms. Bramman de-
clined to comment.
24-hour access to trading in futures, options,
took on greater importance in Last Wednesday, Baker cash and OTC across all major asset classes,
the third quarter, to remain Hughes said CFO Brian Worrell
priorities for businesses as is set to step down as the you can determine your best position and
they hire new finance leaders. Houston-based company looks
Retailer Nordstrom Inc., oil- to cut $150 million in costs and take action at just the right moment.
field-services company Baker raise profits through a reorga-
Hughes Co. and digital finan- nization announced last month.
cial-services company Ally Fi- Mr. Worrell will move into a VISIT CMEGROUP.COM/OPPORTUNITY
nancial Inc. were among the strategic advisory role on Nov.
companies that in the span of a 2 and leave Baker Hughes in
week recently said their CFOs the second quarter of next
would depart. year. Nancy Buese, the CFO of
Detroit-based Ally Financial gold producer Newmont Corp.,
last Tuesday said CFO Jennifer is set to succeed him next
LaClair was leaving immedi- month.
ately, just a day before it The transition wasn’t a re-
posted its third straight quar- flection of the company’s fi-
ter of declining profits with re- nances or earnings perfor-
sults that missed analysts’ esti- mance, a company spokesman
mates for adjusted earnings said, but was instead driven by
per share and revenue. the CFO succession process
Ms. LaClair and the com- and the need for the right fi-